Option Pricing Model March 2021

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Currency options pricing - Black and Scholes

Spot date 10-Jun-21

Forward date 10-Sep-21
Spot 14.5 DAY BASE
Terms Int Rate 6.00% ZAR 365
Base Int rate 1.00% USD 360
Forward rate 14.6818
Forward points 1818

At the money strike 14.6818

Days to expiry 92
Expiry of Option 10-Sep-21
Strike 14.6818
Volatility 10.00%

d1 0.0251
d2 -0.0251
Call 0.2940
Put 0.2940
PCT Call 2.00%
PCT Put 2.00%
Option value $1,000,000.00
Call Premium $20,025.74
Put Premium $20,027.94
call point value 2,904
put point value 2,904
Break even call 14.9722
Break even put 14.3914
Delta Call 0.50999587747
Deltta Put 0.49000412253
Gamma 0.54140291886
Vega 0.02941522984
Yearfrac 0.25205479452

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