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1.1 Meeting Customer Needs

Question Paper

Course Edexcel A Level Business

Section 1. Marketing and People
Topic 1.1 Meeting Customer Needs
Difficulty Hard

Time allowed: 50

Score: /40

Percentage: /100

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Question 1
Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering.
Cost competitiveness and product differentiation are two key strategies to achieve global competitive advantage.
Evaluate these two strategies and recommend which one would be better to achieve a global competitive advantage for a
business, such as Cadbury.
[20 marks]

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Question 2
Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering.
Derby University has set the objective for Derby Theatre to increase its box office income by 40% by 2022. Its management
team has decided that it could either produce and stage more shows that recognise the cultural diversity of Derby’s
population or launch a Derby Theatre live tour across the Midlands.
Evaluate these two options and recommend which one would be better to increase Derby Theatre's box office income.
[20 marks]

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