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LESSON 1. LOCAL AND GLOBAL COMMUNICATION IN 3. identify ways culture can determine how
MULTICULTURAL SETTING information is processed.

4. compare communication in the local and

global settings and
Communication is often defined as the sharing
of information, ideas, and messages between two or 5. identify effective ways of communicating
more people. The primary goal, of course, of within the influences of individual cultures.
communication is to understand the information being
conveyed or shared and, at the same time, also to be
understood. One of the ways successful communication Effective communication is important in any
can be achieved is to have the involved parties share a interaction one gets involved in. In theory, effective
mutual knowledge of how the signs and symbols used in communication is as simple as sending a message to a
communication come together to create meaning. receiver, the receiver decoding the message and
However, communication is not as simple as sending and understanding it, and, ideally, getting a response from
receiving messages, as it may involve interaction that receiver. However, effective communication is not
between people from different backgrounds and as simple as it theoretically sounds. Effective
cultures. Often, how people impart and understand a communication involves a complex understanding of
message depends on how they derive or inject meaning how symbols and signs are presented based on the
into what is being said (or not said). People read cultures and environments of the communicators. Look
information based on their knowledge of it, and their at how one communicates within the boundaries of
knowledge is ultimately shaped by the culture and his/her home. Despite speaking the same language and
environment they are in. It is important to understand coming from the same background and culture, family
that what is appropriate in terms of communication can members still experience miscommunication due, most
differ from person to person or from culture to culture. likely, to differences in age, gender, and personality or
Communicating in a culturally appropriate way would the context in which the message is interpreted.
require finding ways to impart and receive messages
with respect to the cultural differences between Now, take that same situation and place it in a
individuals involved in the communication process. global context. Imagine one’s self - interacting with
Therefore, to be able to communicate effectively in the people from different backgrounds, cultures, and
local and global setting, one must be able to understand languages. The opportunity for miscommunication
that there are internal and external differences one must becomes more apparent the bigger the difference is
take into consideration before diving into the process of between the communicators’ language and culture.
What is culture?

LEARNING OUTCOMES Culture is often defined as the learned patterns

and attitudes shared by a group (Martin & Nakayama,
At the end of this lesson, the students shall have been 2010). According to Geert Hofstede (1984), a noted
able to: social psychologist, culture is "the programming of the
mind." He said:
1. define and discuss cultural diversity;
Every person carries within him or herself
2.discuss and define what intercultural
patterns of thinking, feeling, and potential
communication is;
acting which were learned throughout [his or
her] lifetime. Much of [these patterns are]


acquired in early childhood because, at that According to scholars, high-context and low-
time, a person is most susceptible to learning context cultures rely on the verbal and nonverbal cues
and assimilating. present in the interaction to draw meaning from the
message. High-context cultures consider the
Hofstede (1984) described how patterns are
background information of the sender and receiver
learned and developed through daily interactions with
when comprehending messages.
his surroundings - with his family, community, school,
work, and so on (Martin & Nakayama, 2010). Culture Asian, African, Arab, central European and Latin
shapes one’s perceptions and ideas, which, in turn, American cultures are generally considered high-context
would also shape how one interact, gives meaning to cultures. For these cultures, they tend to put a premium
and draws meanings from the signs, symbols, and on their relationships with the people they interact with.
messages he or she may encounter every day. Productivity would depend on how these relationships
work within and among the group members. Nonverbal
cues are very important and often control how the
What is Intercultural Communication?
message is understood more than verbal clues, which
The differences in cultures and backgrounds may be more indirect than direct (Halverson & Tirmizi,
affect communication. Culture becomes a significant 2008).
determiner of how people approach any form of
On the other hand, western cultures with
communication. One’s environment can significantly
European roots, such as the United States and Australia,
change his or her perception about certain issues in
are generally considered low-context cultures (Neese,
society, which in turn would also determine how he or
2016). Contrary to high-context cultures, low-context
she would communicate the ideas he or she may want
cultures prefer direct over indirect communication. They
to tackle.
may not put too much value on the non-verbal cues
In addition, people from different backgrounds present in the communication. Relationships do not
often encounter difficulties in processing meanings and seem to play a significant role in the communication
understanding messages due to difficulties in process. Ideas and information are sent and received
understanding certain communication factors, such as explicitly (Halverson & Tirmizi, 2008).
language, context, and meaning. Communication
Cultural differences shape how people interact
problems often occur when there is a lack of
and communicate with one other. According to Carol
understanding about how certain cultures "work."
Kinsey Goman (2011), people in Japan, a high-context
Ultimately, the only way to lessen culture, would rather communicate face-to-face than
miscommunication in an intercultural context is to over electronic devices, which are often preferred by
understand that no two individuals are alike and that people in highly-industrialized countries such as the US,
every person comes from a background that may be UK, Germany, etc., which are considered lowcontext
different. It is only by observing and learning the cultures. This is because the Japanese place more value
cultures of other people that one can lessen the gap on the relationships they create and establish through
created by cultural differences. communication.

The United States can be considered as an

High-Context Cultures and Low-Context Cultures individualistic culture (low-context) that emphasizes
individual goals, whereas Japan can be seen as a
One framework for understanding intercultural collectivist culture (highcontext) wherein a person
communication is the concept of high and low-context defines himself based on his relationship with others
cultures. This concept refers to the values cultures place (Spring, 2000).
upon direct and indirect communication (Neese, 2016).


There are often misinterpretations of messages 4. Using silence

that are sent between cultures. Most times, these
The use of silence and the amount of silence in
misinterpretations result from differences in cultural
communication can be interpreted in many ways
values (Spring, 2000).
depending on the culture in which one interacts. In
some cases, silence before a response to a conversation
would give the impression of thoughtfulness and
Potential Areas for Misinterpretation in Intercultural
consideration to the first speaker. On the other hand,
silence can also come off as a sign of hostility or
According to AJ Schuler (2003), indifference to others.
miscommunication in a cross-cultural setting can be
5. Using appropriate topics of conversation
minimized if one is aware of the different areas wherein
misinterpretation can occur. He came up with a list of Appropriateness of topics could largely depend
potential hot spots in intercultural communication on the situation one is in and the culture one belongs to.
which more often than not, have become areas for In some cultures, talking about money can be seen as
miscommunication. Looking into these areas and unethical and embarrassing. In other cultures, however,
studying them before interacting with people from other one can easily talk and ask how much a person earns. In
cultures can greatly help lessen the obstacles one would Asian cultures, talking about family issues with those
need to navigate in the communication process. who are not part of the family can be construed as
inappropriate. Many Asian cultures protect family issues
1. Opening and closing conversations
fiercely. Appropriateness of topics to discuss is
Different cultures have different ways of determined not only by where one is from but also by
addressing someone in terms of who should be one's religion, educational background, etc.
addressed first, how they should be addressed, and
6. Using humor
when they can be addressed. Who speaks first or who
closes the conversation can also differ from one culture In Western culture, humor is often used as an icebreaker
to another. In some situations, addressing someone in communication to help establish rapport with others.
uncommonly in a particular culture can often be In some ways, humor is used to make an atmosphere
considered rude and disrespectful. less stifling and more relaxed. In other cultures and
situations, however, using humor in a conversation may
2. Taking turns during conversations
seem disrespectful.
There are appropriate ways of interacting with
7. Knowing how much to say
other people in all cultures. In some, turn-taking is often
welcomed, whereas, in other cultures, listening and Knowing how much to say and when to say it can also
reserving comments after the conversation is preferred. determine the success of communication. Many people
Other cultures believe that giving an immediate from Western cultures prefer communicating in a
response can be seen as a challenge or humiliation. straight-to-the-point manner. In contrast, those from
Asian cultures are less confrontational, thereby utilizing
3. Interrupting
a more indirect approach in discussing certain matters.
In some cultures, interruption during a
8. Sequencing elements during a conversation
conversation can be acceptable, especially when it is
within the context of the interaction. However, in other When to say things is as important as what and
cultures, interrupting in the middle of a conversation, how one says things. A speaker should always consider
regardless of the point being made, can be viewed as the timing in which he or she should introduce a topic,
impolite. negotiate, or ask for directions. Often, people struggle


about when they should change direction regarding the ➢ the method of human communication, either
conversation or how far into the conversation it would spoken or written, consists of using words in a
be appropriate to ask questions. structured and conventional way.
• Language is a System
It is important to note, however, that culture
• Language is Symbolic
being mentioned here is not merely limited to
• Language is Conventional Language is Learned
geographics. Cultural differences may also be
• Language Changes
determined by gender, age, religion, education, position,
➢ the scientific study of language and its
political affiliations, and so on. For example, some
structure, including the study of
religions would strongly define the roles of men and
morphology, syntax, phonetics, and
women within the society which would, in turn, dictate
how they interact with people of the opposite sex.
➢ Specific branches of linguistics include
Intercultural communication is an ever-evolving sociolinguistics, dialectology,
process. As cultures continue to grow, morph, adapt and psycholinguistics, computational
interact with each other, how people communicate will linguistics, historical-comparative
continue to change over time. As technology and travel linguistics, and applied linguistics.
continue to make access to the rest of the world easier
and more convenient, it is important to understand that
differences in culture should be studied to allow for Effective use of language encompasses
better communication and interaction among the proficiency in learning communication rules.
members of the global community. No culture is better
than the other, and no culture is perfect. It is only when 1. Phonology. The orderly association of
people understand this that they can learn to adapt and sounds in languages.
interact with one another in a harmonious level. 2. Language Semantics. Deals with the study of
(Source: Central Philippine University) meanings of words and phrases in language or in a
particular context.

➢ Denotation - lexical meaning of words or based

LESSON 2. VARIETIES AND REGISTERS OF SPOKEN on the meaning from a dictionary.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: ➢ Connotation- is the hidden meaning of words
that often prevails feelings and associations that
a. Define language register; the word arouses.
b. Identify and explain the styles in spoken language
registers; 3. Language Syntax. The structural rules or guidelines
c. Identify and explain the styles in written language for merging sound into words and words into sentences.
registers; This discusses about the grammar.

d. Understand the various rules about written language 4. Pragmatics. The ways in which context contributes to
registers. meaning. It encompasses the speech theory,
conversational implication, talk in interaction and other
Language approaches to language behaviour.

➢ Pragmatic competence . The ability to

comprehend the intended meaning


Language Register

➢ In linguistics, a register is a variety of Consultative register

a language used for a particular
➢ Two-way participation; background information
purpose or setting.
is provided - prior knowledge is not assumed.
➢ "Back-channel behavior" such as "uh huh," "I
➢ Language register is the level of
see," etc.
formality with which you speak.
➢ Interruptions are allowed.
Different situations and people call for
different registers. e.g. Conversations between:
Guidelines for presenting best in front of a crowd: • Teacher/student
• Doctor/patient
1. Use words sensibly.
• Expert/apprentice
2. Comprehend the connotations of words.

3. Use language that is suitable to the communication Casual register

➢ In-group friends and acquaintances; no
4. Enrich your language. background information provided; ellipsis and
slang are common;
➢ Interruptions are common;
Five styles in spoken language registers by Martin Joos ➢ This is common among friends in a social setting.
Intimate register
1. Frozen or static register
➢ Non-public; intonation is more important
2. Formal register that wording or grammar; private
3. Consultative register vocabulary;

4. Casual Register ➢ Includes non-verbal messages;

5. Intimate register
➢ Common among family members and close
Frozen or static register
As You Know It
➢ Uses printed unchanging language such as
biblical quotations, often contains archaisms. Denotatively, language is the system of words or signs
that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each
example: Panatang Makabayan of the other. Language when used should be appropriate for
Philippines the situation you are in. We use diverse language
registers for different sorts of writing, just as we
Formal register
communicate differently to numerous people.
➢ One-way participation; no interruption;
technical vocabulary or exact definitions are
➢ includes presentations or introductions
between strangers.


Language Register Contractions are not usually used in formal writing, even
though they are very common in spoken English.
• Language register is the level and style of your writing.
It should be appropriate for the situation you are in. In formal writing, you should spell out contractions.

• The language register determines the vocabulary, e.g. In formal writing, you should use:
structure, and grammar in your writing.
✓ cannot instead of can't
• We use different language registers for different types
of writing, just as we speak differently to different ✓ have not instead of haven't
people. ✓ will not instead of won't
The language register determines the vocabulary,
✓could not instead of couldn't
structure, and grammar in your writing.
✓is not instead of isn’t
The three most common language registers in writing
are: Contractions CAN be used if you are quoting someone's
exact words in your writing.
1. Formal
Ex: "Two-thirds of my eighth-grade students can't read
2. Informal
at grade level," the professor stated. *Keep in mind that
3. Neutral an apostrophe does not always make a contraction.
Apostrophes are also added to nouns to show
ownership. These are used in all language registers,
Formal Language Register
including formal.
➢ more appropriate for professional writing and
2. Spell out numbers less than one hundred.
letters to a boss or a stranger.
➢ Formal writing is probably the most difficult Examples:
type of writing.
➢ It is impersonal, meaning it is not written for a ✓ nineteen
specific person and is written without emotion. ✓ twenty-two
➢ Some kinds of writing are always written in ✓ seventy-eight
formal English. ✓ six

3. Write in third person point of view

Formal writing includes: In formal writing, we usually do not use first person or
o Business Letters second person unless it is a quote.
o Letters of complaint Avoid using: I, You, We, Us
o Some essays
o Reports Examples:
o Official speeches x You can purchase a car for under $10,000.
o Announcements
o Professional emails ✓ One can purchase a car for under $10,000.

Rules for Writing ✓ A car can be purchased for under $10,000.

1. Do not use contractions x You will probably see an elephant on an African safari.
✓ Elephants are a common sight on African safaris.


4. Avoid using too much passive voice name out the first time it appears, followed by the
In formal writing, it is better to use an active voice.
From then on, you can use the acronym by itself.
Passive sentences:
x The dog ate the bone.
o National Aeronautics and Space Administration
x The research was completed by the students in (NASA)
2009. o Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)

Active sentences: For abbreviations, write the complete word the first
time, then use the abbreviation.
✓ The dog ate the bone.
✓ The students completed the research in 2009.
o influenza => flu
✓In 2009, the students completed the research. o United States of America => U.S.A or USA
o tablespoon => tbsp.
For example, in a rule above,
o Kansas => KS Do not use slang abbreviations or
x "Apostrophes are also added to nouns to show symbols that you would use in friendly emails
ownership." and texts. • Examples:
o LOL (laugh out loud)
✓ "Additionally, add an apostrophe to a noun to show o ttyl (talk to you later)
ownership." o &
"Use apostrophes with nouns to show ownership." o b/c (because)

5. Avoid using slang, idioms, exaggeration 7. Do not start sentences with words like and, so, but,
(hyperboles), and clichés. also

Slang is common in informal writing and spoken English. Here are some good transition words and phrases to use
Slang is particular to a certain region or area. in formal writing:

Examples of slang: awesome/cool okay/ok check it out o Nevertheless

in a nutshell o Additionally
o However
A cliché is a phrase that is overused (said too often) o In addition
Common cliches: o As a result of
o Although
o too much of a good thing
o moment of truth 8. Always write in complete sentences.
o Time is money. Write in complete sentences which are correctly
o Don't push your luck. punctuated. Sentences always begin with a capital letter
o Beauty is only skin deep and end in either a full stop, exclamation, or question
6. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

If you use an acronym or abbreviation, write it • A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses
a complete idea and makes sense standing alone.
out the first time. When using acronyms, write the entire


Example: ✓ Symbols and abbreviations

x The proposal was finally rejected. Although ✓ Acronyms
they considered it. ✓ Incomplete sentences
✓ Although they considered the proposal, it ✓ Short sentences
was finally rejected. ✓ First-person, second person, and third person
✓ Paragraphs or no paragraphs
9. Write longer, more complex sentences. ✓ Jokes
✓ Personal opinions
A sentence that contains one independent clause and at ✓ Extra punctuation (Hi Bob!!!!!!!)
least one dependent clause. ✓ Passive and active voice
o Dependent Clause + Independent Clause (comma
splits the clause) Neutral Language Register
o Independent Clause + Dependent Clause (comma ➢ We use the neutral language register with non-
usually does not split the clause emotional topics and information.
➢ Neutral writing is not necessarily formal or
Examples: informal. It is not usually positive or negative.
Hannah has been nothing but trouble since she got A neutral register is used to deliver facts.
here. ➢ Some writings are written in a neutral register.
like to eat candy, but I don't like to eat popcorn. This means they are not specifically formal or
Because he was late again, he would be docked a informal.
day's pay.
While I am a passionate basketball fan, I prefer Writing in the natural language register includes:
football. ✓ Product details
I like to eat candy before I watch a movie.
✓ Reviews
Having a party is a bad idea because the neighbors
✓ Articles
will complain.
✓ Some letters
Informal Language Register ✓ Some essays
➢ Informal writing is written in the way we talk to ✓ Technical writing
our friends and family.
➢ We use informal writing when we are writing to (Source: University of Perpetual Health System Jonella)
someone we know very well.
➢ Some kinds of writing can be written in an
informal style.

Informal writing includes:

✓ Personal e-mails
✓ Phone texts
✔Short notes
✓ Friendly letters
✓ Most blogs
✓ Diaries and journals

There are no major rules to informal writing.

With informal writing, you can include things such as:

✓ Slang and clichés
✓ Figurative language


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