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‘And Pilgrimage to the House of Allah is a DUTY mankind owe to Allah, for those
who can afford the journey’ – Qur’an 3:97.

‘Complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah…’ 2:196

‘For Hajj are the months well known. If any undertakes the DUTY there-in, let there
be no obscenity nor wickedness, no wrangling in the Hajj….’ 2:197.

Abu Huraira (R.A.A) reports that the Prophet (S.A.W.) said: A person who performs
the pilgrimage during which he neither indulges in lewdness (obscenity) nor abuses,
such a person returns from the pilgrimage duly purified as if born by his mother on
that day.

Hajj is a once in a life time journey for most Muslims. It is one of the 5 Pillars of
Islam. Since Hajj is an act of worship, it must be performed in peace and with single
minded devotion. There are a number of simple, yet important things you can do to
get in the right frame of mind for this unique experience.
• Your intention must be to perform Hajj solely for the sake of Allah.
• All Hajj expenses must be paid out of money obtained through legitimate
• All of your debts and financial obligations must be fully discharged before you
start your journey.
• You must make an honest effort to resolve your outstanding differences with
others, and seek forgiveness from those you have hurt in any way in the past.

This small booklet is an attempt in preparing a pilgrim for this momentous occasion. I
would like to share with you, what I discovered in ‘Fiqh –us – Sunnah (Fiqh 5.125)’
from the Alim CD, the ‘15 Steps to Perform Hajj’ by Musisitul Waqf Islamiyah
( and ‘Amali za Hijja’ by Sheikh Al-Amin bin Ali Mazrui.

I started off as preparations for Hajj for me and my wife – Maryam. In between the
preparations, a friend came along and requested me to share with him whatever I
know, to assist him in his preparations. In editing and re-editing the write – up, a
thought struck me as to why I can not share this with others. This is an effort in
sharing with you, a booklet that you can use in preparation. It can be used as a
reference booklet through out the rituals of Hajj and Umrah.

What I discovered is that it is virtually impossible to remember off-head, the very

many rituals and prayers. Please use this through out. You need to hold onto a
reference booklet as you move from one ritual to another. Let this be that reference

You need to thoroughly prepare yourself before you take of from your home onto the
Hajj journey. It is only through repeated preparation spiritually, physically and
psychologically, that you will have a fulfilling Hajj experience. May Allah accept
your Hajj and Umrah. May it be a fulfilling experience - Amin ya Rabbal Alameen.
Ghalib Yusuf Tamim, 20th November, 2006

Table of contents

1. Hajj and Umrah – Step by step………………………………….………..1

2. On performing Hajj and Umrah……………………………….………….3
3. Quotations on Hajj…………………………………………….………….4
4. Entering into Ihram…………………………………………….………....6
5. Once in a state of Ihram……………………………………….………….7
6. When entering Makkah……………………………………….…………..7
7. On seeing the Kaaba……………………………………………………...8
8. Inside the Haram……………………………………………………….....8
9. Tawaf and the recommended duas………………………………………..9
10. Sa’i…………………………………………………………………….....13
11. Hajj – 8th Dhul Hijja……………………………………………………...14
12. At sunrise of 9th Dhul Hijja………………………………………………15
13. 10th Dhul Hijja…………………………………………………………...16
14. After midday of 11th Dhul Hijja…………………………………………18
15. On the 12th Dhul Hijja…………………………………………………...18
16. Essential rites of Hajj and Umrah………………………………………..19
17. Visit to Madina…………………………………………………………..19
18. Summary of expiations connected with Hajj and Umrah………………..21

Fiqh-us-Sunnah Fiqh 5.125
On Performing Hajj and 'Umrah: A Brief Summary

15 14 13 12 11
13th Dhul 12th Dhul Hijja 11th Dhul Hijja 11th /12th/13th Dhul
Tawaful Hijja Throwing Throwing pebbles Hijja
Wadai Throwing pebbles, any between mid day
15 Steps (Farewell pebbles, for time between and sunset. Spending nights at
Tawaf). those who mid day and Mina during the days
to want to stay sunset. Start with of Tashriq.
Perform up to the Jamratul-Sughra,
13th day. Those leaving then (Spend 2 or 3 nights).
HAJJ Then on the 12th Jamratul-Wusta,
leave for day to Makka last,
Makka can then do so. Jamratul-Kubra
1 Pillars of Hajj Pre-conditions of Hajj 10
Enter into 1. Ihram 2. Tawaful Ifadha. 1. Being a Muslim. 2. Sane
10th Dhul Hijja
Ihram at the Miqat. 3. Sa’i (walking between 3. Puberty (Baligh).
Swafa and Marwa). 4. Being free (not a slave).
4. Standing at Arafat. 5. Being able (capable). Going to Makka for
Recite 6. Accompanied by a Mahrim. Tawaful-Ifadha and
The Talbiah Sa’i. One is then
continuously. Types of Pilgrimage completely freed
(For all pilgrims Tamattu Qiran Ifrad from Ihram
i.e. Motamattih, To perform Umrah To perform Hajj/ To perform Hajj restrictions.
Qarin & Alone during the Umrah combined. alone. Nia -
Mufarrid). Months of Hajj. Nia – Nia – Labbayka Umrah Labbayka Hajj Now free to approach
Labbayka Umrah. Wal Hajj. Sacrifice is No sacrifice
Then enters Ihram for a must (obligatory). for Ifrad.
his wife – 2nd
Hajj. Sacrifice is a must. Tahallul.
2 Hajj Obligations 9
On arrival at the 1. Ihram at the Miqat 10th Dhul Hijja
Sacred House 2. Staying the 9th D/Hijja at Arafa (Qiyaumul Arafa) up to sunset.
(Haram), stop 3. Staying the night of Yaumul Arafa at Muzdalifa The 1st minor
4. Throwing stones during the days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th D/Hijja)
reciting the Tahallul (coming out
5. Shaving or trimming
Talbiah. 6. Spending the nights in Mina during days of Tashriq. of Ihram).
Hajj Sunnas
Start Tawaf, 1. Washing the body to enter into Ihram Now freed from all
followed by Sa’i, if 2. Talbiah and raising the voice for men restrictions, except
in Tamattu. 3. Spending the 8th D/Hijja night of at Mina approach to your
Shave/trim hair. 4. Ittiba’a during Tawaf only (wearing the Ihram passing from underneath wife.
This completes the right arm and its end on the left shoulder.
Umrah. 5. Ramal – hurrying in the first 3 rounds of Tawaf
6. Kissing the Black Stone if possible, touching it or pointing at it.
3 4 5 6 7 8
Attahallul (coming 8th Dhul 9th Dhul Hijja 9th Dhul Hijja 9th Dhul Hijja 10th Dhul Hijja
out of Ihram) after Hijja Going to Going to
completing the Leave for Arafat after Muzdalifa after Spend the night After Fajr leave for
Umrah, if on Mina. Shorten sunrise. the sunset of of Yaumul - Mina (with stop-over
Tamattu. prayers at Arrive at mid Yaumul- Arafat at at Mash -aril Haram).
Mina. Must day. Arafat. Muzdalifa.
Ihram will be put be said at Perform On arrival pray At Mina, throw
on for Hajj on the their set Dhuhr/ Asr Maghrib/Isha pebbles at Jamratul-
8th Dhul Hijja. times. combined. combined. Isha Aqabah. Slaughter,
(Qiyamul will be shave or trim hair.
Arafa) shortened.

2:197 For Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that
duty therein let there be neither obscenity, nor wickedness
nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good you do (be
sure) Allah knows it. And take a provision (with you) for the
journey but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me
O you that are wise.

Ayah 198 It is no crime in you if you seek of the bounty of your Lord
(during Pilgrimage). Then when you pour down from
(Mount) Arafat celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred
Monument and celebrate His praises as He has directed you
even though before this you went astray.

Ayah 199 Then pass on at a quick pace from the place whence it is usual
for the multitude so to do and ask for Allah's forgiveness. For
Allah is Oft Forgiving Most Merciful.

Ayah 200 So when you have accomplished your holy rites celebrate the
praises of Allah as you used to celebrate the praises of your
fathers, yes with far more heart and soul. There are men who
say: "Our Lord! Give us (Your bounties) in this world!" but they
will have no portion in the hereafter.

Ayah 201 And there are men who say: "Our Lord! Give us good in this
world and good in the Hereafter and defend us from the
torment on the fire!"

Ayah 202 To these will be allotted what they have earned and Allah is
quick in account.

Ayah 203 Celebrate the praises of Allah during the Appointed Days,
but if anyone hastens to leave in two days there is no
blame on him, and if anyone stays on there is no blame on
him if his aim is to do right. Then fear Allah and know that ye
will surely be gathered unto Him.

1. Entering into Ihram

On approaching the Miqat (the place fixed for taking on Ihram), a pilgrim

• Trim his moustache

• Cut short his hair
• Clip his finger nails
• Take a bath or make ablution
• Wear some perfume
• Put on the Ihram
• Offer a two rak'ah prayer
• Declare his/her intention to perform Hajj, or Hajj and 'Umrah, or 'Umrah only,
as the case may be

‫ة وأ‬ ‫ا‬ -1

(Nawaitul Umrata wa- ahramtu biha, Lillahi Taala)

1. I do intend to perform Umrah, I therefore enter into the state of Ihram for the sake
of Allah, The Exalted.

‫وأ‬ ‫ا‬ -2

(Nawaitul Hajja wa-ahramtu biha, Lillahi Taala)

2. I do intend to perform Hajj, I therefore enter into a state of Ihram for the sake of
Allah, The Exalted.

Wearing Ihram and declaring intention for Hajj or 'Umrah is an essential part of both,
and neither will be correct without these.

Specifying the kind of Hajj, whether it is Ifrad (Hajj only), Tamattu ' (Hajj and
'Umrah combined with a break in between), or Qiran (Hajj and 'Umrah without a
break), is not essential. If someone makes an intention of performing Hajj without
specifying the kind, his Ihram will still be valid, and he may perform any of the three
kinds of Hajj.

As soon as he enters the state of Ihram, a pilgrim must utter Talbiyah loudly (for
men), whenever he climbs a hill or goes down a valley, meets a group or a person,
early in the morning, and after every prescribed prayer.

. ‫وا‬ ‫! وا‬ ‫إن ا‬ ‫ا‬

(Labbeika Allahuma Labbeik, Labbeika La-sharika laka Labbeik. Innal Hamda,

wa-nne’mata Laka wal-Mulk . La’ shariika Laka).

‘Ever at Your service, O Allah, ever at Your service. Ever at Your service, You have
no partner, ever at Your service. Verily, all praise, blessings, and dominion are
Yours. You have no partner.’

Once in a state of ihram:

• A person must avoid sexual intercourse, and all things that lead to it
• He must avoid wrangling and useless bickering
• He is not allowed to marry or join others in marriage
• A Muhrim must not wear any sewn clothes or shoes that cover his feet above
his ankles. For a woman, she must not cover her face
• Must not cover his head
• Should not use any perfume
• Should not cut his hair or nails
• Should not engage in hunting any game
• Should not cut trees or grass within the Sacred Precincts of Haram

2. When entering Makkah

Recite the following dua:

‫م‬ ‫وأ‬ ‫ا ھا‬

.‫ا ر‬ ‫ود و ى و ى‬
‫ك‬ ! ‫وا‬ ‫ھ ا ا ام‬ ‫ا‬
‫ ة‬# ‫د‬$ % &'( ! ‫ أ وا‬% )‫وا‬
،+'#, ‫ ا‬- ‫ ة وأ‬#./ ‫ب‬12
‫ك‬13 4 !5.,6 ‫ أن‬89‫أ‬
. . ( :#, ; 6 ‫وأن‬
(Allahumma haadha Hara’muka, wa-Amnuka. Faharrim Lahmiy, wa damiy, wa
shaariy, waBashariy ala- nnar. Allahumma hadhal – Hara’mu Hara’muka, wal-
baladu baladuka, Wal-Amnu Amnuka. Wal-abdu jiitu min Bila’di bai’din,
bidhunubi kathiratin, wa-amali Sayyiatin. As-aluka an-tastaqbilaniy bi-mahdhi Af-
wika, wa-antudkhilaniy fasiha Jannatika.)

O my Lord! These are Your Sacred and Peaceful Precincts. Protect my flesh, my
blood, my hair and my skin from Hell Fire.
O my Lord! This Sacred Place is Your Noble Place, the City is Your City, and its
peace is Your Peace. Your slave has come from distant lands full of sins and wrongful
acts. I humbly request You to accept me with Your Forgiveness and include me in
Your Paradise.

• It is desirable that a pilgrim enters from its high side.

• If possible,take a bath at the Dhi Tawa well in Zahir.
• Then he should go to the Ka bah and enter the Sacred Mosque from the gate
called Bab As-Salam, while uttering supplications of entry into the mosques
and observing other etiquette of entry with humility, fear, and talbiyah on his

On Seeing the Ka'bah

One should raise his hands and supplicate to Allah for His bounties.

‫م ا ھ*ا ) ('ده‬-. ‫ر‬ ‫م‬-. ‫م و ا‬-. ‫ ا أ ا‬0‫ إ ّﷲ وﷲ أ‬2 ‫إ‬

.‫و ا‬ ‫و‬ 4 ‫ و‬5 6 ‫) ه‬7‫ و‬28 9 ‫وزد‬ ‫ و ; و‬5 6

(La ilaha illa Llahu wa-Llahu akbar. Allahumma anta sSalaam, wa-minka
sSalaam. HayyinaRabbana bi sSalaam. Allahumma hadha Baituka, fazid-hu
tashreefan, wa-taadhiman, wa-mahabattan. Wa-zid man hajja-hu wa-atamarahu
tashreefan, wa-takrimman, wa-mahabattan wa-birran).

There is none to be worshipped but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. O Allah! You are
Peace, the Source of Peace; O Lord, raise us after our death in peace. O Allah! This
is Your House! Increase this House in nobility, honour, reverence and dignity.
Increase those going on Hajj or Umrah, who honour and reverence it in honour,
reverence and piety.

• Then he should directly proceed to the Black Stone, kiss it quietly or touch it
with his hand and kiss the hand.
• If this is not possible and one cannot reach the Black Stone, one may just point
towards it from a distance.

Inside the Haram

After saluting the Black Stone as above:

• One should begin his Tawaf around the Ka'bah supplicating in words as
taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him).

. 7 ‫!ك وا‬7‫!ك وو‬ ‫وو( ء‬ )4 > !? ‫و‬ ‫ ا إ‬0‫ ﷲ وﷲ أ‬.

. @‫ و‬2 7 ‫ ﷲ‬A !

(Bismi-Llahi wa-Llahu akbar. Allahumma i’manan bika, wa-tasdiqqan bi-

kiata’bika, wawafan bi-ahdika wa-waadika. Wattibaan li-sunnati Nabiyyika
MuhammadanSwalla Llahu Alaihi wa sallam).

‘In the Name of Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. O Allah, out of faith in You and to
affirm Your Book, fulfil Your covenant, and follow the sunnah of Your Prophet
Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).

• In the first three rounds it is recommended that the (male) pilgrim uncover his
right shoulder and jog at a slow pace.
• In the remaining rounds he may walk at a normal pace.
• It is Sunnah to touch in every round the Yemeni Corner and to kiss the Black

Tawaf and the recommended Duas

7 B‫ظ‬ ‫أظ‬ ‫( ا‬6)

‫ إ ظ‬B‫م ظ‬

# 9‫ @ ! ورة و‬A (‫ا‬ ‫( ا‬8) ‫ك‬ <‫ ا ك وا‬% 2 ‫أ‬ ‫( ا‬4)

‫@ رة‬6‫رة و‬13E !2‫را وذ‬1D ‫ق‬$;)‫ء ا‬19‫ ق و‬3 ‫ وا‬3D ‫وا‬
.‫را‬1!6 % 1 ‫ وا ل وا‬-‫ا)ھ‬ H. ‫ء ا‬19‫و‬

(Ruknu Shaamy) (Mizab al-Rahma) (Ruknul Iraqi)

7. Shaam Corner 6.The Sprout of Mercy 4. Iraqi Corner

1. Hajaril Aswad
8. Yamani Corner (Start! - Black Stone)
(Ruknul Yamany)
+ , #2 ‫ا‬ 6‫ر آ‬ ‫( ا‬8) 2 I‫إ‬ ‫! ا‬/‫ ﷲ ﷲ أ‬. (1
‫اب ا ر‬ M‫ و‬+ , ‫ ); ة‬N ‫و‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ وو ء‬.D M O6‫و‬
#!2 + , !6‫وو ك وا‬
. 9‫ و‬A# ‫ ﷲ‬P

‫ وھ ا‬.# &#! ‫ھ ا ا‬ ‫( ا‬2)

‫ م‬5 ‫وھ ا‬ ‫ا م‬
‫ا ر‬% ‫ا ءذ‬

Duas at the Various Corners as shown in the above diagram:

1.Hajaril Aswad (Start Point – Black Stone)

2 I‫إ‬ ‫! ا‬/‫ ﷲ ﷲ أ‬. (1)

‫ك‬ ‫ وو ء‬.D M O6‫و‬
#!2 + , !6‫وو ك وا‬
. 9‫ و‬A# ‫ ﷲ‬P

(Bismi Llahi Allahu Akbar. Allahumma imanan-bika, wa-tasdiqan bikitabika,

wawafaan bi-ahdika wawaadika, wattibaan lisunnati Nabiyyika Muhammadin,
swalla Llahu alaihi wassallam).

In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest. O Allah! Out of faith in You, I affirm Your
Book, fulfil Your covenant, and follow the sunna of Your Prophet Muhammad (Allah
bless him and give him peace).

2. At the Kaaba Door (2) one says:

‫ وھ ا‬.# &#! ‫ھ ا ا‬ ‫( ا‬2)

‫ م‬5 ‫وھ ا‬ ‫ا م‬
‫ا ر‬% ‫ا ءذ‬

(Allahumma hadhal baitu, baituka. Wahadhal H’aramu, H’aramuka. Wahadha

maqamul aidhibika mina nnar).

O Allah! Verily this house is Your House, the sanctuary Your Sanctuary. And this is
the Station of him who took refuge in You from Hell Fire.

3. At Iraqi Corner (4), one says:
‫ك‬ <‫ ا ك وا‬% 2 ‫أ‬ ‫( ا‬4)
‫ق‬$;)‫ء ا‬19‫ ق و‬3 ‫ وا‬3D ‫وا‬
1 ‫ وا ل وا‬-‫ا)ھ‬ H. ‫ء ا‬19‫و‬

(Allahumma aidhnii mina ‘shirki, wal-ishrak, wal-kufri wannifaq, wa-suil akhlaq,

wa-suil muntadhwiri fil ahli, wal-mali, wal-waladi).

O Allah! I take refuge in You from doubt, from ascribing partners to You, from
discord, hypocrisy, evil traits, and from bad turns of fortune in wealth, spouse and

4. When even with the Kaaba’s rainspout (drain pipe - 6), called The Spout of Mercy
(Mizab al-Rahma), one says:

7 B‫ظ‬ ‫ا أظ‬
‫ إ ّظ‬B‫م ظ‬

(Allahumma adhwillinii tahta dhwillu Ar-shuka, yauma la dhwilli illa dhwilluka).

O Allah! Shade me under Your shade, on a day when there is no shade but Yours.

5. At the Shami Corner (7), one says:

# 9‫ @ ! ورة و‬A (‫ا‬ ‫ا‬

.‫را‬1!6 % ‫@ رة‬6‫رة و‬13E !2‫را وذ‬1D

(Allahummaj-alhu hajjan mabrura, wa-sa’yyan mash-kura, wa-dhanban

maghfura, wa-tijaratan lan tabura).

O Allah! Make this a pious hajj, a rewarded effort, forgiving my sins, and a
transaction that will never perish.

6. On reaching the Yemeni corner (8), one touches it if possible, then kisses own
hand. One says:

+ , #2 ‫ا‬ 6‫ر آ‬ ‫ا‬

‫اب ا ر‬ M‫ و‬+ , ‫ ); ة‬N ‫و‬

(Allahumma Rabbana a’tina fi dduniya hasanatan, wa-fil a’khirati hasanatan, wa-

qina adhaba nnar).

O Allah! Our Lord, give us what is good in this world and the next. Protect us from
the torment of Hell Fire.

• After completing (seven rounds of) the Tawaf the pilgrim should go to the
Station of Ibrahim in compliance with the command of Allah "And take the
Station of Ibrahim as a place of prayer." (Qur'an 2.125)

. O #‫ م إ اھ‬5 % ‫ وا‬R6‫ س وأ وا‬+ T &#! ‫ا‬ ( ‫وإذ‬
(Waidh-jaalnal baita mathabattan linnasi wa-amna. Wattakhadhu min maqami
Ibrahi’ma muswalla…)

2:125 Remember We made the House a place of assembly for people, and a place
of safety; and you take the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer;…

• There one should pray two rak'ahs of Tawaf. Recite Al-Kafirun in the first
rakaa, and Al-Ikhlas in the second respectively. (Of course after Al-Fatiha).

Then one says:

% 2 ‫أ‬ ‫ ا‬، ‫; ة وا)و‬U‫ا‬ 3V‫ ى وا‬, ‫ا‬ ! (‫ ى و‬,# ,I ‫ا‬

‫ ا) اء‬+W ‫ و‬،‫ ء‬X5 ‫ء ا‬19‫ ء و‬5 ‫ ودرك ا‬،‫ء‬$! ‫ا‬ ( % 2 ‫ وأ‬،%.3 ‫ ا‬+ X
.%# ‫ أر ا ا‬I .
(Allahumma yassirlil yusra, wajannibi usra. Waghfirlii fil-akhira’ti wal-uula.
Allahumma aidhnii min mudhwillatil fitani, waaidhnii min juhdil balai, Wadarka
shika’i, wa-suil qadhwa’i, wa-shamaitil a’adai. Birahmatika Ya Ar’hamma

O Allah! Make my path easy, protect me from difficulty. Forgive me in the Hereafter
and in this world. Protect me from the trials of misleading others; do protect me from
exhaustive and continuous trials, pre-destined evil, and the triumph of an enemy. I
seek all this through the Majesty of Your Grace, O Bestower of Grace.

• Then one should go to the well of Zamzam and drink of its water as much as
possible. Say the following dua:

.%# ‫ا ا‬ ‫ أر‬I . ‫ داء‬-/ % ‫ ء‬3 ‫ و‬+ 9‫ وا‬M‫ ورز‬+ 2 89‫ أ‬2‫إ‬ ‫ا‬
(Allahumma inni as-aluka ilman na’fia, wa-rizqan wa’sia’, wa-shifaan min kulli
da’in. Ya Ar-hama rRa’himin).

O Allah! I seek from You, knowledge that is useful, sustenance that is satisfying, and a
treatment to every ailment. O Bestower of Grace.

• Thereafter the pilgrim goes to Al-Multazam (that part of the wall between
Hajaril Aswad and the Door of the Kaaba) and stands there and supplicates
for ones’ self to Allah for whatever good one may wish for in this world and
the hereafter.
. ‫ء‬19 -/ % 2 ‫ ا ر وأ‬% .!M‫ ر‬Z. ‫ أ‬Z#. ‫& ا‬#! ‫ رب ا‬I ‫ا‬
(Allahumma Ya Rabbal baitil a’tiq. Aatiq raqbatii minan nNar. Wa-aidhnii min
kulli suin).

O Allah! Lord of this House of old, free my neck from Hell Fire. I seek Your refuge
against every evil.

• Then one should go to the Black Stone, and kiss it (if possible).

One should then approach the (hill of) Safa through the As-Safa gate to begin his Sa'i
in compliance with Allah's words (2:158)

------- ‫ف‬1]I ‫ أن‬A# ‫( ح‬$ . ‫& أوا‬#! ‫ [ ا‬% ‫ ﷲ‬W % ‫وة‬ ‫ وا‬3O ‫إن ا‬

(Inna Swafa’ wal-Marwata min shaaril Llahi. Faman Hajjal baita, awiitamara,
fala’ junaha alaihi an yatwawwafa bihima’)….

2:158 Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit
the House for Hajj or Umrah, should compass them round, it is no sin in them, and if
any one obeys his impulse towards goodness, be sure he will find that Allah is He who
appreciates and is Knowledgeable.

• He should then climb Safa, face the Ka'bah, and make supplication to Allah,
using the ones transmitted from the Prophet (peace be upon him).

‫ء‬a -/ 1‫وھ‬ ‫ ا‬A ‫ ا ك و‬A A DI _ ‫ إ_ﷲ و ه‬A ‫! _إ‬/‫! ﷲ أ‬/‫! ﷲ أ‬/‫ﷲ أ‬


(Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilha illa Llahu, wahdahuu, La
sharika-lahu. Lahul Mulku, wa-Lahul Hamdu, wahuwa ala’ kulli sha-in Qadir).

Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! There is none to be
worshiped except Allah Alone, without any partner. His is the dominion and His is
Praise. He has power over everything.

• After this he should climb down and start walking towards the (hill of) Al-
Marwah as a start of his seven round walk between the two hills, while
remembering Allah and supplicating to Him.

.‫ م‬/)‫ ا‬b )‫& ا‬2‫ أ‬2‫إ‬ 6 ‫@ وز‬6‫و‬ ‫ وار‬3V‫رب ا‬

(Rabbighfir war-ha’m, wa-tajawaz amma’ ta’alam. Innaka antal aazzul akram.

My Lord! Forgive, show mercy and overlook that which You know. Verily You are
the Most Powerful and Generous.

• On approaching one of the two green markers, he should jog towards

the second green marker.

• And after that he should resume his normal walking speed toward Al-
Marwah. Upon reaching Al-Marwah he should climb it, turn toward Ka'bah,
and make supplications and glorify Allah, like what he recited at Safa.

• This will complete his first round.

• Then he should make the remaining six rounds in like manner, completing
all seven rounds. Thus each round starts at Safa and ends at Marwa. On
completion of the seventh round he will end up at Marwa.

• This Sa'i is an essential (wajib) ritual of Hajj, and any pilgrim failing to
perform it or a part of it must slaughter an animal to atone the omission.

Finally, if he is performing a Hajj Tamattu' (Hajj and 'Umrah with a break between
the two), he should either shave off his head or trim his hair short.

3. This completes the Umrah for Tamattu, and would release him of all the restrictions
of the state of Ihram, and all things that were prohibited to him in that state become
permissible for him, including sexual intercourse with his wife.

Those who intend to perform Hajj Ifrad (Hajj only) or Hajj Qiran (Hajj and
'Umrah together without a break) they must continue in the state of Ihram.

4. On the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah

After the Fajr prayers

Those intending to perform Hajj Tamattu' will once more resume Ihram from their
residences (REFER to page 2 for procedure). Then leave for Mina, along with
those who had continued in a state of Ihram (i.e. those in Ifrad & Qiran), and spend
the night at Mina.

. 6cA & ‫& ا [ وأ‬I12
Nawaitul Hajja, wa-ahramtu biha’, Lillahi Taala.

I do intend to perform Hajj. I therefore enter into a state of Ihram for the sake of Allah, the

While travelling to Mina, the Pilgrims will recite the Talbiyya (page 2) repeatedly and
Swalatu ala nNabii.

On seeing Mina, one supplicates:

‫ن‬ ‫ا‬% ‫ذ‬1 ‫ أ‬2‫إ‬ ‫ا‬. 9 #E ‫ا ى‬c ‫ ا‬.#6‫ أ‬M ‫ھه‬ ‫ا‬
. %# ‫ أر ا ا‬I ‫ ي‬#2‫ ود‬I‫د‬ +!#O ‫وا‬

(Allahumma ha’dhihii Mina’, qad atai-taha’. Alhamdu Lillahi balaghaniha

sa’liman mua’fii. Allahumma inni audhubika minal hirmani, wal-muswibatii fi-
dinii, wa-dunia, wa-duya’ya. Ya Ar-hama rRahimiin).

O Allah! This is Mina! I have come to it, Praise be to Allah who enabled me to reach
it safely and in good health. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from trials and tribulations
in my religious and worldly affairs. O Bestower of Grace!

The Pilgrims will perform Dhuhr and Asr prayers at Mina on arrival, shortened (Qasr)
but not combined. They will also perform Maghrib and Isha (shortened). It is
recommended to say the prayers in congregation. There are no Nawafil (Sunna)
prayers at Mina.

The Pilgrims spend the night at Mina. It is Sunna!

5. At sunrise of the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah

The Pilgrims perform their dawn prayers and immediately after sunrise, the pilgrims
leave for Arafah, (if possible) stay by the Mosque of Namira on arrival.

En-route, one will continuously supplicate various supplications. Example:

‫ ا‬.DW$ ‫م‬1# ‫ ا‬A ‫! ھ‬6 % (‫( & وو( أردت ا‬16 # ‫وت وإ‬ #‫إ‬ ‫ا‬
. . 15 % ‫ك‬13 ‫] و‬R9 % ‫ ك‬f ‫ذ‬1 ‫ أ‬2‫إ‬
(Allahumma Ilaika adawatan, wa-Ilaika tawajjahtu wa-Waj-hika arad-tu. Faj-
alnii mimman tubahi bihi yaumal Malaikatika. Allahumma inni audhubika
biridhwaka min sakhatwika, wa-biafwika min uqubatika).

O Allah! To You I betake myself, seeking Your noble countenance. Your noble Face, I
do desire. Embrace me amongst those whom You will be proud of before the assembly
of Your angels. O Allah! I seek refuge in You, with Your Permission from Your anger.
And I seek refuge with Your Forgiveness from Your Chastisement.

At Arafah:

• Take a bath and offer Dhuhr and 'Asr prayers, making Qasr (shortening the
prayers) and combining them at the earliest time behind an Imam.
• If this is not possible then one may pray alone, as best as one can, combining
and shortening the two prayers.
• Pilgrims stay at Arafah begins only after the sun has passed its zenith (after
• During this time one should stand by the rocks (of Arafah) or as close as
possible, because this is where the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to take
his stand.
• Staying at Arafah is the principal rite of Hajj, but climbing the Mount of
Mercy is neither a Sunnah nor should it be attempted.
• During this stay one should face the direction of Qiblah, glorify Allah and
remember Him, and supplicate to Him as much as possible until nightfall.
The assembly at Arafah is equated to the assembly of the angels around
Allah. It is also equated to the assembly of the Day of Judgement.
• THIS ASSEMBLY is the closest you are to Allah. This is where all your
devotion and humbleness to Allah MUST be exercised.

• DO NOT involve yourself in worldly affairs/ discussions.
• INVOLVE YOURSELF in Prayers, Talbiyya, Istighfar, Tasbih, Tahlil,
reciting the Qur’an and Swalatu-ala nNabii. Make your duas to Allah for
your success in this world and the Hereafter.
• The greater part of your supplication should be:

I M ‫ء‬a -/ 1‫وھ‬ ‫ ا‬A ‫ ا ك و‬A A DI _ ‫ إ_ﷲ و ه‬A ‫_إ‬

(La Ilaha illa Llahu, wahdahu, la sharika-lahu, Lahul-Mulku, walahul-Hamdu,

wahuwa ala kulli shain qadir).

There is none to be worshipped except Allah Alone, without partner. His is the
dominion, His is the praise, and He has power over everything.

6. 10th Dhul Hijja

After nightfall of Yaumul Arafah

After sunset the pilgrims leave the valley of Arafah without performing the Maghrib
prayers at Arafah! They head for Muzdalifah.

• The pilgrims must leave for Muzdalifah, and on reaching there, offer Maghrib
and 'Isha prayers, combining them and offering them toward the the end of the
usual time, and then spend the night there.

7. 10th Dhul Hijja

• At dawn, the pilgrims stop – over at Al-Mash'ar al Haram (the Sacred

Monument), and remember and glorify Allah until broad daylight. 2:198.
• Thereafter they should return to Mina after picking up their pebbles from

‫ا‬ ‫ ﷲ‬/‫ا ت ذ‬ % .X ‫ذا أ‬g D ‫ ر‬% $X ‫ا‬1E.!6 ‫ ( ح أن‬D# h#

.%# X ‫ ا‬% A !M % . / ‫ وإن‬/‫ ھ ا‬/ ‫ وه‬/‫ا ام واذ‬
. # ‫ر ر‬13V ‫ ﷲ إن ﷲ‬3E.9‫ أ ض ا س وا‬j# % ‫ا‬1X# ‫ أ‬k
Laisa alaikum junah’un an tabtaghuu fadhlan min Rabbikum. Faidha afadhtum
min Arafa’tin, fadhkuru Llaha indal Masha’aril H’aram. Wadhkuru Llaha kama
hada’kum, wa-inkuntum min qablihi lamina dhwa’lin. Thumma afidhu min
h’aithu afadha nnasu, wastaghfiru Llaha. Inna Llaha ghafurun Rah’im.

2:198 It is no crime on you if you seek the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage).
Then when you pour down from Mount Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the
Sacred Monument (Masha’ar al Haram). And celebrate His praises as He has
directed you, even though, before this, you went astray.

2:200 Then return from the place where it is usual for the multitude to do so, and ask
for Allah’s forgiveness. For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

• Standing by the Sacred Monument is essential (wajib), and anyone failing
to do so is required to offer a sacrifice in atonement.
8. 10 Dhul Hijja

After sunrise

• A pilgrim must throw seven pebbles at Jamarah Al-Aqabah. At each throw,

one says:
. ‫ ا‬c‫! و‬/‫! ﷲ أ‬/‫! ﷲ أ‬/‫ﷲ أ‬
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! WaliLlahil hamd!

Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! And to Allah
are due all Praises.

• Then he should slaughter his sacrificial animal, if possible, shave off or cut his
hair short.

9. 10th Dhul Hijja

• 1st Tahallul, this will release him from the restrictions of ihram, and he may
engage in any normal activity except sexual intercourse with his wife.

10. 10th Dhul Hijja

• He must then return to Makkah to perform Tawaf Al-Ifadah, an essential part

of Hajj, also known as Tawaf Az-Ziyarah.
• He should perform it in the same manner as he had earlier performed Tawaf
Al-Qudum (page 6).

&2‫ ا إن أذ‬P ‫ھ ا أووان إن‬ ‫ا‬،‫ك‬f % _‫ وإ‬f‫ر‬ ‫د‬b &#f‫ & ر‬/ ‫إن‬ ‫ا‬
M‫ ! وارز‬5 %, ‫ وأ‬I‫ د‬+ O ‫ وا‬a ,( +# ‫ ! ا‬O ‫ ا‬، .#! _‫! ل و‬., #V
. I M ‫ء‬a -/ 2‫; ة إ‬U‫ وا‬#2 ‫ ي ا‬#; %# l (‫ وا‬. ‫ط‬

Allahumma in-kunta radhwita anni, fazid anni ridhwa! Wa-illa, famunna alayya
biridhwaka. Allahumma hadha awawana-nswirafi inadhanta-lii ghaira mustabdilin
bina wala bibaitika. Allahumma faswahibni a’fiyattan fii jismi, wa-ismatan fii dinii,
wa-ahsin munqalabii, warzuqnii twaatika, waj-maalii baina khairi ddunya wal-
akhira. Innaka ala kulli sha-in Qadir.

O Allah! If You are happy/ satisfied with me (and my performance), then please
continue being happy/satisfied with me (and my performance). If (You are) not, then
do me a favour, and grant me Your satisfaction. O Allah! Time has come for me to go
back home, if You will allow me. My stand is firm towards You and Your House. O
Allah bless me with a healthy body, and grant me a firm and protected faith. Make my
return good. Bless me with a firm conviction in faith towards You. Combine for me
the best of this world and the best of the Hereafter, for You are Capable in every

If the pilgrim is performing Hajj Tamattu', he must perform a Sa'i after this Tawaf

For a pilgrim performing Hajj Qiran or Ifrad, this second Sa'i is not essential, if on
arriving in Makkah he had performed a Tawaf Al-Qudum.

10th Dhul Hijja

After this tawaf - Tawaf-Al-Ifadah

A pilgrim may now engage in all normal lawful activities including sexual intercourse
with his wife after the Tawaf.

The pilgrim must now return to Mina and stay overnight there. This overnight stay
at Mina is essential and for abandoning it one must atone by offering a sacrifice.

11. 11th / 12th / 13th Dhul Hijja

• Spending two or three nights at Mina. These 3 days are called Yaumu –

11th Dhul Hijja

12. After midday on the 11th of Dhul-Hijja,

• The pilgrim must throw pebbles at the three Jamarahs, starting with the one
nearest to Mina, then the middle one, and stand for a while invoking and
supplicating to Allah.

• Then he should go to the last Jamarah, throw pebbles at it, and leave without
stopping there. A pilgrim should finish throwing pebbles at the three Jamarahs
well before the sunset.

13. On the 12th of Dhul-Hijja

• He should repeat the rites of the previous day.

• Having thrown the pebbles a pilgrim is free either to return to Makkah before
the sunset of the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, or

14. Spend the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah as well in Mina, and throw pebbles at the

Throwing pebbles is an essential rite of Hajj and failing to do so, one must offer a

15. After returning to Makkah if the pilgrim desires to return to his home
country he must perform Tawaf-al-Wida' or Farewell Tawaf, which is also an
essential rite of Hajj. In case he is unable to perform it, and if he has not crossed the
Miqat, he should return to Makkah and perform it, or else sacrifice a sheep.


In short, the essential rites of Hajj and 'Umrah are:

• Donning the Ihram at the Miqat,

• Tawaf,
• Sa'i,
• Halq (shaving one's hair) or qasr (or cutting one’s hair short).

With these the rituals of 'Umrah are completed.

In the case of Hajj one has to perform certain additional rites. The essential rites of
Hajj are:

• Spending a Day at Arafah,

• Throwing pebbles at Jamarahs,
• Tawaf Al-lfadah,
• Staying in Mina,
• Slaughtering an animal,
• Shaving or cutting one's hair short.

This is a brief summary of all the rites of Hajj and 'Umrah.


• On completion of Hajj, it is highly recommended that one travels to Madina to

pay respect to the Holy Prophet. Visit his Mosque and offer Swalatu ala
nNabii by his graveside.
• On arrival at Madina, one goes straight to the Prophet’s Mosque, offer two
rakaat prayers (Tah’iyyatul masjid). A prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque is
x1000 in rewards.
• Where possible, one should try to say one’s prayers at Raudha (the area of
Mosque between The Prophet’s Mimbar and his grave). The Prophet equated
the Raudha to part of the Garden’s of Jannah.
• On completion of one’s prayers, then one supplicates to Allah on any of one’s
acceptable needs of the present life and that of the Hereafter.
• One then proceeds to the graves of the Prophet and his two companions
Seyyidna Abubakar and Seyyinda Omar who are buried next to each other in
what was then the room of Seyyidatuna Aisha. The room is enclosed to avoid
possible shirk. It forms part of the Mosque of the Prophet.
• One greets the Prophet in the following recommended salutation:

‫ وإ م‬، %# 9 ‫ ا‬#9 I # ‫م‬$, ‫ ا‬، ‫ ﷲ‬Z ; #; I # ‫م‬$, ‫ ﷲ ا‬a!2 I # ‫م‬$, ‫ا‬
.‫ ( ده‬Z ‫ و( ھ@& ﷲ‬+ )‫ & ا‬O2‫ و‬+ 9 ‫& ا‬E 2‫أ‬ ‫ أ‬، %#5. ‫ا‬

%#5. ‫ إ م ا‬%# 9 ‫ ا‬#9 ، %# )‫ل ا‬19 ‫ وا‬، I D ‫ ا‬a! ‫ھ ا ا‬ ‫ و رك‬9‫و‬ P ‫ا‬

& 2‫ أ‬%I ‫ ا‬% (‫ وا‬، 2 #9 ‫آل‬ ‫و‬ 2 #9 ‫ و رك‬9‫ و‬P ‫ا‬

. %IbW 3 ‫ ا‬% (‫ و‬5# ‫ ر‬WU‫ أ‬%, ‫ و‬%# O ‫اء وا‬ ‫ وا‬%#5I O ‫ وا‬%##! ‫ ا‬% #
(Assalamu alaika Ya Rasula Llah! Assalamu alaika Ya Khaira Khalqi Llah!
Assalamu alaika Ya Sayyidal Mursaleen, wa-Imamal muttaqeen. Ash-hadu annaka
ballaghta rrisalat, wa-naswahtul ummata, wa-jahadtu fi Llahi haqqa jihadihi

Allahumma swalli, wa-ssallim,wa-barik ala hadha nNabiyyil kareem, wa-rrasulil

Amin, Sayyidil Mursaleen, wa-Immal Muttaqeen.

Allahumma swalli, wa-ssallim, wa-barik ala’ Sayyidina Muhammad, wa-ala’ a’li

Sayyidina Muhammad, waj-alna minal-ladhina an-amta alaihim, minan
nNabbiyyina, wa-swiddiqina, wa-shuhadai, wa-swalih’ina. Wa-ha’suna ulaika
rafeeqa. Waj-alna minal faizeen. Amin.

May peace of be upon you, O Messenger of Allah! May peace be upon you, O the best
of Allah’s creation! May peace be upon you, O the best of the Messengers of Allah!
The Leader of those who fear Allah. I bear witness that you did deliver the message of
Allah, that you did guide the Umma and that you did your best towards Allah, in
fulfilling your obligations.

O Allah! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon this Holy Messenger of Allah, the
most trust-worthy Prophet, the best of the Messengers, the Leader of those who fear

O Allah! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad, and his
followers. Favour me to be in the company of those You have blessed with Your
Grace, amongst the Messengers, the Sincere (lovers of Truth), the Martyrs, the
Righteous (who do good). Ah! How beautiful is their Company. Let me be amongst the
successful ones. Amin.

• Then one moves to the grave of the two companions, salute them and pray for
• The more congregational obligatory prayers one performs at the Prophet’s
Mosque, the more the rewards. So one should endeavour to spend a couple of
days at Madina, take advantage of the stay so that one can perform these
prayers, spend time in sitting at the Mosque (Itikaf), increase salutations to the
Prophet and pray for one’s self, family, fellow muslims.
• Zamzam is available nowadays at the Prophet’s Mosque – piped all the way
from Mecca. Drink as much of it as possible. When you drink it, then drink it
with prayer for yourself. It is medicinal!

.%# ‫ا ا‬ ‫ أر‬I ‫ داء‬-/ % ‫ ء‬3 ‫ و‬+ 9‫ وا‬M‫ ورز‬+ 2 89‫ أ‬2‫إ‬ ‫ا‬

• Find time to visit the cemetery of the believers, and historical sites so that one
may appreciate the effects of the history of the Prophet’s era.


The penalty for missing out a ritual of Hajj and Umrah or committing an act that
was forbidden is a sacrifice (slaughtering an animal), fasting (3 days during the
Hajj season and 7 days on arrival home) or feeding the poor.

The following is a list of things necessitating expiation in a fixed precedence order

and pre-determined amount (i.e. sacrifice, feeding or fasting):

• Not standing at Arafat (Qiyamul Arafa).

• Not stoning the Jamarats.
• Not staying at Mina on the days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th Dhil Hijja).
• Not spending the night of Arafa at Muzdalifa.
• Not entering into state of Ihram at the Miqat.
• Breaking one’s vow.
• Not performing Tawaful Wida.

The second category consists of expiation in which one is free to choose one of
three predetermined alternatives (i.e. sacrifice, fasting or feeding 6 poor people at
the Sacred Precincts – 1 Kg. of wheat each):

• Removing 3 or more of your hairs at the same time.

• Trimming 3 or more of your nails.
• Men wearing sewn clothes or covering their head while in Ihram.
• Using oil while in Ihram.
• Using scent or perfume while in Ihram.
• Sexual foreplay (other than sexual intercourse).
• Having sexual intercourse a second time after having already spoilt one’s
Hajj in an initial sexual intercourse.
• Having sexual intercourse between the partial and full release from Ihram.
• Killing an animal in hunting
• Destroying a tree around the Sacred Precincts.

Please note that having sexual intercourse nullifies one’s Hajj or Umrah.
Once one nullifies the Hajj/ Umrah, one:
• MUST complete the Hajj/ Umrah.
• MUST pay the expiation. The expiation is by slaughtering a camel!
• MUST makeup the Hajj/ Umrah as soon as possible.

Guard your Hajj and Umrah! The visit calls for the highest form of devotion and
patience! May Allah accept your Hajj and Umrah. Amin!



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