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Detailed Lesson Plan 9

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define banding
b. demonstrates the appropriate bandaging techniques for common
unintentional injuries
c. appreciates the importance of bandaging for common injuries

II. Subject Matter

Main Topic: Bandaging

Sub-Topic: Types in Bandaging
Reference: Physical Education and Health 9
Pages: 342-346
Author: Jose P. Doria,
Madonna C. Gonzales
Lawrence Jay Sedilla
Janeth Cagulang
Materials: Laptop, Tissues
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation

1. Daily Routine
2. Opening Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the Past Lesson

Let us have a review regarding our past lesson

which is about the “Kind of Open wounds’

Again, what are wounds?

Wounds is a break in the continuity of a tissue
in the body
Very Good!

Kindly enumerate now he kinds of Open

Who can state the difference between
Laceration and Abrasion?
Laceration is a blunt breaking or tearing of
soft tissue while Abrasion is caused by
rubbing or scraping the skin.
Very well said!

How about Incision and

puncture? Yes,
Incision is a cut caused by knife or any sharp
object while Puncture is a piercing wound
caused by nails or other pointed objects.
Very Good!

And finally, who can define

Avulsion? Yes,
Avulsion is a forcible tearing or partial tearing
away of tissue.
Very Good!

B. Motivation
Class we are going to watch a simple / short
video. Afterwards I am going to ask some
questions regarding the video that is related
to our topic for today. Ok so are you ready.
Yes Sir.
(The teacher now will present the video...)


Now, what did you observe about the

video? Yes,
(The student will respond…)
Ok Very Good!
And how about you?
(The student will respond…)
Very Good!

Now, since we are online and we are not be

able to have a grouping, we will do our activity
for our today’s topic/lesson individually.

So, class do you have your tissues with you?

(The student will respond…)
First, you will be needed at least 5 tissues.

Second, you need to have at least a friend or

companion to help you with our activity.

Now here are the mechanics of the game...

I am going to set my timer into 10mins, and
after that, I am going to give you my go signal,
and then after that, you are going to cover you
friend’s entire body with the tissues.
Take note! Make sure that the whole entire
body of your friend should be covered all
over. The first student that will finish the task
before the given time will be consider as the

Are we clear on that class?

Yes Sir!
Very Good!

(The teacher now will be going to prepare

his/her timer…)
So now are you all ready?
Yes Sir!
(The students now will perform the given
Ok class I think we already have a winner!
Let us congratulate and for finishing
the task ahead of time.

C. Presentation

What have you noticed in the mummy you

The whole body is covered.
Anyone else?
It is the same as covering the wound like
EXCELLENT! That will exactly be our topic for

Read aloud what is bandage, anyone?

Bandage is a clean and sterile fabric
materials used to hold the dressings in
Very Good! place...

Bandage is a covering to protect parts of the

body that has been hurt.

There are different kinds of bandages, but

today I will only discuss to you the triangular

So class, What is triangular bandage?


Triangular bandage also known as a cravat

is a piece of cloth put into a right angle. It can
be used fully unrolled as a sling. To prevent
Very Good! the further bleeding.
Triangular bandage used for covering wounds
particularly in the forehead, forearm, shoulder
sling, forearm sling, ears and head to prevent
infection and to put pressure to avoid further

There are two kinds of cravat, the wide cravat

and the narrow cravat
(The teacher will explain and show a video on
how to do the wide and narrow cravat)

Did you get it class?

Very Good! Yes Sir.

Anyone can perform it?


Well done! (The student will perform the wide cravat.)

(The teacher will explain and demonstrate on

how to do the narrow cravat using a video

Who can do it?

(The Students will perform the narrow cravat)

Before I present to you the different uses of

cravat, I will first teach you the square knot; It
is very simple, perform the right over left then
left over right.

So any ideas why did I teach you the square

It can be easily be detached.

These are different uses of cravat; for the

head, chin, forearm, forehead, shoulder sling,
ears and feet. But today I will only discuss the

Kindly read the number 1?

 Do the narrow cravat,
 Place the center of the cravat over
the compress covering the wound
 Then carry the ends around to the
opposite side of the head, cross
 Bring them back staring point and tie
 Make sure the knot should be over
the wound to increase the pressure.

(The teacher will explain and demonstrate the

uses of cravat for head with a volunteered
friend through a video presentation.)

Anyone can perform it?


Very Good! (The students will perform)

Next the forearm kindly read?

 Also do the narrow cravat.
 Place center of cravat over the
 Begin ascending turns with upper end
and descending turn with lower end,
with each turn covering two-third of
preceding turn until dressing is
covered then terminate by tying both
Good! ends in square knot
(The teacher will explain and demonstrate the
uses of cravat for forearm with a volunteered
through a video presentation.)

. Yes Sir!
Did you get it again class?

So, anyone can perform it?

Yes! (The student will perform)

Very Good!

Next for the shoulder sling, kindly read? Shoulder sling:

Yes!  Place folded base vertically over.
 One arm, with pointed directly under
the elbow of injured arm. Lower ends
of base at the side of the neck using
a square knot.
 Make a several twist with apex and
tie a knot and hide the knot.

(The teacher will explain and demonstrate the

uses of cravat for forearm with a volunteered
friend using a video presentation.)

Yes Sir!
Did you get it class?

So, anyone can perform it? (The student will perform)


Very Good!

How about the next?

Who wants to read? For the ears;
Yes!  Do the narrow cravat,
 Start in the middle of the cravat over
the compress covering the ear.
 Carry one end over the top of the
head and the other under the chin
 Next, cross the ends at the opposite
slide then bring the short end back
around the forehead and the long end
around the back of the head
 Tie them down over the compress.

(The teacher will explain and demonstrate the

uses of cravat for ears with a volunteered
friend using a video presentation.)

Did you get it again class?
Yes Sir.
So, anyone can perform it?
(The student will perform)
Very Good!

And last kindly read. Anyone?

For the foot;
 Place the foot on the cravat.
 Get the point and fold it half
 Begin ascending turns with upper end
and descending turn with lower end,
with each turn covering two-third of
preceding turn until dressing is
covered then terminate by tying both
ends in square knot
(The teacher will explain and demonstrate the
uses of cravat for foot with a volunteered
friend using a video presentation.)

Did you get it class?

Yes Sir!
Anyone can do it?
(The student will perform)


D. Generalization
To sum up our discussion, what is a triangular
Triangular bandage also known as a cravat
is a piece of cloth put into a right angle. It can
be used fully unrolled as a sling. To prevent
the further bleeding and there is different use
of cravat, Cravat uses in head, forehead,
ears, shoulder sling and foot.

Very Good!

What are the 5 uses of cravat that we

Uses of cravat for head, ears, shoulder sling,
discussed earlier?
foot and forearm.

Good Job!

Now, why do you think is the importance of

This is very important so that you will be
having knowledge in bandaging?
challenged to analyze situation when it has
an emergency.

So do you have any question regarding our
(The student will respond)

It is really evident that you understand our

discussion and I think you are now ready for
an activity.

E. Application

We are now going to perform the different

Bandaging Techniques for an Injured Person.

(The teacher will give 10 minutes to review

the different ways bandaging and afterwards
each student will perform.)


So, now class I’m going to numbered you by

1- 5; Number 1 – will going to perform Cravat
for Head. Number 2 – will going to perform
Cravat for Ear. Number 3 – will going to
perform Cravat for Shoulder Sling. Number 4
– will going to perform Cravat for Foot and
Number five will going to perform Cravat for

but did not found what wrong and what

find what they they did they could do
did wrong. wrong. better next time.

The grade will be based on the following score.

12-15 (Excellent) = 20
8-11 (Very Good) = 15
4-7 (Good) = 10
3 and below (Fair) = 5

V. Assignment Two-man Carry Date: July 26, 2022

Identify the different ways in carrying and transporting an injured person with the use o one-man
carry by writing their instruction on how to do it. Write your answer in your notebook.
a. Chair or seat carry
b. Four-handed seat
c. Two-handed seat
d. Human Crutch
Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material Module 9 Page 348-340

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