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Name:………………………………………………………Date: ……….
Grade: 1stbaccalaureateSubject: D. of Philosophical Thought
An important aspect of polis citizenship was exclusivity. Polis meant both
the political assembly as well as the entire society. Inequality of status
was widely accepted. Citizens had a higher status than non-citizens, such
as women, slaves or barbarians. For example, women were believed to
be irrational and incapable of political participation, although a few
writers, most notably Plato, disagreed.

Methods used to determine whether someone could be a citizen or not

would be based on wealth, identified by the amount of taxes one paid,
political participation, or heritage, if both parents were citizens of the
polis. The first form of citizenship was based on the way people lived in
the ancient Greek times, in small-scale organic communities of the polis.

Citizenship was not seen as a separate activity from the private life of an
individual person, in the sense that there was not a distinction between
public and private life. The obligations of citizenship were deeply
connected into one’s everyday life in the polis.

The Greek-style phalanx required close cohesion, since each soldier's
shield protected the soldier to his left. Many thinkers link the phalanx to
the development of citizenship.

The Greek sense of citizenship may have arisen from military necessity,
since the key to that military formation demanded cohesion and
commitment by each soldier. The phalanx formation had
hoplitesoldiersranked shoulder-to-shoulder in a "compact mass" with
each soldier's shield guarding the soldier to his left. If a single fighter failed
to keep his position, then the entire formation could fall apart.

Individual soldiers were generally protected provided that the entire mass
stayed together. This technique called for large numbers of soldiers,
sometimes involving most of the adult male population of a city-state,
who supplied weapons at their own expense.

The idea of citizenship, then, was that if each man had a say in whether
the entire city-state should fight an adversary, and if each man was bound
to the will of the group, then battlefield loyalty was much more likely.

Political participation was thus linked with military effectiveness. In

addition, the Greek city-states were the first instances in which judicial
functions were separated from legislative functions in the law courts.
Selected citizens served as jurors, and they were often paid a modest sum
for their service. Greeks often despised tyrannical governments. In a
tyrannical arrangement, there was no possibility of citizenship since
political life was totally engineered to benefit the ruler.

Name:………………………………………………………Date: ……….
Grade: 1stbaccalaureateSubject: D. of Philosophical Thought
1. In the ancient Greece someone could be a citizen or not would be based

A. citizenship or political participation

B. wealth or heritage

C. political participation or military effectiveness

2. Exclusivity was an important aspect of

A. polis citizenship

B. judicial functions

C. law courts

3. The obligations of citizenship were deeply connected into …in the polis

A. military functions

C. one’s everyday life

B political participation

4. Selected citizens served as…

A. jurors

B. soldiers

C. politicians
5. Greeks often despised…

A. foreigners

B. tyrannical governments.

C. philosophers

Critical Thinking:

6. Why was the Greek phalanx important for Greece in those times?


7. Do you think it is important or not for a country to have an army?

Support your answer even if that is NO.


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