''12. Adverbs''

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CHAPTER 12 : Adverbs

Q.1) Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and state their kind.
(1) He crept carefully into the garden.
Ans: carefully- Adverb of Manner

(2) The early bird catches the worm.

Ans: early – adverb of time

(3) They bought this house recently.

Ans: recently- adverb of time

(4) The soldiers were limping slowly after they were hurt.
Ans: slowly – adverb of manner

(5) The victorious Indian Cricket team landed today.

Ans: today – adverb of time

(6) He speaks French fluently.

Ans: fluently – adverb of manner

(7) We have sports day tomorrow.

Ans: tomorrow - adverb of time

(8) Rita cut the vegetables carefully.

Ans: carefully – adverb of manner

(9) The hungry baby drank up the milk quickly.

Ans: quickly – adverb of manner

(10) I have heard this before.

Ans: before – adverb of time

(11) This story is well written.

Ans: well – adverb of manner

(12) Govind reads clearly.

Ans: clearly – adverb of manner

(13) He comes here daily.

Ans: daily – adverb of time

(14) I hurt my knee yesterday.

Ans: yesterday – adverb of time

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