Intentional Injuries and Prevention

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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 9

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. identify the different Intentional Injuries;
b. describe Intentional Injuries; and
c. execute the situation given that shows the different types of Intentional
Injuries and their preventions.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic : Health
B. Sub-topic : Intentional Injuries and Prevention
C. Time Allotment : 1 Hour
D. References : P.E. and Health by Jose P. Doria (pp. 371-386)
E. Materials : Laptop, Projector , Visual Aids, Speaker
F. Values Integration : “Prevention is better than Cure”

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greeting of the Class
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Checking of Assignment

B. Review of the past lesson

-Last meeting, we have discussed
about Unintentional Injuries. What is
Unintentional Injuries?
-Sir Unintentional Injuries are injuries that
are not intend to happen.
-Very Good! And what are the most
common Unintentional Injuries?
-Sir the most common Unintentional
Injuries are fracture, dislocation, strain and
sprain, heat exhaustion, food poisoning,
choking, drowning, heart attack, chemical
burn, heat stroke and stroke.

-Great! It seems that you really

understand our lesson last meeting.
Do you have any questions about our
previews lesson? -None Sir.

C. Motivation
-Before we proceed to our next
lesson you’re going to watch a video
clip that leads you to our lesson for
today. Watch and listen attentively
because I will ask questions later. Is -Yes Sir.
that clear?
(the students will watch the video clip)
(the teacher will play the video clip)
-Okay class, What did you observe -Violence sir, someone use physical force
about the video? to harm someone.

-Sir the video shows planned torture.

-That’s right! Another?

D. Lesson Proper
-All your answers are correct! What -Sir, our lesson for today is about
do you think is our lesson for today? Intentional Injuries.

-Correct! What do we mean by -Sir Intentional Injuries are injuries

Intentional Injuries? resulting from violence

-Very good! Intentional Injuries

includes self-inflicted and assault.
Self-inflicted is the one that you do to
yourself deliberately while Assault
are injuries that cause by other
person purposely.
-I have here pictures of different types
of Intentional Injuries. We will be
having groupings. Each group will be
given pictures and discuss it together
with your members for 5 minutes and
afterwards 1 representative will be
discussing it in front of the class. I (The students will count 1-7 and proceed to
want you to count 1-7 and go to your their respective groups)
respective group. Pictures of the following:
1. Suicide
2. Bullying
3. Stalking
4. Gang and Youth Violence/
Illegal Fraternity violence
5. Kidnapping and Abduction
6. Verbal Abuse
7. Sexual abuse

-Let’s start with the first group, let us

listen to their reaction about the SUICIDE

(possible answer of the students)

The picture show taking one’s own life. It
is called suicide. The picture also shows
suicide attempt or gesture and self-harm
where there is no result of death is called

-Great! We can recognize the person

who has suicidal tendencies when
talking about suicide or death, writing
farewell letters or showing changes in
behaviour, mood, and feelings.

Here’s a video clip showing suicide

and parasuicide.
(the teacher will play the video)
Let us proceed to the next group. BULLYING

(possible answer of the students)

The picture shows telling other children not
to be friends with someone. It is called

-Very good!
Bullying is an unwanted aggressive
behaviour. The behaviour is repeated
can be repeated over time.
We have 4 types of Bullying
1. Physical Bullying
2. Verbal Bullying
3. Social Bullying
4. Cyber Bullying
Here’s a video clip showing bullying
(the teacher will play the video) STALKING
The next group is Group 3.

(possible answer of the students)

The picture shows a person unknowingly
being stalked. It is called stalking which is
a pattern of behaviour that makes one feel
afraid, nervous, and harassed or in danger.
-Very Good! It is when someone
repeatedly contact you, follow you,
sends you things and talks to you.
Here’s a video showing a stalking
(the teacher will play the video clip)
Let us proceed to Group 4. ILLEGAL FRATERNITY VIOLENCE

(possible answer of the students)

The picture shows physical hazing called
illegal fraternity and typical gang portrayal.
It shows gang and youth violence which
mostly street-based group of young people
who regard themselves and may be seen by
others as a group that engage in a range of
criminal activity and violence
-Awesome! Young people join gangs
and groups for lots of reasons. They
may see it as a gain of in power and
protection, Another reason is their
need to belong, this is often times
true for those who do not feel a sense
of belonging or care at home.

Here’s a video clips of Illegal

fraternity related violence and Gang
and Youth Violence.
(the teacher will play the video)
Let us proceed to the next group,

answer of the students)
The picture shows a girl being kidnapped.
-Great! The act is usually done for a It is called kidnapping.
motive like getting a monetary
reward/ransom or getting some sort
of benefit from the person of their
family. Here’s a video clips showing
one person being kidnapped.
(the teacher will play the video)
Next is from Group 6.
(possible answer of the students)
Verbal abuse use words to attack, control
and use harm on another person.
-Very good! Those people say mean
things to the other person to
purposely hurt their feelings or their
Here’s a video clip showing Verbal
(the teacher will play the video)

Now let us proceed to the last Group SEXUAL ABUSE


(possible answer of the students)

The picture shows forced sexual
intercourse or sexual abuse.

-Very good! Sexual abuse is

undesired sexual behaviour
oftentimes perpetrated using force
and taking advantage one person.
Here’s a video clip showing Verbal
(the teacher will play the video)

E. Valuing -Sir we can prevent the different intentional

So those are the different Intentional injuries by taking another look at your
Injuries, how can we prevent these family’s environment, life styles and risks,
Injuries? healthy family relationship.

-Great job! We can prevent different

Intentional Injuries through family
support worthwhile activities like
sports and crafts, open
communication, genuine love,
enhanced social responsibility and
avoid suffering in silence seek help
from trusted individuals.

F. Generalization
Again class what is Intentional Intentional injuries are injuries resulting
Injuries? from violence

That’s right! What are the different Suicide, Bullying, Stalking, Gang and
types of Intentional Injuries? Youth Violence/Illegal Fraternity Violence,
Kidnapping, Verbal and Sexual abuse.
How can we prevent the different By taking another look at your family
Intentional Injuries? environment, worthwhile activities like
sports and crafts, enhanced social
responsibility and seek help from trusted

Very Good!

G. Application
For our activity, with the same
groupings. Each group will pick up
one type of Intentional Injuries and
perform a scenario about the Injuries
and show us what the ways on how to
prevent those injuries are.
I will give you 5 minutes to practice
and 1-3 minutes to perform. Is that
Yes Sir.
Before you start with your practice,
these are the Rubrics in grading your
(the teacher will present the rubrics )
Again class, You only have 5 minutes
to prepare. You may start now!
(Students will practice their presentation)

Time’s Up! Let’s have your

(The students will perform the different
Intentional Injuries )

Good Job Class!

Rubrics for Role Playing Presentation

Criteria Excellent (10) Good (8) Fair (6) Poor (5)

Understanding of Indicates a clear Good Fair Presentation is off
topic understanding of understanding of understanding of the topic
topic topic topic
Cooperation Accepts ideas of Accepts most Unwilling to Group does not
others; able to ideas without compromise few work together
negotiate All negative members One person does
members comments; able to contribute all the work
contribute compromise some
Presentation Shows Shows some Lacks confidence; Portrayal stalls;
confidence; confidence; somewhat lacks information;
information; presents some informative; hard mumbles; and
speaks; loudly information; can to hear; and uses never uses
and clearly and be heard; and uses appropriate body appropriate body
uses appropriate appropriate body language very language
body language language seldom

IV. Evaluation
Read the following questions and choose the correct answer inside the box. Write your answers
on the space provided before each number.

Intentional Injury Stalking Parasuicide

Bullying Illegal Fraternity Sexual Abuse
Suicide Kidnapping Verbal Abuse Hazing

1. It includes self-inflicted and assault act of violence intended to cause harm.

2. Taking of one’s own life
3. Unwanted aggressive behaviour
4. When someone repeatedly contacts you, follows you and talks to you.
5. Young people join group and gangs for lots of reason.
6. Taking away or forcefully moving a person
7. Use words to attacks others
8.Undesired sexual behaviour
9. Suicide attempt or gesture with no result of death.
10. An initiation rite for fraternity neophytes.

*Answer key
1. Intentional Injury 6. Kidnapping
2. Suicide 7. Verbal Abuse
3. Bullying 8. Sexual Abuse
4. Stalking 9. Parasuicide
5. Illegal Fraternity 10. Hazing

V. Assignment
Look for a newspaper clipping that shows Intentional Injuries.
Cut and paste this on your notebook.

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