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Dialogue May I Help You

dr. Nahda : Hello... (Halo…)

Fafa : Hello, doctor. (Halo, dokter)
dr. Nahda : You look terrible. What can I do for you? (Kamu terlihat kurang sehat. apa yang bisa
kulakukan untukmu )
Fafa : I can’t go to school today. (Saya tidak bisa ke sekolah hari ini)
dr. Nahda : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. What’s the problem? (Oh, Maaf mendengarnya. Ada
Fafa : My stomach hurts terribly. I think I have a fever as well. (perutku sakit sekali. Saya pikir
saya demam)
dr. Nahda : Okay, let me check your stomach.(The doctor puts the stethoscope in Fafa’s belly and
strikes it lightly). Does it hurt here? (Okay, izinkan saya cek perutmu – dokter menaruh
stetoskop di pusar Fafa dan menekan dengan pelan. Apakah ini sakit?)
Fafa : Not that one. (tidak kalau itu)
dr. Nahda : Here? (disini?)
Fafa : Yes, that’s really terrible. (yes, itu sakit sekali)
dr. Nahda : Alright then, I’ll give you a prescription. You have to take the pills three times a day,
okay? (Baik, saya akan memberimu resep. Kamu harus minum obatnya tiga kali sehari)
Fafa : Okay, doctor. (baik, dokter)
dr. Nahda : Good. Get well soon, Fafa. Bye. (Bagus. Lekas sembuh ya, Fafa. Daa)
Fafa : Thanks a lot. Bye, doctor. (terima kasih banyak. Sampi jumpa, dokter)

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