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Level 1

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
What is a Pitch

What happenes if the rejections happened during the Pitch. (First call)

Status : Deal
Status : Discount Offer Made
Final Pitch
Follow Up

Follow Up: Manager

Initial Pitch: Email Sent

Interested: Awaiting Approval

Interested: Need to pitch URGENCY

Interested: URGENCY pitch made

No Answer

Nomination Confirmed: Awaiting Form

Not Interested


Call Back Day 1 , Call Back Date 2 and Cabll Back date 3

CEO, MD, Chairman EG: Top Deceision Makers
Managers, Team Leads, Supervior, Accountant
Supervior , Officer, Assistant
It is the frist call you make to target audience . Pitch count does not include
rejection on the first call
Under Column S which is Status choose Not Interested , and leabe Call back date
Blank along with Call back 1 and 2 and 3 . Please make sure File Notes are
updated accordingly explaining the reason for Rejection.
It meanes we hae got the registration
In the call if the clients you have give discount offer to clients
Final Pitch is when we blow out the client

During the call back if the client is asking you to call him back on the same day
only then choose follow up. If you are not able to get through the client on the
same day ,the status reamins as Follow up. And you will change the date in
Column Q Call back Date
When a call is supposed to be done by Manager
The first pitch made to the client and you spoke to him and he did not reject
Client has discussed about the training to his supervisor and he advises you that
he is awaiting for approval
We have to choose this opition when in the next call you have to pitch urgency
Once Urgency is pitched you have to choose this options.
When the client is not picking up the call even after 5 valid attemps then we
have to choose No Answer
When the client has confirmed he has got the approval and we are waiting for
registration form.
When the client is saying he is not intrested either during the intial pitch or Call
Backs or through emails.
You have to choose this option when the client is saying he is interested in other
training or inhouse or asking for a taining calendar
This has sto be upadted only when you are able to make a sucessful call back.
Which means you were able to speka to the client regardiunv his interets in the
training program.
It is your referrance sheet whoch you might have to reffer before the call.
Employee Name
Training Industry Company Country Title Name of Person
Position Position Translate Level Who is he/she reporting to
Office no. Direct/extn no. Mobile Email
Pitch date Callback date File Notes Status Call Back: 1 Call Back: 2
Call Back: 3 Call Back: 4 Call Back: 5 Comments

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