Q2module2 1

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Davao Oriental Regional Science High School


Activity 1 – Understanding Online Education Directions: Read the essay on “Why You
Should Consider Online Education,” and answer some questions at the end of the essay.

Why You Should Consider Online Education

Education was a privilege of the chosen few. As time passed,
studying at any kind of school became obligatory. Education began to be
seen as a right, and even some kind of civic duty. Nowadays, it is difficult
to meet a person, who has not studied anywhere for at least a year. At the
same time, going to a higher education institution is not the only option
one has nowadays. The Internet–the place where it is possible to find
anything–has become a perfect solution for those who strive to learn
something new but have no possibility or desire to go to college.
Although online education may not seem to be substantial enough
compared to the traditional one, it possesses a number of solid advantages
you should consider. First of all, online education means comfort
(eLearning Industry). Studying in a college or university often equates to
moving to a different city, handing overloads of money, living on campus
(which is not always a nice change in life), and having to go out no matter
how horrible the weather outside is. Studying online, you get yourself rid
of all these drawbacks.
Regardless of whether you are at home, on vacation, or having a
lunch break in the office, all you need to learn something new is your
laptop and an Internet connection. Rather often, online education portals
offer the possibility to study offline by simply watching videos made by an
instructor and completing assignments whenever it is convenient for
students. Secondly, online education is much more affordable than the
traditional one. For example, you can find all kinds of educational
programs much cheaper during discount seasons. Along with regular paid
courses, it also offers a variety of free educational materials available for
everyone. Of course, not all of the online degrees offer cheaper prices, but
due to the absence of commuting costs and other factors, studying online
proves to be more accessible–especially for younger people. Studying
materials and/or textbooks, as well as other resources, are often included
in the price for an online course, so you do not have to purchase it
separately. Moreover, nowadays, credits earned via online courses are
accepted by a growing number of educational institutions, which in
general increase the value and usefulness of massive open online courses.
Finally, you can study at your own pace (eLearning Industry).
Educational institutions, be it high schools or universities, have to focus on
an average student–whose cognitive and intellectual capabilities are some
kind of an arithmetical mean. The disciplines you will study, the methods
of education, teachers, and the academic environment are not yours to
choose. At the same time, the Internet gives you the opportunity to study
as much as you want, with any teacher or instructor you like. Many courses
online have demo videos showing an instructor’s manner of teaching,
giving an overview of a course program, and allowing you to make an
informed choice. You can watch one video per day, or you can finish an
entire course in a week–you can do whatever is convenient to you.
It can be said that nowadays, online courses have become a great
option for everyone willing to master a specific area of knowledge, but not
willing (or having costs, possibilities, etc.) to enter a college or university.
Studying online is convenient, can be pursued for much lesser prices than
traditional education, and can be performed at an individual pace.
Source: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/persuasive/why-you-should-consider-

Note: Answers will be submitted in hard copy.


1. What is the issue investigated specifically on why we should consider online education?


2. What are the acceptable reasons why online education should be implemented in the
educational system?


3. What are the unacceptable reasons why online education should not be

imposed in the educational system?


4. Is it timely and relevant to the Philippines to embrace online education? Give your
reasonable statements.


5. As a Filipino student, what is your stand on why we should or should not consider online


1. What is the issue investigated in the text?


2. What is the most acceptable reason to consider online education?


3. What is the most reasonable point of not considering online education?


4. What is your personal statement about online education?


5. What is your message to the Filipino students on online education?


II. Write the informative statements in the given texts.

Global Warming is Real
In the past 1,300 years, Earth has not experienced such a warming
trend as we are having now (NASA, 2016). In fact, the World
Meteorological Organization has stated that the global temperature is 1.2C
above pre-industrial levels and for three years in a row, it has been the
hottest year on record (Carrington, 2016). Though the scientific evidence
seems overwhelming in favor of global warming, there are those, for
various reasons, who believe that global warming is a hoax or not
empirically verified. This is disappointing, as the future of our planet is at
stake, and the last thing we should do in this critical time is argue whether
or not our world is being destroyed. In order to enlighten those who
believe global warming is not currently happening, I will present evidence
that will show that global warming is real due to sea levels rising, global
temperatures rising, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, declining Arctic
sea ice, glacial retreat, extreme temperature events, ocean acidification, and
decreased snow cover.
Source: https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/essays/persuasive/global-warming-is-real.html

1. How did the writer convince the readers on the happening of global warming?


2. What is the convincing point of the writer to create an emotional response about the
happening of global warming?


3. What is the writer’s way to support the argument on the happening of global warming?

Why You Should Start Learning a Foreign Language
It is difficult to deny the wisdom of these words. Every language is not just a
number of rules and grammatical constructions allowing you to understand other
people; it is rather a reflection (and at the same time—a determinant) of mentality, the
way of thinking of the people who speak it. Learning a language ideally involves not
only memorizing a bunch of new words, but also studying its native country’s culture
and history, digging into its contemporary context, following its evolution. Believe it or
not, but your native language has shaped your personality in the same way your
parents and surroundings have. Logically, the more languages you know, the more
diverse and profound of a person you can become; by understanding paradigms
different from yours, you can broaden your outlook and become more openminded;
you will be able to read between the lines, developing your communications with other
people not just in a regular—verbal—way, but in the dimension of gestures,
circumlocutions, allegories, etc. You can view it as adopting and integrating a new
personality in your mind, which occurs every time you dig deeper into a new language.

1. What is the problem statement?


2. What does the writer in this text want the reader to agree with?


3. What is the specific reason why the reader should agree with the

writer’s statement?

4. What is the specific reason why the reader should not agree with the writer’s statement?


Thank you!

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