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Emil 11 Science

Hindu Opinions Or Thoughts About World

And The Human Beings
Hinduism is a universal religion that regulates the mental and spiritual
needs of humanity as a whole. In the teachings of Hinduism, humans have three
things as the main categories of creatures, namely: Sabda, Bayu, and Idep which
means having the ability to speak, the ability to move, and the ability to think.
These three things are known in Hinduism as Tri Pramana. Only humans can
reach heaven and can even unite with God. Other creatures of God's creation to
reach heaven and moksha, must first be born as a human. Humans are a unity
between the physical body and the soul (atman) which makes it always

Man is the place of good deeds and bad deeds. With the existence of
Viveka in humans, they should have the ability to distinguish between good and
bad things. In the Sarasamuccaya Book, verse 2 is explained: Manusah
sarvabhutesu varttate vai subhasubhe. Asubhesu samavistam
subhesvevavakarayet. This means: Among all living things, only those who are
born as humans can carry out good deeds or bad deeds; melt into the good
deeds, all those bad deeds; such is the use (reward) of being human.

Hinduism views the whole world as a large family that exalts one and the
same truth, so that religion respects all forms of belief and does not question
religious differences. There are four goals of human life according to Hindu
teachings according to Catur Purusa Artha. The first goal is Dharma (Truth), the
second goal is Artha (Wealth or Possession), the third goal is Kama (Desire)
and the fourth goal is Moksa (Freedom). Therefore, humans are said to be God's
most important creatures.

Hinduism's outlook on life is moreover the same as the teachings of other

religions. Where humans are considered the most special living beings with the
Emil 11 Science

teachings of the Catholic religion and humans are the only living beings who
can think or have reason. But in Hinduism there is a unique teaching that I have
never heard from anywhere, that is, only humans can reach heaven and can even
unite with God. Other creatures of God's creation to reach heaven and moksha,
must first be born as a human. Hindu religion does not discriminate and tolerate.
Human goals based on his teachings also greatly motivate Hindus to have a new
outlook on life.

I also agree with his teachings which say that only humans can
distinguish between good and bad among other living things. Which proves that
humans have full responsibility for their own sins. From this Sarasamuccaya
verse it is very clear that every human being has the potential to do good deeds
and bad deeds. If we want to get harmony in life, then always prioritize good
deeds in life and use or function the words, bayu, and idep that are inside well.

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