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Modern Business Statistics with

Microsoft Office Excel 4th Edition

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Hypothesis Tests

Chapter 9
Hypothesis Tests

Learning Objectives

1. Learn how to formulate and test hypotheses about a population mean and/or a population proportion.

2. Understand the types of errors possible when conducting a hypothesis test.

3. Understand the level of significance and be able to determine the probability of making a Type I
error in hypothesis tests.

4. Know how to compute and interpret p-values.

5. Be able to use critical values to draw hypothesis testing conclusions.

6. Know the definition of the following terms:

null hypothesis two-tailed test

alternative hypothesis p-value
Type I error level of significance
Type II error critical value
one-tail test

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Hypothesis Tests


1. a. H0:   600 Manager’s claim, the assumption being challenged

Ha:  > 600

b. We are not able to conclude that the manager’s claim is wrong.

c. The manager’s claim can be rejected. We can conclude that  > 600.

2. a. H0:   14

Ha:  > 14 Research hypothesis

b. There is no statistical evidence that the new bonus plan increases sales volume.

c. The research hypothesis that  > 14 is supported. We can conclude that the new bonus plan
increases the mean sales volume.

3. a. H0:  = 32 Specified filling weight, the assumption being challenged

Ha:   32 Overfilling or underfilling exists

b. There is no evidence that the production line is not operating properly. Allow the production
process to continue.

c. Conclude   32 and that overfilling or underfilling exists. Shut down and adjust the production

4. a. H0:   220

Ha:  < 220 Research hypothesis to see if mean cost is less than $220.

b. We are unable to conclude that the new method reduces costs.

c. Conclude  < 220. Consider implementing the new method based on the conclusion that it lowers
the mean cost per hour.

5. a. The Type I error is rejecting H0 when it is true. This error occurs if the researcher concludes that
young men in Germany spend more than 56.2 minutes per day watching prime-time TV when the
national average for Germans is not greater than 56.2 minutes.

b. The Type II error is accepting H0 when it is false. This error occurs if the researcher concludes that
the national average for German young men is  56.2 minutes when in fact it is greater than 56.2

6. a. H0:   1 The label claim or assumption.

H a:  > 1

b. Claiming  > 1 when it is not. This is the error of rejecting the product’s claim when the claim is

c. Concluding   1 when it is not. In this case, we miss the fact that the product is not meeting its
label specification.

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Hypothesis Tests

7. a. H0:   8000

Ha:  > 8000 Research hypothesis to see if the plan increases average sales.

b. Claiming  > 8000 when the plan does not increase sales. A mistake could be implementing the
plan when it does not help.

c. Concluding   8000 when the plan really would increase sales. This could lead to not
implementing a plan that would increase sales.

8. a. H0:   220

Ha:  < 220

b. Claiming  < 220 when the new method does not lower costs. A mistake could be implementing
the method when it does not help.

c. Concluding   220 when the method really would lower costs. This could lead to not
implementing a method that would lower costs.

x − 0 19.4 − 20
9. a. z= = = −2.12
/ n 2 / 50

b. p-value is the area in the lower tail

Using normal table with z = -2.12: p-value =.0170

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-2.12,TRUE) = .0170

c. p-value  .05, reject H0

d. Reject H0 if z  -1.645

-2.12  -1.645, reject H0

x − 0 26.4 − 25
10. a. z= = = 1.48
/ n 6 / 40

b. p-value is the area in the upper tail: P(z ≥ 1.48)

Using normal table with z = 1.48: p-value = 1.0000 - .9306 = .0694

Using Excel: p-value = 1 – NORM.S.DIST(1.48,TRUE) = .0694

c. p-value > .01, do not reject H0

d. Reject H0 if z  2.33

1.48 < 2.33, do not reject H0

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Hypothesis Tests

x − 0 14.15 − 15
11. a. z= = = −2.00
/ n 3 / 50

b. Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.00: p-value = 2(.0228) = .0456

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-2.00,TRUE) = .0455

c. p-value  .05, reject H0

d. Reject H0 if z  -1.96 or z  1.96

-2.00  -1.96, reject H0

x − 0 78.5 − 80
12. a. z= = = −1.25
/ n 12 / 100

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.25: p-value =.1056

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.25,TRUE) = .1056

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

x − 0 77 − 80
b. z= = = −2.50
/ n 12 / 100

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.50: p-value =.0062

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-2.50,TRUE) = . 0062

p-value  .01, reject H0

x − 0 75.5 − 80
c. z= = = −3.75
/ n 12 / 100

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -3.75: p-value ≈ 0

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-3.75,TRUE) ≈ 0

p-value  .01, reject H0

x − 0 81 − 80
d. z= = = .83
 / n 12 / 100

p-value is the lower-tail area

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Hypothesis Tests

Using normal table with z = .83: p-value =.7967

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(.83,TRUE) = .7967

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

13. Reject H0 if z  1.645

x − 0 52.5 − 50
a. z= = = 2.42
/ n 8 / 60

2.42  1.645, reject H0

x − 0 51 − 50
b. z= = = .97
 / n 8 / 60

.97 < 1.645, do not reject H0

x − 0 51.8 − 50
c. z= = = 1.74
/ n 8 / 60

1.74  1.645, reject H0

x − 0 23 − 22
14. a. z= = = .87
/ n 10 / 75

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = .87: p-value = 2(1 - .8078) = .3844

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(.87,TRUE)) = .3843

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

x − 0 25.1 − 22
b. z= = = 2.68
/ n 10 / 75

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.68: p-value = 2(1 - .9963) = .0074

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(2.68,TRUE)) = .0074

p-value  .01, reject H0

x − 0 20 − 22
c. z= = = −1.73
/ n 10 / 75

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.73: p-value = 2(.0418) = .0836

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Hypothesis Tests

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(NORM.S.DIST(-1.73,TRUE)) = .0836

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

15. a. H0:   

Ha:  < 1056

x − 0 910 − 1056
b. z= = = −1.83
 / n 1600 / 400

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.83: p-value =.0336

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.83,TRUE) = .0336

c. p-value  .05, reject H0. Conclude the mean refund of “last minute” filers is less than $1056.

d. Reject H0 if z  -1.645

-1.83  -1.645, reject H0

16. a. H0:   3173

Ha:  > 3173

x − 0 3325 − 3173
b. z= = = 2.04
/ n 1000 / 180

p-value is P(z ≥ 2.04)

Using normal table with z = 2.04: p-value = 1.0000 - .9793 = .0207

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(2.04,TRUE) = .0207

c. p-value < .05. Reject H0. The current population mean credit card balance for undergraduate
students has increased compared to the previous all-time high of $3173 reported in April 2009.

17. a. H0:  = 125,500

Ha:   125,500

x − 0 118, 000 − 125,500

b. z= = = −1.58
/ n 30, 000 / 40

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.58: p-value = 2(.0571) = .1142

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-1.58,TRUE) = .1141

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Hypothesis Tests

c. p-value > .05, do not reject H0. We cannot conclude that the year-end bonuses paid by Jones & Ryan

differ significantly from the population mean of $125,500.

d. Reject H0 if z  -1.96 or z  1.96

z = -1.58; cannot reject H0

18. a. H0:  = 4.1

Ha:   4.1

x − 0 3.4 − 4.1
b. z= = = −2.21
/ n 2 / 40

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.21: p-value = 2(.0136) = .0272

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-2.21,TRUE) = .0271

c. p-value = .0272 < .05

Reject H0 and conclude that the return for Mid-Cap Growth Funds differs significantly from that for
U.S. Diversified funds.

19. H0:  ≥ 12

Ha:  < 12

x −
z= 0 = 10 − 12 = −1.77
 n 8 50

p-value is the area in the lower tail

Using normal table with z = -1.77: p-value = .0384

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.77,TRUE) = .0384

p-value  .05, reject H0. Conclude that the actual mean waiting time is significantly less than the
claim of 12 minutes made by the taxpayer advocate.

20. a. H0:   32.79

Ha:  < 32.79

x −
b. z= 0 = 30.63 − 32.79 = −2.73
 n 5.6 50

c. p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.73: p-value = .0032.

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Hypothesis Tests

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-2.73,TRUE) = .0032

d. p-value  .01; reject H 0 . Conclude that the mean monthly internet bill is less in the southern state.

21. a. H0:   15

Ha:  > 15

x − 17 − 15
b. z= = = 2.96
/ n 4 / 35

c. p-value is upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.96: p-value = 1.0000 - .9985 = .0015

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(2.96,TRUE) = .0015

d. p-value  .01; reject H0; the premium rate should be charged.

22. a. H0:  = 8

H a:   8

x − 8.4 − 8.0
b. z= = = 1.37
 / n 3.2 / 120

b. Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 1.37: p-value = 2(1 - .9147) = .1706

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(1.37,TRUE)) = .1707

c. Do not reject H0. Cannot conclude that the population mean waiting time differs from 8 minutes.

d. x  z.025 ( / n )

8.4 ± 1.96 (3.2 / 120)

8.4 ± .57 (7.83 to 8.97)

Yes;  = 8 is in the interval. Do not reject H0.

x − 0 14 − 12
23. a. t= = = 2.31
s/ n 4.32 / 25

b. Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 24

p-value is upper-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .01 and .025

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(2.31,24,TRUE) = .0149

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Hypothesis Tests

c. p-value  .05, reject H0.

d. With df = 24, t.05 = 1.711

Reject H0 if t  1.711

2.31 > 1.711, reject H0.

x − 0 17 − 18
24. a. t= = = −1.54
s/ n 4.5 / 48

b. Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 47

Because t < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using t table: area in lower tail is between .05 and .10; therefore, p-value is between .10 and .20.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*T.DIST(-1.54,47,TRUE) = .1303

c. p-value > .05, do not reject H0.

d. With df = 47, t.025 = 2.012

Reject H0 if t  -2.012 or t  2.012

t = -1.54; do not reject H0

x − 0 44 − 45
25. a. t= = = −1.15
s/ n 5.2 / 36

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 35

p-value is lower-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .10 and .20

Using Excel: p-value = T.DIST(-1.15,35,TRUE) = .1290

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

x − 0 43 − 45
b. t= = = −2.61
s/ n 4.6 / 36

p-value is lower-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .005 and .01

Using Excel: p-value = T.DIST(-2.61,35,TRUE) = .0066

p-value  .01, reject H0

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Hypothesis Tests

x − 0 46 − 45
c. t= = = 1.20
s/ n 5 / 36

p-value is lower-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .80 and .90

Using Excel: p-value = T.DIST(1.20,35,TRUE) = .8809

p-value > .01, do not reject H0

x − 0 103 − 100
26. a. t= = = 2.10
s/ n 11.5 / 65

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 64

Because t > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using t table; area in upper tail is between .01 and .025; therefore, p-value is between .02 and .05.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-T.DIST(2.10,64,TRUE)) = .0397

p-value  .05, reject H0

x − 0 96.5 − 100
b. t= = = −2.57
s/ n 11/ 65

Because t < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using t table: area in lower tail is between .005 and .01; therefore, p-value is between .01 and .02.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*T.DIST(-2.57,64,TRUE) = .0125

p-value  .05, reject H0

x − 0 102 − 100
c. t= = = 1.54
s/ n 10.5 / 65

Because t > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using t table: area in upper tail is between .05 and .10; therefore, p-value is between .10 and .20.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-T.DIST(1.54,64,TRUE)) = .1285

p-value > .05, do not reject H0

27. a. H0:   238

Ha:  < 238

x − 0 231 − 238
b. t= = = −.88
s/ n 80 / 100

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Hypothesis Tests

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 99

p-value is lower-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .10 and .20

Using Excel: p-value = T.DIST(-.88,99,TRUE) = .1905

c. p-value > .05; do not reject H0. Cannot conclude mean weekly benefit in Virginia is less than the
national mean.

d. df = 99 t.05 = -1.66

Reject H0 if t  -1.66

-.88 > -1.66; do not reject H0

28. a. H0:   9

H a:  < 9

x − 0 7.27 − 9
b. t= = = −2.50
s/ n 6.38 / 85

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 84

p-value is lower-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .005 and .01

Using Excel: p-value = T.DIST(-2.50,84,TRUE) = .0072

c. p-value  .01; reject H0. The mean tenure of a CEO is significantly shorter than 9 years. The claim
of the shareholders group is not valid.

29. a. H0:  = 5600

Ha:   5600

x − 0 5835 − 5600
b. t= = = 2.26
s/ n 520 / 25

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 24

Because t > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using t table: area in upper tail is between .01 and .025; therefore, p-value is between .02 and .05.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-T.DIST(2.26,24,TRUE)) = .0332

c. p-value  .05; reject H0. The mean diamond price in New York City differs.

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Hypothesis Tests

d. df = 24 t.025 = 2.064

Reject H0 if t < -2.064 or t > 2.064

2.26 > 2.064; reject H0

30. a. H0:  = 600

Ha:   600

x − 0 612 − 600
b. t= = = 1.17
s/ n 65 / 40

df = n - 1 = 39

Because t > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using t table: area in upper tail is between .10 and .20; therefore, p-value is between .20 and .40.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-T.DIST(1.17,39,TRUE)) = .2491

c. With  = .10 or less, we cannot reject H0. We are unable to conclude there has been a change in the
mean CNN viewing audience.

d. The sample mean of 612 thousand viewers is encouraging but not conclusive for the sample of 40
days. Recommend additional viewer audience data. A larger sample should help clarify the situation
for CNN.

31. H0:   423

Ha:  > 423

x − 0 460.4 − 423.0
t= = = 2.20
s/ n 101.9 / 36

Degrees of freedom = n - 1 = 35

p-value is upper-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .01 and .025.

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(2.20,35,TRUE) = .0173

Because p-value = .0173 < α, reject H0; Atlanta customers have a higher annual rate of consumption
of Coca Cola beverages.

32. a. H0:  = 10,192

Ha:   10,192

x − 0 9750 − 10,192
b. t= = = −2.23
s/ n 1400 / 50

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Hypothesis Tests

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 49

Because t < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using t table: area in lower tail is between .01 and .025; therefore, p-value is between .02 and .05.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*T.DIST(-2.23,49,TRUE) = .0304

c. p-value  .05; reject H0. The population mean price at this dealership differs from the national mean
price $10,192.

33. a. H0:   21.6

Ha:  > 21.6

b. 24.1 – 21.6 = 2.5 gallons

x − 0 24.1 − 21.6
c. t= = = 2.08
s/ n 4.8 / 16

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 15

p-value is upper-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .025 and .05

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(2.08,15,TRUE) = .0275

d. p-value  .05; reject H0. The population mean consumption of milk in Webster City is greater than
the National mean.

34. a. H0:  = 2

H a:   2

xi 22
b. x= = = 2.2
n 10

 ( xi − x )

c. s= = .516
n −1

x − 0 2.2 − 2
d. t= = = 1.22
s/ n .516 / 10

Degrees of freedom = n - 1 = 9

Because t > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using t table: area in upper tail is between .10 and .20; therefore, p-value is between .20 and .40.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-T.DIST(1.22,9,TRUE)) = .2535

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Hypothesis Tests

e. p-value > .05; do not reject H0. No reason to change from the 2 hours for cost estimating purposes.

p − p0 .175 − .20
35. a. z= = = −1.25
p0 (1 − p0 ) .20(1 − .20)
n 400

b. Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.25: p-value = 2(.1056) = .2112

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-1.25,TRUE) = .2113

c. p-value > .05; do not reject H0

d. z.025 = 1.96

Reject H0 if z  -1.96 or z  1.96

z = − 1.25; do not reject H0

p − p0 .68 − .75
36. a. z= = = −2.80
p0 (1 − p0 ) .75(1 − .75)
n 300

p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.80: p-value =.0026

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-2.80,TRUE) = .0026

.72 − .75
b. z= = −1.20
.75(1 − .75)

p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.20: p-value =.1151

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.20,TRUE) = .1151

.70 − .75
c. z= = −2.00
.75(1 − .75)

p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.00: p-value =.0228

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-2.00,TRUE) = . 0228

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Hypothesis Tests

.77 − .75
d. z= = .80
.75(1 − .75)

p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = .80: p-value =.7881

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(.80,TRUE) = . 7881

37. a. H0: p  .125

Ha: p > .125

b. p= = .13

p − p0 .13 − .125
z= = = .30
p0 (1 − p0 ) .125(1 − .125)
n 400

p-value is upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = .30: p-value = 1.0000 - .6179 = .3821

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(.30,TRUE) = .3821

c. p-value > .05; do not reject H0. We cannot conclude that there has been an increase in union

38. a. H0: p = .64

Ha: p  .64

b. p= = .52

p − p0 .52 − .64
z= = = −2.50
p0 (1 − p0 ) .64(1 − .64)
n 100

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -2.50: p-value = 2(.0062) = .0124

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-2.50,TRUE) = . 0124

c. p-value  .05; reject H0. Proportion differs from the reported .64.

d. Yes. Since p = .52, it indicates that fewer than 64% of the shoppers believe the supermarket brand is
as good as the name brand.

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Hypothesis Tests

39. a. H0: p = .75

Ha: p  .75

b. 30 – 49 Age Group p = = .85

p − p0 .85 − .75
z= = = 2.80
p0 (1 − p0 ) .85(1 − .85)
n 100

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.80: p-value = 2(.0026) = .0052

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(2.80,TRUE)) = . 0051

Reject H0. Conclude that the proportion of users in the 30 – 49 age group is higher than the overall
proportion of .75.

c. 50 – 64 Age Group p = = .72

.72 − .75
z= = −.94
.72(1 − .72)

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using the normal table with z = -.94: p-value = 2(.1736) = .3472

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-.94,TRUE) = . 3472

Do not reject H0. The proportion for the 50 – 64 age group does not differ significantly from the
overall proportion.

d. The proportion of internet users increases from .72 to .85 as we go from the 50 – 64 age group to the
younger 30 – 49 age group. So we might expect the proportion to increase further for the even
younger 18 – 29 age group. Indeed, the Pew project found the proportion of users in the 18 – 29 age
group to be .92.

40. a. Sample proportion: p = .35

Number planning to provide holiday gifts: np = 60(.35) = 21

b. H0: p  .46

Ha: p < .46

p − p0 .35 − .46
z= = = −1.71
p0 (1 − p0 ) .46(1 − .46)
n 60

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Hypothesis Tests

p-value is area in lower tail

Using normal table with z = -1.71: p-value = .0436

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.71,TRUE) = . 0436

c. Using a .05 level of significance, we can conclude that the proportion of business owners providing
gifts has decreased from 2008 to 2009. The smallest level of significance for which we could draw
this conclusion is .0436; this corresponds to the p-value = .0436. This is why the p-value is often
called the observed level of significance.

41. a. H0: p  .70

Ha: p < .70

p − p0 .67 − .70
b. z= = = −1.13
p0 (1 − p0 ) .70(1 − .70)
n 300

p-value is lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.13: p-value =.1292

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.13,TRUE) = .1292

c. p-value > .05; do not reject H0. The executive's claim cannot be rejected.

42. a. p = 12/80 = .15

p (1 − p ) .15(.85)
b. = = .0399
n 80

p (1 − p )
p  z.025

.15  1.96 (.0399)

.15  .0782 or .0718 to .2218

c. We can conduct a hypothesis test concerning whether the return rate for the Houston store is equal to
.06 at an α = .05 level of significance using the 95% confidence interval in part (b). Since the
confidence interval does not include .06, we conclude that the return rate for the Houston store is
different than the U.S. national return rate.

43. a. H0: p ≤ .10

Ha: p > .10

b. There are 13 “Yes” responses in the Eagle data set.

p= = .13

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Hypothesis Tests

p − p0 .13 − .10
c. z= = = 1.00
p0 (1 − p0 ) .10(1 − .10)
n 100

p-value is upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = 1.00: p-value = 1 - .8413 = .1587

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(1,TRUE) = .1587

p-value > .05; do not reject H0.

The statistical results do not allow us to conclude that p > .10. But, given that p = .13, management
may want to authorize a larger study before deciding not to go national.

44. a. H0: p  .51

Ha: p > .51

b. p= = .58

p − p0 .58 − .51
z= = = 2.80
p0 (1 − p0 ) (.51)(.49)
n 400

p-value is upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.80: p-value = 1 – .9974 = .0026

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(2.80,TRUE) = .0026

c. Since p-value = .0026  .01, we reject H0 and conclude that people working the night shift get
drowsy while driving more often than the average for the entire population.

45. a. H0: p = .30

Ha: p  .30

b. p= = .48

p − p0 .48 − .30
c. z= = = 2.78
p0 (1 − p0 ) .30(1 − .30)
n 50

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.78: p-value = 2(.0027) = .0054

Using Excel: p-value = 2*[1-NORM.S.DIST(2.78,TRUE)] = .0054

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Hypothesis Tests

p-value  .01; reject H0.

We would conclude that the proportion of stocks going up on the NYSE is not 30%. This would
suggest not using the proportion of DJIA stocks going up on a daily basis as a predictor of the
proportion of NYSE stocks going up on that day.

46. a. H0:  = 16

Ha:   16

x − 0 16.32 − 16
b. z= = = 2.19
/ n .8 / 30

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.19: p-value = 2(.0143) = .0286

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(2.19,TRUE)) = . 0285

p-value  .05; reject H0. Readjust production line.

x − 0 15.82 − 16
c. z= = = −1.23
/ n .8 / 30

Because z < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.23: p-value = 2(.1093) = .2186

Using Excel: p-value = 2*NORM.S.DIST(-1.23,TRUE) = . 2187

p-value > .05; do not reject H0. Continue the production line.

d. Reject H0 if z  -1.96 or z  1.96

For x = 16.32, z = 2.19; reject H0

For x = 15.82, z = -1.23; do not reject H0

Yes, same conclusion.

47. a. H0:  = 900

Ha:   900

b. x  z.025

935  1.96

935  25 (910 to 960)

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Hypothesis Tests

c. Reject H0 because  = 900 is not in the interval.

x − 0 935 − 900
d. z= = = 2.75
/ n 180 / 200

Because z > 0, p-value is two times the upper tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.75: p-value = 2(.0030) = .0060

Using Excel: p-value = 2*(1-NORM.S.DIST(2.75,TRUE)) = . 0060

48. a. H0:   119,155

Ha:  > 119,155

x − 0 126,100 − 119,155
b. z= = = 2.60
/ n 20,700 / 60

p-value is upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = 2.60: p-value = 1.0000 - .9953 = .0047

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(2.60,TRUE) = .0047

c. p-value  .01, reject H0. We can conclude that the mean annual household income for theater goers
in the San Francisco Bay area is higher than the mean for all Playbill readers.

49. The hypothesis test that will allow us to conclude that the consensus estimate has increased is given

H0:   250,000

Ha:  > 250,000

x − 0 266, 000 − 250, 000

t= = = 2.981
s/ n 24, 000 / 20

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 19

p-value is upper-tail area

Using t table: p-value is less than .005

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(2.981,19,TRUE) = .0038

p-value  .01; reject H0. The consensus estimate has increased.

50. H0:  = 25

Ha:   25

x − 0 24.0476 − 25.0
t= = = −1.05
s/ n 5.8849 / 42

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Hypothesis Tests

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 41

Because t < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using t table: area in lower tail is between .10 and .20; therefore, p-value is between

.20 and .40.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*T.DIST(-1.05,41,TRUE) = .2999

Because p-value > α = .05, do not reject H0. There is no evidence to conclude that the mean age at
which women had their first child has changed.

51. a. H0:  ≤ 520

Ha:  > 520

b. Sample mean: 637.94

Sample standard deviation: 148.4694

x − 0 637.94 − 520
t= = = 5.62
s/ n 148.4694 / 50

Degrees of freedom = n – 1 = 49

p-value is the area in the upper tail

Using t table: p-value is < .005

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(5.62,49,TRUE) ≈ 0

c. We can conclude that the mean weekly pay for all women is higher than that for women with only a
high school degree.

d. Using the critical value approach we would:

Reject H0 if t  t.05 = 1.677

Since t = 5.62 > 1.677, we reject H0.

52. H0:   125,000

Ha:  > 125,000

x − 0 130, 000 − 125, 000

t= = = 2.26
s/ n 12,500 / 32

Degrees of freedom = 32 – 1 = 31

p-value is upper-tail area

Using t table: p-value is between .01 and .025

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Hypothesis Tests

Using Excel: p-value = 1-T.DIST(2.26,31,TRUE) = .0155

p-value  .05; reject H0. Conclude that the mean cost is greater than $125,000 per lot.

53. H0:  = 2.357

Ha:   2.357

x= = 2.3496

 ( xi − x )

s= = .0444
n −1

x − 0 2.3496 − 2.3570
t= = = −1.18
s/ n .0444 / 50

Degrees of freedom = 50 - 1 = 49

Because t < 0, p-value is two times the lower tail area

Using t table: area in lower tail is between .10 and .20; therefore, p-value is between .20 and .40.

Using Excel: p-value = 2*T.DIST(-1.18,49,TRUE) = .2437

p-value > .05; do not reject H0.

There is not a statistically significant difference between the National mean price per gallon and the
mean price per gallon in the Lower Atlantic states.

54. a. H0: p  .80

Ha: p  .80

p= = .84

p − p0 .84 − .80
z= = = 2.33
p0 (1 − p0 ) .80(1 − .80)
n 542

p-value is the area in the upper tail

Using normal table with z = 2.33: p-value = 1.0000 - .9901 = .0099

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(2.33,TRUE) = .0099

p-value  .05; reject H0. We conclude that over 80% of airline travelers feel that use of the full body
scanners will improve airline security.

b. H0: p  .75

Ha: p  .75

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Hypothesis Tests

p= = .78

p − p0 .78 − .75
z= = = 1.61
p0 (1 − p0 ) .75(1 − .75)
n 542

p-value is the area in the upper tail

Using normal table with z = 1.61: p-value = 1.0000 - .9463 = .0537

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(1.61,TRUE) = .0537

p-value > .01; we cannot reject H0. Thus, we cannot conclude that over 75% of airline travelers
approve of using full body scanners. Mandatory use of full body scanners is not

Author’s note: The TSA is also considering making the use of full body scanners optional. Travelers
would be given a choice of a full body scan or a pat down search.

55. a. H0: p ≤ .39

Ha: p > .39

p − p0 .41 − .39
b. z= = = .87
p0 (1 − p0 ) .39(1 − .39)
n 450

p-value is the area in the upper tail

Using normal table with z = .87: p-value = 1 - .8078 = .1922

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(.87,TRUE) = .1922

c. With .1922 > .10, we cannot reject H 0 . We cannot conclude that the proportion of bullishness is
greater than the long term average. The difference is not significant at the .10 level.

56. a. H0: p  .80

Ha: p > .80

b. p= = .84 (84%)

p − p0 .84 − .80
c. z= = = 1.73
p0 (1 − p0 ) .80(1 − .80)
n 300

p-value is the upper-tail area

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Hypothesis Tests

Using normal table with z = 1.73: p-value = 1.0000 - .9582 = .0418

Using Excel: p-value = 1-NORM.S.DIST(1.73,TRUE) = .0418

d. p-value  .05; reject H0. Conclude that more than 80% of the customers are satisfied with the
service provided by the home agents. Regional Airways should consider implementing the home
agent system.

57. a. p= = .553

b. H0: p  .50

Ha: p > .50

p − p0 .553 − .500
c. z= = = 3.19
p0 (1 − p0 ) (.5)(.5)
n 910

p-value is the upper-tail area

Using normal table with z = 3.19: p-value ≈ 0

Using Excel: p-value = 1 – NORM.S.DIST(3.19,TRUE) = . 0007

You can tell the manager that the observed level of significance is very close to zero and that this
means the results are highly significant. Any reasonable person would reject the null hypotheses and
conclude that the proportion of adults who are optimistic about the national outlook is greater than

58. H0: p  .90

Ha: p < .90

p= = .8448

p − p0 .8448 − .90
z= = = −1.40
p0 (1 − p0 ) .90(1 − .90)
n 58

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.40: p-value =.0808

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.40,TRUE) = . 0808

p-value > .05; do not reject H0. Claim of at least 90% cannot be rejected.

59. a. H0: p  .24

Ha: p < .24

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Hypothesis Tests

b. p= = .2025

p − p0 .2025 − .24
c. z= = = −1.76
p0 (1 − p0 ) .24(1 − .24)
n 400

p-value is the lower-tail area

Using normal table with z = -1.76: p-value =.0392

Using Excel: p-value = NORM.S.DIST(-1.76,TRUE) = .0392

p-value  .05; reject H0.

The proportion of workers not required to contribute to their company sponsored health care plan
has declined. There seems to be a trend toward companies requiring employees to share the cost of
health care benefits.

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Capm. xv. O quam virginitas prior omni laude refulget,
Agnum que sequitur cuncta per arua poli;
Splendet et in terris deitati nupta, relinquens
650 Corporis humani que genus acta docet.
Fetet vt incasta, fragrat sine labe pudica,
Ista deum retinet, illa cadauer habet.
Centeno trina fructu cumulata perornant
Virginis ante deum florida serta caput:
Angelicas turmas transcendit virginis ordo,
Quam magis in celo trina corona colit.
Iura sequens aquile mens virginis alta cupiscens
Celsius ante deum, teste Iohanne, volat.
Vt rosa de spinis oriens supereminet illas,
660 Sic superat reliquos virginis ille status;
Vt margarita placet alba magis preciosa,
Sic placet in claustro virgo professa deo.443
Talis enim claustris monialis dignior extat
Sanccior et meritis, dum sua vota tenet.
Set quecumque tamen sub velo claustra requirit,
Regula quam seruat sanctificabit eam:
Si fuerit mulier bona, reddit eam meliorem,
Moribus et mores addit vbique magis;
Si polluta prius sit quam velata, que caste
670 Ammodo viuat, erit preuia culpa nichil.
Non licet ergo viris monachas violare sacratas,
Velum namque sacrum signa pudica gerit.
Alterius sponsam presumens deuiolare,
Quam graue iudiciis perpetrat ipse scelus!
Crede tamen grauius peccat, qui claustra
Presumit sponsam deuiolare dei.

Postquam tractauit de illis qui in religione

possessoria sui ordinis professionem
offendunt, dicendum est iam de hiis qui errant
in ordine fratrum mendicancium; et primo dicet
de illis qui sub ficte paupertatis vmbra terrena
lucra conspirantes, quasi tocius mundi
dominium subiugarunt.

Capm. xvi. Dum fuit in terris, non omnes quos sibi legit
Cristus, erant fidi, lege nouante dei:
Non tamen est equm, quod crimen preuaricantis
680 Ledat eos rectam qui coluere fidem.
Sic sterilis locus est nullus, quod non sit in illo
Mixta reprobatis vtilis herba malis;
Nec fecundus ita locus est, quo non reprobata
Mixta sit vtilibus herba nociua bonis:
Tam neque iustorum stat concio lata virorum,
Est quibus iniusti mixtio nulla viri.
Sic excusandos, quos sanctos approbat ordo,
Fratres consimili iure fatetur opus:
Non volo pro paucis diffundere crimen in omnes,
690 Spectetur meritis quilibet immo suis;
Quos tamen error agit, veniens ego nuncius illis,
Que michi vox tribuit verba loquenda fero.
Sicut pastor oues, sic segregat istud ab edis
Quos opus a reprobis senserit ordo probos:
Que magis huius habet vocis sentencia scribam
Hiis quos transgressos plus notat ordo reos.
Crimina que Iudas commisit ponere Petro
Nolo, ferat proprium pondus vterque suum.
Ordinis officia fateor primi fore sancta,
700 Eius et auctores primitus esse pios;
Hos qui consequitur frater manet ille beatus,
Qui mundum renuens querit habere deum,
Qui sibi pauperiem claustralis adoptat, et vltro
Hanc gerit, et paciens ordinis acta subit:
Talis enim meritis extat laudabilis altis,
Eius nam precibus viuificatur humus.
Set sine materia qui laruat in ordine formam,
Predicat exterius, spirat et intus opes,
Talibus iste liber profert sua verba modernis,
710 Vt sibi vox populi contulit illa loqui.
Ordine mendico supervndat concio fratrum,
De quibus exvndans regula prima fugit:
Molles deveniunt tales, qui dura solebant
Ordinis ex voto ferre placenda deo.
Acephalum nomen sib i d a n t primo statuendum,
Seque vocant inopes fert quibus omnis opem:
Cristi discipulos affirmant se fore fratres,
Eius et exempli singula iura sequi:
Hoc mentita fides dicit, tamen hoc satis illis
720 Conuenit, vt dicunt qui sacra scripta sciunt.
Sunt quasi nunc gentes nil proprietatis habentes,
Et tamen in forma pauperis omne tenent.
Gracia si fuerit aut fatum fratribus istis
Nescio, set mundus totus habundat eis.
In manibus retinent papam, qui dura relaxat
Ordinis et statuit plura licere modo;
Et si quas causas pape negat ipsa potestas,
Clam faciet licitas ordo sinister eas.
Nec rex nec princeps nec magnas talis in orbe est,
730 Qui sua secreta non fateatur eis.
Et sic mendici dominos superant, et ab orbe
Vsurpant tacite quod negat ordo palam.
Non hos discipulos, magis immo deos fore dicam,
Mors quibus et vita dedita lucra ferunt:
Mortua namque sibi, quibus hic confessor adhesit,
Corpora, si fuerint digna, sepulta petit;
Set si corpus inops fuerit, nil vendicat ipse,
Nam sua nil pietas, sint nisi lucra, sapit.
Baptizare fidem nolunt, quia res sine lucro
740 Non erit in manibus culta vel acta suis.
Vt sibi mercator emit omne genus specierum,
Lucra quod ex multis multa tenere queat;
Sic omnes mundi causas amplectit auarus
Frater, vt in variis gaudeat ipse lucris.
Hii sunt quos retinens mundus non horruit, immo
Diligit, hiisque statum tradidit ipse suum:
Istos conuersos set peruersos magis esse
Constat, vt ex factis nomina vera trahant.
Transtulit a vite se palmes sic pharisea,
750 Eius et in gustu fructus acerbus olet.

Hic loquitur de fratribus illis, qui per

ypocrisim predicando populi peccata publice
redarguentes, blandiciis tamen et voluptatibus
clanculo deseruiunt.

Capm. xvii. Seminat ypocrisis sermones dedita fratris,

Messis vt inde sui crescat in orbe lucri.
Horrida verba tonat, dum publica per loca dampnat
Vsum peccandi seruus vt ipse dei;
Seruus et vt Sathane, priuatis cum residere
Venerit in thalamis, glosa remittit eis;
Et quos alta prius stimulabat vox reboantis,
Postera blandicies vnget in aure leuis:
Et sic peccator aliis peccata ministrat,
760 Namque fouens vicium percipit inde lucrum.
Hoc bene scit frater, peccatum cum moriatur,
Tunc moritur lucrum tempus in omne suum.
Dic vbi ter veniet frater, nisi lucra reportet,
Est vbi sors vacua, non redit ipse via.
De fundamentis fratrum si crimina tollas,
Sic domus alta diu corruet absque manu.
O quam prophete iam verificantur Osee
Sermones, qui sic vera locutus ait:
‘In terris quedam gens surget, que populorum
770 Peccatum comedet et mala multa sciet.’
Hancque propheciam nostris venisse diebus
Cernimus, atque notam fratribus inde damus,
Ad quorum victum, fuerit quodc u m q u e
n e c e s s e,
Sors de peccatis omne ministrat eis.
Delicie tales non sunt, que fratribus escam,
Si confessores sint, aliquando negant.
Aspicis vt veniunt ad candida tecta columbe,
Nec capiet tales sordida turris aues:
Sic nisi magnatum dat curia nulla modernis
780 Fratribus hospicium quo remanere volunt.
Horrea formice tendunt ad inania numquam,
Nec vagus amissas frater adibit opes:
Immemores florum gestaminis anterioris,
Contempnunt spinam cum cecidere rose;
Sic et amicicie fratres benefacta prioris
Diuitis aspernunt, cum dare plura nequit.
Nomine sunt plures, pauci tamen ordine fratres;
Vt dicunt aliqui, Pseudo prophetat ibi.
Est facies tunice pauper, stat cistaque diues,
790 Sub verbis sanctis turpia facta latent:
Sic sine pauperie pauper, sanctus sine Cristo,
Eminet ille bonus, qui bonitate caret.
Ore deum clamant isti, venerantur et aurum
Corde, viam cuius vndique scire volunt.
Omnia sub pedibus demon subiecit eorum,
Ficta set ypocrisis nil retinere docet:
Sic mundana tenet qui spernit in ordine mundum,
Dum tegit hostilem vestis ouina lupum;
Et sic ficticiis plebs incantata putabit444
800 Sanctos exterius, quos dolus intus habet.
Vix est alterius fraudem qui corripit vnus,
Set magis vt fallant auget vterque dolos:
Sic magis infecti morbo iactantur eodem,
Inficiuntque suis fraudibus omne solum.
Comprimat hos dominus saltem, quos nouit in isto
Tempore primeuam preuaricare fidem.
Non peto quod periant, set fracti consolidentur,445
Et subeant primum quem dedit ordo statum.

Hic loquitur de fratribus illis, qui propter

huius mundi famam, et vt ipsi eciam, quasi ab
ordinis sui iugo exempti, ad confessiones
audiendum digniores efficiantur, summas in
studio scole cathedras affectant.

Capm. xviii. Est qui precessor fiat velut ipse minister,

810 Cuius in exemplum Cristus agebat idem:
Set qui discipulum Cristi se dicit, ad altum446
Cum venit ipse statum, non tenet inde modum.
Quamuis signa tenet mendici pauperis, ecce
Frater honore suum spirat habere locum:
Appetit ipse scolis nomen sibi ferre magistri,
Quem post exemptum regula nulla ligat:
Solus habet cameram, propriat commune, que
Tunc sibi claustralem computat esse parem.
Vt latriam statuis claustrales ferre magistris
820 Debent et pedibus flectere colla suis:
Sic tumor et pompa latitant sub theologia,
Ducere nec duci dum fauet ordo sibi.
Tunc thalamos penetrat sublimes, curia nulla
Est cuius porta clauditur ante virum.
Aspiciens varias species variatur et ipse
Camelion, et tot signa coloris habet:
Frater ei similis, perpendens velle virorum,
Vult in consimili par sit vt ipse pari;
Et quia sic similem sibi sentit curia fratrem,
830 Eius in aduentu presulis acta vacant.
Circuit exterius, explorat et interiora,
Non opus occultum nec locus extat ei:
Nunc medicus, nunc confessor, nunc est mediator,
Et super et subtus mittit ad omne manum.
Spiritus vt domini, sic frater spirat vbique,
Et venit ad lectum quando maritus abest:
Sic absente viro temerarius intrat adulter
Frater, et alterius propriat acta sibi:
Sic venit ad strati capitata cubicula lecti,
840 Sepius et prima sorte futurus erit.
Sic genitus Salomon est hac que nupsit Vrie,
Dum pius intrusor occupat inde locum:
Sponsi defectus suplet deuocio fratris,
Et genus amplificans atria plena facit.
Verberat iste vepres, volucrem capit alter; et iste
Seminat in fundum, set metet alter agrum:
In stadio currunt ambo, brauium tamen vnus
Accipit iniuste longius ipse retro:
Sic intrat sponsus aliorum sepe labores,
850 Ac vbi non soluit in lucra, vana tamen.
Credit et exultat prolem genuisse maritus,
Vngula nec prolis pertinet vna sibi.
Predicat ypocrita cum sponso carmina sancta,
Vt deus ex verbo staret in ore suo:
Cum sponsa Veneris laudes decantat, et eius
Officium summe suplet honore dee:
Sic opus in basso tenementum construit altum,
Cuius egens nocte fabrica poscit opem.
O pietas fratris, que circuit et iuuat omnes,
860 Et gerit alterius sic pacienter onus:
O qui non animas tantum, set corpora nostra,
In sudore suo sanctificare venit.
Hic est confessor domini non, set dominarum,447
Qui magis est blandus quam Titiuillus eis:
Hic est confessor quasi fur quem furca fatetur,
Sic quia ius nostrum de muliere rapit.
Hic est confessor in peius qui male vertit,
Sordida namque lauans sordidiora facit:
Pellem pro pelle, quod habet sibi frater et omne
870 Pro nostri sponsa, se dabit atque sua.
O condigna viro tali quis premia reddet,
Aut deus aut demon? vltima verba ligant.
Peccati finis fert namque stipendia mortis,
Est dum culpa vetus plena pudore nouo:
Horum, viuentes qui tot miracula prestant,
In libro mortis nomina scripta manent.
Inter apes statuit natura quod esse notandum
Sencio, quo poterit frater habere notam.
Nam si pungat apis, pungenti culpa repugnat,
880 Amplius vt stimulum non habet ipse suum;
Postque domi latebras tenet et non euolat vltra,
Floribus vt campi mellificare queat.
O deus, in simili forma si frater adulter
Perderet inflatum, dum stimularet, acum,
Amplius vt flores non colligat in muliere,
Nec vagus a domibus pergat in orbe suis!
Causa cessante quia tunc cessaret ab ipsis
Effectus, quo nunc plura pericla latent.

Hic loquitur qualiter isti fratres inordinate

viuentes ad ecclesie Cristi regimen non sunt
aliqualiter necessarii.

Capm. xix. Vna michi mira res est, quam mente reuoluens
890 Nescio finali qua racione foret.
Quam prius ordo fuit fratrum, quoscumque
Congruit ecclesie fertur inesse gradus.
Papa fuit princeps, alios qui substituebat,
Vt plebem regerent singula iura dedit:
Ius sibi presul habet, sub eo curatus, et ille
Admittens curas pondera plebis agit:
Proprietarius est presul qui proprietatem
Curato tribuit, qua sua iura regat:
Presulis inde loco curatus iurat, vt ipse
900 Tempore iudicii que tulit acta dabit.
Est igitur racio que vel tibi causa videtur,
Alterius proprium quod sibi frater habet?
Inter aues albas vetitur consistere coruum,
Quem notat ingratum quodlibet esse pecus;
Inter et ecclesie ciues consistere fratrem,
Qui negat eius onus, omnia iura vetant.
Caucius in rebus dubiis est semper agendum,
Causa nec est mundi talis vt ipsa dei:
Si tamen vsurpet mundi quis iura, refrenant
910 Legis eum vires nec variare sinunt.
Que mea sunt propria mundo si tolleret alter,
Taliter iniustum lex reputabit eum:
In preiudicium partis lex non sinit equa,
Possit vt alterius alter habere locum:
Que bona corporea sunt alterius, nequit alter
Tollere, ni legum condita iura neget:
Set que sunt anime frater rapiens aliena,
Nescio qua lege iustificabit opus.
Si dic a t, ‘Papa dispensat,’ tunc videamus,
920 Est sibi suggestum, sponte vel illud agit.
Papa mero motu scimus quod talia numquam
Concessit, set ea supplicat ordo frequens:
Papa potest falli, set qui videt interiora,
Est hoc pro lucri scit vel amore dei.
Lingua petit curas anime, mens postulat aurum,
Bina sicque manu propria nostra rapit:
Defraudans animas, talis rapit inde salutem,
Et super hoc nostras tollere temptat opes.
Non ita Franciscus peciit, set singula linquens
930 Mundi pauperiem simplicitate tulit.
Gignit humus tribulos, vbi torpet cultor in agris,
Quo minus ad messes fert sua lucra Ceres:
Pungitur ecclesia, fratrum quos sentit abortos
Inuidie stimulis lesa per omne latus.
Quilibet ergo bonus tribulos extirpet arator,
Ne pharisea sacrum polluat herba locum.

Hic loquitur qualiter isti fratres inordinate

viuentes ad commune bonum vtiles aliqualiter
non existunt.

Capm. xx.Fratribus vt redimant celum non est labor Ade,

Quo sibi vel reliquis vina vel arua colunt;
Corporis immo quies, quam querunt forcius, illos
940 Iam fouet, et mundi tedia nulla grauant:
Hiis neque perspicuus armorum pertinet actus,
Publica quo seruant iura vigore suo:
Sic neque milicies neque terre cultus adornat
Hos, set in orbe vagos linquit vterque status.
Nec sunt de clero f r a t r e s, quamuis sibi temptent
Vsurpare statum, quem sinit vmbra scole:
Non onus admittunt fratres cleri set honorem,
In cathedra primi quo residere petunt.
Non curant animas populi neque corpora pascunt:
950 Ad commune bonum quid magis ergo valent?
Vt neque ramosa numerabis in ilice glandes,
Tu fratrum numerum dinumerare nequis:
Immo, velut torrens vndis pluuialibus auctus,
Aut niue, que zephiro victa tepente fluit,
Ordo supercreuit habitu, set ab ordine virtus
Cessit, et in primis desinit ire viis.
Si racio fieret, famulorum poscit egestas
Tales quod sulcus posset habere suos.
Hos Dauid affirmat hominum nec inesse labore,
960 Nec posite legis vlla flagella pati.
Regia i u r a n i c h i l aut presulis acta valebunt,
Excessus fratrum quo moderare queant.
Que sua sunt mundus ea diligit, fratribus ergo
Attulit vt caris prospera queque suis:
Non sulcant neque nent, falcant nec in horrea
Pascit eos mundus non tamen inde minus.
Pectora sic gaudent, nec sunt attrita dolore,
Anterior celo dum reputatur humus:
Cordis in affectum sic transit frater, et illum
970 Quem querit cursum complet in orbe suum.
Dic quid honoris habet, si filius Hectoris arma
Deserit et vecors predicat acta patris?
Aut quid et ipse valet, si frater Apostata sanctum
Clamat Franciscum, quem negat ipse sequi?
Fictis set verbis mundi sine lumine sensum
Obfuscant, que sua sic maledicta tegunt:
Sic vbi non ordo, manet error in ordinis vmbra,
Et quasi laruatus stat sacer ordo nouus.
Hiis qui Francisci seruant tamen ordine iusto
980 Debita mandata, debitus extat honor.

Hic loquitur de fratribus illis, qui incautos

pueros etatis discrecionem non habentes in sui
ordinis professionem attractando colloquiis
blandis multipliciter illaqueant.

Est michi suspectum de fratribus hoc, quod

Capm. xxi.
Reddere se primo nullus adultus adest:
Non sic Franciscum puerilis traxerat etas
Ordinis ad votum, quando recepit eum:
Sic nec eum pueri primo coluere sequaces,
Nec blande lingue fabula traxit eos.
Estimo maturos Franciscus sumpserat annos,
Dum per discreta viscera cepit opus;
Et puto quod similes sua dogmata sponte
990 Nec prece nec precio reddidit ordo deo.
Set vetus vsus abest, nam circumvencio facta
Nunc trahit infantes, qui nichil inde sciunt;
Et sic de teneri tener ordo mollia querit,
Vmbraque sola manet atque nouerca quasi.
Vt vocat ad laqueos volucrem dum fistulat
Sic trahit infantes fratris ab ore sonus:
Vt laqueatur auis laqueorum nescia fraudis,
Sic puer in fratrem fraude latente cadit:
Et cum sic poterit puerum vetus illaqueare,
1000 Debet ob hoc frater nomen habere patris.
Sic generata dolis patrem sequitur sua proles,
Addit et ad patrios facta dolosa dolos;
Solaque sic radix centenos inficit ex se
Ramos, qui fructus fraudis in orbe ferunt.
Nam puer a veteri deceptus fratre per illud
Decipit exemplum, quando senecta venit:
Sic post decipiunt qui primo decipiuntur,
Et fraus de fraude multiplicata viget:
Sic crescit numerus fratrum, fit et ordo minutus,
1010 Dum miser in miseris gaudet habere pares.
‘Ve, qui proselitum vobis faciatis vt vnum,
Mundum circuitis,’ dixerat ipse deus:448
Illud erat dictum phariseis, et modo possum
Fratribus hec verba dicere lege noua.

Hic loquitur de apostazia fratrum ordinis

mendicancium, precipue de hiis qui sub ficta
ypocrisis simplicitate quasi vniuersorum curias
magnatum subuertunt, et inestimabiles suis
ficticiis sepissime causant errores.

Vt bona multa bonum fratrem quocumque

Capm. xxii.
Sic mala multa malum constat vbique sequi.
Sunt etenim domini tres, quorum quilibet vni
Seruit homo, per quem se petit ipse regi:
Est deus, est mundus, est demon apostata, cuius
1020 Ordine transgressus fert sibi frater onus.
Regula namque dei non nouit eum, neque mundi
Dat sibi milicies libera nulla statum:
Non habet ipse deum, nec habere valet sibi
Demonis vt proprium sic subit ipse iugum:
Omnis enim vicii viciosus apostata motor
Aut fautor nutrit quod videt esse malum.
Testis erit Salomon, vir talis invtilis extat,
Et peiora sue crimina mentis agit:
Arte vel ingenio, quo talis in orbe frequentat,
1030 Ducit in effectum plura timenda satis.
Non obstat paries illi, non clausa resistunt,
Invia consistunt peruia queque sibi:
Per mare, per terras, per totum circuit orbem;
Vt sibi plus placeat, cernere cuncta potest.
Nititur in fraudes, componit verba dolosa,
Auget et accumulat multiplicatque dolos;
Proponit lites, rixas accendit in iram,
Liuores nutrit invidiamque fouet;
Vincula disrumpit pacis, socialis amoris
1040 Federa perturbat, dissociatque fidem;
Suggerit incestum, suadet violare pudorem,
Soluere coniugium, commaculare thorum;
Vsurpando fidem vultum mentitur honestum,
Caucius vt fraudem palleat ipse suam.
In dampnis dandis promissor vbique fidelis,
Comoda si dederit, disce subesse dolum:
Sub grossa lana linum subtile tenetur,
Simplicitas vultus corda dolosa tegit;
Lingua venenato dum verba subornat in ore,
1050 Mellificat virus melque venena facit.
Vt sub virtutum specie lateat viciorum
Actus, et vt turpis Simea fiat homo;
Ipse tumens humilem mentitur sepe professum,
Quem fugit occulto spiritus ille dei.
Ordinis ipse sacri quicquid Franciscus honeste
Virtutis statuit, hic viciare studet:
Cuncta colore tamen operit, facieque decora
Fallit, dumque latent viscera plena dolo.
Invenies scriptum quod pennas strucio gestat
1060 Herodii pennis ancipitrisque pares;
Set non tam celeri viget eius penna volatu,
Ypocritamque notat, qui similando volat.
Aurea facta foras similans ypocrita fingit,
Set mala mens intus plumbea vota gerit:
Sunt etenim multi tales qui verba colorant,
Qui pascunt aures, aurea verba sonant,
Verbis frondescunt, set non est fructus in actu,
Simplicium mentes dulce loquendo mouent:
Set templum domini tales excludit, abhorret
1070 Verborum phaleras, verba polita fugit.
Scripta poetarum, que sermo pictus inaurat,
Aurea dicuntur lingua, set illa caue:449
Est simplex verbum fidei bonus vnde meretur,
Set duplex animo predicat absque deo.
Despicit eloquia deus omnia, quando polita
Tecta sub eloquii melle venena fouent:
Qui bona verba serit, agit et male, turpiter errat,
Nam post verba solet accio sancta sequi.
Quos magis alta scola colit, hii sermone polito
1080 Scandala subtili picta colore serunt.
Sepius aut lucrum vel honoris adepcio vani450
Fratrum sermones dat magis esse reos:
Sub tritici specie zizannia sepe refundunt,
Dum doctrina tumens laudis amore studet:
Sepe suis meritis ascribere facta, mouere
Scisma, peritorum mens studiosa solet.
Phiton siue Magus est scismaticus, quia turbat
Verum quod credis et dubitanda mouet;
Set contra voces incantantis sapienter
1090 Aures obtura, ne cor adheret eis.
Non sunt hii fratres recti nec amore fideles
Ecclesie Cristi, sicut habetur ibi;
Inperfecta magis Sinagoga notabit eorum
Doctrinam, plene que neque vera docet:
Multociens igitur aliis nocet illa superba
Copia librorum quos Sinagoga tenet.
Non sunt ecclesie recti ciues, Agar immo
Parturit ancilla, perfida mater, eos:
Ergo recedat Agar, pariat quoque Sarra fidelem
1100 Ecclesie clerum, det Sinagoga locum.
Plantauit pietas et amor primordia fratrum,
Quos furor ad presens ambiciosus agit:
Frater adest Odium, qui federa pacis abhorret,
Cuius ab inferno cepit origo viam;
Ille professus enim claustralia iura resoluit,
Nec fore concordes quos sinit ipse pares.
Qui tamen in culpa frater se sentit, et illam
Non delet, tali talia verba loquor:
‘Culpa mali laudem non debet tollere iusto,
1110 Nam lux in tenebris fulget honore magis:
Quisque suum portabit onus, culpetur iniqus,
Laudeturque suis actibus ipse bonus.’

Hic loquitur qualiter isti fratres mendicantes

mundum circuiendo amplioresque querendo
delicias de loco in locum cum ocio se
transferunt: loquitur eciam de superfluis eorum
edificiis, que quasi ab huius seculi
potencioribus vltra modum delicate

Iudeos spersos fratrum dispersio signat,

Capm. xxiii.
Quos modo per mundum deuius error agit;
Iste nec ille loco stabilis manet, immo vicissim
Se mouet, et varia mutat vbique loca.
Sic in circuitu nunc ambulat impius orbis,
Nec domus est in qua non petit ipse locum;
Pauperis in specie sibi sic elemosina predas
1120 Prebet, et ora lupi vellere laruat ouis:
Absque labore suo bona nemo meretur, et ergo
Omne solum lustrant, idque piamen habent.
Nescio si supera sibi clauserit ostia celum;
Dat mare, dant ampnes, totaque terra viam.
Hoc lego, quod raro crescit que sepe mouetur
Planta, set ex sterili sorte frequenter eget:
Non tamen est aliqua quin regula fallit in orbe,
Mocio nam fratris crescere causat eum;
Nam quocumque suos mouet ille per arida
1130 Mundus eum sequitur et famulatur ei.
Vt pila facta pilis solito dum voluitur ipsis
Crescit, et ex modico magnificatur opus,
Sic, vbi se voluit frater, sibi mundus habundat,
Quicquid et ipse manu tangit adheret ei:
Federa cum mundo sua frater apostata stringit,
Sic vt in occulto sint quasi semper idem.
Multis set quedam virtutes esse videntur,
Qui nil virtutis nec bonitatis habent;
Ista dabunt vocem, set erunt deformia mente,
1140 Multaque dum fiunt absque salute placent.
Ad decus ecclesie deuocio seruit eorum,
Et veluti quedam signa salutis habent:
Eminet ecclesia constructa sibi super omnes,
Edificant petras sculptaque ligna fouent;
Porticibus valuas operosis, atria, quales
Quotque putas thalamos hic laberintus habet:
Ostia multa quidem, varie sunt mille fenestre,
Mille columpnarum marmore fulta domus.
Fabrica lata domus erit, alta decoraque muris,
1150 Picturis variis splendet et omne decus;
Omnis enim cella, manet in qua frater inanis,
Sculpture vario compta decore nitet:
Postibus insculpunt longum mansura per euum
Signa, quibus populi corda ligare putant.
Fingentes Cristum mundum querunt, et in eius
Conspirant laudem clamque sequntur eum:
Talis sub facie deuocio sancta figure
Fingitur, et testis fit magis inde domus:
Qui tamen omne videt, rimatur et intima cordis,
1160 Scit quia pro mundo tale paratur opus.
Set docet exemplis historia Parisiensis,
Quod contentus homo sit breuiore domo.
Non sibi de propriis habet vlla potencia regis
Illorum thalamis tecta polita magis:
Non ita fit vestis fratrum nota simplicitatis,
Quin magis in domibus pompa notabit eos.
In fabrice studio vigilat conuentus eorum
Ecclesie, prompti corpore, mente pigri:
Sic patet exterius fratrum deuocio sancta,
1170 Vana set interius cordis ymago latet:
Sunt similes vlno tales, qui sunt sine fructu,
In quibus impietas plurima, pauca fides.
Dic, tibi quid, frater, confert, tantas quod honestas
Cum feda mente construis ipse domos?
Esto domus domini, quam sacris moribus orna,
Virtutem cultor religionis ama.
Omnia fine patent, tibi fingere nil valet extra,
Per quod ab interius premia nulla feres:
Si tibi laus mundi maneat furtiua diebus,
1180 Cum celum perdis, laus erit illa pudor.
Ordinis es, norma tibi sit, nec ab ordine cedas,
Est aliter cassum quicquid ab inde geris.

Hic loquitur qualiter, non solum in ordine

fratrum mendicancium set eciam in singulis
cleri gradibus, ea que virtutis esse solebant a
viciis quasi generaliter subuertuntur: dicit
tamen quod secundum quasdam Burnelli
constituciones istis precipue diebus modus et
regula specialius451 obseruantur.

Diuersat fratres tantummodo vestis eorum,

Capm. xxiiii.
Hii tamen existunt condicione pares:
Regula nulla manet, fuerat que facta per ante,
Set nouus ordo nouum iam facit omne forum.
Sicut enim fratrum nunc ordo resoluitur, ecce
Ecclesie norma fit quasi tota noua;
Set sacer ordo tamen remanet, quem sanxerat
1190 Frater Burnellus, crescit et ille magis.
Hec decreta modo, Burnellus que statuebat,
Omnia non resero nec reserare volo;
Set duo iam tantum que iussit in ordine dicam,
Et sunt presenti tempore iura quasi.
Mandatum primum tibi contulit, omne iocosum,
Quicquid in orbe placet, illud habere licet:
Si vis mercari, sis mercenarius, autem452
Si vis mechari, dat tibi, mechus eris:453
Que magis vlla caro desiderat, illa beato
1200 Sunt fratri nostro debita iura modo.
Precipiens vltra statuit de lege secunda,
Quod nocuum carni sit procul omne tibi:
Omne quod est anime reputatur in ordine vile,
Et caro delicias debet habere suas:
Cor dissolue tuum, te nullus namque ligabit,
Quo vis vade tuas liber vbique vias.
Mollibus ornatus sic dignior ordo nouellus
Restat Burnelli, vult quia velle viri.
Nil michi Bernardus, nichil ammodo seu
1210 Sint, set Burnellus sit Prior ipse meus;
Quo viget en carnis requies, quo lingua precantis
A prece torpescens fit quasi tota silens:455
Ordoque sic precibus dum vult succurrere nobis,
Linquo choax ranis et nichil inde magis:456
Si veniantque michi mala tempora, credo quod
De clero causam dant nimis inde grauem;
Quis poterit namque nobis bona tempora ferre,
Ordine claustrali dum perit ordo dei,
Et fugit a reliquo deuocio celica clero?
1220 Sic fugit a nobis vndique nostra salus.
Nam quia sic medii fallunt discorditer ipsi,
Ignaui populi stamus in orbe vagi.
Quid sibi corpus habet in eo, nisi spiritus extet,
Quid nisi nos clerus suplet in orbe pius?
A planta capiti set qui discernere cleri
Vult genus aut speciem, vix sciet inde bonum.
Sic vbi lux, tenebre, sic mors, vbi normula vite
Instrueret sanam gentibus ire viam.
Vt dicunt alii de clero, sic ego dixi,
1230 Quo creuit reliquis error in orbe magis:
Nam sine pastore grex est dispersus, et ecce
Pascua peccati querit vbique noui.

1221-1232. Text STH₂ As follows in CEHGDL,

Nunc quia sic Cleri sors errat ab ordine Cristi,

Vsurpat mundus que negat ipse deus.
Dum tua, Burnelle, scola sit communis in orbe,
A planta capiti fallitur omnis ibi:
Sed cum Gregorii scola fulsit in orbe beati,458
Vera fides viguit, cunctaque pace tulit.
Nunc tamen est Arius nouus, est quasi Iouinianus,
Doctor in ecclesiis scisma mouendo scolis.
Sic vbi lux, tenebre, sic mors, vbi regula vite
1230* Instrueret rectam gentibus ire viam.
Quilibet ergo bonus, sit miles siue Colonus,
Orans pro Clero det sua vota deo.

424 14 subtrahet CE
425 52 erat ... vrbe DL
426 72 esse SG ipse CEHDL
427 79 dum CE
428 103 No paragr. S
429 177 oculis T oculus SCEHGDLH₂
430 216 rara CE
431 273 vt (ut) CEHGDLT et S
432 295 sibi om. S (p. m.) vir inserted later bona qui sibi D
433 Cap. vi. Heading 2 f. religionis sibi CE
434 315 No paragr. S
435 336 iam CEHGDLTH₂ non S
436 404 ghemendo SH gemendo CEDL
437 489 fomes est res C fomes res est L
438 Heading 1 quasi om. D
439 587 Marginal note ins. SCG om. EHDLH₂ Nota quod Genius
secundum Ouidium dicitur sacerdos Veneris G
440 593 ibi SE
441 635 qui CE
442 645 perextra SHGTL per extra CED
443 662 placet CEH patet SGDL
444 799 putabit CEHD putabat SGL
445 807 pereant CEL
446 811 ad CEHGDL et S
447 863 sed non D
448 1012 margin Nota C
449 1072 lingua SH₂ verba CEHGDLT
450 1081 adepcio CEHGDL adopcio S
451 Heading 5 specialiter S
452 1197 autem STH₂ et si CEHGDL
453 1198 Text STH₂ Mechari cupias dat tibi GDL Mechari cupias
ordine CEH
454 1209 seu] uel C
455 1212 Text STH₂ Auribus alma sonat menteque vana petit
456 1214 Text STH₂ Folia non fructus percipit inde deus
457 1215 Text STH₂ Si veniant mundi CEHGDL
458 1225* fulscit HG

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