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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C.

Shapero What follows is my notes from Bill Stoddards Vor Campaign session, held Sunday 06/19/2011 at Allison Lonsdales apartment in San Diego. Yes, it was a bit of a drive for me, but I found the session to be well worth the effort. I get far too few chances to run in other campaigns I spend most of my gaming time running games, rather than running in games. A different set of skills, and enjoyable also, but there are times when I miss the old days, when I could run in a game every week if I really wanted to. Tag items from introductions: o Mark Vorkosigan is trying to sell off the ornamental butterbug part of the business. o Saker needs to have a letter of introduction to Mark Vorkosigan, from the Cetagandan Ambassador? Referee input will be needed here. Letter of introduction to Vorbretten and to Mark Vorkosigan? According to Bill, there is one specific letter of introduction for one specific person. o Padma Durana Vorpatril two women on a string right now, often as many as four to five. Lieutenant, palace guard (staff officer). o Xav Vorpatril (Eben Brooks character). Fit, tall, thin, elegant appearance, military bearing. o Mila Vorrutyer (Lord Dono offspring). Trying to get Barrayar to a more galactic level of culture. Would like to be a countess, specifically Countess Vorkosigan. o Question: Does Barrayar have a moon? Answer from Bill: Not yet decided. Handed the decision myself, I went with an Earth-moon pair, roughly like ours. o Galena Vorkorigan (Allison). Bit of Ausbergers syndrome. Goat genetics (biosteel). Naismith Biological Institute on Hassadar was where she does some of her work. Read the sex manuals on Beta, but didnt really engage in it. o Genetic Purity Movement: wants Barrayar to go back to old methods of repressing mutants. Keep insisting that Uncle Miles was a mutant. (They prefer infanticide, and there is a proponent of this who is pushing the doctrine in the backward outback district). Followup from previous session. o Cassandra Vorbretten (NPC): musician, would have been competing with a great number of equals on Cetaganda. All focused on art, possibly thinking of war as art. (Ghem are the warriors). (Young ghem have nothing to do, the older ghem are the ones with actual warrior duties.) Discussion of the Cetagandans, from the viewpoint of Barrayarans not exactly the most rational, or according to the books. I had inserted a copy of the Wormhole map here, that was included in the soft-copy version of Cetaganda that I picked up, along with Cryoburn o Discussion of the great scandal (Cassandra and someone meeting with her at lunch) regarding an assignation that they came upon between two royals? Perhaps the individual is Aral Vorkosigan (reference made to grandfather proposing after a week of contact with grandmother, so likely is the Count). So courtship rituals between Aral and Cassandra. Appears to be the case. Saturday invitation at the Mansion (presumably Vorkosigan House). Alys told them both to stop hanging back. (Simon & Alys have they produced offspring? They are both gone on, so its not Alys Vorpatril who is being referred to). o Mila is Ludmilla Vorrutyer? Forward Momentum Xav Vorpatril dragged to Gregor Vorbarra. Just what he needed, how nice. Page 1 of 9

Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Gregor: Xav: Gregor: Xav: Lieutenant, how do you feel about wearing the Imperial uniform? I feel very strongly about it, your Majesty. What does it mean to you? The strongest possible commitment to my planet, to the people of my planet. Gregor: That is what we aim for at the Academy. That you put service to the Empire ahead of personal concern. Do you think that you can learn to do that a little more thoroughly? Xav: I think I can. (a bit sheepishly) Gregor: Please do so, effectively. Gregor: What Ive said so far, could have been dealt with via the chain of command. But I am responsible for what everyone in the chain of command does. But the other part is what requires that I speak to you, Lord Xav. Gregor: At this moment, you are eighth in line for the throne. Xav: I am aware of this, and it makes me uncomfortable.: Gregor: It is not likely, but it is possible. If you were the Emperor, you could have dealt with lord Vorlightly. And Emperors anger is terrible thing. I must be concerned with your temper, on that account. Xav: I had not considered that Gregor: I understand that it is possible to do damn foolish things when one is your age I certainly did when I was your age. I would hope that you would learn to control your temper a bit better. Xav: I will try to do so. Gregor: I will not detain you further, please convey my concerns for your father The preceeding was only a rough transcription of the conversation, managed as best I could while matters proceeded at the usual breakneck pace. Xav was taken back to his light flyer. My side note: presumably, there is some incident when Xav lost his temper with Lord Vorlightly. Conversation with his brother (Padma Vorpatril and Xav). Padma: You might want to call Da and tell him that hes not going to lose a son to a duel or something? Xav brought up a screen on the cockpit display to show Padma. It is evening, and Xav had just come off work when he was dragged into the conversation with Emperor Gregor Vorbarra, and has only just returned to his lightflyer at this point. It was stated that Jack was a little wrung out, but that Padma didnt notice (I am assuming, therefore, that Jack is just another name for Xav Vorpatril). Xav: We have to encourage everyone in the sucession before us to have as many children as possible. Xav: We have discussed this before. I am half kidding, but I am only half kidding. There followed a discussion of the order of succession. Allison said that she has to add the succession to the chart. There is, apparently, a special need to draw the lines of succession from the Crown Prince outwards. Mention was made of a Prince Axel (Axel Mikhail?). Im not certain, but I will assume for the moment that this is the Crown Prince.

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Allison passed around a copy of the who is related to whom document. The soft copy is in Visio format and she will be adding order of succession information. Xav: The proximity to the throne implies certain eyes on us. (the Vorpatrils) Eben made a reference made to the Eyes while pulling on his t-shirt (I assumed that this was a reference to the Eyes of Horus ensignia that ImpSec personnel wear). Sadly, Eben managed to get a rip the seam of his t-shirt in the process. Padma: So our actions are a reflection on the throne? Statements were made indicating that Axel (Axel Mikhail?) is a diplomatic sort recently returned from Escobar. A mention was made of Vlad (full name not given a reference to the who is related to whom chart may be appropriate here), someone who is in space pilot training now (and is presumably studying 5-dimensional navigation like mad). Padma just happy that his little brother hasnt had problems. Xav: Perhaps I would have preferred thugs with iron bars to what I experienced. Switched focus (and camera) to Saker Haut Navarr, as he arrived at the Vorbarra Sultana spaceport, with letters of introduction to Ekatarin Vorkosigan and to Vorkosigan House. News has gotten around quickly of the death of Miles, and Saker made a courtesy call on the Dowager Countess. In trying to find his way to Vorkosigan House, the roll for Sakers Urban tracking was snake-eyes (natural snake-eyes, not with any adjustments) against his Mind (a value of 11). I was informed by the referee that such a roll would normally warrant an extra experience point for a continuing character. (A note to the referee you might consider graning the experience gained for NPCs as well as for PCs, so that the OpFor improves with time just as the PCs do.) Saker was able to slide through one layer of the household staff with ease the full protective layer is around Aral Count Vorkosigan, rather than Ekatarin. So Saker quickly found himself in the presence of a woman who appeared to him to be quite elderly (Barrayaran life expectancies are not apparently up to Galactic standards, and Cetagandan life expectancies are apparently somewhat higher than Galactic averages.) Ekatarin: Welcome to Barrayar. And just how much of Miles genes do you carry? (There is a pregnant pause as Saker took this statement in and, realizing that one might as well admit a truth that is already known by the other side, blurts out the truth as he knows it). Saker: I thank you for your kind welcome, and I believe that the correct number is thirty-seven point five percent; this is not something that is spoken of openly back home, of course. Might I inquire as to how you came to this conclusion? Ekatarin: I was married to Miles, and I know what his face looked like. It took me a moment to realize what seemed so familiar about you. But if you are curious, I can show you. Saker: That would be most gratifying; and I thank you in advance for the courtesy. Ekatarin brought up a holo showing Miles, standing alone. Then she displayed a holo of just his face, and finally, to give scale, a holo of the two of them (Miles and Ekatarin) together. Saker looked over the holographic images for a few moments. Saker: I would like to think that I have the best of his features

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Ekatarin: Yes, it was important to him though he was always wanted people to know that his problem was teratogenic, rather than the result of mutation. I gather that it took rather cutting edge technology for Barrayar, at the time for him to have a skeleton at all. Saker: I think that his face shows great character perhaps some day I shall have as much. Ekatarin: Are you in the habit of throwing yourself into things? Saker: Sometimes. Id like to think that I am becoming at least a promising adolescent in that regard. Not yet adult, but showing some promise. Ekatarin: Would you like copies of these holos? Saker: Yes, thank you. Ekatarin: I dont think you realized this, but if you are among people who know the Vorkosigans well, they may recognize your features. Saker: That is interesting. Ekatarin: Do you wish to meet any of the others? Saker: Actually, yes. I would like to speak to and meet with Lord Mark Vorkosigan. Ekatarin: I will call ahead Mark, and others of the family, are in the Vorkosigan district. Galena Vorkosigan (Marks daughter, played by Allison Lonsdale) is at Vorkosigan Surleau. Ekatarin called her, and there followed a brief discussion between Mark, Ekatarin and the haut Saker. Rather quickly, Mark Vorkosigan asked to be given a ten minutes recess after which he would call back. During the recess, Mark and Galena discussed matters, and mention was made of Miles Order of Merit from the Cetagandan Empire. True to his word, Mark calls back ten minutes later and he invited the Haut Saker to fly to Hassadar, and he provided directions. Ekatarin offered a driver a Vorkosigan Armsman. Saker left his escorts (read: bodyguards) behind, with the private notification that if they caused any trouble for the locals or for him, they would be required to apologize. When he said this, Saker grinned but only with his mouth (not with his eyes). (This last item was very carefully emphasized at the time this is not an after action addition). The flight to Hassadar took two hours, and the Armsman (I believe that it was Roic, but Im not certain that that name was mentioned mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, neither my memory nor my transcriptions are perfect). The flight took Saker over a great deal of countryside that looked totally unsculpted natural which would likely have been something of a new experience for Saker. While the Haut Saker was occupied, Mark and Galena had a few words Galena: Hes interesed in Biotech? But are they likely to consider us a threat? Mark: There are businesses that look fifteen years ahead. They the Cetagandans worry about threats that they might perceive five hundred years from now. I imagine that at the moment, he will think of us as barbarians with mud in our hair. Galena: Then they might just consider us and Biosteel to be quaint The Haut Saker was greeted on his arrival by an aged blonde woman, Kareen Vorkosigan. Kareen: How should I address you?

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Saker: You may address me either as Haut Saker, or as simply Saker, as it pleases you. Kareen: Will you be able to stay for dinner, or overnight? Saker: As it might please you, mlady. This humble individual has all the time in the world. (And anyone who believes that line is a suitable customer for a certain bridge on the East Coast) Saker tried to remain as courtly in his manner as possible. He mentioned to Mark, of course, that he was interested in acquiring that segment of the Lord Mark Vorkosigans butterbug business that Lord Mark was, in fact, intent upon selling. It was strictly for the aesthetic aspects of the pretty butterbugs that interested Cetaganda. The conversation then shifted to a what can we trade type discussion. While Mark was certainly not averse to outright purchase, he favored the means of producing more wealth over simple addition of wealth now. One sort of IP (intellectual property) that Mark was particularly interesed was regenerative therapies, in particular, methods of dealing with and correcting neuro muscular junction decay. It seemed that Kliment Koudelka, Marks father-in-law, was suffering from problems relating to his (far earlier) encounter with a nerve disruptor (see SHARDS OF HONOR, later incorporated in CORDELIAS HONOR). In the attempt at finding something that Mark would go for, a roll was made against mind (11 skill level). The roll was 4, judged an extreme success, which Bill said was not quite a jump all over the offer but rather, consider the offer too good to refuse. While Barrayar medtechs can grow organs, they arent up to the Galactic standards for nerve regeneration. So Mark agreed, at the very least, to hold off on any final decision until Saker can consult with his Constellation. Kareen Koudelka invited Saker to dinner, and to an overnight stay. During dinner, the conversations were many and varied. Galena discussed her biosteel project, and Sarek asked why carbon nanotubes an equally ancient technology would not be more useful. Galena pointed out that the naturally produced biosteel (from goats) would potentially be far more economical, and if the goats could have butterbug/gut bacteria added, then they (the goats) might also be used in the continuing Barrayaran terraforming activities. When the discussion wandered on to the Purity movement, Saker shocked a few people present (Galena at the very least) by asking the obvious question if they are such a great threat, why not just eliminate them? A case of evolution in action. That brought up the question (peripherally) of whether anyone has been developing a mathematical sociology that works. While the Betans were apparently working on something in the area, and hoped to make progress soon, now, there were no deployable results. Yet. Saker noted that the Cetagandans had no such workable science at least none that would predict non-Cetagandans, and certainly not Barrayarans. When questioned as to why he had a simple answer: if we had such, would we have permitted the ghem adventurerers to invade Barrayar? They were later required to apologize, in the ancient fashion, but had a workable mathematical sociology existed, such a waste of both Cetagandan and Barrayaran potential could have been avoided. From there, the discussion drifted on to the subject of the Barrayaran Imperial succession. And it was noted that, were he to be accepted and legitimized by the Vorkosigan family (adopted, basically), the haut Saker would be in line to ascend to the Barrayaran Imperial

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero throne. (Despite, as noted in SHARDS OF HONOR by the first Aral Vorkosigan, that that would involve salic descent.) This was noted as being most complicated by the other indivduals at the dinner talbe (Kareen, Galena and Mark included), and that Saker might then be seen as a threat. At this point, Saker pointed out that there were greater threats though still minimal probability ones than a Cetagandan becoming the Emperor of Barrayar. A brief description of relativistic spitballs was given (if people are really interested, I can post the number crunching that lead to that line of attack the math is really quite simple, and is limited to some simple equations from special relativity). The one line definitely recalled was I am not intending to be threatening, although this humble individual might be considered a threat, entirely unintentionally on his part voiced (in theory) by Saker. The camera focus changed again, to a discussion between Aral Vorkosigan and Xav Vorpatril, concerning an incident. Aral: Have you had any covert training? Xav: Im an analyst. Aral: I have something, but I dont want it to come to ImpSec attention, officially. Xav: Are you monitored? Aral: Yes, as are you. They agree to speak in code, and name no names. Aral: My draft copy of the biography of my grandmother (Cordelia Naismith) has gone astray. It was intended for publication only after some people are dead. I have looked for it in all the places I might have left it. Xav: Was it kept as long hand copy? Aral: I had one electronic copy, that I did not replicate on a book disk. And the one copy is gone Xav: I am more of an analyst than a field agent. Aral: I was hoping you might help me think of what questions to ask. Xav: My first thought is that ImpSec might already have this book. (This after Eban made an intelligence roll). Xav: Is there anyone else that we could trust that would have a useful skill set. Has it occurred to you that it might be ImpSec who has it? If it is something that you want to keep out of their hands, they might well be the ones that might well be responsible for removing it. The subject shifted to doing background checks through his (that is, Arals) Armsmen of any of Arals non-Armsmen employees. Then it shifted to doing something in the way of background checks on Arals Armsmen. Since these Armsmen were checked by Lord Auditor Miles Vorkosigan hence done at a level beyond what Aral could manage and though he could use Roic to check the others, there would be consequences (to such an action). Aral noted that he was taking notes concerning this conversation, and keeping it in a protected location. Aral: We dont always follow our guests everywhere they go The diskbook was kept at Vorkosigan House in the Capital, not in Vorkosigan Surleau, and it disappeared some time in the last two weeks. Aral: Mother had a brief visit from a Cetagandan, but I think he was in her apartment. Olivia had a visit from one of her friends whom she does fabric

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero projects with Jule came by who else? Nadejda dropped in, she had an evening of leave and came in to visit with my sisters for a bit. Xav: Of those names, the only one that gives me any pause whatsoever is Jule, and that because shes Betan. Aral: Thats a disturbing thought. Id be more tempted to worry about the Cetagandan. Xav: A Cetagandan coming to Vorkosigan house openly? What are the odds that he would come there to steal something? What is the most obvious thing? Then either its there as a red herring, or its coincidental. Aral: I would rather hate to have to interrogate one of the Haut, for diplomatic reasons. Of that list, Nadejda was at the party, but Milla wasnt. There was some confusion expressed regarding timing. The party may have been six months previous, the disk was present no more than two weeks previous. Though someone at the party may have mentioned the work on a biography of Cordelia Naismith Xav: I found the existance of this bio of passing interest. But there may have been others there who might have discussed it with someone else. Jule might have communicated with someone on Beta and . Aral: I think I know who I might need to talk to next. You have helped me think through what questions I need to ask. Xav: Its equal parts finding the correct questions and which ones are incorrect. Aral: I can certainly ask Roic who entered and left the property over the time period in question. Xav: I hope that it turns out to be nothing more than I left it in my vest pocket and it went throuugh the laundary. Aral: I have spoken enough about me, how have you been doing? Xav: I have had a good demonstration of what happens when you mouth off at the Emperors birthday party. And thats how I know how much we are being surveilled. There were things said without words. Aral: You spoke to Him, then? Xav: It never occurred to me previously just how closely I am being surveilled and the conversation Aral: I will trade you degree of closeness any time you want. Xav: I hope you do not take offense, but not on your bloody life In fact, if you would consider having children any time soon, I would not stand in your way in the least Aral: (drinks a glass of water). I am discussing the matter with Mila. Xav: Congratulations! Aral: Not yet. Xav: That discussions are even happening, congratulations! I do heartily wish you best of luck. At this point, it was noted by Bill that Saker is handily eliminated from consideration with a slight note of sadness in his voice, one red herring having been filleted, fried, and tossed. Another change of location, though the camera continued focus on Xav. Xav went to a bar, and met Hana.

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Hana: Xav: Hana: In here, or do you want to walk. When is your next social event? This Friday. Well be talking about different proposal for representation schemes. Xav: I am interested in making a contribution. Hana: Always welcome. We dont want to get you in trouble. Xav: And now that thats out of the way, I need more whiskey. Hana: Your usual? Xav: Yes, please Hana: Here you are. Would you like the bottle? Xav: Yes, thank you Further conversation (regarding his change of residence) involved a reference to his living among Vor-bores. Xavs statement was that it was emphatically not a retirement home, but rather a place where a bunch of Vors decided to retire. And a change of location and camera focus. Galena met with Mila, Saturday night after dinner. Galena: I remember you telling me that someone had made a kill the monster mutant game. Has someone made a game about making a good baby for the girls? Mila: Give them a little bit of education in the difference between the genome and the expression. Collect shiny object, solve puzzles, collect things you can show off to other people. Galena: I think we need a psychologist and a programmer. Discussion of Betan games (and the careful not to go too far, basically). Galena: Need an answer to the kill the monster mutant theme. Mila: Need to break that designation (not sure how). Galena: Need a propagandist? Mila: It is something that turned up recently, this purity movement? (Need to consider: the kill the monster mutant might be from a Cetagandan covert op to weaken the Barrayaran society). Background of the head of the Purity movement a woman. Shes childless (in theory). Other people funding her. (Cetagandan? It would make sense, just from a covert op.) There followed a discussion between Aral and Mila regarding the disappearance of the book. Noting that there were several visitors, including Mila, Nadyejda, and a Cetagandan. He (the Ceta) wouldnt be able to wander around unwatched. And there was Jule. Another option mentioned is that ImpSec may have collected the book. An interesting question how would Aral have found out the details of the green room discussion? Only Aral, Cordelia, Ezar Vorbarra and Capt. Negri were present or made aware. Aral (the young one) as a history professor, read up on the Escobar invasion, so may have put two and two together to make fiveor four, by chance. Coverups are typically worse than the original screw up (and harder to maintain). Aral ended up being summoned by the Emperor Galena received a lunch invitation from Inez (internal evidence suggested to me that Inez is Enriques daughter, given the good doctors original reaction to the discovery that Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan was a Captain of the Betan Survey Service).

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Notes from Vor Campaign Session held 06/19/2011 N. C. Shapero Inez: In a month, I am going to take a leave of absence from my graduate studies and taking the Betan Survey Service exams. Im going to try and get into the Academy Galena: A new direction? Inez: My Da always wanted to do it. So if I get into the Academy, I wont be coming back Inez asked Galena for help studying the technical subjects that are in Galenas area of expertise. Mention was made of a biosphere crash from Komarran estimates. There was an error in the data handling (or so it was said). The simulation was stated as being subject to instability. Details were passed on to Mark. Inez: Da said he was never good enough for it he never got up the courage to take the exams. Anyway, Ill know what the exams are like in a couple of months Galena noted that the goat digestive project was going to be passed on to another student as she was too busy working on the spidersilk/biosteel project to take on another task. And that is where my notes peter out. And I think that hits the major points (modulo those times I was out of the room).

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