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Republika ng Pilipinas

Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
• Define and explain the concept of verbs in the story.
• Actively engage in classroom exercises and discussions that involve identifying
and using verbs effectively.
• Appreciate the importance of verbs in the story.
A. Topic: Identifying verbs in the story
B. Learning Resources:
C. Materials:
D. Values Integration:
E. ICT Integration:
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son In the name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit AMEN and of the Holy Spirit AMEN
Dera Lord, we come to you in the spirit of Dera Lord, we come to you in the spirit of
learning, humility and love. We are learning, humility and love. We are
grateful for this opportunity to learn from grateful for this opportunity to learn from
each other and grow closer in our faith. each other and grow closer in our faith.
We ask that you bless our time together We ask that you bless our time together
as we explore the teachings of Jesus as we explore the teachings of Jesus
Christ. In the name of Holy Spirit AMEN Christ. In the name of Holy Spirit AMEN.

 Energizer
Let us all follow the dance moves in this (Students will follow the dance moves in
video the video being presented by the teacher)

 Greetings
Good morning. Grade 4-Amber! I am Good morning, Teacher ______! Always

Teacher ________, always happy to happy to learn.


How are you today, class? We are fine teacher.

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

I’m glad that you are all doing so fine.

 Checking of attendance
Class, instead of saying present you will (The students will do what the teacher
say or shout your favorite hobbies. instruct)

Very Good! I am amazed that no one is

absent for our class today. Give (The students will do the amazing clap)
yourselves an amazing clap.

 Recall
Class, before we proceed to our lesson
proper let’s have first a revies on what we
discuss yesterday.
Yesterday we discussed about? Teacher, yesterday we discussed about

Again, what is a noun? Teacher, noun is a name of person,

place, thing, animals or event.

Can you give an example of noun? (Answers may vary)

Very Good, you clearly identify the

definition of noun also by giving examples
to it.

Give yourselves 3 claps (Students will clap)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Engagement
Motivation: “Touching Fire Ball”

Let me show you something. Class what

is this? Yes Teacher, it is looks like a fire
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Yes, you are thinking right this looks like


Are you familiar to the word “corona

virus”? Yes Teacher

Mechanics of the game:

When the music plays on, you will pass it
to your seatmates as if that you don’t
want to touch the virus and when the
music stops, the pupils who is holding this
object will pick up a strip of paper here in
front and you will act it in front of your

Is it clear class?
Very Good! Class, thank you so much for Yes Teacher
your cooperation. You did all great.
Give yourself a very good clap.
(Students will do the very good clap)
2. Exploration:
Are you ready for another activity?
Yes teacher!
It seems that all of you are excited. If that
so, let’s begin.
We will play another game. This is
entitled “Verb Hunt!”
I will divide the class into 4 groups.
Team yellow, team blue, team green and
team orange.
I created a list of verbs and hid them in
different areas of our classroom.
Each team has a designated area
where you can find the hidden words. To
know that place, you need to answer first
the question that I will give to your group.
Each team must have a team captain
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

who will lead your hunting journey.

Once your team is done finding all the
hidden words, do the eleven claps then
paste the words on the board.

Is that understood?
That’s great to hear children. Go to your Yes teacher.
group first and form a small circle quietly.
I will give you the word clues and I will
give you 5 minutes to do the activity.

Do you have any clarification?

Good, you may now start doing the None teacher.
(After the activity)
Ask a question: (The students will do the activity)

1. What are the words that your group

have found?

2. Are you familiar to these words? (Answers may vary.)

It seems that some of you are familiar Yes/No teacher.
while are some are not. For you to
become more familiar with these words,
here are the definition. Kindly read one by
one. Munching – eat (something) with a
continuous and often audible action of the
Swooped – move rapidly downwards
Dampen – make slightly wet

Very Good class for a job well done! Give Soaked – make extremely wet.

yourselves 3 claps. Chimed – make melodious ringing

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

To further understand these words, we’re sounds;

going to watch a story.

3. Explanation:
Before we delve into our story, let’s
quickly remind ourselves of the classroom
rules when we’re reading or watching a
story together. Can anyone recall what
they are?
Classroom Rules:
Excellent! Those are the rules: Look, LOOK, LISTEN, QUIET
Listen, and Be Quiet. These rules help us
focus and make the most of our story

The title of the story that we’re going to

watch today is “The Colorful Town of
Again what’s the title of the story we’re
about to watch or read?
The Colorful Town of Rainbowville
That’s right, it is The Colorful Town of
Keep in mind, after we finish watching the
story, I’ll have some questions for you
that are connected to the story. Is that
clear, class?
Yes teacher.
“The Colorful Town of Rainbowville”
Once upon a time in the colorful town of
Rainbowville, a group of animal friends (The students will watch the story.)
gathered at the community park for a
special picnic. There was Sammy the
squirrel, Benny the bunny, Lucy the
ladybug, and Tommy the turtle.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

As they spread out their picnic blankets

and unpacked their delicious snacks,
Sammy exclaimed, “Wow, this is the best
picnic ever! I’m so excited!”

Benny, munching on a carrot, chimed in,

“Me too, Sammy! Picnics are awesome.”

Just as they were about to dig into their

sandwiches, Lucy noticed something
strange. “Hey, do you all see those dark
clouds in the sky?” she asked, pointing

Tommy glanced up at the sky and said,

“Oh no, it looks like it might rain. We
better pack up our picnic and find some

The friends quickly gathered their snacks

and blankets, but before they could make
it to shelter, raindrops began to fall. “Oh
dear,” cried Sammy, “we’re going to get

Just then, a kind old owl named Oliver

swooped down from a tree and said,
“Don’t worry, friends. Follow me to my
cozy treehouse. It’s the perfect place to
stay dry.”

The animals hurriedly followed Oliver

through the rain and into his treehouse. It
was warm and inviting, with cushions and
books lining the walls.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Lucy said, “Thank you, Oliver. Your

treehouse is amazing!”

Oliver smiled and replied, “You’re very

welcome, my friends. Remember, a little
rain can’t dampen our spirits when we’re

The animals spent the rainy afternoon in

the treehouse, reading books, playing
games, and sharing stories. As they
laughed and chatted, they realized that
even when unexpected things happen,
good friends can turn any day into a
special adventure.

And so, in the cozy treehouse of

Rainbowville, the animal friends learned
that a little rain couldn’t stop them from
having a wonderful time together, no
matter what the weather brought their
1. Which verb describes how the animal Answers:
friends reacted when they saw the 1. The animal friends “reacted” with
dark clouds in the sky? concern when they saw the dark
clouds in the sky.
2. Find a verb that tells how Oliver
invited the animal friends into his 2. Oliver “invited” the animal friends into
treehouse. his treehouse.

3. How did the animal friends use verbs

to express their appreciation for
Oliver’s treehouse?
3. The animal friends “expressed” their
appreciation for Oliver’s treehouse by
4. Identify a verb that describes what the saying thank you and complimenting
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

animal friends did while they were in its coziness.

Oliver’s treehouse.
4. While they were in Oliver’s treehouse,
the animal friends “read books,”
5. What verb describes how the animal
“played games,” and “shared stories.”
friends felt about spending time
together in the treehouse?
5. The animal friends “felt happy and
content” about spending time together
Great job, everyone! Give yourselves a
in the treehouse despite the rain.
Kris Aquino clap.

Now, let’s talk about those words we

noticed: Reacted, Invited, Expressed,
Read, Played, Shared. Do you know what
they have in common?

That’s right, they’re all called verbs.

Yes teacher.
Our topic for today is related to these
They are all verbs.
words. We’re going to explore ‘Verbs as
Action Words.’
Do you have any idea what a verb is?

Yes teacher.
Absolutely right, a verb is an action word
A verb is a word that describes what the
in a sentence. It tells us what someone or
subject of a sentence is doing.
something is doing. In simpler terms,
verbs are the words that show action.
Can you think of more examples of

Fantastic! You’re now familiar with action

(Answers may vary.)
words, which we call verbs.
Examples: walk, dance, hop, jump, sing

Now, let’s move on to an exciting activity.

Earlier, we found verbs in sentences, but
now I have some words prepared for you.
Your task is to use these words to create
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

complete sentences. Is everyone clear on

the instructions?
Yes teacher.
Great! Now, imagine you’re describing
your morning routine to a friend. You
might say, ‘First, I wake up, then I brush
my teeth, and finally, I get dressed.’ Here,
‘wake up,’ ‘brush,’ and ‘get dressed’ are
verbs. They’re what make your morning
routine vivid when you share it with
someone. So, verbs help us convey our
experiences and actions effectively.

Now, who wants to share their own

experiences using these verbs? Raise
your hand!
Possible Answers)
“On our family movie night, we pop
popcorn and then settle on the couch. We
watch a funny movie and sometimes
laugh so hard that we can’t stop. It’s a
great way to spend time together.”

“Last summer, my family and I went on a

camping trip. We hiked through the forest,
built a campfire, and even saw a shooting
Once again, class, what do we mean by star at night. It was the best adventure
the word ‘verb’? ever!”

Absolutely right, verbs are words that A verb is an action word in a sentence.
show actions in sentences or stories. Verbs are the words that show action.

You did an outstanding job learning about

verbs today! Remember to be on the
lookout for verbs in everything you read
and write. If you have any more questions
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

about verbs or anything else, don’t

hesitate to ask.
We’ll continue building on what we’ve
learned in our next lesson. Thank you all
for your active participation, and I’m
looking forward to our next adventure
together. Now, let’s get ready for our next

4. Elaboration:
You all did fantastic with our story and
finding those special action words called
verbs. Give yourselves an “Funtastic
Now, let’s delve a bit deeper into verbs. Everyone will do the Funtastic Clap)
Listen attentively, class.

Imagine verbs as little helpers in our

sentences; they tell us what someone or
something is doing. For example, when
you run, play, read, or even think, you’re
using a verb!

We’re going to play a game where you

get to be the storyteller. Are you ready,
Yes we are ready teacher.
Now, I’ll provide you with some special
words, and you’ll use them to create
sentences that narrate a bit of your day.
Remember to incorporate a verb in each
sentence to make it more engaging. For
example, “In the morning, I brush my
teeth. After that, I ride my bike to school.”

Can you spot the verbs in those

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450


That’s right, “brush” and “ride” are the The verbs are brush and ride.

I have a jar here containing special

words. You will each select one special
word and then create a sentence. When
the music stops, and the jar is on you, it’s
your turn to pick a special word and craft
a sentence to share with the class! Did
everyone understand, class?

Now, who’s excited to become a super Yes teacher.

(Everyone will raise their hand.)
Let’s begin!

Very good, class! You did an amazing (The students will do the activity.)
job. Give yourselves a “fireworks clap.”

I have seen that all of you are enjoying

the activities. But I have a question. Do
you think verbs are important?
Why do you say so? How it become
important? Yes teacher.
Verbs are important because they are like
the engine that powers our sentences.
Terrific! Keep an eye out for verbs in your They infuse our stories with excitement
reading and writing—they’re everywhere! and vitality

You all did an outstanding job today. I’m

so proud of each and every one of you.
Keep up the great work, and I can’t wait
to see the exciting stories you’ll create
with verbs in our next lesson!
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Let us give yourselves 5 claps.

5. Evaluation:
To know if you really understand our topic
for today let us have this evaluation.

(The teacher will give each student a

I. Directions: Identify and encircle the
verb in the given passages.

1. She calculated the total cost of the

trip. Answer Key:
2. She will slide down the hill on her
1. Calculated
3. The coach yelled at the players to run 2. Slide
3. Yelled
4. She volunteered to help organize the
fundraiser. 4. Volunteered
5. She informed me that the meeting had
5. Informed
been rescheduled.
II. Directions: Choose the correct 6. Write
verb in each sentence. Use the
7. Pray
words inside the box.
8. Cook
9. Drink
10. Eat

6. We _____ our name on the test

7. We _____ before the lesson starts.
8. Mother and sister ______ our food.
9. Linda _____ water.
10. The cow ____ grass.

Write a short story of at least five sentences using a variety of verbs. Underline
the verbs in your story and be ready to share it with the class in the next session.
Republika ng Pilipinas
Lungsod ng Batangas
Colegio ng Lungsod ng Batangas
Contact No. (043) 402-1450

Prepared by:
Arcega, Ariane
Ascan, Ailen
Atienza, Amor
Baes, Lyza
Bagsit, Micka
Banga, Angelica
Barbolino, Arcel
Beato, Joy
Orange Group- B.E.E.D IV-2

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