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Edited by



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development of the male brain (“sexual differentiation optimum for particular environmental situations or
of the brain”) depends, at least in part, on exposure to challenges.
androgens secreted by the testes. Central nervous devel- This handbook is aimed at a level suitable for senior
opment also depends on the secretion of normal undergraduate students, graduate students, post-
amounts of thyroid hormone in the fetus and early post- doctoral fellows and faculty in neuroscience, medicine,
natal period. Absence of thyroid hormone during this clinical psychology, neuropsychology, endocrinology
critical period results in cretinism, due to failure of nerve and/or hormones and behavior. The handbook is also
cells to develop normal dendritic trees and synaptic relevant for students and researchers in cognate disci-
connections. This defective brain development can be plines such as psychiatry or neuropharmacology. In
rectified by thyroid hormone administration before the addition to covering neuroendocrine science, the hand-
end of the critical postnatal period (about 6 months of book addresses clinically and socially topical areas of
age in man). research, such as obesity, diabetes and the metabolic
Hormones exert powerful appetitive drives with syndrome, stress and aggression, endocrine disrupters,
respect to sex, water, food, brooding and nest-building, sexual behavior and gender assignment, and neuroen-
and parenting. Closely related to the need to find optimal docrine pathology.
conditions for reproduction and care of the young We were fortunate to be able to attract internationally
offspring, day-length dependent neuroendocrine mech- acknowledged experts in the field to prepare up-to-date
anisms drive migration e perhaps seen most dramati- reviews in most major areas of the field, and thereby
cally in birds, but also readily observed in other phyla. satisfy what we believe to be a current unmet need in
Aggression is a key behavior driven by hormones. In the discipline of neuroendocrinology. Key points have
stags, for example, changes in day-length result in been underscored by the inclusion of “How do we
massive neuroendocrine changes that are manifested know?” callout sections that highlight and demonstrate
by androgen-induced growth of antlers in preparation the experimental or technical foundation for a major
for rutting e the annual fight for mating rights e that is concept, principle or methodological advance (both
also driven by androgen, and occurs each autumn. classic and modern). These callout sections will add to
Similarly, changes in day-length switch the female into the educative value of this handbook for neuroscience
estrus, a state in which she is receptive to sexual and medicine.
advances of the male. We thank Mica Haley (Elsevier’s Senior Neuroscience
The stress response is closely related to aggressive Editor) for her enthusiasm and encouragement, and
behavior and the need to compete for territory, food, invaluable assistance that enabled us to complete this
water, and appropriate mates. Orchestrated by neuro- work.
endocrine mechanisms that involve the forebrain, hypo-
thalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland and autonomic George Fink
nervous system, the stress response enables the indi- Donald W. Pfaff
vidual to fight or flee, and to reset the metabolic and
Jon E. Levine
cardiovascular feedback control set-points to levels
About the Editors

George Fink (iii) the self-priming effect of gonadotropin releasing

hormone, and (iv) aspects of adrenal and gonadal
George Fink is a neuroendocrinologist and neuro- steroid control of pituitary hormone secretion by way
pharmacologist with a special interest in reproduction, of feedback and servomechanisms. Fink’s research
stress and the pathogenesis of mental disorders. contributions are reported in more than 360 scientific
Currently, Fink is Honorary Professor in the University publications including Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Stress
of Melbourne and Professorial Research Fellow of the of which Fink was founding Editor and which was
Mental Health Research Institute, Australia, of which awarded the 2001 BMA Medical Book Commendation
he was formerly Director (2004 e 2006). Following an in Mental Health.
appointment as senior lecturer in Anatomy at Monash Fink has served on numerous editorial boards and
University, Australia (1968e1971), Fink moved to scientific committees including Chair of the Brain
Oxford University to serve as University Lecturer in Research Panel of the EU Biomedical Programs 3 and
Human Anatomy and Official Fellow and Tutor (Brase- 4, the Mental Health Panel of the Wellcome Trust,
nose College) in Physiology and Medicine (1971 e 1980). Council of the European Neuroscience Association and
This was followed by nearly 20 years as Director of the President of the European Neuroendocrine Association.
MRC Brain Metabolism Unit (BMU) Edinburgh. Under His distinctions include Fellow of the Royal Society
Fink’s Directorship the BMU became renowned for inte- of Edinburgh (elected 1989), Fellow of the Royal
grated molecular and clinical neuroendocrinology and College of Physicians of Edinburgh (elected 1998),
psychopharmacology. Between 1999 and 2003, Fink Honorary Professor in the University of Edinburgh
served as Vice President Research, Pharmos Corpora- (appointed 1984), Lifetime Achievement Award of the
tion, an Israeli/USA biotechnology company focused International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology
on neuroinflammatory disorders. (2000), Honorary Member of the British Society for
Fink graduated MB BS (Hons and Prosector in Neuroendocrinology (2005) and Distinguished Scholar
Anatomy) and MD (awarded for a selection of his pub- of Melbourne High School (2000). Fink has given
lished neuroendocrine papers) from the University of numerous invited lectures including the inaugural
Melbourne, Australia. An Oxford DPhil was gained Geoffrey Harris Prize Lecture of the British Physiolog-
under tenure of a Nuffield Dominions Demonstrator- ical Society and the Wolfson Lecture. His other appoint-
ship in the laboratory of Geoffrey Harris FRS. Fink’s ments include: Visiting Professor at the Rockefeller
recent research, focused on sex steroid control of central University (Neurobiology and Behavior Laboratory)
neurotransmission, is relevant to our understanding of New York; Visiting Professor in Neurobiology, the
gender differences in disorders of mood and mental Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minnesota; Arthur Fishberg
state. His earlier research discoveries include (i) charac- Professor, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York;
terization of neurohormone release into hypophysial Walter Cottman Visiting Professor at Monash
portal blood, (ii) the mechanism by which estrogen posi- University; Royal Society-Israel Academy Exchange
tive feedback triggers the ovulatory gonadotropin surge, Fellow at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel.


Donald W. Pfaff behavior. By limiting the estrogen exposure of to short

pulses, the total dose can be kept much smaller than
Donald W. Pfaff, Ph.D., professor and head of the with steady delivery, and therefore some of the negative
Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior at The effects will be reduced.
Rockefeller University, is a brain scientist who uses Born in Rochester, N.Y., on December 9, 1939, he
neuroanatomical, neurochemical and neurophysiolog- received the A.B. degree magna cum laude from Har-
ical methods to study the cellular mechanisms by which vard College in 1961 and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts
the brain controls behavior. His laboratory’s research Institute of Technology in 1965. He held a National
has proceeded to demonstrate how steroid hormone Merit Scholarship, Harvard National Scholarship,
effects on nerve cells can direct natural, instinctive Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, MIT President’s Award
behaviors. Fellowship, National Institutes of Health Predoctoral
In 2003, Pfaff received an NIH MERIT Award for the Fellowship and National Science Foundation Postdoc-
study of generalized arousal, responsible for activating toral Fellowship.
all behavioral responses. His team formulated the first Pfaff joined The Rockefeller University in 1966 as
operational definition of nervous system arousal, a postdoctoral fellow. He was named assistant professor
enabling scientists to measure arousal quantitatively in in 1969, associate professor in 1971, granted tenure in
laboratory animals, as well as in human beings. In 1973 and promoted to full professor in 1978. He is
humans, deficits in arousal contribute to such cognitive a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
problems as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and
autism and Alzheimer’s disease. Sciences. He also is a member of several scientific orga-
Pfaff has made fundamental contributions to our nizations related to studies of the central nervous
understanding of how the administration of sex system.
hormones can affect health. Pfaff’s lab recently showed He is the author of “Estrogens and Brain Function”
that giving hormone doses in pulses, rather than as (Springer, 1980); “Drive: Neurobiological and Molecular
a steady exposure, may maximize the benefits and limit Mechanisms of Sexual Motivation” (MIT Press, 1999);
the side effects now associated with hormone therapies. and “Brain Arousal and Information Theory” (Harvard
By giving estrogen replacement to the rats, the scientists University Press, 2005). He has edited ‘The Physiological
studied the actions of the hormone at the level of the Bases of Motivation’ (1982), ‘Ethical Questions in
brain cell’s protective outer membrane, and inside the Brain and Behavior’ (1984), ‘Genetic Influences on the
nucleus where the cell’s DNA is housed. They found Nervous System’ (CRC Press, 1999) and ‘Hormones,
that both the membrane and the DNA pathways are Brain and Behavior’ (5 volumes, Academic Press, 2002,
crucial, with one facilitating the other, in triggering 2009). He also is on the editorial boards of several scien-
hormone-dependent gene expression and female mating tific journals.

Jon E. Levine neurons. Dr. Levine’s research has also focused on the
molecular and cellular mechanisms by which ovarian
Dr. Jon E. Levine, Ph.D. completed his B.A. at Oberlin steroids exert their physiological and behavioral effects
College in Oberlin, Ohio, and his Ph.D. from the Univer- in the brain, including the negative feedback mecha-
sity of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. Dr. Levine nisms that maintain homeostatic control within the
completed postdoctoral training at the Oregon National reproductive axis, as well as the positive feedback
Primate Research Center & Oregon Health Sciences actions of steroids that trigger preovulatory gonado-
University. Levine joined the faculty at Northwestern tropin surges. His recent work has made use of newly
University in Evanston, Illinois in 1984, and remained developed mutant mice to analyze the cell signaling
there as Professor in the Department of Neurobiology mechanisms that mediate negative and positive feed-
and Physiology until 2010. While on the faculty at back actions of estradiol, as well as the effects of estro-
Northwestern, Dr. Levine served as Director of the gens on energy homeostasis and body weight.
Program in Biological Sciences (1999e2006), and as Dr. Levine is currently Editor-in-Chief of the journal
Director of a NIH-sponsored Training Program in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, and is a member of
Reproductive Biology (1991e2010). He is currently the the Steering Council for the Office of Research on
Director of the Wisconsin National Primate Research Women’s Health at the NIH. He is an active member of
Center and Professor in the Department of Neuroscience numerous professional societies including the Endocrine
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For the past Society, Society for Neuroscience, Society for the Study
30 years Dr. Levine has studied the neuroendocrine of Reproduction, American Neuroendocrine Society,
regulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology.
List of Contributors

Greti Aguilera Program on Developmental Endocrinology James P. Curley Department of Psychology, Columbia
and Genetics, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child University, New York, NY, USA
Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, Wouter W. de Herder Department of Internal Medicine,
Maryland, USA Section of Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center,
Deanna M. Arble Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, North- E. Ronald de Kloet LACDR, Leiden University, Leiden, The
western University, Evanston, IL, USA Netherlands
Iñigo Azcoitia Departamento de Biologı́a Celular, Facultad Ines Donangelo Pituitary Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical
de Biologı́a, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Madrid, Spain
Alison J. Douglas Centre for Integrative Physiology,
Sarah L. Berga Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Infertility, Departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics and
Dana Erickson Endocrine Research Unit, Mayo School of
Psychiatry, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,
Graduate Medical Education, Clinical Translational
Science Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Wah Chin Boon Florey Neuroscience Institutes, Centre for
Richard A. Feelders Department of Internal Medicine,
Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, and Department
Section of Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center,
of Anatomy and Development, Monash University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Melbourne, Australia
George Fink Mental Health Research Institute, University of
Pierre M.G. Bouloux Centre for Neuroendocrinology,
Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
University College London Medical School, Royal Free
Hospital, Hampstead, London, UK Luis M. Garcia-Segura Instituto Cajal, Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cientı́ficas, Madrid, Spain
Cyril Y. Bowers Division of Endocrinology, Department of
Internal Medicine, Tulane University Health Sciences Thang S. Han Centre for Neuroendocrinology, University
Center, New Orleans, LA, USA College London Medical School, Royal Free Hospital,
Hampstead, London, UK
Ellen R. Busby University of Victoria, Department of
Biology, Victoria, BC, Canada Leo J. Hofland Department of Internal Medicine, Section of
Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The
Rebecca Campbell Department of Physiology, School of
Medical Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Ali Iranmanesh Endocrine Service, Medical Section, Salem
Frances A. Champagne Department of Psychology,
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salem, VA, USA
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Marian Joëls Rudolf Magnus Institute, UMC Utrecht,
Evangelia Charmandari First Department of Pediatrics,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
University of Athens Medical School, “Aghia Sophia”
Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece; and Division of Ilia N. Karatsoreos Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch,
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Biomedical Research Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller
Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece University, New York, NY, USA
Alon Chen Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Henk Karst Rudolf Magnus Institute, UMC Utrecht,
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Utrecht, The Netherlands
George P. Chrousos First Department of Pediatrics, Tomoshige Kino Unit on Molecular Hormone Action,
University of Athens Medical School, “Aghia Sophia” Program in Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology, Eunice
Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece; and 3Division of Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Biomedical Research Human Development, National Institutes of Health,
Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece Bethesda, MD, USA
Iain J. Clarke Department of Physiology, Monash Joseph R. Kurian Wisconsin National Primate Research
University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Georges Copinschi Laboratory of Physiology, School of Dik J. Kwekkeboom Department of Nuclear Medicine,
Medicine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Virginia L. Crowder Department of Psychiatry, University Steven W. Lamberts Department of Internal Medicine,
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Section of Endocrinology, Erasmus Medical Center,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Lawrence C. Layman Section of Reproductive Antonia K. Roseweir Centre for Integrative Physiology,
Endocrinology, Infertility, & Genetics, Dept Obstetrics and University of Edinburgh, School of Biomedical Sciences,
Gynecology, Developmental Neurobiology Program, Hugh Robson Building, Edinburgh, UK
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Neuroscience David R. Rubinow Department of Psychiatry, University of
Program, Georgia Health Sciences University, Augusta, GA, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Katya B. Rubinow Division of Endocrinology in the
Gareth Leng Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Department of Medicine, University of Washington School
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK of Medicine; Seattle, WA, USA
Jon E. Levine Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, Randall R. Sakai University of Cincinnati College of
and Department of Neuroscience University of Wisconsin, Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Madison, WI, USA Neurosciences, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Malcolm J. Low Department of Molecular & Integrative Roberto Salvatori Division of Endocrinology, Johns
Physiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, and Brehm
Willis K. Samson Department of Pharmacological and
Center for Diabetes Research, University of Michigan
Physiological Science, Saint Louis University School of
Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA
Mike Ludwig Centre for Integrative Physiology, University
Peter J. Schmidt Section on Behavioral Endocrinology,
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
NIMH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Margaret M. McCarthy Departments of Physiology and
Karen A. Scott University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences,
Baltimore, MD, USA
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Bruce S. McEwen Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch,
Barbara B. Sherwin Department of Psychology, McGill
Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
University, New York, NY, USA
Nancy M. Sherwood University of Victoria, Department of
Marilyn Y. McGinnis Department of Pharmacology and
Biology, Victoria, BC, Canada
Center for Biomedical Neuroscience, University of Texas
Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA Aniket R. Sidhaye Division of Metabolism, Departments of
Pediatrics and Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School
Shlomo Melmed Pituitary Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Evan R. Simpson Prince Henry’s Institute, Melbourne,
Robert P. Millar Centre for Integrative Physiology,
University of Edinburgh, School of Biomedical Sciences, Australia
Hugh Robson Building, Edinburgh, UK; UCT/MRC Jeremy T. Smith Department of Physiology, Monash
Group for Receptor Biology, University of Cape Town, University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Cape Town, South Africa; Mammal Research Institute, Yolanda R. Smith Division of Reproductive Endocrinology
University of Pretoria, Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa and Infertility, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Ali Mohamadi Division of Endocrinology, Johns Hopkins University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor,
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA MI, USA
Randy J. Nelson Departments of Neuroscience and Edward M. Stricker Department of Neuroscience,
Psychology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Claire L. Newton Centre for Integrative Physiology, Yehezkel Sztainberg Department of Neurobiology,
University of Edinburgh, School of Biomedical Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Hugh Robson Building, Edinburgh, UK Kellie L.K. Tamashiro The Johns Hopkins University School
Donald W. Pfaff Neurobiology and Behavior, The of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA Sciences, Baltimore, MD, USA
Vincent Prevot Inserm, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Ei Terasawa Wisconsin National Primate Research Center,
Center, U837, Development and Plasticity of the Postnatal and Department of Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin,
Brain, Lille, France; Université Nord de France, Lille, Madison, WI, USA
France; UDSL, Laboratory of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Brian C. Trainor Department of Psychology, University of
Place de Verdun, Lille, France; CHRU Lille, Department of California, Davis, CA, USA
Neurosurgery, Hôpital Roger Salengro, Lille, France Fred W. Turek Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology,
Graeme J. Roch University of Victoria, Department of Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, North-
Biology, Victoria, BC, Canada western University, Evanston, IL, USA
Ferdinand Roelfsema Department of Endocrinology and Eve Van Cauter Sleep, Metabolism and Health Center
Metabolic Diseases, Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago Pritzker
The Netherlands School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Johannes D. Veldhuis Endocrine Research Unit, Mayo Fredric E. Wondisford Division of Metabolism,
School of Graduate Medical Education, Clinical Translational Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, Johns
Science Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
Joseph G. Verbalis Department of Medicine, Georgetown USA
University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA Susan Wray Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology
Martha H. Vitaterna Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology, Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Department of Neurobiology and Physiology, Northwestern Gina L.C. Yosten Department of Pharmacological and
University, Evanston, IL, USA Physiological Science, Saint Louis University School of
Alan G. Watts Department of Biological Sciences, USC Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA
College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, University of R. Thomas Zoeller Biology Department, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
Notes on Nomenclature

CATECHOLAMINES the two terms and abbreviations are here used inter-
changeably, depending on author preference.
Adrenaline and noradrenaline are catecholamines
that play a pivotal role in the stress and other neuroen-
docrine responses. These terms are synonymous with GONADOTROPIN-RELEASING
epinephrine and norepinephrine, respectively. Both HORMONE (GnRH)/LHRH
sets of terms are used interchangeably in the endocrine
and neuroendocrine literature, and this principle has The anterior pituitary gland secretes two gonadotro-
been adopted for the Handbook. Style has depended pins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating
on author preference. hormone (FSH). At the start of research into the nature
of hypothalamic pituitary releasing (subsequently
“regulatory”) factors it was assumed that neural control
of LH and FSH would be mediated by distinct LH-
releasing and FSH-releasing factors. However, despite
extensive studies over the past 55 years, current
evidence points to the fact that neural control of the
The central nervous regulation of the anterior pitui-
synthesis and release of both gonadotropins is mediated
tary gland is mediated by substances, mainly peptides,
by one and the same decapeptide. This was at first
synthesized in the hypothalamus and transported to
termed LH-releasing factor (LRF), then LH-releasing
the gland by the hypophysial portal vessels. Because
hormone (LHRH), and then finally, because it mediates
these compounds are transported in the blood stream,
neural control of both gonadotropins, gonadotropin-
the term “neurohormone” gained acceptance in the
releasing hormone (GnRH). The latter, adopted as the
neuroendocrine literature. This convention, endorsed
standard term and abbreviation by the Endocrine
by the Endocrine Society (USA), has been applied
Society, is used by most authors in this Handbook.
without dissension to all hypothalamic peptide neuro-
However, readers should be aware that GnRH, LHRH
hormones with the exception of the 41-amino acid
and LRF are synonymous.
residue corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Hauger
and colleagues,1 in liaison with the International Union
of Pharmacology Committee on Receptor Nomenclature Reference
and Drug Classification, argue that the CRF’s function
1. Hauger RL, Grigoriadis DE, Dallman MF, Plotsky PM,
extends well beyond the biology of a hormone, and Vale WW, Dautzenberg FM. International Union of Pharma-
that therefore it should be termed corticotropin- cology. XXXVI. Current status of the nomenclature for receptors
releasing factor (CRF) rather than hormone. Since the for corticotropin-releasing factor and their ligands. Pharmacol
terminology of CRF versus CRH has yet to be resolved, Rev. 2003;55(1):21e26.


An Introduction to Neuroendocrine Systems
Jon E. Levine
Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, and Department of Neuroscience, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, USA


Neuroendocrinology Defined 3 Homeostatic Systems: HypothalamicePituitarye

End-Organ Axes 11
Neurosecretion 4
Homeostatic Neuroendocrine Systems Controlling
The Basic Anatomy of Neuroendocrine Systems 4 Motivated Behaviors 13
The Hypothalamus 4 Experimental Characterization of Homeostatic
The Pituitary Gland 6 Neuroendocrine Systems 14
The Hypothalamo-hypophysial Portal Vessel System 7 Environmental Stimuli, Homeostatic Settings
and Allostasis 14
Neurosecretory Cells 7
Cellular Mechanisms of Neuroendocrine Integration 15
Neuroendocrine Transduction and
Neuroendocrine Systems 8 Clinical Neuroendocrinology 16
Basic Aspects of Neuroendocrine Integration 9 The Study of Neuroendocrinology 17
Neuroendocrine Reflexes Mediated by
Summary 18
Neurohypophysial Systems 9
The Basic Elements of Homeostatic Neuroendocrine
Systems 10


The field of neuroendocrinology is concerned with the inter-
relationships between the neural and endocrine systems, and
Neuroendocrinology is a relatively new science that
addresses regulatory mechanisms of two basic types: the neural
control of hormone secretions, and the actions of peripheral emerged in the mid-20th century as a branch of endocri-
hormones on neurophysiological processes and behavior. In nology, propelled in part by the realization that the brain
most cases, neuroendocrine systems of both types are linked produces neurohormones and thereby functions as an
together in broader bidirectional control mechanisms which endocrine organ. During the same period, fundamental
govern vitally important processes that include growth, repro-
observations were made in the relatively new field of
duction, metabolism and energy homeostasis, electrolyte and
water balance, and responses to stress. The editors and authors behavioral neuroscience, revealing effects of peripheral
of this volume of work have endeavored to provide a compre- hormones on brain function, neural development, and
hensive presentation of the “state-of-the-science” of neuro- behavior. We now consider that both processes e control
endocrinology, presented in a format that will be accessible for of hormone secretions by the brain and effects of
both generalist and specialist students and researchers who seek
hormones on brain function e together define the scope
a current understanding of neuroendocrine systems. Chapter 1
introduces the basic anatomical and physiological components of modern neuroendocrine science. Neuroendocrine
of neuroendocrine systems, and defines and describes their systems can be defined as the sets of neurons, glands
fundamental operating characteristics. and non-endocrine tissues, and the neurochemicals,

Handbook of Neuroendocrinology, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-375097-6.10001-0 3 Copyright Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

hormones, and humoral signals they produce and milieu” is essential for the survival and perpetuation
receive, that function in an integrated manner to of warm-blooded animals. The regulation of the internal
collectively regulate a physiological or behavioral state. state in the face of changing external and internal condi-
Neuroendocrine integration is the process by which neuro- tions is homeostasis e a process that requires coordinated
endocrine systems register, transduce, and interpret control over endocrine, behavioral and autonomic
important signals from the internal and external nervous system responses to the environment. It is clear
environment, and thereafter direct adaptive changes in that the hypothalamus e and the neuroendocrine
prevailing physiological and behavioral states. In this neuronal systems that reside in it e has evolved to
introductory chapter, we define and describe different assume a critically important role as a major integrative
types of neuroendocrine systems, and review the basic center for mediating these homeostatic functions. It is
integrative mechanisms that each employ to operate located at the base of the forebrain, where it can direct
under normal physiological circumstances. the endocrine functions of the pituitary gland, while
also receiving hormonal signals from the periphery.
The hypothalamus is also adjacent to e and highly inter-
NEUROSECRETION connected with e limbic and cortical structures and
brainstem autonomic centers. The hypothalamus is
By the 1920s, the existence of the major hormones of uniquely positioned to send and receive endocrine
the pituitary gland, and their effects on the gonads, signals, as well as neural signals from sensory systems,
adrenal glands and growth, had been established. In emotion- and memory-processing circuitries, and auto-
the years following, there was greater awareness that nomic centers. Neural and endocrine information is
the functions of the pituitary gland are largely governed continuously transduced, integrated and interpreted in
by neural influences. The concept of neurosecretion e the hypothalamic neurons, and appropriate homeostatic
production and secretion of neurohormones by neurons, signals are conveyed back to these endocrine, autonomic
and the actions of these hormones at target tissues e was and behavioral control systems to affect coordinated
proposed by Ernst and Berta Scharrer1 based on their changes, when necessary, in hormone secretions, auto-
work in fish, and subsequently confirmed in a variety nomic outflow and behavioral state. The hypothalamus
of species in the succeeding decades. This seminal is thus responsible for monitoring the internal and
advance is regarded as the launching point for the study external environment and coordinating adaptive physi-
of neuroendocrine systems, and perhaps as the start of ological responses among several systems.
the field of neuroendocrinology as a whole. Recognition The hypothalamus is defined anatomically as an area
that specialized neurosecretory cells can release hormones of gray matter that is located in the basal forebrain, con-
at neurovascular junctions provided the conceptual sisting of two symmetrical halves divided medially by
framework for understanding the two major neuroendo- the third ventricle. It emerges in the developing dien-
crine systems that govern pituitary function. In one, cephalon to be bounded rostrally by the optic chiasm,
neurosecretion of neurohormones (vasopressin and caudally by the mammillary bodies, laterally by the
oxytocin) occurs at neurovascular junctions in the poste- optic tracts, and dorsally by the thalamus. The preoptic
rior pituitary gland, directly into the systemic circulation area (POA) lies rostrally to the hypothalamus, and
to act at distant target tissues. In the other, hypothalamic although it is considered telencephalic in origin, it is
neurohormones that were later identified as hypotha- often regarded as a functional hypothalamic tissue.
lamic releasing and inhibiting factors,2,3 are released Groups of neuronal cell bodies and their neuropils
from neurovascular junctions in the median eminence constitute bilaterally symmetrical hypothalamic nuclei,
of the hypothalamus, into a hypothalamo-hypophysial as schematically depicted in Fig. 1.1. Although there
portal vessel system that conveys these factors to their are species differences in the topography of the major
target cells in the anterior pituitary gland. The basic hypothalamic nuclei as well as the less distinct hypotha-
structural and physiological features of these neuro- lamic areas, in general the anterior region of the hypo-
endocrine systems are described below. thalamus contains the supraoptic nucleus (SON),
paraventricular nucleus (PVN), suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN) and anterior hypothalamic area (AHA), and a periven-
tricular nucleus that continues caudally; the middle
region of the hypothalamus includes the arcuate nucleus
(AN), ventromedial nucleus (VMN), dorsomedial nucleus
(DMN) and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA); and within
The Hypothalamus the posterior region of the hypothalamus lie the posterior
In 1859, the celebrated French physiologist Claude hypothalamic nucleus (PHN) and the premammillary
Bernard noted that the “constancy of the internal nucleus (PMN).


populations within and beyond the hypothalamus.
(A) Human FX
Nevertheless, several of the hypothalamic nuclei do
contain well-characterized neurohormone and neuro-
transmitter-producing cell groups that clearly serve
PVN specific integrative and effector functions that are essen-
SM tial components of these systems (Table 1.1). The PVN
and SON, for example, are critically important in the
LP MB regulation of electrolyte and water balance by virtue of
SON the fact that magnocellular neurons within these nuclei
produce the antidiuretic neurohypophysial hormone
OC AN vasopressin, as described below; parvocellular neurons
within the PVN express corticotropin-releasing hormone
(CRH) and thereby regulate neural and hormonal
responses to stress; the POA similarly contains neurons
that produce the central neurohormonal effector of the
reproductive axis, gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH), and is therefore essential for the maintenance
of gonadal function in rodents; the AN includes
neuronal groups that express orexigenic and anorexi-
genic peptides, as well as receptors for peripheral meta-
bolic hormones, and is thus integrally important in the
(B) Rat
regulation of food intake and energy expenditure; and
AC subsets of neurons in the VMN express receptors for
ovarian hormones, estrogens and progestins, and mediate
POA many of the actions of these hormones on female sexual
behavior. The concept of a neural “center” might be best
retained for the case of the SCN, which contains neurons
H that exhibit circadian pacemaking activity and hence
function as a 24-hour clock that controls circadian
PM rhythms in physiology and behavior. The roles played
by all of the foregoing cell groups, and the nuclei within
which they reside, are described in the context of each of
the major neuroendocrine systems characterized in
A subsequent sections in this and succeeding chapters.
The homeostatic functions of the hypothalamus
FIGURE 1.1 Schematic diagrams depicting the anatomical loca- require that afferent neural signals, derived from brain
tions of hypothalamic nuclei in parasagittal sections of (A) human
and (B) rat basal forebrain. Figures are oriented as anterior to regions concerned with sensory processing, memory
posterior (rostral to caudal) from left to right. Abbreviations: AC, and emotion, are processed and integrated with
anterior commissure; A, adenohypophysis; AHA, anterior hypotha- humoral signals; efferent neural signals that produce
lamic area; AN, arcuate nucleus; DMN, dorsomedial hypothalamic appropriate alterations in neurohormone secretions
nucleus; FX, fornix; I, infundibulum; LP, lateral posterior nucleus; MB,
and transmission through efferent pathways are conse-
mammillary body; N, neurohypophysis; OC, optic chiasm; POA,
preoptic area; PH, posterior hypothalamic nucleus; PI, pars inter- quently initiated. Not surprisingly, the hypothalamus
media; PM, premammillary nucleus; PT, pars tuberalis; PVN, para- is known to receive and send neural signals through
ventricular nucleus; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SM, efferent and afferent pathways that connect it with
supramammillary nuceleus; SON, supraoptic nucleus; TM, tuber- a ring of subcortical limbic structures known to be criti-
omammillary nucleus, VMN, ventromedial nucleus.
cally important in emotional status, such as the amyg-
dala; in learning and memory, such as the hippocampus;
Classical studies utilized lesion and electrical stimu- and in autonomic nervous system control, such as the
lation techniques to ascribe integrative functions to lower brainstem nuclei. For example, the major connec-
specific nuclei as “centers” for the control of functions tions between the amygdala and the hypothalamus
such as feeding, drinking, sexual behavior, stress include the stria terminalis and a direct amygdalohypotha-
responses, and electrolyte and water balance. The lamic tract; the hippocampus connects with the POA,
“center” concept has been somewhat outmoded with AN and mammillary bodies via the fornix; the medial
the recognition that these regulatory systems are distrib- forebrain bundle connects the hypothalamus to the more
uted throughout many interconnected neuronal anterior septal area of the basal forebrain; the



TABLE 1.1 Selected List of Chemical and Functional Characteristics of Several Hypothalamic Nuclei in the Rat

Nucleus Cell bodies producing. Functional roles

PVN, SON (magnocellular) oxytocin, vasopressin Electrolyte and water balance, blood pressure
(vasopressin); milk ejection, uterine contractility
PVN (parvicellular) CRH, TRH, GR Stress responses, neurosecretory control of HPA and
HPT axis
SCN vasopressin, VIP Circadian rhythms
Periventricular nuclei SST, kisspeptin, ERa, ERb, Inhibition of GH secretion, control of ovulatory
POA GnRH, TRH, ERa, ERb, PR, AR Neurosecretory regulation of HPG axis, HPT axis; male
sexual behavior
AHA Parasympathetic control, thermoregulation
VMN GHRH, ERa, PR Satiety, female sexual behavior

AN POMC, NPY, AgRP, GHRH, DA, kisspeptin, ERa, PR, Food intake, energy expenditure, neurosecretory
GR, leptin receptors control of PRL and GH

DMN NPY, GR Behavioral rhythms, blood pressure, heart rate

PH Sympathetic control, thermoregulation
Abbreviations not defined elsewhere in this chapter: GR, glucocorticoid receptor; VIP, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; ERa, ERb, estrogen receptors of the alpha and
beta isoforms; PR, progesterone receptors; AR, androgen receptors; POMC, proopiomelanocortin; NPY, neuropeptide Y; AgRP, agouti-related peptide.

hypothalamus is highly interconnected with the basis for the diffusion of substances secreted by neurose-
midbrain and lower brainstem nuclei via the dorsal longi- cretory neurons into the systemic or portal circulation.
tudinal fasciculus, mammillotegmental tract and mammillo- Conversely, some of the circumventricular organs
peduncular tract; and the epithalamus (dorsal posterior clearly serve as targets of circulating factors that may
segment of the diencephalon that includes the habenula activate neural circuitries. The area postrema, located
and pineal gland) provides afferents to the POA via the in the caudal extremity of the fourth ventricle, monitors
stria medullaris. substances present in the circulation, and serves to
Within the hypothalamus, well-characterized fiber trigger emesis as an appropriate response to certain
tracts consist of bundles of axons that extend from the blood-borne stimuli.
soma of neurosecretory cells, and terminate at sites of
neurosecretion. Prominent paraventricular hypophsyial
tracts and supraoptic hypophysial tracts project from the
The Pituitary Gland
paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, respectfully, to The pituitary gland was at one time considered the
the posterior lobe. These projections consist of axons of master endocrine gland of vertebrates, since it was
the magnocellular neurons that transport vasopressin known to control the activity of other major endocrine
and oxytocin to their release sites at neurovascular glands, such as the thyroid, adrenals and gonads. It is
junctions in the pars nervosa. Tuberoinfundibular tracts now known to be primarily controlled by hormonal
likewise extend from parvocellular (smaller soma) stimuli delivered from the hypothalamus and other
neurons that produce the hypothalamic releasing and glands. The pituitary gland, also known as the hypoph-
inhibiting factors, to terminate in the median eminence ysis, is comprised of the adenohypophysis, alternatively
where they release these neurosecretory products into referred to as the anterior lobe, and the neurohypophysis,
the primary plexus of the hypothalamo-hypophysial also called the posterior lobe. The adenohypophysis is
portal vasculature. primarily glandular tissue, while the neurohypophysis
The median eminence is one of several specialized consists of neuronal processes that originate from the
structures that are located at sites about the cerebroven- soma of neurosecretory neurons in the PVN and SON.
tricular system, and are therefore called circumventricu- These axons pass through the median eminence, the medi-
lar organs. These structures lack the bloodebrain barrier, obasal extremity of the hypothalamus that is continuous
in which the endothelium of brain capillaries normally with the infundibulum, or pituitary stalk, and ultimately
restricts movement of compounds from blood to brain end in the posterior lobe, or pars nervosa.
or brain to blood. The endothelia of these organs The embryologic origins of the two lobes of the pitu-
are typically fenestrated, revealing a morphological itary are distinct. The neural lobe arises from the neural


3rd ventricle


Median eminence
Pars tuberalis
Infundibular process


Pars nervosa = Neural lobe
Pars Distalis

Pars intermedia

Anterior lobe Posterior lobe

FIGURE 1.2 Anatomical subdivisions of the pituitary gland.

ectoderm of the floor of the developing forebrain, while provided the conceptual basis for Harris’ proposal that
the anterior lobe is derived from an inward invagination the hypothalamus exerts a neurohumoral control over
of the primitive mouth cavity (oral ectoderm) known as anterior pituitary hormone secretions.6 The pituitary
Rathke’s pouch. Cells of the anterior wall of Rathke’s transplantation studies of Harris (described in Chapter
pouch develop into the pars distalis, containing the 5 of this volume), as well as elegant electrical stimulation
majority of the hormone-producing cells of the adenohy- experiments by Markee, Sawyer and Hollinshead, as
pophysis. The hormone-secreting cell types and their well as Harris,7,8 confirmed this hypothesis, and in
corresponding hormonal products include the cortico- turn revealed the existence of hypothalamic releasing
tropes (adrenocorticotropic hormone; ACTH), somato- factors that are conveyed by the hypothalamo-hypophy-
tropes (growth hormone; GH), lactotropes (prolactin; sial portal vessel system to control release of anterior
PRL), gonadotropes (luteinizing hormone; LH, and pituitary hormones. Two research groups, headed by
follicle-stimulating hormone; FSH) and thyrotropes Roger Guillemin and Andrew Schally, respectively,
(thyroid-stimulating hormone; TSH). Dorsal extensions simultaneously determined the structure of thyro-
of the anterior lobe constitute a pars tuberalis, a non- tropin-releasing hormone (TRH), as well as GnRH (or
secretory tissue that wraps around the infundibular as it was known, LRF or LHRH) and somatostatin
stalk. An intermediate lobe develops between the two (SST), for which these two neuroendocrinologists were
lobes that can vary greatly in size among different awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
species; in humans, this regresses and disappears in in 1977.2,3 Major releasing factors discovered, in the
adults. In many vertebrates the intermediate lobe years following, included corticotropin-releasing
produces hormones that include melanotropins, such hormone (CRH) in 1981,9 and growth hormone-
as melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH). The anatomical releasing hormone (GHRH) in 1982 (Fig. 1.3).10,11
components of the pituitary gland are given in Fig. 1.2.

The Hypothalamo-hypophysial Portal NEUROSECRETORY CELLS

Vessel System The major groups of neurosecretory cells in the hypo-
The hypophysial vasculature was initially studied in thalamus include those in the neurohypophysial and the
detail in the 1930s, when it was first demonstrated that tuberoinfundibular systems. Neurons in both groups are
blood flows downward in the hypophsyial portal predominantly peptidergic, although some may co-
vessels, rather than upward from pituitary to brain.4 produce non-peptide products. An exception is the
Detailed studies thereafter revealed that the superior short-axon tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA)
hypophysial artery provides blood supply to the median neurons that primarily secrete the catecholamine, dopa-
eminence and pituitary stalk, from where blood passes mine, into the portal vasculature. In most regards,
via capillary loops through the long portal vessels to neurosecretory neurons are similar in structure and
the sinusoids of the pars distalis.5 These findings function to neurons elsewhere in the brain. They have



is longer because it contains an amino terminal, hydro-

phobic signal peptide sequence that functions to permit
movement of the protein across the ER membrane into
the Golgi apparatus. There, enzymatic removal of the
signal sequence, which yields the prohormone, is typi-
cally followed by the actions of proteolytic processing
enzymes that additionally attack dibasic amino acid
cleavage sites. This releases the mature protein hormone
sequence from the remaining prohormone precursor
molecule, and other peptide sequences with or without
biological functions may be produced by these
cleavages e for example, the neurophysins in magnocel-
CRH GnRH DA PRF? TRH SST GHRH lular neurons. Within the Golgi elements the hormone
may additionally be altered by processing enzymes
+ + – + + – + that conjugate carbohydrate, C-terminal amide or other
moieties, or create covalent linkages between two
corticotrope gonadotrope lactotrope thyrotrope somatotrope sulfur-containing cysteine residues, termed “disulfide
bridges.” These modifications typically endow the mole-
cule with secondary or tertiary structures that are
required for biological activity. Vesicles containing the
ACTH LH FSH PRL TSH GH mature neurohormone are pinched off at the terminal
cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, and undergo axonal
FIGURE 1.3 Hypothalamic releasing- and inhibiting hormones
and their major cellular targets in the anterior pituitary gland. Abbre-
transport to neurovascular terminals. Release of the
viations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; CRH, corticotropin- neurohormone from the neurosecretory cell thereafter
releasing hormone; DA, dopamine; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; occurs through calcium-dependent exocytosis, a process
GH, growth hormone; GHRH, growth hormone-releasing hormone; that involves fusion of the secretory vesicle with the
GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; PRF, plasma membrane and diffusion of its contents into
prolactin releasing factor; PRL, prolactin; SST, somatostatin; TRH,
thyrotropin-releasing hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
the extracellular space within the neurovascular junc-
tion. The neurohormone diffuses through fenestrated
capillary walls into the blood.
dendrites, perikarya and axons that resemble those in
most central neurons. Furthermore, they exhibit rela-
tively normal resting potentials, action potentials and NEUROENDOCRINE TRANSDUCTION
synaptic potentials, and can display a normal range of AND NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEMS
intrinsic and synaptically-driven activity patterns that
are relatively common among other brain cell types, The transformation of neural signals into the release
regardless of their neurotransmitter phenotype. of hormones is called neuroendocrine transduction. In
However, the morphology of some neurosecretory general, secretion of neurohormones is a regulated
neurons, such as the magnocellular vasopressinergic process that reflects neuroendocrine transduction in its
and oxytocinergic neurons, differs in some respects simplest form. Both synaptic and hormonal excitation
due to the specialized neurosecretory functions. Because of the neurosecretory cell body initiates action potentials
they release neurohormones that are delivered via the that propagate along the axon and invade the axon
portal or peripheral circulation to distant target tissues, terminal. The depolarization of the axon terminal, in
these neurosecretory cells are required to make copious turn, triggers an elevation of intracellular Ca2þ, which
amounts of neuropeptide hormone in their soma. Thus, prompts vesicular fusion with the plasma membrane
these neurons have characteristics of active peptide- and exocytosis of the granule contents. The amplitude
producing cells, including abundant rough endoplasmic of neurohormone secretion is generally determined by
reticulum, Golgi, and membrane bound granules. the frequency of action potentials that depolarize the
Like other proteins, neuropeptide hormones are neurosecretory cell terminal. Notably, this stereotyped
synthesized by a ribosomal mechanism. The process of stimulus-secretion coupling process was first characterized
neurohormone gene expression e the transcription of by Douglas and Poisner12 in their classical experiments
a neurohormone gene and translation of the correspond- on isolated posterior pituitary tissues.
ing mRNA e culminates in the ribosomal synthesis of Neuroendocrine transduction can take place in the
a pre-prohormone protein that is longer, but inclusive context of several different types of neuroendocrine
of the specific neurohormone amino acid sequence. It systems. In the case of the neurophypophysial system,



FIGURE 1.4 Schematic representation of different types of neuroendocrine systems. (A) Neurohypophysial systems releasing vasopressin
and oxytocin into the peripheral circulation; (B) neurosecretion of hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting hormones into the hypothal-
amicehypophysial portal vessel system, regulating anterior pituitary hormone secretions; (C) sympathetic innervation of the adrenal medulla,
controlling secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine; (D) sympathetic innervation of the pineal gland, controlling secretion of melatonin.

magnocellular neurons in the PVN and SON release mechanisms. Neuroendocrine reflexes resemble their
vasopressin and oxytocin from neurovascular junctions neuromuscular reflex counterparts, as they operate as
in the posterior pituitary, into the systemic circulation, transient, fixed-pattern or graded reactions to an applied
through which these hormones are delivered to target sensory stimulus. The most important and well-studied
organs (Fig. 1.4A). Parvocellular neurons in various of these involve the reflexive release of the neurohypo-
hypothalamic nuclei project axons into the median physial hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin. Homeo-
eminence, and release their neuropeptide hormones static systems function to restrict a physiological or
into the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal vessels, which behavioral variable such that it is maintained about
conduct these neurohormones to the anterior pituitary a set point, or within a restricted range of values. Nearly
gland; there, they bind cognate receptors on target pitu- all neuroendocrine homeostatic systems use some form
itary cells and direct the synthesis and secretion of the of negative feedback control as a servomechanism that
major trophic hormones of the adenohypophysis maintains the output of the system, such as secretion
(Fig. 1.4B). The sympathetic innervation of the adrenal of hormones, within a biologically predetermined state.
medulla constitutes yet another variant of a neuroendo- The hypothalamicepituitaryeend organ axes, as well as
crine system; here, axons derived from central sympa- hypothalamic systems that control food intake and other
thetic neurons innervate the chromaffin cells of the behaviors, are homeostatic systems that feature negative
adrenal medulla, and at these synapses the neurotrans- feedback control mechanisms. The basic components
mitter acetylcholine is released, which in turn evokes of these neuroendocrine systems are described and
secretion of epinephrine into the systemic circulation exemplified below.
(Figure 1.4C). Similarly, postganglionic sympathetic
neurons in the superior cervical ganglion innervate the Neuroendocrine Reflexes Mediated by
pineal gland, releasing norepinephrine that in turn
Neurohypophysial Systems
evokes release of the hormone melatonin into the blood-
stream and cerebrospinal fluid (Figure 1.4D). Neuroendocrine reflexes mediate acute physiological
responses to external and internal signals. A sensory
stimulus, such as suckling by an infant at a mother’s
BASIC ASPECTS OF NEUROENDOCRINE nipple, can depolarize and thereby activate afferent
INTEGRATION nerves that convey neural signals up the neuroaxis
through multisynaptic pathways to the hypothalamus;
Neuroendocrine regulatory systems can be described these afferent signals activate an effector neuronal
as predominantly reflexive or homeostatic control population, such as the oxytocinergic magnocellular



neurons, and the net result is a physiological response in input and hormonal output, and reflects a fixed-action
the form of neurosecretion and oxytocin-mediated milk response to a specific sensory stimulus.
ejection that is qualitatively and quantitatively appro- Vasopressinergic neurons also function as effectors of
priate for the physiological stimulus. Like the classical neuroendocrine reflexes. One major biological action of
neuromotor reflexes, neuroendocrine reflexes operate vasopressin is exerted in the distal tubules of the
via afferent and efferent loops that can be comprised of mammalian kidney, where it facilitates water resorption
mono- or multi-order synaptic pathways. By definition, from the collecting ducts. These antidiuretic actions of
however, neuromotor reflexes are mediated by neural vasopressin can thereby mediate restoration of blood
afferent and efferent pathways. The major neuroendo- volume in life-threatening situations such as hemor-
crine reflexes, by contrast, can be mediated by a humoral rhage or severe diarrhea. Vasopressin also induces
input and neural output, humoral input and neural contraction of vascular smooth muscle cells, stimulating
output, humoral input and hormonal output, or neural increases in blood pressure. The two major stimuli for
input and hormonal output. Furthermore, some neuro- the reflexive release of vasopressin are thus decreases
endocrine reflexes are stereotyped, fixed-action in blood pressure and volume, and increases in blood
responses to specific stimuli, while others mediate osmolality. Two anatomically distinct afferent loops
graded responses to stimuli of varying magnitude. mediate the transduction of these stimuli into the release
In the foregoing example, the suckling-induced of vasopressin. In the first, increased blood osmolality is
neurosecretion of oxytocin can be considered a fixed- registered and transduced by osmoreceptive cells in the
action neuroendocrine reflex mediated by a neural input hypothalamus, and these signals are then conveyed
and hormonal output. One of the major biological synaptically to magnocellular neurons, prompting acti-
actions of oxytocin is to stimulate contractions of myo- vation of these cells and neurosecretion of vasopressin
epithelial cells of the mammary glands, facilitating from neurovascular terminals in the posterior pituitary.
milk ejection. The reflexive secretion of oxytocin and Increased vasopressin in the circulation thereafter acts
its actions at the mammary gland represent a fixed- via vasopressin receptors in the renal tubules to promote
action response, since it is a relatively stereotyped water resorption, and thus dilution of body fluid osmo-
output signal triggered by a specific input signal. The lytes. The distinguishing features of this reflex is that it is
afferent limb of the reflex is comprised of the sensory comprised of a humoral input and endocrine output,
endings in the mammary glands, primary sensory affer- and that it elaborates graded vasopressin secretory
ents, and multi-order afferents to the supraoptic and responses that are proportional to the magnitude of
paraventricular nuclei. The suckling stimulus evokes the initial increase in blood osmolarity. A second reflex
transient increases in the action potentials conveyed involving magnocellular vasopressin neurons is trig-
along the processes in this afferent limb of the reflex, gered by low blood volume and/or low blood pressure.
and thereafter in the firing rate of the oxytocinergic Baroreceptors located in the aortic arch, carotid sinus
neurons, which is in turn transduced into an acute and right atrium register any suprathreshold drop in
increase in the neurosecretion of oxytocin from neuro- volume or pressure, and tranduce this information into
vascular junctions in the posterior pituitary gland.13 neural signals conveyed up the neuroaxis and ulti-
The oxytocinergic neurons and the circulation of mately to the magnocellular vasopressinergic neurons;
oxytocin to the mammary gland thus constitute the the electrophysiological and thus neurosecretory
efferent loop of the neuroendocrine reflex. Suckling- activity of these cells is accordingly increased, and there-
induced oxytocin secretion thus represents a relatively after the increased vasopressin in the circulation medi-
simple reflex circuit that consists of a neural input and ates both antidiuretic and pressor responses to the
hormonal output, and occurs as a fixed-action response original depressor or hypovolumetric stimulus. The
to a specific stimulus. A similar neuroendocrine reflex two modes of reflexive vasopressin neurosecretion are
governs the release of oxytocin during parturition, mediated by distinct neural input pathways and
when it assumes an important role in stimulating myo- a common endocrine output (see also Chapter 6).14
metrial contractility. In the latter stages of parturition,
dilation of the cervix evokes activity in a neural afferent
The Basic Elements of Homeostatic
loop that conveys this mechanoreceptive information to
the hypothalamus, culminating in the activation of oxy-
Neuroendocrine Systems
tocinergic neurons and neurosecretion of oxytocin into Homeostatic regulation in physiological systems can
the systemic circulation. The increase in circulating be described in terms of control systems analysis, using
oxytocin prompts an increase in myometrial activity, basic terms and concepts borrowed from engineers. A
and hence in the intensity of the labor. Similar to the neuroendocrine control system functions to control
milk-ejection reflex, the activation of oxytocin neurose- a physiological variable about a set point, or predeter-
cretion during labor is mediated by a reflex with a neural mined range of values, that is most adaptive to the


Integrator/ Disturbance target tissues functioning together as an axis. These
error detector
hypothalamicepituitaryeend-organ axes are organized
signal Hormone into distinct tiers of regulated activity, arranged so that
Set Endocrine Target
gland tissue hormone signals are conveyed from: (a) hypothalamus

to anterior pituitary by hypothalamic releasing and/or
inhibiting factors secreted into the portal vessels; and
(b) anterior pituitary to end-organ by adenohypophysial
Feedback signal
Feedback (e.g. metabolite, electrolyte, neural signal, hormone) hormones secreted into the peripheral circulation. In
transducer many of these axes, a third round of signaling proceeds
to complete a feedback loop from (c) end-organ back to
FIGURE 1.5 Basic components of a simple controlled endocrine hypothalamic neurons and/or anterior pituitary gland.
system featuring negative feedback regulation of secretion (see text for In all of these axes, experimental analyses have revealed
explanation of terms).
that negative feedback regulation functions as the
predominant control feature within the system. Feed-
animal in a given environment. The generic system back signals from the anterior pituitary gland to the
features such a set point, an integrator (or error detector, hypothalamus constitute short-loop feedback mechanisms.
or comparator), a controlling element, a controlled vari- Long-loop feedback mechanisms are those in which feed-
able, a feedback signal and a feedback signal transducer back signals are conveyed from the end-organ, such as
(Fig. 1.5). This simplest version of a homeostatic control the gonad, thyroid or adrenal cortex, to antecedent
system makes use of negative feedback to maintain the levels.
controlled variable within a narrow range of values. The three-tiered neuroendocrine systems include: (a)
The controlling element regulates the controlled variable, the hypothalamicepituitaryethyroid (HPT) axis; (b) the
which in turn provides a feedback signal representing hypothalamicepituitaryegonadal (HPG) axis; and (c)
the momentary value of the variable. A feedback signal the hypothalamicepituitaryeadrenocortical (HPA) axis
transducer registers the feedback signal, converts it to (shown schematically in Figs 1.6A, B and C, respec-
a readable signal, and conveys that information to an tively). In the HPT axis, a population of hypothalamic
integrator. Here, a comparison is made between the neurons primarily located in the PVN produces the
ambient level of the variable and a desired set-point releasing factor TRH, and secretes the tripeptide from
value. If a discrepancy is calculated between the real neurovascular terminals in the median eminence. The
and preselected states, then the integrator delivers an TRH peptide is conveyed to the anterior pituitary gland
error signal to the controlling elements. In almost all in the portal vessels, where it diffuses through the fenes-
physiological systems, the error signal is inverted in trated secondary capillary plexus into the interstitial
sign to produce an adjustment of the controlling element spaces of the anterior pituitary gland; here, the peptide
activity in the opposite direction of the original deviation can bind to G-protein coupled TRH receptors on thyro-
from the set point. Virtually all neuroendocrine homeo- tropes and cytoplasmic signaling cascades that in turn
static mechanisms use some form of negative feedback stimulate synthesis and secretion of thyrotropin (or
control that can be described in these terms. Whether thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH). Thyrotropin is
there are in fact distinct preselected “set points” that conveyed via the circulation to the thyroid, where it
are regulated by simple servomechanisms such as the binds TSH receptors on follicular cells and promotes
foregoing control system has been debated, and more the production of T3 and thyroxine (T4). Thyroid
complex e and likely distributed e control mechanisms hormones exert their widespread actions on target
have been proposed to regulate hypothalamic functions, tissues via their cognate intracellular receptors, while
such as thermoregulation.15 Nevertheless, negative feed- also providing the major negative feedback signal
back mechanisms, and integrative mechanisms that within the axis. Thus, elevations in T3 and T4 exert
defend a given range of values along a variable such as long-loop feedback actions at the hypothalamic level to
body weight,16 or hormone secretion, are readily demon- suppress TRH expression and neurosecretion, and at
strable for most neuroendocrine systems, and thus the pituitary level to suppress TRH-stimulated TSH
models such as these prove instructive in understanding secretion. Conversely, reduction in thyroid hormone,
the physiological relationships within these systems. or complete removal thyroid hormones by thyroidec-
tomy, is generally accompanied by elevations in TRH
and TSH secretions.
Homeostatic Systems:
Similar cascades of hormonal activity and feed
HypothalamicePituitaryeEnd-Organ Axes back relationships prevail in other hypothalamice
Neuroendocrine homeostatic systems can involve the pituitaryeend-organ axes. As described fully in succeed-
hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and an end-organ or ing chapters in this book, the HPG axis and the HPA axis



FIGURE 1.6 “Three-tiered” (AeC) and “two-tiered” (D, E) homeostatic neuroendocrine systems. (A) Hypothalamicepituitaryegonadal
(HPB) axis; (B) hypothalamicepituitaryethyroidal (HPT) axis; (C) hypothalamicepituitaryeadrenocortical (HPA) axis; (D) hypothalamic control
of GH secretion; (E) hypothalamic control of PRL secretion. Shown for each axis in (AeC) are the major hypothalamic releasing neurohormones,
and their corresponding pituitary and end-organ hormone mediators. Homeostatic control in each axis is largely effected by long-loop negative
feedback mechanisms, mediated by end-organ action in the hypothalamus and/or anterior pituitary gland. Hypothalamic feedback can be
mediated by end-organ hormone actions on interneurons controlling the releasing factor neurons, or on the releasing factor neurons themselves.
Feedback in the hypothalamicepituitaryegonadal axis is exerted by gonadal steroids (primarily testosterone (T) in males, and estradiol (E2) and
progesterone (P4) in females), as well as the protein hormone inhibin, which selectively suppresses FSH secretion in both sexes. Triodothyronine
(T3) and thyroxine (T4) exert feedback in the HPT axis, and glucocorticoids, principally cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents, exert
major feedback effects in the HPA axis. Shown for the two-tiered systems in (D) and (E) are their hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting
hormones, corresponding pituitary hormones, and major target tissues. Homeostatic controls in each of these systems are largely affected by
short-loop feedback mechanisms mediated by GH and PRL actions in hypothalamic neurons controlling releasing of their corresponding
releasing and inhibiting factors.

also function as three-tiered hormonal control systems in while PRL evokes responses in mammary tissue, gonads
which long-loop feedback mechanisms predominate. and accessory sex organs. Without a single endocrine
Like the HPT axis, the HPG and HPA axes are organized end-organ to provide feedback control, GH and PRL
so that the primary releasing factors (GnRH and CRH) have evolved the capacity to exert their own direct feed-
stimulate their corresponding trophic pituitary back control within the hypothalamus, ultimately influ-
hormones (gonadotropins and ACTH), which in turn encing release of the hypothalamic releasing and
stimulate end-organ hormones (gonadal steroid/peptide inhibiting factors that control their own secretions.
hormones, and glucocorticoids), which in turn exert Furthermore, both stimulatory and inhibitory hypotha-
long-loop feedback effects at preceding levels in the lamic mechanisms have evolved to control GH and
respective axis. PRL secretion. Hypothalamic neurosecretion of GHRH
Secretions of GH and PRL are predominantly under stimulates, while SST inhibits, GH secretion; and dopa-
the control of two-tier systems in which short-loop feed- mine inhibits, while one or more putative PRL-releasing
back functions are the major regulatory mechanism. The factors stimulate, PRL release. The short-loop feedback
reduced importance of long-loop feedback control in mechanisms for both hormones appear to be mediated
these systems is probably a function of the distributed by both suppression of releasing factor (GHRH, PRL-
targets of GH and PRL actions. Growth hormone exerts RFs) release and stimulation of inhibitory factor (SST,
actions in bone, cartilage, liver, muscle and other tissues, dopamine) release. In the case of GH control, it should



FIGURE 1.6d(Continued).

be noted that some long-loop feedback regulation has Food intake and energy expenditure e and hence
been shown to be superimposed upon the basic short- body weight e are controlled within narrow limits by
loop feedback control system e the actions of GH in homeostatic neuroendocrine systems. While these
promoting cartilage formation, leading to bone growth, homeostatic control mechanisms have been known to
are mediated in part by GH stimulation of somatome- exist for many decades, neuroendocrine research has
dins (insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2; IGF1, IGF2) only recently revealed several of their major endocrine
from liver, and IGF1 may also exert negative feedback and neurochemical components. Neurons located in
actions within the hypothalamus to suppress GHRH the mediobasal hypothalamus are now known to be crit-
and stimulate SST release. ically important in both food intake and the autonomic
and behavioral systems through which energy expendi-
Homeostatic Neuroendocrine Systems ture is controlled. Many of these hypothalamic neurons
produce neuropeptide neurotransmitters that are either
Controlling Motivated Behaviors
orexigenic (stimulate food intake) or anorexigenic
Specific hypothalamic neuronal populations and (inhibit food intake), while at the same time reduce or
circuitries have been shown to be intimately involved increase energy expenditure. The relative activities of
in the regulation of motivated behaviors, and to function these cell groups are believed to manifest the prevailing
as major targets of peripheral hormones and other motivational state (i.e., satiety or hunger). These cell
humoral factors that regulate these behaviors. Many of groups are influenced, in turn, by neural and hormonal
the chapters in this book address in detail the neuro- signals that convey information about the availability of
endocrine mechanisms that mediate the central control metabolic energy substrates. Some of these signals arise
of motivational states that prompt reproductive, social from the gut and provide short-term cues about the
and ingestive behaviors. Some of these mechanisms absence or presence of food in the stomach.16,17 Others
function as homeostatic neuroendocrine systems that are hormonal signals that represent the levels of meta-
feature stimulatory and inhibitory influences and both bolic substrates in blood, and stored in fat cells and other
short-term and long-term feedback controls. This is tissues. The adipocyte-derived hormone, leptin, is one
perhaps best exemplified by the neuroendocrine such hormonal modulator that has been shown to
systems that govern energy homeostasis. suppress food intake and increase energy expenditure.18



Insulin appears to exert similar feedback effects.19 The

Environmental Stimuli, Homeostatic Settings
targets of leptin and insulin feedback effects on food
intake and energy expenditure are the same hypotha-
and Allostasis
lamic neuropeptidergic neurons that are crucial in While defending a preselected state, neuroendocrine
inducing or inhibiting feeding behavior and energy homeostatic systems must also register and transduce
expenditure. The long-term homeostatic regulation of acute stimuli, mount an appropriate response to the
body weight thus appears to be controlled by a neuro- perturbation, and return the system to the basal oper-
endocrine mechanism that controls energy intake and ating state. In the HPA axis, for example, a stressful stim-
expenditure, and a negative feedback regulation of these ulus rapidly evokes neurosecretion of CRH into the
same neuronal groups by leptin, insulin and other portal vessels, raising ACTH and hence glucocorticoid
factors that are raised as a consequence of energy intake release. The duration and pattern of the CRH, ACTH
and storage. How the hypothetical set point for body- and glucocorticoid response will be limited to some
weight regulation may be established, and how it may extent by an increase in feedback suppression of CRH
be altered in morbidly obese individuals, remains the and ACTH; however, with unabated stress some
subject of intense study. elevated level of CRH and ACTH secretion would
persist. Termination of the stress is then accompanied
Experimental Characterization of Homeostatic by a return to the original levels of CRH, ACTH and
glucocorticoid secretions, and responsiveness to feed-
Neuroendocrine Systems
back in the system.
Homeostatic neuroendocrine systems have been There are numerous examples of short-term
characterized through controlled experimental manipu- responses by an axis to a physiological stimulus. These
lation of the neuroendocrine axis, followed by careful perturbations usually take the form of exteroceptive or
analysis of the responses of the system. Selective interoceptive stimuli that are conveyed by sensory path-
blockade or stimulation of forward signals in the axis, ways, and they can be pheromonal, thermal, visual,
or removal and replacement of feedback signals, auditory, tactile, olfactory or gustatory in nature. In
produces responses of the system that are predicted by reflex ovulators, for example, coitus stimulates neural
a control system theory. For example, in the HPG axis, pathways of virtually all of the sensory modalities, and
the stimulatory actions of GnRH on LH secretion and these sensory signals converge in the hypothalamus.
LH on testosterone secretion are easily demonstrated Here, integrative neurons produce a major ovulatory
in vivo and in vitro. Conversely, removal of these regula- release of GnRH into the portal vessels, triggering
tors in vivo, by immunoneutralization, pharmacological a surge of LH into the circulation that in turn evokes
methods, hypothalamic lesions or hypophysectomy, ovulation.20 This neuroendocrine mechanism ensures
results in a precipitous decline in circulating testos- that the ovulation occurs in temporal register with the
terone concentrations. Negative feedback control has presence of viable sperm in the reproductive tract,
also been characterized in virtually all of the neuroendo- increasing the chances of reproductive success.
crine axes. The critical test requires removal of the Following the perturbation of the HPG axis, it returns
end-organ, where possible, and measurement of the to its basal activity state under the control of steroid
hypothalamic and pituitary secretory responses. In hormone feedback mechanisms. Another example is
systems featuring negative feedback, removal of the the response of the HPT axis to an acute cold stress,
end-organ (e.g., gonads) results in an acceleration of which produces a transient stimulation of TRH, and
GnRH release and a large increase in LH secretion; simi- hence TSH and thyroid hormone secretions21; the latter
larly, removal of the adrenal glands results in a robust secretions serve to elevate body metabolism and mount
increase in CRH and ACTH secretion, and removal of a thermoregulatory response to the external cold stress.
the thyroid results in a substantial increase in TRH and Interoceptive sensory signals can likewise be conveyed
thyrotropin secretion. In all cases, replacement with phys- from baroreceptors and proprioceptors in peripheral
iological concentrations of the appropriate end-organ organs and tissues to the hypothalamus, and thereby
hormone prevents these increases in hypothalamic and effect changes in neurohormone output. A sudden
pituitary hormone secretions. Specific features of these drop in blood pressure, for example, is detected by baro-
control mechanisms can differ between the axes. For receptors in the atria, carotid bodies and elsewhere in
example, in some the principal feedback target may be the arterial system, and resulting neural signals are
the hypothalamus, and in others the pituitary may serve conveyed up the neuroaxis, into the hypothalamic
as the primary feedback target. Furthermore, in the centers that mediate stress responses. As a result, CRH
systems governing GH and PRL secretion, short-loop and thus ACTH and glucocorticoid secretions (as well
feedback control may involve both suppression of the as vasopressin release) are acutely increased.22 Restora-
releasing factor and stimulation of the inhibiting factor. tion of blood pressure is accompanied by a return of the


HPA axis to its original basal activity state. Interoceptive a function of signals from the biological clock in the
signals can also be mediated by alterations in circulating SCN; activity in the HPA axis, for example, varies with
concentrations of metabolic intermediates, osmolytes or a 24-hour rhythm that peaks in the morning hours and
growth factors. Specific neuronal populations function decreases to a nadir in the evening. Sustained shifts in
as sensory receptors, which monitor the blood levels of the set point of an axis can also occur over many days;
these physiological factors and relay appropriate pheromonal cues, for example, can manifest continued
commands to hypothalamic homeostatic regulatory inhibition of GnRH neurosecretion and hence reproduc-
systems. For example, elevated amino acid levels (e.g., tive state, while social and psychological cues can alter
arginine) in blood stimulate GHRH and GH secretion, food intake and energy homeostasis in humans.
while hypoglycemia induces CRH/ACTH/glucocorti- Seasonal alteration in reproductive status (seasonal
coid secretion. breeding) is a reproductive strategy that represents
Homeostatic systems do not function in isolation from major set-point adjustments in the HPG axis over
one another. Often a most adaptive state may entail periods of months. The reproductive axis receives
responses that are integrated among the different homeo- photoperiodic cues through a signaling cascade that
static neuroendocrine systems. In some cases, these includes a retinohypothalamic pathway, synaptic path-
responses are synergistic; stressful stimuli activate both ways leading to the pineal gland, nocturnal melatonin
CRH and vasopressinergic neurosecretion in the median secretions and, ultimately, neuronal circuitries that
eminence (distinct from the magnocellular vasopressin control GnRH neurosecretion. Information regarding
release from posterior pituitary), and vasopressin can day length is registered, transduced, and encoded in
amplify the effects of CRH on ACTH secretion from cor- the duration of melatonin secretion as stimulatory or
ticotropes.23 In other circumstances, the activation of one inhibitory signals for reproductive status. The resulting
system is accompanied by the inhibition of another, periods of reproductive activity and inactivity are
providing an overall net adaptive benefit for the animal. thereby sustained throughout the months that are most
Stressors of many types, as well as a prolonged state of adaptive for the reproductive success and survival of
negative energy balance that accompanies undernutri- young of a particular species.
tion or strenuous exercise training, raise stress hormone Some of the foregoing adaptive changes in set points
secretions while often suppressing reproductive can be considered as components of higher-level inte-
hormone secretions.24 These coordinated responses to grative and adaptive responses to changing environ-
environmental conditions and behavioral state are medi- ments and social, ecological, and physical variables.
ated in large part by activation of CRH neurons and Superimposed upon the concept of homeostasis is the
suppression of GnRH neurons, through mechanisms idea of allostasis, or achieving stability through change.
that are largely unknown and are the subject of current Allostasis is thought of as a process that supports and
studies. Clearly, the induction of “hypothalamic amenor- maintains homeostatic systems to allow the organism
rhea” in these circumstances is an adaptive response that to adapt to changes in the environment and life history
conserves physiological resources that increase the stages.27 Major mediators of allostasis include the HPA
chance of individual survival, at the expense of tempo- axis, catecholamines and cytokines, and allostatic state
rary suppression of reproductive activities that normally refers to altered and sustained activity of these media-
perpetuate the species. tors in response to environmental challenges. The adap-
As revealed by Bernard, homeostatic systems main- tation-promoting responses of these mediators are
tain the constancy of the internal milieu in the face of recognized as having protective action in the short
changing external conditions. However, homeostatic term, but may cause damage over the long term,
systems also confer a major adaptive advantage to the including increased rates of brain and body aging,
organism, because homeostatic settings can change poor responses to stress, and increased susceptibility
during development, and can be altered in anticipation, to metabolic, cardiovascular and psychiatric disease, as
in association and/or in response to changes in the well as immune compromise. Allostatic load refers to
internal and external environments. An example of the the accumulated wear and tear caused by inefficiently
resetting of a homeostatic set point during development operated adaptive responses over time.
is the increase in the frequency and/or amplitude of
GnRH secretion that occurs during the pubertal activa-
tion of the HPG axis.25,26 The pubertal activation of CELLULAR MECHANISMS OF
GnRH release is sustained throughout the adult repro- NEUROENDOCRINE INTEGRATION
ductive lifespan, as is the acquired equilibrium between
hormone actions and feedback mechanisms in the HPG Both neuroendocrine reflexes and homeostatic regu-
axis. The set point for neurohormone secretion can also latory systems are critically dependent upon the func-
vary sinusoidally over the circadian period, likely as tioning of the cellular signal transduction mechanisms



in their constituent parts, especially those that occur

within the hypothalamic neurons that control these
systems. A given hypothalamic cell is endowed with
certain complements of neurotransmitter and hormone
receptors, second messenger systems, transcription
factors and ion channels, all of which may determine
the hypothalamic cell’s role in receiving, integrating
and transmitting neural signals that are vital to the oper-
ation of a given neuroendocrine system. A major chal-
lenge to neuroendocrine researchers is to elucidate
mechanisms through which a cell registers neural and
hormonal signals and integrates them in a process
leading to the production of a physiological output
signal. The difficulty of this task is greatly compounded
by the tremendous complexity of cellecell connections
FIGURE 1.7 Pulsatile hypothalamic GnRH release and LH secre-
and interactions with the hypothalamus, and the likeli- tion in serum as simultaneously monitored in an ovariectomized ewe.
hood that individual neurons are responsible for inte- Modified from, Levine et al.28
grating many different types of signals conveyed
simultaneously, or in an ordered temporal sequence.
Signals to be integrated include: (a) synaptic activation of receptors or their downstream signaling pathways.
via afferent neural pathways; (b) circulating hormones The pulsatile pattern of neurohormone secretion has
that bind their cognate receptors in the cell, thereby been found to be of profound importance in clinical
altering cytoplasmic signaling cascades and hence elec- cases requiring neurohormone substitution therapies,
trophysiological activity, secretory activity, and/or the such as the GnRH regimens used to induce or restore
expression of a variety of target genes; and (c) other fertility in hypogonadotropic-hypogonadal patients.30
humoral factors, such as metabolic intermediates, elec- Neural and hormonal signals may also exert long-
trolytes, temperature, etc. Moreover, humoral or neuro- lasting, often permanent, effects on the function of
chemical actions may be stimulatory or inhibitory, or a hypothalamic cell group by altering neurogenesis,
they may be permissive e that is, they render a cell cell growth, axon and dendrite morphogenesis, synaptic
more or less responsive to another (or the same) stim- connectivity, and cell death during fetal and neonatal
ulus. Cellular integration occurs when a cell assesses development, as well as neuroplasticity in adulthood.
the weight of each of these signals, computes their net The well-known organizational effects of steroid
effect and directs alterations in output signals. The final hormones during fetal development are but one class
output signal is encoded in changes in the rate or pattern of trophic signals that impact hypothalamic function.
of neurotransmission or neurosecretion from that cell. Metabolic hormones, such as leptin, have also been
A fundamental property that is specific to many determined to exert trophic effects on developing hypo-
neuroendocrine cell groups is the propensity to release thalamic circuitries.31 Many of these developmental
neurohormone in synchrony and at regular intervals. actions of hormones are discussed in subsequent chap-
This coordinated, intermittent release pattern by a popu- ters, particularly with relevance to sexual differentiation
lation of neurosecretory cells is referred to as neuroendo- of the brain or prenatal or neonatal programming of
crine pulsatility. An example of pulsatile GnRH release neuroendocrine function and behavior.
from terminals in the median eminance and the corre-
sponding pattern of pulsatile LH secretion in peripheral
blood of an ovariectomized ewe is shown in Fig. 1.7.28 CLINICAL NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY
Classic experiments by Ernst Knobil and colleagues29
established the functional importance of pulsatile neuro- Clinical consequences of neuroendocrine pathophys-
hormone secretion, as presentation of continuous neuro- iologies are discussed in many of the chapters in this
hormonal stimuli is less effective, or even inhibitory, in book, although in general they fall into categories of
releasing pituitary hormones. However, administration growth and developmental impairments, infertility,
of neurohormone (e.g., GnRH) as a series of regular oligo- or galactorrhea, hypo- or hyperthyroidism,
pulses can continue to evoke anterior pituitary hormone hypo- or hyperadrenocorticolism, diabetes insipidus,
secretions for virtually unlimited periods. It appears feeding disorders, metabolic diseases, sexual disorders,
likely that pulsatile hormone secretions serve to main- hormone-sensitive psychiatric and neurological
tain responsiveness of the signal transduction events diseases, and specific symptoms of diseases which
in pituitary cells, instead of inducing downregulation present as a syndrome, such as McCune-Albright


disease or polycystic ovarian syndrome. As with any tumorigenesis, and these and subsequent cell lines
diseases, the underlying causes of neuroendocrine dys- have permitted sophisticated cell and molecular anal-
regulation can be varied, and can be inherited (mono- yses of neuropeptide gene transcription, intra- and inter-
or polygenic), acquired, associated with tumorigenesis cellular signaling mechanisms, and cellular substrates of
and/or carcinogenesis, or otherwise associated with neuronal migration. Transgenic mouse lines have been
another medical condition. Diagnosis and treatment of developed by neuroendocrinologists that have
diseases with neuroendocrine components must always permitted targeted alteration or mapping of gene
take into account the multidimensional nature of the expression in specific subsets of hypothalamic cells.
controlled neuroendocrine system. Diseases that cause Transgenesis has been used to label cells of a certain
dysregulation in the neuroendocrine homeostatic axes phenotype, such that they may be visualized in the
are considered primary, if they involve the major end- living state. For example, the promoter sequence for
organ of the axis, or secondary, if defects occur at the GnRH gene was fused to a gene encoding the jelly-
antecedent levels (pituitary or hypothalamus). Neuro- fish green fluorescent protein (GFP) to create transgenic
endocrine diseases are usually diagnosed with the aid mice in which the transgene, and thus the fluorescent
of X-rays, MRIs and other imaging diagnostic proce- GFP molecule, is only expressed in GnRH neurons.34,35
dures, along with measurements of pituitary and end- This animal model has been used to permit visualization
organ hormones in serum. In some cases, provocative of these few neurons in living brain tissues for electro-
tests of a target-organ function are conducted with stim- physiological experiments.
ulatory hormone preparations. Gene knockout and knockin animals have provided
a wealth of information about the physiological roles of
hormones and their receptors in the central nervous
THE STUDY OF system. The loss of function in gene-deletion mutant
NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY animals can confirm the essential roles of a protein in
a specific neuroendocrine process, or it can even replicate
The methods used to study neuroendocrine systems a neuroendocrine disease state that is believed to arise
are as diverse as those employed by neuroscientists from analogous gene mutations in humans. For example,
and endocrinologists across a full spectrum of investiga- the critical importance of the estrogen receptor a (ERa)
tive levels, from molecular biology to behavior. Classical in mediating estradiol feedback effects in the reproduc-
in vivo and in vitro methods include surgical manipula- tive axis, sexual behavior and the neuroendocrine regula-
tions, hormone treatments, neuropharmacological tion of energy homeostasis has been firmly established
approaches, immunohistochemical analysis of neuro- using ERa null mutant mice.36e38 Additional knowledge
peptide or hormone receptor expression, cell and tissue of the specific ERa signaling mechanisms mediating
culture methods, radioligand receptor binding assays, in neural responses to estrogens has been provided by
situ hybridization, quantitative real-time PCR, and the study of ERa mutant gene knockin mice,38,39 which
immunoassays of hormones in body fluids and tissue can only exert effects through non-classical signaling
extracts. Modern neuroendocrine research utilizes virtu- mechanisms that do not utilize canonical geneotropic
ally any of the latest molecular, cellular, physiological, regulatory mechanisms. Similarly, an obligatory role of
behavioral and genetic approaches e often in combina- progesterone receptors in the stimulation of preovula-
tion with the classical techniques e to further under- tory gonadotropin surges was demonstrated through
standing of neurohormone synthesis, secretion, the study of progesterone receptor knockout (PRKO)
physiological roles and mechanisms of action, as well mice.40 Conditional gene targeting has likewise
as the molecular and cellular actions of peripheral produced profound insights into the cellular and molec-
hormones on brain development and function. ular physiology of neuroendocrine systems. In cell-
There are inherent challenges in the study of neuro- specific gene targeting, the loxPeCre recombination
endocrine systems that derive from the heterogeneity system is one such method involving the generation of
of the cell groups in the hypothalamus, and the relative mice bearing site-specific recombination sites, called
lack of stereotyped cell circuitries that are more easily loxP sites, in the intronic sequences that flank an essential
identified and accessed in the hippocampus, cerebellum exon of the target gene. A second line of mice is produced
and other brain structures. Neuroendocrinologists have that harbor a transgene construct containing a promoter
therefore often led the way in developing new methods fused to the Cre recombinase gene; importantly, the
to analyze the cellular and integrative properties of promoter is known to be active only in the cells of
hypothalamic neurons, and their functional roles in interest. Mating of the two mouse lines results in the
physiological contexts. Immortalized cell lines producing expression of Cre protein in the targeted cells, where it
the neurohormone GnRH were initially developed by acts at the loxP sites to delete the exon of the target
Mellon et al.32 and Radovick et al.33 by targeted gene, thereby inactivating it. Thus, the specific gene



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Neuroendocrine GPCR Signaling
Robert P. Millar 1, 2, 3, Claire L. Newton 1, Antonia K. Roseweir 1
Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh, School of Biomedical Sciences, Hugh Robson Building,
Edinburgh, UK, 2 UCT/MRC Group for Receptor Biology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa,
Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa


Principles and Classes of Receptors in Desensitization of GPCRS 35

Neuroendocrine Signaling 22 Uncoupling of GPCRs from G Proteins 36
GPCR Internalization 36
GPCR General Structure and Classification 22
GPCR Ubiquitination 37
Atomic-Level Structure of GPCRS 25
Intracellular Signaling by Major Neuroendocrine
Receptor Mechanism of Activation 27 GPCR Regulators 37
GnRHR (Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone Receptor) 37
Biophysical Approaches to GPCR Structure
Receptor Coupling 37
and Function 28
Intracellular Signaling 39
G-Protein Coupling of GPCRS 29 Absence of Rapid Mammalian GnRH Receptor
Heterotrimeric G-protein Selectivity 29 Desensitization and Ligand-induced Internalization 40
Modulating GPCR-coupling Selectivity 30 GPR54 (Kisspeptin Receptor) 41
Differential Receptor Phosphorylation 30 GPR147 (Gonadotropin-inhibitory Hormone (GnIH)
Receptor Oligomerization 31 Receptor) 42
Regulation of GPCR Cell Surface Expression TRHR (Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone Receptors) 42
and Pharmacochaperones 31 GHRHR (Growth Hormone-releasing Hormone
Regulators of G-protein Signaling (RGS) Receptors) 43
Proteins 33 DR (Dopamine Receptors) 43
Activators of G-protein Signaling (AGS) 33 SSTR (Somatostatin Receptors) 43
Receptor Activity of Modifying Proteins 33 VR (Vasopressin Receptors) 44
OTR (Oxytocin Receptor) 44
G-Protein Effectors 33
Adenylate Cyclase 33 Novel Neuroendocrine GPCRS Regulating
Phospholipase C (PLC) 33 Reproduction: Integrated Neuronal Regulation
Ion Channels 34 of GnRH 44
Non-G-Protein Coupling 34 Dysfunction of GPCR Signaling in Disease 46
Acknowledgments 46
Ligand-Induced Selective Signaling
(LISS) 34

Summary neuroendocrine GPCR families are the rhodopsin, secretin and

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate the majority glutamate families. Most neuroendocrine ligands are neuro-
of neuroendocrine signaling and are the major targets of peptides, but lipid molecules and biogenic amines are also
current neuroendocrine therapeutics. Currently, the major important regulators. Upon ligand binding of the cognate

Handbook of Neuroendocrinology, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-375097-6.10002-2 21 Copyright Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

GPCR, they undergo conformational change into an active on GPCRs, which are responsible for the majority of
state which facilitates binding of a heterotrimeric G protein signaling in neuroendocrinology.
comprised of a, b and g subunits. This leads to activation of the
G protein and the displacement of GDP bound to the a subunit
Two groups of GPCRs will be considered: (a) those
by GTP. This results in dissociation of the a subunit from the bg that mediate neurohypophysial ligand regulation of
subunits, and activation or inhibition of intracellular effectors pituitary (adenohypophysis) function (i.e., hypotha-
resulting in downstream signaling cascades which alter cellular lamic neurohormones); and (b) those that regulate the
activity and gene expression. There are four major classes of G secretion of the neurohypophysial hormones. It is
proteins; Gs, which activates adenylate cyclase to generate
cAMP, which then activates protein kinase A; Gi/o, which
impractical to present a comprehensive review of the
inhibits adenylate cyclase; Gq/11, which activates phospholipase signaling of all of these GPCRs, so this chapter will
Cb to generate inositol trisphospate (which mobilizes intracel- review the spectrum of receptors involved and their
lular Ca2þ) and diacyl glycerol (which activates protein kinase coupling, and will then provide a few exemplar detailed
C); and G12/13, whose targets are less well defined. There is descriptions of intracellular signaling of selected
a wide range of isoforms for each of the subunits, such that there
is potentially a large number of combinations making up the
GPCRs. Established and putative ligands and their
heterotrimeric G proteins. While the Ga subunits are largely cognate receptors involved in neuroendocrine regula-
responsible for the activation or inhibition of the effector tion are listed in Table 2.1, along with the G protein(s)
enzymes, the Gbg is also able to alter cellular systems such as they preferentially associate with. Although GPCRs
ion channels. Hydrolysis of GTP to GTP on the a subunit allows may preferentially recruit a specific G protein for
it to reassociate with the bg subunits so that the heterotrimeric G
protein is available for another cycle of GPCR activation. GPCRs
signaling, this can be highly modified by the intracel-
have been shown recently to also activate or recruit non-G lular protein milieu, which can also alter the ligand
proteins such as b-arrestin to initiate cellular events. Selectivity selectivity of the receptor. Table 2.1 lists the hypotha-
of GPCRs for signaling pathways and/or desensitization may lamic factors that are released into the hypophysial
be modified by phosphorylation by kinases, homo- or hetero- portal system which regulate pituitary hormone secre-
dimerization or oligomerization, and by association with a host
of intracellular proteins. In addition, these elements may
tion, as well as the peptide, biogenic amine and lipid
modify the selectivity of the GPCR for ligands. GPCR activities activated GPCRs that are proven or putative regulators
may also be modulated by proteins that affect their expression of the secretion of the hypothalamic factors. It is evident
and trafficking to the cell surface. Taken together, there is a vast that a wide diversity of ligands and cognate GPCRs
array of mechanisms that can affect GPCR signaling, which is modulate the neuroendocrine system, as might be
influenced by the cellular context and numerous inputs on
cellular function. In addition to being major targets for devel-
expected of this major physiological integrator.
opment of therapeutics, dysfunction of GPCRs, G proteins and
effectors through mutation leads to many disease states.

PRINCIPLES AND CLASSES OF GPCRs convey approximately 80% of signal transduc-

RECEPTORS IN NEUROENDOCRINE tion across cell membranes, and are also the predominant
SIGNALING signalers in neuroendocrinology. They are activated by
diverse ligands, which vary from single light photons
The detection and integration of diverse exogenous through cations, odorants, amino acids, lipids, fatty acids,
inputs (e.g., light, temperature, nutrient, visual, neurotransmitters, peptides and polypeptides. GPCRs are
odorant and pheromone) and endogenous signals located within the plasma membrane and have a common
(e.g., hormones, growth factors, neurotransmitters, architecture consisting of seven transmembrane (TM)
metabolites, ions and lipids) into the vertebrate hypo- a-helical domains, connected by extracellular (ECL) and
thalamus is crucial for homeostasis and survival. intracellular (ICL) loops (Fig. 2.1). One of the characteris-
Hypothalamic integration of, and responses to, these tics of GPCRs is that they are highly “druggable,” and
diverse inputs are mediated via four types of receptors. more than one-third of all current therapeutics are
These are: (a) The cell surface enzyme-associated recep- directed at them. Despite this, to date only a small
tors such as the tyrosine kinase insulin receptors; (b) the percentage of the ~800 known and verified GPCRs have
ion-channel receptors such as the nicotinic acetylcho- been targeted for therapeutics. There remains, therefore,
line receptors; (c) the G-protein coupled receptors; an enormous scope for researchers to delineate the
and (d) the intracellular transcription factor receptors numerous roles of GPCRs in physiology and pathophysi-
such as the steroid hormone receptors. All of these ology, and to thereby understand disease processes and
receptors are involved in mediating signals to the hypo- develop new treatments.
thalamus, where they are integrated to culminate in the GPCRs may be classified as five major families
secretion of regulatory neuropeptides and biogenic (Table 2.2). The largest family is the Rhodopsin family,
amines. However, this chapter will focus exclusively which comprises 672 family members, including 388


TABLE 2.1 Established and Putative Neuroendocrine Ligands and their Cognate GPCRs

GPCR G-protein coupling

Ligand family1 Receptor(s) predominance Ref(s)


Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and urocortins sec CRF1R, CRF2aR, CRF2bR and CRF2cR Gs 212
Dopamine rho D2R Gi/o 165
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) rho GnRHR type I, GnRHR type II Gq/11 5,78
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) sec GHRHR Gs and Gq/11 163

Oxytocin rho OTR Gq/11 185

Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide sec VPAC1R, VPAC2R, PAC1R Gs 213
(PACAP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
Somatostatin rho SST1R, SST2R, SST3R, SST4R, SST5R Gi/o 180
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) rho TRH1R, TRH2R Gq/11 161
Vasopressin rho V1aR, V1bR, Gq/11 182
V2R Gs
Apelin rho APJR Gi/o 214

Cholecystokinin and gastrin rho CCK1R, CCK2R Gq/11 and Gs 215

Galanin and galanin-like peptide (GALP) rho GAL1R, GAL2R, GAL3R Gi/o and Gq/11 216
(GAL2R only)
Ghrelin rho GHS-R1a, GHS-R1b Gq/11 217
Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) rho GPR147 Gi/o 218
Hypocretins (orexins) rho OX1R, OX2R Gq/11 219
Kisspeptins rho GPR54 Gq/11 149
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) rho MCH1R, MCH2R Gi/o and Gq/11 220

Melanocortins rho MC1R, MC2R, MC3R, MC4R, MC5R Gs 221

Melatonin rho MT1R, MT2R Gi/o 222
MT3R Gq/11

Neuromedin U rho NMU1R, NMU2R Gq/11 223

Neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and rho Y1R, Y2R, Y4R, Y5R, Y6R Gi/o 224
pancreatic polypeptiode (PP)
Neurotensin rho NTS1R, NTS2R Gq/11 225
Neurokinin B (NKB) rho NK3R Gq/11 226
Opioids rho mR, dR, kR Gi/o 227
Urotensin-II rho UTR Gq/11 228
g-amino butyric acid (GABA) glu GABAB1R, GABAB2R Gi/o 229
Histamine rho H1R Gq/11 230
H2R Gs
H3R, H4R Gi/o

Metabotropic glutamate glu mGlu2R, mGlu3R, mGlu4R, mGlu6R, Gi/o 231

mGlu7R, mGlu8R
mGlu1R, mGlu5R Gq/11



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Newala, too, suffers from the distance of its water-supply—at least

the Newala of to-day does; there was once another Newala in a lovely
valley at the foot of the plateau. I visited it and found scarcely a trace
of houses, only a Christian cemetery, with the graves of several
missionaries and their converts, remaining as a monument of its
former glories. But the surroundings are wonderfully beautiful. A
thick grove of splendid mango-trees closes in the weather-worn
crosses and headstones; behind them, combining the useful and the
agreeable, is a whole plantation of lemon-trees covered with ripe
fruit; not the small African kind, but a much larger and also juicier
imported variety, which drops into the hands of the passing traveller,
without calling for any exertion on his part. Old Newala is now under
the jurisdiction of the native pastor, Daudi, at Chingulungulu, who,
as I am on very friendly terms with him, allows me, as a matter of
course, the use of this lemon-grove during my stay at Newala.
(Sarcopsylla penetrans)

The water-supply of New Newala is in the bottom of the valley,

some 1,600 feet lower down. The way is not only long and fatiguing,
but the water, when we get it, is thoroughly bad. We are suffering not
only from this, but from the fact that the arrangements at Newala are
nothing short of luxurious. We have a separate kitchen—a hut built
against the boma palisade on the right of the baraza, the interior of
which is not visible from our usual position. Our two cooks were not
long in finding this out, and they consequently do—or rather neglect
to do—what they please. In any case they do not seem to be very
particular about the boiling of our drinking-water—at least I can
attribute to no other cause certain attacks of a dysenteric nature,
from which both Knudsen and I have suffered for some time. If a
man like Omari has to be left unwatched for a moment, he is capable
of anything. Besides this complaint, we are inconvenienced by the
state of our nails, which have become as hard as glass, and crack on
the slightest provocation, and I have the additional infliction of
pimples all over me. As if all this were not enough, we have also, for
the last week been waging war against the jigger, who has found his
Eldorado in the hot sand of the Makonde plateau. Our men are seen
all day long—whenever their chronic colds and the dysentery likewise
raging among them permit—occupied in removing this scourge of
Africa from their feet and trying to prevent the disastrous
consequences of its presence. It is quite common to see natives of
this place with one or two toes missing; many have lost all their toes,
or even the whole front part of the foot, so that a well-formed leg
ends in a shapeless stump. These ravages are caused by the female of
Sarcopsylla penetrans, which bores its way under the skin and there
develops an egg-sac the size of a pea. In all books on the subject, it is
stated that one’s attention is called to the presence of this parasite by
an intolerable itching. This agrees very well with my experience, so
far as the softer parts of the sole, the spaces between and under the
toes, and the side of the foot are concerned, but if the creature
penetrates through the harder parts of the heel or ball of the foot, it
may escape even the most careful search till it has reached maturity.
Then there is no time to be lost, if the horrible ulceration, of which
we see cases by the dozen every day, is to be prevented. It is much
easier, by the way, to discover the insect on the white skin of a
European than on that of a native, on which the dark speck scarcely
shows. The four or five jiggers which, in spite of the fact that I
constantly wore high laced boots, chose my feet to settle in, were
taken out for me by the all-accomplished Knudsen, after which I
thought it advisable to wash out the cavities with corrosive
sublimate. The natives have a different sort of disinfectant—they fill
the hole with scraped roots. In a tiny Makua village on the slope of
the plateau south of Newala, we saw an old woman who had filled all
the spaces under her toe-nails with powdered roots by way of
prophylactic treatment. What will be the result, if any, who can say?
The rest of the many trifling ills which trouble our existence are
really more comic than serious. In the absence of anything else to
smoke, Knudsen and I at last opened a box of cigars procured from
the Indian store-keeper at Lindi, and tried them, with the most
distressing results. Whether they contain opium or some other
narcotic, neither of us can say, but after the tenth puff we were both
“off,” three-quarters stupefied and unspeakably wretched. Slowly we
recovered—and what happened next? Half-an-hour later we were
once more smoking these poisonous concoctions—so insatiable is the
craving for tobacco in the tropics.
Even my present attacks of fever scarcely deserve to be taken
seriously. I have had no less than three here at Newala, all of which
have run their course in an incredibly short time. In the early
afternoon, I am busy with my old natives, asking questions and
making notes. The strong midday coffee has stimulated my spirits to
an extraordinary degree, the brain is active and vigorous, and work
progresses rapidly, while a pleasant warmth pervades the whole
body. Suddenly this gives place to a violent chill, forcing me to put on
my overcoat, though it is only half-past three and the afternoon sun
is at its hottest. Now the brain no longer works with such acuteness
and logical precision; more especially does it fail me in trying to
establish the syntax of the difficult Makua language on which I have
ventured, as if I had not enough to do without it. Under the
circumstances it seems advisable to take my temperature, and I do
so, to save trouble, without leaving my seat, and while going on with
my work. On examination, I find it to be 101·48°. My tutors are
abruptly dismissed and my bed set up in the baraza; a few minutes
later I am in it and treating myself internally with hot water and
Three hours later, the thermometer marks nearly 104°, and I make
them carry me back into the tent, bed and all, as I am now perspiring
heavily, and exposure to the cold wind just beginning to blow might
mean a fatal chill. I lie still for a little while, and then find, to my
great relief, that the temperature is not rising, but rather falling. This
is about 7.30 p.m. At 8 p.m. I find, to my unbounded astonishment,
that it has fallen below 98·6°, and I feel perfectly well. I read for an
hour or two, and could very well enjoy a smoke, if I had the
wherewithal—Indian cigars being out of the question.
Having no medical training, I am at a loss to account for this state
of things. It is impossible that these transitory attacks of high fever
should be malarial; it seems more probable that they are due to a
kind of sunstroke. On consulting my note-book, I become more and
more inclined to think this is the case, for these attacks regularly
follow extreme fatigue and long exposure to strong sunshine. They at
least have the advantage of being only short interruptions to my
work, as on the following morning I am always quite fresh and fit.
My treasure of a cook is suffering from an enormous hydrocele which
makes it difficult for him to get up, and Moritz is obliged to keep in
the dark on account of his inflamed eyes. Knudsen’s cook, a raw boy
from somewhere in the bush, knows still less of cooking than Omari;
consequently Nils Knudsen himself has been promoted to the vacant
post. Finding that we had come to the end of our supplies, he began
by sending to Chingulungulu for the four sucking-pigs which we had
bought from Matola and temporarily left in his charge; and when
they came up, neatly packed in a large crate, he callously slaughtered
the biggest of them. The first joint we were thoughtless enough to
entrust for roasting to Knudsen’s mshenzi cook, and it was
consequently uneatable; but we made the rest of the animal into a
jelly which we ate with great relish after weeks of underfeeding,
consuming incredible helpings of it at both midday and evening
meals. The only drawback is a certain want of variety in the tinned
vegetables. Dr. Jäger, to whom the Geographical Commission
entrusted the provisioning of the expeditions—mine as well as his
own—because he had more time on his hands than the rest of us,
seems to have laid in a huge stock of Teltow turnips,[46] an article of
food which is all very well for occasional use, but which quickly palls
when set before one every day; and we seem to have no other tins
left. There is no help for it—we must put up with the turnips; but I
am certain that, once I am home again, I shall not touch them for ten
years to come.
Amid all these minor evils, which, after all, go to make up the
genuine flavour of Africa, there is at least one cheering touch:
Knudsen has, with the dexterity of a skilled mechanic, repaired my 9
× 12 cm. camera, at least so far that I can use it with a little care.
How, in the absence of finger-nails, he was able to accomplish such a
ticklish piece of work, having no tool but a clumsy screw-driver for
taking to pieces and putting together again the complicated
mechanism of the instantaneous shutter, is still a mystery to me; but
he did it successfully. The loss of his finger-nails shows him in a light
contrasting curiously enough with the intelligence evinced by the
above operation; though, after all, it is scarcely surprising after his
ten years’ residence in the bush. One day, at Lindi, he had occasion
to wash a dog, which must have been in need of very thorough
cleansing, for the bottle handed to our friend for the purpose had an
extremely strong smell. Having performed his task in the most
conscientious manner, he perceived with some surprise that the dog
did not appear much the better for it, and was further surprised by
finding his own nails ulcerating away in the course of the next few
days. “How was I to know that carbolic acid has to be diluted?” he
mutters indignantly, from time to time, with a troubled gaze at his
mutilated finger-tips.
Since we came to Newala we have been making excursions in all
directions through the surrounding country, in accordance with old
habit, and also because the akida Sefu did not get together the tribal
elders from whom I wanted information so speedily as he had
promised. There is, however, no harm done, as, even if seen only
from the outside, the country and people are interesting enough.
The Makonde plateau is like a large rectangular table rounded off
at the corners. Measured from the Indian Ocean to Newala, it is
about seventy-five miles long, and between the Rovuma and the
Lukuledi it averages fifty miles in breadth, so that its superficial area
is about two-thirds of that of the kingdom of Saxony. The surface,
however, is not level, but uniformly inclined from its south-western
edge to the ocean. From the upper edge, on which Newala lies, the
eye ranges for many miles east and north-east, without encountering
any obstacle, over the Makonde bush. It is a green sea, from which
here and there thick clouds of smoke rise, to show that it, too, is
inhabited by men who carry on their tillage like so many other
primitive peoples, by cutting down and burning the bush, and
manuring with the ashes. Even in the radiant light of a tropical day
such a fire is a grand sight.
Much less effective is the impression produced just now by the
great western plain as seen from the edge of the plateau. As often as
time permits, I stroll along this edge, sometimes in one direction,
sometimes in another, in the hope of finding the air clear enough to
let me enjoy the view; but I have always been disappointed.
Wherever one looks, clouds of smoke rise from the burning bush,
and the air is full of smoke and vapour. It is a pity, for under more
favourable circumstances the panorama of the whole country up to
the distant Majeje hills must be truly magnificent. It is of little use
taking photographs now, and an outline sketch gives a very poor idea
of the scenery. In one of these excursions I went out of my way to
make a personal attempt on the Makonde bush. The present edge of
the plateau is the result of a far-reaching process of destruction
through erosion and denudation. The Makonde strata are
everywhere cut into by ravines, which, though short, are hundreds of
yards in depth. In consequence of the loose stratification of these
beds, not only are the walls of these ravines nearly vertical, but their
upper end is closed by an equally steep escarpment, so that the
western edge of the Makonde plateau is hemmed in by a series of
deep, basin-like valleys. In order to get from one side of such a ravine
to the other, I cut my way through the bush with a dozen of my men.
It was a very open part, with more grass than scrub, but even so the
short stretch of less than two hundred yards was very hard work; at
the end of it the men’s calicoes were in rags and they themselves
bleeding from hundreds of scratches, while even our strong khaki
suits had not escaped scatheless.



I see increasing reason to believe that the view formed some time
back as to the origin of the Makonde bush is the correct one. I have
no doubt that it is not a natural product, but the result of human
occupation. Those parts of the high country where man—as a very
slight amount of practice enables the eye to perceive at once—has not
yet penetrated with axe and hoe, are still occupied by a splendid
timber forest quite able to sustain a comparison with our mixed
forests in Germany. But wherever man has once built his hut or tilled
his field, this horrible bush springs up. Every phase of this process
may be seen in the course of a couple of hours’ walk along the main
road. From the bush to right or left, one hears the sound of the axe—
not from one spot only, but from several directions at once. A few
steps further on, we can see what is taking place. The brush has been
cut down and piled up in heaps to the height of a yard or more,
between which the trunks of the large trees stand up like the last
pillars of a magnificent ruined building. These, too, present a
melancholy spectacle: the destructive Makonde have ringed them—
cut a broad strip of bark all round to ensure their dying off—and also
piled up pyramids of brush round them. Father and son, mother and
son-in-law, are chopping away perseveringly in the background—too
busy, almost, to look round at the white stranger, who usually excites
so much interest. If you pass by the same place a week later, the piles
of brushwood have disappeared and a thick layer of ashes has taken
the place of the green forest. The large trees stretch their
smouldering trunks and branches in dumb accusation to heaven—if
they have not already fallen and been more or less reduced to ashes,
perhaps only showing as a white stripe on the dark ground.
This work of destruction is carried out by the Makonde alike on the
virgin forest and on the bush which has sprung up on sites already
cultivated and deserted. In the second case they are saved the trouble
of burning the large trees, these being entirely absent in the
secondary bush.
After burning this piece of forest ground and loosening it with the
hoe, the native sows his corn and plants his vegetables. All over the
country, he goes in for bed-culture, which requires, and, in fact,
receives, the most careful attention. Weeds are nowhere tolerated in
the south of German East Africa. The crops may fail on the plains,
where droughts are frequent, but never on the plateau with its
abundant rains and heavy dews. Its fortunate inhabitants even have
the satisfaction of seeing the proud Wayao and Wamakua working
for them as labourers, driven by hunger to serve where they were
accustomed to rule.
But the light, sandy soil is soon exhausted, and would yield no
harvest the second year if cultivated twice running. This fact has
been familiar to the native for ages; consequently he provides in
time, and, while his crop is growing, prepares the next plot with axe
and firebrand. Next year he plants this with his various crops and
lets the first piece lie fallow. For a short time it remains waste and
desolate; then nature steps in to repair the destruction wrought by
man; a thousand new growths spring out of the exhausted soil, and
even the old stumps put forth fresh shoots. Next year the new growth
is up to one’s knees, and in a few years more it is that terrible,
impenetrable bush, which maintains its position till the black
occupier of the land has made the round of all the available sites and
come back to his starting point.
The Makonde are, body and soul, so to speak, one with this bush.
According to my Yao informants, indeed, their name means nothing
else but “bush people.” Their own tradition says that they have been
settled up here for a very long time, but to my surprise they laid great
stress on an original immigration. Their old homes were in the
south-east, near Mikindani and the mouth of the Rovuma, whence
their peaceful forefathers were driven by the continual raids of the
Sakalavas from Madagascar and the warlike Shirazis[47] of the coast,
to take refuge on the almost inaccessible plateau. I have studied
African ethnology for twenty years, but the fact that changes of
population in this apparently quiet and peaceable corner of the earth
could have been occasioned by outside enterprises taking place on
the high seas, was completely new to me. It is, no doubt, however,
The charming tribal legend of the Makonde—besides informing us
of other interesting matters—explains why they have to live in the
thickest of the bush and a long way from the edge of the plateau,
instead of making their permanent homes beside the purling brooks
and springs of the low country.
“The place where the tribe originated is Mahuta, on the southern
side of the plateau towards the Rovuma, where of old time there was
nothing but thick bush. Out of this bush came a man who never
washed himself or shaved his head, and who ate and drank but little.
He went out and made a human figure from the wood of a tree
growing in the open country, which he took home to his abode in the
bush and there set it upright. In the night this image came to life and
was a woman. The man and woman went down together to the
Rovuma to wash themselves. Here the woman gave birth to a still-
born child. They left that place and passed over the high land into the
valley of the Mbemkuru, where the woman had another child, which
was also born dead. Then they returned to the high bush country of
Mahuta, where the third child was born, which lived and grew up. In
course of time, the couple had many more children, and called
themselves Wamatanda. These were the ancestral stock of the
Makonde, also called Wamakonde,[48] i.e., aborigines. Their
forefather, the man from the bush, gave his children the command to
bury their dead upright, in memory of the mother of their race who
was cut out of wood and awoke to life when standing upright. He also
warned them against settling in the valleys and near large streams,
for sickness and death dwelt there. They were to make it a rule to
have their huts at least an hour’s walk from the nearest watering-
place; then their children would thrive and escape illness.”
The explanation of the name Makonde given by my informants is
somewhat different from that contained in the above legend, which I
extract from a little book (small, but packed with information), by
Pater Adams, entitled Lindi und sein Hinterland. Otherwise, my
results agree exactly with the statements of the legend. Washing?
Hapana—there is no such thing. Why should they do so? As it is, the
supply of water scarcely suffices for cooking and drinking; other
people do not wash, so why should the Makonde distinguish himself
by such needless eccentricity? As for shaving the head, the short,
woolly crop scarcely needs it,[49] so the second ancestral precept is
likewise easy enough to follow. Beyond this, however, there is
nothing ridiculous in the ancestor’s advice. I have obtained from
various local artists a fairly large number of figures carved in wood,
ranging from fifteen to twenty-three inches in height, and
representing women belonging to the great group of the Mavia,
Makonde, and Matambwe tribes. The carving is remarkably well
done and renders the female type with great accuracy, especially the
keloid ornamentation, to be described later on. As to the object and
meaning of their works the sculptors either could or (more probably)
would tell me nothing, and I was forced to content myself with the
scanty information vouchsafed by one man, who said that the figures
were merely intended to represent the nembo—the artificial
deformations of pelele, ear-discs, and keloids. The legend recorded
by Pater Adams places these figures in a new light. They must surely
be more than mere dolls; and we may even venture to assume that
they are—though the majority of present-day Makonde are probably
unaware of the fact—representations of the tribal ancestress.
The references in the legend to the descent from Mahuta to the
Rovuma, and to a journey across the highlands into the Mbekuru
valley, undoubtedly indicate the previous history of the tribe, the
travels of the ancestral pair typifying the migrations of their
descendants. The descent to the neighbouring Rovuma valley, with
its extraordinary fertility and great abundance of game, is intelligible
at a glance—but the crossing of the Lukuledi depression, the ascent
to the Rondo Plateau and the descent to the Mbemkuru, also lie
within the bounds of probability, for all these districts have exactly
the same character as the extreme south. Now, however, comes a
point of especial interest for our bacteriological age. The primitive
Makonde did not enjoy their lives in the marshy river-valleys.
Disease raged among them, and many died. It was only after they
had returned to their original home near Mahuta, that the health
conditions of these people improved. We are very apt to think of the
African as a stupid person whose ignorance of nature is only equalled
by his fear of it, and who looks on all mishaps as caused by evil
spirits and malignant natural powers. It is much more correct to
assume in this case that the people very early learnt to distinguish
districts infested with malaria from those where it is absent.
This knowledge is crystallized in the
ancestral warning against settling in the
valleys and near the great waters, the
dwelling-places of disease and death. At the
same time, for security against the hostile
Mavia south of the Rovuma, it was enacted
that every settlement must be not less than a
certain distance from the southern edge of the
plateau. Such in fact is their mode of life at the
present day. It is not such a bad one, and
certainly they are both safer and more
comfortable than the Makua, the recent
intruders from the south, who have made USUAL METHOD OF
good their footing on the western edge of the CLOSING HUT-DOOR
plateau, extending over a fairly wide belt of
country. Neither Makua nor Makonde show in their dwellings
anything of the size and comeliness of the Yao houses in the plain,
especially at Masasi, Chingulungulu and Zuza’s. Jumbe Chauro, a
Makonde hamlet not far from Newala, on the road to Mahuta, is the
most important settlement of the tribe I have yet seen, and has fairly
spacious huts. But how slovenly is their construction compared with
the palatial residences of the elephant-hunters living in the plain.
The roofs are still more untidy than in the general run of huts during
the dry season, the walls show here and there the scanty beginnings
or the lamentable remains of the mud plastering, and the interior is a
veritable dog-kennel; dirt, dust and disorder everywhere. A few huts
only show any attempt at division into rooms, and this consists
merely of very roughly-made bamboo partitions. In one point alone
have I noticed any indication of progress—in the method of fastening
the door. Houses all over the south are secured in a simple but
ingenious manner. The door consists of a set of stout pieces of wood
or bamboo, tied with bark-string to two cross-pieces, and moving in
two grooves round one of the door-posts, so as to open inwards. If
the owner wishes to leave home, he takes two logs as thick as a man’s
upper arm and about a yard long. One of these is placed obliquely
against the middle of the door from the inside, so as to form an angle
of from 60° to 75° with the ground. He then places the second piece
horizontally across the first, pressing it downward with all his might.
It is kept in place by two strong posts planted in the ground a few
inches inside the door. This fastening is absolutely safe, but of course
cannot be applied to both doors at once, otherwise how could the
owner leave or enter his house? I have not yet succeeded in finding
out how the back door is fastened.


This is the general way of closing a house. The Makonde at Jumbe
Chauro, however, have a much more complicated, solid and original
one. Here, too, the door is as already described, except that there is
only one post on the inside, standing by itself about six inches from
one side of the doorway. Opposite this post is a hole in the wall just
large enough to admit a man’s arm. The door is closed inside by a
large wooden bolt passing through a hole in this post and pressing
with its free end against the door. The other end has three holes into
which fit three pegs running in vertical grooves inside the post. The
door is opened with a wooden key about a foot long, somewhat
curved and sloped off at the butt; the other end has three pegs
corresponding to the holes, in the bolt, so that, when it is thrust
through the hole in the wall and inserted into the rectangular
opening in the post, the pegs can be lifted and the bolt drawn out.[50]


With no small pride first one householder and then a second

showed me on the spot the action of this greatest invention of the
Makonde Highlands. To both with an admiring exclamation of
“Vizuri sana!” (“Very fine!”). I expressed the wish to take back these
marvels with me to Ulaya, to show the Wazungu what clever fellows
the Makonde are. Scarcely five minutes after my return to camp at
Newala, the two men came up sweating under the weight of two
heavy logs which they laid down at my feet, handing over at the same
time the keys of the fallen fortress. Arguing, logically enough, that if
the key was wanted, the lock would be wanted with it, they had taken
their axes and chopped down the posts—as it never occurred to them
to dig them out of the ground and so bring them intact. Thus I have
two badly damaged specimens, and the owners, instead of praise,
come in for a blowing-up.
The Makua huts in the environs of Newala are especially
miserable; their more than slovenly construction reminds one of the
temporary erections of the Makua at Hatia’s, though the people here
have not been concerned in a war. It must therefore be due to
congenital idleness, or else to the absence of a powerful chief. Even
the baraza at Mlipa’s, a short hour’s walk south-east of Newala,
shares in this general neglect. While public buildings in this country
are usually looked after more or less carefully, this is in evident
danger of being blown over by the first strong easterly gale. The only
attractive object in this whole district is the grave of the late chief
Mlipa. I visited it in the morning, while the sun was still trying with
partial success to break through the rolling mists, and the circular
grove of tall euphorbias, which, with a broken pot, is all that marks
the old king’s resting-place, impressed one with a touch of pathos.
Even my very materially-minded carriers seemed to feel something
of the sort, for instead of their usual ribald songs, they chanted
solemnly, as we marched on through the dense green of the Makonde
“We shall arrive with the great master; we stand in a row and have
no fear about getting our food and our money from the Serkali (the
Government). We are not afraid; we are going along with the great
master, the lion; we are going down to the coast and back.”
With regard to the characteristic features of the various tribes here
on the western edge of the plateau, I can arrive at no other
conclusion than the one already come to in the plain, viz., that it is
impossible for anyone but a trained anthropologist to assign any
given individual at once to his proper tribe. In fact, I think that even
an anthropological specialist, after the most careful examination,
might find it a difficult task to decide. The whole congeries of peoples
collected in the region bounded on the west by the great Central
African rift, Tanganyika and Nyasa, and on the east by the Indian
Ocean, are closely related to each other—some of their languages are
only distinguished from one another as dialects of the same speech,
and no doubt all the tribes present the same shape of skull and
structure of skeleton. Thus, surely, there can be no very striking
differences in outward appearance.
Even did such exist, I should have no time
to concern myself with them, for day after day,
I have to see or hear, as the case may be—in
any case to grasp and record—an
extraordinary number of ethnographic
phenomena. I am almost disposed to think it
fortunate that some departments of inquiry, at
least, are barred by external circumstances.
Chief among these is the subject of iron-
working. We are apt to think of Africa as a
country where iron ore is everywhere, so to
speak, to be picked up by the roadside, and
where it would be quite surprising if the
inhabitants had not learnt to smelt the
material ready to their hand. In fact, the
knowledge of this art ranges all over the
continent, from the Kabyles in the north to the
Kafirs in the south. Here between the Rovuma
and the Lukuledi the conditions are not so
favourable. According to the statements of the
Makonde, neither ironstone nor any other
form of iron ore is known to them. They have
not therefore advanced to the art of smelting
the metal, but have hitherto bought all their
iron implements from neighbouring tribes.
Even in the plain the inhabitants are not much
better off. Only one man now living is said to
understand the art of smelting iron. This old fundi lives close to
Huwe, that isolated, steep-sided block of granite which rises out of
the green solitude between Masasi and Chingulungulu, and whose
jagged and splintered top meets the traveller’s eye everywhere. While
still at Masasi I wished to see this man at work, but was told that,
frightened by the rising, he had retired across the Rovuma, though
he would soon return. All subsequent inquiries as to whether the
fundi had come back met with the genuine African answer, “Bado”
(“Not yet”).

Some consolation was afforded me by a brassfounder, whom I

came across in the bush near Akundonde’s. This man is the favourite
of women, and therefore no doubt of the gods; he welds the glittering
brass rods purchased at the coast into those massive, heavy rings
which, on the wrists and ankles of the local fair ones, continually give
me fresh food for admiration. Like every decent master-craftsman he
had all his tools with him, consisting of a pair of bellows, three
crucibles and a hammer—nothing more, apparently. He was quite
willing to show his skill, and in a twinkling had fixed his bellows on
the ground. They are simply two goat-skins, taken off whole, the four
legs being closed by knots, while the upper opening, intended to
admit the air, is kept stretched by two pieces of wood. At the lower
end of the skin a smaller opening is left into which a wooden tube is
stuck. The fundi has quickly borrowed a heap of wood-embers from
the nearest hut; he then fixes the free ends of the two tubes into an
earthen pipe, and clamps them to the ground by means of a bent
piece of wood. Now he fills one of his small clay crucibles, the dross
on which shows that they have been long in use, with the yellow
material, places it in the midst of the embers, which, at present are
only faintly glimmering, and begins his work. In quick alternation
the smith’s two hands move up and down with the open ends of the
bellows; as he raises his hand he holds the slit wide open, so as to let
the air enter the skin bag unhindered. In pressing it down he closes
the bag, and the air puffs through the bamboo tube and clay pipe into
the fire, which quickly burns up. The smith, however, does not keep
on with this work, but beckons to another man, who relieves him at
the bellows, while he takes some more tools out of a large skin pouch
carried on his back. I look on in wonder as, with a smooth round
stick about the thickness of a finger, he bores a few vertical holes into
the clean sand of the soil. This should not be difficult, yet the man
seems to be taking great pains over it. Then he fastens down to the
ground, with a couple of wooden clamps, a neat little trough made by
splitting a joint of bamboo in half, so that the ends are closed by the
two knots. At last the yellow metal has attained the right consistency,
and the fundi lifts the crucible from the fire by means of two sticks
split at the end to serve as tongs. A short swift turn to the left—a
tilting of the crucible—and the molten brass, hissing and giving forth
clouds of smoke, flows first into the bamboo mould and then into the
holes in the ground.
The technique of this backwoods craftsman may not be very far
advanced, but it cannot be denied that he knows how to obtain an
adequate result by the simplest means. The ladies of highest rank in
this country—that is to say, those who can afford it, wear two kinds
of these massive brass rings, one cylindrical, the other semicircular
in section. The latter are cast in the most ingenious way in the
bamboo mould, the former in the circular hole in the sand. It is quite
a simple matter for the fundi to fit these bars to the limbs of his fair
customers; with a few light strokes of his hammer he bends the
pliable brass round arm or ankle without further inconvenience to
the wearer.










Pottery is an art which must always and everywhere excite the
interest of the student, just because it is so intimately connected with
the development of human culture, and because its relics are one of
the principal factors in the reconstruction of our own condition in
prehistoric times. I shall always remember with pleasure the two or
three afternoons at Masasi when Salim Matola’s mother, a slightly-
built, graceful, pleasant-looking woman, explained to me with
touching patience, by means of concrete illustrations, the ceramic art
of her people. The only implements for this primitive process were a
lump of clay in her left hand, and in the right a calabash containing
the following valuables: the fragment of a maize-cob stripped of all
its grains, a smooth, oval pebble, about the size of a pigeon’s egg, a
few chips of gourd-shell, a bamboo splinter about the length of one’s
hand, a small shell, and a bunch of some herb resembling spinach.
Nothing more. The woman scraped with the
shell a round, shallow hole in the soft, fine
sand of the soil, and, when an active young
girl had filled the calabash with water for her,
she began to knead the clay. As if by magic it
gradually assumed the shape of a rough but
already well-shaped vessel, which only wanted
a little touching up with the instruments
before mentioned. I looked out with the
MAKUA WOMAN closest attention for any indication of the use
MAKING A POT. of the potter’s wheel, in however rudimentary
SHOWS THE a form, but no—hapana (there is none). The
BEGINNINGS OF THE embryo pot stood firmly in its little
depression, and the woman walked round it in
a stooping posture, whether she was removing
small stones or similar foreign bodies with the maize-cob, smoothing
the inner or outer surface with the splinter of bamboo, or later, after
letting it dry for a day, pricking in the ornamentation with a pointed
bit of gourd-shell, or working out the bottom, or cutting the edge
with a sharp bamboo knife, or giving the last touches to the finished
vessel. This occupation of the women is infinitely toilsome, but it is
without doubt an accurate reproduction of the process in use among
our ancestors of the Neolithic and Bronze ages.
There is no doubt that the invention of pottery, an item in human
progress whose importance cannot be over-estimated, is due to
women. Rough, coarse and unfeeling, the men of the horde range
over the countryside. When the united cunning of the hunters has
succeeded in killing the game; not one of them thinks of carrying
home the spoil. A bright fire, kindled by a vigorous wielding of the
drill, is crackling beside them; the animal has been cleaned and cut
up secundum artem, and, after a slight singeing, will soon disappear
under their sharp teeth; no one all this time giving a single thought
to wife or child.
To what shifts, on the other hand, the primitive wife, and still more
the primitive mother, was put! Not even prehistoric stomachs could
endure an unvarying diet of raw food. Something or other suggested
the beneficial effect of hot water on the majority of approved but
indigestible dishes. Perhaps a neighbour had tried holding the hard
roots or tubers over the fire in a calabash filled with water—or maybe
an ostrich-egg-shell, or a hastily improvised vessel of bark. They
became much softer and more palatable than they had previously
been; but, unfortunately, the vessel could not stand the fire and got
charred on the outside. That can be remedied, thought our
ancestress, and plastered a layer of wet clay round a similar vessel.
This is an improvement; the cooking utensil remains uninjured, but
the heat of the fire has shrunk it, so that it is loose in its shell. The
next step is to detach it, so, with a firm grip and a jerk, shell and
kernel are separated, and pottery is invented. Perhaps, however, the
discovery which led to an intelligent use of the burnt-clay shell, was
made in a slightly different way. Ostrich-eggs and calabashes are not
to be found in every part of the world, but everywhere mankind has
arrived at the art of making baskets out of pliant materials, such as
bark, bast, strips of palm-leaf, supple twigs, etc. Our inventor has no
water-tight vessel provided by nature. “Never mind, let us line the
basket with clay.” This answers the purpose, but alas! the basket gets
burnt over the blazing fire, the woman watches the process of
cooking with increasing uneasiness, fearing a leak, but no leak
appears. The food, done to a turn, is eaten with peculiar relish; and
the cooking-vessel is examined, half in curiosity, half in satisfaction
at the result. The plastic clay is now hard as stone, and at the same
time looks exceedingly well, for the neat plaiting of the burnt basket
is traced all over it in a pretty pattern. Thus, simultaneously with
pottery, its ornamentation was invented.
Primitive woman has another claim to respect. It was the man,
roving abroad, who invented the art of producing fire at will, but the
woman, unable to imitate him in this, has been a Vestal from the
earliest times. Nothing gives so much trouble as the keeping alight of
the smouldering brand, and, above all, when all the men are absent
from the camp. Heavy rain-clouds gather, already the first large
drops are falling, the first gusts of the storm rage over the plain. The
little flame, a greater anxiety to the woman than her own children,
flickers unsteadily in the blast. What is to be done? A sudden thought
occurs to her, and in an instant she has constructed a primitive hut
out of strips of bark, to protect the flame against rain and wind.
This, or something very like it, was the way in which the principle
of the house was discovered; and even the most hardened misogynist
cannot fairly refuse a woman the credit of it. The protection of the
hearth-fire from the weather is the germ from which the human
dwelling was evolved. Men had little, if any share, in this forward
step, and that only at a late stage. Even at the present day, the
plastering of the housewall with clay and the manufacture of pottery
are exclusively the women’s business. These are two very significant
survivals. Our European kitchen-garden, too, is originally a woman’s
invention, and the hoe, the primitive instrument of agriculture, is,
characteristically enough, still used in this department. But the
noblest achievement which we owe to the other sex is unquestionably
the art of cookery. Roasting alone—the oldest process—is one for
which men took the hint (a very obvious one) from nature. It must
have been suggested by the scorched carcase of some animal
overtaken by the destructive forest-fires. But boiling—the process of
improving organic substances by the help of water heated to boiling-
point—is a much later discovery. It is so recent that it has not even
yet penetrated to all parts of the world. The Polynesians understand
how to steam food, that is, to cook it, neatly wrapped in leaves, in a
hole in the earth between hot stones, the air being excluded, and
(sometimes) a few drops of water sprinkled on the stones; but they
do not understand boiling.
To come back from this digression, we find that the slender Nyasa
woman has, after once more carefully examining the finished pot,
put it aside in the shade to dry. On the following day she sends me
word by her son, Salim Matola, who is always on hand, that she is
going to do the burning, and, on coming out of my house, I find her
already hard at work. She has spread on the ground a layer of very
dry sticks, about as thick as one’s thumb, has laid the pot (now of a
yellowish-grey colour) on them, and is piling brushwood round it.
My faithful Pesa mbili, the mnyampara, who has been standing by,
most obligingly, with a lighted stick, now hands it to her. Both of
them, blowing steadily, light the pile on the lee side, and, when the
flame begins to catch, on the weather side also. Soon the whole is in a
blaze, but the dry fuel is quickly consumed and the fire dies down, so
that we see the red-hot vessel rising from the ashes. The woman
turns it continually with a long stick, sometimes one way and
sometimes another, so that it may be evenly heated all over. In
twenty minutes she rolls it out of the ash-heap, takes up the bundle
of spinach, which has been lying for two days in a jar of water, and
sprinkles the red-hot clay with it. The places where the drops fall are
marked by black spots on the uniform reddish-brown surface. With a
sigh of relief, and with visible satisfaction, the woman rises to an
erect position; she is standing just in a line between me and the fire,
from which a cloud of smoke is just rising: I press the ball of my
camera, the shutter clicks—the apotheosis is achieved! Like a
priestess, representative of her inventive sex, the graceful woman
stands: at her feet the hearth-fire she has given us beside her the
invention she has devised for us, in the background the home she has
built for us.
At Newala, also, I have had the manufacture of pottery carried on
in my presence. Technically the process is better than that already
described, for here we find the beginnings of the potter’s wheel,
which does not seem to exist in the plains; at least I have seen
nothing of the sort. The artist, a frightfully stupid Makua woman, did
not make a depression in the ground to receive the pot she was about
to shape, but used instead a large potsherd. Otherwise, she went to
work in much the same way as Salim’s mother, except that she saved
herself the trouble of walking round and round her work by squatting
at her ease and letting the pot and potsherd rotate round her; this is
surely the first step towards a machine. But it does not follow that
the pot was improved by the process. It is true that it was beautifully
rounded and presented a very creditable appearance when finished,
but the numerous large and small vessels which I have seen, and, in
part, collected, in the “less advanced” districts, are no less so. We
moderns imagine that instruments of precision are necessary to
produce excellent results. Go to the prehistoric collections of our
museums and look at the pots, urns and bowls of our ancestors in the
dim ages of the past, and you will at once perceive your error.







To-day, nearly the whole population of German East Africa is
clothed in imported calico. This was not always the case; even now in
some parts of the north dressed skins are still the prevailing wear,
and in the north-western districts—east and north of Lake
Tanganyika—lies a zone where bark-cloth has not yet been
superseded. Probably not many generations have passed since such
bark fabrics and kilts of skins were the only clothing even in the
south. Even to-day, large quantities of this bright-red or drab
material are still to be found; but if we wish to see it, we must look in
the granaries and on the drying stages inside the native huts, where
it serves less ambitious uses as wrappings for those seeds and fruits
which require to be packed with special care. The salt produced at
Masasi, too, is packed for transport to a distance in large sheets of
bark-cloth. Wherever I found it in any degree possible, I studied the
process of making this cloth. The native requisitioned for the
purpose arrived, carrying a log between two and three yards long and
as thick as his thigh, and nothing else except a curiously-shaped
mallet and the usual long, sharp and pointed knife which all men and
boys wear in a belt at their backs without a sheath—horribile dictu!
Silently he squats down before me, and with two rapid cuts has
drawn a couple of circles round the log some two yards apart, and
slits the bark lengthwise between them with the point of his knife.
With evident care, he then scrapes off the outer rind all round the
log, so that in a quarter of an hour the inner red layer of the bark
shows up brightly-coloured between the two untouched ends. With
some trouble and much caution, he now loosens the bark at one end,
and opens the cylinder. He then stands up, takes hold of the free
edge with both hands, and turning it inside out, slowly but steadily
pulls it off in one piece. Now comes the troublesome work of
scraping all superfluous particles of outer bark from the outside of
the long, narrow piece of material, while the inner side is carefully
scrutinised for defective spots. At last it is ready for beating. Having
signalled to a friend, who immediately places a bowl of water beside
him, the artificer damps his sheet of bark all over, seizes his mallet,
lays one end of the stuff on the smoothest spot of the log, and
hammers away slowly but continuously. “Very simple!” I think to
myself. “Why, I could do that, too!”—but I am forced to change my
opinions a little later on; for the beating is quite an art, if the fabric is
not to be beaten to pieces. To prevent the breaking of the fibres, the
stuff is several times folded across, so as to interpose several
thicknesses between the mallet and the block. At last the required
state is reached, and the fundi seizes the sheet, still folded, by both
ends, and wrings it out, or calls an assistant to take one end while he
holds the other. The cloth produced in this way is not nearly so fine
and uniform in texture as the famous Uganda bark-cloth, but it is
quite soft, and, above all, cheap.
Now, too, I examine the mallet. My craftsman has been using the
simpler but better form of this implement, a conical block of some
hard wood, its base—the striking surface—being scored across and
across with more or less deeply-cut grooves, and the handle stuck
into a hole in the middle. The other and earlier form of mallet is
shaped in the same way, but the head is fastened by an ingenious
network of bark strips into the split bamboo serving as a handle. The
observation so often made, that ancient customs persist longest in
connection with religious ceremonies and in the life of children, here
finds confirmation. As we shall soon see, bark-cloth is still worn
during the unyago,[52] having been prepared with special solemn
ceremonies; and many a mother, if she has no other garment handy,
will still put her little one into a kilt of bark-cloth, which, after all,
looks better, besides being more in keeping with its African
surroundings, than the ridiculous bit of print from Ulaya.

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