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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 5


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

• Define physical fitness test and its components.

• Execute the different components of Physical Fitness Test.
• Display appreciation upon doing Physical Fitness Test.


A. TOPIC: Physical Fitness Test

B. MATERIALS: pictures, cookie jar, first aid kit,
C. REFERENCES: Revised Physical Fitness Tests Manual
D. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, meter stick, tape measure, stop watch, exercise
mat, cardboard/ paper, and small chair


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a. Prayer
Let us all stand up and pray. Let us bow our heads and feel the presence
of the Lord.
You are my strength, and all power belongs
to You. I pray for a strong and vigorous
body that can easily do hard work, engage
in exercise, and has a strong resistance
against illness. I thank You that as I trust in
You, I find new strength, and soar high like
an eagle. I will run and not get weary, I will
walk and not faint. I thank You that I am
Your creation, and You watch over me.

b. Greetings
Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Ma’am!

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

c. Checking of Attendance
May I know who is absent today?
(The class secretary will be asked to report.) (The class secretary will report the names of
the absentees.)

d. Recall
Before we proceed, let us recall our previous
lesson. Who can tell the class the topic that we Yesterday, we have discussed about Body
have discussed yesterday? Mass Index.

Again, how can we define body mass index? It is the measure of weight in relation to

How do you calculate your BMI? A person’s weight in kilograms is divided by

the square of height in meters.

How is BMI related to your health? The results of BMI measurement can give
an idea about whether a person has the
correct weight for their height.

Good job children! You have retained our

previous lesson.

e. Motivation

Before we start our lesson, I’m encouraging (The students stand up and participate in
everyone to stand up and participate in our the energizer.)

“Gibberish Words”

The teacher will paste pictures on the board.
The students will identify the appropriate labels
for each picture by decoding the gibberish
words given by the teacher. To decide who

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

among the students will answer, they have to

sing the “Cookie Jar” song. The student who
will be chosen, will pick up a gibberish word or
phrase, read it a loud and write his or her
answer on the opposite side of the picture.


Teacher: Who took the cookie from the

cookie jar?

Class: _______ took the cookie from the

cookie jar.

_______: Who me?

Class: Yes you!

_______: Not me!

Class: Then Who?

______: (name of another classmate)





Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450






C. Analysis

Did you have fun in our activity? Yes, teacher.

What are the words/ phrases that you had • 3-Minutes step test
formed from the activity? • Push up
• Sit and reach
• Standing long jump
• Shuttle run

Are you familiar with those words? Yes teacher. We have encountered them in
our Physical Education subject before.

In what lesson in Physical Education do these It is a part of the lesson in Physical Fitness
words or phrases belongs? Test.

Do you think these activities are important to Yes teacher. Different physical activities test
our health? Why? and monitor our abilities so that we can
improve if it is necessary.

Today, we are going to learn about Physical

Fitness Test, its components and the
appropriate ways to accomplish them.

Are you ready to participate? Yes teacher.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

D. Abstraction
Let us start by defining Physical Fitness Test.

What is Physical Fitness Test? Someone from Physical Fitness test is a set of measures
the group read what’s on the slide. designed to determine a student’s level of
physical fitness.

The physical fitness test helps each of us to

know the physical condition of our body. And it
is done twice a year during Pre test and Post

When is the pre-test of physical fitness test Pre-test – This test is done at the beginning
conducted? of the school year which includes fitness
test to determine your fitness status.

Physical Education teachers or even advisers

perform screening of health risks and obtain
informed consent.

They also record basic subject information,

such name, age, height, body weight, and

Why do you think it is important to record this By recording such information, a child’s
information? health risk is avoided if they have a disease
such as asthma.

What about the post-test physical fitness test? Post-test – This test is done during the
beginning of the 3rd quarter of the school
In the post-test, the students will repeat what
you did in the pretest and you will compare the
results of the tests.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Why is it necessary to compare the pre-test The results of both tests serve as the basis
and post-test? for providing continuous activities or
trainings in order to maintain one’s fitness.
That’s correct!

Physical Fitness test is divided into 2

The first one is the health- related components
that allows a person to adapt or cope with the
requirements of daily living.

On the other hand, there are components that

show potential for good performance in certain
skills. These components are called skill-
related components.

What are the abilities included in health – HEALTH-RELATED COMPONENTS

related components? a.) Cardio-respiratory endurance
b.) Muscular strength
d.) Flexibility
e.) Body Composition

What physical abilities are measured in skill- SKILL –RELATED COMPONENTS

related components? a.) Balance
b.) Coordination
c.) Agility
d.) Speed
e.) Power
f.) Reaction Time

Physical fitness test enables an individual to

perform different exercises that test several
fitness components.

What are the examples of these exercises? 1. Push up

2. Sit and reach
3. Standing long jump
4. Shuttle-run

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

5. 3-mins step test

6. Basic plank
7. Hexagon agility test
8. Stick drop test
9. Juggling
10. Zipper test

Today, we are going to focus on the first five

examples from the list. Since these activities
can’t be done individually, you have to work
with your seatmate as partners. (Each student should have a partner.)

What is push up? Push up is a conditioning exercise

performed in a prone position by raising and
lowering the body with the straightening and
bending of the arms while keeping the back
straight and supporting the body on the
hands and toes

The purpose of push up is to measure

strength of upper extremities.

What do you think is measured by push up? It measures our strength.

What is strength? Strength is the ability of the muscle to

generate force against physical object.

What equipment is needed for this activity? Equipment: exercise mats or any clean mat.

What are the procedures that must be taken Performer:

into consideration? A. Lie down on the mat; face down in
standard push-up position; palms on the
mat about shoulder width, fingers pointing
forward, and legs straight, parallel, and
slightly apart, with the toes supporting the
B. FOR BOYS: Straighten the arms,
keeping the back and knees straight, then
lower the arms until there is 90-degree

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

angle at the elbows (upper arms are parallel

to the floor.)
FOR GIRLS: With knees in contact with the
floor, straightens the arms, keeping the
back straight, then lowers the arms until
there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows
(upper arms are parallel to the floor).
C. Perform as many repetitions as possible,
maintaining a cadence of 20 push-ups per
minute. (2 seconds going down and 1 sec.
going up). Note: 60 beats/min.

What will be the role of your partner? For the Partner:

a. As the performer assumes the position of
push-up, start counting as the performer
lowers his/ her body until he/she reaches
90-degree angle at the elbow.
b. Make sure that the performer executes
the pushups in the correct form.
c. The test is terminated when the performer
can no longer execute the push-ups in the
correct form, if in. pain, voluntarily stops, or
cadence is broken.

(The teacher will demonstrate how to execute (The students will listen and watch
the activity.) attentively to the teacher on how to execute
the activity.)

How do you score this activity? Scoring – record the number of push-ups

What is the next physical activity? Sit and reach.

What is sit and reach? Sit and reach test is a measuring test to
determine the level of someone's flexibility.

The purpose of sit and reach is to test the

flexibility of the lower back and extremities.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

What does sit and reach measure? It measures flexibility.

What is flexibility? Flexibility is the ability of the joints and

muscles to move through its full range of

What equipment will be used? Equipment: Tape measure or meter stick,

card board
or paper

How do you execute sit and reach? Performer:

A. Sit on the floor with back, head and
shoulders flat on the wall. Feet are 12
inches apart.
B. Interlock thumbs and position the tip of
the fingers on the floor without bending the
elbows. Reach up.
C. Place hands on top of the card board or
paper where the tips of the middle fingers
are at the top edge of the card board or
paper. Start the test by pushing the card
board or paper slowly and try to reach the
farthest distance possible without bending
the knees. Hold for 2 seconds.
D. Bouncing or jerking movement is not
E. Do it three times.

And what will your partner do? For the Partner:

A. As the performer assumes the (b)
procedure, position the zero point of the
tape measure at the tip of the middle fingers
of the performer.
B. See to it that the knees are not bent as
the performer slides the farthest distance
that he could.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

C. Record farthest distance reached in


(The students will listen and watch

(The teacher will demonstrate how to execute attentively to the teacher on how to execute
the activity.) the activity.)

How are you going to score it? Scoring – record the distance to the nearest
0.1 centimeters.

What is the third physical fitness activity? Standing long jump.

What is standing long jump? It's a two footed horizontal jump from a
standing position.

The purpose of standing long jump is to

measure the explosive strength and power
of the leg muscles.

What do you think is measured in standing It measures power.

long jump?

What is power? Power is the ability of the muscle to transfer

energy and release maximum force at a fast

What equipment will be used? Equipment: Tape measure/meter stick

And how do you do standing long jump? Performer:

A. Stand behind the take-off line with the
feet parallel to each other, the tips of the
shoes should not go beyond the line.
B. Bend the knees and swing arms
backward once, then swing arms forward as
you jump landing on both feet. Try to jump
as far as you can.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

C. Do not control the momentum of the

jump (continuously move forward).
D. Perform the test twice in succession.

What will be the role of your partner? For the partner:

A. Place zero (0) point of the tape measure
at the take-off line.
B. After the jump, spot the mark where the
back the heel of both feet of the performer
has landed nearest to the take-off line.
C. Record the best distance in meters to the
nearest 0.1 centimeters.

(The teacher will demonstrate how to execute (The students will listen and watch
the activity.) attentively to the teacher on how to execute
the activity.)

How are we going to score it? Scoring – record the best distance in meters
to the nearest 0.1 centimeters.

What about the fourth activity? Shuttle run.

What is shuttle run? A shuttle run is a fitness test designed to

measure or evaluate your speed, agility,
and endurance. It's a straightforward
exercise that consists of running back and
forth between two points at a consistent

The purpose of shuttle run is to measure

running speed.

What do you think is measured by shuttle run? It measures speed.

What is speed? Speed is the ability to perform movement in

one direction in the shortest period of time.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

What equipment will be used in shuttle run? Equipment: Stopwatch, running area

And how do you do the shuttle run? Performer:

A. At the signal “Ready”, stand behind the
take-off line, the tips of the shoes should not
go beyond the line and assume a crouch
B. At the signal “Get Set”, assume an un-
crouch position (buttocks up) with both
hands on the starting line.
C. At the signal “GO”, run to the finish line
as fast as you can.

And what will your partner do? For the Partner:

A. Set the stopwatch to zero (0) point.
B. At the signal “GO” start the watch and
stop it as the performer crossed the finish
C. Record time in the nearest 0.00.01

(The teacher will demonstrate how to execute (The students will listen and watch
the activity.) attentively to the teacher on how to execute
the activity.)

How about its scoring? Scoring – record time in nearest minutes

and seconds.

In shuttle run, you need to run as fast as you

can in a short period of time. Later we will do it

What do we have for our last physical activity? 3 minutes step test.

What is 3 minutes step test? The 3-Minute Step Test is designed to

measure your aerobic fitness. It assesses
your fitness level based on how quickly your
heart rate recovers after exercise.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

The purpose 3 minutes step test is to

measure cardiovascular endurance.

What do you think does 3-minutes step test It measures Cardiovascular endurance.
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of
What is cardiovascular endurance? the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver
oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as
well as the ability of those muscles and
tissues to utilize the oxygen. Endurance
may also refer to the ability of muscles to do
repeated work without fatigue.

What equipment will be used? Equipment: Stopwatch, drum or clapper

The drum or clapper should be 8 inches high

for elementary and 12 inches for secondary.

How is 3- minute step test done? Performer:

A. Position at least one foot away from the
step or bench.
B. At the signal “Go”, step up and down the
step/ bench for 3 minutes at a rate of 24
steps per minute. One step consists of 4
beats – that is, up with the left foot (ct. 1),
up with the right foot (ct. 2), down with the
left foot (ct. 3), down with the right foot (ct.
C. Immediately after the exercise, locate
your pulse and wait for the signal to start the
counting. (Give 5 sec. to locate the pulse)
D. Don’t talk while taking the pulse beat.
E. Count the pulse beat for 10 sec. Multiply
it by 6.

And what will be the role of your partner? For the Partner:
A. As the student assumes the position in
front of the step, signal, “Ready” and “Go”,
start the stopwatch for 3-minute step test.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

B. After the test, allow performer to locate

his/her pulse in within 5 seconds.
C. Give the signal to count the pulse beat.
d. Let the performer count his/her pulse
beat for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6.

(The teacher will demonstrate how to execute (The students will listen and watch
the activity.) attentively to the teacher on how to execute
the activity.)

How do we score 3- minute step test? Scoring – record the 60-second heart rate
after the activity.

You can use also the stair case if the drum or

clapper is not available.


NAME: ______________________________________________ SEX: _________ AGE: ________

There are stations for each exercise. In station 1 is
Part 1: Health-Related Fitness Test


1. Body Mass Index (BMI)
push-up, station 2 is sit and reach, station 3 is
Height (meters) Weight (Kilograms) BMI Classification


standing long jump, station 4 is shuttle run and for
Heart Rate per minute
Before the activity After the activity station 5 is 3 mins step test.
1. PUSH UP 2. Basic plank
Number of Push ups Time

1. Zipper Test 2. Sit and Reach
DIRECTIONS: Together with your partner,
Overlap/Gap (centimeters) Score (centemeters)
Right Left First try Second try Best score
accomplish this physical fitness test evaluation
Part 2: Skill-Related Fitness Test
A. COORDINATION: Juggling Score: form.
B. Agility: Hexagon Agility Test
Clockwise: time (00:00) Counter clockwise: time (00:00) Average

C. SPEED: 40-meter sprint Time:

D. POWER: Standing Long Jump

Distance (centimeter)
First Trial Second Trial

E. BALANCE: Stork Balance Stand Test

Right Foot: Time (00:00) Left Foot: Time (00:00)

F. REACTION TIME: Stick Drop Test

1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial Middle Score


I. Directions: Read the following statements 1. These are the components that show
carefully. Determine what is being described potential for good performance in certain
in each item. Write your answer in a clean skills.
sheet of paper.

Creating Lifelong Builder

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

2. It is a set of measures designed to

determine a student’s level of physical 6-8. GIVE ATLEAST 3 EXAMPLES OF PFT
fitness. EXCERCISES.
3. These abilities enable a person to cope
with the requirements of daily living.
4. This ability is measured in Sit and Reach. 9-10. TYPES OF PFT.

5. This test is done during the beginning of 4.

the 3rd quarter of the school year. 5.

II. Directions: List down or enumerate what

are being asked on each of the following


Directions: Be ready for the discussion and execution of the last 5 activities in the Physical
Fitness Test.
• Basic plank
• Hexagon agility test
• Stick drop test
• Juggling
• Zipper test
Prepared by:

Bagsit, Micka Ella

Cantos, Trisha Layla
Falcunaya, Daisylyn
Fajilan, Joemar
Ms. Mena Montialto

Creating Lifelong Builder

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