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West Visayas State University 2020



Lesson 1: Universal Design for Learning

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● defined Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

● identified UDL strategies

● applied UDL strategies

View the video below on Universal Design for Learning.

Answer the following questions.
a. What is UDL?
b. What are the three principles of UDL?
c. Using a table, give three sample strategies for each principle.
Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3

d. Using a table, identify your own learning needs/ preferences as a student

(e.g. I want games, I want to do group activities) identify a UDL strategy
to address each, and briefly describe. Use the link below for ideas for

Your needs UDL Strategy Description

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework used in education
that makes instruction more flexible and adaptable to the diverse needs of students.
Students think and do things differently from one another, but often times teachers
use the traditional, constricting and one-size-fits-all method for instruction. Thus
students who have different learning styles, abilities and needs might not be able to
perform to the best of their ability as the teaching method is not suitable and
engaging to them.

Imagine dancing in shoes three times smaller than your size. Take for
instance, Jose, who likes to play football and perform hip-hop routines. He has
difficulty learning physics by just listening and looking at the teacher’s traditional
instruction of lecturing with a slide show. He needs to be more mobile and hands-on
to grasp the concepts. UDL makes it possible for teachers to rethink their teaching
strategies and provide means to design the instruction to suit a variety of learning
styles and reach all students.

UDL has three guiding principles for instruction to be made suitable for
students’ needs and abilities.


UDL principles can then be applied by the teacher to the four curricular
components. The diagram shows the components.

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The idea of UDL is to make instruction adaptable to how students learn by

eliminating learning barriers (e.g. book is too hard to read, lecture too long and
boring, lack of mobility and participation of students) and providing more
motivational and appropriate ways to learn content and skills. Take for instance
Jenny who is scared of being made to stand up and recite the multiplication tables
facts. To lessen her anxiety, she can learn them by playing card games with a

Observe how UDL is applied by comparing a traditional lesson plan with a

lesson plan that uses UDL.

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Take note that the UDL lesson plan provides more variety in ways that
student acquire knowledge – they can work individually or in a group, they can
choose activities that they like to do, they have more opportunities to interact with
peers and make their own decisions. Because of the variety of methods and
strategies used, more student abilities, interest and needs are accommodated and
students have more chances of success in the classroom.

Imagine you are a teacher of a grade 3 class in a public school. You have to
cater to the following students:

● Visual learners

● Auditory learners

● Tactile learners

● Kinesthetic learners

● Students with learning disabilities

● Students with hyperactivity

● Students with above average IQ

Create a lesson plan and apply UDL so that you can address the needs and
abilities of your learners. Use the link for ideas.

Grade 3 - Science

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student must have:

● Explained what is Covid19

● Identified and practice ways to stay safe

Instructional Activity Materials


Motivational activity

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Lesson presentation

Group or independent


Using your own words, answer the following questions

1. What is Universal Design of Learning (UDL)?

2. What is the purpose of UDL?
3. What are UDL strategies that you can apply to your instruction for a student
with problems in reading using the table below.
Representation Action and Expression Engagement

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

Lesson 2: Differentiated Instruction

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● defined differentiated instruction (DI)

● identified DI strategies

● applied DI strategies


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View the video and read the articles on differentiated instruction.

Differentiated instruction

Differentiated instruction strategies

Accommodation vs modification

Answer the following questions.

1. What is DI?
2. What is the purpose of DI?
3. What are the three elements to DI? Explain how each work and give
three examples for each that will address your learning style. (To find
out your learning style, take the test with the link provided.

Learning style quiz

Elements Explanation 3 examples

4. What is the difference between modification and accommodation?

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Differentiated Instruction (DI) is a strategy to address the differences in
students – their learning styles, performance readiness and levels, engagement
styles and interests and needs. This strategy provides various opportunities for
students to access information and demonstrate learning.

DI is a strategy that adheres to the UDL framework of addressing the

diversity of students in the classroom so that everyone has a more-or-less equal
chance of success. But DI is more focused on the needs of students as UDL is
focused on providing everyone access to learning. The diagram below compares and
contrasts UDL and DI.

There are three elements in DI that teachers can


● Content – the knowledge and skills students

need to master
● Process – the activities students use to master
● Product – the method students use to demonstrate learning

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Below is another table that shows the components of DI, the student
differences they cater to and the strategies that are appropriate for these.


An example of a differentiate lesson has the following steps:

1. Determine standards-based content and objectives

2. Assess students' readiness
3. Vary presentation of content
4. Vary activities for students to apply and practice lesson
5. Ask questions as formative assessment
6. Vary assessment products or projects
7. Review what has been learned

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For students with special needs, accommodation and modification is

necessary. Accommodation means changing how a student learns the material while
modification means changing what a student is taught or expected to learn. The
table below shows the difference.

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory sees intelligence as a far
broader concept that a person’s IQ. For him individuals have strong and natural skills
and abilities that are called intelligences. (See the diagram below for these areas of


The DI strategy called The Profiler is based on the Multiple Intelligences

theory. This strategy creates problem-solving activities that are made to suit various
intelligences that are represented by roles or professions.

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Read the lesson plan below and the profiler task cards. Then create four
profiler task cards for the following lesson details:

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Grade 3 - Science

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● Explained what is Covid19

● Identified and practice ways to stay safe

Lesson Plan

Profiler Task Cards

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Profile Task Cards

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In your own words, answer the following questions.

1. What is differentiated instruction (DI)?

2. What are the elements of DI?
3. From what you have read, choose one DI strategy and briefly describe it.
Explain why you chose it.

DI strategy


Reason for choice

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

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LESSON 3: Peer Support System

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● defined peer support system

● identified peer support system strategies

● applied peer support system strategies

Read the following articles on Peer Support System.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is peer support system?

2. What is the purpose of peer support system?
3. Give three strategies for peer support and briefly explain.

Peer support strategy Explanation

Peer Support System is an inclusive classroom strategy that groups
students in pairs or in small groups in support of teacher facilitated lessons. This
strategy benefits both typically developing peers and students with special needs.

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Samples of peer support system strategies are listed below.

Peer modeling

● Peers provide recorded or live demonstrations of targeted social skills

● Situations modeled should be familiar ones that students are likely to

● Peers explicitly tell the observing student what they are doing and why

● Can be used informally during the course of the day or during formal,
structured learning sessions

Peer buddy systems

● Peers provide incidental teaching during non - structured, routine classroom

● Many buddy systems in lower grades emphasize increasing and improving a
student’s communication with peers
● More formal, structured buddy programs may focus on instructional support
for secondary school students during inclusive classes

Friendship groups

● Lunch, recess, or after-school groups explicitly designed to bring together

students with disabilities and their peers for socialization and fun
● Work especially well when inclusion is minimal or if a student with disabilities
is new to a school
● May meet weekly around specific themes like the homecoming dance or
school grounds improvement
● Good opportunity to build social relationships and provide informal support
channels for students with disabilities

Cooperative learning

● Students work in small, mixed-ability groups and support each other’s

● Competition is deemphasized in favor of cooperation, mutual support, and
shared accomplishments
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● All group members work together toward a shared goal; group is successful
only when each member achieves the goal

Peer tutoring

● Students get one-to-one instruction on a particular topic, assignment, or skill

by a classmate, a peer, or an older student
● Peer tutoring programs can use fixed roles for students or allow them to
alternate between tutor/tutee roles
● Especially effective in incremental learning, in which there’s one correct
answer that the tutor is able to guide the tutee toward

Using the lesson details and the lesson plan template below, design a lesson
plan that makes use of peer support system strategies. Use the link for more ideas.

Grade 3 - Science

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● Explained what is Covid19

● Identified and practice ways to stay safe

Instructional process Activity Peer support system

strategy and description

Motivational activity

Presentation of lesson


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Outcome presentation

In your own words, answer the following questions.

1. What is peer support system?

2. How does it benefit students with special needs?
3. Give three peer support system strategies that you like to use and
briefly describe each.

Peer support system Description


4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

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LESSON 4: Cooperative Learning

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● defined cooperative learning

● identified cooperative learning strategies

● applied cooperative learning strategies

Read the article on cooperative learning.

Answer the following questions.

a. What is cooperative learning?

b. What is the purpose of cooperative learning?
c. What are cooperative learning strategies? Choose 3 and briefly describe.

Cooperative learning strategies Description

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Cooperative Learning is a strategy that groups students (3-6 in a group) to
work together to achieve a common goal. Sometimes students are individually
assessed, other times they are assessed as a group.

Below is a poster that shows some cooperative learning strategies.


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Using the lesson details below, construct a group activity using one of the
cooperative learning strategies. You can use the links below for more ideas.

Grade 3 - Science

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● Explained what is Covid19

● Identified and practice ways to stay safe

Cooperative learning strategy:



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Using your own words, answer the following questions.

1. What is cooperative learning?

2. What is the relationship between cooperative learning and peer
support system?
3. Choose three cooperative learning strategies and briefly describe

Cooperative learning strategy Description

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

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LESSON 5: Co-Teaching
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● defined co-teaching

● identified co-teaching strategies

● applied co-teaching strategies

Read the article on co-teaching.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is co-teaching?
2. What is the purpose of co-teaching?
3. What are the strategies of co-teaching?

Co-teaching strategy Definition

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Co-teaching is a practice that pairs two teachers together, usually a general
education teacher and a special education teacher, that is equally accountable for
one class and shares the responsibilities of planning, instructing and assessing.

Co-teaching strategies

1. One Teach, One Observe. One of the advantages in co-teaching is that more
detailed observation of students engaged in the learning process can occur. With this
approach, for example, co-teachers can decide in advance what types of specific
observational information to gather during instruction and can agree on a system for
gathering the data. Afterward, the teachers should analyze the information

2. One Teach, One Assist. In a second approach to co-teaching, one person would
keep primary responsibility for teaching while the other professional circulated
through the room providing unobtrusive assistance to students as needed.

3. Parallel Teaching. On occasion, student learning would be greatly facilitated if

they just had more supervision by the teacher or more opportunity to respond. In
parallel teaching, the teachers are both covering the same information, but they
divide the class into two groups and teach simultaneously.

4. Station Teaching. In this co-teaching approach, teachers divide content and

students. Each teacher then teaches the content to one group and subsequently
repeats the instruction for the other group. If appropriate, a third station could give
students an opportunity to work independently.

5. Alternative Teaching: In most class groups, occasions arise in which several

students need specialized attention. In alternative teaching, one teacher takes
responsibility for the large group while the other works with a smaller group.

6. Team Teaching: In team teaching, both teachers are delivering the same
instruction at the same time. Some teachers refer to this as having one brain in two
bodies. Others call it tag team teaching. Most co-teachers consider this approach the
most complex but satisfying way to co-teach, but the approach that is most
dependent on teachers' styles.

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Using the lesson details below, plan for a co-teaching class using one of the
co-teaching strategies. Draw your classroom set-up and write what each teacher’s
responsibilities are.

Grade 3 - Science

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● Explained what is Covid19

● Identified and practice ways to stay safe

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Co-teaching strategy:

Teacher 1 responsibilities Teacher 2 responsibilities

Using your own words, answer the following questions.

1. What is co-teaching
2. What co-teaching strategy will you choose if you are going to co-teach with a
special education teacher? Why?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

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Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● explained what it means to collaborate with professionals

● identified collaboration strategies

● applied collaboration strategies

Read the articles on collaboration with other professionals.

Answer the following questions.

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1. What is collaboration?
2. What is needed for a successful collaboration among professionals?
3. What is a multidisciplinary team?
4. Who are the team members and their descriptions

IEP members Description

Collaboration among teachers, administrators and other
professionals are necessary for a successful inclusive education. It takes a team to
create an environment that is geared for the success of every student.

Collaboration with other professionals in an inclusive setting is working in a

team to assist students with needs. This team shares a common goal, have
individual roles and responsibilities and cooperate with each other using their
expertise to achieve the goal of making the student learn as near as possible to his
grade level.

In an inclusive classroom, the general education teacher has to collaborate

with the special education teacher, the administrators and the professionals that are
helping the child (e.g. health care professional, a speech therapist, social worker).

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In special education, a multidisciplinary team is necessary to create an

Individual Education Plan (IEP) for
each student with special needs.
The IEP is the written document
that describes the educational
program for the child and includes
his assessment results, what his
performance levels are in various
subject areas, his needs, the
educational goals he needs to
achieve to get closer to grade-level
performance and the learning
strategies custom-made for his learning. The multidisciplinary team is made up of
parents, teachers, administrators and other related professionals.

For a successful team work, the following are necessary:

● Open communication

● Non - punitive environment

● Clear direction

● Clear and known roles and tasks for team members

● Respectful atmosphere

● Shared responsibility for team success

● Appropriate balance of member participation for the task at hand

● Acknowledgment and processing of conflict

● Clear specifications regarding authority and accountability

● Clear and known decision making procedures

● Regular and routine communication and information sharing

● Enabling environment, including access to needed resources

● Mechanism to evaluate outcomes and adjust accordingly


Successful teamwork can be hindered by the following common barriers:

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● Personal values and expectations

● Personality differences

● Hierarchy

● Disruptive behavior

● Culture and ethnicity

● Generational differences

● Gender

● Historical interprofessional and intraprofessional rivalries

● Differences in language and jargon

● Differences in schedules and professional routines

● Varying levels of preparation, qualifications, and status

● Differences in requirements, regulations, and norms of professional education

● Fears of diluted professional identity

● Differences in accountability, payment, and rewards

● Concerns regarding clinical responsibility

● Complexity of care

● Emphasis on rapid decision making


Read the case study below and answer the following questions.

Teacher Louise is a grade 3 general education teacher. She has a student

with autism in her class called Briana whom she has a difficult time dealing with. She
feels overwhelmed balancing teaching the whole class and accommodating Briana’s
temper tantrums and reading problems.
Recently she has asked for help, through Briana’s parents, to collaborate with
Briana’s behavior therapist named Dr. Shirley. Dr Shirley is an older woman who has
10 years of experience. Louise has only 4 years. On the first meeting Dr Shirley was

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punctual, aloof and very opinionated. This was opposite her bubbly and expressive
nature. She felt intimidated and anxious in Dr Shirley’s presence.
When Louise started telling Dr Shirley about Briana’s behavior problems, she
immediately intervened and explained some behavior therapy that she has been
using on Briana. Louise found it difficult to understand because Dr Shirley was using
a lot of unfamiliar words in her explanation. When she started asking questions, Dr
Shirley became impatient and curt. She continued explaining the therapy without
accommodating Louise’s questions.
After 30 minutes, she stands up and says she has patients to attend to.
Louise felt she wasted the doctor’s time.
Louise feels she needs Dr Shirley’s help and wants to collaborate with her.
Identify the problems (3) in this situation and provide solutions for each so that next
time Teacher Louise meets Dr Shirley she can be more successful in her
communication and collaboration with the behavior therapist.

Problems Solutions

In your own words, answer the following questions.

1. What do you mean by collaboration with professionals?

2. As a teacher, identify three professionals who will be most helpful to you in
teaching in an inclusive classroom. Describe how each will help you.
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Professional Assistance

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

Advantages Disadvantages

LESSON 7: Collaboration with Parents

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

● explained what it means to collaborate with parents

● identified collaboration strategies

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● applied collaboration strategies

Read the following articles on parent-teacher collaboration.

Answer the following questions.

1. What do you mean by parent-teacher collaboration?

2. Why is it important to have a successful collaboration with parents?
3. What are necessary for successful parent-teacher collaboration?
4. What are the events or activities that teachers need to collaborate with
parents? Briefly explain each.

Parent-teacher events Description

5. What are parent-teacher communication tools that can foster positive


Communication tools Description

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Parent-teacher collaboration is essential to a successful inclusive
education. The home-school connection and the parent-teacher partnership are
necessary for individual students to achieve their goals.

Teachers should develop positive relationships with parents of students from

the start of the school year until the end. This is done through open communications
and mutual respect for each other’s roles and responsibility in the child’s learning.

Constant communication between parents and teachers bolster positive

relationships. Communication tools such as start-of-the-year letter, behavior
monitoring charts, newsletters, class websites and emails, to name a few, are ways
to keep the parents informed of their child’s progress. It also creates opportunities to
support the child’s learning from school to home and having parents and teachers be
on the same page in teaching and behavior management philosophies.

Below is an example of a parent survey form to gather information about the

child and a class website page.

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Face-to-face communication is inevitable and necessary between teachers

and parents. Aside from parent-teacher conferences, parents may also meet the
teacher when they have concerns over their child. Below are listening skills
strategies that a teacher and parents need to have when meeting each other.

Write a meet-the-teacher letter to parents that will start the parent-teacher
collaboration. A sample is provided.

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In your own words, answer the following questions.
1. Why is parent-teacher collaboration important?
2. What does a teacher need to do to foster positive parent-teacher
3. How can parents help a teacher in making a child successful in school?

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