My Soul Your Heart

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My Soul, Your Heart

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Twilight Series - All Media Types
Relationship: Jasper Hale/Harry Potter, Edward Cullen/Bella Swan, Carlisle
Cullen/Esme Cullen, Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale
Character: Harry Potter, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly
Weasley, Jasper Hale, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Carlisle Cullen,
Esme Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Buckbeak (Harry Potter),
Forks High Students (Twilight), Fawkes (Harry Potter), Kreacher (Harry
Potter), Alice Cullen, Death (Harry Potter), Charlie Swan
Additional Tags: Master of Death Harry Potter, Forks Washington, Smoking, Unhealthy
Coping Mechanisms, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD,
Protective Jasper Hale, Possessive Behavior, Harry Needs a Hug,
Protective Weasleys, Soulmates, Angst with a Happy Ending, MACUSA
| Magical Congress of the United States of America, Immortal Harry,
Bella Swan Bashing, no beta we die like men, Fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF,
Timeline? What Timeline?, (Seriously just ignore the timeline),
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of My Soul, Your Heart
Collections: Twilight Fanfiction, Harry Potter Fics, Cosas increíblemente alucinantes
Unbelievably Awesome Things, fics that im haunting rn, Andy's Faves,
Well Written HJP Fics, Waiting for an UPDATE, why I only sleep an
hour a night, Love these stuff UwU, My Fav HP fics all in one place,
Stories That Are Cool, WOO Insomnia Time, my harry potter favs,
Harry, Alternative Universes of Fandoms I enjoy., Favorite Long Harry
Potter Crossovers, sleep deprivation hits hard kinda like nyquil-pm,
❤️ My Therepy , great harry potter fics, Harry Potter Fanfic Must
Reads, Twilight Fanfic Must Reads, CrossoversForTheSoul , Wicked
Wonderfull Works, Completed Works, HP Fanfics that I can actually
follow along with even tho idk anything abt the series, Harry Potter fics,
harry pottah, twilight fics i have read and luvd, Hpficssssssss,
Crossoversss, Dafydd, Finished HP Fics, Harry, Re-read a thousand
times, поттер, сутінки
Stats: Published: 2021-08-31 Completed: 2023-01-01 Words: 88,611
Chapters: 35/35

My Soul, Your Heart

by Seriously_awkward_amy


Harry loses almost everyone he loves and discovers he is unable to follow them into the
after life.
He gets bored of moping in Grimmauld place so moves to the US, much to the thrill of
MAUSA (who Harry firmly ignores). He settles in Forks, a quiet town that should give him
the dull life he desires, though a Nicotine fuelled, long haired, leather wearing teen with a
couldn’t care less attitude was bound to stick out a little.

What Harry didn’t expect was a coven of 7 bunny sucking vampires, a pack of wolf shifters
and an annoying little muggle who couldn’t keep her big nose out of other peoples business.
To make matters worse one of the Bunny munchers is under the impression that Harry is
their destined soulmate and keeps trying to talk to him (Merlin forbid).

Rating and tags might change, who knows lmao

(this started out as shits and giggles and escalated from there)


Had this idea stuck in my head for ages, thought I might share

Changed a few bits to suit my story line (killed some people off sorry)

Also there is nowhere near enough content for this ship to satisfy me, I needed more so I
made more xoxo
Settling in

Harry stared at the blissfully blank sky.

It was his second day in Forks, after settling into the house he’d bought (effectively turning it into a
house sized Gryffindor common room) and he was actually enjoying himself so far. No one knew
him, of course they were curious about the stranger in town, but he could cope with muggle

He was currently lent against the pillar of his front porch and smoking, a habit he picked up when
his hands wouldn’t stop shaking constantly. One that he was prepared to accept he was addicted to,
but it wasn’t like it could kill him.

Harry’s hand twitched at the unwelcome thought, the various scars from wounds that should’ve
killed him tingling under his glamours.

Many people had tried to kill him over his 57 years of life, himself included. After Ron died during
a death eater raid Hermione couldn’t go on without the love of her life. She was found dead just a
week after he had died, Harry attempted to follow his two best friends, but fate had already decided
he wasn’t allowed that level of peace. He was just left with the scars on his wrists to remind him of
his failure.

Ginny was murdered by Bellatrix at the battle of Hogwarts, the twins died together in the fight,
Percy gave himself to save some second year Hufflepuff’s, the only remaining Weasly’s were Bill,
Charlie, Arthur and Molly. All 4 knew about Harry’s ‘condition’, Molly and Arthur sent him
worried Letters sometimes, he made an effort to actually reply to them. Bill had a tendency to drop
in uninvited and spend a week giving Harry the concerned big brother Treatment. Charlie sent him
trinkets and charms from Romania, combined with photos and letters about the dragons harry had
accidentally made friends with over the years.

Harry dreaded the day where these letters would stop, he had lost so many people now. Sure
wizards lived long natural lives but in Harry’s experience, the life of a wizard was too dangerous to
actually live life to it’s full 200 years.

Harry himself should have died a thousand times over and had killed plenty of dangerous wizards
and magical creatures during his 30 year Auror career. He had only retired 10 years ago after Ron
and Hermione’s deaths.

Harry flicked the dead butt of his cigarette to the ground and watched the smoke die down.
Sometimes he had little fantasies about the smoke not dying out but growing, the glow of the burn
becoming a great roaring flame that would consume all of him in seconds. But alas, Harry knew
he’d wake up again. Probably in a muggle hospital, them exclaiming the talent of doctors at his
dramatic recovery.

Harry sniffed and turned back into his cosy home, bookshelves lined most of the walls, books that
didn’t fit sitting in random piles scattered about the house. He couldn’t bare to rid himself of the
black and Potter family libraries, nor could he stand to allow it to collect dust in London. Squashy
arm chairs in various shades of red that he could sink into dotted around. His many magical
ornaments, trinkets and keepsakes filling shelves and covering side tables. The odd Photo or
magical painting hanging from the warm wood-panelled walls.

The only two rooms free of books and tat were the kitchen (though a few more sentient items were
starting to creep in, feeling the same tug of concentrated controlled emotion that cooking gave
Harry) and the second bedroom that currently housed Buckbeak. His own bedroom of course
possessed a large four-poster bed with the same Gyffindor patterned Curtains, the level of familiar
security was needed.

The whole house was heavily warded due to his paranoia, though he had given his address to
Kreacher after the elf guilt tripped him into it. Harry had grown to love the elf over the years, but
he couldn’t stay in London and the elf couldn’t leave the great house of black. Harry could admit
he felt better knowing the elf could contact him if needed.

Buckbeak gave a loud snore from upstairs causing Harry to roll his eyes. The overgrown budgy had
turned up the same day Harry moved in, claiming one of the four bedrooms without an invitation.
If Harry hadn’t been so pleased to see the Hippogriff, he might have been a little annoyed at the

Harry had enlarged all the doorways to allow the creature to move around the house freely and
charmed all the doors to open and close for him. Buckbeak was completely free to come and go as
he pleased, muggles couldn’t see him so Harry had no fears of needing to obliviate anyone in he
event he went for a fly. Harry was oddly touched that the stunning creature didn’t seem to have any
intention of leaving him.

Harry sighed as he lowered himself into an especially snug armchair, he’d need to leave his cosy
cave soon to buy food and it would probably be a good idea to nip to the nearest magical ally to get
some new potions ingredients. Though with modern muggle technology he could have a go at
ordering food online.

Harry retrieved his muggle phone from where he’d abandoned it earlier, he’d been experimenting
with magic and muggle tech. Figuring out how much magic they could take and seeing if any
spells would counter the response to magic. He was on phone 7 currently and so far it had been
holding out well.

Getting around the town wasn’t a problem however. He’d spent months doing up Sirius’ motorbike
that Hagrid had given back to him, it flew and drove beautifully. Harry liked to think his godfather
would be proud that he was keeping the bike running.

Harry was pleasantly surprised how easy ordering food online was. He ordered several chickens to
give to Buckbeak whenever the creature didn’t feel like hunting.

With that out of the way, Harry retrieved one of his books on magical Geography to locate the
nearest Alley. There was a small one in Port Angeles and a larger on in Seattle. Harry made the sad
decision to leave his home later that week to locate the entrance.

The next topic of thought was school, Harry had a significant gap in his knowledge when it came
to muggle studies. He only had muggle education up to age 11 and was unsure if he actually cared
enough to rejoin it now. Though it would give him something to occupy his time with. Perhaps it
would bring back fond memories, though those memories would be tarnished black with grief.

It was something to consider, maybe he could visit the local high school and decide whether it was
worth it or not. A normal life was so obviously out of his reach but maybe he would be allowed to
pretend for a short few years. Fill up his gap in knowledge then continue his eternity knowing he
had tried once to be normal.

That seemed like the best course of action. Harry, settled in his decision to attempt normality, made
a cup of tea and avoided eye contact with the photo of he, Ron and Hermione on the wall.
Port Angeles and a bad taste in cars
Chapter Summary

Harry regretfully leaves the house and observes people with bad taste

Chapter Notes

Chapter 2 approaches,

thank you if you're reading this, ngl wasn't really expecting anyone to read so woo

p.s sorry to any Volvo lovers, I know it's sort of iconic in the fandom but it gives me
the ick xoxo

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sheltered under the thick leather of Sirius’ old biker jacket Harry, clad in muggle skinny jeans, a
shirt and dragon hide boots (Norberta’s baby tooth dangling from his ear), made his way through
Port Angeles in the drizzle.

Harry was beginning to regret leaving the house to find the alley, it had been easy. A simple
glamoured archway that muggles couldn’t see, similar magic to 9 and 3/4 really. So now he was
trying to make the trip worth while by book shopping.

The sweet bookshop had nothing of real interest but had a few course books for muggle school
which he bought, seeing how far behind in muggle learning would give him a better idea if school
was worth his time or not.

The main problem with being out was the stares. Harry was far too used to stares so he could
ignore them, but that didn’t change the fact they made him distinctly uncomfortable. A brown
haired, brown eyed girl in the bookshop couldn’t seem to stop staring at him. Harry made
accidental eye contact with the mortal while he was paying for his books, her reaction horrified
him. She blushed and hurriedly looked away, the same way Ginny did when she was 11.

Harry didn’t waste time leaving the shop after that, the reminder of his childhood sweetheart was
deeply unwelcome. While she looked nothing like Ginny, the action triggered a pained response in

It was a Sunday so he wasn’t able to kill two birds by visiting the school today, he had wrongly
assumed the alley would give him more trouble than it did. Murmurs of ‘new kid’ and ‘troubled
sort’ followed him to his bike. Harry ignored the judgemental mutterings of middle aged muggles
who assumed things from a motorbike and his long hair.

Hair that he didn’t have the heart to cut after a tearful Molly had told him he looked ‘so like Sirius,
James and Lily all combined’ Harry silently supposed the scars on his face and body made him
look like Remus.
Harry mounted his bike and returned home as fast as he was legally able. He didn’t feel like getting
pulled over today, regardless of how proud it would make the ghost of his god father.

When he entered his home he was met with Buckbeak staring accusingly at him from the top of the
stairs. The beast couldn’t be hungry as the food delivery had arrived 2 days ago and Harry had
given him plenty of chicken and even leftovers from the meals he often couldn’t make himself eat.

That left only one reason Buckbeak was looking at him like that, he noticed Harry’s absence.

“I needed to run errands.” Harry defended before turning into the living room to investigate his
new books, Buckbeak gave a snort in response and descended to the stairs to follow Harry into the
living room.

Not for the first time Harry was grateful for his foresight of high ceilings and wide spaces for the
creature to fit. While Harry settled in his favourite armchair, Buckbeak settled at his feet like a
vastly overgrown dog.

With an eye roll Harry set about reading his new books, he wasn’t as far behind as he would’ve
thought. The concepts that the muggle textbooks spoke of was easy to understand, so school was
potentiality a possibility.

Harry couldn’t deny that a few more options in the muggle world would be nice, and education
could offer him those possibilities. An opportunity to leave the magical world altogether if needed.
It was nice to have options. Harry knew he’d still be alone but he could at least find things to
occupy his eternity.

Harry went to bed that night feeling a little less dead than he normally did, Buckbeak slept by the
fire place in Harry’s bed room.


Harry leant against his bike, cigarette in hand and examined the dull red brick building. It was no
Hogwarts that was for sure, but it might have to do. It was late morning so all students would be in

He examined the car park with a keen eye, all old or classic cars made in the 60-80’s. the only new
car was a horrific sliver Volvo that had zero personality and looked even uglier parked next to a
classic Chevy pick up. Harry tsked under his breathe at the silly teenagers buying flashy cars. His
own inherited bike was a 1977 Triumph. It was also the only motorbike in the car park.

Harry, dressed identically to how he was the day before, finished his smoke and strolled toward the
ugly building. Following signs for front office.

Soon enough Harry was stood in front of a woman in her late 30’s with a sugary sweet smile sitting
behind a large desk.

“How may I help you?” she asked politely, a nosy look in her eyes as she examined him.

“I wanted to ask about enrolling.” he replied, his English accent blatantly obvious. She smiled and
passed a bunch of papers his way.

“These are our enrolment forms, just fill them in and get them back to us. It’s still early in the term
so it’s likely we’ll be able to squeeze you in.” Harry didn’t enjoy the look in her eye when she said
the word ‘squeeze’.
He nodded in absent thanks and left before she could ask any prying questions. Muggles always
seemed to have prying questions.

Harry subtly shrunk his papers and slid them into his pocket before he got to his bike.

He was met with an unusual sensation when he returned home.

Something had passed his wards, but his wards had allowed it in without any fuss. Slipping the
elder wand into his hand Harry entered the house with cautious steps. Buckbeak was once again
occupying his living room rug like the cat he secretly was. There was a flash of red and something
landed on the back of the armchair nearest to him.

Harry whipped in that direction and was met with the ever caring gaze of-

“Fawkes?” Harry asked incredulous. The Phoenix trilled Happily back to him.

Harry lowed his wand and almost tripped over himself in his effort to get to the huge bird.
Reaching out a gentle hand to stroke delicate feathers.

A warmth filled him to have another old friend join his household, though he didn’t know if
Fawkes had the same intentions as Buckbeak when it came to sticking around, he hoped he would
stay. Buckbeak already made him feel less alone.

So with his two loving companions Harry settled to read through the enrolment papers, they were
simple enough to fill out. Harry had spent a few days with Bill tweaking his muggle records so that
any muggle who saw them would see what they wanted or needed to see rather than the truth of
Harry’s birth date or personal situation. Though here he was a emancipated minor living in a house
he inherited.

Harry decided he’d drop the papers back when he next felt the urge and see where it took him, he
could always change his mind later and drop out.

Chapter End Notes

well there we go,

I'm sort of writing one chapter ahead so I always have something to post, I'm just
going to update when the Chapter after is ready really

another big thanks to everyone reading, commenting and giving Kudos

I am emotionally weak to your support

Harry Potter and the avoidance of social interaction
Chapter Summary

Harry's first morning at Forks high

Chapter Notes

Greetings once again,

I've noticed a few lil errors in my last chapter and tried to correct them all, i do check
them through but my dyslexic brain means i don't always actually see the mistakes so
you may need to bare with me lmao

hope you continue to enjoy x

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry found himself staring listlessly at the tired face staring back at him. It had been a week since
had sent off his enrollment papers, a few days ago he was sent a letter of acceptance and a start

Since being given that start date he had been a ball of anxiety, now he looked a state due to that
anxiety. Not that he often looked very put together. His black curls had been wrestled into a bun,
his green eyes had looked more eerie ever since he had become master of death but the bruised
bags under his eyes made them stand out even more. Harry was thankful for glamours, if the
population of Forks high-school saw him like this plus scars he would be arrested before he could
even step inside a classroom.

He had actually showered and cleaned his now iconic shirt and skinny jeans combo for today
though. Harry felt quite pathetic to be honest. He had fought (and won) a war, he had been the best
Auror in the Ministry for the 30 years he worked there and yet he was anxious about school?

Though Harry knew he could care less about school itself. He could care less about the muggles
that attended and he had no interest in making friends with them. What was the point when they
would just die?

No, Harry was afraid of what it would remind him of.

How many dead friends would going to school remind him of?

Harry raked a glamoured hand over his face and groaned. It would be fine, he would cope. Besides,
from what he’d seen the school he was attending was nothing like Hogwarts so how could it
trigger unwanted thoughts.

He shot himself another look in the mirror, briefly wondering if he should remove the dragon tooth
that dangled from his ear before deciding he couldn’t be bothered to remove it.
Harry left on his bike and arrived at the busy school sooner than he would’ve liked. By now
everyone knew that a new kid was starting so the car park was extra full for his arrival, all heads
turning at the roar of his engine.

Harry ignored the eyes that burned into his back, merely focusing on the cigarette he was currently
lighting. He glanced around with a careful eye, taking in the crowd of students and experiencing no
interest in any of them.

He spotted the ugly expensive car next to the red Chevy, feeling some relief to see the owner of the
expensive car had gone to class early. Even if they had terrible taste in cars at least they didn’t care
for town gossip too much.

A shame the same couldn’t be said for the Chevy owner, the girl from the bookshop was just
getting out of it. Sending Harry a curious look that he didn’t enjoy before rushing toward the

Harry finished his cigarette at a leisurely pace before flicking it to the ground and eventually
making his way to his first class.

His class schedule was pretty basic, English, Maths, History, Chemistry, PE and politics were his
selected classes. He had tried to pick ones that he might actually have limited knowledge or
experience in.

Harry was the last pupil to enter his English class that morning. The teacher, a blonde woman in
her mid 40s, looked like she wanted to tell him off it but instead faced him with a forced smile.

“You must be Harrison Peverell.” she greeted in a placid tone. The name change seemed
appropriate considering his circumstances, it would also take longer to be recognized on the off
chance that any magical beings attended the school.

Harry replied with vague nod, in a town where everyone knew everyone it was pointless to clarify
who he was by name.

“Well, welcome to Forks.” Her smile looked disgustingly sympathetic now, as if she thought Harry
to be a shy first year “There’s a seat over by Mr Newton at the back there, we’re currently reading
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.”

Harry made his way to the back of the room where a sprightly blonde boy was frantically waving
his hand to get Harry’s attention, even though the only available seat left was next to him.

Harry tried and failed to cover his scowl as he was passed a tattered copy of Romeo and Juliet, his
disdain for romance novels was one that ran deep. Though he supposed at least Romeo and Juliet
was tragic enough to be bearable.

The blonde boy beside him, thankfully, didn’t try to make conversation with Harry. Though he did
flash him eager smiles whenever Harry accidentally looked in his vague direction.

Once the bell rang Harry packed his things fast, maybe using a little wandless magic to make it
especially fast, and fled the room before anyone could attempt to talk to him.

The rest of the morning continued this way through Politics and Maths. The bland girl from the
bookshop was in his Maths class and he nearly escaped for lunch when she and two other girls
corned him before he could leave the room. One with blonde streaks artificially forced into her
hair and the other an unassuming dark haired girl who looked at him with a small smile.
“You’re Harrison right?” asked the dyed blonde, Harry gave her bland look in reply. “Right, well,
I’m Jessica, this is Angela and Bella.” Angela gave him a shy sympathetic smile while the bland
girl looked to the floor and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“You should sit with us at Lunch! Well me and Angela, Bella with be sitting with Edward of
course.” Jessica rolled her eyes and shot her friend an accusing look. Bella shifted awkwardly in
place and flushed in embarrassment.

Harry made no effort to reply to the invite, merely ignoring the three girls as they followed him to
the lunch hall. Jessica seemed to take this as an invite to keep talking.

“The Cullen’s were too good for anyone then suddenly Bella arrives and Edwards obsessed! I
mean it’s not like I care, but they’re so rude to everyone else.” Harry decided to stop listening to
the petty muggle bitching about people who were probably more popular or got better grade than

Harry split off from the girls when they entered the cafeteria, them going to a busy table where a
few others he recognized from his classes sat and he making his way to the nearest exit.

“Uh, yeah, see you later I guess!” called Jessica behind him, Harry didn’t conceal his eye roll as he
left the crowded building and made his way his bike.

Harry didn’t want to socialize and the thick knot in his stomach wouldn’t let him eat anything. So it
looked like a cigarette while staring at a heavy blanket of cloud was his lunch today. As if it hadn’t
been his lunch everyday for the last 10 years.

Harry briefly reflected on his morning of muggle school, it was about what he had expected. More
a time filler than actual education, but it suited his needs for now. Harry was pleased that the
blandness of his surroundings prevented any memories from rising out of the deep.

Harry could only hope his afternoon of PE and Chemistry would continue to be just as dull as his
morning has been.

Chapter End Notes

oop, did i cut it off before it starts getting juicy? of course I did.

i know updates have been pretty fast, i can't promise they always will be but i'm
enjoying my process at the moment so woo

thank you for reading!

Prolonged eye contact
Chapter Summary

Meetings and Constant Vigilance

Chapter Notes

The moment you've been waiting for is here

Yes the title is from a Bo Burnham bit lmao you welcome

can't believe over 1000 people have read this, truly blown away x thank you x

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Smoke fresh on his breathe, Harry made his way to PE. Thankfully he didn’t need to participate
since it was his first day.

So Harry sat on the benches against the wall and spent a amusing hour counting how many times
bland Bella fell over. It was more than should be possible.

Harry had to admit he might enjoy this lesson, it wasn’t Quidditch and it definitively wasn’t flying,
but it could be fun. Certainly less chances of dying which, while taking most of the fun out of it,
did mean there less risk of miraculously surviving a life ending injury.

Harry left the lesson firm in the belief that his time at muggle school would be boring. Exactly the
way he wanted. Harry glanced at his watch and froze at the sight of his shaking hands.

Harry made a split decision and made his way to the nearest exit, hid in between the PE and the
science blocks he fumbled with his lighter before giving up and snapping his fingers. Sending a
tendril of magic to create a flame with the friction.

Harry lent against the wall, closed his eyes and exhaled. 2 cigarettes in the space of 2 hours was
actually a good day for him. Once again Harry found himself feeling pathetic, having such a
dependency on muggle drugs felt weak.

Harry felt eyes on him, he cracked an eye open and peered to his right. He was met with an unusual
sight. A young man starred back at him with a mixed expression of confusion, surprise and oddly
enough awe.

He was tall and extremely pale with blonde hair running to his chin, deep honey gold eyes pierced
into Harry’s very soul. His cheekbones (somehow both harsh and soft all at once) cast pleasant
shadows over the lower half of his face, defining his jaw and lighting his eyes. He was built with
strength, visible muscles obvious through his (clearly expensive) clothing. Harry hated that he
acknowledged how attractive the man was.

Physically looked he the same age as the other teenagers that Harry had seen that day, though
something in his eyes and the set of his firm jaw told Harry he was older than the 17 or 18 years he

Harry faintly wondered if he’d seen him use magic, but Harry was too paranoid not to notice him
there. So instead raised a defiant brow in the direction of the being and turned away, taking another
drag of his cigarette, tapping away the ash and exhaling.

The man was still staring at him but Harry ignored him, instead going over all the known magical
creatures with golden eyes he was aware of. Gold eyes were an extremely unusual colour to appear
in muggles naturally. Constant vigilance had been drilled into Harry by now and it wouldn’t do to
be caught off guard.

The main creature that came to mind was werewolf, though the tiny town of Forks would notice
monthly attacks. Wolfs-bane was hard to grow or get hold of in this part of the country and no
registered packs lived here. So werewolf was unlikely.

Some Veela had unusual eye colours and the man was definitely conventionally attractive enough
to be considered one. There was also the possibility of other hybrid species, though he would need
to research in more detail.

There was also the possibility that the man was just that, a man who was pale and had strange
eyes. Though his Potter luck denied the possibility completely.

Harry sighed, putting out his finished cigarette and turning to leave for his chemistry lesson. He’d
have to do some reading tonight.

The golden eyed man was already gone, not that Harry really cared much. Providing he left Harry
alone he had no issue with magical creatures.

Harry however had a bad feeling that, from the look in the mans eye, he wouldn’t be left alone.

With another sigh Harry made his way to his lesson, well aware he was now late. He entered the
room to find class already in session, the dark haired male teacher leading it shot him a
disapproving look that Harry ignored.

“You must be Mr Peverell, how nice of you to join us.” Harry looked the teacher dead in the eye
and waited to be told where to sit. He didn’t have to wait long “Next to Mr Hale please.”

Harry followed the direction of the teachers nod and once again looked into the golden eyes of the
pale man. Harry tilted his head with curiosity and slowly made his way to the seat next to Mr Hale.

Harry sat casually enough, but his full awareness was focused on the men next to him. He idly
made notes on the various chemicals that were being discussed, a little disappointed to discover
that chemistry was less like potions than he had imagined. Mr Hale looked at him sharply after he
expressed that thought, interesting Harry noted mildly.

Harry re-evaluated the situation, to react to a silent thought or more accurately a silently reaction
could push Hale deeper into the pool of supernatural possibility.

There was one species that sometimes manifested abilities of various types. A hybrid vampire
variant that was common throughout the world. Due to thousand year old peace treaties they were
separate from the magical world, so they did not often cross paths with wizards. Harry was unsure
if they were even aware the magical world existed.

There differences from normal vampires were fairly straightforward; they could technically go in
the sun (though they looked ridiculous while doing it) and were often called daywalkers due to this
trait. They weren’t harmed by silver, garlic or stakes. Their bodies were made of a marble like
texture that cracked or split when an inhumane amount of pressure was applied and they were able
to stick themselves back together unless burnt to ash. The colour of their eyes depended on their
diet, red for human, gold for animal and amber for both.

From what Harry had read they were considered more dangerous than usual vampires since their
only physical weakness was fire, a difficult element to control with magic. Emotionally though,
they were fragile. Often staying in the same state of mind from when they were human. They were
one of the few species that have a way to identify soulmates, from sight and smell mostly. Having
a soulmate made them emotionally weaker in the eyes of a fight.

Harry had personally never fought a daywalker, though he had read accounts of fights as well as
the peace treaty the ministry had with the Volturi. Daywalkers had a more complicated political
background than even wizards did. Harry had had to study some of their laws for his Auror exams
on ‘obscure and dangerous magical creatures’.

The three leaders were thousands of years old while also being more flamboyant and dramatic than
Lockhart. It was a wonder their society had survived so long.

Harry pushed away his thoughts for now, deciding to observe more before making a decision. It
wouldn’t do him good to jump to conclusions. Not that the conclusion of his investigation would
lead to anything. Harry was still firm in the thought that if he was left alone, everything would be

Hale had clearly noticed how deep in thought Harry was as he was watching the master of death
closely, concern once again building in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to ask Harry something
but was interrupted by the bell.

Harry once again packed his things and left before anyone could speak to him, the heavy gaze of
Hale pressing into the skin of his back.

Harry made the out of character decision to linger in the car park, sitting and smoking on his bike,
to observe Hale in his natural habitat.

Hale came out the building and made his way over to, Harry held in a groan at the predictably of it,
the shiny sliver Volvo. Of course, only some idiotic immortal teenagers would buy such a subtle

Harry had to then remind himself that he hadn’t yet seen evidence that the stranger was immortal.

He took this time to examine the other teenagers that surrounded the car. There were 4 of them,
plus bland Bella clinging to the arm of youngest looking one. 2 males and 2 females, all with
golden eyes. All unnaturally attractive.

Harry made a note of that

The first male was a dark haired, huge muscled beast combined with an air of childlike joy. He had
his arm around the waist of a blonde woman who looked like a bitchy version of Fleur.

The second female was tiny, pixie like features staring back at him with a look that stabbed him in
the heart. The same way Luna looked at him when he was about to do something stupid, a
knowing curiosity about what would happen. Though now that he looked there was confusion and
surprise mixed into her face, as if she wasn’t expecting him to be there.
Harry noted that too.

He had saved bland Bella’s boyfriend for last, Harry assumed this one was the famous Edward.
Harry felt a chill bite into his skin, he was staring at the terrified face of Cedric all over again. Only
this Cedric was frowning in his direction, had darker hair, golden eyes and clearly questionable
taste in romantic partners. Bella had the face of a small child who’d been told a secret that they
knew for a fact no one else did.

She obviously knew something the main population of Forks high didn’t. Clearly there was a
secret, but what was it? And how did she find out? Had they told her? Surely she hadn’t just found
out on her own?

Dear Edward couldn’t have been very clever about it if she had, Bella struck him as a basic pick
me girl if he’d ever seen one.

Hale had joined the group by this time and was talking in fast hushed tones, the others looked
concerned but all nodded. They piled into the ugly car, all except Bella who looked like she was
whining about something. After a short disagreement a regretful Edward got into the drivers seat of
the car and left Bella alone to sulk.

Harry ignored the odd relief that came with the knowledge that it wasn’t Hales car.

As the car passed him Harry made no effort to hide his staring, in fact as it passed he locked eyes
with Mr Hale and held them. Defiance filling him at the surprised gleam that was developing in
those golden eyes.

They held eye contact until the car was out of sight, Harry shook himself free of the weight of that
gaze and finished his cigarette.

Chapter End Notes

Harry has seen the Cullen's and he is... entirely under whelmed

hope the whole 'laying eyes on each other for the first time' bit lived up to expectation.

I felt a guy with 30 years auror experience would be sus of weird eyed pale dudes
staring at them in alleys plus Constant Vigilance clearly pays the bills

Hope you continue to enjoy! thank you for reading x

His Peverell
Chapter Summary

Jasper goes gooey for a human

Chapter Notes

We back again for more,

this chapter is a lil different from previous but hopefully in a good way

once again! Thank you for your comments and Kudos, I love them

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper swam numbly through another week of school. While resisting the temptation of pumping
veins surrounding him was getting easier, it didn’t stop school from being a hellscape.

If super hearing and the desire to kill your classmates wasn’t enough then their toxic teenage
emotions certainly were. Jasper looked forward to the day he could return to college or work were
the hormones had at least some idea of what balance meant.

It was easier for his siblings, Emmett thought humans were funny, Rose enjoyed being better than
them in every possible way, Alice found them endearing and Edward had found his mate there, a
silent mind among the babble of human thoughts.

It was another dull grey day in Forks. Jasper was making his way to his final lesson, Chemistry.
Their teacher, Dr Jeffery, was a grumpy man who usually gave jasper a headache with the negative
energy that rolled off him.

He took a short cut through the back exit of the Sports block, trying to avoid any groups of
students. It was easier to ignore a single tempting smell than 5 all gathered together.

This part of the school was usually deserted, so he nearly stumbled when a strong scent punched
him in the gut as he passed the mouth of an alley between the school buildings. An exotic mix of
ink, lemon zest, tobacco and lightening flooded his nostrils. Jasper blindly sought the smell, only
idly noticing he felt no hunger from this smell as his eyes landed on a figure leaning against the
wall of the alley.

He was beautiful. Cool tanned skin, long thick dark curls piled artfully atop his head. A clean cut
jaw arched towards the gloomy sky, eyes closed in deep peace. The bridge of his nose had a soft,
sweet bump were it had clearly been broken in the passed, below it smoke exhaled through plump
lips. If Jasper had breath it would be stolen from him by the glorious creature before him.

For the first moment in longer-than-a-lifetime Jasper understood Edwards miserable songs and
poetic monologues about Bella.
This boy was perfect.

Was his.

Suddenly the face of his angle was tilted in his direction, his creature opened one eye and
examined him with an unimpressed look.

If Jasper's heart had a beat it would be stuttering.

He’d never seen eyes so green. Thick lashes, hooded lids and lightly bruised from a clear lack of
sleep, his eyes were enchanting. A deep green that seemed to swirl and buzz with an electricity that
pulled harshly at the core of Jasper’s very being.

A defiant brow pulled up as if to ask ‘can I help you?’ and Jasper felt himself tumble deeper into
adoration. He turned away from Jasper, eyes closing and continuing to smoke. Jasper was
impressed that a human could ignore him like that.

Jasper took this time to appraise the rest of him. He was tall, about the same height as Edward (so a
little shorter than Jasper, as he happily reminded Edward in the good-natured way that only
brothers could). His build was lithe, clearly fast and able to fight back. Jasper would bet he was
mostly muscle and bone.

From his build and the obvious previous break in his nose, Jasper deduced his human was
probably a trouble maker of some kind.

Jasper realized he was still staring so forced himself to continue his way to Chemistry, his thoughts
plagued with green eyes and plans of getting the mysterious boy to talk to him.

He sat in his assigned seat in a daze. Unable to focus on the properties of Hydrogen when a human
so perfectly his was only meters away.

The door opened suddenly, Jasper's head whipped around of its own accord as a familiar smell
filled the room. The boy strolled to meet an irritated teacher head on, clearly unaffected by the
disapproval that poured off him in waves.

“You must be Mr Peverell, how nice of you to join us.” Peverell his last name was Peverell. The
boy, Peverell, merely looked at Dr Jeffery with the same blank, unimpressed look he’d given
Jasper. The teachers annoyance flared hotly “Next to Mr Hale please.”

Dr Jeffery nodded in Jasper’s direction and Jasper couldn’t stop himself from holding his breath as
those green eyes landed on him. Peverell tilted his head and Jasper enjoyed the soft bubble of
curiosity that was spreading over him.

Peverell sat next to him with no hesitation or visible reaction to the human instinct to run from
Jasper. In fact he seemed deep in thought.

A sudden shock of disappointment stabbed into Peverell, so out of the blue that Jasper couldn’t
help but turn sharply in his direction. Why was he so disappointed? Had something upset him?

Jasper pushed out those questions and focused on rational thought. If he was desperate he could
always ask Edward what his Peverell was thinking.

He was clearly thinking something over. he looked concentrated, though definitely not the lesson.
Mulling something over, considering and weighing up options in his mind. He looked conflicted,
yet firm. As if making a decision.
Jasper couldn’t prevent the concern that swelled in him as he frowned at the boy. Was he okay?

His mouth was just gathering the courage to ask when the bell shocked through his system. Before
he could even process it Peverell had packed his things and left the classroom.

Jasper forced a calming breath, pushing away the desire to chase him. He needed to talk to his
family, let them know the news and see what they knew. Maybe Alice had seen this, knew more
about Peverell.

A first name would be a good start.

Jasper was surprised, uneasy and a little proud as he exited the building to see Peverell sat on his
motorbike smoking another cigarette.

Surprised because Peverell had only been here a day and seemed to enjoy it about as much as
Jasper did so why was he hanging around after school?

Uneasy because Peverell was currently examining his siblings and Bella with a deeply critical eye,
as if dissecting them over and over. Similar to the way Bella had looked at Edward before she
found out, though Peverell looked more attractive and less like a lost puppy while doing it.

And just a little bit proud that while speed demon Edward’s mate was a human who’s truck that,
while a classic, could barely push 40 and Emmett could never talk Rosalie into buying anything
other than a designer car; his was perched on a royal blue 1977 Triumph. Complete with obscure
band stickers that even Jasper hadn’t heard of.

Jasper made his way over to his family, attracting their attention in a hurried tone.

“Family meeting, now.” he rushed, they frowned at him but all piled into the car. Well, all except
Edward who was placating a whining Bella. Jasper ignored the arguing couple and instead focused
on Alice.

From the look on her face she was confused by his request, which meant she hadn’t seen Peverell
or hadn’t seen that he would be Jasper’s.

Edward finally got in the car and Jasper couldn’t help his lip from twitching at the relief Peverell
let out from seeing that it was his brothers car.

He dared to look at the boy as the car passed him and was pleasantly shocked to find green eyes
locked firmly with his. Jasper basked in the gaze of those green eyes long after they had left the
parking lot.

Chapter End Notes

did you see the different pov coming?... probably.

hopefully you enjoyed! thanks again for reading xoxo

ps i know Jaspers meant to be a senior or whatever but i shoved him down to suit my
requirements lmao
Suspicions and cold tea
Chapter Summary

Harry goes over his thoughts about the Cullen's

Chapter Notes

Chapter 6 y'all

It's the weekend, i am bored and my current fixation is writing so off we go lmao


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry, spread over the rug of his living room with Buckbeak pressed into his side, stared at the
ceiling and thought.

He’d spent an hour looking over his books on magical creatures and was left with the same
conclusion he had already come to. To observe before responding.

The only new pieces of information he had learnt about the creature he suspected the Cullen’s
were, was the fact that they didn’t have fangs. Instead all of their teeth were razor sharp, meaning a
bite would be much more painful. Harry had been bitten by normal vampires before and four fangs
sinking into his flesh had been uncomfortable enough let alone 32 of them. The other was that their
eyes turned black when they were hungry or angry.

Usually related to their mates or over food, two things they were known to be possessive of.

While it was reassuring that he didn’t make Hale hungry, he did wonder if he would be able to
trigger his eyes to change to black. That would be a huge confirmation of his suspicions. While it
probably wasn’t a good idea to plan a way to anger or hunger a potential blood sucking hybrid,
Harry didn’t really have anything to lose.

Seeing that the entire group had the same shade of gold eyes was too suspicious for Harry to
ignore. He was more than happy to ignore them once he had confirmed if they would be a bother to
him or not.

It was only mildly reassuring that their eye colour pointed to a purely animal diet, if they were red
Harry would be having a very different debate with himself.

He could admit he was curious why Jessica had called them the Cullen’s if Hale was a Hale. Harry
briefly wondered what the ageless mans full name was but quickly shoved that thought away. He
wasn’t here to make friends, even immortal ones.

There was also the topic of the size of the coven, Harry had seen at least 5 of them at school. Was
one of them the coven leader or was their leader elsewhere? If they were elsewhere did they have a

He’d have to observe their relationships closely to determine if he had already seen the leader or

Harry could be faced with a hybrid vampire coven of 5-7. while being the master of death, and
therefore unable to die, dying was still a pain in the arse. Harry was almost certain he would win in
a fight against one of them but that ignored possible abilities and there being more than one of
them fighting him at once. He didn’t fancy the idea of an eternity fighting and dying against the
same 5-7 individuals.

That would get boring quickly.

The thought of abilities brought a whole new train of thought to mind. Hale had reacted to Harry’s
disappointment in class, the pixie had been surprised to see him and the Cedric look alike had been
frowning at Harry like he was a complicated word puzzle. These pointed toward the three of them
having possible abilities, most likely mental abilities since only Hale ever actually got close to him
(and even then never touched him). It didn’t stop the other members of the coven from having
physical abilities however.

Harry would certainly need to tread carefully with this section of his curiosity.

The calming trill of Fawkes broke Harry out of his thoughts. The Phoenix had been with Harry over
a week now and hadn’t shown any interest of leaving. Harry had made a perch, complete with ash
tray, for the immortal bird. Though Fawkes seemed to prefer perching on the sofa or Harry’s

Harry tilted his head back at met the stunning birds empathetic eyes from where he currently sat
atop of one of the many bookshelves.

Harry read the silent message that maybe it was time to get up and agreed.

He pulled himself to his feet, receiving a huff from Buckbeak (who had apparently been comfy) in
the process. He made his way to the kitchen and set about making a cup of tea.

By hand of course, Harry’s magic always seemed to make food and drink taste weird so he stick to
muggle means most of the time.

The miniature Hungarian Horntail, that Harry had kept after the Triwizard Tournament, had snuck
it’s way into the kitchen. It flew down from it’s hiding place on top of his cupboards to lick spilled
sugar off the counter, before curling on the hot hob Harry had used to boil his water (Given how
unreliable electrics were with magic, boiling his water with the stove saved him having to buy a
new kettle every two weeks). Harry watched it fondly for a moment before returning to his living

He sunk into his favoured seat by the fire, with a mere glance happy flames burst into life
amoungst the ash. Yes, Harry thought idly, he’d probably be fine against magical beings with a
weakness for fire.

His gaze lingered on the pot of floo powder on the mantle, ideas of popping over to the burrow
slipped to the forefront of his brain. but were quickly dismissed.

Then the idea of appearing in McGonagall’s office to scare Snape’s portrait replaced it. Harry
wondered how his long dead professor would react to seeing him now, exactly the same as when
he died.
How would Dumbledore’s portrait respond?

That thought brought up so many unwelcome thoughts that Harry took a harsh gulp of tea to wash
them away. He didn’t know how to feel about Dumbledore and he probably never would.

Fawkes, as if sensing his growing distress, landed on the arm of his chair. Harry raised an absent
hand to pet him. Buckbeak noisily shuffled closer to the fire.

Harry took a deep breath and turned his thoughts back to more simple ones of fighting possible
vampire hybrids.

If nothing conclusive turned up this week then a test would be required. Harry just had to choose
one to fit his purpose while also not risking his own exposure.

Harry had never been very good at legilimency and it felt too invasive, so it would be an absolute
last resort. Bleeding in front of them seemed a little too obvious and Harry had no concept of their
blood lust control, it had a few too many risks. Bella was clearly the weak link in the family, but
Harry felt pure disgust at the idea of pretending to befriend her for information so moved on swiftly
from that thought.

Indecision once again filled him and Harry wondered if he should just leave the entire thing alone.
Just pretend he was a clueless muggle and ignore the group like everyone else in the school. But
Harry knew he couldn’t ignore the pressing questions that had plagued him since he met those
golden eyes.

Harry took another sip of now cold tea, cursing handsome golden eyed men the entire time.

Chapter End Notes

Welp, there we have it, Harry still trying to decide if he actually gives a shit or not but
we all now the chaos will prevail

this whole story is just Buckbeak getting mad that he isn't getting the attention he

cheers for reading x see you soon!

Family meeting
Chapter Summary

Cullen's talk about the new boy

Chapter Notes

Woo chapter 7

Just to clarify i'm setting this after new moon but before Eclipse

please enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

They had all gathered in the living room, waiting in dull silence for Carlisle to join them. Jasper
could tell it was more than just him who had things to say in this meeting, Alice and Edward were
full of curious worry.

Jasper could only hope that whatever they were thinking had nothing to do with the boy.

Just as Emmett gave his sixth sigh of annoyance at being made to wait their Fathers car pulled in
and his soft steps were heard making their way toward them.

Carlisle smiled kindly as he took in the bored (Emmett) and anxious (Everyone else) faces of his
family. He sat next to Esme, gifting her a soft kiss on the cheek before turning to face the immortal
teens he considered children.

Jasper couldn’t help but imagine what kissing Peverell’s cheek would feel like, Edwards head
whipped in his direction and he hurriedly hid the thought.

“So, Jasper called this meeting. Why don’t you start son.” offered the head of their family, smiling
a supportive parental smile at his eldest son.

Jasper took an unnecessary breathe.

“There’s a new boy at school. He’s my mate.” Joy burst out of Alice, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme.
Who all beamed at him with silent Congratulations.

Rosalie felt conflicted, half happy for him while the other half was split between worry and
annoyance. Jasper assumed worry for the risk another human caused the family and annoyance at
having to cope with another human.

Edward was a little different he felt unsure and concerned. Jasper turned to him, expectantly
wanting an answer. Edward met his searching eyes and hesitated.

“I can’t read him.” replied Edward, Jasper frowned while Rosalie’s worry raced to the front of her

“Like Bella?” asked Esme, concern leaking into her tone. Edward shook his head.

“No, with Bella it’s like she’s not even there. With the boy it’s like walking into a wall and
bouncing off again.” Interest spiked in Carlisle as he considered Edwards words.

“A different human ability of shielding perhaps, I see why you are unsure Edward. Are you able to
read him Jasper?” Jasper nodded in reply.

“Maybe not as clearly as others.” he admitted “But I can still feel him.” Carlisle nodded while
Emmett grinned the wording. Jasper shot him a look.

“Alice?” asked their father again. Alice smiled a dreamy smile.

“I can’t see him.” Jasper frowned, he’d never heard Alice so pleased about not seeing someone.
“But it’s not like with the wolves. With them it’s blackness, I can’t see at all and everyone
disappears. With him it’s like he’s just out of sight, stood at the corner of my eye. I can see
everyone else, it just feels like there’s a gap missing. I kept seeing so many visions of Jasper
looking so happy and I couldn’t see why, but now I realize.” she shot Jasper a bright smile, her
pure happiness forcing a smile to his own face.

“We don’t know anything about him.” interrupted Rosalie, she shot Jasper an apologetic look “I
know he’s yours Jasper, but if Edward can’t read him then we can’t trust him.” Jasper nodded
slowly, hating that rationally he agreed.

“I know Rose, but that won’t stop me from trying.” Jasper was firm in that. He had waited years
for his mate and now that he found him he was not about to give it up because Edward couldn’t
read his mind.

“We wouldn’t expect you to turn down your mate for us Jasper. We will tread carefully and be
cautious. This boy is only a threat if we make him into one.” interrupted Carlisle, Rosalie and
Edward didn’t look convinced “This is good news. What’s his name?”

Jasper opened his mouth to explain he only knew the boys last name when Edward interrupted

“Harrison Peverell.” Jasper let the name of his soulmate wash over him while sending silent thanks
to Edward for telling him. “His name was going round and round in Stanley’s head so fast it made
me dizzy.” he explained with a scowl.

Jasper forced himself to hold back the growl that wanted to burst out at the idea of someone else
thinking about his Harrison. Edward smirked at him.

“Harrison will be as welcome in this house as Bella is.” said Carlisle with a wide honest smile.
Emmett snorted and looked at his wife.

“Hear that Rosie? Another human you can bully.” Rosalie smirked while Edward shot him a
scowl. Jasper merely smiled faintly at his blonde sister, she met his eyes and became serious again.

“I respect your choice to be with your mate but I’ve already been forced to move for one human,
I’m not doing it for another. I will protect my mate and this family if he poses a threat.” Jasper gave
her a single nod of acceptance. Edward sniffed.

“You wanted to kill Bella when I had a meeting about her and you nearly did at her birthday.”
Jasper knew his brother was just stating facts but it still hurt to be reminded of his weakest
moments. “I’ve forgiven you for those things and you know that.” continued Edward clearly
reading his thoughts.

“I’ll support you in this because I know how it feels. But I agree with Rose and Carlisle that we
need to tread carefully. There’s something different about the way he deflects me.” Jasper sent
endless thoughts of thanks to his brother, merely giving a heartfelt smile out loud.

“Since Edward has raised concerns I think it wise that we keep an eye on Harrison. Observe from a
distance, it would be good to learn his character regardless since he’s hopefully going to join our
family permanently.” he flashed a loving smile in Jasper’s direction, everyone ignored the way
Edwards face twisted at the hint of turning a human to be part of their family.

“Maybe another human going through the same thing would be good for Bella.” suggested Esme,
her usual motherly care taking over. Edward seemed to like that idea while Rose rolled her eyes.

Jasper understood his families concerns and he agreed with them wholeheartedly. The Bella
situation was difficult for all of them, but she was clearly just a human that Edward couldn’t read.
His Harrison, while also just a human, could evade two powerful gifts.

There was a huge part of Jasper that felt pride to have a mate who could hide from Alice and block
Edward. The rest of him felt anxious about it, if his siblings couldn’t get a read on him then how
could he make sure his mate was safe?

Jasper took another rational breath and thought of his strategy, all he needed to do was talk to him.
They had chemistry the next day before lunch, all Jasper had to do was talk to him. Getting to
know his mate would be a pleasure, he wondered if they had things in common.

Did they read the same books or like the same music?

Jasper hoped his mate would be accepting of his past actions and the marks left on his body
because of it.

He stared out the window and counted the hours until he could see Harrison again.

Chapter End Notes

Jasper: Do we read the same books? do we like the same music?

Me: do you have the same war torn back story? are you both deeply traumatized from
all the people you cared about and watched die? are you both really fucking hard to

Thank you for reading! see you soon x

First words and rude in-laws
Chapter Summary

Harry begins to investigate. unfortunately, so does Edward

Chapter Notes

It's official we've passed the 10k word mark woo!

Thank you to everyone reading, commenting and giving Kudos! it means the world to
me that people are enjoying my lil story

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry turned up to school with purpose; to begin his investigation of the Cullen Family/coven.
After more debating last night Harry had been forced to cope with the fact he had never been able
to leave anything alone, and that he wasn’t able to break the habit of a lifetime now.

So here he was, perched on his bike and smoking, again.

The Volvo hadn’t arrived yet but the Chevy had. Bella was lingering beside it, clearly waiting for
the Cullen’s to arrive. Anxiously glancing around every 3 minutes to make sure she hadn’t missed

Harry took a deep drag of his smoke and examined her body language. She fidgeted and shifted on
her feet a lot, playing with her hair or the sleeve of her oversized shirt. She wore a lot of layers, a
vest visible under her t-shirt and then a large button up over the top of that. Simple jeans and
predicable branded trainers, her rucksack a pale grey colour that matched the clouds nearly

She was separate from the Cullen’s in a lot of aspects. It must be hard to date someone so different
from you. Though Harry supposed a lot of their differences may only be skin deep.

His musing was interrupted by the ugly car pulling in and parking next to Bella’s truck. Bella
smiled a bright smile, she seemed more alive when she didn’t look so miserable.

Edward was out and was already by Bella’s side before the others had even managed to open the
doors. Soon the other 3 and Hale were gathered in a small group, a little separate from Edward and

Hale was facing Harry’s direction but was talking with his siblings in what looked like a casual
friendly manner.

Edward seemed to be explaining something to Bella, his 4 siblings glancing at the couple

Bella’s eyes turned wide and excited, her gaze shot to Hale and then suddenly settled on Harry.
Harry frowned a little at that, unsure why he was related to the conversation. The glance in his
direction seemed to be purposeful. In fact now that he focused on it the entire group kept sending
him subtle glances. It was something to add to the growing pile of questions to be answered.

The couple joined the rest of the group, Bella said something to Hale that triggered an honest smile
and a nod in reply. Harry made himself look away from that smile, mildly horrified by the tug it
pulled in his stomach.

Instead he finished his cigarette and immediately (much to the silent judgement of the sheltered
population of Forks high) put another between his lips. If he intended to get some answers he
couldn’t be distracted by shaking hands or random spikes of anxiety.

Harry was too busy lighting it to see the concerned look Hale gave him from across the car park.


The first two lessons of the morning were the same as the day before, teachers giving him annoyed
looks when he strolled in late and went to his seat without a word. Students giving him looks they
thought he couldn’t see and whispering about him.

But now it was the third hour of the day and it was time to observe Hale.

Harry still didn’t bother arriving on time, it wouldn’t do to break the habit of a lifetime over some
potential creatures. Besides he couldn’t have them suspecting he was up to anything.

So Harry ignored the glare that Doctor J-something gave him as he entered the classroom and
strolled calmly to his seat next to Hale. Hale glanced in his direction before turning back to his

Harry looked over the worksheets in front of him, the entire class was talking quietly in small
groups while vaguely doing their work. No Chemistry was not at all like Potions, Several heavy
books would have already made contact with heads if this was Snape's class.

“Hello.” came a quiet voice from beside him, it was a nice voice. Smooth with a hint of southern
American drawl that seemed to sweeten the words. Harry followed the voice and met bright golden

“I’m Jasper.” the ageless man introduced. Harry examined him for a moment, choosing whether to
reply or not. While he had planned to observe he hadn’t intended to make conversation, but Harry
supposed it might help his efforts.

“Harrison.” he lied in reply, Jasper’s lips tilted upward in a delighted, slightly dazed smile.

“You’re British?” he asked, Harry barely managed to avoid rolling his eyes.

“From Surrey.” he replied, part of him questioning why he was sharing this information “You’re
southern.” he added, not bothering to word it like a question. Jasper’s smile grew.

“Yes sir, Houston Texas.” Harry nodded vaguely, the differences in their accents sounded oddly
pleasant together.

“When did you get here? Long way from home.” continued Jasper, clearly trying to engage Harry
in conversation. Harry shrugged.

“A week or so.” he ignored the last part of the question, Harry wasn’t really sure where home was

“How you liking it?” Harry considered the question seriously and decided to be honest.

“It’s nice, peaceful.” Jasper examined him closely before smiling again.

“You ain’t wrong.” he replied with a light chuckle and turned back to his worksheet. Harry wasn’t
really sure where Jasper planned on going with this conversation so decided to take over.

“You lived here long?” he asked, Jasper looked privately delighted to be asked a question.

“A few years.” he answered with a shrug “My family and I move around quite a bit.”

Oh I bet you do, Harry thought.

“Our dad, Carlisle, he’s a doctor. We move for his work mostly.” Harry froze.

A doctor?

If Jasper was telling him this during their first conversation together, then that meant it was
common knowledge. If it was common knowledge it had to be true, especially in a tiny town where
everyone knows everyone.

How on earth could a vampire Hybrid be a doctor? It didn’t make sense, it left room for open
exposure everyday. Not that Harry thought a coven attending high school was smart, I mean how
thick can you get?

Sending 5 unchanging, overly emotional, blood drinking, immortal teenagers to school. To spend
time with actual teenagers too high on hormones to control their own feelings, let alone respond
appropriately to others. Where concepts like ‘year book photos’ exist. Where those photos were
often posted online, displayed around the school or easily seen by people who might take interest
in immortal super beings.

It wouldn’t take an idiot to work out that the all those teenagers in school photos were the same

“Harrison?” a concerned voice broke through Harry’s spiralling thoughts. Harry met Jasper’s eyes
for the second time that day.

“You okay?” he asked, tone full of worry and frowning at him. Harry shrugged him off.

“Yeah fine, zoned out. What were you saying? About moving?” more like about being the dumbest
munch of vampires on the planet, but Harry decided to paraphrase.

Harry had to once again remind himself he didn’t know for a fact that the Cullen’s were vampires
(even especially thick ones). he also needed to remind himself that, if they were, Harry himself was
an immortal being attending high school.

The only minor differences were the facts that he didn’t feel tempted to eat his bloody classmates
nor did he sparkly in the sunlight like a kid who sneezed during arts and crafts.

“Yeah, we move a lot.” continued Jasper apparently not wholly satisfied with Harry’s quick ‘fine’.
“What about you? Travel much?”

Harry allowed the question to distract him from the lecture he was internally giving the Cullen’s.
“Hadn’t left the UK before coming here.” he replied honestly. Jasper nodded.

“Bet your old school was different too huh?” Harry laughed a short sharp laugh at the statement.

“Yeah, you could say that.” Jasper smiled, the dazed look returning to his eyes.

The rest of the lesson passed with out much more conversation. Harry noted that Jasper moved,
took breaths and fidgeted like most of the other teenagers in their class. His eyes hadn’t changed
colour once which was both reassuring and irritating at the same time.

he was even dressed appropriately for the weather with long sleeves and a high collar.

Harry offered him the faint up-turning of his lips before leaving the class. He couldn’t help but feel
gloomy over the fact he hadn’t learnt anything, except that if they Cullen’s were vampires then
they were stupid ones.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of dull colour and soon enough Harry was once again watching
the Cullen’s, sitting on his bike and smoking.

He couldn’t be sure, but he didn’t think Sirius had intended this to be the main use for the bike
when he left it to Harry.

The 3 unnamed Cullen’s, Bella, Edward and Jasper were once again stood around the silver Volvo.
They were talking and clearly joking around, Jasper and the huge one shooting each other grins.
But they still shot Harry the occasional searching look.

They seemed to be taking it in turns.

When it was Edwards turn to look, he lingered. Frowning a clearly frustrated frown.

Harry felt a brush against his occlumency shield, he barely stopped himself from frowning back but
he did inadvertently meet Edwards eyes. Eyes that widened slightly and Harry hurriedly looked
away, but the damage had been done. Edward knew that Harry had felt it.

A sudden harsh stab against the barrier made his eyes twitch with discomfort, Edward was testing

Merlin, it felt like he was 15 in Snape’s office all over again.

Harry refused to let some boy who, might be older than him but had no idea what vile memories
lurked behind that barrier, fuck with his mind.

Harry flicked his half finished cigarette away, started his engine and left the car park without so
much as a glance at the Cullen’s. Pissed off, but unable to complain with the extra evidence
supporting his current beliefs.

For the second time that day Harry missed Jasper look his way with a face full of concern, concern
that melted into anger as he turned to glare at his brother.

Chapter End Notes

oof Eddie once again trying to start another battle he can't finish,
Now that we're getting into the thick of it Chapters are hopefully going to be getting
longer. sadly this'll mean slower updates but hopefully the length will make up for it

Thank you for reading and see you next time x

ps if Edward it's the fluorescents Cullen can dazzle Bella, you bet that Harry can
dazzle Jasper in return
Contrasting colours
Chapter Summary

Jasper is pissed at Edward and Harry is falling apart just a teeny bit

Chapter Notes


ngl i wasn't planning on posting as i've barely started chapter 10 but 9 was looking
very sad sat in my files so please enjoy xx

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper Slammed the car door behind him and stormed up to the house, ignoring the tense emotions
that followed him from the car.

He was furious, he’d spoken to Harrison. he’d learnt that he was English, from Surrey, that he
hadn’t lived in forks long and how he hadn’t travelled before. It was the first stepping stone to
having his soulmate by his side for the rest of forever.

And Edward had just ruined it.

While ruined it might be a little dramatic, he had (as he desperately tried to explain to a seething
Jasper in the car home) tried to forcefully read Harrison’s mind. Whatever he had tried had
physically hurt and made Harrison uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that he left, preventing Jasper
from making anymore contact with those glorious eyes.

“I didn’t mean to hurt him Jasper!” cried his idiot brother just as Jasper was halfway up the stairs.
Jasper whirled around to glare at him.

“I don’t care if you meant to or not! You did. Not to mention you stared at him the entire time!
What if he notices we’re all trying to keep tabs on him? He’s not going to want to talk to me then is
he?!” anger and frustration were boiling together so hotly inside Jasper.

“He felt it!” cried Edward just as the empath was preparing to storm upstairs and make fresh plans
to get Harrison to like him. “And he knew it was me! The moment I tried to enter his mind he met
my eyes. He knew someone was trying to read his mind and he knew it was me.”

Jasper blinked, trying to force away the horrifically irrational jealousy that burst forward at hearing
someone else had looked into those green eyes.

“You believe he was fully aware of you trying to read your mind?” Asked Carlisle, who had
apparently been stood in the doorway listening to them shout at each other.

“I know he was. He knew it was me.” Edward repeated, Carlisle nodded thoughtfully his eyes
flicking to Jasper.
The rest of their family lingered awkwardly out of sight, waiting for an outcome.

“Continue as we are. Harrison is still a human and he’s still Jasper’s mate. Tread carefully, but
leave him be.” advised Carlisle, smiling when his children agreed.

“And no more trying to force yourself into my mates mind.” Jasper ordered firmly, glaring at an
apologetic Edward.

“It was foolish of me. I’m sorry.” Jasper hesitated before nodding to accept his apology.

He still went upstairs to plan for the fall out of his brothers error however.


Harry didn’t bother going to school the next day or the day after, he couldn’t allow his emotions
get the better of him. He was angry at the stupid mind reader and the memories they had yanked to
the surface.

It had been like he was 15 with Snape was glaring down at him, telling him just how stupid and
useless he was all over again. Like finding out how people he had idolized acted at school. How
the reason Snape hated him was because of who his father was, but how he was tortured into
caring for Harry because of who his mother was. Harry didn’t think whatever way Snape felt about
him was love. Love could hurt, Merlin it could burn. It could rip you to shreds and it could lead
very easily turn to hate. But the love Snape felt for Lilly and his hatred for James mixed together
did not equal love in Harry’s mind.

Dumbledore would call it love.

But then again he called imprisoning Grindelwald for life only to be murdered by Tom Riddle love.

Harry didn’t want to know how much it took for Dumbledore to hate. He hadn’t even hated Riddle,
despite everything that happened. Harry had never thought Dumbledore to be an all knowing deity,
above all others in knowledge and ability. But now that he looked back he couldn’t help but
wonder how much control he had had, how much had he known?

Harry had been given plenty of time to think about things, 40 years of it, ever since he stopped
aging life had stood still for him. How could he move on when no one else could move with him?

So he had thought about Dumbledore, about Snape, hell even about Umbridge. About choices.

Snape had clearly been firmly under Dumbledore’s thumb, willingly or not. Guilted into doing
what he was told was the right thing. But Merlin knows what he actually wanted or how he felt.

It was disturbing that all it took to send Harry into a full crisis was a single sparkly dickhead to try
and read his mind. Merlin, Consciousness was exhausting.

So instead he spent two days drinking firewhiskey and being bullied into cuddling a Hippogriff.
Harry didn’t even want to think about how many packs of cigarettes he had emptied over the
course of two bloody days. He had only decided to go to school on Friday so that Fawkes would
stop giving him those deeply worried looks. Harry hadn’t noticed when he had started following
the orders of magical animals/mythical creatures, but here he was. At school, looking like fresh

He was late but strolled carelessly into class none the less, ignoring the odd looks that were shot
toward his Chuddly cannons t-shirt or the jeans that Buckbeak had ripped when Harry had been too
busy staring into existential blackness to give him attention.

He hadn’t even bothered to tie his hair, letting it hide most of his face to avoid the ever present
stares. Harry wondered he would ever not be stared at. His eyes were sore and red rimmed from
pretending he wasn’t crying instead of sleeping. His hands seemed to shake continuously despite
the copious amounts of nicotine he had inhaled and he couldn’t remember the last time he had
actually eaten anything. In short, he was a fucking mess.

Harry dreaded Maths and Chemistry where he would be faced with those who were the accessories
to the cause of his break down.

Sure enough his worst fears were answered when he entered Maths to discover bland Bella had
swapped seats with the person usually next to him in class. Her eyes widened and her smile faded
when she caught sight of Harry.

Apparently he looked even worse than he thought.

Bland Bella struck him as a suffer in silence type, but where the silence was so loud everyone
could hear it sort of silence, so wasn’t used to the open display of devastated emotion from others.
Harry ignored her and sat next to her, sending the teacher a glare (one she didn’t see) out of spite.

Thankfully his wrecked state of being seemed to protect him from any efforts of conversation,
though the curtain of hair he had pulled between them probably helped too.

He sped off to lunch before anyone could react, unfortunately he crashed into what felt like a brick
wall as he left the room.

A cold hand steadied him and he looked up to meet the worried and guilty eyes of Edward Cullen.
Harry, smugly, logged ‘ice cold hands’ under his the Cullen’s are bunny munchers section of his

His jaw clenched and his eyes turned stony without his permission as he unceremoniously ripped
himself from Cullen’s grip and stormed to the nearest exit. Firmly ignoring the eyes on his back or
the urge to flip them off as he left.

Rather than taking his usual seat of choice, Harry sunk to the floor. Leaning rather than sitting on
his bike. The temptation to just leave was fierce but Harry had faced worse than this and would
survive 2 more hours. Besides he was allowed to play muggle sports today. That might allow him
to let off some steam.

Harry was just lighting his third cigarette and debating weather apperating home for a pepper-
upper potion was worth while when a voice interrupted him.

“You want some company?” Harry’s head whipped up to find Jasper looking at him with an unsure
expression on his face. Harry examined him for a moment.

“No.” he replied honestly, Jasper huffed a quiet laugh.

“Can I join you anyway?” Harry narrowed his eyes as he tried to figure out what he wanted. Jasper
lifted his hands in surrender clearly seeing (or reading? Harry was still unsure of his ability)
Harry’s reaction.

“I just want to sit with you.” he really sounded like he thought that was a reasonable explanation.
Harry scoffed and shrugged, hoping the ‘do what you want I don’t care’ was clear enough with just
a shrug.
It apparently was, as Jasper smiled a bright smile and joined him. He gave Harry space, sitting
about an arm lengths away. Close enough where Harry could reach out and just brush his fingertips
against the soft fabric of Jasper’s fleece but far enough away that they weren’t crowding each

“You okay?” asked Jasper after a beat of silence.

Harry didn’t reply.

“You left the building in quite the hurry.” he was clearly coaxing Harry to discuss his emotions but
Harry internally scoffed at the idea.

Another beat of silence passed, this one longer. Jasper was clearly debating if he should say
something or not.

“You should just ignore Edward, he’s an idiot.” Ah, there it was.

Though this did give Harry pause. He had been a little preoccupied with his own harrowing
emotions to consider how much the Cullen’s knew about him. Edward knew Harry was aware he
had tried to read his mind. This information had evidently been passed to the other members
(confirmed 6, possible 7) of the coven. But how much did they actually know?

Just that Edward had tried and failed to read his mind? or was there more?

Harry was certain they wouldn’t know about the wizarding world but that didn’t mean they didn’t
consider him a person of interest in return. It couldn’t be everyday a ‘human’ could avoid their

Harry barely held back a cringe at mentally calling himself a human. He wasn’t sure what he was
but it definitely wasn’t human.

“He’s definitely an idiot.” he said instead, paired with a snort. Jasper flashed him a grin that made
him entirely too attractive and looked at Harry with oddly soft eyes.

“I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable, on Tuesday I mean.” Harry met the hybrids eyes steadily
as Jasper continued. “I don’t know why you weren’t here, but I hope it wasn’t because of him.”

Harry looked away and didn’t reply, the statement hung in the air between. Jasper sighed.

“I can kick his ass for you?” he offered suddenly. Harry laughed, surprised. The offer was actually
quite sweet.

Harry was too busy laughing to see the way Jasper’s face lit up at the sound of his laugh.

“Thanks, but I think I can handle your brother.” Jasper’s face turned endearing, as if allowing
Harry the fantasy of beating one of them in a fight. Harry allowed himself an indulgent smirk,
allowing Jasper the fantasy that Harry couldn’t destroy his entire coven if he really wanted to in

Jasper broke eye contact first this time, something that Harry realized he didn’t do often. He
seemed to be hesitating.

“Would it be weird if I said I missed you?” Harry raised an incredulous brow. Where the fuck had
that question come from?
“Yes.” Harry replied blankly, turning back to his cigarette and starring at the floor trying to process
what exactly was meant to be happening. Jasper merely chuckled in reply.

“I won’t say it then.” Harry rolled his eyes at that dumb cliché, honestly vampires were so

Jasper stood brushing imaginary dirt off his clothes. Harry watched him, absently thinking how
unfair it was for them to look clinically perfect at all times. They probably looked a right sight to
any passers-by, physical perfection stood while a train wreck curled on the floor next to it.

“You planning on being on time today?” Jasper asked in a teasing tone, Harry wasn’t sure when
they had jumped from awkward small talk to teasing each other but he went with it none the less.

“Nope.” he replied shortly, lighting another cigarette completely unabashed. Jasper let out another
huff of laughter before strolling casually toward the school building, waving absently over his

Chapter End Notes

Jasper, Edward and Carlisle channelling full Hermione, Ron and Harry on the Yule
ball stairs fight vibes

I'm enjoying writing Harry's inner workings about the passed, i feel like he should
have been more confused, hurt or angry about how things went down and i do feel like
it was glossed over for the sake of a neat ending idk might just be me.

thank you so much for reading! feel free to comment your thoughts, i love reading the
comments! see you soon! xx
Bites, ignorance and death
Chapter Summary

Harry gets confirmation of his suspicions and meets an old friend

Chapter Notes

I be back,

over 6000 hits? I- ❤

I'm pretty sure this will be the last 'setting things up' chapter but who knows really?

slight trigger warning for mentions of suicide attempt (scars)

please enjoy xx

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Muggle sports, Harry decided, was more bearable than his other classes.

It was still fairly dull though and he didn’t understand the rules of baseball, clearly quidditch had
ruined him for all other sports. Or maybe he was just too busy thinking to actually enjoy himself

Chemistry went fast too, he didn’t bother talking to Jasper in class and Jasper seemed to know he
wasn’t in the mood to talk so thankfully didn’t try to converse with him.

He wasn’t going to bother observing the Cullen’s today, all he wanted was to curl in his bed and
forget he existed.

Harry was halfway to his bike when a voice interrupted him.

“Harrison?” called a female voice behind him, Harry held in a groan and turned to see Bland Bella
finishing what could barely be called a jog up to him.

Harry looked behind her to see the Cullen’s all watching them, not even pretending not to. Edward
looked oddly hopeful while Jasper and the pixie looked concerned. The blonde was watching Bella
with the same unimpressed look Harry probably had on his face and the huge one looked amused.

Harry looked back to Bella.

“What?” he snapped, annoyed that he could be halfway home by now. She looked surprised by his
hostility, which made no sense. He certainly wasn’t known for his happy disposition.

“I-I’m Bella. Bella Swan.” She fumbled, clearly having lost whatever confidence she had had to
approach him in the first place. Harry stared blankly back at her.
“I’m Edwards girlfriend.” Harry raised an eyebrow at this. Surely the girl couldn’t be so vain as to
try and introduce herself via her apparently desirable, unreachable boyfriend?

“I sit next to you in Math.” she continued as if thinking Harry hadn’t recognized her still.

Harry lost his patience.

“Did you actually want something or not?” he asked in a tired tone, already over this conversation.
And it had barely started.

“R-right. Um, yeah, Did you want to come over and meet the rest of the Cullen’s? I know you’ve
met Jasper and briefly Edward, but I thought-” Harry didn’t care much about what 18 year old
Bella thought so interrupted her.

“No. Was that all?” he stated, still staring at her blankly. She blinked at him.

Harry rolled his eyes and turned away.

“Wait, I’m sorry I-” her hand reached out to grab his arm but Harry beat her too it.

He snatched her hand out of the air and held it tightly by the wrist, smirking coldly at her shocked
face. Harry could feel his magic bubbling and swelling in him in his anger. The audacity of this
child to try and grab him when his back was turned.

“Don’t touch me.” he whispered venomously, a trickle of his magic seeped out and made the air
hum with power. Fear crept into her eyes and she nodded frantically.

Harry slowly released her wrist, his fingers brushing over her skin as he did so. Feeling 32 perfectly
formed little bumps laid in two crescent shapes on her wrist. A clean cut bite mark.

Well, well, who took a bite out of you? Not hat he could blame them, Harry probably would’ve
bitten her by now if he thought it would do any good.

Harry’s eyes flickered over to the Cullen’s. Edward, the pixie and the huge one looked shocked,
while the blonde had a begrudgingly impressed look on her face. Jasper looked a little dazed with
hints of concern seeping in, concern for Harry or Bella he didn’t know.

He let go of Bella’s wrist go and continued his journey to his bike.


Harry lay in his bed and stared at the ceiling, processing his thoughts and feelings.

Bella’s little scar had been the nail in the proverbial coffin: the Cullen’s were hybrid vampires.
With golden eyes, the ability to read minds and the humans near them sporting scars like that it left
it undeniable.

While his own actions in the car park might have been a little impulsive, Harry supposed he should
probably feel sorry for the little human caught in that sort of mess; but something told him most of
it was Bella’s own fault. Though it was interesting to see that she was still human despite having
been bitten.

Hybrid Vampires had no control over their venom, it constantly coated their teeth like saliva. So
how had she survived the change? Someone had clearly gone to a lot of effort to keep her human,
but why?
Their laws prevented humans from finding out about them. Harry remembered reading it, any
humans that discovered their existence were either killed or turned. A harsh but sensible law in the
face of the human response to fear. To destroy.

And anyway, surely if she was dating Edward she was his mate? Why would he keep his soulmate
human? It went against every instinct he had, did he really expect to watch his own mate age and
die in front of him?

Honestly, bunny munchers made no sense what so ever.

Harry decided he would only aggravate himself further if he continued this train of thought so
swiftly changed the subject.

Fawkes trilled from a top of Harry’s bed post as if in agreement and Buckbeak stirred in his place
napping by the fire. Harry swore the mighty beast was becoming more and more like a house cat

He refocused on his new train of thought. If the Cullen’s were vampires (which Harry could no
longer deny they clearly were) then what, if anything should Harry do about it?

He could admit he knew, he could create a treaty with the coven leader so that they couldn’t annoy
him anymore. He could include a clause that allowed him revenge on Edward for trying to read his
mind without consent.

Harry supposed he could probably kill them, but that seemed a little unnecessary and definitely
boring. They hadn’t done a lot other than be generally annoying. Sure Bella the human had got
bitten but Harry couldn’t bring himself to care about it so he guessed fighting them was pointless if
he didn’t have a cause.

Then there was Harry’s favourite option: ignore them. This appealed to Harry. Mainly because it
meant he didn’t have to do anything. He was sure they’d get bored of him soon, the not-so-subtle
glances in his direction would cease, Bella would leave him be, Edward would stop trying to read
his mind and Jasper would stop attempting to make conversation with him.

Harry’s stomach gave a slight tug at that last thought. A begrudging part of Harry could admit that
Jasper was the least annoying person he had interacted with at Forks high, in the mere 3 days he
had actually turned up. It might even be a little touching that Jasper seemed to, for some deeply
confusing reason, actually want to talk to Harry.

But then again wasn’t ignoring them doing what he did today? He hadn’t actively sought Jasper
out, and he hadn’t engaged with any other members of the coven on purpose.

Yea, Harry could just continue as he was.

He knew the Cullen’s were blood suckers but it didn’t really bother him much, his entire
investigation had been mostly driven by curiosity. Harry couldn’t really judge.

Harry was a wizard, all his friends and family had been witches, wizards or magical creatures. His
favourite teacher at school had been a half giant. He’d considered house-elves some of his greatest
friends. His Godfather’s had been a convicted murderer (falsely accused but the point still stood)
and a werewolf. Harry’s godson, who was more like his own child since Harry had raised him, was
a half-werewolf Metamorphmagus. Merlin’s sake, his current roommates were a Phoenix and a

No, Harry had zero wiggle room to be judgemental of magical creatures.

Firm in the resolve to allow the Cullen’s to live a life in blissful ignorance of Harry’s knowledge or
skill set, Harry closed his eyes and fell asleep. Begging the nightmares not to plague him just for
one night.


Harry wasn’t in his bedroom when he woke up.

He wasn’t entirely sure where he was. He was stood in a totally white space, no visible walls or
floor or even ceiling. Just white. Though if he squinted he thought he could see towering
bookshelves some miles away in the sheer white distance. Harry felt a stone drop in his stomach as
he thought how similar it was to the train station where he had met his dead headmaster and the
soul shard that had been dying under a bench.

“I was wondering when we’d finally, truly meet.” came a gender-less voice behind him, Harry
whirled around to see a figure sat behind a huge black desk.

The figure was tall and imposing, a long flowing cloak that seemed more like mist that actual
fabric covered their face and body, only two bony hands were exposed, clasped together while their
elbows rested on the desk.

Harry vaguely processed the fact that he was making eye contact with death, at least he thought it
was eye contact it was quite hard to tell with that hood.

“Sit.” a bony hand waved and a comfortable chair appeared before the desk. Again in black, death
clearly had a colour scheme going.

Harry strode forward and sat, figuring this meeting was probably important and one he probably
wanted over with quickly.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how little fear you feel.” said Death, tilting their head in an
endearing way like one does to a small child who’s said something sweet.

Harry shrugged.

“I don’t think I have much to fear from you.” Death nodded slowly.

“This is true. We are old friends after all.” the reference to beetle the bard was not lost on Harry but
he did ignore it all the same.

“It’s about time we talked.” continued Death. “It’s been a little while since our paths last crossed,
ten years I believe?” Harry twitched uncomfortably at the reminder of the first and last time he had
tried to take his own life.

Death chuckled darkly.

“You see my dear Harry, we can not take what is not ours.” Harry scoffed.

“Are you trying to say I’m yours?” Death considered.

“Essentially, in the same way that I am yours. We are eternal. You were fated to find my hallows
and become the master of death, just as I was fated to be mastered by you.” Harry shook his head.

“I’m not your master. If I were your master I would control you and we both know how different
things would be if I could.” Death nodded, easily this time.
“No you are not my master, but you have mastered death. You have earned your title, that does not
mean you control it.” Harry wasn’t sure that actually made sense but couldn’t be bothered to
question it.

“So what does that mean for now?” Death unclasped their fingers and leaned forward a little in
their seat.

“Your role in fates plan is to accompany death for the rest of eternity.” Harry blinked.

“What like a lover?” he asked incredulous, Death threw back their head and laughed. The hood
somehow not moving an inch.

“My dear child no, you are a friend to death. A child of death. A companion. You ‘greet death as
an old friend’ remember?” Harry tried not to show how relieved he was to hear that. “Fate created
your position to contain me, without company fate worries I will ruin all their intricate little plans
and take over. Spreading destruction over this plain of reality.” Harry blinked again.

“So my purpose is to be what? The friend that stops you from going insane and killing all life?” it
was deaths turn to shrug.

“Something like that, yes.” Harry ran his hands through his hair and tugged, hard.

It was when his wrists were at his eye level that he realized his glamour's had been removed. Scars
from a thousand of fights littered his form. The wound from the basilisk, the slice taken from his
arm by Pettigrew, the burns from fights with dragons, the tentacle burns on his arms and legs from
Grindylow, the words carved into the back of his hand, the chain around his neck from the locket,
millions of thin white lines of various lengths from a multitude of curses and spells, thick blotchy
pink ones from rough werewolves or other vicious creatures. The harsh thick lines on his wrists.

Not an inch of his body had been spared, even his face was marked. The lightening bolt, while
faded, was still present to the middle left of his forehead. It was now accompanied by a severe
slash going from his left temple, through his cheek and ending at the corner of his lip from a well
aimed curse sent buy a rather aggressive dragon smuggler. Another cut cleanly through his right
eyebrow, from a baby dragon that had unexpectedly hatched during that fight. (Charlie had laughed
at him when he showed up with a baby dragon, 12 eggs, a bleeding face and burnt hands). Then
there were the tiny white scars around his nose from the 6 separate times it had been broken over
the last 40 years.

It wasn’t that Harry was ashamed of his scars but they did make him self-conscious, especially in
the muggle world. He probably wouldn’t bother with glamour's in the wizarding world, Harry had
become the new Mad-eye Moody when it came to Auror legend. But muggles would call the
police thinking he was an abused child rather than the war torn soldier he was.

Death was examining him closely while he stared blankly at the scarred flesh of his arm.

“I wish you wouldn’t hide them.” said death thoughtfully. “I quite like seeing all the ways you
failed to die.” Harry removed his hands from his hair and placed them on his lap, dismissively.

“So that’s it then?” Harry asked changing the subject back to their previous topic. “We’re friends
for the rest of forever and you what? Call me here when you feel needy?” the mocking tone was
unnecessary but felt good to use, not that Death seemed to notice.

“I plan on visiting you. Can’t let you play with the blood suckers all by yourself after all.” Harry
rolled his eyes at the teasing.
“Ah yes, a 17 year old hanging out with Death in the school car park. I’m sure the muggles will
just love that.” Harry couldn’t see but he was certain death had rolled their eyes.

“I’ll take a human form to protect their delicate sensibilities.” the black mist of the cloak swilled
until it was gone entirely, leaving a young man in it’s place.

Deaths new form had dark brown hair, sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes, dressed in a clean all
black suit. They looked quite attractive really, gaunt, pale and mysterious.

“This is my current favourite masculine form.” said Death airily, their voice was still the same,
brushing imaginary dust off their sleeve.

“What about female forms?” Harry asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Death gave him a
smirk that made him regret his question.

The mist swirled again and soon a woman, who’s resemblance to Morticia Addams was frankly
disturbing, sat before him. They’re clothes had changed to a terrifyingly tight black dress and deep
blood red lit up their nails and lips.

Their facial structures and skin tones were similar, except the feminine form had dark brown eyes
and deep ebony hair.

“The dress is a little much.” commented Harry dryly, Death definitely rolled their eyes that time.
“So I should expect you to pop in uninvited either looking like the a-typical tall, pale and
handsome or a real life Addams family member?” Death, tapped their ridiculous nails together and
narrowed their eyes.

“I don’t like your tone.” they replied, re-clasping their hands on the desk. Holding the face of a
disappointed parent. Harry scoffed.

“What am I meant to call you if you do? I can’t exactly call you death.” Deaths expression
smoothed and they smiled a surprisingly bright smile.

“I’ve always quite liked Mortuus, Mort for short.” Harry barely held in a groan. Latin? How

“Fine, Mort it is.” Harry really wasn’t sure why he was agreeing to this. He supposed he’d process
the idea of death popping over for tea and biscuits when he was actually awake.

“Wonderful, see you soon my dear child.” Death lent over the desk and placed an oddly warm kiss
on his forehead.

Harry didn’t think it was healthy to find deaths touch warm.

That was his parting thought as he gasped back to consciousness in his own bed.

Chapter End Notes

Bella, learn what personal space is.

Harry fully ready to let the Cullen's delude themselves for the rest of forever, loves it.
death really ready to play house with their new fated bestie, I kinda like the thought
that the master of death is meant to just be there for death as apposed to being in
charge of death. also death doesn't feel like an entity to be controlled, i wanted
elements of this but i'm not picturing it playing a huge part of the story tbh (this could
very easily change)

thank you so much for reading! leave your thoughts and feelings if you want xx see
you next time
The last Marauder and the fear of the unknown
Chapter Summary

Harry thinks more about the present and past, while the Cullen's think about Harrison

Chapter Notes

wooo we back!

sorry if i kept anyone waiting, but responsibility got in the way for a moment

hope you enjoy this chapter!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry hadn’t decided how he felt about his conversation with death, so had decided not to think
about it. In fact, he was refusing to think about so hard that he was flat out drunk.

He was laying on the fluffy rug in his living room, 3 and a half empty bottles of fire-whiskey
arranged haphazardly around him. Buckbeak had somehow managed to squeeze himself onto the
sofa and Fawkes was watching with disapproval from the sturdy light fitting above Harry’s head.

Harry felt like a crumple-horned Snorkack had run horn first into him, he was having a rough
weekend. Finding out you were fated to live an eternity with death as your closest friend was a
little bit of a blow to be honest.

Harry, wordless and wandless, summoned his cigarettes. Lighting one with his bare hands and
inhaling without tasting anything.

Fawkes shifted and flapped his wings anxiously above him, making the ceiling light swing slightly
with his movement. Harry watched the new angels of shadow flutter around the room with a dazed,
detached feeling.

How was he supposed to live like this? Was this even living? It didn’t feel like he was living.

Tears welled in his eyes and he let them fall, not bothering to try and stop them.

This wasn’t living.

Harry blindly reached for another cigarette and groaned aloud when he found none. With more
effort than Harry would ever admit, He pulled himself to his feet. Swaying slightly but somehow
not stumbling when he made a move for the stairs to search for his stash of smokes that he had
hidden in his bedroom (on the off chance that Kreacher burst in uninvited and started trying to tidy
up while giving lectures about ‘Masters health’).

Harry made a small plead to the universe that he still had nicotine in the house, sure enough he
opened the draw of his bedside table to find a single pack left. Relief spread like a wild fire in his
gut and he grabbed for them like his last life line.

Harry was about to leave the room when he made the mistake of meeting his own eyes in his
bathroom mirror, that he had a clear view of through the open bathroom door.

If Harry thought he looked bad on Friday he didn’t know what bad was.

His skin had turned a sickly level of pale, the bags under his eyes had turned a livid purple-green
that stained the skin under his eyes. His hair hung limply over his shoulders, clearly neglected. His
eyes looked nothing less than haunted, though Harry supposed he probably was haunted if he was
meeting death in his dreams. Still wet tear tracks ran down passed his chin and soaking the collar
of his jumper. He was wearing one of Ron’s old knitted jumpers, a maroon one with a cream ‘R’. It
was stretched from over-love and hung loose on his frame.

Fresh tears were building as his thoughts were dragged to Ron. his best friend. His brother.

They had partnered during their Auror years, genius strategy mixed with reckless dumb luck is
how Ron had described them. The same gleeful grin he’d worn since they met at age 11 still on his
face at age 47.


Fuck it stung. Ronald Bilius Weasley: awarded first order of Merlin for his heroic and fearless acts
during the battle of Hogwarts and the defeat of Voldemort, a battle that took four of his siblings
from him and countless friends; continued to have an extremely successful career as a world
renowned Auror, known for his brilliant planning and courage. Unbeaten at wizarding chess.
Killed by a stray killing curse shot by some petty criminal out in the field at age forty-fucking-

He hadn’t even reached middle age by wizarding standards. The unfairness of it burned deep in

He knew he would still have watched his dear friend die before his eyes, but not like that. Not
ripped from him after everything they had survived together.

It had felt so impossible at the time, that Ron was truly gone. It still did.

He wondered if this was how Remus had felt. with Lily and James dead, Peter a traitor, Sirius
killed in front of him. The last marauder standing, the last mind that held the memories of
everything they had seen and experienced together.

That’s all Harry was now, the last Marauder.

Harry sniffed, still not bothering to wipe his eyes and returned to the living room.

Buckbeak raised his large head to watch Harry as he re-entered the room. Harry wobbled over to
the sofa and sat in front of it, his back leaning against it. Buckbeak sniffed at Harry before licking
the tears off his left cheek and resting his head on Harry’s shoulder.

Harry allowed a tearful smile to spread across his face at the loving creatures gentle care.

Fawkes trilled with approval from above.


Jasper clenched his fists together while they once again waited for their father to return home to
hear the newest development with their current situation.

Jasper wasn’t sure what he had expected when Edward announced to them that Bella would make
everything better by befriending Harrison, but he had definitely not expected the reaction it got.

Bella had somehow muscled her way into this family meeting (much to Rosalie's disgust) and was
currently sulking next to Edward on the love seat.

She had been moaning the entire time about how she should’ve tried harder to be nice and filling
her voice with a sickly sweet sympathy when she talked about how ‘unstable’ and ‘disturbed’
Harrison ‘clearly’ was.

It took all of Jasper’s self-control not to shout at or hurt her, so instead he settled for venomous
glares whenever she started up again.

Thankfully Carlisle arrived and sat himself down neatly next to his wife to hear what had troubled
his children today.

“I hear there has been more developments at school.” their father started, sounding so like a normal
human father concerned for his darling children.

“I had a run in with Harrison.” started Edward, looking at Jasper apologetically. “He bumped into
me when I was waiting for Bella. He didn’t look exactly pleased to see me.” he finished lamely,
Rose snorted.

“So it further confirms your thoughts that he knew you were the one attempting to access his
mind?” Asked their Father steadily, Edward nodded and continued.

“Bella suggested she talk to him and I agreed, I thought it might make things better. Coming from
her.” Rosalie scoffed this time, Edward shot her a look.

“I take it didn’t go very well?” asked Esme, frowning with motherly concern. Edward squirmed

“You could say that.” grinned Emmett “He scared the shit out of her! Fiery little human you got
their Jasper.” Emmett shot him a wink that Jasper scowled at, though he was silently very pleased
by this fact. the look Emmett gave him stated that his brother also knew how pleased Jasper was.

“What happened?” Carlisle directed his question at Bella, who sat up slightly and cleared her

“I went up to him and tried to introduce myself, he just stared at me. So I told him a little about
myself, then he snapped and asked what I wanted. I said he should come and meet the Cullen’s,
that I could introduce him. He interrupted and tried to leave so I tried to stop him.” Bella paled a
little “then he grabbed my wrist and was glaring at me, told me not to touch him. The air felt so
thick, it was like he was so powerful and I could barely breathe. It was scary.” she swallowed
loudly, making Rosalies nose crinkle in distaste “He let me go slowly, like making a point then
looked at where you guys where standing and left.”

Bella glanced at her fidgeting hands and searched for her words for a minute.

“He felt my scar.” she said quietly. “The one from James.”
Carlisle watched her with a calm sympathetic smile, but his eyes and emotions were full of

“Did he show any indication of knowing what the scar was? Or did it just happen to be that wrist
he held?” Bella shrugged.

“I don’t know.” their father nodded.

“For now I suggest we put it down to chance, it is extremely unlikely that a human could recognize
us from feeling or seeing a single scar. Even an unusual one.” they all nodded in acceptance, except
Bella who pouted slightly.

“I just don’t like that he knows I have the scar.” Edward placed a comforting hand on her shoulder
while Jasper rolled his eyes.

“Well maybe next time you should keep your hands to yourself.” snapped the unexpected voice of
Rosalie, who was glaring at the human girl with pure dislike verging on hatred. “Some people
don’t like being touched by strangers, is that really so hard for you to wrap your tiny little mind
around?” she spat, Jasper sent her a wave of appreciation for backing up his mate.

Bella shut her mouth after that.

“She’s right about the air.” Interrupted Alice, changing the subject. “It did get heavier, he did feel
powerful.” Carlisle watched the rest of his children nod and pursed his lips in thought.

“We find ourselves in a difficult situation. Have any of you felt this power before?” he was met
with shaking heads.

“I believe it might be wise for me to meet this boy. I find myself very curious about a human boy
that can evade two of my children’s gifts and emit power that even a vampire feel wary.” his gaze
turned to Jasper.

“I know you haven’t known your mate long, you’ve barely had the chance to get to know him at
all. But would you be willing to allow me to meet him.” Jasper considered.

“How would you meet him?” Carlisle smiled endearingly at him.

“How would you prefer for me to meet him? Would you like to invite him here? Me to give a
lecture to your chemistry class or perhaps I’ll just meet him by chance around the town.” Jasper
thought, he wasn’t sure which would actually be successful.

“Give me some time to think about it, I’d like him to myself just for a little longer.” Carlisle
nodded with pure understanding.

“Of course son.” the rest of the family sent him their understanding of his feelings, even Rose.

Jasper didn’t know what the future held for he and his mate but he hoped he wouldn’t be putting
his Harrison in danger.

He knew he hadn’t known Harrison long, not even a week, but he was his mate. They were fated
for each other. Jasper knew he felt the power that radiated off his mate when he was angry at Bella,
but from the fearful or confused reactions of his siblings and other students at school he had
reacted very differently.

It had felt like liquid gold was being spread over him, warm and loving. Enveloping him in a tight
blanket of comfort that he knew he should feel wary of but did nothing but make him feel safe.

Jasper wasn’t used to being made to feel safe. It was always his job to protect. He thought it had
been his job to protect his mate and it still was, his delicate human needed him to protect him until
he was changed.

Jasper had no ridiculous ideals when it came to changing his mate like Edward did. No, his
Harrison would be with him forever. He’d protect his Harrison even as a feral new-born capable of
ripping him to shreds if it took his fancy.

Jasper knew his family was worried about the unknowns when it came to Harrison, god the boy
seemed a mystery. A tightly knit ball of secrets and hidden thoughts. But if fate had put them
together then Jasper felt he had little to fear.

Even if it was the unknown.

Chapter End Notes

Harry you lil emotional wreck, a tad more insight to my version of how things went
for Harry after the war

I enjoyed writing Rosalie in this chapter! i think she would 100% call bland Bella out
for her bs and lack of boundaries. Jasper is still love sick over a 'boy' he just met, what
else did you expect?

As you can see i've left it a lil open ended for how Harry and Carlisle will first
meet/interact, i'd love to hear your opinion so lemme know in the comments and i'll
add them to my current mental tally chart of which would work better.

Thank you so much for reading! hope you enjoyed, feel welcome to comment your
thoughts and i'll see you soon ❤
Those who respect boundaries and those who don't
Chapter Summary

Harry bumps into Jasper and gets a surprise visitor

Chapter Notes

Hello my darlings!

10k hits? Y'all

welcome to chapter 12, a lil longer today!

hope you enjoy ❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and sighed.

It was Sunday and he’d decided he needed to leave his depression cave just for a little while
(mostly to restock on cigarettes). he needed fresh oxygen and the looks Fawkes kept giving him
were starting to effect Harry.

So he had showered and left the house, walked to the nearest American equivalent of a corner shop
he could find and bought 12 packs of cigarettes, 3 bottles of the strongest liquor he could find and a
bag of chicken legs for Buckbeak (since the soft creature had barely left the house in 3 days to be
Harry’s emotional support pillow). Fawkes was a picky eater and refused to eat any of the meat
Harry offered him so Harry wouldn’t try and offend him by buying food.

it had been interesting trying to buy the items, the shop keeper had glared at Harry with a ‘piss off
kid or I’ll call the cops’ kind of vibe, so a sneaky Confundus charm had been put to good use.
Harry had left the man an extra $50 to attempt to make up for it.

So here Harry was, walking back to his home, bag of concerning groceries in his arms still dressed
in Ron’s jumper and black jogging bottoms. His boots were currently hiding the precious socks
that Dobby had made him and he’d thrown Sirius’ leather jacket over his clothes again. Being
covered in all of his comfort clothes made Harry feel slightly better and worse all at once.

Better because the items were coated in a thick layer of sentiment as well as protection spells,
designed to protect the clothes rather than Harry. Harry didn’t care much if he was blown into a
billion tiny pieces, but if a single thread of his socks came loose he’d have a meltdown big enough
to flatten the whole of Forks.

Worse because at age 57 he felt he should be over the phase of needing objects or things to make
him feel better. That was something a toddler had not a middle aged (by muggle standards) man.

Harry was deep in his self-deprecating thoughts so was surprised to hear someone say his fake

“Harrison?” Harry’s head whipped up to see Jasper Hale, standing on the other side of the road
looking oddly relieved to see him.

That made Harry hesitate, old paranoia creeping in once again.

Had Jasper been looking for him? Trying to follow him? Find his house even? Not that he’d have
any luck with that, the suffocating layer of protective wards that surrounded Harry’s house made
Hogwarts look like a garden shed. No way anyone was getting in their without his permission,
excluding Fawkes of course.

Jasper was crossing the road to join Harry, Harry wasn’t in the mood to talk to Hale but decided to
allow him for now. Letting him join Harry on his walk back home. His wand in his sleeve if he
desired an escape.

“How are you?” Jasper’s voice was a little lower than usual as he examined Harry with a critical
eye. Harry wondered what he saw, he had showered so his hair was no longer greasy and he no
longer had sweat from night terrors clinging to his skin but he still probably looked a wreck.

The lingering smell of nicotine, alcohol and tears probably didn’t help his case either. Nor did the
bag of more nicotine and alcohol plus raw chicken. Harry had no doubt that Jasper bunny muncher
Hale could smell all of these things, hence the look of curious concern.

“Fine.” replied Harry shortly, not bothering to a. be honest or b. ask how Jasper was in return. His
eyes were a brighter shade of gold, indicating he had eaten recently.

Jasper nodded though looked unconvinced, glancing down at the bag with the expression of a
parent who’d found their child trying to eat worms.

“Been shopping?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the bottle of muggle whiskey that was peeking
out of the bag.

Harry didn’t dignify that obvious question with a response so continued walking in silence.

Jasper allowed the silence…briefly.

“I’m sorry about Bella.” he muttered, not meeting Harry’s eyes. Harry looked at him for a moment,
he looked frustrated? Guilty? Worried? Or maybe a mixture of all three and Harry didn’t think it
was directed at him, not all of it anyway.

“Why are you apologizing on her behalf?” Harry asked instead, Jasper met his eyes now and
blinked dumbly.

“Because she upset you?” the statement was much more a question than anything else and Harry
rolled his eyes.

“She pissed me off.” Harry corrected. “So why are you apologizing for it? You did the same with
your brother.” Harry decided to leave the many insults he could direct at Edward the mind invader
out for the sake of simplicity.

Jasper gave him a half smile.

“I don’t like that they pissed you off. I feel, responsible? I guess. they’re my family after all.”
Harry frowned. Not liking this statement.
“I fail to see how you’re responsible for the failing of your family.” Jasper gave him a deep look,
Harry met his eyes. “You consider Swan family?” Harry was unable to keep the disdain out of his
voice, he knew he barely knew the girl but he couldn’t stand her.

Jasper smirked.

“No, you’re right I don’t. She is my brothers girlfriend though.” Harry rolled his eyes again and
Jasper’s smirk grew into a smile.

“Regardless it’s not your job to feel bad for other people’s actions.” this was said a little more
firmly than Harry intended, it felt a lot like Harry was talking to himself. Jasper’s golden eyes were
glued to Harry’s face, following every twitch and tick of movement. Harry sniffed and pretended
he hadn’t just exposed himself emotionally like that.

“It’s not fair and it’s not your fault.” this was said in a softer tone and Harry knew he’d failed to
cover his error in showing his own fears and hang ups.

Jasper’s smile, which had faded, came back with more empathy; a caring warmth in his eyes.

“You’re right. No one is responsible for their actions except themselves.” Oh Jasper was a
thousand percent onto Harry’s emotional venerability and it sucked. Harry badly hid a scowl and
searched for a new subject.

“What were you up to anyway? Before we bumped into each other?” Jasper faltered for a second
clearly not expecting this line of questioning. Harry’s ears sharped and he narrowed his eyes on
Jasper's face, examining his body language.

“Fancied a walk really.” Jasper hesitated. “Kind of hoped I’d bump into you actually.” Harry
blinked, the first part of that sentence had been a lie. A well concealed lie, but a lie none the less.

The second part however, was entirely truthful, including the hopeful glow that crept into his tone.

“Why?” Harry asked dumbly. Jasper shrugged.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay after Friday. Bella should know better than to grab people
like that.” Jasper’s anger toward Bella was edging out toward the end of that sentence.

Harry shrugged it off.

“It wasn’t a big deal, she’s hardly difficult to handle. I can look after myself.” Harry hated that he
was once again having this conversation with someone at 57.

The indulging smile Jasper gave him didn’t help.

“I’m sure, but I still wanted to make sure you’re okay.” Harry didn’t reply to that, he wasn’t going
to tell the same lie twice.

“It’s alright if you’re not.” said Jasper quietly, looking at him with a very open expression. “It’s
alright if you’re not okay.”

They held eye contact for a long time.

Gold into Green.

Neither said anything, but Harry felt an understanding pass between them. Jasper for some reason
sought Harry’s company and understood that Harry wasn’t okay, but also didn’t seem to care; if
anything he seemed to understand. Harry didn’t need company and didn’t care for it either, but
found himself able to tolerate this vampire in a way he hadn’t tolerated anyone for years.

They were worlds apart, much further than poor Jasper Hale could even begin to realize, but
somehow they understood one another in ways others couldn’t seem to.

Harry had already lived 40 years stuck in at this age, after living his own traumatic past. He found
himself wondering how Jasper felt after who knew how many years and Merlin knows what

They could be more similar than either of them knew, maybe they even read the same books.

Harry glanced down the road and spotted his house, shimmering slightly under the layers of magic.

“I’ll see you at school.” he said, offering a tiny smile. Jasper returned it with a beam and nodded,
leaving with a wave. Allowing Harry to keep his address private.

Something Harry appreciated.


Jasper walked away from his mate with a strong feeling of hope in his gut. They’d shared a
moment of clear understanding, he could feel the way Harrison’s emotions were slowly warming
to him. He could cope with being barely tolerated if it meant he got to see Harrison smile.

Apparently being barely tolerable was a compliment in Harrison’s world, since he seemed to
dislike or despise everyone else.

Jasper hated to admit it but he had been following Harrison's scent, trying to figure out whereabouts
he lived so he could check on him. He would never stoop to Edwards level of watching his mate
sleep (that was hella creepy and deeply unsettling). He knew he was overstepping a boundary by
trying to find him, he hated himself for it, but the irrational part of him demanded to know
Harrison was okay at all times. Especially after seeing how emotionally delicate he clearly was.

He hadn’t meant to bump into Harrison but it wasn’t a lie when he said he’d hoped to meet him
though, he had been worried about him after is reaction on Friday.

No one reacted that way to a surprise touch without reason or experience, bad experience.

Something bad had happened to his Harrison, someone had hurt him; clearly whoever it was had
made him feel like it was his fault. Jasper couldn’t sit at home waiting for school to make sure the
boy he was falling for was okay. What if he hurt himself? Or got into a worse fight than the one
with Bella? What if those deeply complicated feelings that always lurked under the surface
consumed him?

It seemed like his worries were justified too if the thick smell of cigarettes, alcohol and tears were
anything to go by. Though it smelled a day or so old, which was a little reassuring and worrying at
the same time.

Reassuring that Harrison was sober today, was able to get up and leave the house.

But worrying that he had gotten drunk at all. Worrying that his shopping had clearly been to buy
more substances to abuse. Jasper wanted to find whoever had sold his Harrison the contents of that
plastic bag and set fire to their home. Harrison was a 17 year old boy, he was too young to be
drinking or smoking. No one should be selling it to him.
It made his venom boil to think grown adults were allowing his mate to suffer like this, where were
his parents? Did he live with them?

If he did they clearly didn’t care enough about him.

He needed to find out more about Harrison’s home life without pushing too hard, he needed to
know he was in a safe place. He knew the street Harrison lived on, and that was enough until
Harrison was comfortable with him knowing which house. If Jasper’s own anxieties got too much
that was his problem to deal with not Harrison’s, he wouldn’t cross those lines of trust so early on.

He would continue getting to know his mate and hope the information came naturally.

There was also the question of who ‘R’ was, the letter had clearly been lovingly knitted into the
jumper. Too personal to be bought from a shop. Had Harry made it? Was it a friend? A Sibling? A

Jasper didn’t know many 17 year old’s who would knit the first letter of their lovers name into a
jumper, but in a universe were Bella Swan existed anything was possible.

No, Jasper would not be consumed by jealousy over a letter. Harrison deserved his privacy and it
was currently none of Jasper’s business, no matter how much he ached to know everything about
his Harrison.

It would take time for them to love each other equally. They deserved that time.

Everything would work out for them, Jasper could feel it.


Monday came around too fast, as it always did.

Harry was debating with his reflection if he should bother attending school. It might do him some
good to spend more than 10 minutes out of his destructive environment, but school also meant
people expecting things of him; like conversation or concentration. Harry didn’t think he was
capable of those things.

He wasn’t sure he ever had been really.

Harry could admit he looked a teeny bit healthier today, he hadn’t drunk as much last night and it
showed. The shower had done him a world of good too, his clean hair neatly braided and out of his
face. He’d changed out of his misery clothes (keeping Dobby’s socks on since his boots hid those),
instead wearing a plain grey t-shirt and the jeans Buckbeak had used as a stress ball.

Sirius’ leathers still of course in place.

He would go to school, he needed to otherwise he should just drop out all together. Besides it
would be enjoyable to stare blankly into bland Bella’s face and watch her fumble over herself.

Harry’s dislike for her was growing significantly everyday, even on days he didn’t see her.

With a deep breathe he left the bathroom, petted Fawkes and Buckbeak loving goodbyes and left
the house. Arriving at school perfectly late and strolling into class.

the morning went better then expected. Harry smoked his lunch time cigarette under a large tree a
the back of the school. Enjoying time away from busy muggles and 5 vampires to focus on his
breathing and ignore the sinking depression that swirled in the pit of his stomach.

He joined his maths class with a foreboding feeling, not liking the innocent look on bland Bella’s

Sure enough she turned to him 15 minutes in.

“Hi.” she said, trying and failing to be quiet. The people in front of and behind them looked in their
direction, clearly surprised by her greeting.

Harry ignored her.

“How are you?” she asked, apparently oblivious to the fact that Harry had no intention of actually
talking to her at all.

A sweet few moments of silence passed before she broke it again.

“You should’ve come and sit with us at Lunch. Me and the Cullen’s I mean.” Harry sent a silent
prayer to whatever higher power that was listening and tried to his best not to scowl too openly.

It rubbed Harry the wrong way how she used the name of her boyfriends family to try and gain
status. It was obvious she waved the knowledge of their secret about too, without actually telling
anyone anything. Harry wondered if Edward could read her mind?

Surely he could see how conceited she was if he did read her. Harry wondered what he’d see if he
aimed a legilimency at her face. He didn’t dare think about what he’d uncover.

The rest of the lesson was spent like this, bland Bella talking at him and trying to encourage a reply
while Harry blatantly ignored her.

He left the room feeling rather smug at the frustrated look on her face.

He entered chemistry, actually on time for the first time (possibly ever), and joined Jasper; who
looked vaguely amused as if he knew exactly what Harry had been up to.

“You look pleased, should I be concerned?” he asked teasingly, Harry allowed his faint smirk to
grow a little.

“I had a very enjoyable hour ignoring Bella Swan.” the amusement grew in Jasper’s eyes.

“Did she try to apologize to you?” Harry frowned.

“No, why? Did you ask her to?” he allowed his own suspicious annoyance to creep into his words.
Jasper shook his head.

“No, but I think Edward might have.” Harry scowled and Jasper chuckled under his breathe.

“Why would your brother ask her to apologize?” Jasper’s amusement turned a little sympathetic.

“He didn’t mean to offend or hurt you.” Harry’s eyes narrowed and examined Jasper closely at that
sentence. It was the biggest admittance Harry had heard that they knew he was something different
and that they knew Edward had failed to read his mind. “He thought encouraging Bella to talk to
you would help the situation.”

Harry snorted and looked away.

“Well he’s clearly more of a moron than I thought.” Jasper smirked and made no effort to disagree.

The rest of their lesson was spent in a pleasant silence, the occasional question or short sentence
passing between them.

Harry didn’t bother lingering at the end of the day, but he still allowed himself to meet Jasper's
gaze before leaving the car park.

The rest of that week continued in a similar fashion, Bella tried to force conversation down his
throat and he had some surprisingly nice little talks with Jasper.

He hadn’t even skipped school, though he was still late and smoked more often than he had his
first week. It appeared he was beginning to settle in and the fallout from his most recent
breakdown was starting to fade slightly.

It was on Thursday that things were interrupted again.

It had been another boring day, just how Harry liked, he’d chosen to apparate that morning since
he’d been running late (Buckbeak had fallen asleep on top of him and refused to move) and would
claim he walked to anyone that asked.

So when he entered the school car park at his usual time he was a little more than surprised to see
his bike parked in it’s usual space.

Harry was even more surprised to see someone beside it.

Mortuus, in their feminine form wearing a suit that was just tight trousers and a half buttoned
blazer that left little to the imagination, was leaning against his bike and smirking in his direction.

Harry huffed out a breathe of annoyance a stalked over to them, stopping an arm lengths away.

“When you said you’d be popping in for a visit this isn’t what I had in mind.” Death laughed, a
sweet smile with a little too much teeth spread across their face. They stepped forward and traced a
long red nail over Harry’s cheek, a delicate stroke that Harry batted away.

“I missed you too darling.” Harry scowled.

Mortuus looked toward their right, their smirk growing considerably.

Harry followed their gaze. The Cullen’s were all starring in their direction, a confused Bella stood
off to the side. He could see that the huge one had a hand placed on Jasper’s shoulder as if ready to
hold him back. Most shocking were Jasper’s eyes, they had turned a deep and furious black.

Could they sense it was death standing before Harry? Was that what had triggered his anger.

Mort leaned close to Harry’s ear.

“I don’t think you’re friend likes me.” Harry glared at them but made no verbal denial that Jasper
was his friend.

“Why the fuck are you here?” Harry spat instead, Mort smirked again.

“Visiting, I got bored. I brought your bike.” they gave a dramatic gesture to said bike stood behind
them. Harry pinched the bridge of his nose.

“How did you even get into my house?” Mort giggled, a odd sound coming from literal death.
“It was quite easy actually, though your overgrown cats didn’t seem very pleased to see me.” Harry
couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face at the mental image of Fawkes and Buckbeak
hissing at Mortuus (Fawkes with parental disapproval of breaking and entering. Buckbeak like
some Feral stray who’s been discovered hiding behind some bins).

It was annoying to hear his wards had allowed Mort to easily slip past, though Harry supposed it
made sense for death to be able to enter any building undetected so decided to be nicer to the
magics protecting his house. Instead he silently added Mortuus alongside Fawkes to the list of
beings that could slip in and out without him knowing.

“Come on darling, lets go home so you can introduce me to your cats properly.” Harry groaned,
while he deeply enjoyed pretending that Buckbeak and Fawkes were his cats (a cover story he
would definitively be sticking with) he wasn’t so keen on the idea of giving death a lift to his own

Unfortunately it didn’t look like he had much choice so followed Mortuus to his bike and allowed
them to wrap their arms around his waist so they could ride together.

Again it was disturbing to feel Deaths touch warm his back when he knew it should give him

He met Jasper’s eyes as the pair drove out of the car park.

They were coal black, filled a confusing mix of protective jealousy and anger.

Harry wondered where those feelings had come from.

He didn’t see the teasing wink Mortuus sent the Cullen’s behind his back.

Chapter End Notes

Harry does not live with mythical creatures, he lives with cats confirmed. we believe in
Fawkes and Buckbeak supremacy in this household.

a LOT of you were looking forward to Mortuus' visit, hope it didn't disappoint!

Hope you enjoyed reading! comment your thoughts and feelings i love reading them!
thank you so much, see you soon ❤
Jealousy, protective cats and not so nice tea
Chapter Summary

Jasper doesn't like Mortuus, Buckbeak and Fawkes also don't like Mortuus. Harry
deliberately bothers Mortuus while also not quite disliking him.

Chapter Notes

Hello my dears ❤

welcome back, a pretty big Jasper part in this one. giving you 1000% jealous boyfriend
vibes today

hope you enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper watched the figure leaning against Harrison’s bike with a deeply troubled gaze.

Many questions were running through his head at this current moment, the most pressing being
who the hell was this woman? And what the fuck was she doing on his Harrison’s bike?

Jasper had had a mostly pleasant day. While he had been more than frustrated to find out that Bella
hadn’t apologized but still kept trying to talk to Harrison all week; it didn’t seem to be effecting the
budding relationship that was still growing between them.

Harrison’s emotions seemed to become more and more comfortable around Jasper as time went on.

He’d been waiting with his siblings as usual, ignoring Emmett’s teasing as he craned his neck to
peek at the doors Harrison always came out of.

His bike hadn’t been in it’s usual parking space, but Harrison’s road wasn’t too far, so it was
wholly possible he had just decided to walk for a change.

So it was more than surprising when Harrison’s bike came rumbling into the parking lot, with a
blatantly attractive woman dressed in provocative clothing riding it.

Jasper examined her with confusion as she dismounted his mates bike.

She was tall, with dark hair and eyes that seemed to look into the students passing her rather than at
them. A feeling of uncertain dread filled Jasper as he watched her, there was something cold and
dark about her that seemed to pulse just under the surface of her deathly pale skin.

She felt both entirely naturally and completely out of place all at once, like someone arriving to a
party two hours early.

The idea of Harrison knowing this woman who displayed so much cleavage was already making
his stomach twist unpleasantly. Add that she was clearly something powerful, something to fear,
made Jasper want to take his mate and leave.

The woman smirked as if somehow knowing what he was planning, making the thoughts rush even

Just as the escape plans began to solidify in his head, Harrison exited through the doors of the

He paused for a moment, a look of surprise on his face as he examined the woman casually leaning
against his bike. Then he scowled. The twisting in Jasper’s stomach lessened slightly, Harrison
hadn’t been expecting her and was not happy to see her.

The woman met both the look of surprise and the scowl with a wide smirk, clearly smug at
catching him off guard.

Harrison gave a harsh huff of annoyance and stalked over to the woman while Jasper watched with
baited breath.

“When you said you’d be popping in for a visit this isn’t what I had in mind.” the tone was not kind
and Jasper had never been happier about his sensitive hearing. The woman gave a laugh.

An overly sweet smile replacing the smirk, she strode forward with confidence. Her hand reached
out and she stroked a manicured nail over his mates delicate cheek bone.

Fury lit in Jasper. How dare she lay a hand on his mate. He took half a step forward but was
stopped by Emmett’s heavy hand on his shoulder.

“Let it be bro.” Jasper didn’t think he’d ever heard Emmett sound so unsure. Clearly he wasn’t the
only one who could feel there was something wrong about the woman touching his mate.

The anger that still roared in Jasper died down a little as Harrison swatted the hand away, his scowl
turning into more of a glare. He didn’t want this woman touching him anymore than Jasper wanted
her too, self-assurance was growing quickly in him as he read and re-read Harrison’s feelings.

“I missed you too darling.” the anger returned at full force.

The woman turned and shot a deliberate smirk in Jasper’s direction. She was purposefully trying to
get a reaction out of him. Jasper searched blindly for her emotions but was met with a thick black
fog that did nothing but make him dizzy.

Harrison followed her gaze and met Jasper’s.

Green met black for the first time.

Jasper held his breath waiting for a reaction.

Harrison eyes narrowed minutely as if curious, a brief flash off concern spreading like a soothing
balm over Jasper as his sweet mate examined the hand Emmett had on him. Harrison felt concern
for him, no fear at seeing the change in his eye colour.

The woman leaned close (much too close) to Harrison’s ear.

“I don’t think you’re friend likes me.” she whispered in a sugary sweet tone, Harrison’s head
whipped around to glare at her.
“Why the fuck are you here?” Harrison spat, more hot relief burst in Jasper’s gut to hear how he
disliked this woman. the woman merely smirked.

“Visiting, I got bored. I brought your bike.” she gave a dramatic gesture to the said bike that stood
behind them. Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose.

“How did you even get into my house?” The woman giggled and Jasper held in a growl to hear her
disrespect Harrison’s privacy.

“It was quite easy actually, though your overgrown cats didn’t seem very pleased to see me.”
Harrison grinned a glorious cheeky grin, clearly enjoying whatever mental picture these words

Jasper frowned, Harrison had cats? He’d never seen any fur or smelt any signs of Harrison having
pets. How could he have missed this basic detail about his mates life? It was interesting that neither
Harrison nor the woman mention his parents, clearly they were less responsible that Jasper had
originally imagined.

“Come on darling, lets go home so you can introduce me to your cats properly.” Harrison groaned.
Jasper’s eye twitched to hear her once again call Harrison by that pet name, glad that Harrison also
seemed to hate it but stomach still knotting every time the word left her lips.

Harrison looked torn by the idea. Jasper searched his emotions, frustration shone the brightest
while annoyance glittered angrily in the background, Harrison clearly didn’t want to take her to his
home, but felt like he had no choice for some reason.

Was she threatening him? Forcing him into situations that he clearly didn’t welcome or enjoy?

Eventually Harrison seemed to cave, allowing the woman to join him on his bike. It made Jasper’s
venom boil to see her wrap her arms to tightly around his Harrison’s waist.

The only one holding him like that should be Jasper.

Their eyes met as the pair passed him and his siblings. Jasper tried to convey caring and concern in
his gaze without showing that he had heard every word and felt every feeling that had passed
between the pair.

He didn’t think he succeeded.

The woman turned and met Jasper’s stare just before they disappeared out of sight.

She had the nerve to wink at him.


The unusual pair parked outside Harry’s home.

Harry didn’t even spare Death a glance before dismounting and storming his way up the path to his
front door.

“A helmet would’ve been nice.” came Mortuus’ wistful call from close behind him, Harry rounded
on them with a glare. Ignoring the alarm that came from someone being able to get so close to him
without realising.

“Might have yeah. Maybe next time don’t turn up at my school and you might get offered one.”
Mortuus rolled their eyes.

“You’re taking too long darling, things need to be hurried along. My plans will do just that.” Harry
was so confused trying to analyse what the hell that meant that he didn’t register Mortuus had let
themselves into Harry’s home, until Fawkes gave a call of annoyance.

With an exasperated tug at his hair Harry followed the distress call.

He found Mortuus stood in the living room, Fawkes perched on the tallest book case and Buckbeak
(not laying down for once) stood protectively in front of his favourite sofa. Both glaring at the

“I think they remember me.” teased Mortuus, grinning at the two creatures looking oddly proud.

Harry rolled his eyes, striding forward to offer Buckbeak a comforting pet. Fawkes clearly saw an
opportunity and promptly landed on Harry’s shoulder. Harry turned to face Death, feeling a lot like
he was introducing his clingy children to a new baby sitter.

“Fawkes, Buckbeak this is Mortuus. They’re going to be plaguing the rest of my never ending
lifespan so peck and claw at your own leisure.” Fawkes gave the closest thing a bird could give to
a snort, while Buckbeak’s eyes lit with a certain gleeful gleam at the consent to maul someone.

Mortuus had lost their smirk by now but still looked annoyingly amused.

They held eye contact with Buckbeak and gave a low, graceful bow. Harry allowed himself a groan
when Buckbeak bowed back. He had been looking forward to watching death try and fend of a

Mortuus turned to Fawkes.

“Apologies for the earlier intrusion, I should have introduced myself first.” Fawkes seemed to
accept this apology but made no move to leave Harry’s shoulder, merely shuffling his feathers in
absent minded acknowledgement.

“Now that my ‘cats’ have had a formal introduction, perhaps you can explain what you meant
outside?” Mortuus’ smirk came back instantly.

“Darling, Fate has a plan as she often does. My presence moves her plan along a little.” that didn’t
clarify anything.

“What plan?” he asked instead, Death raised a brow.

Clearly Harry was once again not allowed to know about his own fate.

“You’ll see soon enough.” Mortuus said airily, sitting in a particularly cosy armchair.

Harry sighed and conjured tea, ignoring his usual rule of making things by hand. He didn’t enjoy
the taste of food made by magic, but hopefully Mortuus hated it so Harry could get some
satisfaction out of the arrangement he had found himself in.

“How curious are you about the Cullen Leader?” Harry did a double take at the abrupt change of

“Why are you asking me that?” Death shrugged and gave a gesture that clearly said ‘answer the
question’. Harry struggled a moment before settling on a surprisingly honest reply.
“I am curious how a hybrid vampire can be around open wounds for such long periods.” Mortuus

“I could introduce you.” Harry gave Mort a look, making deals with death didn’t exactly sound like
a good idea.

“And how exactly would you do that?” Mortuus grinned and lent forward in their seat. Harry had a
bad feeling about what was about to be suggested.

“I recommend landing yourself in hospital.” Harry rolled his eyes and pushed down the regret of
asking Death leading questions.

“I could easily arrange a little accident or an incident if you prefer.” Harry rubbed at his temples,
pleading with Merlin to give him strength.

“You’re suggesting you what? Cut someone's breaks so I get hit by a car?” Mortuus shrugged.

“If you like. Just to push things along.” Mortuus gave Harry a meaningful look at the last sentence,
giving Harry pause.

Moving things along.

Fate wanted him to meet the Cullen clan.

Why? What did a group of (6 confirmed, possible 7) hybrids have to do with the rest of Harry’s

Harry gave a nod of understanding and Mort smiled warmly at him.

“I think I’m good for a car crash thanks.” Mort rolled their eyes teasingly.

“Be like that then.” They downed their tea and grimaced, giving Harry a narrowed look.

Harry took a sip from his cup and hid his own grimace behind an innocent smile.

Chapter End Notes

Jasper: *general over-protective boyfriend panic due to just sheer ignorance*

Harry: cats, attack!

I enjoyed writing this one ngl lmao. Mortuus just full out dropping spoilers to our
sweet clueless baby Harry while fate shakes her head in disapproval, we love to see it.

would you want Harry to get hurt in order to meet Carlisle?? cos ngl i'm considering it,
a few comments suggested it in previous chapters

thank you so much for reading! ❤ i hope you enjoyed/are still enjoying! you are
welcome to leave a comment about your thoughts and feelings! see you soon xx
Blood, Epiphanies and the Comfort of Green
Chapter Summary

Harry gets hurt and meets Carlisle

Chapter Notes

Greetings once again!

I have another long-ish chapter for you today.

after the overwhelming response of 'Harry needs to be hurt, it's been 13 chapters
without any injuries. he's never gone that long in his life without being hurt' i've done
it lmao. went about it a different way than i originally thought but i hope you still
enjoy! ❤

also y'all comments are so sweet i'm weak to your praise

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It turned out Harry didn’t need Mortuus to create a situation where he got hurt, he was perfectly
capable of simply falling into one as he always did.

Somethings just never seemed to change.

It had been stupid really and absolutely not his fault.

He’d popped over to the alley in Port Angeles on Saturday.

(He hadn’t bothered with school on Friday, instead staying home to attempt to persuade Buckbeak
to stop using his clothes as chew toys and go for Mortuus instead. Said embodiment of death had
refused to leave, merely sipping muggle whiskey, saying various things that made no sense and
rolling their eyes or smirking at Harry.)

He was just trying to find a deserted place to apparate home in when he heard an annoyingly
familiar voice.

“Please just leave me alone.” the voice of Bella Swan sounded very different when utterly terrified.

Harry had the unsettling realization that he might prefer it to her usual whining one, but hurriedly
banished that thought. It wouldn’t do to lose his humanity entirely.

“Shut it.” came a very different tone from the area bland Bella’s voice had come from.

Harry flattered his back to the wall and peered around the corner to see what exactly was going on.

Bella Swan, with tear stained cheeks and shaking hands was against the wall of a particularly dirty
alleyway. A man, late twenties, was in front of her. He looked wholly unimpressive and not exactly
threatening but Harry soon noticed the reason for the girls crying.

He was holding a knife.

A plain hunting knife, but still a knife.

Harry could acknowledge that most (average) teenagers would be a little more than unsure when
faced with an armed mugger.

He hoped it was a mugger, a sudden shot of fierce anger went through Harry at the idea of the man
wanting something more than money from a barely of age girl.

Mind made up Harry squared his shoulders and entered the alley, carelessly examining his nails.

The man turned and dumbly aimed the knife at Harry.

Harry glanced at the stunned man, flickered his gaze to an equally surprised Bella and back again.

“Get lost kid.” threatened the man, sounding about as confident as Professor Quirrell.

“Don’t think I will, if it’s all the same to you.” the man straightened his shoulders, trying to appear

Harry strolled carelessly closer to the pair.

“You’ll get hurt trying to play hero kid.” Harry couldn’t avoid rolling his eyes at those words.

He continued his calm, steady pace forward. Aware that bland Bella was trying to signal him to
leave in the ‘go, save yourself’ way that only a girl like her could.

“I mean it kid. I’ll hurt you.” Harry smirked, this thug really thought he could intimidate Harry?
Really thought he was a threat?

He was an arms width away now and the clear lack of effect the threats had on him were obviously
making the man sweat. He would have to act on those threats now, Harry readied himself.

“You asked for it kid.” Harry’s smirk spread into a grin.

The knife swooped out toward him, Harry was about to catch the wrist and effectively disarm the
idiot when a thought struck him.

If he allowed himself to be hurt it would give him an excuse to meet the Cullen leader, he’d do
everything in his power to avoid the hospital but perhaps he could seek a home visit. A home visit
would give him the opportunity to observe the family, confirm his thoughts they were wholly
uninteresting and not worth fighting.

It could be more beneficial to see them all.

Besides fate wanted to push him their way, might as well do it on his own terms.

Harry raised an arm to defend himself, allowing the knife to slice through his skin like butter. It
wasn’t a horrific wound, about 9 centre-meters long from his outer wrist to the middle of his
forearm. Harry could admit it did sting a bit, but comparing it to the concealed scars that littered his
body it was barely a scratch. Deep enough to need stitches but not enough to make him pass out
from blood loss.
That being said, blood was starting to leak rather rapidly from the cut. Harry bemoaned another
good shirt lost, but swiftly moved on.

The man looked more in pain than Harry was and Bella had turned a strange green colour. Of
course the vampire girl would be afraid of blood.

Harry, now with an effective excuse to meet the Cullen hierarchy, raised an uninjured fist and
punched the mugger in the face.

The man staggered a few steps, groaning.

Harry’s grin hadn’t faded despite his bleeding arm.

He strode forward and placed another punch, this time to the mans stomach.

The man gave another groan and surprised Harry by punching back. Harry nose throbbed in reply,
something thick oozing down his face. Harry opened his mouth to inhale, the metallic tang of
blood was all too familiar on his tongue.

Harry, by now losing interest and patience, took hold of the mans shoulder. Swinging him round
and slamming him into the wall, his head collided with said wall and he crumpled into a pile at
Harry’s feet.

Harry gave a satisfied sigh at the sight and set about detangling himself from the unconscious
mans form.

Bland Bella’s croaking gasp broke him out of his focus. She was a few hasty steps away from her
original place, staring at the man with a stunned look.

“Do you have someone you can call?” he asked, aware that he was bleeding quite heavily from two
places. She blinked at him dumbly, before taking a breath and nodding.

“I-yes. I can call Edward, I should call Charlie too.” Harry didn’t bother listening as she frantically
spoke to first Edward and then to whoever Charlie was.

“They’ll be here soon.” She looked at him again, finally seeming to see he was bleeding. “Oh god,
your arm.”

She took a step toward him, shaky hands pulling his now folded sleeve tighter in an attempt to stem
the blood flow. Harry felt oddly touched as well as surprised to see her trying to help him. Though
he supposed he did help her out first.

“Do you have someone to call?” Harry nearly said Mortuus but quickly realized he didn’t actually
know their number or if they even had one so shook his head.

Bella looked annoying sympathetic and Harry felt his dislike for her creep back in.

“Edward will be here soon, he might be able to help with your arm. But you should really see
Carlisle he’s amazing at his job. Charlie, my dad, he’s the police chief so he’ll sort that guy out.”
Harry wondered why she was trying to comfort him but didn’t really care enough to continue this
line of thought.

“Bella!” came a voice Harry hadn’t heard before. Both he and Bella turned to see a man dressed in
police uniform approaching them, he was rather attractive for a middle aged man, with a thick
mustache and a well built figure. This must be Charlie.
Edward followed closely behind, eyes dark in their anger at the threat to their mate. Or maybe
because of Harry’s blood, who knew.

“I’m okay dad, Harrison saved me.” Harry rolled his eyes again and shifted uncomfortably at the
intense eyes landing on him.

“You alright there son?” Harry almost got whiplash at the caring tone the man used. Charlie came
close, examining Harry’s face and arm with a frown. Then his eyes went to the collapsed man on
the floor.

Charlie whistled.

“He got you good, but I’d say you gave it in return.” Harry wasn’t sure he’d ever met a better
adjusted muggle father than Charlie.

“We better get you to a hospital.” Harry’s hackles immediately raised.

“No hospitals.” he said firmly.

Charlies face, while sympathetic, twisted with discomfort.

“He can come to my house.” offered Edward, Harry could’ve cheered at his plan (for once)
working perfectly.

“Carlisle can fix him up.” Charlie still looked unsure, but gave in.

Harry begrudgingly sat in the back of Edwards stupid car while Charlie took the unconscious man
to the hospital, telling them he’d meet them at the Cullen’s.

Harry ignored any and all attempt at conversation on the way to the mysterious Cullen home. They
lived far out from town which was expected considering the circumstances.

Harry tried not to scrunch his nose in distaste when he saw the house itself. It was a horrifically
modern thing, all black, white and unusual shapes that were meant to be ‘thought provoking’ but
just looked like origami gone wrong.

Maybe Hogwarts had ruined Harry for the modern world but he would take drafty corridors, cosy
fireplaces and ancient stone carvings over this failed art project any day.

The forest that surrounded it however was glorious, endless ever-greens that faded into blurs of hot
and cold shades of green. Harry had had a complicated relationship with the colour green over the
years, but a deep comforting sensation of longing and never being truly lost filled Harry as he
stared at those trees.

Unfortunately he was not destined to travel through the forest today, instead allowing Edward
Cullen to guide him up the ugly steps and into the ugly house.

A woman with light brown hair that flowed to her shoulders greeted them.

A seventh member?

“This is our Mother, Esme.” Harry nodded vaguely to her, she had a mother hen look about her that
he wasn’t interested in.

“You poor dear, come this way. Jasper and Carlisle are in the study.” disgust grew in Harry at
anyone but Mrs Weasley calling him dear, but followed all the same.
Edward and Bella came along too, Harry continued to ignore them.

The house was huge inside too and far too clean for a family of that size. Honestly they were not
doing a good job at pretending to be human.

Harry entered the study and felt the warm embrace of old furniture engulf him. A large desk, many
over flowing bookshelves and various knick-knacks filled the room. Most interesting was the large
painting behind the desk.

The three leaders of the Volturi along with -the blonde man that now stood next to Jasper who was
obviously- Carlisle, dressed in 18th century clothing. Harry had seen similar paintings of them in
his textbooks, but none with Carlisle.

Were they close with the Volturi?

But that didn’t make sense, no Volturi member would be keen on the idea of drinking from

Harry made sure not to linger on the painting too long and save his thoughts for later. It was hard to
tell whether the vampires had noticed him focus on the painting but for now all he could do was
hope they hadn’t.

Carlisle was the same shade of pale at the rest of his coven, with white blonde hair and clear smile
lines around his eyes. He looked late twenties to early thirties, but still in the same ageless way that
all vampires had.

“You must be Harrison, I’m sorry we had to meet in these circumstances. Please take a seat so I
can take a look at that arm.” Carlisle had a kind smile that screamed calm, family man but Harry
knew this man was at least 300+ years old so stayed aware as he took the offered seat beside the
bookshelf. Not bothering to reply to the rushed greeting

Esme, Bella and Edward left the room without a word, leaving Carlisle, Jasper and Harry alone.

Jasper seemed to hover anxiously over him while Carlisle looked at the torn arm, Harry didn’t
bother pretending to react when Carlisle touched the wound. Instead focusing on the mans eyes.

They remained a clear crystal gold the entire time. Fascinating.

“How long have you been a doctor?” asked Harry, unable to keep his amusement out of his eyes.
Carlisle regarded him for a moment, calm smile still in place.

“Nearly 20 years now. Would you like to tell me how you got hurt today? It may help take your
mind off the pain.” he had changed the subject quickly, clearly not enjoying having to lie. Harry
felt little to no pain but told the story anyway.

“Was coming back from shopping when I heard distressed voices. Found Bella with that man,
thought I should intervene.” Jasper snorted and shook his head at the dry tone Harry used.

Harry gave him a look and received a sweet smile in return.

Jasper seemed to be a ball of tightly wound anxiety as he watched Carlisle closely, but it didn’t
seem to be Harry’s blood causing his feelings so what could it be?

Unless he was anxious that Harry had been hurt, but what sense did that make? They’d known each
other what? A grand total of two weeks.
It was impossible to get so attached so quickly, unless…

Harry’s thoughts broke of with a horrid idea.

Unless he was Jasper’s mate.

But that had to be impossible, hadn’t it?

Though perhaps it could explain the starring, the efforts to get to know him, the annoyance or even
anger at his sibling and Bella for the way they spoke to him. The reason why Carlisle was
currently letting him stay in the study right now as he fixed Harry up. The look on his face when
he left the car park with a female fronting Mortuus.

No, he would not rationalize this now. It would wait until later, he was in the middle of a coven of
vampires he could not afford to be distracted by ridiculous ideas like that now.

Carlisle’s light chuckle brought him back to reality.

“A fighter I take it?” Harry shrugged, the ‘you have no idea’ was thought so loudly that Edward
could probably hear him through his shields.

“I’m afraid you’re going to need stitches.” Harry already knew that “And then I’ll clean up that
nose of yours.”

Jasper sat down in the chair next to Harry’s, watching his father while he got his first aid kit out
and began preparing to sew Harry back together.

“I do wish you’d called the police instead.” mumbled Jasper from next to him. Harry snorted.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jasper gave a choked sort of laugh and bumped his knee against

“it was rather reckless.” joined Carlisle’s voice. Harry held in a deeply sad smile at the familiar
word being once again assigned to him after a fight.

“Always been that way.” He muttered honestly, watching as Carlisle gave him an entirely
unnecessary pain numbing injection.

Harry hated muggle medicine and would much rather charm the wound shut and force a few
potions down his throat than sit through this but he supposed he was ‘moving things along’ as Mort
had put it by being here.

“I’m glad you’re okay though.” came a very soft and sweet whisper from beside him. Harry sent
Jasper a light smile it reply, hoping that was enough.

He turned back to watch Carlisle stitch up his arm, very aware of Jasper’s heavy gaze on the side of
his bloodied face.

And desperately wished he could have an epiphany without needing medical attention first.

Chapter End Notes

Welp there we go.

the penny has finally dropped for the experienced Auror who should really know
better by now.

i hope you liked my way of shoving Harry into the Cullen's lap lmao.

thank you so much for reading! feel free comment your thought and feelings xoxo see
you soooooon ❤

ps correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure this is the only chapter that Harry hasn't
smoked even once in
Confusion in the Lions Den
Chapter Summary

Jaspers POV and Harry meets the rest of the coven

Chapter Notes

Evening my dears

part 15 omg look at me sticking with something for more than 2 weeks, what a

a few little bits for you today, i hope you enjoy!

thank you once again for reading, i really am overwhelmed with the positivity that my
silly little story has got. seriously thank you so much it means the world i can't say it
enough ❤❤❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper paced anxiously back and forth in Carlisle’s study.

Edward had just received a panicked call from Bella. She’d been attacked by a mugger while
shopping for books (more tragic romance novels most likely) and who had swooped in to save her?
Getting stabbed in the process?

His Harrison.

Jasper had known at first glance that his mate was a trouble maker. The smoking, the motorbike
and the second hand leather sort of gave it away, not to mention that grin. But he hadn’t predicted
this level of trouble so soon.

He’d hoped to go at least a month of knowing his soulmate before they nearly died.

Jasper gave a harsh tug to his blonde curls.

It didn’t help that Isabella swan was vague at the best of times, saying ‘he cut Harrison’ was
nowhere near enough detail. He’d wanted to snatch the phone from Edwards hand and demand to
know step by step exactly what had happened to his Harrison, but Edward was too fast for him.
Especially when worrying about his own mate.

Jasper did send him venomous thoughts of ‘at least your mate didn’t get stabbed’ but was sadly

So here he was; waiting, pacing and hoping. He needed Harrison to be okay.

He wouldn’t survive losing his mate. He knew he wouldn’t.

It didn’t help that the last time he saw Harrison he had that woman’s arms tightly wound around
his waist.

Jasper settled firmly in the idea that he would change Harrison if necessary. He was not as naïve as
Edward, not as stupid.

He would not lose Harrison.

Not now.

Not ever.

A car pulled up in front of the house.

Jasper bit the side of his thumb to stop himself from darting to the door to meet the other half of his
soul. Carlisle sent him a look.

Three doors opened and closed. Bella’s scent still sent a pulling sensation to his gut, but it was
easily covered by the intoxicating one of his mate.

Jasper had found it odd that he didn’t thirst for Harrison’s blood. It wasn’t that he didn’t smell
good, in fact he smelt incredible. But Jasper didn’t lust after the scent… not in that way anyway.

It was something he would need to ask his family about, now that Harrison would be close enough
for them all to properly scent. That thought made jealousy twist in his gut. No one should be
smelling his mate but him.

Jasper pushed away the irrational possessive thoughts to turn and watch the door open.

Esme, Edward and Bella all stood there, leading a bleeding Harrison behind them.

Jasper let himself take in the sight of his wounded mate, he looked a little paler than normal and
was holding his bleeding arm gingerly to his chest. It was a decently deep cut, not enough to cause
serious damage but one that would need stitches and would take weeks to heal. His sweet nose was
bleeding, leaving thick trails of red going to his chin. Jasper couldn’t help but notice the blood had
been licked off his lips. Jasper blinked a few times and refocused himself.

Harrison’s eyes flickered to the painting of Carlisle with the Volturi, his eyes narrowed a fraction
as if considering something before they turned back to examine Carlisle. What had he been
thinking when he looked at that painting?

Carlisle stepped forward and invited Harrison to sit. Harrison did so with little visible reply

Jasper, ignoring his mother, sibling and Bella as they left, took a deep look at his mates emotions.
Curiosity, a guarded feeling that seemed ready to bolt at a moments notice and a strange sense of
boredom? How could he be bored? He was bleeding and about to be sewn together, where was the
panic? The fear? The pain?

They weren’t present.

Not that Jasper wanted his mate to feel those things, but they were expected. Especially pain.
Jasper seemed to be in more physical pain that Harrison right now.

“How long have you been a doctor?” Jasper’s attention was snapped up by that question. The tone
was undeniably teasing. Jasper tried hard not to frown.
Did he know? He couldn’t possibly know. Jasper was just paranoid.

“Nearly 20 years now. Would you like to tell me how you got hurt today? It may help take your
mind off the pain.” Jasper applauded Carlisle for his calm tone and quick change of subject.
Though Jasper couldn’t fend of his feelings of worry as he watched Harrison’s lip twitch in clear

“Was coming back from shopping when I heard distressed voices. Found Bella with that man,
thought I should intervene.” Jasper was unable to hold in a snort at his mates casual way of
explaining assault.

Harrison shot him a look and Jasper naturally replied with a sweet smile. His previous worry
evaporating when those green eyes were aimed at him.

Harrison’s gaze grew suddenly intense as he looked over Jasper’s face and body language. His eyes
widening slightly against his will. Jasper held in another frown at the odd feelings that were
washing over his mate in quick succession.

First came confusion, followed by a frantic feeling that Jasper couldn’t pin down, then came a
moment of clear understanding that shone so bright Jasper nearly covered his eyes. Then a thick
blanket of more confusion blended nearly perfectly with denial.

What on earth had Harrison been thinking about?

It clearly related to Jasper, but what was it?

Jasper burned to know.

“A fighter I take it?” asked Carlisle and Jasper tried not to clench his fist as Harrison shrugged.
Clearly Harrison had been forced in positions where he needed to defend himself and the thought
made Jasper sick.

“I’m afraid you’re going to need stitches.” Harrison didn’t look or feel at all shocked or scared by
this announcement “And then I’ll clean up that nose of yours.”

Jasper took the opportunity of a busy Carlisle to take a seat next to Harrison. He took another
glorious moment to appreciate how beautiful his mate was, even when he was covered in blood.

He held a deep sigh.

“I do wish you’d called the police instead.” he mumbled, Harrison snorted.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jasper let out a choked laugh and bumped his knee against Harrison,
loving that he could enjoy playful touches with his mate. Even if they were currently in a platonic

“it was rather reckless.” joined Carlisle’s voice. Harrison’s emotions took a bitter twist downward,
a deep sadness filling him. Jasper’s fingers dug into his jeans to suppress his desire to comfort and

“Always been that way.” the statement was honest in a complicated way that made Jasper

It also concerned him to see the detached way Harrison watched Carlisle inject him with a pain
numbing and then begin to stitch him up. Harrison only seemed to feel boredom or mild disgust
when faced with healing his wounds. Which, in his experience, was not the normal teenage

“I’m glad you’re okay though.” Jasper whispered softly, hoping to send all his care into that short

Harrison’s mood lifted a little, something Jasper hadn’t expected. Jasper found himself blinded by
the sweetest most lovely smile he had ever seen.

It numbed him with pure affection. He could do nothing but stare longingly at the side of
Harrison’s face.

This seemed like a step in the right direction. Jasper only wished it hadn’t taken Harrison getting
hurt to take them here.


Harry grimaced at the ugly (neat but still definitely ugly) stitches that weaved through his ripped
skin. A few potions and a mild healing spell would’ve fixed it in seconds. But sadly Harry had
decided to take fate by the face and snog it this time around.

Though maybe next time he wouldn’t follow Mortuus’ advise quite so closely.

Jasper and Carlisle were leading him to their living room. Harry barely contained his horror at the
bland interior design, you’d think vampires would collect a few more interesting things over the
years. (the graduation caps, while amusing, were more depressing than anything else) But then
again they were probably hidden away in bedrooms, as apposed to the ‘littered about the place’
approach that Harry took to decorating.

The horror only grew in intensity when they entered the living room and met the remaining 5
coven members plus bland Bella.

The blonde girl was watching a quivering Bella (who was clearly milking her dramatic experience
for all it was worth) with obvious dislike, Harry decided he might be able to get along with her.
The others purred sympathetically, all except the huge one; who was deeply involved in a level of
Mario cart.

“Harrison, allow me to introduce you to our family.” started Carlisle. “My wife Esme, you’ve met,
Rosalie, her Emmett and Alice. Of course you know Bella and my sons from school.” Esme and
Alice gave him sweet smiles, while Emmett gave him a broad grin and Rosealie a dead look. Harry
gave them a vague nod of greeting.

This felt disturbingly like meeting the in-laws.

“How are you feeling?” asked Esme sweetly, Harry shrugged.

“Fine, thanks.” he replied shortly. Not wanting to try and pretend he was in pain.

Harry didn’t think he was able to feel much physical pain anymore. He’d been injured so many
times during his life, he knew how it all felt. He wasn’t going to react the same way to it every
time. That was the biggest thing that sucked.

While Harry didn’t really feel pain, he still needed to heal. But he also couldn’t die.

He often wondered what would happen if he was torn open. Would he pop up in the creepy white
kings cross station, with Dumbledore there to meet him or maybe it would be Mortuus this time. Or
would he just tuck his organs back in and carry on. Would his blood forever run out? If his head
somehow slipped off his shoulders would it just lay on the floor? Staring up at his body?

Harry didn’t know and he didn’t particularly want to find out. All he knew was that death was

It was something he wasn’t ready to explore yet.

“Charlie will be here soon.” said Bella, apparently missing the attention already.

Harry found it sad the she called her father by his first name, he imagined it stung her father too.

Jasper led Harry to the sofa that housed Rosalie, Harry sat between the two blonde vampires. Not
really caring about the dissecting look Rosealie gave him. He gave her one in return.

Superficiality pretty and self-absorbed, but had a deep layer of iron strength and protectiveness
under the surface. It reminded him a little of Fleur.

“Starting fights a hobby of yours?” asked Rosalie dryly, Harry met her eyes easily.

“I didn’t really start it, just finished it.” Alice giggled from across the room and Rosalie allowed
her lip to tilt a little in a smirk.

“I need to say thank you actually Harrison.” interrupted Bella. “For saving me and also sorry for
the way I acted before.” Harry didn’t look at her, he wasn’t really bothered by her words. Her
actions would prove her apology.

“I didn’t save you Swan, I knocked out an idiot with a knife. You just happened to be the person he
was aiming it at.” Harry replied blandly, enjoying the general feeling of tension growing in the

Rosalie snorted.

Jasper shook his head, as if playfully exasperated. Esme hurriedly changed the subject and started
asking about the bookshop bland Bella had apparently visited before being cornered.

Harry knew the coven leader was watching him closely, Harry met his eyes calmly. Wondering if
he knew or suspected what Harry was. He had been with the Volturi after all.

Thankfully it wasn’t long before Charlie arrived. Rosalie and Emmett left upstairs while Esme
went in the garden. Clearly pretending to give them privacy despite bring able to hear everything.

Carlisle stayed since had fixed Harry up, Edward insisted on staying so he could be with Bella and
Jasper simply remained in his seat beside Harry, giving him silent support.

Which was quite sweet and only sent Harry further into his spiralling emotions.

Bella vividly explained what happened, Harry answering any questions he was asked, while
Charlie noted it all down. It didn’t last long thankfully.

Soon Bella and Edward had gone upstairs, after promising Charlie she would be home before 11.

Jasper shyly asked Harry if he wanted to stay for a bit, Harry genuinely considered before
declining and saying he was tired. He tried to ignore the tug he felt in his gut at the sight of Jasper’s
disappointed face.
Carlisle gave him instructions on how to care for his arm, which Harry of course ignored.

The father and son vampire duo lead the policeman and secret wizard to the door with kind smiles.

“Can I give you a lift home son?” asked Charlie as they approached the door. Harry struggled at
the familiar title again before giving a faint smile.

“If it’s not a bother.” Charlie smiled warmly.

“None at all. I can speak to your folks if you like too?” Harry blinked.

“No, it’s fine. I live alone actually.” the three men all seemed to freeze at this news. Carlisle and
Charlie seemed overcome with fatherly concern while Jasper’s eyes turned a little wild for a

“Your parents not about?” asked Charlie in that understanding tone, that parents used when judging
other parents.

“They’re dead.” Harry replied bluntly, best to just rip the band aid off. The men's faces all twisted
with grief

“Harrison, I’m-” started Carlisle, but Harry waved him off.

“I was a baby when it happened. I got emancipated about a year and half ago.” a lie obviously but
his documents backed him up. The men nodded with sympathetic understanding but Jasper still
looked full of sadness for him.

“Do you have anyone to check on you while you’re recovering?” asked Carlisle. Harry wanted to
kick him.

“Sort of.” Harry replied, thinking of Mort’s highly amused face with a slight grimace.

“I can come and help if you ever need it.” offered Jasper quietly, Harry shot him a grateful smile.

Harry left in the passenger seat of the police car, preparing a full catalogue of all he had learnt and
all his new questions after entering the lions den.

Chapter End Notes

Jasper ya fucking simp calm yourself.

i honestly love the image of Jasper just freaking the fuck out while Harry is just like
*sigh* what a minor inconvenience.

i have a lot of fun writing both sides of pov for the same scenes lmao

i hope the meeting wasn't too brief i wanted it to fit the situation as well as introduce
Harry to the fam. very much just an introduction there will be more Cullen vs Harry
action very soon but obviously i'm obsessed with Jasper and Harry so they are firmly
in the drivers seat atm lmao

thank you so much for reading! i really hope you enjoyed! feel welcome to leave a
comment with your thoughts and feelings, i will see you soon! ❤
Fates Toys
Chapter Summary

Harry and Mortuus consider. the Cullen's argue.

Chapter Notes

Welcome back my loves ❤

hope your week has treated you well, I'm a little bit very excited about where we will
be going from here.

i'm still extremely overwhelmed by the support and wonderful response this has been
getting so lemma just: ❤

i hope you enjoy xox

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry glared at the wall.

It had been four hours since he had been dropped off by a concerned Charlie Swan. Four hour
since he had left the Cullen’s household.

Four hours since he had seen Jasper, a vampire who was maybe-possibly-definitely not Harry’s
mate. Or Rather Harry was maybe-possibly-definitely not Jasper’s. Harry didn’t really know what
status his soul had so was unsure if it could even have an other half, let alone if whatever he was
could have someone considered a mate.

Harry didn’t feel what had been described to him as the mate pull, sure Jasper was easily more
tolerable than everyone else, but that didn’t mean they were destined to be together.

However it was undeniable that Jasper felt something toward Harry, the way he acted today proved
any lingering suspicion that Harry had.

It complicated things.

Harry had struggled with romantic relationships. Being a touch starved neglected (some would say
abused) child didn’t really make it easy. He had thought he and Ginny were soulmates, maybe they
had been. But they hadn’t really been given the chance to find out.

Their feelings only just beginning to bloom and become something when she was ripped away
from him.

Loss had pushed Harry into the arms of strangers during rougher times of his life. Times where he
depended mostly on substance abuse to make it through even an hour without making another
attempt on his life.
A series of one night stands and a sexuality crisis didn’t really improve his romantic outlook as
much as modern day muggle media made it seem.

Harry gleefully lit a cigarette and took a deep inhale, he had ignored the needy voice in his head
begging for nicotine in order to stay alert around the vampires home. Though in hindsight that felt
a little unnecessary.

Harry had become firm in the idea that he would win in a fight with the Coven, they seemed pretty
useless if he was honest, though he still didn’t really want one. Perhaps it was time to write up
peace treaties and come clean of his knowledge to the Cullen’s.

Harry didn’t really like the sound of that idea, doing things by the book was never really his way
and if Jasper was his mate then a peace treaty would not leave Harry in anymore peace than he
already had.

Though the time for secrets did appear to be starting to slow to a firm end. Maybe that was a good
thing, the passed had taught Harry that secrets were never a good thing.

“So glad you’re following fates path properly this time.” Harry rolled his voice at the sugary tone
of Mortuus from the doorway.

Harry turned to glare at death.

They had a male skin suit on today, a young dark haired man dressed like they’d walked right out
of love island, clearly death was watching too much reality television. Harry rolled his eyes and
resumed his staring at the wall, nicotine filling his senses as he took another cancerous inhale.

“Come on in, make yourself at home.” he quipped, bitterly sarcastic. Harry could practically feel
death smile.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Mortuus seated themselves in their preferred arm chair. Harry tried to ignore
that death had a preferred armchair in his house.

“I see you took my advice.” Harry didn’t reply.

“Finally, a scar you won’t hide from your beloved.” Harry’s head whipped around and met Deaths
mirth filled eyes.

“Oh don’t look at me like that darling, you’ve already figured out that he’s yours.” Harry turned
back to the wall, suddenly needing a drink.

“I wasn’t sure.” he retorted stubbornly.

“Yes you were.” Taunted Mortuus in a sing-song voice. Harry took another drag from his cigarette.

An usual sensation filling him at having his suspicions confirmed.

On one hand, someone who was destined for you was a nice (while entirely unrealistic) idea.
Having someone love him sounded especially good if he was being brutally honest.

But on the other hand, did Jasper like him or just forced to like him due to his nature? Harry would
need to research that concept a little deeper. More importantly, did Harry like Jasper? It was all
well and good being ‘mates’ but if Harry didn’t like Jasper then there would be no relationship.

Though Harry did have to admit there wasn’t much more space for that argument. Harry was all
too aware that his current emotions toward Jasper could quite easily spread into something more
with time.

Finally, there was also the undeniable fact that most people Harry cared about usually ended up
dead, often in grizzly and painful ways.

Harry’s loved ones didn’t die peacefully in their sleep.

Of course Jasper was a vampire so a little harder to kill than most, but he could still die.

Harry rubbed a tired, glamoured hand over his face.

Death tutted, clearly another stab at Harry’s concealed scars.

Harry thought it was an oddly possessive trait, wanting to see all the ways Harry almost died.

“So, what does fate want to happen next?” Mort smiled an annoying, knowing smile but said

Harry rolled his eyes again. Fawkes fluttered into the room, back from his trip out hunting.
Buckbeak had taken over Harry’s bedroom, probably in protest for being left without attention for
longer than agreed.

The Phoenix gave Mortuus a harsh look as he landed on the back of the back of the sofa, where
Harry was currently sprawled.

“Your cats really don’t like me.” observed Mortuus, still amused and approving.

Fawkes huffed, most likely still taking offense to being called a cat.

“Maybe if you stop popping up uninvited, they’d like you more.” Mort’s smile merely grew.

Harry sighed deeply, sending a cloud of fast fading smoke into the living room.

“I’m going to have to talk to them aren’t I?” Mortuus’ smile turned more gentle.

“Sooner or later.” Harry nodded.

He begrudgingly understood what that meant. Sooner would be more on Harry’s terms, Later
would be fate moving their chess pieces around the board. Most likely punishing them for slowing
the game.

Harry lit another cigarette and tried to think of a peaceful way to tell 6 vampires that killing them
would be easy so kindly fuck off, while also telling one member of the same coven that Harry
didn’t dislike them to the point that he might want to spend more time around them.

Merlin, Harry really was fates bitch.


Jasper was very nearly having a panic attack.

Harrison had just left, after revealing the teeny tiny detail that his parents were dead and he lived

It had been bad enough that his Harrison had been hurt protecting Bella I can’t go three seconds
without nearly dying Swan, but he was now recovering from being stabbed and alone.

The news of Harrison’s parents had left Jasper with mixed feelings. It was obviously awful and his
heart ached to think of the pain Harrison had gone through losing his family. But there was also a
strong sense of relief, if Harrison lived alone then at least he wasn’t being hurt by others.

However the relief didn’t last long as if there was no adult hurting Harrison it also meant there was
no adult guiding, protecting or raising Harrison. Not to mention it meant that only Harrison seemed
to be hurting Harrison.

The boy was completely alone.

Jasper’s stomach curled at the thought of the strange woman who had left with Harrison on
Thursday. Did she play a large role in his life? Harrison hadn’t seemed very happy to see her, but
that didn’t mean much by modern standards.

Carlisle placed a calming hand on Jasper’s back and guided him back to the living room, where the
other’s had gathered to hear their Father’s opinion of the boy.

“He’s very interesting.” started the Doctor “Jasper, can you tell me his emotions when he
examined the painting?”

Jasper suppressed a shiver at the uncomfortable question, not enjoying the feelings of suspicion
that seeped out between Carlisle’s seams.

“I couldn’t really get a clear picture, but he was curious. Considering something.” Carlisle hummed
in understanding and nodded slowly, Jasper tried not to twitch as he waited for more.

“And when he asked about how long I’d been a doctor?” Jasper knew what Carlisle was suggesting
now. The thought had crossed Jasper’s mind too.

“He was amused.” Jasper answered plainly. Carlisle met Jasper’s eyes then, a serious look building
in them.

“There were rumour's while I lived with the Volturi. Rumour's of a secret community that hid
many different creatures and myths, a lot of it was meat to be heavily related to magic. It was said
that the Volturi could not join this community due to the nature of our species not being linked to
magic, the community was too vast to fight so the Volturi agreed to a peace treaty. Being who they
are Aro and his brothers hid this information, not wanting to appear weak, but guards gossip. It’s
hard to know what was true and what was not, but I have wondered for quite some time if the
stories were true.”

Silence followed, while the family absorbed this.

“So you think Harrison is what? A witch?” asked Bella, eyes full with a greedy need to know that
Jasper didn’t like.

Carlisle considered.

“I am not accusing the boy of anything. However I must admit I have not smelled any human like
him before and his responses would lead me to believe he knows something.” Jasper nodded
slowly staring at his hands.

“His emotions didn’t match what I had expected. He wasn’t feeling any pain or fear.” Jasper kept
what Harrison had actually felt a secret. The feelings of his soulmate seemed to raw and personal to
share with others without being directly asked.

Disbelief, denial and common sense battled against curious wonder in Jasper’s mind.

“The Volturi really must be mad if they think fairies and pixies exist.” muttered Rosalie with a
harsh snort, Edward looked like he agreed.

Emmett and Alice looked enchanted by the idea. Jasper felt torn, the swelling emotions of his
family didn’t help.

“What should we do my love?” asked Esme, looking earnestly at her husband.

“I think it would be prudent for Jasper to speed the steps in their relationship by telling Harrison
what we are.” Carlisle’s apologetic gaze met Jasper’s panicked one.

Telling Harrison what they were could ruin everything he was working on. Harrison would think
he was mad or worse he would believe him and run away terrified.

“You can’t seriously be suggesting we reveal ourselves?!” Demanded Rosalie, horrified.

“You can’t just up and tell him!” agreed Bella, looking around the room in shock.

(She was mostly ignored)

“I would like to avoid a fight.” said Carlisle firmly. Rose shook her head in disbelief.

“You want to risk us for fairy stories? He’s just a human!” the outrage was clear on her face,
Emmett placed a soothing hand on her arm but made no comment to agree or disagree with her.

“If he is just a human then that’s fine, he’s Jasper’s mate. If not we could be facing a threat.” stated
Carlisle calmly.

“What if he reacts badly?” whispered Jasper, he’d never felt so unsure in his entire life.

“I know I can’t see him properly, but your future happiness hasn’t changed after this conversation.”
said Alice, a sweet peaceful smile spreading over her face. That filled him with hope.

“He may react badly at first Jasper, but he’ll come around. I’m sure of it.” came Edwards soothing
voice. Jasper, mildly horrified that he was being comforted by the king of angst himself, tried to

“If you think it’ll benefit us Carlisle, then I’ll tell him.” Carlisle smiled his most sympathetic and
thankful smile.

Rosalie huffed and stormed out of the room, followed by an apologetic Emmett.

Bella looked annoyed but stayed thankfully silent.

Jasper went upstairs, trying to come to the terms with the fact that he was about to out himself to
the love his life.

Jasper sighed, now he just had to plan how to tell the boy you are falling in love with (who may or
may not be some form magical creature) that you’re a vampire who could kill them with a slip of
the wrist… while also being their soulmate.

Fuck, fate did not seem to be on his side recently.


It was another crisp morning at Forks high school.

Harry was actually on time for once, having dodged Buckbeak’s attempts at cuddling that morning.
His magic had been filling up with a strange sense of anticipation, it had made Harry dress and
leave much faster than usual.

Allowing his instinct to guide him.

He was in his favourite parking spot, having his morning cigarette and pretending he didn’t exist. It
was glorious, far nicer than the version he played with the Dursley’s.

Movement in his direction made Harry raise an annoyed face to whoever was approaching him.
The look faded into a slight frown when a tense Jasper stopped about 2 meters away from him.

Harry raised a brow and took an uncaring inhale of his smoke as silence stretched between them
like sticky chewing gum.

Jasper seemed to gather himself.

“We need to talk.” he spoke quietly, nearly whispering, but Harry heard him.

Harry examined the blonde Vampire carefully. He looked tired, if that was even possible for a
being that didn’t sleep.

Harry decided to humour him.

Besides, they did need to talk.

“I believe we do.” answered Harry, dropping and stubbing his finished cigarette with his boot.

Jasper gestured toward their left, Harry followed the gesture and was met with the woods on the
other side of the playing field.

Harry idly wondered if he was about to be murdered, before deciding he wasn’t really bothered and
followed the bunny muncher across the field and into the dense evergreen trees.

Chapter End Notes

..... well then ......

i think that's my first real cliff-hanger

everyone is losing their shit and i'm enjoying myself immensely

thank you so much for reading! feel free to leave a comment expressing your thoughts
and feelings! and i will see you very soooon ❤
Confrontation and Unanswered Questions
Chapter Summary

Harry and Jasper admit a few truths.

Chapter Notes

Hello my lovelies,

I am incredibly overwhelmed by the response the last chapter got, i'm honestly so
happy to see that you guys enjoyed it ❤ ❤

I had SO much fun writing this omg you have no idea lmao

Thank you endlessly for reading, i really hope it lives up to expectation and you enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry lets Jasper lead him to a clearing amongst the thick forest. It reminded him a lot of his
childhood, sneaking through the forbidden forest to cause mischief and chaos.

But this felt different, less adrenaline flowing through his veins. No fear or dread that would come
from walking through the forest where he first died.

No, here there was just a mild buzz of anticipation. Harry steadied himself for all eventualities,
after all hybrid Vampires were predictably unpredictable.

Hopefully Jasper would still have a head at the end of this conversation but if he didn’t that was
just the way it went.

Jasper seemed to be having an internal war with himself as he paced back and fourth, the pine
needles creating a messy pattern under his feet.

Harry lent against the nearest tree and lit another cigarette.

A few minutes passed before Harry lost his patients.

“Are we going to talk or is my task just to watch you fret?” Jasper stopped abruptly at this question
and turned to Harry, squaring his shoulder in a way that was frankly embarrassing for a supposed
killing machine.

Harry raised a brow.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” Started Jasper unsteadily.

“Uh-huh.” muttered Harry absently, taking another breathe of smoke.

Jasper didn’t seem to notice his disinterest, far too focused on his little speech.

“Before I do, I need to say that I-” Jasper broke off to take a dramatic breath. “I hope it doesn’t
change things between us. That I’m not crazy and I can prove what I’m about to tell you. That if
you don’t want to associate with me again I understand.”

Harry forced himself not to roll his eyes, listening to a vampire audition for the next hit teen drama
was not what he had in mind when he pictured this conversation. Reasonably, he knew that Jasper
was probably very nervous and scared as hell. But that didn’t do a lot to calm Harry’s mild

Jasper took another deep breathe and met Harry’s eyes.

“I’m a vampire.” he revealed, his panic barely hidden just under the skin.

Harry took another slow drag of his cigarette, aware that he was being cruel by letting Jasper stew
his is reveal.

Harry exhaled and watched the cloud of smoke dissipate, before meeting Jasper’s eyes again.

“I know.” he replied plainly.

Jasper blinked.

“It’s a little obvious. Painfully obvious if I’m honest.” Harry remarked casually, continuing to
smoke as if nothing remotely remarkable was being discussed.

Silence passed between them for a few stunned seconds.

“You know?” came the shaky question, Harry nodded.

Jasper pinched the bridge of his nose, he seemed stressed.

“How much do you know?” Harry shrugged, examining the vampire closely.

“Enough, I suppose.” Jasper ripped his hand away from his face and gave Harry a look.

“That doesn’t answer the question.” Harry rolled his eyes.

“Fine. I know you’re a blood sucking bunny-muncher who’s far too old to be planning a date to
this years prom. I know that your coven leader has spent at least some portion of their eternity
closely snuggled up with the leaders of your race. I know about the Volturi too. Real messy
government you’ve got going on there.” the statement ‘it’s even worse than mine’ went left unsaid
(though it was thought so loudly that Edward probably heard it)

Jasper looked dazed as he processed this information.

“Bunny-muncher?” he asked suddenly, eyes widening slightly in clear offense.

A wide grin took over Harry’s face, it took all he had not to laugh.

“It’s true!” Harry retorted. It was his turn to have eyes rolled at him.

“I do not munch bunnies.” came the indignant reply “Deer is much easier to catch.” a slight smirk
spreading across Jasper’s face. the joke, while good, made Harry’s stomach twist.
Unpleasant thoughts of his Fathers Animagus laying drained dry on the forest floor. Closely
followed by the image of his Mother’s Patronus, leaking into his haunted memory of her scream as
she gave up her life to protect his.

Harry managed a half-hearted grin, though Jasper’s concerned eyes informed him that he hadn’t
fooled the blonde.

“My point still stands.” Harry replied, not wanting to turn the conversation in the same direction as
his thoughts.

Jasper huffed out an amused breath and shook his head.

“How long have you known?” Harry met his eyes again.

“My first day. You really need to work more on blending in.” Jasper looked frustrated but didn’t
say anything, instead taking the conversation in a direction Harry had partially been expecting.

“Carlisle told us about rumours, from the Volturi. Rumours about Magically creatures and a
hidden community that we weren’t apart of.” Harry kept his face blank while he absorbed this.

It was nice to have suspicion confirmed that the Volturi leaders did in fact keep the treaty a secret.

“Are you apart of that community?” Harry examined Jasper’s face again. Jasper didn’t believe the

Too reasonable and stubborn to admit that magic was real.

Rather ridiculous considering he himself was out of a fairy story.

“Yes.” answered Harry honestly, making no effort to elaborate. Jasper nodded slowly though he
didn’t look convinced.

It was hurtful that Jasper didn’t seem to fully believe him, but Harry quickly moved on from those

“That’s how you knew what we were?” it was the first time Jasper had referred to his family as a
whole since they had started this conversation.

“Yes.” Harry hesitated before deciding to be honest “Had to study your species actually, had an
exam on it.” Harry was annoyed at how sheepish he sounded.

Jasper raised a brow.

“What was the course?” he asked, a mixture of bemused and incredulous.

“Obscure and dangerous magical creatures.” Harry recited. Jasper looked unsure of to react to that.

“I thought we weren’t classed as magical creatures?” Harry openly scoffed in irritation at the
stupid assumption.

“No, you’re not directly linked to magic. There’s a difference, a pretty fucking massive one. While
proper Vampire’s are directly linked to magic, they can use it for small task and traditional rituals,
sure it’s not as strong as other magical creatures but it’s still present. You’re a hybrid species. You
came from magic, but it doesn’t flow directly through you.” Jasper looked far too amused to see
this side of Harry.
“And that’s why we can’t join your little club?” Jasper asked, rhetorically.

Harry allowed a sarcastic smirk to slip onto his face.

“Exactly.” Jasper shook his head, an annoyingly fond look crossing his features.

“I resent the statement ‘proper vampires’.” Muttered the vampire-wanna-be. Harry grinned.

“They’re usually called ‘full-blooded’, which makes no sense obviously. Never liked it.” not to
mention that referring to anything in relation to blood status brought up rather unpleasant

Jasper seemed to sense that there was more to what Harry was saying but didn’t press, which Harry

A thick silence spread over the pair.

Both absorbing the information that had been shared, both wondering where they went from here.

“What are you exactly?” asked Jasper quietly, looking at Harry far too closely.

Harry shrugged. Half because he could and half because he honestly wasn’t sure.

Wizard didn’t seem to suit Harry anymore, his magic was stronger than it had ever been. Far
beyond his abilities during his school years or the early phases of Auror training. It seemed to
grow with him as he aged and mourned.

Acts of wandless magic that should be impossible flowed from his fingers in brightly coloured silk,
effortless and delicate in doing what he asked without much thought; let alone verbal command.

He kept his wand mostly for comfort and the rare occasion he needed to perform a particularly
tricky spell.

Besides, no Wizard could ever truthfully claim to have Death as a regular (far too regular, in
Harry’s opinion) house guest.

“Alive.” Harry answered, his voice devoid of any real feeling.

Jasper’s look of deep caring concern had returned, Harry bit back a scowl.

“It was rude of me to ask, I’m sorry.” Harry shrugged again, this one much more awkward than the

Harry flicked his long dead cigarette to the damp forest floor, stuffing his hands into jacket

“Can I assume to receive an invitation to your house? For dinner perhaps?” Harry quipped.

Jasper looked unsure.

“Is there more we need to discuss?” Harry held in more annoyance, this time directed at Carlisle
Cullen for not properly preparing his ‘son’ for this conversation.

“It might be prudent to discuss a treaty between us. An ‘I won’t eviscerate you for trying to rape
my mind’ sort of deal.” Harry clarified, injecting a lovely among of venom into his tone. He hoped
Edward saw a memory of this conversation.
Jasper looked sheepish.

“I’m sure that a meeting could be arranged.” Harry nodded easily in thanks.

Jasper hesitated, Harry raised his brows again in a clear ‘say it or I’m leaving’ sort of way.

“You’d be welcome to bring your girlfriend, if it made you more comfortable. If she’s magical too,
it might be good to make her known to my family.” Jasper’s tone was distinctly unhappy, the word
‘girlfriend’ was spat while ‘she’s magical’ was clearly mocking.

Harry couldn’t deny the twitch of his lips in amusement, but frowned in deep confusion.

“Girlfriend?” he asked dumbly, totally clueless.

Harry racked his brains for a single girl he had shown any interest in since he moved to Forks and
came up totally blank.

“The girl who brought your bike to school the other day. You drove off together.” Jasper seemed to
be trying very hard to keep bitterness out of his tone but failed miserably, Harry found it oddly

He was jealous.

…Of Mort.

Harry physically recoiled at the realization, face scrunching in disgust.

“No. No. Oh Merlin, no.” Harry rushed out, frantic to deny that particular accusation “They’re not
my girlfriend.”

Harry shivered slightly at the idea of dating someone as annoying as Mortuus.

It was Jasper’s turn to frown.

“She’s not your girlfriend?” the question was adorably hopeful, a little of the ice inside Harry
melted against his will.

“They are definitely not.” Harry wondered how Jasper would reflect on this conversation if/when
he found out who Mort really was. “Mortuus is my…”

Harry struggled to turn ‘I’m the Master of death and Mortuus is death, but also just a really
irritating being who comes to my house to drink my whiskey and annoy me and my ‘cats’’ into
muggle terms.

“friend.” Harry had to force the words out of his mouth with a shudder, knowing for a fact Mort
heard and would never let him live it down.

Jasper nodded slowly, a little confused but clearly pleased with this news.

“I’ll speak to Carlisle and arrange a meeting for all of us.” Harry lit another cigarette (to recover
from the traumatic event he had just experienced) and nodded vaguely to the vampire.

The pair walked back to the school in pleasant silence.

A lot of questions still hung between them, many stones left unturned.
But for now it seemed to be enough. For now it was a start.

When they reached the car park Harry went back to finish his smoke on his bike while Jasper
approached the ugly building like the good student he was.

Neither said a word, the backs of their hands brushing ever so lightly against each other as they
went their separate ways.


Harry didn’t have to wait long to get his invite for dinner, the next day in Chemistry Jasper leaned
a little closer than he ever had before. Harry realized he could smell him, old leather, honey suckle
and fresh mint washed over him, along with the usual sweet scent that all hybrid vampires had to
entice their prey.

Harry blinked hurriedly to clear his senses and listen to Jasper’s whisper.

“Friday, 7pm. The entire family will be there.” Harry nodded in consent before a thought struck

“Will Swan be there?” Jasper looked uncomfortable, his mouth twisting downward.

“Edward insisted, Carlisle’s allowing it.” Harry narrowed his eyes.

That was not going to happen.

“She can’t be there. It’s against the law for humans to know about this. I’m surprised Carlisle has
allowed her to know about you without biting her.” Jasper looked even more uncomfortable at that,
Harry frowned.

Clearly something had happened that Harry wasn’t aware of.

“She’s finishing school, then changing. The Volturi have demanded it.” Harry hid his intense
surprise to hear that the Volturi knew of Bella’s knowledge and hadn’t killed her, they weren’t
exactly known for their mercy.

Harry considered and finally gave in.

“Fine, I’ll be there.” Jasper nodded, looking relieved.

Harry began planning ways to enforce his rules on the Cullen’s of not spreading his secrets as well
as ways to scare bland-Bella into silence.

The rest of week travelled fast and soon enough Harry was staring at his own reflection wondering
why he cared how he looked.

He was wearing a black shirt that was tucked into cuffed combat trousers, his dragon hide boots
coming half way up his shins. Sirius’ leather jacket gracing his shoulders as usual. He’d braided
his hair to keep it out of the way, Norberta’s tooth dangling from his ear more visibly than usual as
a result.

Harry felt he was preparing more for a battle rather than a treaty meeting.

His moleskin pouch was tied to his belt loop. The invisibility cloak as well as a few different
potions inside as a just in case. His wand was in it’s usual place, in the holster on his wrist.
He’d decided to apparate and leave his bike at home, making a quick exit easier.

Harry took a calming breathe, which didn’t do much, and went down to the living room. Buckbeak
half asleep by the fire while Fawkes perched on the mantle piece.

“I’m going to the Cullen’s.” Harry stated, Buckbeak gave a huff of irritation (either at being woken
or that Harry was once again leaving the house, they’d never know) while Fawkes gave a
concerned whistle.

“I should be back by 9.” he assured the Phoenix, Fawkes said nothing but still didn’t look pleased.

Harry gave a final wave to the pair and twirled on the spot, landing neatly on the doorstep of the
Cullen’s hideous house.

Now that the toad was out of the cauldron there was little point hiding things that made his life

Harry heard muffled conversation inside the house and knocked on the door, ignoring the way his
fingers twitched anxiously in need of a cigarette.

The door opened and Jasper stood with a smile that made Harry’s stomach flip. Jasper eyes
examined him with a careful, analysing gaze.

“Evening.” greeted Harry, ignoring his bodies response to something as normal as a smile.

“Hello Harrison.” Jasper said softly, gesturing Harry to follow him to the living room.

Harry briefly wondered if he should explain that his name wasn’t really Harrison but decided it
could wait until later.

Jasper led them to the plush cream living room. The entire family was arranged around the room,
all looking like delicately constructed ornaments placed there to make the house look like it was
lived in. All except Bella who (in straight legged jeans, a plain brown top and purple hoodie) didn’t
blend into the décor so smoothly.

Carlisle stood once Harry appeared from the hallway, a beaming smile directed at him.

“Harrison, welcome, please take a seat.” The coven leader made a gesture to one of many elephants
breathe arm chairs.

Harry made no reply, merely slid his hands in his pockets and lent against the doorway he was
currently stood in.

Looking over the Cullen’s once before meeting Carlisle’s gaze with an unbothered stare.

Harry could already tell this was going to be a long night.

Chapter End Notes

shits about to get real, i hope y'all are ready

absolutely no one:
Me writing "the backs of their hands brushing ever so lightly against each other":
AHHHHHHHHHHHH ❤ the sexual tension

for reference 'Elephants breathe' is a shade of paint, which is frankly fucking

ridiculous but you know the Cullen's would buy into that shit bleh

Thank you so much for reading! i really hope you enjoyed! feel free to leave a
comment, i adore reading them, and i will see you soon xx ❤❤❤
Petty Spite and Promises
Chapter Summary

The meeting between Harry and the Cullen's goes down

Chapter Notes

Evening all and welcome to the long awaited meeting

i'm excited for this chapter, i hope you are too! please enjoy!

I got sick perfectly in time for the weekend and am now using this story as a substitute
for serotonin lmao

thank you (as usual) for reading

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Silence filled the room following the Coven leaders unanswered offer.

Jasper awkwardly lowered himself onto the sofa next to Rosalie, clearly uncomfortable with the
rooms atmosphere.

Harry looked Carlisle up and down, the Auror in him examining the man for any sign of a threat.
As expected, Harry found none.

“I’d prefer to stand thanks.” Carlisle nodded once, an annoyingly kind smile still shining across the

“My name, as you know, is Carlisle Cullen and I would be considered the leader of my coven.”
Carlisle held out his right hand, on the ring finger lay a signet ring. The crest of a hand, a lion and
three clovers were displayed above the word Cullen.

Harry had similar rings on his own right hand, covered by his glamours.

Harry enjoyed the amusement that bubbled inside him and he set about outdoing the vampire.

Harry offered his own right hand, allowing the rings to become visible to the muggle eye. A few
gasps rang around the room (Bland-Bella, the pixie and Esme) as they watched the rings seemingly
materialize out of thin air.

“Harry James Potter, head of the ancient and noble houses of Potter, Peverell and black. First order
of Merlin.” and Master of death went unsaid.

Carlisle blinked, clear curiosity burning in his gaze.

Harry allowed his magic to reabsorb the rings under his glamour and tucked the hand back in his

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Harry tried not to feel put out that his effort at harassing
them didn’t go as he hoped.

“So you’re a witch or something right?” came the annoying voice of Swan.

Harry fixed her with an icy glare.

“The only reason I have permitted your presence is because Jasper assured me that you would be
turned by the time you finished school. Do not push your luck with me Muggle. Just because I
saved your life doesn’t make us friends.” Harry remembered himself having a similar conversation
with a blonde ferret many years ago and couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic.

Bland-Bella looked completely stunned to be spoken to in such a way. Out of the corner of his eyes
Harry noticed Rosalie smirk with vicious intent.

Harry turned his glare back to the leader of this shit show.

“While we’re on the subject; might I remind you that while you’re breaking your laws by letting a
human know of your secrets, you’re also breaking my laws by telling her of mine. A little rude
don’t you think?” Harry let some of his magic seep through his pores, adding a little more intent to
his words.

Carlisle’s expression turned fearful for a second before turning sombre and apologetic.

“I have to give you my sincerest apologies for my lack of discretion. It had not occurred to me that
your own community would of course have these laws.” Harry scoffed “I can assure you that
Isabella will be turned by the time she finishes school. The Volturi have demanded it.”

A pointed look was sent in Edwards direction at this statement. Clearly something was going on
there but Harry could honestly care less about the Cullen family drama so ignored it.

“I will accept your apology, but I will not forget. I will also have to make my own assurances that
Miss Swan remains silent on this matter, I’m sure you understand.” Carlisle looked uncomfortable,
it felt good to ruffle the endlessly positive mans feathers.

“What are you going to do?” asked Edward, clearly anxious.

Harry would normally acquire an unbreakable vow, but since the girl was human it wouldn’t be as
effective as he’d like. A curse would have to do.

“A simple spell, Miss Swan will not be able to speak a word of my communities existence to
anyone outside of this room.” it was a simple binding spell, similar to an unbreakable vow but
didn’t require the other’s magical consent. Magical consent that no muggle could give.

“What happens if she does?” asked Emmett clearly enjoying this conversation as much as Harry

Harry smiled a sweet smile.

“She dies.” he replied honestly. Bland-Bella paled considerably at this reply.

Edward gave a growling outraged cry and Carlisle looked pained.

“If you believe it to be completely necessary, though I do wish you would reconsider.” Harry’s
smile turned cold as he faced Carlisle again.

“Perhaps next time you’ll reconsider before spilling secrets that were never yours to spill.” silence
filled the room as the Cullen’s realized this was more a lesson for Carlisle that it was for Bella.

“Do it.” said Bella calmly “I won’t say a word.”

Harry briefly (very briefly) admired her bravery before firmly shoving that thought away and
turning to face her.

“You might feel a slight pinch.” he warned, grinning.

Harry brought his magic to his hands making a few pulling and twisting movements, a yellow
glowing web of magic was slowly built. Harry gently flicked his wrist forward sending the spell
toward Swan.

The web entwined itself around the muggle girl, absorbing into her skin, making itself comfortable.

Harry examined her carefully, tucking a few stray threads away ensuring the spell held tight.

The boring girl looked a little confused and Harry wondered how much she had actually seen and

Harry felt a heavy gaze on him and turned to meet Jasper’s awed expression staring straight into his

Harry, sniffed, and straightened his posture.

“Now that that’s out of the way, perhaps we should get down to business?” Carlisle nodded and
gestured for Harry to continue.

“My side of things is simple: don’t spread my secrets or I’ll spread yours. And don’t be annoying,
our co-existence will go much smoother if you just leave me be.” Carlisle’s annoying smile

“Those requests are certainly simple. Ours would be similar, however I do not think we wish the
same distance between us as you do. In fact we would welcome you to visit when ever you wish. I
personally would adore the opportunity to learn more about you and your community.” Carlisle
sent a hopeful fatherly smile Harry’s way.

The man had clearly charmed many people, smiled at them until they wilted and spilled their souls
out for the sake of friendship. Life long bonds, which for vampires meant forever, formed in just a
few quiet conversations in a study. A smart way to gain friends and allies.

However, none of these vampires and humans had been Harry. Harry knew that, considering his
bond with Jasper, he eventually would end up spilling more secrets to the Cullen’s. perhaps one
day they would know everything. But it would be on his terms and not for the sake of knowledge
or curiosity.

Harry’s friendship got harder and harder to win with every blood filled fight, every betrayal, every
drawn out death. He would not be won over by a vaguely endearing Merlin-knows-how-old
vampire role playing as ‘Daddy’.

“I’m not here to become your friend Cullen.” Harry said softly, it was true after all. “I’m here so
I’m allowed some segment of peace and know exactly where I stand with the local wildlife.” Harry
smiled, Carlisle looked disappointment.

“I can accept that. Forgive me, I allow my own curiosity to over take me.” Harry made no move to
accept this apology.

“We’ll keep each others secrets and leave each other be. Agreed?” the Cullen’s hesitated.

“There is one thing I feel I should make you aware of.” Harry held in a groan of irritation.

“What?” he snapped, completely bored by now.

“Our territory only goes so far. It borders on the Quileute land. They’re were-wolves.” the tone
was grave and low. The room became tense and solemn.

Harry threw back his head and laughed. He’d never heard anything more ridiculous.

“There aren’t any packs in this part of the US, I can assure you.” The Cullen’s looked confused.

“The Quileute tribe are wolves, they have been for generations.” Harry was forced to pause his
mirth to frown.

“The full moon was three days ago. If there was a pack here, in a town this size? You’d know
about it.” Harry’s tone had become bitter and hostile, the unwanted images of the chaos Greyback
and other packs like his caused.

The smell of blood so thick in the air you could taste it.

The concealed scratches on Harry’s own body burned with the memory.

“The full moon is a myth.” tutted Edward Cullen, Harry’s hand twitched with the need to curse

“No it’s not.” he spat. Glaring forcefully into Edwards eyes.

The memory of Remus, sweet and kind Remus, screaming in agony as his own bones broke and
reformed one by one until he was no longer the man Harry had grown to trust and admire. Instead
an animal that fought the man for control by slashing at it’s own face.

“The Quileute are not effected by the moon.” Jasper’s voice felt like a soothing balm on all of
Harry wounds.

“Then they’re not were-wolves. Not proper ones anyway.” he shot Jasper a half-hearted grin at the
dig he had given Jasper earlier that week. Jasper smiled so sweetly in return.

Harry sighed.

“There’s clearly something about Forks, the way it attracts Hybrids.” Harry muttered, fully aware
the occupants of the room could hear him.

“Thank you for making me aware of their existence, they haven’t bothered me so far so I’ll do
them the same courtesy.” Carlisle nodded, satisfied.

“My main point is that if you are in need of help, we can not help you on their side of the border.”
Harry openly scoffed at the idea of needing a bunny-muncher to save him.

“Can’t see that becoming an issue.” He quipped, tone beautifully scathing.

“Regardless, I would feel better if they were informed of your existence and our treaty. Hopefully
they will want a treaty with you also.” Harry groaned, annoyed at another disturbance to his

“Fine. When?” he snapped, not bothering to hide his irritation.

The smile Carlisle gave him made it worse.

“I can arrange a meeting with them for tomorrow.” Harry rolled his eyes and didn’t bother

“Other than that, do we have a deal?” Harry’s tone was as bored as he felt.

“We do.” smiled Carlisle, clearly pleased with himself.

“Fabulous.” he muttered dryly.

Carlisle’s eyes slid to Harry’s sleeve covered arm.

“How’s the arm getting on?” Harry followed his gaze, he’d forgotten about that little detail.

He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the ugly stitching, it was healing extremely well by muggle
standers but Harry wrinkled his nose at the sight of puckered skin and scabs.

“Mind if I tidy it up a little? Now that I don’t have to play normal anymore.” Carlisle’s nod of
consent was far more eager than was probably polite but Harry didn’t comment, instead turning his
focus on his wound.

Sliding his wand from his sleeve Harry ran the tip down the sewn wound, the stitches undoing
themselves and dissolving in mid air before they could soil the Cullen’s pristine carpet. Once every
stitch was undone Harry retraced the cut, this time going upward leaving a clean white scar line in
it’s place.

Harry gave a satisfied sigh, sliding his wand back into it’s hiding place.

He looked up to meet 8 awed stares.

Harry smirked, imaging they probably felt exactly how he had at age 11.

“Extraordinary.” whispered Carlisle. Harry couldn’t help his smirk.

“If that’s all?” Harry asked, looking around the room pretending he cared about whatever it was
they had to add to the situation.

“Could you beat me in a fight?” asked the meat head named Emmett, who looked far too excited
by the prospect.

“Easily.” Harry replied, another sweet smile playing on his lips. The meat head grinned.

It as amusing to see that none of them looked convinced.

“Allow us to show you out.” offered Esme, smiling a motherly smile as she rose from her seat to
lead him to the door.

Harry was a little more than surprised when her husband, 5 pretend children and the human stray
also followed them to the door. Gathering around it as if to make sure he actually left.
Harry really should leave them a memo that he wasn’t any where near as obsessed with them as
they seemed to believe.

Carlisle and Esme stood arm in arm just outside the door with their fake children and bland Bella
huddling in the doorway. Harry felt like he was living in a soap opera.

“It was a pleasure to meet and talk to you properly Harrison.” Harry didn’t bother correcting that
that wasn’t really his name.

“Perhaps next time can be more of a social visi-” Carlisle Cullen’s patronizing words were cut off
as a war cry of a squawk interrupted him.

A large flash of red dive bombed the Cullen Patriarch, the couple dodged while the 6 behind them
cried out in alarm.

The creature circled around again, going for Harry this time. Several more cries of warning rang out
but fell on deaf ears, as Fawkes landed peacefully on Harry’s shoulder.

Harry took in the pale shocked faces and the dishevelled appearance of the usually so composed
Cullen clan, and laughed.

A delighted laugh that Fawkes had managed to do what Harry had been trying to do all night; wipe
that annoying smile off Carlisle Cullen’s stupid smug face.

Once Harry calmed he raised a glamoured hand to stroke at Fawkes’ delicate feathers.

Fawkes, while appreciative of the petting, looked at him with concerned, reproachful eyes.

“Oh hush, I’m not that late.” Fawkes gave a stubborn shrill that somehow reminded Harry of Mrs
Weasley when she would tell him off for not eating enough.

“You worry too much.” he informed the Phoenix softly, the creature refused to own up to this fact
so simply pushed it’s head toward Harry’s hand. Harry allowed this and moved his gentle attention
to the crest of feathers on Fawkes’ head.

“What the hell is that?” came the outraged call of Rosalie.

Fawkes gave a trill of dissatisfaction at being described as a ‘that’ and Harry smothered a grin.

“This is Fawkes.” He informed the Cullen coven. “He’s a very dear friend and a protective worry

That earned Harry a harsh peck to the knuckles.

“But he’s wonderful and included in our deal.” the second part of that sentence was a very clear
threat. If they attempted anything related to Fawkes they would learn about the serious harm magic
can cause.

“Of course.” agreed Carlisle, clearly trying to compose himself.

“Any other Magical creatures we should be made aware of?” asked Jasper, sounding much too
amused by the situation.

Harry flashed him an easy grin.

“A few.” he replied, before turning and apperating away.

Well, thought Harry as he landed in his cluttered living room, that went about as well as he

Chapter End Notes

we love a lil Fawkes cameo that causes drama

this chapter answered absolutely zero questions on both sides and that's kinda the
point. both parties prepared to play nice but still very much holding their cards to their
chests. some more than others....Yes, I'm looking at you Harry

anyone excited for the involvement of the wolves? Personally i think it'll be fun

Thank you so so SO much for reading it means the world, really hoped you enjoyed,
feel free to leave a comment and i will see you soon!
Petty Cats and Meeting the Dogs
Chapter Summary

Fawkes gets a little revenge, Buckbeak is himself and Harry meets the third hybrid
species that lives in Forks

Chapter Notes

Evening all! welcome back!

the first and last parts of this chapter gave me a level of joy that is unhealthy to write,
the middle bit is plot stuff lmao

I really hope you enjoy, join me in welcoming toxic lil Jacob Black to our story! woo,
he's barely there but woo

Thank you as usual for reading!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It struck Harry that the Cullen’s didn’t give him a specific time for the meeting with the fake were-
wolves and had no way to contact him, this gave Harry the very tempting idea to lock his door and
spend the evening how he wanted to: sprawled across the sofa, Buckbeak’s head in his lap, Fawkes
perching close by, staring into the fire imaging himself burning to death and staying dead.

But no, the picture of Jasper Hale with a slight pouting frown plagued him. So Harry would just
turn up at 7 and hope for the best, maybe he’d offer Jasper a way to contact him to avoid these
opportunities for little mistakes.

Was that too forward? Offering his number to the immortal blood sucker?

It felt more childish and clumsy than anything else, they hadn’t discussed the whole ‘soulmate’
thing. Jasper didn’t even know that Harry knew yet.

Harry winced at the image of a similar conversation to the one they had in the woods.

It was painful how oblivious the entire clan was, sure Harry had a lot more knowledge than a lot of
the wizarding world when it came to dangerous situations let alone the tiny town of Forks, but it
was blatantly obvious there was something up with the Cullen’s. So he couldn’t be blamed for
figuring these things out.

Bland-Bella figured it out.

It was really bothering Harry how someone so dense could figure out a secret like that, it meant the
Cullen’s were putting themselves at risk.

Jasper was potentially at risk.

That thought pulled at something inside Harry that he ignored.

Harry groaned at the uninvited emotion and wordlessly summoned a bottle of firewhisky (He’d
stocked up earlier that day) and took a harsh gulp of the burning liquor.

Turning up drunk to a meeting with 7 vampires, Merlin knows how many wolves and a whiny
human would be a low moment but one he was more than capable of over coming.

Harry’s mind once again wondered to what these wolves really were, they sounded more like some
rare genetic Animagus from the books he’d found of local tribal myths. It would be interesting to
see how magic reacted to them, not that Harry planned on fighting a wolf but you never know.

The sun began to set and dusk drew in far faster than Harry would like, soon he was sliding his
leather jacket over his shoulders. He was still wearing the clothes from the day before, simply
coating himself in a few Scourgify charms to save face.

Being around a bunch of creatures with an impeccable sense of smell was going to hurt Harry’s

Harry strolled downstairs into the living room, Fawkes was eating some kind of purple lizard,
making a terrible mess of Harry’s sofa. (probably revenge for making the Phoenix worry about

Buckbeak had somehow squashed himself behind one of the arm chairs in the far corner of the
room; and seemed to be making a nest out of empty liquor bottles, torn blankets, Harry’s cigarette
butts (that Buckbeak kept stealing from the various ash trays dotted about the house) and various
other concerning objects.

Harry blinked at the Hippogriff, who stared back at him from his place nestled amongst the things
he’d collected, an innocent glee in his yellow eyes saying ‘Look what I made’.

Harry was once again painfully reminded that if the great and mighty Hippogriff was ever
transformed into a house cat, he would 100% be a scruffy stray raiding the bins behind dirty night

Harry gave a deep sigh of long suffering blended with pure fondness and turned back to Fawkes,
who was now looking at Harry with a look that was far too smug for a bird; even a magical one.

“I know you’re grumpy with me, but I’m going to meet the Cullen’s pet dogs. I won’t be long and
if you decide to interrupt this meeting, feel free to aim for the face.” Fawkes looked satisfied
enough with this invitation and went back to eating his lizard, deliberately letting intestine flop out
and stain Harry’s wonderful knitted cushions.

Harry rolled his eyes, but didn’t bother berating the stubborn bird.

Buckbeak gave a whine from his hiding place and Harry glanced to him. The Hippogriff’s eyes had
gone wide with pleading as he looked from his nest of junk to Harry.

Harry held in a groan.

“Yes Buckbeak, it’s very lovely.” Buckbeak gave a pleased grunt and snuggled deeper into the pile
of blankets.

Harry idly noticed one of his socks amongst the pile as he turned to disapparate.

Harry landed in front of the Cullen’s ugly house and immediately lit a cigarette, deciding that that
would be enough to alert them of his presence rather than wasting energy going to knock.

Sure enough the usual welcome wagon of all 7 of them plus the human embodiment of wall-paper
paste soon spilled through the narrow door way.

Carlisle opened his arms and beamed down at Harry’s scowl. Harry took a drag of his smoke.

“So wonderful to see you again Harrison. My apologies for not giving you a time for tonight’s
meeting, but you’re just on time.” Harry’s scowl deepened, he’d been hoping to be late just to
annoy them.

Jasper shot him an amused, knowing look.

“We’re meeting them at the border.” announced Edward calmly, his arm wrapping around Bella in
a possessive motion that made Harry feel slightly ill.

“We can meet you there?” asked Carlisle, looking unsure. Harry scraped the surface of Edwards
mind and saw the clearing of trees in questions.

Usually he wouldn’t read minds but this was just returning the favour. Edward blinked and
frowned as if aware something had happened but couldn’t figure out what.

Harry sent a lazy smirk his way before apperating to said clearing, finding a sturdy tree to lean on
(perfectly in between the two sides of the clearing) and waited for the Cullen’s to catch up.

Harry could feel the presence of others close by, presumably the wolves.

Sure enough 6 huge shapes began appearing out of the thick foliage, led by two frankly enormous
half naked men.

The wolves were various colours, all massive in size. They appeared to be normal looking enough
wolves, only the height of the horse and weirdly muscled.

The two men were tall and broad, both with russet skin and short black hair, both had a tribal tattoo
on their right shoulder.

The younger of the two looked solemn yet curious, while the older looked at Harry with a guarded

Harry took a drag of his smoke.

8 fake were-wolves and 7 fake vampires, what a cluster fuck.

“You must be the sorcerer.” said the older one, in his deep brash voice.

Harry shrugged and took another deep inhale.

“I’m Sam, the Alpha of this pack.” Harry, unable to help himself, sorted.

“Alpha? Seriously?” Sam stood a little taller at the dig.

Footsteps were heard coming from Harry’s left and soon the Cullen’s appeared, their usual boy
band pose resumed.
Harry choked when he caught sight of a dizzy looking Bella on Edwards back.

How humiliating, to be carried around like a child.

“Sam.” greeted Carlisle, voice still agonizingly positive.

“Cullen.” spat back the man wolf.

Harry grinned, pleased to find someone else who was about as impressed with Carlisle as he was.
(excluding Fawkes that is)

“I see you’ve met our newest friend Harrison.” Harry wrinkled his nose at the phrase as well as his
wrong name.

“Not your friend Carlisle.” Harry reminded, sadly finishing his cigarette.

The two human shaped wolves looked pleased at this put down.

“You wanted to discuss peace with my people?” asked Sam.

Harry turned to the wolves with a bored look.

“I met the Cullen’s at school, figured a peace treaty between us was best to avoid any blood-shed.
They mentioned your existence yesterday and thought it might be prudent to introduce me to you.”
Harry lazily looked over the 6 wolves.

He felt a little disappointed to see that, just like the Cullen’s, magic played little to no part in their
being whatsoever. Just another muggle hybrid that really, probably should’ve been wiped out by
the magical world years ago to protect the statute of secrecy.

Lucky for them, Harry wasn’t exactly known for his rule following so would leave the large pack

“I have no interest in causing issue for anyone, so really the deal would simply be to ignore each
other. i don’t give a shit about territory either so.” Harry shrugged, the ‘Alpha’ looked vaguely

“I’m sure we could agree to those terms, though we would welcome you as an alley. We have
legends of your kind.” Harry’s interest was immediately peaked.

He hadn’t read any hints of wizard involvement in the Quileute books he’d read nor any mention of
the Quileute tribe during his many hours studying magical places and creatures.

“What sort of legends?” Harry asked, now fully ignoring the Cullen’s to his left.

“Legends about all kinds of crazy stuff.” said the younger one speaking up for the first time, he
blushed deeply when Harry looked at him.

“Our tribe leaders have them, we might be able to get permission for you to read them?” offered

Harry didn’t need to consider, curiosity getting the better of him.

“I would be interested, I can offer my services in return if it helps. Protective or secrecy spells, that
sort of thing. Can’t be easy hiding 8 over grown puppies in one little reservation.” Sam nodded
thoughtfully, ignoring the dig.
“I’m sure we could make a deal with the elders.” Harry nodded pleased with this outcome and
glanced back at the Cullen’s.

Jasper was looking at Harry fondly, while Carlisle smiled at the peace he was observing and the
rest of the Cullen’s eyed the wolves with distrust. Bland Bella was frowning at the younger man
shaped wolf, Harry didn’t bother questioning why.

“I wanted to have this meeting so we would all be on the same page. Harrison is allowed on our
lands and under our protection.” Harry scoffed but it went unnoticed by the two opposing groups.

“Well, he’ll be allowed on ours too so that places him under our protection.” Their was an
awkward stare down between the two groups.

Harry groaned loudly, finally getting their attention.

“Or.” Harry started retrieving another cigarette out of his jacket pocket “Harry protects Harry and
you lot-”

Harry paused flicking his finger, a flame burst out of his fingertip. Both wolves and vampires took
stuttering steps away from the being who could apparently command fire, while Harry merely lit
his smoke and squashed the flame with an effortless pinch.

“-fuck off and mind your own business.” Harry smiled sweetly. The wolves were the first to
recover, with smirks and shrugged shoulders.

“Sure man, whatever you like.” said Sam, Harry had apparently won his respect.

Carlisle’s eyes seemed to be reassessing Harry, he didn’t say anything to confirm or deny Harry’s
statement merely gave a slow polite nod of consideration.

“Well if that’s everything?” asked Rosalie, clearly wanting to be anywhere but here.

“Actually, we did want to make you aware that we’ve had sightings of that redheaded red-eyed
leech.” Harry smirked at the insult.

A human drinking vampire crossing into the wolves territory? How juicy.

The fact that the nameless blood muncher was identified by their hair colour meant the Cullen’s
had crossed paths with them before. Mildly interesting information that Harry decided to log for
later on.

“Thank you for making us aware.” Carlisle sounded grave, this really must be dramatic.

The two groups nodded their goodbyes, before parting ways and disappearing once again into the
busy undergrowth.

Jasper lingered, watching the rest of his family go before turning to face Harry.

Harry took a calming breathe and prepared himself for embarrassment.

“You can have my number if you want it.” he offered, a little too blunt probably but he offered.

Jasper’s face lit up with a smile brighter than the moon and stars combined, Harry forced himself to
blink and ignored the feeling of his cheeks warming under the attention.

“I’d like that.” replied Jasper, smiling (once again) much too sweetly.
Harry took his charmed phone from his pocket and wordlessly handed it to Jasper.

It was weird to think that despite Jasper being much older than Harry he was easily better than
Harry at managing technology. Considering the way his long fingers darted across the screen, like
it was second nature.

Harry took the phone back and glanced at the screen. A mess of numbers captioned ‘Jasper :)’
saved in his contacts.

It sent a warm feeling to his stomach.

“I can’t promise I’ll reply, magic and muggle tech don’t really mix.” Jasper’s eyes turned curious,
but Harry couldn’t be bothered to try and explain the mostly unknown reasons magic didn’t work
with technology or the various magical theories that went with it.

It didn’t help that Harry was also using that as a cover up for his constant unstable behaviour when
it came to social (let alone romantic) relationships.

“I’ll try though.” he offered in a meek effort, Jasper’s eyes turned soft.

“That’s all I could ever want.” it was said in a soft sweet breathe that washed over Harry like felix
felicis on potions exam day.

Harry smiled and took a deep inhale of nicotine.

“See you soon.” he whispered to the blonde, who smiled and nodded before running off at
lightening speed into the night.

Harry stayed there for a while, in the meeting place for fake vampires and equally fake were-
wolves, gazing at the stars.

He wondered if his sofa would ever be clean again, whether his missing shirt was among the many
things Buckbeak had apparently collected and if Jasper would really turn out to be his soulmate.

For now though, he smoked and looked at the dog star shining brightly over his head.

Chapter End Notes

I stan Buckbeak and Fawkes in ways i can not process

Jasper and Harry are so cute. that's it.

Really hope you enjoyed! i love writing this and your feedback and enjoyment means
an incredible amount ❤ endless love from my end ❤

thank you ❤ feel free to leave a comment! see you soon!

Discussing the Facts and a Feeling of Belonging
Chapter Summary

Harry gets a text. Jasper gets a lil frustrated... but mostly infatuated

Chapter Notes

Evening, yes i am still alive.

sorry for the delay, but i'm back on my bs now so have no worry.

as if i would abandon this, smh y'all know i'm obsessed.

i hope you enjoy! ❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry glared out of the window at the churning grey clouds.

He was sat on his bed, had been for the past hour or so, sat up and cocooned in several blankets to
keep out the permanent Forks chill.

It was Saturday, a dull week had passed since Harry had met the fake wolves of Forks. A week
spent at school, having quiet conversations with Jasper and pretending the rest of the Cullen’s
didn’t exist.

Harry hadn’t heard anything from the wolves, so assumed there governing system was about as
efficient as every other governing body seemed to be; so a decision on if he could read their
legends or not would take time.

Luckily, or rather miserably, Harry had lots of time.

This however was not the reason for Harry’s morning glaring.

No, Harry was more than used to leaders taking an age to make decisions.

In fact the cause of today’s resentment was a ridiculous thing. If anything, Harry was more
annoyed that it was effecting him.

He had woken up to a text message.

He and Jasper had had minimal out of school contact by muggle phone, a few teasing ‘will you be
at school today’s?’ and one rather predictable ‘can I copy your essay?’.

But these had been simple, laid back messages. A level of social interaction that Harry could cope
‘I know it’s late, but we really need to talk. When can I see you?’ however, was not simple or laid

It stunk of commitment.

Something that Harry had avoided like the plague for at least 40 odd years of his apparently
lengthy life span.

That text message had arrived sometime last night, evidently Jasper forgot that while Harry was a
sleep deprived gremlin driven by nicotine, alcohol and pure stubbornness he still slept…

Harry groaned and summoned the phone, it leapt up from it’s place on the floor (where he had
dumped it in despair after reading the text) and hovered in front of his face.

Harry half hoped that using this level of unnecessary magic would force the device to explode
before he had a chance to reply, sadly that wasn’t the case.

Harry frowned in thought, using his magic to type his brief but hopefully suitable reply.

‘We can talk. Meet me at my place at 10, just follow my scent’

Harry read and reread the message before deciding he wasn’t a love struck fourteen year old and
hit send, before once again letting the phone smack on the floor.

That was enough right?

Harry’s house was more private than the Cullen home for annoyingly immortal teens. Plus Harry
needed to see how Buckbeak and Fawkes reacted to Jasper. The two creatures were a very good
judge of character and would soon let Harry know how they felt about the bunny muncher.

Harry’s musing was interrupted by the buzz of his phone.

Harry peered over the edge of his bed and eyed the phone, Harry sent a tendril of magic out to
nudge the home button, lighting the screen.

Green eyes darted across the notification.

‘I’d love to, see you soon’

Harry blinked, then buried his head back under the blankets.

Fuck he was pathetic.

He was nearly sixty years old.

He should be married and bullying his children into giving him grandchildren, not anxiously
waiting for some stupid boy to text him back.

Harry sat up suddenly, the blankets that had so far evaded Buckbeak’s steadily growing collection
fell off his shoulders.

He was better than this.

Harry left his bed and dressed, choosing his most recent gift from Mrs Weasley (a deep green
jumper with a cream H) along with the jeans that Buckbeak used as a chew toy. The jumper was
about 3 sizes too big and exposed his collarbones in a way that made it obvious he wasn’t wearing
anything under it.

Details that Harry felt would enforce the fact that he definitely hadn’t dressed up for Jasper Hale’s

With a firm nod, Harry’s socked feet padded downstairs to the living room.

Buckbeak was spread in front of the fire dozing. Nest for once empty.

Harry had extended the room ever so slightly and arranged some curtains around the nest. Partly so
he could coat them in various charms to block out the smell, but mostly to give Buckbeak a more
comfortable space in his favourite room.

Sure the Hippogriff had his own actual bedroom, complete with massive bed, piles of blankets and
of course partially chewed animal bones, but he wanted a space in the living room. A space where
he could feel safe. A space where he knew Fawkes and Harry would frequently be in.

Who was Harry to stop him?

It was quite cute really, once the smell was gone at least.

It helped that Harry had now made a habit of making doubles of most of his more essential
clothing items.

Fawkes was perched on the light fitting, looking down at Harry with the same smug look he had
been giving him since the lizard incident.

The incident had left the sofa with a harsh navy blue splattered stain. Harry still wasn’t very
pleased to have evidence of lizard murder on his sofa, but allowed the Phoenix to have his victory.

Truth be told both Harry and Fawkes knew that Harry was more than capable of removing the
stain, but they also knew he was lazy and appreciated the effort Fawkes put into spiting him.

Harry made some tea and settled on the stainless side of his sofa, preparing to give his housemates
a talk about their visitor.

“Jasper Hale is coming over today.” Fawkes made a movement that looked far too much like an
angry toddler stomping his foot and Buckbeak gave an annoyed huff.

“I know you don’t like them, but Jasper seems to be separate from them. At least in personality.”
The creatures in his living room didn’t look convinced. Harry sighed.

“It doesn’t matter. I want him to visit so that means no biting, pecking, kicking or clawing.” Harry
took a sip of his tea “Unless he deserves it obviously.”

That at least seemed to soothe them.


Harry lent against the banister leading up to his porch and smoked his 5th cigarette of the day.

It was dead on ten and Jasper would be arriving soon.

Harry knew, or least was pretty sure, what Jasper wanted to talk about. But that didn’t seem to
soothe the twisting of his stomach as he waited for the blonde to show up.
He didn’t know where this conversation would lead.

They might be destined in the eyes of fate but that didn’t change the fact that they knew nothing
about each other.

Nothing real.

Harry didn’t know who Jasper really was. Who had he been before he was bitten? What had the
change done to him?

Who was he before he met Carlisle Cullen and his way of life?

Not to mention that Jasper thought Harry was a 17 year old kid, sure a wizard, but still a kid.

The Cullen’s had no point of reference when it came to power, perhaps they thought all wizards
could do the same things as Harry could with the same lack of effort.

Harry gave his hair a harsh tug and took another deep inhale.

He was so lost in thought he actually jumped when he felt Jasper’s presence brush against the
magic of the wards.

Blinked hurriedly, silently peeling back the curtain of magic to give Jasper permission to cross into
Harry’s property.

The blonde looked… nice. Nervous? A little less in pain than he did surrounded by muggles at

He was dressed in light blue jeans and a white shirt (boots that looked suspiciously cow-boy like)
and entirely out of place for the lingering morning chill.

Harry flicked his now dead smoke to the floor and steadily met the eyes of the immortal blonde.

Jasper stared back at him.

A few moments passed, as if both were preparing for the conversation they were about to have.

Jasper was the one to break the peace.

“Thank you for inviting me over.” he said softly, Harry shrugged.

“It’s more private.” Harry glanced back at his front door, suddenly wondering if he had any cursed
or be-spelled items that would cause issues. Before dismissing the idea, Buckbeak would’ve found
any by now.

“I know you’re not a real blood sucker, but I’ll give you permission to enter all the same.” Jasper’s
lips quirked in a soft amused smile.

“I appreciate the gesture.” Harry let the hint of a smirk cross his mouth.

He took a steadying breathe and led the vampire to his house, opening the door and letting the
blonde enter before him.

The door was shut carefully behind them, leaving the pair in the comforting glow of magical light.

Harry felt a twitch of anxiousness as he watched Jasper’s eyes trail to the large door way of the
living room, to the cluttered spiral staircase, to the door to the kitchen, to the various piles of books
that sat stacked in corners.

Harry felt his stomach drop when he realized that any and all photo’s or paintings were turned
backward to face the wall.

He had forgotten about that. It was the same in every room now.

He hadn’t been able to handle seeing how happy they had all been. Couldn’t cope with counting
the dead faces in every group picture.

Harry swallowed and ignored the golden eyes he could feel staring at him with curious concern.

“We can sit and talk in here.” Harry muttered, leading the bunny muncher to the living room.

Praying Fawkes had listened to his rules.

Harry opened the door slowly, when no rush of red and orange feathers appeared he opened the
door fully.

Buckbeak had returned to his nest and was currently out of sight, while Fawkes stood proudly on
his golden perch. (A perch he never used and was clearly just posing on to show off)

Jasper eyed the Phoenix warily for a few seconds before examining the room.

Harry felt the knot in his stomach loosening a little when awe filled Jasper’s eyes as he examined
the overflowing, towering book shelves.

“You sure do read a lot.” he muttered, Harry snorted following Jasper’s gaze around the room.

“A hobby I picked up from a friend.” he replied quietly, banishing the pang of sorrow that that
confession brought.

Harry sat on the sofa, deliberately sitting atop the lizard incident stain so that Fawkes would stop
looking so bloody smug.

Jasper sat in a nearby arm chair, crossing his legs neatly.

They looked so different.

Jasper: almost prim in the way he gingerly perched in Harry’s chair, anxious and devoted to his
quest to become at least friendly with Harry.

Harry: dark and broody, squashed into his sofa (half hoping it would swallow him). apprehensive
and ever so slightly interested but ever realistic to what it meant to be close to Jasper.

“There’s a big reason I needed to talk to you.” started Jasper “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while
but I was afraid of how you’d react. Leaving it any longer isn’t fair on you though, so I’m telling
you now.”

Harry had a horrible sense of Deja vu.

“I’m sure, considering how much you know, you’ve heard about my ‘species’ having mates.”
Harry cupped his face in his hands, staring at the arm of the chair; where Jasper’s hand lay twirling
a loose thread.
“Well, you’re mine. My mate.” the words were said in a heartfelt whisper that made Harry feel bad
for what he was about to do.

Harry let the silence stretch for just a micro second.

“I know.” he whispered back, truly apologetic.

Jasper froze.

“What do you mean you know?” Harry winced.

The Deja vu had increased ten fold.

“Merlin, you really are just obvious.” Jasper blinked.

Harry sighed.

“I- You left me a few clues. I had suspicions and then Mortuus confirmed it.” Harry’s tone turned
bitter toward the end.

“Mortuus? As in that girl? How would she know? You said she wasn’t involved with this.” the
word ‘this’ was accompanied with a wild gesture around the room.

Harry was starting to feel a little out of his depth.

“Mort was that girl yes. I never said they weren’t aware of what was going on, merely that they
didn’t need to be involved with our meeting. They don’t.” Harry finished firmly.

“Is she like you? Magic?” asked Jasper, clearly frustrated and trying to understand.

Harry debated how to answer that question.

“They aren’t like me.” Harry said sullenly, an unbidden flash of green sparked across his vision as
his body fell limply to the forest floor. They aren’t a bit like me.

Harry tried his best to meet Jasper’s eyes. Wanting to make the other man understand without
spilling his secrets too soon.

“Mortuus has magic, yes. But not in the same way I do.” Jasper nodded slowly but clearly didn’t
fully understand. How could he?

“How long have you known then?” Harry shrugged, hoping he wasn’t seriously fucking this up.

“After your daddy stitched me up.” Jasper gave him a look at the nickname he had given the coven

Silence spread between them again, Jasper’s mind clearly going over every interaction they had
had since then.

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew?” he finally asked, sounding afraid of the answer.

Harry struggled for a moment.

“There was a lot of other stuff happening, I thought I should let that settle first. Not to mention it
didn’t feel right me asking you about it. It’s more your business than mine.” Jasper considered this,
tilting his head slightly as he examined Harry.
“I suppose you’re right.” he muttered.

He met Harry’s eyes.

“Can I ask how you feel about it?” Harry shifted slightly in his chair and broke eye contact.

These were questions he should’ve been ready to answer.

“I think we don’t know each other.” Harry paused eyes looking to Fawkes for moral support “I
think I’m not ready to tell you things about myself and I think you probably feel the same. I think
it’s going to be hard, maybe more for me than you, to care about someone again. But I think that
fate is a stubborn thing and decided that we are meant to be together. So I’m willing to try.”

He risked a glance at Jasper, the mans face was entirely understanding and sympathetic. Eyes soft
and mouth tilted in a gentle, caring smile.

“I know we don’t know each other Harry.” Harry’s insides twisted at the realization that that was
the first time Jasper had called him Harry “I have so much to tell you about myself, and you’re
right I’m not ready to now. But I want to be. And I want to know everything about you too. When
you’re ready for me to know.”

Harry’s eyes were drawn into bottomless gold.

“I know that we’re meant to be together.” Harry tried not to groan at the lovely, sweet cliché he was
living in.

“How about we start with basics?” Harry raised an brow.

“What kind of basics?” Jasper smirked.

“Name? Age? Where you grew up? I don’t know, favourite colour?” Harry smirked at the idea of
revealing his age.

“You do realize how high school teenager of you that is?” Jasper rolled his with a grin.

“Humour me?” it was Harry’s turn to roll his eyes.

“Fine.” the winning smile he got in return made it worth it. He really hoped Jasper wasn’t
purposefully performing acts of a high school-er with a crush because he assumed Harry’s age.

“My name it Jasper Whitlock-Hale, I was born and raised in Houston Texas, born in 1844. I was 19
when I was changed, but I’m technically 193. give or take. Recently my favourite colour has been
green.” he met Harry’s eyes straight on when he revealed his favourite colour.

Harry tried not to gag.

“Your turn.” teased Jasper, Harry sighed.

“My name is Harry James Potter, I lived my first year of life in Godric’s Hollow before being
moved to Surrey where I grew up and spent my summers away from boarding school. I was born in
1980.” Jasper’s eyes widened slightly as he searched Harry for a lie.

Harry smirked.

“My favourite colours will probably always be red and gold.” he added but Jasper was still reeling
from the reveal of Harry’s age.
“1980? that would make you 57.” Harry shrugged.

“Wizards age slowly.” it wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t the full truth either.

“You look 17.”replied Jasper in disbelief.

“You look 19.” Harry sneered in reply.

“Touché.” said Jasper faintly, still apparently in shock.

“You asked.” snapped Harry, scowling.

Jasper’s face instantly softened.

“I’m no one to judge age Harry, I was just surprised. I’m sorry.” Harry nodded in acceptance and lit
a cigarette.

Using a lighter this time so he wouldn’t alarm the blonde.

The smell stirred Buckbeak from his nap.

The huge Hippogriff stepped out from behind the curtains and stared straight at Jasper, who
jumped out of his chair in shock.

Harry lazily exhaled smoke as if nothing had changed.

“This is Buckbeak, Buckbeak meet Jasper.” Buckbeak tilted his head to the side examining the
fake vampire.

“Jasper, bow to him.” commanded Harry.

“What? Why?” asked Jasper, indignant and confused.

“It’s a sign of mutual respect, he’ll take it as a challenge of dominance if you don’t.” replied Harry
just as Buckbeak gave a low warning growl and stalked forward to stand in front of Harry.
Protecting him from the being Buckbeak viewed as a threat.

“Bow.” spat Harry.

Jasper, thankfully, obeyed and bowed lowly to the huge creature.

Buckbeak gave a low questioning hiss, as if wondering why his opponent had suddenly backed

A few moments passed before Buckbeak, satisfied, bowed in return.

The bunny muncher and the Hippogriff both rose slowly to a standing position, examining each
other closely.

Buckbeak gave in first, flopping to the floor and placing his enormous head in Harry’s lap.
Looking up at him pleadingly, clearing saying ‘I was good. Can I get a reward now?’.

Harry, of course, rewarded the sweet creature and begun to pet the creatures head. Buckbeak gave a
purr of satisfaction and snuggled closer to Harry’s legs.

“Buckbeak’s a Hippogriff.” said Harry answering Jasper’s unasked question. “I met him when I
was 13. In class actually, Care of Magical Creatures. Helped him escape a death sentence when a
parent complained about him actually. Then he lived with my godfather, then he- I don’t really
know where he went actually. But he turned up here the day I moved in, so he’s with me now. For
as long as he likes.”

Jasper was watching him closely.

“And the… other one?” he asked awkwardly, gesturing to Fawkes.

Harry snorted at the look on Fawkes’ face at being called ‘the other one’.

“Fawkes is a Phoenix. I met him when I was 12. thought I killed him at first. Phoenix’s are
immortal but they die every few years or so. They burn up and turn into ash, then a baby rises from
the ashes and matures in a few months. It’s quite a spectacle.”

Jasper didn’t look convinced by this explanation.

“I can lend you a book about magical creatures.” Harry offered “If you’re curious.”

Jasper lit up at the suggestion.

“I’d love to.” Harry, unwilling to disturb a resting Buckbeak, wordlessly summoned one of his
many books on magical creatures.

This one was one of his old text books from school, ‘a beginners guide to magical and mythical
creatures and beings’. it would suit the bunny muncher just fine as a starting point.

He held it out to jasper but didn’t let go when he reached to take it.

“On the condition that it doesn’t leave this house and you don’t tell anyone about what you learn.”
Harry left the ‘especially Carlisle’ out of it.

Jasper looked uncomfortable.

“I can try, but Edward can read minds. He’ll see my thoughts.” Harry frowned. While he was
pleased to have Edward outed so bluntly, he didn’t like the idea of someone messing with Jasper’s

“Do I have your permission to block him from your mind?” Jasper’s eyes widened.

“You can do that?” Harry didn’t reply, simply extending his own occlumency shields over Jasper’s

“Yes.” he replied shortly, letting Jasper take the book.

Jasper smiled and went back to his chair, settling with the book.

It felt horrifically domestic.

“I should probably tell you that Alice and I both have abilities as well.” muttered Jasper quietly,
seemingly embarrassed that he’d left it out.

“I had suspected.” replied Harry, getting an eye roll in return.

“Alice can see visions of the future.” Harry blinked.

That would explain why she reminded him so much of Luna, the same distant, knowing, happiness
in her eyes.

“And I can read emotions.” Harry’s eyebrows raised.

He was annoyingly impressed by that ability.

“An empath?” Jasper nodded slowly.

“Wicked.” the word slipped out before Harry could stop it, Jasper looked like he would blush if he

“Can you read me?” asked Harry, genuinely curious. Jasper scrunched up his nose in thought.

“Sometimes? Often I know what you’re feeling but I couldn’t put it into words, if that makes
sense.” Harry nodded slowly, oh it made sense.

That’s how Harry felt most of the time.

He’d have to keep an eye on his feelings around Jasper, he wouldn’t block them he’d just be
mindful that they could effect the blood sucker.

Quiet spread across the living room and Harry summoned his own book on advanced runes.

The fire crackled merrily in the background, smoke rose lazily from the cigarette between Harry’s
fingers, Buckbeak dosed on Harry’s lap and Fawkes joined them on the sofa, perching on Harry’s

Jasper watched them from his armchair, unable to stop himself from looking at his mate every few

A warm feeling of belonging filling both of them.

Chapter End Notes

they're so sweet, this chapter is mostly fluff but hopefully you enjoyed.

i'm planning a some Jasper POV in coming chapters so

little bit of a longer one today which leads me to ask a question: do you prefer shorter
chapters more frequently or longer chapters with a little bit more of a wait? just
curious really lmao

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed feel free to leave a comment with
your thought and feelings! see you soon! ❤
A Different Point of View and a Surprise
Chapter Summary

Jasper's POV of the soulmate discussion plus a little extra

Chapter Notes

good evening my loves ❤

welcome to chapter 21 who knew we'd make it this far?

last chapter i asked how people felt about chapter length/update speeds, a lot of people
said they were happy to wait for longer chapters but the main response seemed to be
'do what you like xx' so i will continue doing what i want lmao. i was mainly curious

that being said i hope you enjoy this chapter, i have fun changing the scenes into
different perspectives so i hope you have fun reading them!

i'm still so amazed by how many people are actually reading and enjoying this so all i
can say is once again thank you so so much my ego is very full from wonderful
comments and it means the world ❤

bong apple teeth

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper twitched in his seat in the living room, it was nearly 10 and he would be leaving to see Harry

They had an important conversation to have.

The next big step for them, the final big secret that they had been tiptoeing around.

Well, ‘the final secret’ if you ignored his history as a blood thirsty tyrant who ran the whole of
Mexico and most of southern America under the thumb of a psychotic bitch who he had thought he
was in love with.

He grimaced at the idea of revealing himself, his true self, to Harry.

Harry was just a boy, a wizard apparently, but still just a boy.

He had power, Jasper had seen that, but that didn’t mean much to Jasper. He wondered if other
wizards saw Harry’s abilities, would they be impressed? Or just coo at the boys attempts?

Harry still seemed so delicate, so fragile, to Jasper. Regardless of his standing when it came to
wizard talent, he was just a boy and he was Jasper’s.
Jasper just hoped he would accept him.

He glanced at the clock, it was time.

He ran through the forest, too anxious to drive and then slowed to a human stroll before re-joining
the footpath out of the forest and into town.

Jasper took a deep breathe in, sighing in content when he smelt Harry’s lingering scent leading to a
slightly warn looking house.

It was a decent size, two levels probably at least 3 bedrooms if Jasper’s experienced eye could tell.
It was unpainted, with natural warm toned wood panelling and forest green window frames. the
door matched the windows and seemed bigger than necessary.

Jasper couldn’t help but look in through the windows, he expected to see a living room or kitchen
but instead he was met with a haziness that made him dizzy. He was seeing the windows but his
brain couldn’t comprehend what it was seeing inside.

He was about to frown and move closer when the haziness shimmered and vanished, the house
warmed slightly looking more loved and lived in than before.

Harry seemed to materialize onto the front porch and Jasper wondered if he’d been there the whole
time but Jasper would’ve noticed his mate stood 3 feet away from him.

He examined Harry carefully, mouth drying a little at the sight of his exposed collarbones. Curious
to see another home knitted jumper.

Who kept knitting Harry these clothes? It was a question he was too embarrassed to ask.

Harry carelessly flickered his dead cigarette to the floor (Jasper really should try and talk him into
quitting, wizard or not it would kill him one day) and seemed to examine Jasper in return.

Jasper took a breathe.

“Thank you for inviting me over.” he said softly, Harry shrugged.

“It’s more private.” Jasper couldn’t help but agree.

Harry glanced back at the house, a considering expression on his face before he seemed to dismiss
what he was worrying about and turn his attention back to Jasper

“I know you’re not a real blood sucker, but I’ll give you permission to enter all the same.” Jasper’s
lips quirked in a soft amused smile. Harry never failed to make him smile.

“I appreciate the gesture.” the hint of a smirk crossed the boys mouth, making him look even more
mischievous than usual.

Harry seemed to take a breathe before gesturing Jasper to the door, he let Jasper enter first closing
the door behind them.

Jasper walked into the room with baited breathe, the sweet aroma of pure Harry (mixed with a few
earthy tones that he had smelt on Harry before, probably his cats) was over whelming.

He looked around with an eagerness he hadn’t felt in years.

The hall way was small, 2 huge doorways leading into other rooms on opposite sides. Every corner
was cluttered with piles of books, a sideboard nearly creaking under the weight of various tomes
and small intricate trinkets that Jasper wouldn’t dream to know the name of.

There was also an umbrella stand by the door that looked suspiciously like an Elephants foot.

Jasper dismissed that quickly and continued to admire the house of his mate, it was enchanting.

One thing, however, did give him pause.

There were frames on the walls and surfaces, probably holding paintings or photos. But everyone
of them was turned over, facing the wall. Blocked from view.

Jasper’s eyes crept over to Harry.

Harry was also looking at the hidden frames, as if noticing they were there for the first time.

An ashamed, embarrassment filled his mate. The clearest emotion he thought he’d ever felt form

It made his heart sting to feel it.

Harry clearly had a history, the way he spoke, acted and the haunted look in his eyes gave that
away. He should never feel ashamed or embarrassed by his fears, even if they felt trivial.

Harry must have felt Jasper’s concerned gaze as green met gold and the low feelings quickly
vanished, hidden under a thick blanket of pretend.

“We can sit and talk in here.” Harry muttered, gesturing Jasper to the door on the left.

Harry opened the door slowly, as if expecting something to happen. When it didn’t he fully opened
the door and led Jasper into the loveliest living room he had ever seen.

The fire bird that had tried to maim his family was perched proudly on a golden stand, an empty
ashtray suspended under the perch that confused Jasper.

He eyed the creature warily for a few seconds before examining the room.

It was more like a library than anything else, with the towering book shelves and even more stacks
of books nestled into any and all available space. There was a large sofa and an arm chair by the
fire while 3 more squashy arm chairs were dotted about the room, probably for preferred reading

None of the furniture matched in colour or pattern, all different shades of red and warm chocolate
woods. It was endearing and comforting.

“You sure do read a lot.” he muttered, unable to help himself. Harry snorted following Jasper’s
gaze around the room.

“A hobby I picked up from a friend.” he replied quietly, the pang of sorrow at those words nearly
made Jasper stagger. He wanted nothing more than to ask Harry about it, find out what made him
so sad and fix it.

But that wasn’t his place and he probably never would be. He would not use his powers like that, it
was clearly personal and Harry would tell him when he was ready.

Harry sat on the sofa, shooting a look to the fire bird who seemed to turn his beak up at Harry in

Jasper was amused but didn’t comment, instead sitting in the nearby armchair. Crossing his legs
awkwardly and trying to look relaxed.

They looked so different.

Harry: beautiful in his cluttered environment, surrounded by a warmth that only came from a house
full of well loved possessions. Still joking and listening to Jasper despite his discomfort at having
someone he barely knew in his space.

Jasper: awkwardly trying to blend in and not ruin the relationship he was building with his Harry.
Loving being surrounded by his comforting warmth, almost wishing he was one of the well read
books on the many shelves.

“There’s a big reason I needed to talk to you.” started Jasper, trying to get the words out before
they clogged in his throat “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while but I was afraid of how you’d react.
Leaving it any longer isn’t fair on you though, so I’m telling you now.”

Harry shifted uncomfortable, starting to look almost apologetic. Jasper held in a frown and

“I’m sure, considering how much you know, you’ve heard about my ‘species’ having mates.”
Harry cupped his face in his hands, staring at the arm of the chair; where Jasper had
absentmindedly twirl a loose thread through his fingers.

he felt embarrassed to be caught fidgeting but continued despite Harry’s heavy gaze on his hand.

“Well, you’re mine. My mate.” he whispered, hoping that Harry wouldn’t be horrified or disgusted.

Silence stretched between them for a second and Jasper held his breath.

“I know.” Harry whispered back, sounding truly apologetic.

Jasper froze.

“What do you mean you know?” he nearly snapped, Harry winced.

How on earth could Harry know? Had someone told him?

“Merlin, you really are just obvious.” Jasper blinked.

Obvious? How the hell was he obvious? If he had kissed Harry the first day they had met he would
agree with being obvious but he had been subtle in his growing feelings… hadn’t he?

Harry sighed. Maybe sensing Jasper’s inner turmoil.

“I- You left me a few clues. I had suspicions and then Mortuus confirmed it.” Harry’s tone turned
bitter toward the end. Jasper’s eyes narrowed as jealously mixed with a righteous annoyance filled
him. Why did it all seem to circle back to that girl?

“Mortuus? As in that girl? How would she know? You said she wasn’t involved with this.” the
word ‘this’ was accompanied with a wild gesture around the room. Jasper was beginning to
struggle against his emotions

Harry was his mate. Not that girls.

It was Jasper’s responsibility to tell Harry about their bond and the feeling he had for the boy, not

“Mort was that girl yes. I never said they weren’t aware of what was going on, merely that they
didn’t need to be involved with our meeting. They don’t.” Harry finished firmly.

“Is she like you? Magic?” asked Jasper, frustrated and annoyed but desperate to understand. He
needed to stay calm. Even if the girl might have taken away that from him, Harry had known and
still spoke with him. Still seemed to like him, at least in a platonic way.

Harry tilted his head in considering.

“They aren’t like me.” Harry said sullenly, Jasper examined his mate again.

There was something Harry wasn’t saying and it was big

Their eyes met suddenly, gold sinking helplessly into green. The world seemed to right itself and
Jasper almost forgot why he had been annoyed. Those green eyes seemed to plead with him,
wanting to make Jasper understand without spilling his secrets too soon.

Jasper could understand those feelings.

“Mortuus has magic, yes. But not in the same way I do.” Jasper nodded slowly but fully
understand. How could he? He knew next to nothing about magic.

“How long have you known then?” asked Jasper hesitantly, hoping it hadn’t been too long or he’d
feel worse. Harry shrugged.

“After your daddy stitched me up.” Jasper gave him a look at the nickname, the one sided
animosity between Harry and his father was unexpected but still entertaining. However not
entertaining enough to let Harry get away with calling Carlisle ‘daddy’.

Silence spread between them again, Jasper’s mind racing through every interaction they had had
since then.

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew?” he finally asked, a little afraid of the answer.

Harry seemed to struggled for a moment.

“There was a lot of other stuff happening, I thought I should let that settle first. Not to mention it
didn’t feel right me asking you about it. It’s more your business than mine.” Jasper considered this,
tilting his head slightly as he examined Harry.

There had been a lot going on, with Harry admitting he knew the truth, the meeting with the whole
coven and then meeting the wolves. It had been a hectic time.

“I suppose you’re right.” he muttered, preparing himself to ask the important question.

He wanted to know.

He met Harry’s eyes.

He needed to know.

“Can I ask how you feel about it?” Harry shifted slightly in his chair and broke eye contact. Jasper
desperately wanted those green eyes back on him but didn’t dare move, anticipating the reply.
“I think we don’t know each other.” Harry paused, looking at the fire bird “I think I’m not ready to
tell you things about myself and I think you probably feel the same. I think it’s going to be hard,
maybe more for me than you, to care about someone again. But I think that fate is a stubborn thing
and decided that we are meant to be together. So I’m willing to try.”

Jasper couldn’t help the smile that spread softly across his face, tender as he listened to Harry
describe exactly how Jasper himself felt about the situation.

“I know we don’t know each other Harry.” that was the first time Jasper had called him by his
proper name, he realized “I have so much to tell you about myself, and you’re right I’m not ready
to now. But I want to be. And I want to know everything about you too. When you’re ready for me
to know.”

Green and gold melted together once again.

“I know that we’re meant to be together.” he couldn’t help himself with that line, he knew his
venom brother would beat the shit out of him for it but it was true. He held in his amusement as he
watched and felt Harry’s ire at the sickly sweet words.

“How about we start with basics?” he asked, changing the subject suddenly. Harry raised an brow.

“What kind of basics?” Jasper smirked.

“Name? Age? Where you grew up? I don’t know, favourite colour?” Harry smirked, a private joke
clearly playing across his brain.

“You do realize how high school teenager of you that is?” Jasper rolled his eyes with a grin.

“Humour me?” it was Harry’s turn to roll his eyes. Jasper’s grin grew.

“Fine.” Jasper beamed at the boy, slightly pleased with himself when Harry looked a little dazed
by it.

“My name it Jasper Whitlock-Hale, I was born and raised in Houston Texas, born in 1844. I was 19
when I was changed, but I’m technically 193. give or take. Recently my favourite colour has been
green.” he met Harry’s eyes straight on when he revealed his favourite colour. Unable to stop
himself from committing to another cliché

“Your turn.” teased Jasper, Harry sighed.

“My name is Harry James Potter, I lived my first year of life in Godric’s Hollow before being
moved to Surrey where I grew up and spent my summers away from boarding school. I was born in
1980.” Jasper’s eyes widened slightly as he searched Harry for a lie.

That was impossible.

Harry smirked.

“My favourite colours will probably always be red and gold.” he added but Jasper was still reeling
from the reveal of Harry’s age.

“1980? that would make you 57.” Harry shrugged.

“Wizards age slowly.” Jasper narrowed his eyes, analysing the words.

“You look 17.”replied Jasper in disbelief.

Harry wasn’t the child he thought he was. He was an adult, a beautiful adult seemingly trapped in a
younger body much like Jasper was. Jasper examined his feelings, realising his mates real age did
nothing to quell the fierce protective urges that pushed him.

It changed practically nothing.

“You look 19.” Harry sneered in reply.

“Touché.” said Jasper faintly, still thinking over the revelation.

“You asked.” snapped Harry, scowling.

Jasper’s eyes snapped up to meet Harry’s and immediately realized his mistake.

“I’m no one to judge age Harry, I was just surprised. I’m sorry.” Harry nodded in acceptance and lit
a cigarette.

Jasper was thankful he used a lighter rather than his hands, while it was attractive he couldn’t deny
it did scare him. Fire, after all, was not his friend.

Something stirred behind a curtain in the corner that Jasper hadn’t noticed.

A huge creature, half eagle, half horse stepped our from the curtain. it was massive, wings the
same size as some of the high school children of Forks. Jasper jumped to his feet, ready to defend
his mate if needed.

Though said mate didn’t seem surprised or bothered, as Harry lazily exhaled smoke as if nothing
had changed.

“This is Buckbeak, Buckbeak meet Jasper.” ‘Buckbeak’ tilted his head to the side examining
Jasper, while Jasper did the same back.

“Jasper, bow to him.” commanded Harry.

“What? Why?” asked Jasper, indignant and confused.

“It’s a sign of mutual respect, he’ll take it as a challenge of dominance if you don’t.” replied Harry
just as Buckbeak gave a low warning growl and stalked forward to stand in front of Harry.
Apparently trying to protect Harry from Jasper.

“Bow.” spat Harry.

Jasper, a little shell shocked, obeyed and bowed lowly to the huge creature.

Buckbeak gave a low questioning hiss, as if wondering why his opponent had suddenly backed

A few moments passed before Buckbeak, satisfied, bowed in return.

Jasper and the beast both rose slowly to a standing position, examining each other closely.

Buckbeak gave in first, flopping to the floor and placing his enormous head in Harry’s lap.
Looking up at him with a wide innocent stare.

Harry begun to pet the creatures head with gentle strokes. Buckbeak gave a purr of satisfaction and
snuggled closer to Harry’s legs.
“Buckbeak’s a Hippogriff.” said Harry answering Jasper’s unasked question. “I met him when I
was 13. In class actually, Care of Magical Creatures. Helped him escape a death sentence when a
parent complained about him actually. Then he lived with my godfather, then he- I don’t really
know where he went actually. But he turned up here the day I moved in, so he’s with me now. For
as long as he likes.”

Jasper was watched him closely, feeling himself growing concerned to hear the things child Harry
had gotten himself involved with.

“And the… other one?” he asked awkwardly, gesturing to the grumpy looking fire bird.

Harry snorted at the look the bird pulled. Jasper had never seen a bird be so expressive before.

“Fawkes is a Phoenix. I met him when I was 12. thought I killed him at first. Phoenix’s are
immortal but they die every few years or so. They burn up and turn into ash, then a baby rises from
the ashes and matures in a few months. It’s quite a spectacle.”

Jasper’s concern grew more, now mingling with disbelief that a bird could burst into flame and be

“I can lend you a book about magical creatures.” Harry offered “If you’re curious.”

Jasper smiled, eager to learn more about Harry’s world and touched by the offer to read Harry’s

“I’d love to.” Harry raised a hand and a book whizzed off a nearby shelf into his hand.

He held it out to jasper but didn’t let go when he reached to take it.

“On the condition that it doesn’t leave this house and you don’t tell anyone about what you learn.”
Jasper could tell he had specific people in mind with that request.

Jasper hesitated, wanting to promise but knowing he couldn’t keep it.

“I can try, but Edward can read minds. He’ll see my thoughts.” Harry frowned.

“Do I have your permission to block him from your mind?” Jasper’s eyes widened.

“You can do that?” Harry didn’t reply, but something seemed to snap in place in Jasper’s mind.
Almost like he’d been secured in place by sticky tape.

“Yes.” he replied shortly, finally letting Jasper take the book.

Jasper smiled and went back to his chair, settling with the book.

It felt very domestic and so different to when he read with the Cullen’s around him.

A thought struck Jasper as he thought over his newly protected mind and the Cullen’s

“I should probably tell you that Alice and I both have abilities as well.” muttered Jasper quietly,
hoping he wouldn’t be pushing Harry away with his power.

“I had suspected.” replied Harry, getting an eye roll in return.

“Alice can see visions of the future.” Harry blinked. Understanding and acceptance filling his eyes.
“And I can read emotions.” Harry’s eyebrows raised.

“An empath?” Jasper nodded slowly. He sounded impressed?

“Wicked.” Jasper would’ve blushed he were able, that was probably the first compliment his mate
had given him.

One he would remember.

“Can you read me?” asked Harry, genuinely curious. Jasper scrunched up his nose in thought.

“Sometimes? Often I know what you’re feeling but I couldn’t put it into words, if that makes
sense.” Harry nodded slowly, clearly understanding.

Jasper hoped it wouldn’t effect their relationship, he would never control Harry’s emotions or use
them against him.

Quiet spread across the living room and Harry summoned his own book, settling deeper into the

The fire crackled merrily in the background, smoke rose lazily from the cigarette between Harry’s
fingers, Buckbeak dosed on Harry’s lap and Fawkes joined them on the sofa, perching on Harry’s

Jasper watched them from his armchair, unable to stop himself from looking at his mate every few

A warm feeling of belonging filling both of them.

They stayed like that for hours quietly flicking through books, listening to the fire flicker in the

The creatures Harry kept as pets seemed to calm down the longer Jasper stayed, they behaved
more like cats than the wild majestic beasts they were depicted as in the books Harry let him read.

Jasper suddenly got the private joke between Harry and that girl.

These were Harry’s cats.

A dangerous huge bird with fire for tail feathers and a massive beast, capable of tearing a man in
half but luckily seemed to prefer sleeping in Harry’s lap.

A sudden clunky tap on the window broke both men out of their focused reading.

An owl (?) was stood on the window ledge.

Jasper turned his confused frown to Harry, expecting to see a matching frown on his face.

Instead he was met with an impossibly pale Harry, staring at the bird with an indescribable look in
his eyes.

Jasper frantically searched for his emotions but was met with such a frenzy that he gave up, simply
looking at Harry; ready to offer support if it was needed.

Harry slowly rose to his feet and walked over to the window with resigned steps. A feeling of
dread seemed to be filling him as he opened the window and allowed the bird to enter the living

Jasper closed his forgotten book and placed it a top a towering pile of untouched books near his

The owl hopped onto the small table under the window, it dropped a parcel? Jasper’s eyes widened
at what he was seeing. Then it offered it’s leg to Harry a letter seemed to be tied to it.

Jasper blinked, incredulous.

Harry reached to take the envelope, the moment his fingers brushed the paper the room seemed to
shiver with a similar power to Harry’s. The same feeling when Harry had put the spell on Bella
spreading in Jasper’s gut.

A loud crack rang out, a man appeared out of nowhere.

He was tall, at least 35 in age, with shock red hair down to his shoulders. His face was marred with
harsh scarring and he was dressed in a large brown overcoat that hid his lean frame from view.

He looked dangerous.

Even worse he was Staring at Harry with a cold blank look.

In his hand he held a carved stick, similar to the one Jasper had glimpsed a sight of on Harry’s

The tip of said stick was pressed firmly against Harry’s Adams apple.

Jasper leapt to his feet, prepared to attack in order to defend his Harry.

The only thing that stopped him was Harry’s hand, held up and palm facing Jasper clearly saying
‘wait’. Jasper felt torn but obeyed.

The man spoke.

“I solemnly swear.” he said, his voice firm and leaking with suspicion.

Harry rolled his eyes, apparently finding the situation amusing.

“I am up to no good.” finished Harry, smirking now.

The stick was suddenly removed from Harry’s throat, the man yanked Harry into a fierce hug.
Gripping the back of Harry’s head in one hand, the other wrapping firmly around the middle of
Harry’s back.

Jealousy grew in Jasper once more.

Who was this ginger and why was he holding his Harry like an old lover?

If this was how magical people greeted each other Jasper wanted Harry promptly removed from it.

Chapter End Notes

ooo who is this tall ginger stranger hugging our harry-bo?

Bill Weasley entered the chat.

i hope the difference in how Harry and Jasper react to things is becoming more
obvious. i view them quite differently but still so similar when it comes to their
feelings. Jasper is full of longing but clearly in denial about how he actually is while
Harry is still full of longing but painfully practical about how things are. Harry knows
his feelings, wallows in them almost, while Jasper suppresses them and acts like he's

thank you ever so much for reading and i will hopefully be seeing you soon. i don't
have a set update schedule because i'd be setting myself up for failure lmao, but i do
try to post often (often meaning at least once weekly) so yea see ya soon haha. you're
more than welcome to express yourself in the comments! i love reading what you
think ❤❤❤
Brothers and the Threat of Molly Weasley
Chapter Summary

Protective Bill is protective

Chapter Notes

I'm not dead...yay

sorry for lack of updates lmao but we back for chapter 22 woo! i lost motivation for a
lil bit but that's the only reason so yeah y'know

I'm amazed and thrilled to see how many people are still reading despite my absence,
thank you so much (i'm overwhelmed)

slight trigger warning: talks about suicide, breakdowns and lack of self care.

please enjoy ❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry starred at the Weasley’s owl in mollified horror.

It had been months since he had contact with them, by this time they had probably learnt that
Grimmauld place was empty. But since Harry hadn’t received any letters he had thought he’d
escaped the ever lasting guilt and longing that came with seeing his family.

Of course he loved them. He loved them more than anything, they had been with him and
supported him through everything.

But every time he looked at them he couldn’t help but see the faces of the ones he had held onto
while he watched the light fade from their eyes.

It hurt.

He knew they felt the same.

But everyone seemed to cope with it better than him.

Even on a good day Harry danced on the edge of a breakdown.

He supposed it was leftover emotion from his childhood. He hadn’t really had the opportunity to
express much of anything at the time.

Harry steeled himself and approached the window, welcoming in the old battered owl.

He reached to take the letter from the poor thing, it was a millisecond before his fingers brushed
the paper that he sensed his mistake.

A tracking spell, a strong one.

He should’ve felt it sooner but he was blinded by his own weak emotions.

The crack that split the air didn’t surprise Harry, nor did the tip of a wand pressed firmly on his
Adam’s apple.

Bills eyes bore into him, concern, relief and anger masked by a cold indifference gave for an
intimidating (stare for anyone who hadn’t had Snape as a teacher for the worse part of six years).

He looked the same as he had when Harry last saw him, despite being well into his sixties Bill
looked 30 years younger than he should.

Harry idly noted they had matching dragon tooth earrings, obvious gifts from the dragon obsessed

Jasper lept to his feet at the arrival of an apparent stranger in Harry’s home.

Bill didn’t seem to notice the day walkers presences but Harry had the good sense to raise a hand,
letting the blood sucker know there was no need to attack.

“I solemnly swear.” Bill said, voice leaking with suspicion.

The paranoia from the war had never faded, various embarrassing or oddly specific questions still
being flung about at every greeting.

Harry rolled his eyes, unable to hide his amusement. He often wondered if Sirius, Remus and his
Father would be proud to know that their iconic line now replaced Hello.

“I am up to no good.” finished Harry, smirking now.

Relief burst through Bill and soon Harry found himself in a rather intimate hug. The wand
thankfully no longer aimed at his person.

Harry hugged back, pretending Jasper wasn’t six paces away from them and watching with a
confused, jealous stare.

Bill seemed to collect himself and pulled back from Harry, hands resting on his shoulders to
examine his little brother closely.

“You look bloody awful.” he spat bluntly, eyeing the bags under Harry’s eyes and the way his
jumper hung from his frame a little more than last time.

“How sweet of you to notice.” replied Harry, rolling his eyes and plonking himself back down on
the blood stained sofa.

Bill took time to look around the room next.

He looked from bookshelves to fireplace, to Buckbeak, to Fawkes before resting on Jasper.

Bill narrowed his eyes, brow wrinkling as he took in the men before him.

Harry light a cigarette and pretended not to notice anything was happening.
“You’ve collected a few pets since I last saw you.” muttered Bill dryly, Harry shrugged.

Ignoring the fact that Bill almost definitely (absolutely) included Jasper in the group of pets.

“You know we had been wondering where Beaky pissed off to but I wasn’t expecting Fawkes.” his
eyes turned more fond as he looked at the Hippogriff on the carpet and the Phoenix on the sofa,
before cooling again when his gaze returned to Jasper.

“This however, is a surprise.” Bill strode over, joining Harry on the sofa.

Just happening to place himself between Harry and the blonde.

“Any particular reason you have a wanna-be vampire in your living room or just sensed that I’d be
popping in today and thought you’d give me something new to worry about?” the question was
spoken with amusement but the obvious truth made Harry wince.

“We had things we needed to discuss.” Harry explained blandly, not bothering to expand.

Bill rolled his eyes. Harry ignored him and continued.

“This is Jasper, Jasper this is Bill. My friend.”

“Brother.” Bill immediately corrected.

It was a long annoyance in the Weasley family that Harry would never admit that they were family
out loud.

Truthfully Harry just didn’t think it was his place to assign himself as a brother or son. It didn’t
seem appropriate considering the brothers and sons they had lost had been because of him.

“Brother?” Jasper asked, finally returning to his seat and looking at Bill with skeptical eyes.

“Brother in every-way but birth.” said Bill lightly, before once again ignoring Jasper existence to
glare at Harry.

“On the topic of birth, Mum is going to to skin you if you don’t write to her soon.” Harry’s hand
stuttered on it’s journey to feed him more sweet nicotine.

The threat of Molly Weasley was always a rather pressing one.

“I’ll write soon.” Harry muttered, a little ashamed but mostly impressed that a now elderly woman
could bring even the master of death to his knees.

Bill gave him a half sympathetic, half deeply amused look.

The curse breakers eyes turned again to Jasper.

“So how did you meet our dear Harry then?” Jasper sat up a little straighter in his chair.

“We met at school.” came the awkward reply. Bill scoffed, Harry smoked.

“You enlisted in muggle school?” asked an incredulous Bill. Harry ignored him.

“Dads going to have a fit!” laughed Bill, turning a teasing grin to Harry “Merlin Harry, 40 years
and you still never fail to surprise.”
Bill shook his head.

“Only you could go to a muggle school and meet Hybrid Vampires.” Harry shot him a scowl. It
wasn’t his fault fate was determined to use Harry as a rough game of swing ball.

Bill’s smirk only seemed to grow.

“Did you just come to tease or did you have something particular in mind?” Harry asked, a little
miffed but not quite annoyed. Bill sobered slightly at the question.

“I needed to make sure you were okay. The last time I saw you was months ago and it wasn’t
exactly a good day. I know you don’t want to talk about it.” Bill interrupted just as Harry opened
his mouth to twist the direction of the conversation. “But we gave you space to breathe and you

“I was fine.” Harry snapped, hating that they were talking about this.

The last time he saw bill was after the 10th anniversary of Hermione and Ron’s death, he had
gotten horrifically drunk and spent two weeks locked in the Black library. Reading and re-reading
the books Hermione had loved most, along with the silly little notes in the margins of Ron’s
quidditch magazine collection and crying so hard he threw up. He hadn’t eaten or slept much
during that time.

He was a wreck.

And that was how Bill found him on day 15.

A drunk tear stained wreck, screaming at the top of his lungs for the pain he felt over his loss and
begging death to let him join them.

“You were anything but.” spat Bill, glaring fiercely now.

Harry swallowed and looked away, unprepared to defend himself.

Bill sighed.

“I just needed to know you’re okay. It’s been driving me insane Harry, I know you hate us
worrying about you. But we can’t stop it anymore than you can stop worrying about us.” Harry
knew that, he just hated feeling like a burden.

“I’m fine Bill, I swear.” Bill gave him a critical look.

“I’ll be the judge of that I think.” Harry groaned, realising that Bill had every intention of staying
to make sure Harry wasn’t on the verge of killing himself. (not that killing himself ever made any
difference, Mort made sure of that)

The tilting of a blonde head reminded Harry that Jasper was in the room with them and listening to
a rather personal conversation.

Harry sighed and took a deep drag on his nearly dead cigarette.

Oh well, he thought, might as well make the bunny muncher aware of exactly what he was signing
up for by being close to Harry.

Bill had decided to stay for a week, Harry rolled his eyes to see the concerned glances the older
wizard kept giving him.
Jasper had surprisingly stayed and was currently stood with Bill in the garden, the pair of them
watching Buckbeak fly across the sunset while Harry made tea.

Harry dreaded to think about what they were talking about.


“You care about him don’t you?” Jasper blinked at the older wizard who stared back at him with a
knowing look. He had been surprised to learn that Harry had an unofficial family and even more
surprised to witness the conversation that had occurred in the living room.

He had already established many times that Harry had a passed but from the way the two men
talked, it was much more complicated than Jasper had realized.

“Yes.” Jasper replied honestly. Seeing no reason to hide from his growing feelings toward the not-
as-young-as-he-thought man.

Bill gave him a soft smile.

“You’re in love with him.” Jasper blinked, getting more annoyed at how obvious he apparently

“A bit.” he said blandly, turning back to watch the massive creature fly across the honey pink sky.

Bill snorted.

“He’s worth it.” Jasper turned his head to snap that of course Harry was worth it, but the look Bill
was giving him said there more to that statement than just a surface level of protective sibling
looking out for their brother.

“He’s a mess. He hides it well and he knows he’s a mess. Which almost makes it worse
sometimes.” Jasper looked back to the sky and absorbed the words from someone who had known
Harry for so long.

“He’s brilliant though.” the awe in Bills voice made Jasper look back.

Bill looked hesitant, as if deciding what to say. His face melted into a calm resolve and he spoke
again, looking Jasper firmly in the eye this time.

“Harry has been through a lot, it’s not my place to tell. To be honest I couldn’t tell you in a way to
make you understand the magnitude of it. But you should realize that Harry is one of the most
powerful and well liked wizards to ever live, and if you don’t respect that or him I will collect
every wizard that Harry ever saved, and trust me there's a lot, to bring hell fire down on you and
anyone you care about.”

Jasper blinked, realizing he had just had what Emmett jokingly called ‘the shovel talk’. Though he
had never heard one quite so threatening before.

Words lingered in Jasper’s mind ‘Most powerful’, ‘every wizard that Harry saved’ and ‘to ever
live’ all struck chords in Jasper, making him hesitate and save them to dissect later.

“I don’t, even for a moment, assume that I’m worthy enough to hurt him.” whispered Jasper,
knowing it was true.

Bill looked satisfied with this reply and smiled, the scars on his face pulling and stretching.
Jasper wondered if Harry had scars, the blonde tugged self-consciously at his sleeve; ensuring his
own scars were hidden.

He wasn’t ready for Harry to realize he was a monster.

He dreaded the day Harry would spot them for the first time, the same look of horror that everyone
had the first time they saw.

It stung when Bella had done it, but for Harry to do it would burn an agony like no other in his

“Harry will tell you everything one day.” Bill continued eyes focused on Buckbeak, as he chased
indignant pigeons through the air.

“He likes you.” a warmth grew in Jasper at those words from someone who knew his mate so well.

He knew Harry tolerated him and very obviously preferred him to his family. He also knew that
Harry was okay with them being mates. But to be told out loud that he was actively liked made his
heart snuggle amoungst thick blankets of pure Harry.

The future he couldn’t stop imaging for them becoming a little clearer.

Chapter End Notes

the feminine urge to get Molly to send Harry a howler

i hope you enjoyed! feel free to leave a comment, i love them ❤ and see you
(hopefully) soon ❤
Love and Legend
Chapter Summary

Harry and Jasper are perfect together, Harry goes to see the wolves and Bill gets

Chapter Notes

Evening my dears, hope everyone had a lovely holiday time and Happy new year!

welcome back to the shit show!!!!!

warning: this isn't tagged as slowburn but there is a lot of premarital eye contact in this
chapter, so contain yourselves.

been reading a lot of comments and y'all are really determine to make me cry with
your sweetness, so thank you and i love you lmao
plz enjoy xoxo

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The shrill tone of a phone ringing disturbed the peace of Harry’s living room, once Harry had made
tea Bill and Jasper had rejoined him in the house where they made small talk.

Well, Bill and Jasper made small talk while Harry kicked Bill every time he said anything that
would open a can of worms or anything that was even remotely suggestive relating to the nature of
Harry and Jasper’s relationship.

(“Harry has really developed a thing for blondes” earned the older wizard a stinging hex to the

Jasper gave the magical brothers an apologetic smile as he answered the call.

Bill tilted his head in interest at the sight of the muggle phone, he didn’t stray into the muggle
world as much these days so was a little behind on their technology.

“Rose.” answered Jasper shortly, eyes flickering to Harry briefly. Harry didn’t notice as he was too
busy frowning at Buckbeak; who had just come in through the huge back door and was trying to
drag a broken lawn chair into Harry’s living room.

Bill, however, did notice and added it to his list of reasons of why the overly attentive bunny
muncher would be perfect for his immortal baby brother.

Harry gave a huff to the heavens and stood to begin the task of persuading Buckbeak that a lawn
chair was not a good addition to his already overflowing nest of junk.

“What? Why?” Jasper asked Suddenly, Harry paused on his way to the hording Hippogriff to
glance at a now frowning Jasper.

He seemed to be listening intently to Rosalie so Harry continued his path. Stopping in front of a
now pouting Buckbeak, who’s huge yellow eyes stared back at him with a desperate longing.

“Fine. I’ll be there soon.” Jasper hung up with an annoyed grunt.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Buckbeak who let out a grumbling squawk that sounded much too like
‘it’s not fair’ before stomping back to the garden, hopefully to ditch the offending lawn chair.

Harry would conjure him some extra socks or something later to make up for it.

He turned back to Jasper, who was glaring at his phone. His gaze instantly softened when it met

“That was Rose, there’s been a ‘family emergency’.” he said, awkwardly standing to his feet and
shuffling closer to Harry.

“Is everything okay?” asked Harry, trying to swallow any disappointment that Jasper was leaving.
Jasper smiled his usual sweet smile.

“I think so. Rose refused to say what had happened, but she would’ve said if someone was hurt.”
Harry nodded, satisfied with that assurance at least.

“I’ll show you out.” offered Harry, relieved when Jasper’s smile grew.

Jasper offered Bill a polite smile and the pair made their way to Harry’s front door.

Harry opened the door for the hybrid, smiling and ready to offer a kind goodbye.

Electric green and liquid gold met, Harry’s goodbye died on his tongue.

Jasper raised a hesitant hand, it paused and twitched before finally being placed on Harry’s
shoulder. His chilled thumb just brushing Harry’s exposed skin.

They stayed like that for what could’ve been a decade, just staring into each others eyes.

Jasper swallowed, hearing it made Harry realize how close they were.

“I just wanted to say thank you, for… well everything I guess.” the loaded sentence was finished
with a self-depreciating laugh. Harry realized he was being thanked for accepting Jasper.

Accepting him as a friend, as a (hybrid) vampire, into his home and as his mate.

Harry nodded slowly, eyes never leaving each other.

Jasper’s smile grew impossibly soft and Harry melted with it.

“Always.” the word slipped from Harry’s lips in a sweet unintentional whisper.

They stared at each other for a few more longing seconds before Jasper stepped through the large
green door, closing it behind him.

Harry breathed Heavily for a moment, back pressed firmly to the just closed door.

“Should’ve snogged him.” Harry whipped his head around to glare at Bill.
“He seems nice, I think he’d be good for you. Not to mention he seems head over arse in love with
you.” Harry blinked at that. Bill rolled his eyes.

Far too used to Harry’s lack of observation skills when it came to romantic intentions.

The brothers returned to the sofa, Bill eyed the now visible lizard stain but wisely didn’t say

Fawkes definitely noticed, judging from the smug chirp he gave from the top of a near by

“How much does he know about….” Bill trailed off, it was a question that didn’t need an end.

Harry shrugged.

“Next to nothing. I’m a wizard and I’m older than I look, that’s about it.” Bill winced.

“So finding out you’re internationally famous for being the most powerful wizard of this
generation, possibly ever, who also happens to be the saviour of the wizarding world and the
master of death is gonna come as a bit of a shock then?” Harry gave Bill a dry look.

“Probably.” Harry bit back, earning himself a wry grin.

Harry turned back to his teacup, swapping the tea for whiskey without so much as a thought.

“It’s not like I know much about him either. I don’t know his past and it’ll be longer than mine so
more opportunity for something equally shocking.” Bill didn’t look convinced, his nose scrunching

“I don’t know mate, you might not have lived as long as he has; but you of all people should realize
you’ve had enough excitement to last at least three lifetimes.” Harry sniffed, not dignifying that
with a reply.

“What are you going to do about it?” asked Bill after a few moments of silence.

Harry considered.

“I’m going to try and be honest. Attempt to get to know him while letting him know me, all
hopefully without scaring off or killing anyone.” Bill snorted.

“Good luck with that.”

Harry hummed in reply.

A sudden press against the wards caught Harry’s attention, he stood from the sofa and peered out
of the window.

A mingling of surprise and the exact opposite came when he saw Sam examining the house with a
confused expression.

“Wait here.” Harry informed Bill, leaving the room without waiting for a reply.

Harry opened the front door and examined the wolf man for a few seconds, then stepped out from
the wards. To Sam looking as if he’d popped out of nothing.

The fake wolf jerked back at Harry’s sudden appearance, Harry smirked.
Sam sniffed and shifted his shoulders, standing taller.

“I wasn’t sure how to contact you. Sorry for the intrusion.”

Harry shrugged it off but was still pleased by the consideration.

“I can give you my number to save you the journey.” Sam smiled lightly at the offer.

“The elders have discussed your presence and would like to extend an invitation to our bonfire. It’s
a traditional gathering, most of the tribe will be there. We retell the legends of our people, Billy
would read the ones about your kind tonight.” Explained Sam, he spoke about his people with a
great respect.

Harry understand that an invite to the bonfire was a true sign of peace between them.

“I would be honoured to attend.” Harry may not be the most political of people, but he could show
mutual respect towards people he needed a treaty with.

Sam offered him another light smile.

“We’ll meet you at the Cullen border at 7.” Harry returned the smile, thankful that (unlike the
Cullen’s meeting with the wolves) he was given an exact time to meet.

“I’ll be there.” replied Harry with a nod and turned back to the house.

Vanishing once again behind the wards.

Unsurprised to meet Bill standing in the doorway, a curious (and thankfully garden-chair-less)
Buckbeak peering over the redheads shoulder.

“Playing with vamps and puppies? You’re attraction for trouble hasn’t faded I see.” Quipped Bill
before herding Buckbeak back into the house and returning to the living room.

Harry rolled his eyes but followed his brother none the less.

“They’re wolves, more Animagus than were-wolf it seems. Another hybrid, magic works the same
way with them as the day walkers.” Bill considered this information with a frown.

“This back water town does really seem to attract them. That’s three now, bunny-munchers, wolf
boys and you.” Harry frowned at being called a hybrid but couldn’t deny it.

Bill ignored him and continued.

“You’re meeting with the tribe tonight, want me to tag along?”

“No, I haven’t told them about bringing anyone else along. I don’t want to insult their offer of
hearing their legends.” Harry was far too curious to ruin his chances of hearing a mysterious legend
about wizards.

Bill gave him a look.

“So you’re going to meet a whole tribe of wolf people? By yourself?” Harry returned the look,
wondering if Bill had forgotten who he was talking to.

Bill rolled his eyes.

“Why am I not surprised.” Harry smirked, happy to have jogged the older wizards memory of his
reckless behaviour.

Harry highly doubted anything bad could happen that evening, even with his Potter luck in play.


Harry apparated to the meeting point, for once, perfectly on time.

Sam and an older man in a wheel chair were there to greet him.

The pair blinked at Harry for a few moments, slightly stunned by his arrival.

The older man had a wise air around him, with dark hair the same length as Harry’s (only better
looked after) and dark eyes of steel that examined Harry with a wary interest.

He looked similar to the younger man who had stood by Sam during the meeting with the Cullen’s,
Harry assumed this was his Father.

“Billy Black.” introduced the older man, a stern protective edge to his voice “I am the leader of this
tribe, I accept you onto my lands and hope to keep peace between us.”

Harry bowed his head, respectfully.

He ignored the twist in his stomach at the last name black.

“Harry Potter, I gladly accept your offer and give my own in return.” Harry splayed his hands out
before him “I can offer protective wards to your people and the help of magic when it’s needed”

Harry would admit he was so far impressed with the leader of this tribe.

He was professional and to the point, the exact opposite of Carlisle Cullen. This was a true peace
treaty between peoples of a different nature.

Harry’s agreement with the Cullen’s was only bound due to Harry’s curse on Swan and his bond
with Jasper.

“I will happily accept your terms, but please know we do not ask you to make these offers.” replied
Billy, a kindness had crept into his gaze, weaving itself amoungst the steel.

Harry smiled, his hands returning to his pockets.

He shrugged.

“I make the offer because I want to. You’re allowing me access to something of interest to me, it
seems only appropriate I give you something useful in return.” It was Billy’s turn to smile.

“You’re a good sort then kid.” Harry’s jaw twitched at that particular nick name, the urge to ask
Billy Black how old he was burned in him.

The three of them made their way through the forest towards a settlement of well built wooden
cabins. A large clearing was stood in the centre of the town, a large fire roaring in a circle of

People milling around, going to the various tables of food or drink, sitting on the log stumps that
surrounded the fire or merely standing and talking in groups.
The overwhelming feeling of community stabbed Harry in the gut.

It reminded him of Gryffindor.

The night after a Quidditch win where the whole house would gather in the common room and
celebrate into the early hours of the morning. Going down to breakfast the next day, the whole
table laughing over the same private jokes. Throwing his head back to laugh at the twins, Ron and
Hermione either side of him. Ginny grinning from the other side of the table.

Harry blinked away his thoughts and followed Sam over to a large group of teenage boys and two

One girl stood slightly off to the side, close to the youngest of the group, with a scowl painted
across her face.

The other girl had a rather horrific scar across her face, three torn, cracked lines marring her skin.
It was painfully obvious where those scars had come from.

He didn’t bat an eye to the scars and could see the relief in the group from the lack of reaction.
Harry had seen scars. Hell, he had larger and worse currently hidden under his glamour.

“Harry, this is Emily my fiancé, Jacob, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth and Leah my pack.” Harry
nodded in greeting.

“Your trick with the fire the other night was super cool by the way dude.” Quil informed him,
Harry smirked.

“Nice to know you could torch any leeches for us if we needed it.” added Embry, grinning at

“I’d certainly give it my full effort.” Harry replied. The grins widened and Harry felt like he was
looking at Fred and George.

“It’s nice to see some more of our Legends our true.” Came the loud voice of Billy Black, Harry
turned to see the man by the fire.

All the others had stopped what they were doing to gather around the fire place.

“It’s starting.” whispered Jacob, smiling coyly in Harry’s direction.

Harry followed the others and was ushered to a seat next to Billy, Sam on his other side.

Billy smiled at him.

“Years ago one of our own encountered a man with strange abilities.” continued Billy “Our people
were blessed by our gods to transform into the shape of a wolf to protect our people from the cold
ones. After an attack that took the life of the Chief's wife.”

Billy paused to look around the circle, taking in the faces of the entire tribe.

“Many moons after this blessing, our warriors were patrolling these woods when they encountered
another wolf. A wolf that smelt of man and lightening. the wolf approached our warriors and
changed shape into a man. Our Warriors followed suit and met with the lightening man to talk.”

Harry listened intently, fascinated by the story of a stray Animagus.

“The man explained he was an Animagus, a sorcerer from a town hidden to us by magic, a
community of people with powers like his. He could do great things. He used a wand of power to
create lightening, wielding it to do his bidding. He could warm food, mend wounds and build
homes with a wave of his wand, the words of ancient power on his tongue. He stayed with our tribe
for sometime, he studied the biology of our warriors, helped us find herbs that would heal us faster,
gave us tomes that explained the lingering magics in our blood line.”

Harry wondered if these books were still around, though he had read all he could on the way
diluted magic mutated and evolved in blood lines. It was often thought that muggle-born children
came from abandoned squibs who were left to fend for themselves when their accidental magic
never came.

There were few stories of magic mutating quite like this though. Becoming an Animagus was a
difficult and time consuming mission, even the best wizards would fail and fail again before finally
mastering their inner animal and transforming.

How a whole pack of children with the vaguest lingering hint of magic could turn by will was more
than interesting. An undiscovered hybrid in this age was staggering.

“He stayed for 6 months in total before he returned to his own kind. His name was not recorded but
legend named him the lightening man. He will always be remembered in the minds of our people.”

Billy turned to smile at Harry again.

“And now another of his kind has arrived, offering peace with out tribe. A possible bridge between
us and the Cullen Clan. We welcome Harry Potter into our lands with open arms.”

Harry didn’t know about the whole ‘being a bridge’ part but smiled none the less. He stayed until
the fire turned to embers, listening to story after story about the Wolf warriors.

Harry wondered how many were really true and how many were more of a Lockhart situation, but
he knew it would go down badly if he asked.

He shook Billy’s hand before he left. The man gripped his hand and starred deeply into Harry’s
eyes, diving into Harry’s soul.

“You’re powerful?” Billy asked him, but it didn’t sound like a question “Very powerful, possibly
the most powerful of your kind.”

Harry released the man’s hand and shrugged.

“At least you know peace with me is a good idea.” Billy snorted, shaking his head.

“You’re a good kid.” Harry’s jaw twitched again “You’ll do right here, I feel it.”

Harry took the mans words with a (heavy) pinch of salt but merely smiled and thanked the man for
allowing him to come.

He offered his goodbyes to the wolves themselves, a little unnerved by the almost longing look
Jacob Black seemed to be giving him but was polite all the same.

Harry turned on the spot and disparated with a neat crack.

He landed in his living room once again, flopping into the nearest arm chair.
He rubbed his tired temples for a few seconds when the clearing of a throat made him look up. And

Bill was stood in front of the fire, glaring at him with his hands on his hips, looking rather pale.
While the female front of Mortuus was seated happily atop the lizard stained sofa, grinning at
Harry with pure mirth in their eyes.

Harry threw back his head and groaned.

“Harry James Potter just what the fuck is going on? The embodiment of death is in your living
room!” cried Bill.

Harry sighed and tugged at his hair.

“It just kind of happened.”

Bill stared at him.

Then blinked.

Then exploded.

“What do you mean it just happened?! this sort of stuff doesn’t just happen Harry! Why wouldn’t
you tell us about this?!” Harry glared.

“Oh yeah because that’s so easy, ‘Hi Bill how you doing? Oh me? not too bad actually, made
friends with death recently’!” it was Bills turn to tug at his hair.

“So happy you’re admitting that we’re friends darling.” simpered death, Harry turned his glare on

“Why are you here?” Harry demanded, Mortuus pouted, Bill stared in disbelief.

“I just thought I’d come and see you.” the words practically oozed innocents.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“I was going to tell you Bill, I just didn’t know how and I was going to ease into it.” explained
Harry, voice full with earnest.

Bill sighed.

“I just wish you would tell me these things. And I’m not comfortable with my brother being
‘friends’ with death.” Bill shot Mort a suspicious look and earned a grin in return.

Fawkes, still perched on the book shelves, trilled in agreement.

“Oh don’t be like that.” teased Death, smirking at Bill who took a quick step back.

Harry clenched his fists.

“Mort, piss off, I’ll talk to you later.”

Mortuus gave a great dramatic sigh and disappeared in a swirl of black smoke.

Bill stood frozen, staring at the spot where Mort had been.
He turned to frown at Harry.

“We need to have a serious conversation about your choice in friends young man.” Though Bill’s
words were joking, his face and tone were absolutely not.

Harry summoned a bottle of firewhiskey and tried to make himself comfortable for the long lecture
he was about to receive.

Chapter End Notes

'Always'.....i- i couldn't help myself.

the difference between how the pack and how the Cullen's deal with Business is W I

I really hope you enjoyed! feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings! i will read
endless love thank you again
A Serious Development
Chapter Summary

Jasper and Harry discover the family emergency

Chapter Notes

good evening everyone!

i hope the first week of January hasn't killed anyone.

please enjoy some drama with a little bit of fluff on the house lmao

thank you once again for reading and i hope you enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper glared at the house, a house that was supposed to be his home; but it had been feeling less
and less like that since Harry arrived.

He was annoyed that his time with Harry had been cut short. It had been so lovely to see him in his
own space. He seemed so much more at peace there.

His eyes didn’t dance around looking for threats and the cigarettes were smoked for enjoyment,
rather than lit with shaking hands.

Meeting Bill had made a few things clear to Jasper.

Harry didn’t have any of his own blood related family left to count on so he had found himself a
family to be part of. Much like Jasper had done.

Because of course, while Alice was erratic, Edward moody, Rose uptight, Emmett was annoying,
Esme was too meek and Carlisle was on a level of purity that was out of reach for all of them: they
were still a family. They still loved each other.

That’s what Harry had found.

Though the bond between Harry and Bill seemed more like the one between himself and Peter. A
bond formed in blood.

Jasper didn’t pretend to understand wizarding aging but judging from how young Harry looked
compared to Bill there must be a great many years between them. So Jasper wondered if there were
others, closer to Harry’s age that had brought the two Brothers together.

Jasper wondered where they were, if they were still close to Harry.

It had felt like something was missing, the turned picture frames in Harry’s home only further
solidified to him that Harry had a complicated story to tell.

Finding out his age had been shocking enough.

Though he while was 40 years older than originally thought, Jasper was still very much a cradle
robber being almost 200.

Jasper held in a sigh and entered the house.

The sight that greeted him in the living room was tense.

Bella was curled into Edwards side, Esme and Alice close by as if to offer comfort. Rosalie sat on
the opposite side of the room, stony faced and arms crossed. Emmett stood by his wife looking

Carlisle lingered in the middle between the two sides, face wary and sombre.

He met Jasper’s eyes with a look of apology.

“I am sorry that we cut your time with Harrison so short.” Jasper tried not to roll his eyes at
Carlisle’s refusal to call his mate by his actual name. Now that Jasper thought on it, why did Harry
have a fake name?

“There’s been a bit of an incident.” Carlisle continued, unaware of Jasper's lack of interest or
attention “Edward found the scent of another vampire in Bella’s room.”

That did grab Jasper’s attention, he turned questioning eyes to his brother. Who was staring at him
with a deep alarmed frown.

Jasper tried not to smirk.

Edward couldn’t read him.

“Why can’t I hear you?” snapped Edward, rather than explain the possible danger his mate was in.

Jasper stopped trying to hide his smirk.

“Harry.” he replied simply, Edwards face curled from alarm to confused annoyance.

“He can do that?” Jasper shrugged at the question, feeling the answer was obvious.

Edward silenced himself, unheard thoughts apparently rushing in his mind. A range of complicated
feelings bubbling under the skin.

Jasper grew impatient.

“What happened?” Edward blinked and seemed to come back to the situation at hand.

“I went to visit Bella, the second I went in her room I could smell him. I don’t recognize the scent
but it’s male and was pretty fresh. we checked Bella’s room and a few of her clothes are missing.”
Edward explained, arm holding Bella tighter to his side.

Jasper turned his eyes on Alice, who gave him a sad smile.

“I’ve been looking.” she answered, knowing what Jasper was asking without his words “I can’t see
anything yet, but I think the wolves might be blocking it. Edward didn’t mention that Jacob was
there too when they discovered the scent. The wolves are trying to track the scent as we speak.”

Jasper somehow managed to not roll his eyes at the important information left out by Edward,
purely due to the petty squabbles caused by two teenagers fragile masculinity. Leaving out
information, however minor, could put Bella further in danger.

Jasper would NEVER allow any kind of jealousy to put Harry in more danger.

The fact it was a problem relating to Bella also made Jasper understand by Rose had been so vague
on the phone.

Rose and Edwards relationship had always been strained at the best of times. But now that he was
dating a whiny little human who had no appreciation of her own lifespan, it had basically

Jasper didn’t know for certain but from what he saw and felt Rose found Harry quite amusing, she -
like him- had been sceptical of the rumours of magic but Harry’s displays had proven those
suspicions wrong.

It helped that Harry hadn’t called them out for their disbelief, meaning that Rosalie had little to no
opportunity to turn sour toward his Harry.

The buzz of a phone broke Jasper from his thoughts. Bella looked at her phone, her face drawn and
more pale than usual if that was possible.

Jasper understood Harry’s dislike for the girl, but a large part of Jasper felt for a small girl in a
world far bigger than she seemed to notice. Maybe it was just his gift talking; the fact that he could
feel how desperately insecure she was, how badly she burned to belong somewhere. Or maybe it
was the guilt of almost killing her and sending his brother into a depression that had torn the family
to shreds.

It wasn’t a topic they looked back on or discussed as a family but Jasper knew that privately he
was still suffering from his own fears of what he had nearly done.

He wondered how Harry would feel about it.

Would he watch him with distrustful eyes like Carlisle and Edward? With the sympathy of Alice
and Esme? Or perhaps brush it off like Rosalie, maybe even totally ignore it like Emmett.

It was a reaction he would have to face eventually.

“Jacob says they couldn’t find anything.” muttered Bella, sliding her phone back in her pocket and
reburying her head in Edwards shoulder.

“I’ll try to see something.” said Alice, sounding uncertain. She settled into her chair and closed her

Jasper felt a heavy gaze on him and turned to meet Carlisle’s eyes.

“I think it would wise to hold a meeting about this turn of events.” his tone was grave, a stark
comparison to the usual glowing positivity. Harry would be thrilled, thought Jasper mildly.

“The wolves already know what’s happened.” snapped Rosalie, clearly unwilling to be around the
‘mutts’ again so soon.
“Harrison does not.” said Carlisle, still refusing to use Harry’s actual name.

Jasper blinked, understanding what his adoptive Father meant.

Harry could potentially be in danger.

“I’ll speak to him tomorrow.” agreed Jasper. Carlisle nodded in agreement and the waited
anxiously for Alice to search her vision.

Minutes dragged by in the silent living room and Jasper soon lost count of them.

He hated waiting.

He hadn’t left Harry’s side just to sit and be bored out of his mind waiting with his family.

Thinking of Harry he looked around the room, thinking of how dull the house felt after the cosy
cluttered chaos that was Harry’s home.

All personal items stayed in their private bedrooms, not that Jasper really had many. Clothes
through the ages, old photos he’d managed to save, his uniform and other things from the war and
of course, books.

His room was lined with bookshelves, though they were horrifically neat and systematically
organized compared to Harry’s towering shelves and random piles. It did give him comfort to
know that he and the other half of his soul both shared a deep love of reading.

Though from Harry’s personality and the hints he’d given about his past it was probably a hobby
that he developed later in life.

Alice gasped and the room turned to face her.

She met Jasper’s eyes with a haunted, terrified stare.

“Newborns.” she whispered.

A large pit opened in Jasper’s gut that consumed him.



Harry glared at the clock.

It was an hour till lunch and he was bored out of his damn mind listening to muggles drone on
about things that didn’t really matter. Listening to a man 20 years younger than him rant about
their exams coming up was an exhausting experience.

And all Harry wanted to do was smoke a cigarette and pretend he didn’t exist for an hour.

The lecture he’d received from Bill last night had actually been quite mild. More of a ‘I get why
you didn’t tell me but I wish you felt like you could’ conversation than the reaction he had been

He understood that Bill was worried about him.

He understood they all were, but he was entitled to his own life and his own secrets.
Regardless of how dangerous.

They already knew he couldn’t age, only Ron and Hermione had known why. Though Harry
suspected that Bill knew, hence why he was more alarmed than shocked when it turned out Harry
was best buds with death.

It would make sense why Mort had appeared when Bill was there, they were always leaving Harry
clues. Trying to help in their own twisted way.

The bell finally rang and Harry left the classroom.

The words “the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do!” Following him down the corridor to the nearest

Harry returned to the place where he’d first seen Jasper, the alley between buildings close to the
sports block. Settling against the wall he lit a smoke and tried to relax.

He hadn’t seen Jasper since he had been called away yesterday afternoon. He wondered what the
emergency had been, hoping it was big enough to make Jasper’s leaving worth while.

He stood there for a long while when a familiar shadow was cast over the mouth of the alley and a
body started making it’s way toward him.

Harry didn’t look up as Jasper joined him against the wall, their arms brushing against each other.

“Wondered where you’d snuck off to.” teased Jasper, his golden eyes examining Harry’s face

Harry shot him a smirk, their eyes finally meeting again.

“Wondered why it was taking you so long to find me.” he teased back, Jasper’s amused look turned
into a deeply fond smile.

“It can be hard to follow your scent around school sometimes, so many others getting in the way.”
Harry was well aware his smirk had also turned into an endearing smile, but he decided to ignore
his own sentiment. It was too late to take it back now anyway.

Harry examined Jasper now, seeing the tired fear hidden in his smile.

Harry couldn’t help but frown.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, Jasper’s eyes turned even more fond at the question. As if blown away
by Harry noticing something had been wrong in the first place.

“There’s been a bit of a situation.” he started, eye flitting to the floor “Edward and Jacob caught
the scent of a vampire in Bella’s room.”

Harry’s frown deepened.

“The wolves tried and failed to track it.” Harry was surprised to hear that, the wolves had seemed
perfectly content when he had seen them the night before. Though perhaps they kept the pack
worries quiet and hidden from the rest of the tribe, fear could do strange things to people.

Harry had seen that first hand.

The words ‘they took my Luna’ haunted him to this day.

“But Alice got a vision.” Jasper’s voice had turned grave by now, his eyes cold and unseeing.

“What did she see?” asked Harry, feeling he probably needed to know but didn’t want to if the look
on Jasper’s face was anything to go by.

“Newborns.” replied Jasper, grave eyes meeting Harry’s “An Army of newborns. Controlled by
Victoria, the redhead that the Wolves spoke of at our last meeting.”

Harry understood the look in Jasper’s eye now.

He’d read about newborn hybrid Vampires. Bloodthirsty, uncontrollable and incredibly strong.
He’d read horror stories of newborns massacring whole towns before the Volturi got to them.

“And I take it this Victoria isn’t terribly fond of your coven?” Harry didn’t really need to ask that
question but clarity was always nice.

Jasper scoffed.

“We killed her mate.” he replied bluntly, Harry was surprised by this news “He went after Bella.
We tried to protect her but he lured her out and she fell for it. He attacked her, nearly killed her.”

Harry tried not to roll his eyes, of course this was bland Bella’s fault.

“But you got their first and killed him instead.” Harry finished the story for him.

Jasper nodded.

A thought struck Harry.

“Is that were her bite came from?” Jasper smirked at him.

“You’re too perceptive for your own good.” Harry tried not to preen at that statement, most people
called him oblivious. “Yes, he bit her. Edward had to suck the venom out to prevent her from

Harry scrunched up his nose in confusion.

“Why would he want to prevent her changing?” Jasper sighed and shook his head, clearly

“I have no idea.” Grumbled the blonde. Scowling at the clouds, Harry privately thought it was
quite attractive -as far as scowls go.

“We’re holding another meeting tonight, us, the wolves and hopefully you. If you’ll come.” the
scowl turned to a hopeful worried look. Harry tried to comfort it with a smile.

“A business meeting to discuss a horde of blood crazed hybrids led by an angry redhead hell bent
on revenge? Sounds like a riot, count me in.” answered Harry with a sick grin.

The smile that Jasper rewarded him with made it worth it.


Bill had demanded to tag along (and Harry couldn’t be bothered to argue) so the pair were
currently stood in the usual clearing, waiting for the Wolves and Cullen’s to turn up.
Bill had insisted they arrive early to allow them to observe the situation fully.

Harry wasn’t sure what waiting in an empty clearing had to do with the situation at hand but stayed

Leaning against the same tree as last time, only this time he had to share it with Bill.

Thankfully they didn’t have too wait long, as five minutes or so later both groups emerged from the

It was amusing to watch them all eye Bill with obvious suspicion. All except Jasper of course who
offered Bill a nod in greeting before his eyes darted to examine Harry, smiling when their eyes met.

Sam and Jacob remained in human form much like the previous meeting with the Cullen’s. Jacob
seemed to be glaring at Bill, Harry wondered what was going on with that kid.

Certainly something interesting judging by the way Edwards lip quirked in amusement at whatever
he was thinking. Not to mention how Jasper’s eyes suddenly zeroed in on the wolf boy, fists
clenching at his sides, evidently picking up some feelings from the boy.

Harry would ask Jasper about it later, for now Carlisle stepped forward to address both groups.

“Thank you all for coming. Forgive my rudeness, but may I ask who your guest is Harrison? This
is a rather delicate matter.” Harry really wanted to roll his eyes and say no but thankfully managed
to avoid it, letting Bill answer for himself.

“Bill Weasley. Harry’s Brother, in all but blood. Though we’ve probably shared enough blood by
accident by now.” mused Bill, sending Harry an innocent frown doing a bad job at hiding the
mischief in his eyes.

“We’ve certainly dripped it on each other a few times.” replied Harry, the pair shared wicked grins.

Carlisle (rather rudely) ignored them.

“We’ve asked you here today to discuss a grave matter. As you all know, a vampire broke into
Isabella’s room. Taking some of her clothes.” Bland Bella shifted closer to Edwards side. “Alice
has had a vision of Victoria. Leading a newborn army.”

Bill glanced in Harry’s direction at that, Harry hadn’t told him what the meeting was for since it
would be explained here and he hadn’t really had time.

“And newborns are?” asked Sam, in a confused tone.

Harry was a little surprised when Jasper answered.

“When a human is first changed into a vampire-” he shot Harry a look as he purposely left out the
word ‘hybrid’ “-they are incredible fast, strong and hard to control. Their blood lust is near
limitless. If they smell blood they can’t stop themselves, regardless of who it is or if they knew
them during their human life. The need for blood rules them.”

The wolves looked concerned by this news, Harry didn’t blame them.

“And the redhead has an army of them?” asked Sam, face filling with understanding.

Carlisle nodded gravely.

“If they have taken Isabella’s clothes it’s highly likely Victoria is giving it to the newborns, getting
them addicted to her scent.” Harry watched as Bella shivered at the thought.

He took a moment to appreciate how small and out of her depth she looked here, he hoped reality
was starting to kick in for her. He felt sorry for her though, she never invited Victoria’s mate to
hunt her.

“What do you want us to do?” asked Harry, gaining the attention of both groups.

Carlisle gave a sad smile.

“We could be facing a war. I hate to ask it, but we may need both your support to survive this.”
Carlisle did look truly uncomfortable by the request, which did comfort Harry slightly.

There was no real question over whether Harry would help or not, Jasper was fighting so Harry
would to.

Harry looked to Alice, meeting her eyes steadily.

“Can you tell me about your vision?” he asked gently, the same way he would ask Luna.

Luna would never answer of course, just smile at him and give him a ridiculous fact about the
hidden magical properties of goose grass or something obscure.

Alice however nodded steadily and explained.

“They were in an old warehouse. The boy was there, the one who broke in, Riley I think, he had
her clothes. He was giving them out to the newborns, there had to be at least twenty or thirty of
them. Victoria was watching. She’s going to turn more, her army isn’t ready yet. We have some
time. A few weeks at most.” Harry nodded thoughtfully.

Her visions were much clearer than what Luna had described to him as vague pictures, feelings or
‘knowing's’ as she described them.

“I’ll talk to our leaders, but I hope we will be able to offer our help. Considering the damage a
group like this sounds capable of.” answered Sam, sounding hopeful.

Harry met Bills eyes.

“I don’t know how much our magic would effect them.” said Bill, glancing to the Cullen’s.

“Harry’s might make an impact but I doubt I’ll be of much use, it’s pretty unknown how magic
interacts with hybrids of your type.” He continued thoughtfully.

Harry shot Emmett a smirk.

“Looks like we might be able to have that fight.” a, mildly disturbing, eager grin split across the
giant mans face.

Harry smirked when he caught Jasper rolling his eyes.

“Testing your magic on the blood suckers.” piped up Jacob “That’s a show I’d like to see.”

His tone was oddly flirtatious, Harry glanced in his direction to see him paying close attention to
Harry’s hands.
A low growl came from Jasper’s direction, Harry followed the sound to see black eyes focused on

Interesting, Harry thought mildly.

It appeared the boy had somehow developed a crush. One that Jasper and Edward (and Bill if the
smirk on his face were anything to go by) had picked up on.

A crush that would never be returned because Harry was 1. much to old for him 2. too busy
making longing eye contact with a blonde Vampire hybrid to even entertain the idea of dating a
puppy and 3. just plain not interested in the dark haired boy.

Not to mention whatever situation was going on between him, bland Bella and Edward. Harry
wasn’t going anywhere near that obvious mess.

“Newborns are hard to kill, harder than us.” said Jasper, coming back to himself. “We should
gather again, a few times if we can, to discus a plan of attack and train up our vampire hunting

Harry was pleased to hear the humour return to Jasper’s voice.

“We will see you shortly, I will speak with our elders tonight.” confirmed Sam before offering a
smile in Harry’s direction and leaving with the rest of his pack.

Harry ignored the feeling of Jacobs gaze on him and focused purely on Jasper. He had held himself
well during the meeting and spoke from experience when he spoke about fighting newborns.

Respect blossomed in Harry, to see someone so firm and confident in what they were talking about.

“Perhaps it would be wise for you two to join us this evening, we can begin making a move with
our plans before we get consent from the pack.” offered Carlisle, eyes darting between Harry and

Harry and Bill agreed easily.

Harry took hold of Bills arm and apparated them to the Cullen’s ugly house.

Chapter End Notes

Jacob is a home wrecker but like he's really bad at it no cap

I have some very exciting Harry/Jasper stuff planned for the next chapter and i
honestly can not wait.

how are we feeling about this turn of events?

thank you so much for reading! it means the world to me. you are more than welcome
to leave a comment with your thoughts and feelings! they make my day! i will see you
The Vicious Reality
Chapter Summary

Harry and Jasper discover some things about each other

Chapter Notes

good evening and Hello.

I've realized this story is taking up 129 pages of storage on my laptop.... and I oop-

oh my lord, the chapter we have today is one i've been looking forward to for a long
time and i'm excited for you to read it.

i seriously hope you enjoy!

thank you so much for all your support and for reading my obsession.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry examined the star splattered sky as he and Bill waited for the Cullen’s to join them outside
their own front door.

Honestly for beings with super-speed they truly were slow.

It had to be nearing the early hours of the morning by now and Harry wondered what Charlie Swan
was doing.

Sleeping? Working?

Blissful in his ignorance of the situation his daughter had invited herself into or worrying that his
teenager was sleeping over at her boyfriends house?

It all seemed so unfair to Harry. The more he thought about it the more his emotions towards Swan
tangled and complicated.

On one hand she was young, insecure and obviously infatuated (bordering on obsessed) with
Edward. She didn’t really know what she was getting herself into and part of him admired her for
standing by Edward through thick and thin. It was obvious their relationship was a complicated
one, clearly more had happened to them than Harry knew (or cared) about.

But on the other hand she was stubborn, ungrateful and desperate to make herself matter in a world
that she clearly didn’t belong to. Her pride stood in her way rather than making her respectable.
She clawed at the Cullen’s lives, carving herself a place. And it didn’t seem like she had been

Not to mention that Harry would kill, anyone and everyone he had to, to have his Father alive and
worried about him.

Despite his age the longing for a life he’d never have didn’t fade.

It probably never would.

The unfairness of it would forever plague Harry.

He would never escape it.

There was no way of getting over it either. Everyone responsible for it was long dead by now, there
was no one to seek revenge on anymore.

“Leading another army into battle then Potter?” Harry snapped out of his thoughts to shoot a glare
in Bills direction.

Bill sniggered under his breath.

“I’m not leading, merely tagging along.” defended Harry, ignoring the grin that slipped onto Bills

“I don’t think it’s ever been in your nature to ‘tag along’ Harry.” Bills reply was oddly wistful,
despite his cheeky grin.

Harry rolled his eyes and lit himself a cigarette.

7 blurred shapes appeared to their right, Bland-Bella slipped off of Edwards back making them a
group of 8.

“Took your time.” Harry quipped, smirking directly at Jasper and ignoring the others.

Jasper returned the look and strolled over to stand next to Harry while he finished his cigarette.

The others went into the hideous house, Bill and Emmett both shooting them suggestive looks as
they passed.

They stood in silence, watching the stars.

Harry examined the dog star with a pang in his heart.

The same longing as moments before growing in him again.

It hurt even more to know he could never join them in the afterlife.

It had been the most comforting thought during the war.

If he died, at least he’d be back with the ones he loved.

Harry’s eyes slipped closed as he fell into that feeling, the ever pressing need to belong throbbing
in the pit of his stomach.

Maybe it was this news of a fight that was dragging him back to this place, the idea of losing what
he had only just gained when he had already lost everything.

Chilled fingers entwining with his own made his eyes snap open.

Concerned, caring golden eyes glowed down at him. Jasper was frowning at him with such sweet

Harry glanced down to their hands, idly noting how perfectly they fit in each others palms.

“Sorry.” Harry whispered, remembering Jasper’s gift. He’d probably been overwhelmed by Harry.

“You never have to apologise for feeling.” came the immediate reply.

Harry met his eyes again.

Jasper had no idea where Harry’s feelings came from or why he felt them. He didn’t know
anything about Harry. Not who he was or the things he had done. Yet here he was, comforting him.

He didn’t ask why or who just held Harry’s hand.

Gratitude welled in Harry, Jasper smiled.

Merlin, he looked beautiful in the moonlight.

“You’re welcome.” whispered the blonde.

Harry huffed out a breath in amusement.

He flicked the finished smoke to the side and allowed Jasper to guide him into the house, their
hands still connected.

They joined the others in the living room. It was interesting to watch the softness around Jasper’s
eyes fade as he was faced with his family and what they were about to discuss.

It was even more amusing to see the Cullen’s comfortably seated around the room while Bill
loomed in the darkest corner. Clearly enjoying being an unknown in their environment.

Harry gave Jasper’s hand a firm squeeze before releasing it to go and stand by his brother’s side.

Ignoring how his hand felt even colder without Jasper’s resting in it.

Jasper joined Rosalie and Emmett on the sofa.

Carlisle was sat in an armchair that was perfectly placed at the head of the room and faced all of

Harry grinned at the mental picture of the man painstakingly positioning the chair in the perfect
place to lead the room.

“I feel it would be best to start with the base facts of what we currently know about our situation.”
began the coven leader “Victoria is turning an army of newborns to help her avenge James. We
estimate about 30 of them. We imagine the attack will happen in a few weeks if not sooner.”

Silence followed Carlisle’s words.

“There isn’t much planning we can do for the attack itself.” said Jasper “Newborns are nearly
impossible to predict, Victoria’s main goal might be Bella and Edward but that doesn’t mean she
can control the newborns.”

“If we can’t make a plan of attack what can we plan?” asked Rosalie, disdain clouding the fear
behind her words.
“You know the land better than she does.” Offered Harry, unflinching when surprised eyes flew to
him “If we can ensure the battle happens in a certain place, we’ll have the upper hand.”

Nods of agreement travelled around the room and Harry held back a sneer.

These were supposed to be strong, capable beings who were hundreds of years old, yet they had no
concept of the most basic strategic plan?

Except Jasper of course, he was clearly beyond capable.

“How are we going to get them there?” asked Alice, frowning.

Jasper and Harry’s eyes met across the room.

Both clearly having the same thought, but silently arguing over who would say it.

Jasper begging Harry to let him break the news of that idea to the group -Jasper would do it much
more gently. Harry eager to cause chaos in an already messy situation.

Harry won.

“With her of course.” Harry said lightly, jerking his chin in Bella’s direction.

6 horrified eyes (Esme, Carlisle, Alice, Emmett, Edward and Bella), 2 smirks (Bill and Rosalie)
and one disapproving gaze that hid amusement (Jasper) turned his way.

“It makes sense. The newborns are being starved with her scent, they’ll run straight to her.” Harry

It wasn’t a pretty suggestion but it was one of the few things they could use to their advantage.

“You can’t seriously be suggesting that!” exploded Edward, glaring at Harry.

Harry returned the glare with a look of indifference.

“It’s not ideal, but it’s one of the best options we have.” Harry replied, not allowing emotions for a
girl he didn’t really like cloud his judgement.

“The best option!” shouted Edward, leaping to his feet now. “She’s human! She can’t defend
herself against those monsters!”

Harry felt a deep stab of disgust to hear Edward refer to his own kind as monsters.

“Then let’s hope you can do a half decent job of protecting her.” his tone was plain and calm but
Harry knew his face was holding a taunting look that he couldn’t quite keep of his face.

All these year and his temper still couldn’t really be controlled.

“You think you’re so above us!” spat the enraged lover “Who put you in charge?! who put on that
pedestal?! Honestly, did it hurt when you fell from the grace of heaven?!”

Harry’s breathe stuttered.

The rain pelted down on him, soaking his Quidditch robes while thunder rumbled seemingly right
next to him.
He chased a flash of gold and suddenly Dementor’s were circling.

His mothers scream filled the air, dread and terror coiled in his gut.

Agony rippled through him as they tried to tear his soul from him.

He was falling.

Plummeting down so fast the entire world swirled in a dark, dizzy mess around him. Wind and
blood rushing in his ears. His face stinging as the weather bit into his skin with nails of steal.

Panic filling every fibre of his being as he fought to stay conscious.

The panic would consume him.

He was going to die.

“Oh it burnt like Hell.” Harry spat back “But don’t worry-”

Dumbledore’s hand with wand outstretched waved firmly in his direction, a spell he would never
hear on the headmasters lips.

“-the devil was there to break my fall.”

Harry was mildly aware of the lights in the room flickering in response to his anger, he was
debating whether he should smash the bulb nearest to Edwards head just to make his point.

When a heavy hand came down on his shoulder.

Harry whipped around to meet Bills calm gaze.

The lights stopped flickering and Harry made an effort to calm down.

“I think you might regret killing him.” came Bills easy going teasing.

Harry snorted and gathered himself, eyes hesitantly looking back at the Cullen’s.

Hating the feeling of shame that filled him to see their wide eyes.

He looked at Jasper, worried about what he might see there.

Gold eyes filled with a level of awe that could be parallel to worship was not what he had been

“Sit down Edward.” came the calm tone of Carlisle.

Edward obeyed.

“I understand that Harrison’s suggestion may have upset you, but it will not do to turn on each
other. It is something we will keep in mind and discuss later.” the elder mans young face lighted
with a change of topic “It’s late, we have spare rooms if you wish to stay the night.”

The offer was a thoughtful one.

Harry met Bills eyes.

Bill shrugged.
“I don’t fancy the risk of splinching, I think we’ll take you up on that offer.” Carlisle smiled at
Bills acceptance of his invitation but Harry could see the mans curiosity burn in him.

Thankfully Emmett asked for him.

“The hell is splinching?” the meat head asked.

“Our method of travel is called apparition. We use our magic to transport ourselves from one place
to another by picturing it. When we’re tired or our magic is overused or just plain bad at it we can
splinch. Leave bits of us behind.” explained Bill.

Harry’s nose wrinkled in distaste, the image of Ron’s arm forever in his brain. Harry himself had a
few scars from the odd splinch, never more than a few lumps of skin missing from when he was
rushing to escape a sticky situation.

Ron’s arm hadn’t even been the worst case of splinching he’d seen. But it stuck with him because
it had been Ron and it had really been life or death at that time.

“Have you ever splinched?” Asked Esme, sounding concerned.

Bill and Harry both grimaced.

“Yeah, when I was first learning how to apperate.” answered Bill, pulling him his trouser leg to
revel a rough looking scar from when he’d left part of his shin behind.

“I ended up doing it a few times when I was in a rush.” said Harry, not bothering to reveal his

Thankfully no one asked to see them.

Jasper was the one who stood and led them upstairs to the spare room.

As they travelled up the over the top stair case Harry spotted an art piece on the wall.

He stopped to observe it while Jasper took Bill down a bleak looking corridor to a dull looking
door. Harry heard Bill thank the blonde before the door closed and Jasper's soft footsteps were
approaching him.

He stopped next to Harry, looking at him rather than the art that had captured his attention.

“Are they what I think they are?” asked Harry, half dreading the answer.

The art piece in question was at first glance a basic exploration of block colours in a range of
shades. On closer inspection it was the somber reality of trying to fit in with a group you weren’t
meant to be apart of.

“Graduation caps. Yes.” replied Jasper, eyes still trained on Harry.

“That’s fucking depressing.” Harry met Jasper’s eyes so he could not only feel Harry’s honesty but
see it in full force.

Jasper snorted.

“I suppose.” he muttered, finally turning to look at the sombre reminder of the Cullen’s
“Is this what you do? Repeat school over and over? Earning endless qualifications that you’ll never
use? Merlin, and then you paste in on the wall to ensure you don’t forget it’s never ending.” Jasper
turned surprised eyes to Harry.

Clearly he hadn’t expected that response.

“The younger we pretend to be the longer be can stay somewhere.” defended Jasper weakly. “it’s
not always school, sometimes we do use the qualifications we have. The displaying of it started as
a joke but when you word it like that it does sound a bit fucked.” it was a weak argument and
Harry raised an incredulous brow.

“A bit?” he asked sarcastically.

Harry had reminders of his lack of mortality, they littered his body in harsh lines and sick spills
upon his skin.

Having to see those was bad enough, but at least he could accept them because they were part of
him. To have them plastered in his face like this would drive him insane.

Jasper gave him a look, a look that told Harry he was pushing Jasper into a mindset that he hadn’t
considered before.

The younger man raised his hands in defence and allowed Jasper to lead him toward the bleak

“There’s a guest room next to the one Bills in or-” Jasper paused and seemed to be building himself
up for something “-Or you can stay with me.”

Harry blinked.

Jasper fidgeted.

Harry debated for a few moments, he didn’t really fancy sleeping in whatever soulless hell the
Cullen’s considered ‘guest rooms’ I.e rooms even more void of personality than the house already

Was it too soon to spend the night with Jasper? He supposed Jasper had seen his house, not his
bedroom no, but Jasper only had one room purely devoted to him.

“I’ll stay with you.” decided Harry quietly, feeling like he was announcing something deep and

Jasper offered him a shy, pleased smile and led Harry further down the awful corridor (seriously it
was white walls and grey flooring, whoever designed this place needed a serious intervention) to a
wholly uninteresting door.

Jasper took what looked like a calming breath and opened the door, allowing Harry to step in
before him.

Harry stood in the doorway and looked around the room.

The floors were a warm honey toned wood panelling, the walls a pale-almost white-green. The
furthest wall was solid window, only broken by the frames and what was clearly a way to open it.

The other three walls were lined with book shelves- interrupted only by the presence of two doors
and a bed- which were neat and precisely made to perfectly fit in the available space leaving, no
awkward gaps. The shelves themselves matched the tone of the floor and were heaving under the
weight of hundreds of years worth of collecting.

The bed was large and plush, soft sheets matching the green tones of the walls. A huge and well
organized desk stood at the end of the bed, 3 large draws on each side leaving a gap for the
professional looking spin chair to nest comfortably. A few meters away from the desk was a
seating area, much cosier than the dull living room downstairs, with a deep blue sofa and matching
armchairs paired with coffee table.

Harry assumed the doors led to a bathroom and probably something ridiculous like a walk in

The room met Harry’s immediate (and relieved) approval.

It was neat and organized but obviously lived in and loved.

Harry turned a smile to Jasper, who had been watching him with nervous eyes.

“It’s very you.” Jasper’s eyebrows drew in but his mouth lifted into his usual sweet smile.

“Is that a good thing?” he asked, hesitant to ask but obviously eager to find out.

“Yes.” Harry replied bluntly. Not wanting to allow the blonde room to over think.

Jasper’s eyebrows relaxed and his smile grew more confident.

“May I?” asked Harry, gesturing to the shelves. While he had been invited in, he didn’t want to
overstep boundaries or make Jasper uncomfortable.

“Of course.” was his answer.

Harry began to tread softly around the room, eyes dancing over the bookcases. He was surprised
and pleased to recognize a few of the books there, mostly works of fiction but there were a few
others in the mix that he had seen or read.

“You like history.” muttered Harry, knowing that Jasper could hear him perfectly

Jasper nodded, his lovely smile still present as he watched Harry walk about his room.

“When you’ve lived it the books can be quite amusing sometimes.” Harry snorted, knowing all too
well how easy it was for people to twist events to make them seem much more spectacular or
impressive than they really were.

Harry turned his attention to the bed.

It was made, but not so neatly that it was unused. a laptop and a half read book resting atop of the
covers indicted to that too.

“We don’t need sleep.” said Jasper, Harry wanted to roll his eyes and snap that he knew that but
refrained since he had been doing a really good job of being nice “But I like laying down to read or
just to rest really. It’s comforting.”

Harry nodded.

“I understand that entirely.” Jasper didn’t need to validate himself to Harry, or anyone for that
matter, but he obviously felt like he needed to so Harry would be supportive.

“It does look comfy.” continued Harry, making his way over to it flashing Jasper a mischievous
smile on the way passed.

Harry turned his back to the bed and allowed himself to fall back into the gentle embrace of the
blankets. Being careful to avoid the laptop

Jasper chuckled from across the room. Light footsteps, followed by the sound of a laptop and book
being placed on the desk, before a head landed next to Harry’s.

Harry turned his head to meet golden eyes and smiled.

Jasper had gone to the other side of the bed and copied Harry’s actions, landing perfectly beside

They lay there for a while, just looking.

This close Harry could count the flecks of warm brown that interrupted the gold.

A stray strand of hair had fallen across the vampire hybrids forehead, just catching his eyelashes.

Harry raised a tentative hand and delicately tucked the lock behind Jasper’s ear.

Ignoring how soft Jasper’s cool skin felt against the pads of his fingers.

Ignoring the tingling feeling that spread through his entire hand at the brief contact.

Ignoring the way Jasper’s breath hitched ever so slightly.

What he couldn’t ignore however, was the way Jasper’s eyes burned back at him with a intensity
he couldn’t describe.

Merlin, thought Harry, he could get used to this.


Harry woke up with his nose pressed into something solid.

Harry blinked, dazed, and tried to figure out what said thing was.

It was a leg, a thigh to be more specific.

Harry wrinkled his brow in confusion and followed the leg upward.

The thigh was connected to a torso -as they often were- and the torso was connected to arms which
held a book. Above the arms was a neck joined to a head.

The head seemed to be looking quite intently at the book and thankfully unaware of Harry’s new
found consciousness.

Harry frowned deeply at the head, trying to figure out who it was through sleep filled, bleary eyes.

It was Jasper.

Comforted, Harry’s head flopped back down to it’s place against Jasper’s thigh with a groan.
“Good morning.” murmured the soft southern accent from above him.

Apparently unaware of Harry’s recent frowning.

Harry grunted in reply. Which earned him an amused huff.

This was not how Harry usually woke up.

He was either ripped from sleep screaming or woke up with tears streaming down his face as he
starred dully up at the ceiling.

Harry rolled onto his back and blinked at the ceiling, watching dust mites dance in the morning

“What time is it?” he asked, Jasper finally turned to look at him.

Harry knew jasper was about a head or so taller than him but seeing him from this angle really
made him look like a towering bean stalk.

“About 7, you’ve only had about 5 and a half hours sleep.” Jasper’s tone was mildly concerned and
Harry’s eyes widened in surprise.

But not for the same reason as Jasper’s concern.

Harry usually only managed 3, or 4 when he was absolutely exhausted, before nightmares
disturbed him.

“That’s more than I usually get.” Harry replied in a whisper.

Jasper frowned down at him. The book was lowered into his lap.

“They recommend humans get at least 8 hours sleep, is it the same for wizards?” the question was
a gentle one, curious and worried for his health.

Harry considered.

“I think so? It never really came up.” Harry answered weakly, though he didn’t think he knew any
wizards with what most would call ‘healthy’ sleeping patterns.

Luna would have what she called ‘busy dreams’ and end up going to explore for lost elf colonies or
red cap goblins in the woods. Neville had once told Harry he was haunted by the scream
Voldemort had let out when he killed Nagini, told him how it reminded him of the screams of his
parents that he had been too young to understand, so spent his nights in the greenhouses, tending to
his plants and drinking pepper-uppers to keep himself awake.

Bill struggled, especially around the full moon. The paranoia that Greyback would come to finish
him off ever pressing.

Hell even Teddy struggled. A boy who had nothing to do with the war that claimed the life of his
parents and led to his grandmothers. Harry remembered when the boy had been 3 years old. He’d
had a bad dream and crawled into Harry’s bed, curling in his lap and clinging to him as if worried
Harry would disappear.

It had only taken a few moments to realize that yes, the 3 year old was actually terrified that Harry
would disappear. Just like the parents he couldn’t remember but had heard so much about and like
the grandmother who had raised him with Harry for 2 years before grief finally won her soul.
“How much sleep are you supposed to have?” Harry blinked at the question and met Jasper’s eyes.

That question had caught him off guard. Sure, Harry had hinted at being something other than a
wizard and Bill didn’t help with his claims of Harry’s abilities. But he was still shocked to hear
how seriously Jasper took them.

Harry shrugged.

Or at least tried to while laying down.

“I don’t know.” Harry replied honestly, the dead were supposed to sleep forever. And what was
Harry if he wasn’t, at least partially, dead?

Jasper examined his face for a while, probably digesting the feelings Harry was giving off at the
same time.

“You can go back to sleep, if you’d like.” he offered, turning his eyes away to pick at the folded
corner of the page he had been reading.

“No, I doubt I’ll get back to sleep. Besides, won’t you get bored?” teased Harry, Jasper shot him a

“I’m sure I could engage myself for another few hours, seems a small price to pay in exchange for
your health.” the sentiment was touching but Harry sat up in bed regardless.

Not wanting to risk night terrors after such a peaceful sleep.

Harry stretched his arms above his head, relishing the crack his shoulders gave and the stiffness
leaving his form.

Jasper’s eyes felt heavy on him but he tried to brush it off.

“I don’t think I can be arsed to go to school today.” Harry informed the blonde, who’s lip twitched
in amusement at the choice of words.

“I think I’ll join you if I may.” Harry flashed him a grin.

“A Cullen ditching school? What would Jessica Stanley say?” Jasper rolled his eyes and removed
himself from the bed.

“We should go for a walk.” Harry frowned at the other man, feeling like there was more to that
suggestion than met the eye.

“Sure.” Harry replied, dragging himself from the warm comfort of Jasper’s bed.

The pair exited the bedroom, strolled down the corridor, down the stairs and out of the front door
without bumping into anyone; which Harry saw as a bonus.

It was a surprisingly nice day, a partially cloudy sky with the occasional patch of blue. The sun
threatening to peak out at any second.

Jasper slid his hand into Harry’s the second they were out of the house and led him toward the
thick forest that surrounded the hideous house.

The path he chose was clearly a familiar and well walked one for the Cullen clan, judging from the
smudged footprints and stray broken branches. Clear evidence of someone running along the path.
Harry allowed himself to trust the direction Jasper was pulling him toward and took a moment to
admire the world around him. Light filtered through a range pure greens. The sounds of birds and
various other forest creatures shuffling about. The distant sound of running water that seemed to be
growing nearer and nearer.

Harry’s eyes snapped forward, Jasper was leading him towards what could only be described as an
enchanting glade.

Large rocks coated in moss and algae, a thin stream tricking down the harsh drop and flowing into
a steady pool that continued to flow among rocks and substrate. The stream continued downward,
breaking up the forest floor with the reflection of trees blended with sky on it’s surface.

“It’s beautiful.” whispered Harry, reluctant to disturb the peace of such a lovely place.

“I needed to tell you something, something quite ugly. So I thought beautiful surroundings might
make up for it.” Harry tilted his head to examine Jasper’s sombre expression.

Harry settled on a moss covered rock.

“I’m all ears.” He declared, still speaking softly to protect not only the peace but Jasper’s obvious
anxiety of the conversation they were about to have.

Jasper took what seemed to be a steadying breath.

His hands, shaking, raised and began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Harry was about to ask where
exactly this was heading when the words died in his throat.

The shirt was dropped to the floor, revealing Jasper’s pale, toned arms and chest to Harry.

Bite marks.

Millions of them littered Jasper’s pale skin, standing out like jagged cracks in polished marble. The
same size and shape as the one Harry had felt on Bella’s wrist.

Harry starred, eyes flitting from one wound to another. Wondering who would want to hurt
someone so lovely.

Wondering if they were still alive for Harry to hunt down on Jasper’s behalf.

“I’ve fought Newborns before.” he said bluntly, eyes trained on the stream and away from Harry.

“I was a soldier in the confederate army before I was changed. A major, youngest major there was.
I was proud of it at the time. Looking back their politics were a little more than questionable but I
was 19.” Harry decided to keep his opinion off of the table “I was patrolling when I found a group
of woman. I thought they needed help so I offered it.”

Jasper sighed, regret obvious in his silhouette.

“Her name was Maria, she turned me. She was raging war in the south, using Newborn armies to
destroy covens and gain territory. I worked for her. Became her Major.” Harry held back a wince at
the bitterness in Jasper’s tone.

“I turned hundreds and killed thousands in her name. I spent near a hundred years under her
command, I thought we cared about each other. But I was just a pawn to her.” Harry could
empathize with that.
“I was getting tired of it. Tired of fighting for a cause that was never really mine. Tired of feeling
people’s agony while I was the one causing it. Then Peter, he was my only real friend there we had
fought together for so long we were like brothers really, he found his mate. Charlotte.” Jasper took
a breath and finally looked at Harry.

“Maria told me to kill Charlotte. She said the mate bond would make Peter weak. it was the final
straw. We left. The three of us. Peter and Charlotte found a place together, I stayed with them for a
while before I went alone. I was a nomad for about 8 years before I met Alice.” An amused smile
lit up Jasper’s face now.

“She was a crazy spitfire even then. Told me she had been waiting for me, saw me in a vision and
knew we could find a place to belong. Be a family. I don’t know why, maybe I was desperate but I
trusted her. She’s been my sister ever since.”

Jasper’s eyes met Harry’s solidly now, firm in their resolve.

“But I’m so glad I did. It meant I could find you.” the words were whispered with such fervent
sweetness that Harry’s breath hitched.

Harry searched Jasper’s faces, the open vulnerability staring earnestly back at him. Harry’s eyes
once again looked over the scars on Jasper’s body, Jasper’s arm twitched. As if about to rush and
cover his body from Harry’s gaze.

Harry couldn’t allow that.

Harry stood from his perch and began to unbutton his own shirt.

Jasper frowned, clearly confused but said nothing while Harry completed his task.

Soon the top half of his body was bare and his shirt joined Jasper’s on the floor.

“You show me yours, I show you mine.” Muttered Harry, hoping he wouldn’t regret what he was
about to do while nerves and anticipation bubbled in his stomach.

Jasper’s frown deepened, sceptical eyes examining Harry’s body.

Harry took a breath and removed the magical layer than coated his skin.

His skin once clean and blemish free was suddenly clotted with his true appearance.

Jasper gave a slight gasp from opposite him but Harry kept his eyes firmly on the floor.

“When I was born there was an ongoing magically war. A man called Tom Riddle had some, rather
disturbing, ideas of how the wizarding world should be run. When the war was reaching it’s height
a seer, though she was pretty shit seer she has nothing on Alice or Luna, gave a prophecy about a
baby born with the power to kill Tom Riddle. Riddle heard about it and went to kill the baby. He
killed the babies parents, who died protecting him but the baby survived. The killing curse
bounced off and killed Tom Riddle.” Harry explained, knowing he was leaving out a lot of details
and tiny intricacies but those could come later, for now the bare bones would do.

“I was that Baby. I got sent off to live with my mums sister, who was a bitch to be honest. They
hated my guts and thought magic could be suppressed with brute force. When I was 11 I got my
letter to go to wizarding school, Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” Harry sighed
unsure of how to explain his life in a simple format.
“I found out who I was. I wasn’t just Harry the freak of little whinging I was Harry Potter, the boy
who lived. I found out how my parents really died and who killed them. Tom Riddle was supposed
to be dead too, but that didn’t stop him from trying to kill me every year. The rebounding killing
curse didn’t kill him, just his body. Dickhead called himself ‘lord Voldemort’ and had followers,
mad fanatics who agreed with his opinions or were just too scared to say no, called death eaters.”
Harry tugged at his hair and hoped he was making sense.

“Every year one of his followers would try something to either kill me or get Tom a new body or
both. They finally succeeded when I was 14. after that the second wizarding war really begun and
grew more intense. I was at the centre of it, even though I was just a kid. I was meant to be his
great enemy, the one with the power to defeat him. I fought hard to live up to that expectation, but I
don’t think I ever managed it.” Harry turned his eyes to the stream, still not daring to look at
Jasper’s face.

“It came to a head when I was 17. he attacked Hogwarts. We fought, and I died. Giving my life to
protect my friends. But magic is a fucking complicated thing, especially when you involve the
dodgy soul magic that Riddle got up to. I lived. And I killed him. Lived up to my prophecy in the
end I guess.”

Harry sniffed and kicked a stone with his shoe.

“After that I was a bit of a state. I’d lost a lot of friends so I threw myself into the blood soaked
world of petty revenge. It worked in my favour, climbed to the top of my career as an Auror -that’s
magical police by the way- in record time and earned a reputation to go with it.” Harry took a deep
breath knowing the next bit of the story wasn’t his favourite.

“10 years ago I lost my best friends. Ron Weasley was killed during a raid of illegal magical
artefacts. He had been my first ever friend and was a brother to me in every way. Hermione
Granger was Ron’s soulmate, she couldn’t handle losing him after losing everything else. She took
her life a week later.” and I tried to follow her, went left unsaid.

“I lost my shit. Quit my job and locked myself away for the worse part of 10 years. Then I got fed
up of being stuck in a place I would never be able to move on from so I came here. For some
peace.” Harry laughed an emotionless laugh.

He turned to look at Jasper now, staring into the blonde stunned golden eyes.

“And I am glad I did. I needed something to restart my heart and looking at you I think I’ve found
it. I know I’ve found it.” the words were said in a rush so that Harry wouldn’t lose his nerve but he
hoped the truth behind them was still evident.

The sound of bird song and running water filled the space between them for a few tense moments.

Then Jasper moved forward, coming to a stop directly in front of Harry.

Harry really started to notice how exposed they both were at this distance.

Jasper’s hand came up and gently traced the length of the scar on the side of Harry’s face.

Harry’s lashes fluttered at the attention and his breath grew short.

Jasper was looking at him so tenderly, like he was a the only star burning in a bleak world of

“It seems we’re both experienced in the art of war.” he murmured softly, fingers running into
Harry’s hair to cup his cheek.

“I don’t know, you did get a title and lead a full army. I may have been head of my department but
I only led about 15 Aurors at once.” Jasper gave a slight huff of amusement, his breath raising
goose bumps on Harry’s neck.

Just then the sun burst out from behind a cloud, bathing the intimate pair in golden light.

If Harry had thought Jasper looked beautiful in the moonlight, then Jasper looks positively radiant
in the sun.

His skin glowed and glittered like billions of tiny diamonds. His scars turning to liquid gold,
simmering in the light.

Harry stared in awe.

He delicately traced a finger along Jasper’s shoulder, up the side of his neck and cupped the
beautiful, ethereal beings jaw.

Harry found he couldn’t contain his emotions any longer.

He pulled Jasper downward and rose up to meet him, their lips brushing against each other in a
sweet embrace.

Jasper gave a low groan, his other hand snaking around Harry’s waist to pull them closer together
while the other remained on Harry’s cheek.

Harry’s other hand joined the first, holding Jasper’s jaw for dear life and their kiss deepened. A
blissful feeling filling them both.

After what could’ve been hours of shared passion they separated, foreheads resting against each

Harry opened his eyes, not realizing he had even closed them.

Love stared back.

Chapter End Notes

Edward and Harry: *Fighting*

Me: Alexa play Bad Blood by Taylor Swift

AHHHHH they kissed holy hell. this has been building for quite a while now so all i
can say is i'm thrilled we made it lmao.

i really hope you enjoyed reading and that it's living up to your hopes for this story.

Thank you endlessly for reading! i've said it before but i'm going to repeat myself i am
amazed and so excited to see how many people are enjoying this! thank you fr fr
please leave a comment they give my life meaning xoxo see you soon
The Savage Truth
Chapter Summary

Jasper's Pov and extra

Chapter Notes

good evening my dears! ❤

from the comments i'm guessing we liked the kiss huh? lmao I squealed when writing

this chapter is a little bit of Jasper's pov then back over to Harry's for some other stuff.

i made the decision to also post this story on wattpad, so if you prefer wattpad or idk
just want to stalk my profile or something my user name over there is:

with that being said please enjoy todays fluff ❤xoxo❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jasper turned a page of his book, trying to stay calm as if his current situation was a daily

However, internally, he was rather distracted.

The reason for his distraction currently had their face pressed firmly against Jasper's thigh.

Harry was laying next to him.

In Jasper’s bed.

With Jasper.

Jasper tore his eyes away from his book to glance down at the raven haired man.

He was so soft like this.

When awake, Harry was a smirking, scowling force of nature with an attitude and the clothes to go
with it. All sharp edges and harsh shadows. Sick looks of amusement or devastated sadness lurking
in those green eyes. Glorious with every breathe he took.

But when he was asleep, he was lovely. Rumpled clothing and warmth, blended with a peace
Jasper didn’t think someone as sassy as Harry was capable of. His skin looked bright and stood out
against the soft sheets, his hair undone and flowing over the pillow his head lay on.
At first he had laid flat on his back while Jasper had sat close next to him and read. They had
talked quietly for a short while before his breaths turned deep and slow.

Harry had fidgeted and shifted in his sleep, twisting his lithe body into adorable positions.

Jasper had returned to read his book and grew used to Harry’s movements.

So when he felt hot breath and warm skin make contact to his leg, he had frozen.

Glancing down to see how Harry, deep in sleep, had crept closer and closer until he was pressed
against him. How his body now curled around Jasper. It had melted his long frozen heart.

Jasper couldn’t help but glance down from his book every now and then to remind himself of what
he had.

He loved him.

The thought shouldn’t have shocked him but it did.

He loved Harry.

How could he not? Sure, the mate bond pulled them together. But Harry was brave, strong, defiant,
honest, sarcastic and so much more.

If Jasper felt the way he did now after only knowing his Harry a short few weeks then the rest of
eternity would be glorious.

His body shivered to remember the argument he had witnessed between Harry and Edward.

When Edward had raised his voice at Harry, asking stupid questions with obvious answers and
then somehow managing to bring Edwards internal battle between heaven and hell into the

Jasper could’ve strangled Edward after feeling the emotions that battled inside Harry.

But those urges had soon to something very different when Harry had practically glowed with
power. The lights flickering and the air thickening.

Not for the first time Harry had filled Jasper with awe at the very sight of him.

The raw strength of him was overwhelming.

It made Jasper feel safe, protected. Feelings he hadn’t felt since he was human.

Jasper was finally beginning to realize how much he had underestimated Harry.

And it clearly went further than his mates real age.

With current events it was becoming obvious that it was time to reveal his past actions to Harry.
Things were beginning to grow more serious between them and Harry deserved to know who he
was involving himself with.

Jasper could only hope that Harry would accept him.

He’d done it.

He’d told Harry everything, he’d tried to keep it simple but truthful.

Jasper had never felt so exposed in all his undead life. He had just spilled his life story, as well as
his heart, to this man.

Harry’s eyes were travelling all over his bare skin. Jasper’s arm gave an involuntary twitch,
desperate to hide his body from the eyes of the one he loved.

He waited in agonized silence for the verdict.

Harry stood from his perch and began to unbutton his own shirt.

Jasper frowned, slightly alarmed to see Harry try and join him in his nudity after admitting such
harsh truths.

Soon the top half of Harry’s body was bare and his shirt joined Jasper’s on the floor.

His chest was as strong and tanned as the rest of him, glowing almost in the dappled sunlight.

“You show me yours, I show you mine.” Muttered Harry.

Jasper’s frown deepened, sceptical eyes examining Harry’s body. Harry’s skin was clear of any
blemish at all, almost in an unnatural way. Not even a freckle visible to Jasper’s keen eye.

The air surrounding Harry shimmered suddenly and he changed.

Scars appeared, lacing and zigzagging across the plains of his form. Not an inch of skin seemed to
be spared.

Just like Jasper’s.

Only while Jasper’s scars were all nearly the exact same shape and size; Harry’s varied hugely
from tiny white lines to thick pink smudges.

Jasper gave a slight gasp in awe as he looked at his mates body, realising Harry had been hiding
just like Jasper had been.

If Jasper had admired Harry for his appearance before it paled in comparison to this.

He was magnificent.

From the harsh slice on his left arm to the stab wound on his right. The burns that covered his
shoulder and traced around his neck like a necklace. The obvious claw marks that streaked blush
thickly across his chest. The fascinating curling marks, almost like tentacles tangling against his
skin. The millions of white lines that glittered silver in the light. Words that Jasper didn’t want to
read carved into his hand.

Deep lines torn into his inner wrists that broke Jasper’s heart.

His body was glorious.

He was a fighter, a survivor.

God he was so beautifully perfect.

The scars on his face only further enhanced his beauty.

A long one marring the entire side of his face, going from temple to the corner of his mouth.
Another slicing through his eyebrow. Tiny ones around the bump where his nose had been broken.
A rather curious one on his forehead.

All just added to the defiant, danger that seeped out of Harry.

It seemed insane to think Jasper had never seen the scars before.

Clean blemish free skin seemed blasphemy compared to the God he was looking at.

Jasper catalogued all of this while listening to Harry share his own complicated story in return.

It was heart warming on another level to have his secrets exchanged for new ones in return.

Once Harry finished his story and looked at him with those eyes; Jasper couldn’t help himself, he
stepped forward and reached a gentle hand to trace the scar on the side of his Harry’s face.

The love he felt for this impossible man burning so brightly in him as he stared into hooded green

“It seems we’re both experienced in the art of war.” he murmured softly, fingers running into
Harry’s hair to cup his cheek.

“I don’t know, you did get a title and lead a full army. I may have been head of my department but
I only led about 15 Auror’s at once.” Jasper gave a slight huff of amusement.

Just then the sun burst out from behind a cloud, bathing the intimate pair in golden light.

Jasper knew how he looked in the sun. A glittering disco ball that looked ridiculous in the best of
circumstances. Jasper steadied himself, ready for Harry’s teasing remarks.

He searched green eyes for the amusement that was sure to come.

Harry stared back in awe.

Jasper tried hard to hide his surprise, Harry seemed almost hypnotized by him.

Harry delicately traced a finger along Jasper’s shoulder, up the side of his neck and cupped Jasper’s

Jasper’s unnecessary breath stuttered.

Harry pulled Jasper downward and rose up to meet him, their lips brushing against each other in a
sweet embrace.

Jasper gave a low groan, his other hand snaking around Harry’s waist to pull them closer together
while the other remained on Harry’s cheek.

Harry was kissing him.

Harry’s other hand joined the first, holding Jasper’s jaw for dear life and their kiss deepened. A
blissful feeling filling them both.

After what could’ve been hours of shared passion they separated, foreheads resting against each

Jasper opened his eyes, not realizing he had even closed them.

Love stared back.


Harry smiled up at the trees from his position resting his head against Jasper’s shoulder.

The pair had put their shirts back on (leaving them unbuttoned and flowing in the light breeze) and
sat by the stream. Sitting close together like small children sharing secrets in the playground.

Their hands delicately entwined and resting in Harry’s lap.

Jasper’s hand gently traced the words on the back of Harry’s hand, reading them without looking.

“What does it say?” he asked softly, taking the respect of Harry’s privacy to the next level.

“I must not tell lies.” Harry replied, Jasper gave a murmur of disapproval.

“Who did it?” the questioned was loaded and hinted to revenge on Harry’s behalf.

Something Harry found quite touching.

“Me.” Jasper’s head jerked sharply in his direction. “Sort of.”

Harry back-peddled quickly.

“It’s called a bloodquil, they’re enchanted to write with the blood of the wizard using it. The cut
into the skin, not very deep but enough to draw blood. They don’t usually scar but when you write
the same thing over and over again.” Harry grumbled, remembering writing pages and pages of
lines for the stupid toad.

“They were used to sign contacts. Blood magic is very serious and not to be taken lightly. It meant
not even the sneakiest wizard could get out of a deal. They were abolished in 1913 for being
‘archaic’” he continued. Jasper frowned, finally looking down at his scarred hand and seeing it was
indeed Harry’s scrawled handwriting.

“So why were you using one? And to write that?” the word ‘that’ was spat.

Harry smirked.

“Detention.” Jasper met his eyes, clearly searching for what was funny.

He would find nothing except Harry’s own twisted emotions.

“Our fifth year defence teacher was a horrible toad, Umbridge. We used to call her Umbitch. She
used them to punish those who needed ‘guidance’. I told her the truth about her Government being
a bunch of idiots in denial over the return of Voldemort. She didn’t seem to appreciate my
honesty.” Harry quipped dryly.

Jasper absorbed this for a few moments.

“And where is this ‘teacher’ now?” Harry thought at the question, trying to remember if she was
still alive and rotting in Azkaban.
He couldn’t remember.

“Either dead or in prison.” Jasper looked satisfied with his answer.

Harry reached out a hand an to run along Jasper’s wrist, fingers dipping under his sleeve.

He traced a particularly torn up bite mark.

“Who gave you this one?” he asked, tilting his head to look at Jasper.

Jasper looked down to where Harry’s hand was drawing patterns under his clothes.

“I was patrolling our territory with a few others when we were attacked. One of the them got a
good hold on me, tried to rip out a chunk of me. They didn’t live much longer after that.” Harry
hummed in understanding.

Jasper’s hand moved further up Harry’s arm, to the scar left by the basilisk fang.

“And this?” Harry grinned at the question.

“Massive and very poisonous snake.” Jasper gave him an incredulous look, Harry chuckled.

“Would be dead if it wasn’t for Fawkes, he cried for me. It’s rare to survive a basilisk bite.” Harry
lied. No one else on record had ever survived a basilisk bite.

“So Phoenix's really have healing tears?” asked Jasper curiously, Harry nodded with a fond smile
as he thought about Fawkes.

They continued like that for some time, tracing each other’s scars and asking the causes.

Jasper had the audacity to laugh when he found out how Harry’s face had been scarred by a baby
dragon. Harry was half tempted to apparate them to Romania to meet said dragon.

The list of people who had sunk their teeth into Jasper was complex and never ending, but it turned
out almost everyone who had dared bite him had soon been destroyed.

The only one remaining being his brother Peter, who apparently used to spar with Jasper often.
Leaving the pair with matching bite marks more often than not.

“It’s a newborns best line of defence.” explained Jasper “It’s instinct, and works in tune with their
strength and speed. They’ll go to bite first. Always.”

it was early afternoon before they knew it.

Jasper stood, redoing his shirt though not buttoning it all the way like he had before.

Harry really realized how much they had both been hiding. It felt good to see Jasper comfortable
enough to leave his scars out in the open.

Harry grimaced as he slid his glamour's back into place.

Jasper pouted at him.

“You don’t have to hide them.” the blonde whispered, voice sweet and gentle as if talking to a
scared bunny before he munched him.
“Humans ask too many questions when they see a scarred teenager. Besides,-” Harry started with a
smirk “-it pays to be underestimated.”

Jasper rolled his eye, a fond smile in place.

“You just want more opportunity to be dramatic.” retorted Jasper, Harry flashed him a devilish grin
and made no argument.

Jasper huffed in amusement, taking hold of the undone sides of Harry’s shirt and pulling him

Harry obeyed, letting the day walker manhandle him for the second time today.

Jasper softly, so softly, began redoing the buttons on Harry’s shirt. Long fingers tenderly caressing
the smooth fabric as he worked his way up Harry’s chest.

Harry’s breathe hitched, eyes focused solely on Jasper’s face. Mesmerized by the delicate focus in
the mans honeyed gaze.

Jasper left the top two buttons undone, his eyes trailing up Harry’s neck to meet his eyes. Harry
shivered under the intensity of it.

How such a simple act could feel so intimate he’d never know.

This time it was Jasper who started it.

His cool hand cupped Harry’s chin and drew him closer. Their lips greeting each other for a second

While the first kiss had been delicate and passionate, this one burned hot. A need to belong once
again coiling in the pit of Harry’s stomach.

He deepened their kiss, stepping impossibly closer and wrapping his arms around Jasper’s neck.

Jasper responded by returning his arm to Harry’s waist, apparently growing fond of placing it their.

Their bodies aligning once more.

When they finally parted it was with panting breath.

Harry lay his head on Jasper’s chest. Jasper rested his chin atop Harry’s head and wrapped his
other arm around his shoulders, holding him closely.


When they returned to the house, they discovered the rest of the Cullen family had stayed home
due to the weather.

They were arranged around the living room, looking disgustingly domestic.

Edward and Bella were sat on the love seat sharing a copy of Romeo and Juliet (which seemed
tacky to be honest). Harry briefly wondered why Bella wasn’t at school and nearly questioned it,
but firmly decided he didn’t care. Alice and Rosalie were on the sofa, flicking through magazines
and circling things in red pen.

Then there was Bill and Emmett.

Sat on the floor, playing Mario kart.

Harry rolled his eyes at the sight.

Bill eyed Harry’s hand that was entwined with Jasper’s.

“The young lovers return.” Harry ignored his brother and let Jasper lead him into the room.

Jasper pulled them over to the last remaining sofa, it was the one nearest to the more than grown
men playing games made for muggle children.

They sat together, knees brushing. It was nothing like the intimacy of the forest but it was a
closeness that felt comforting.

Harry watched Emmett kick Bills arse at rainbow road and felt a little bit more at peace than he’d
felt the day before.

His mood soured a little when Esme and Carlisle came and joined them. Cooing over the group
like the proud parents they pretended to be.

It was still nice though.

To be sat there with Jasper, Bill laughing close by.

Emmett, Rosalie and Alice were nice. Harry was indifferent to Esme and didn’t care at all for the
other three.

Though liking 3 and a half of the in laws was better than nothing.

A sudden tap tap tap on a window broke Harry out of his thought.

A bird, the same bird that had delivered Bills charmed letter, was perched on the window ledge.
Peering at Harry with a look of anticipation.

A red envelope in it’s beak.

Harry’s eyes widened in horror, while the Cullen coven’s narrowed in confusion and Bills lit with

Ignoring the game entirely Bill practically danced to the window.

Harry stood in a rush.

“Bill!” he shouted in warning, Bill sent him a grin and flung the window open allowing the owl to
fly in.

The animal circled the room once before dropping the red envelope on the coffee table and making
a hasty exit.

“I warned you.” teased Bill in a sing song tone.

Harry was too busy staring warily down at the letter to retort.

Harry’s magic brushed carefully against the red paper to try and detect any spells.

Apparently that’s all it took.

The letter sprung to life, transforming into the familiar shape of Mrs. Weasley’s disapproving

‘HARRY JAMES POTTER! Do you have any idea how worried I am!’ it exploded, the Cullen’s
sat in stunned silence staring at the talking parchment.

‘We can’t find you for weeks! No visits! No letters! I send Bill to find you only to discover you’re
in a different country! Not a word if you’re safe or healthy! I should come out there myself just to
mother you to death! We have been so worried about you! And poor Kreacher left in that old house
all by himself!’ the letter tsked him and seemed to shake its head(?) ‘That poor elf misses you like
his own, I expect you to call on him soon. He needs a distraction, the poor dear. And I expect a
letter from you too young man! A proper one! We miss you so much dear, all our Love Molly and
Arthur, Mum and Dad.’

The litter promptly chewed itself up and spat itself out, leaving a crumpled mess on the coffee

“What, and I can’t stress this enough, the fuck? What was that?” bellowed Emmett, staring in
horrified awe at the now silent letter. Tiptoeing away from it as if afraid it would spring to life

“Our Mother.” replied Bill blandly, looking far too satisfied.

Harry sent a silent stinging hex at his stupid smug face.

Chapter End Notes

Jasper: i have scars

Harry: i also have scars

I've been ever so excited to write this chapter lmao, I hope you all enjoyed!
feel free to leave a comment! they make me extremely happy!
thank you so very much for reading, i can't believe how many people are reading this
it means so much ❤
The Weight of Eternity
Chapter Summary

Harry has a bad dream, Death is ominous and Jacob is annoying

Chapter Notes

Good evening!

i'm very sorry for the wait. but we back!

we've had WAY too much fluff recently so have some angst and trauma lmao

hope you enjoy xoxo ❤

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry didn’t know where he was.

It was dark and cramped.

The only light seemed to be the outline of a tiny door, cracks of light peeking through. But the door
had been firmly locked, thick bolts obvious on the other side from the shadows they cast and the
screws stabbing through the wood. The door was supposed to keep the light out.

A whimpering sniff from next to him made him turn.

A boy.

a tiny boy aged around 3 or 4 was curled in the tiny space next to him.

The child was curled up so tightly it was a wonder the poor thing could even breath with how
tightly he hugged himself.

Tiny hands hurried to wipe away tears that wouldn’t stop falling.

Harry watched with a sinking feeling of dread as the boy opened frustrated and agonized green

A bruise stained the child’s delicate face.

Blood leaked sluggishly from deep cuts on his knees.

An odd scar glinting on his forehead.

Harry was looking at himself.

The boy sunk his teeth into his lip, harsh enough to draw blood, as he suppressed a wail.
Harry could feel all those feelings rushing back to him.

The pain, the anger, the devastating sadness that was only overwhelmed by the pure unfairness of
it all.

The child, Harry, clamped a tiny hand over his mouth as another shuddering sob broke through the

Harry’s heart broke and he leapt from his hunched position to comfort the sweet boy who didn’t
deserve the pain he was in.

His hands reached out to pull the boy into his lap, to whisper soothing words and tell him about the
people who would one day love him.

His fingers met resistance inches away from the boys pale skin.

Harry frantically, desperately clawed at the invisible wall that stopped him from helping the boy.

Unable to do anything but watch as the door opened and thick meaty fingers grasped a tight hold of
the boys arm.

Unable to comfort as the boy cried out in terror and pain.

Unable to protect as he was yanked out of the cupboard under the stairs and out of Harry’s view.

A force began pulling Harry away, yanking harshly downward as he still reached trying to save the
boy from his fate at the hands of adults who didn’t deserve him.

The final thing Harry heard made him freeze.

His own breathe shuddering and stuttering through his chest.

“Freak!” bellowed a furious and unyielding voice.

The following sounds of muffled cries echoed in Harry’s ears as blackness danced around him,
blocking anything from view.

He searched, hungry for light. Even a crack under a doors worth.

Suddenly light blinded him as he wobbled on her spot, feet finally on solid ground.

Harry’s hands shook as he examined his new surrounding, the fear of what he had been reminded
off still wrapped tightly around his heart.

He was in the Great Hall at Hogwarts.

The ceiling above him rumbled with thunder and lightening flashed across the room a few seconds

“Harry!” called a voice.


She was sat in their favoured place at the Gryffindor table.

Ron smiling sheepishly next to her.

The Twins crowing in delight over Merlin new what on her other side.

Ginny sat opposite, shaking her head in amusement.

“Mione?” he voice croaked, grief flooding him as he looked at the faces of his family.

“Who else silly? Sit before Ron eats everything in sight.” she shot one of her best disdainful looks
in Ron’s direction.

The redhead scowled back and took an aggressive bite out of a roast potato purely out of spite.

Harry’s heart ached as he took stuttering steps forward and joined his friends at the table.

Ginny gave him one of her tender smiles as he sat.

The ache throbbed painfully.

“Fred and George are encouraging the first and second years to place bets on Tomorrows match.”
grumbled Hermione, a disapproving look shot in the twin direction.

Who merely grinned back at her.

“Now Hermione-” begun Fred.

“We’re merely encouraging them to-” continued George.

“consider the many very-” continued Fred.

“Respectable ways to make money.” finished George.

“It’s for their future.” the twins exclaimed together, waggling teasing fingers in her direction.

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked away.

“Oh leave off Mione.” grinned Ron “It’s good practise for when they grow up.”

Hermione turned her scowl to Ron.

“So now we want the future of the wizarding world to grow up gamblers?” she demanded.

Ron’s nose twisted and he turned to Harry for support.

Harry tried not to smile.

“How much have you collected so far?” Harry asked the twins, who lit up with mischief.

Hermione shook her head but was suppressing a smile, Ron grinned and leaned forward to listen
closely to the twins tale of fraud and extortion.

Harry lost himself in the smiles and chatter.

The hollow feeling in his chest filling up and spilling over.

“Best hope we win tomorrow then.” he quipped lightly, after hearing how much money the twins
had hanging off their win.

The group gave him confused looks.

“Tomorrow? There won’t be a tomorrow mate.” said Ron, huffing an awkward laugh and looking
to the others who shared his confused amusement.

A cold feeling began to settle in over Harry’s skin.

“What?” He asked, confused himself.

“You can’t have forgotten already Harry.” said Hermione sounding amused in her exasperation.

Harry frowned looking at their faces for an answer he wasn’t sure he wanted.

“What?” he asked again, his voice a vacant whisper this time.

“Harry.” started Ginny from next to him, tender smile still on her face; voice soothing.

“We’re dead.”

The hall was empty.

Dark and in ruins.

The table Harry sat at was broken and burnt.

The once warm candles that floated above him, gone and replaced with cold air that hung

The charm on the ceiling broken and left with nothing but old worn stone.

Harry jerked from his seat with shaking legs.

It felt like he was losing them all over again.

Blinded by wishful thinking.

Blinded by the want to be loved and the people he loved to stay with him.

A cold laugh rang out from the head table.

Harry’s hair stood up on end.

He turned with heavy dread.

Voldemort stood smirking at him from the head of the Hall.

His black robes whirling in invisible wind, barefoot despite the rubble and broken glass, that
vicious smile cracked across his snakelike face.

“Harry Potter.” he spat, his glee obvious.

“The boy who lived. The boy who conquered. The boy who gave up everything to receive nothing
in return.” Harry starred at the dark lord, frozen to the spot.

“Come to die.” the elder wand was raised and held against it’s master.

Fear throbbed through Harry.

A fear of what Harry couldn’t be sure.

He had died this way before.

But the words had changed, so much had changed.


Green blended with blurred agony blinded his vision.


Harry reared up, gasping for breath, sweat coating him unpleasantly.

His heart hammered in his chest as his grip on reality slowly returned to him.

Tears blurred his vision.

A shuddering sob broke through his gasping mouth.

Harry gripped harshly at his throat, trying desperately to contain the scream that was building in

The dam broke and tears ran in floods down his pale cheeks.

Thunder rumbled deeply in the distance, rain pelted down on the roof tiles, lightening flashed
somewhere near by.

They’d left the Cullen’s home soon after Molly’s letter arrived. Not wanting to explain what the
letter had been about.

He and Jasper had parted with light smiles and the brushing of hands.

Those moments seemed miles away now.

The light and gentleness was a dim memory in the wake of a nightmare.

A crack broke through the room and Harry apparated to the roof.

He stood stark and ridged on the edge.

Starring down at the pavement far below.

Rain soaked his clothes and blended with his tears.

The thunder drowned out his harsh breathing and shaking sobs.

“I wouldn’t recommend it.” came a cool voice from a few meters away from him.

Harry didn’t bother to raise his head to look at Death.

The beings presences thick beside him.

“As much as I love the way you mark yourself for me. It would only prove to be useless.” Harry
scoffed, a choked sound that split through his tears.

“I’ve never died for you.” He spat.

Flashes of the faces of his dead friends, complicated teachers and even enemies burned behind his

“And yet you are mine. Just as much as I am yours.” Deaths voice was a void. Firm and

Harry closed his eyes as the unfairness of his situation tugged tight coils in his stomach.

“I never asked for this!” he shouted, finally rounding on the hooded skeletal figure next to him.

Death was no longer hiding under layers of skin and bone.

“I never said you did.” was the calm reply. “That doesn’t change the fact that you are ‘this’.” the
blackness that was Deaths face faced him head on.

Misery overwhelmed Harry once more.

“Why did you take them from me?” fresh tears scolding his eyes.

“I only took what was freely given. It was time. It is the way of things.” Harry turned cold green
eyes back to the ground below them.

Death walked closer, gliding along the tiles until they stood next to Harry. Their gaze also turned

Harry could picture it, stepping lightly off the ledge.

Falling into a pointless, useless death.

Could feel the wind rush past his ears and feel his body vibrate as he hit the ground.

The breath finally, blissfully leaving his lungs.

As it was he stayed upon that ledge, with Death by his side.

“Are you going to take him from me too?” Harry didn’t need to clarify who he was talking about.

Death was silent for a long time.

“In time.” was the muted reply.

The air left Harry’s lungs in another harsh sob.

Harry let himself fall backward and collide with the cold, wet tiles. Sitting on the edge of the roof,
knees tucked tightly against his chest.

Death lowered themselves down to join him in sitting.

The pair sat and watched the rain ripple in the glinting puddles beneath them.

Like old friends.


It was well passed sunrise (not that there was actually any sunlight in Forks) before Harry finally
left the roof.

Leaving Death without so much as a glance, Harry apparated to his front garden.
Every inch of him was drenched.

His hair plastered to his skin, clothes clinging to him.

He wordlessly summoned a cigarette and lit it, staring at his own soaked, socked feet.

The visions from his nightmare still hung, heavy in his mind.

The false hope he’d stupidly allowed himself that he could help his younger self, that he could love
his friends again.

The vicious reality of his eternity alone manifesting in the form of the first person who succeeded
in killing him.

It felt pathetic how the things from his youth were the things that haunted him.

He’d seen many horrors since those days, a lot more visceral than the ones he’d seen as a child.

But they stuck to him the closest.

They woke him with screams dying in his throat.

Jasper didn’t deserve to be stuck with someone still hung up over their beyond shitty childhood.

Harry continued to wallow in his emotions, tears that he wouldn’t let fall building his red rimmed

“Harry?” came a hesitant voice.

Harry looked up sharply, confused and annoyed to meet the gaze of Jacob Black.

Harry cursed himself for being out side his ward line.

“What?” Harry snapped, taking another drag of his third cigarette.

Jacobs eyes trailed over his soaked form.

He swallowed and Harry tried not to roll his eyes at the signs of an obvious teenage crush.

Honestly this child didn’t know him or who he was. The things Harry had done.

He had not right to want Harry in any way at all let alone a romantic one.

“Dad’s given us permission to help fight the Newborns.” he offered hesitantly.

“Good for you.” Harry replied, not having the energy to care.

“A few of the Cullen’s are at Bella’s house, trying to get a scent of that vamp. Sam’s there too. I
thought you might be able to help us.” Harry tried not to roll his eyes at the embarrassing hesitant
tone the boy spoke to him in.

However, maybe Harry needed a distraction.

“Fine.” Harry turned and went into his house without anymore reply.

He dressed in dry clothes and peeled his wet hair up into bun, not having the effort or care to dry it.
Bill was thankfully still snoring away and both his ‘cats’ were out hunting so he was saved a
morning interrogation.

He returned to the front of the house, Jacob still awkwardly shuffling from foot to foot.

Harry contained another eye roll and strolled passed the boy, casting a silent point me charm as he

He ignored Jacobs fumbling, eager footsteps behind him.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the Swan household, but it felt like an age with Jacobs
constant attempt to converse with him.

Harry would almost feel sorry for the kid if he wasn’t so annoying.

Not to mention that Harry was probably older than the boys father.

Jacob skipped up the steps and knocked on the door, which was quickly opened by an
uncomfortable looking Bland Bella.

She smiled nervously at Jacob before turning to Harry with a stunned expression.

Harry didn’t bother hiding his eye roll this time.

“When you said you went to get some help I assumed you meant another pack member.” muttered
the boring girl.

“Well I thought we could benefit from a little magic.” the boy waggled his fingers and Swan

Harry wrinkled his nose.

Bland Bella finally moved out the way and let them walk into her home.

It was a simple house, minimal in decoration but still obviously cared about. Harry liked it more
than the Cullen’s life-less shell and mostly thanked Charlie for this.

“More friends over Bell?” called the friendly voice of the police chief himself.

Harry actually allowed himself to smile when the older muggle came into the hallway to greet

Charlie offered Jacob a friendly smile which actually warmed more when it was turned on Harry.

Ah, another victim to the supposed 17 year old orphan story.

“Yeah, we’re just gonna join the others upstairs.” Bella rushed out, blushing and clearly

Harry frowned at her.

Charlie seemed like a kind, concerned Father just trying to help his daughter.

Bella just seemed plain ungrateful.

Harry sent Charlie an apologetic smile and followed the other two upstairs.
When they entered Bella’s small and rather busy bedroom, Harry saw how far away from the
Cullen’s she really was.

Posters and old photos littered the walls, along with fairy lights and post-it notes. It was a proper
teenagers bedroom, the awkward stage of clearing out your old stuff and trying to appear more
grown up.

To one side of the room stood Sam’s hulking form.

To the other stood Edward, Alice and, standing a little ways from his siblings, Jasper.

Though Jasper looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.

Edward and Sam seemed to be having some kind of argument that Harry didn’t care about.

The second his feet crossed the threshold he made a beeline for Jasper, ditching a frowning Jacob
with his Alpha.

Jasper looked surprised to see him but smiled his lovely smile all the same. Harry did notice the
way his eyes narrowed at Jacob before turning sweet again when they returned to Harry.

Harry felt the stress of the night before start to slowly sink into distant memory.

He ignored how terrifying it was to release most of his happiness seemed to currently relay on
another person, but the feeling of relief to be back in his presence again was too overwhelming to

Jasper frowned at him in concern when he caught sight of his wet hair, recently crying eyes and the
dark, bruised bags that rested under them.

He raised a cool hand and ran it along Harry’s jaw line.

“What happened?” he asked, aware of the eyes on them.

“Tell you later.” Harry muttered back, with little to no intention of actually telling him anything.

Jasper didn’t need Harry to be a burden.

Not with everything that was going on with his family right now.

Not with everyone's support and attention turned on his brother and annoying girlfriend. It
wouldn’t do to spill such miserable secrets when Jasper’s support system was busy with a war.

Even with Death’s admittance that Jasper would too be ripped away from him, he hoped that at
least meant he had time to tell him everything.

Time with Jasper suddenly felt even more precious than ever.

Chapter End Notes

Jasper: Yay Harry

Also Jasper: Jacob
i hope you enjoyed some devastation from Harry and Death being well y'know death

added a lil jealous Jasper as a treat, there will be plenty more of that next lmao

thank you endlessly for reading, i look forward to reading the death threats over my
absences xoxo i love you comments ❤❤❤ thank you
A Nudge In The Right Direction
Chapter Summary

Harry helps Alice out and suppresses a crush

Chapter Notes

Hello everyone, i hope you are all doing well

firstly i wanna apologies for my absence and the shortness of this chapter but you guys
deserve something at this point lol. i'm still obsessed with this story and have every
intention to continue and finish writing it.
my problem is i want to write particular scenes so badly that writing the links between
them can become very difficult and i lost motivation for a lil bit but i'm back and don't
plan on leaving any time soon lmao.

i'm gonna try to post every other week to get me back into it at first and i hope you all
continue to enjoy my story. thank you for your continued support

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The trip to Swans house was as pointless as Harry had imagined.

Any scents had long faded, the wolves coming and going had scrapped any traces of tracks to

Edward and Sam continued to bicker about who’s fault it was as the group entered the garden to
examine the space for any unlikely clues.

“If you beasts hadn’t paced around the house we’d have something to go on.” muttered Edward,
very passive-aggressively, as he stomped across the grass with Bella’s nervous form hovering
anxiously by his side.

Sam rolled his eyes as he followed the couple to the middle of the garden, Jacob close by him.

“Maybe if you hadn’t coated her room in your stench we’d have a scent to follow.” Sam offered
the annoyed Cullen a sweet sarcastic smile along with this statement. Which only earned him
glares in return.

The bickering only got more insistent after that.

Harry and Jasper slowly walked to join the group, both wanting to be anywhere else. Standing a
little off to the side so they weren’t forced to engage in the drama.

Alice stood close to the back door of the house, eyes screwed up tight and small fists clenched. Her
shoulders tense under the clear effort, Harry guessed she was trying to see something about the
person who raided Bella’s house. 0
“Maybe Harry could do something to help!” called Jacob, clearly tired of the arguing.

Harry raised a brow as eyes settled on him, Jasper’s particularly intense from next to him.

“And what, exactly, am I supposed to do?” asked Harry, not enjoying the way the wolf boy seemed
to continually volunteer Harry for things he never agreed to.

“Magic!” cried Jacob eagerly “You can use magic to track him, you’re powerful. The ginger man
said so.” Harry silently cursed Bill for giving out information on their difference in power and

“I can’t just latch onto nothing.” Harry tried to explain, getting annoyed that these silly muggle
hybrids really had no understanding of magic at all.

“If I knew who broke into Swan’s house then yes, I could help. But not knowing who it was? Not
having any item of significance to link to that person? No way. Did it not cross your little brain,
that maybe, if I could help I would’ve offered already?” snapped Harry, too tired and worn down
after last nights events to humour the situation.

Jacob blushed and tilted his head in shy agreement, shrugging in a way that clearly said ‘it was
worth a try’.

Alice snapped out of her concentration by the door.

“It’s hopeless.” she huffed, marching over to stand next to Harry. Hands on her hips and frowning
at the grass in frustration.

“I can’s see a thing since the pack is so tied up in this now.” Harry frowned at that.

“The wolves block Alice’s vision.” explained Jasper, feeling Harry’s confusion.

“Really?” asked Harry turning to face Alice head on. “How?”

Alice shrugged, still frowning.

“No clue.” she muttered mournfully.

Harry examined her face, turning his body to face her.

“May I have a look?” Alice blinked, her eyes glazing over briefly before obvious clarity of her
understanding his question spread over her delicate features.

“Oh would you? I think it might help.” Harry’s lip quirked in amusement at the Luna like reply.

Alice’s serene smile met his cool green gaze as Harry sunk slowly into her mind.

Legilimency had never been his strongest subject but years of practise and the magical power of
the master of death left him very capable of it.

Harry held eye contact with tiny hybrid, slipping easily into her mind.

He searched for a few moments before finding her gift.

It was beautiful in it’s detail, a glowing mass of silver swirled with gold that sent fine tendrils out
in every direction.
Most of the tendrils spread until they vanished into the abyss of subconscious, but some stopped
suddenly. The silver and gold dulling, turning grey and freezing.

Harry focused on these strands.

They flowed evenly until they met a block, clearly that meant the wolves.

It wasn’t quite magic, but something close to it. Like some kind of mutation had evolved from
magic, which would make sense considering that hybrids were considered magical mutations by
most magical theorists.

Clearly the wolves almost magic conflicted with day walkers almost magic.

Harry, careful not to damage or change any of Alice’s delicate almost magic, tied little strings of
his own actual magic around the links to the wolves. Gentle tugging them out of her path.

Similar to wards but a little more unique considering their purpose.

Harry let himself slip back out the way he had come in and coming back to the present in Swans

Alice blinked a few times before her eyes widened.

“They’re at a warehouse about 23 miles southeast of here!” she exclaimed, staring at Harry with
renewed wonder in her eyes.

“You cleared her vision.” said Edward, also staring at Harry but more confused and stunned than
the look of worship Alice was giving him.

“Essentially.” was Harry’s stellar reply.

He risked a glance in Jasper’s direction and was met with a look of astonished adoring.

Jasper seemed to enjoy demonstrations of Harry’s abilities.

Harry shrugged and made his way back to the house, Jasper’s quick footsteps quickly catching up
to him.

Jacob Blacks frown following them.

The pair bid cheerful goodbyes to Charlie.

The sweet middle aged man clapped Harry on the shoulder.

“It was good to see you Son, glad your arms healing well. If ya ever need help or a person to talk
to.” he finished with an endearingly awkward shrug. Harry didn’t even have to fake his smile.

“Thank you chief Swan.” Charlie returned the smile, the creases around his eyes crinkling with
pure kindness.

Harry had to remind himself that 1. while he was older than Charlie, the man thought he was the
same age as his daughter 2. that he was currently trying to pursue a relationship with Jasper and 3.
that his male role model (daddy) issues were getting the best of him and averted his eyes from
Charlie Swans capable form.

Jasper slipped his hand into Harry’s as they left the house.
Harry ignored the blondes smirk.

“Should I be jealous?” he teased. Harry smirked back.

“Of who? Charlie Swan or Jacob Black?” Jasper’s smirk soon faded at the reminder of Blacks
apparent crush.

“Part of me was hoping you hadn’t noticed that.” was the muttered reply.

Harry’s smirk twisted into a grin.

“Charlie Swan is an attractive man but he thinks I’m 17 and views me as a trouble making kid who
needs adult support. Jacob Black on the other hand is an actual 16 year old kid and rather a needy
one it seems. Neither of them are an immortal blonde cowboy, so you have no competition.” That
earned Harry an iconic sweet smile paired with rather soppy eyes.

Eyes that soon turned serious as they examined the bags under his eyes.

“Will you tell me what happened?” Asked the blonde in a shushed tone as they made their way to
Harry’s road.

“I had a bad dream.” answered Harry simply.

Harry continued walking, staring straight ahead.

Well aware of Jasper’s frown lingering on the side of his face.

Chapter End Notes

thank you so much for reading and i hope to see you again soon xoxo
The Way it's done
Chapter Summary

Bill, Harry, the wolves and the Cullen's plus bland-bella begin to train for the big
fight, much to the tired annoyance of an underestimated Harry

Chapter Notes


long time no read am i right? lol

i'm back! woo! sorry about that but welcome to chapter 29! we've come so far in not as
long a time as it feels and all i can say is thank you! this story has received so much
more praise and attention that i had ever imagined and just thank you i doubt i deserve
it lmao

please enjoy, things will be getting a little more intense in following chapters so be
ready for extra angst

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry had found himself once again glaring down at the (cracked, thanks to Buckbeak) screen of
his phone.

Though for a very different reason than last time he was in this position.

“Meeting Tomorrow, 5am (Sorry), everyone will be there.” ~ Jasper

It was currently Friday evening, which meant that Harry was about to be forced out of his home by
6 in the morning.

Not that Harry was usually actually asleep at that time, especially not recently.

Ever since his rainy rooftop ‘conversation’ with Death, the night terrors had been coming thick and

Sometimes it was about his childhood, some about Hogwarts and the heart-aching glimpses of
happiness before it vanished, others were about his years as an Auror; his descent into his own
private wars and petty revenge.

The fall into darkness.

Some had even been about Death ominous confession that one day Jasper would too be torn away
from him.

The pain of those ones felt fresher.

The other dreams were deep, painful tugs on his insides. Ripping screams of agonized rage from
him as he longed so desperately for what he had once held.

The dreams involving Jasper were a new sting, a burn to the fingertips from something he couldn’t
seem to grip tight enough.

Harry once again found himself grateful of silencing wards, pleased to leave Bill, while not quite
ignorant of his current meltdown, at least a little less informed of his current mental state.

Strangely enough it was Mortuus who often comforted Harry, throat sore from crying and
drenched in sweat, after another dream. The being always being in the first place Harry went after
waking, whether it be the living room, the roof or even the nearest liquor store.

A feeling of unity (that one should definitely not experience with the embodiment of death)
growing between them.

Because, whether Harry liked it or not, they were one and the same.

Tied together by another twisted game of fate.

Harry was theirs, just like they were Harry’s.

Harry was starting to begrudgingly accept that, despite how much he didn’t want to with the way
Mortuus rubbed it in.

“You look annoyed.” commented Bill, not looking up from the book he was reading by the fire.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and realized he was still glaring at his phone.

“The Bunny-munchers and puppies want a meeting at 5 am, tomorrow.” That did make Bill look
up, a sour expression clouding his previously calm appearance.

“Seriously? I know they don’t sleep but that seems unfair.” the older man grumbled, closing his
book on ward breaking and joining Harry in glaring at the phone who had informed them of the
offending meeting.

They both knew they would attend, though grudgingly and with many petty complaints.

Both men gave low groans as the thought of leaving the house so early truly settled in.

Fawkes made a tutting sound from the light fitting that sounded suspiciously like Mcgonagall when
she caught 7th years out after curfew. A sound that perfectly communicated the phrase ‘you should
really know better by now’.

Buckbeak had the audacity to give a hum (Harry was pretty sure Fawkes had taught the Hippogriff
how to hum) in agreement.

Harry shot both birds a dirty look.

Fawkes gave him one in return that promised more lizard guts if Harry continued this sort of
behaviour in the future.

Harry averted his eyes.

Harry decided to arrive to the meeting as late as passive-aggressively possible, staring at the clock
to ensure he could remind the vampires of the human need of sleep.

When the clock chimed once for 15 passed 5 Harry got lazily to his feet and strolled down into the
kitchen where Bill was downing a mug of coffee like it was the elixir of life.

Green met blue over the rim of said mug.

“Ready?” asked Harry, tone as bored as he already felt about the events of the day.

Bill scarfed the rest of his coffee.

“Sure.” he muttered, tone equally dull.

The pair twirled on the spot and landed neatly in the clearing between the opposing territories.

For once the entire pack was here in human form.

“So sorry we’re late.” said Harry in way of greeting, in the most sarcastic tone he could muster.

Bill grinned from his right.

Harry met Jasper’s eyes briefly, pleased to see the knowing look there.

“Quite alright, Harry.” answered Carlisle, forever eager to placate.

Harry did his best to hide his scowl.

The Coven leader laced his fingers together in front of him and observed the people around him.

“Thank you all for joining us this morning, I apologies for the time, but we thought it best to get as
many hours of daylight in as possible. With Harry’s assistance, Alice has been able to gain more
clarity over our situation.” he gestured to Alice with a flourish of a pale wrist.

“They’re hiding in a warehouse, 23 miles southeast from Forks. Victoria has changes a boy, Riley
biers, he’s the one who broke into Bella’s house. He’s her 2nd in command. There are about 32
newborns currently, but they’re changing more fast. I estimate there will be nearing 40 of them by
the time they attack. From what I’ve seen they plan to give the newborns more of Bella’s scent
before letting them loose on Forks.” Alice looked more pale than normal when she was giving this

Harry could imagine the horrors she might have seen.

“We plan to steer them away from Forks as much as possible. There’s a clearing about 15 miles
from Forks with surrounding Forest and at the bottom of one of the foothills, it’s perfect. Bella and
Edward will camp out at the top of the hill. With the direction they should be running it’ll be easy
to intercept them in the clearing.” Alice finished, colouring returning to her face.

“So you plan to use a human as bait to a horde of blood thirsty leaches?” asked Jacob incredulous.

The rest of the wolves looked uneasy at this idea, but Sam's face was grave and stoic. He
understood why it had to be that way.

“We have no other choice.” answered Carlisle, a mournful look on his face.

“There have to be other options.” argued Jacob. “What if one of them breaks through and gets to

“Then I’ll deal with them.” answered Edward in all his ridiculousness, arms folding firmly over his

Jacob scoffed.

Harry bit his lip so he wouldn’t smirk at the macho display.

“It’s my fault they’re coming here. I can’t join the fight, I deserve some level of risk so I can help.”
argued Bella.

“That’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said.” chimed in Rosalie, dryly.

Harry didn’t bother hiding his snort at that.

“And where do the wizards come into this?” asked one of the wolves, Paul if Harry remembered

Harry didn’t bother banishing his grin as he answered.

“We can ward the campsite and boobie trap the entire hill to slow them down. Among a few other
things.” Neither side looked convinced by these options but both looked curious.

“I think it would benefit all of us to train for this fight together. Starting today. Hence the need for
daylight.” explained Carlisle.

A thrill shot through Harry at the prospect of a fight, even if it was just a play fight.

“Jasper has the most experience with newborns so he will be leading us.” Carlisle turned to the side
so he could also face Jasper.

Jasper stepped forward, confident and able in his stance.

“How many of you have killed a vampire before?” asked the Texan.

Jasper, a few of the wolves plus Bill and Harry raised their hands.

Harry gave Jasper an expectant look which gained him an eye roll.

“How many of you have killed a Hybrid vampire?” he corrected.

Harry smirked while he and Bill lowered their hands.

“A fully developed vampire is hard to kill.” started Jasper, Harry was tempted to correct him again
but decided it would just waste time.

“A newborn is that times 100. They’re faster, stronger and hungrier. I could crush a human with a
strong grip, they could crush a human with a gentle hug.” Jasper looked around the group as if to
check the seriousness of his facts was sinking in or not.

“They run fully on instinct. Their first instinct will always be to bite, their second will be to crush
and their third will be to run. The things we will be practising is mainly to avoid these things. once
they get a grip on you its over. If they bite their venom will either turn you or kill you and they’ll
drain you as quickly as possible. If they bolt there’s no way we could catch up.”
Harry nodded along with the others, though painfully aware of the knowledge that he would
survive all these things regardless of how painful.

Bill raised a hand, but asked his question before Jasper had even looked at him.

“How do we know our magic will even work on you lot? Shouldn’t we test that out first?” a
strange gleam filled Jasper’s eyes.

“About that, Emmett you’re up.” the unit that was Emmett Cullen grinned and dashed forward to
the middle of the clearing.

“Hit me with all you’ve got.” Bill shook his head with a laugh.

“You’re mental.” muttered Bill with a grin, but retrieved his wand all the same.

Bill raised his wand, aiming it directly at Emmett’s massive body.

“Stupefy!” he cried, wand swishing through the air.

A flash of red darted across the clearing and hit Emmett squarely in the chest.

Emmett stumbled a few steps backward, a dazed look filling his eyes as he tried to gain a grip on
reality again.

After a few moments the fog seemed to clear and Emmett’s grin returned.

“That was one hell of a rush!” he exclaimed, Bill nodded in consideration.

“The spells meant to knock him out, not as effective as I’d like but it would give someone else time
to gain the upper hand.” Jasper nodded in agreement to Bill’s conclusion.

“Your turn Harry.” said Bill, hiding a smirk at the frowns.

“I don’t think both of you will need to demonstrate your abilities.” answered Carlisle.

Bill’s smirk grew into a grin.

“There’s a significant difference in the power of our ‘abilities’, it would be interesting to see the
difference.” Explained Bill.

Carlisle nodded in understanding, sending a sympathetic smile in Harry’s direction.

Bill’s amusement seemed to double.

Harry, ignored him, and turned his gaze to lay heavily on Emmett.

Emmett seemed to grow weary of his green stare, his grin fading slightly.

With a sudden, lightening fast swish of his hand, Harry silently cast the spell.

Another red bolt darted toward Emmett and slammed hard into his chest, sending him a good few
feet backward.

Emmett’s large form fell and landed with a solid thud.

He was out cold.

All eyes turned on Harry.

Harry smirked with pure satisfaction at the surprise in their gaze.

He did hate to be underestimated.

“See I thought that might happen.” muttered Bill, staring at Emmett’s unconscious body with a
thoughtful expression.

Harry met Jasper’s eyes.

The blonde looked a little more than impressed.

Rosalie, looking slightly alarmed, made quick steps to Emmett’s prone body and knelt next to him.

“What is that spell supposed do?” asked Carlisle, his tone slightly off in a way Harry couldn’t quite

“It was the same one as I cast. Knocks you out, usually for about 10-20 minutes or so depending on
how good your hit it. Harry’s knock you out for an hour at least.” Bill finished with scoff and glare
in Harry’s direction.

“How come his is so much stronger than yours?” asked Alice, head tilted to the side with curiosity.

Bill shrugged.

“He’s Harry Potter.” Bills tone made it obvious that that meant something to the clueless group of
muggles and hybrids.

Harry could feel their gazes heavy on him, prickling his skin, but he stayed focused Emmett.

Rosalie delicately brushed a strand of hair away from Emmett's closed eyes.

Harry’s eyes strayed to the tall blonde, standing strong and capable in the shadow of his family,
gold eyes focused purely on Harry.

Chapter End Notes

smh Carlisle you silly sod what you thinking? you should have learnt by now that
teenagers are always the overpowered super weapons

i really hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you are looking forward to more xoxo

thank you once again and just so much love! feel free to leave a comment i love them

ps is anyone else OBSESSED with heartstopper atm?? because i have some serious
brain rot that i can't escape
Ready or Not
Chapter Summary

Harry stands up for himself and things between Jacob and Bella get a little hairy

Chapter Notes

evening....I'm sorry for the wait lmao

we made it to chapter 30!!!!! woooooo! who would have thought it! (definitely not me

As a little celebration of reaching chapter 30 i thought i would attach the notes i made
before i even started writing this story as a little giggle lmao, enjoy:

New moon after Edward comes back, before Eclipse starts/Eclipse.

Edward/Bella - Edward is nice (kinda not really) but misguided, Bella is an annoying
petulant child. Haven’t decided if she’ll get better or not. lol
Alice - is Happy on her own, basking in her Covens Happiness (Asexual vibe)
Carlise/Esme - Obviously. Gonna have a dig at Carlisle’s flaws cos daddy got logic
issues (Peter Facinelli none of this is about you xoxo)
Emmett/Rose - Obviously. Periodt.
Jacob - being needy and having a personal crisis over how attractive he finds Harry
Jasper/Harry - Jasper adores Harry at first sight and constantly monitors his emotions.
Harry has never bothered to understand romantic relationships so is mostly just
confused by this attractive Vampires attentions.
Mortuus - they/them being of death blended with pure crack energy. Lives to make
Harry suffer.
Bill is 67 since he’s 10 years older than Harry in the books, looks around 30 (dilf
Alice and Jasper are siblings only. Fawkes and Buckbeak are adorable lil
Wolves: Jacob, Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth and Leah 8 of the bastards

that being said i really hope you enjoy this chapter, i know they're not very long but
i'm determined to see this through to the end
i love each and every one of you and your comments give my life meaning. thank you
so much for the continued support despite my neglect of you all xoxo

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It took 15 minutes for Emmett to regain consciousness.

A wholly unimpressive feat in Harry’s opinion given his past actions, but apparently a big deal to a
race of hybrids who were somehow unable to do anything except live or die.
The huge man jumped up with a confused grin.

“That felt weird.” giggled the immortal 6 year old, while his wife shook her head just out of sight.

“Nice to know they have a use.” sneered Paul. “But kids should not be joining this fight, it’s bad
enough that Jacob and Seth have to join.”

Harry turned an unimpressed look in the wolves direction, hoping the message to shut the fuck up
was clear.

“As much as I agree with you the more help we receive the more likely it is that we survive this.”
said Carlisle Cullen, mournful and heroic in his opinion.

“it’s not fair to place that expectation on strangers Cullen.” Sam spoke this time, firm against the
injustice of child fighters.

An offended look flashed across Jasper’s face before it vanished from view.

“I understand your thoughts and feelings-” Harry zoned out of the rest of Carlisle’s speech about
allies and moral issues.

It was all drab grey debate vs the vibrant violence of Harry’s reality.

It continued for some time, the wolves arguing back and forth with Carlisle about how this was no
place for position for teenagers, how they were children who should be protected not do the

Harry’s blood grew hotter and hotter the longer the debate went on, Bill giving him wary looks
from his right, 40 years ago Harry had been begging for someone (anyone) to have this argument
over his safety.

It was far too little and far too late.

Harry met Jasper’s concerned golden eyes from across the clearing, the outcome of this argument
became obvious to Harry.

“I think you should exclude me from the debate whether war ruins children.” Interrupted Harry
loudly, grabbing the attention of both groups.

With very little effort Harry dropped the glamour's that coated his skin, scars splitting across the
once clean canvas and carving deep lines in the sand.

“I’m living proof that it does.” Harry smirked, the scars on his face twisting it into a sick malicious
look. One that was heavily intentional.

“Wizards have wars too.” Harry explained blandly “And our version of government is even more
fucked than yours so.” Harry broke off with a ‘you don’t want to know’ look.

Stunned silence filled Harry’s ears, remarkable considering they were in the middle of a forest.

The sensation of eyes crawling over his body was a familiar one bust no less unpleasant than it had
been the first time he felt it at age 11.

Harry met Jasper’s eyes.

Golden eyes filled with painful understanding, he knew how much information had been left out of
Harry’s blasé explanation. But all the hybrid vampire seemed to feel was empathy for Harry, no
intention of spilling Harry’s secrets. If anything he seemed truly humbled by Harry’s trust in him.

A million sweet words passed through their eyes while the beings around them dealt with their own
silly feelings of surprise.

“Oh, thank Merlin.” Muttered Bill, loudly. “I barely recognize you like that Harry.”

Those chilled out words seemed to break the spell of silence.

“You have experience in war?” asked Carlisle, tone grave.

Harry shrugged.

“Only magical ones. But I imagine all wars are basically the same.” Harry privately thought it was
a little dramatic to describe this a war, but soon gave up that line of thought (realising the company
he was in).

“I can show you a few methods to best fight them, we should begin.” Interrupted Jasper, Harry shot
him a grateful look.

The next two hours were spent listening to Jasper coach them through the best methods of attack
and even demonstrate a few of them.

Watching lithe Jasper absolutely decimate the huge oaf Emmett Cullen was a little more than
satisfying to Harry.

He was a skilled fighter and proved it.

The wolves all shifted and attempted to follow the advice Jasper had given them about how to best
attack their enemy, but their efforts looked more like harmless play fights compared to Jasper’s
deadly intensity.

Harry had to hand it to the Cullen’s for their trust in the wolves, teaching your natural enemy the
best ways to kill your species was a bold move.

Finally Jasper turned to Harry and Bill, who had been pretending to discuss battle plans for the last
hour and a half (they had actually been placing bets on the winners of each spar).

“I don’t know how I can really coach you to fight. But I can highlight a few weaknesses, namely
fire.” Jasper’s tone and face were serious as he told them this secret.

“Fire magic is volatile and nearly impossible to control. For most people.” Commented Bill,
shooting Harry a look.

Harry smirked.

“I think we need a demonstration.” called Emmett, grinning madly at the idea of seeing more

Bill grinned and turned to face the clearing set out for sparring.

He lifted his wand.

“Fiendfyre!” he called, his wand moving with muscle memory.

A huge snake, rivalling the size of Nagini, built bright flickering flames burst from the tip of Bills
want. Hissing and spitting hot white flames as it raged across the forest floor, singeing the tips of
grass as it slithered forward.

The concentration and strain on Bills face spoke volumes of how hard it was to keep the spell
under control.

Bill lasted for a few more seconds before the snake began to writhe and lurch, it took even longer
for Bill to dismiss the spell. Leaving him panting, hands braced on his knees.

Harry placed a hand on Bill’s shoulder, silently offering his support.

“As you can see, it’s a hard spell to maintain.” said Bill, straightening himself and patting Harry’s
hand in thanks.

“And you say Harry can hold it for longer?” asked Carlisle, eyes trailing over the burnt grass.

“Yeah, he’s a real bitch with that spell.” grunted Bill, shooting Harry a grin.

Harry removed his hand with a glare.

“How much longer?” asked Edward, starring at Harry.

Harry met his gaze calmly.

“It depends.” he replied.

“On what?” snapped Edward.

“Many things.” Harry continued, making sure his tone remained unaffected by the idiots ire.

Edward opened his mouth to ask more, annoyance flashing across his face.

Carlisle interrupted.

“Would you be able to perform this spell on a large group?” the question was urgent, Harry

“If you think I’m about to swoop in a solve this problem for you, you’re mistaken. Even my
control only goes so far. Could I make a dent in the horde? Most likely. Could I control and
maintain it long enough to wipe out a group of 40?” Probably “I don’t know.” Harry kept his eyes
trained on Carlisle’s while he spoke.

Harry was all too aware of how capable his abilities were, but even that knowledge didn’t make
him comfortable enough to test those boundaries.

He also wasn’t about to take sole responsibility of the Cullen’s mess, regardless of his feelings
toward one of the coven members. If they were stupid enough to get themselves in this mess, then
they would learn by getting themselves out of it.

If Harry could single handedly defeat an army of hybrid vampires was neither here nor there.

Carlisle gave a sombre nod in apology.

“You’re quite right. This is our fight and it’s not your responsibility to lead that fight.” the words
were placid and weak compared to Harry’s flame of annoyance but he let it pass.
Harry didn’t reply, simply looking to Jasper to read his reaction.

A quiet, approving smile played upon the blondes lips.

“Any help you can give us will help, no matter how small.” said Jasper, softly.

A weight he didn’t realize he could feel suddenly left Harry.

He was relieved to know he hadn’t disappointed Jasper.

How nauseating.


It continued like that for the next week.

The three groups meeting stupidly early every morning, training for 2 hours before going their
separate ways.

It made school less tolerable, being irritated so early in the morning only to then be irritated for the
rest of the day.

Harry would regret moving to this small town, he would regret meeting the Cullen’s and their bad
habits of finding trouble from nothing, he would regret meeting the wolves with their angst and
hunger to either identify with or outcast him; if it weren’t for a certain blonde with honey gold eyes.

He and Jasper hadn’t managed to speak much over that week, eye contact in the clearing, chaste
glances in the corridors or hands brushing under the table in class was the most they shared.

It was early that Saturday, a week after their first battle meeting, that things intensified between
them again.

Jacob and Bella had come to stand by Harry and Bill while they watched the others spar.

Jacob had positioned himself between Bella and Harry, leaving Bill on Harry’s right and Bella to
Jacobs left.

Bill and Harry (who had been placing bets on which wolves would run faster if they threw a ball)
stopped their conversation when the pair joined them.

The rest of the wolves either watched or play fought in their usual position in the clearing.

The Cullen’s had paired off to spar, Jasper vs Rosalie, Edward vs Alice, Emmett vs both Carlisle
and Esme.

Harry had to admit that watching Jasper and Rosalie fight was an experience to put it lightly.

He could see more clearly why they faked being twins, their combined ferocity was a force to be
reckoned with. Not to mention they looked alike.

Jacob cleared his throat in a foreboding ‘I want to converse with you’ way that Harry dreaded.

“$5 says the pixie kicks Eddies ass.” called Jacob, tone taunting as he looked deliberately in
Edwards direction. Edward shot him an irritated look.

Harry, pleasantly surprised, grinned.

“You’re on.” he teased, meeting Bills amused eyes.

“You’re only betting on Alice because you’re trying to annoy me.” hissed Bella, giving the wolf a
weak glare.

“I’m not! That would be…” Jacob trailed off, clearly struggling for an excuse.

“Sexist?” supplied Harry.

“Misogynistic?” suggested Bill.

“Yeah, that.” muttered Jacob pitifully.

“Whatever. Just leave Edward alone.” continued Bella.

“I don’t care about you dating Edward, I care that you’re dating a bloodsucker who’s put your life
in danger more than once.” Bella rolled her eyes at this rebuttal.

Harry and Bill made eye contact, both wondering if perhaps they should leave the pair to argue in

“Edward would never hurt me.” was the obviously rehearsed reply.

“Maybe not on purpose but he’d hurt you.” was the spat reply.

Bella huffed.

“It’s not as if you even care, we’ve barely spoken since they came back.” Jacob scoffed.

“And who’s fault is that?” asked Jacob, Bella whipped around to stare at him.

“That’s not the point.” Bella snapped.

Harry mostly zoned out after that choosing to instead admire the way Jasper’s jaw clenched when
he fought.

Jacob and Bella were still intent on their disagreement, Jacob’s shoulders beginning to twitch and
shake with his growing anger.

“He loves me!” shouted Bella, in response to something Harry hadn’t been listening to.

“Yeah well so did I!” screamed back Jacob, silence echoed around the clearing at that little

“Did?” asked Bella, shock and hurt colouring her tone.

Harry frowned.

He had purposefully been trying to ignore their silly little love triangle (More of right angle than a
triangle really), with Edward and Bella loving each other with Jacob attempting to love Bella on
the side.

It made no sense for her to be hurt if Jacob stopped loving her, she had made her choice (painfully)
clear. The only one who had been in denial had been Jacob and now she was upset that he had
woken up to the truth of his situation?
That didn’t seem fair on Jacob or Edward. Regardless of how annoying Harry found both boys.

“You’re seriously upset by this?!” burst Jacob, the shaking of his shoulders growing stronger
“You’ve been making me feel like a waste of space for months! All that time we spent together
while HE had left you! Does that mean nothing to you?! I thought we cared about each other! I
thought you cared about me?!”

It was water fountain that just kept on flowing at this point. All Jacobs confusion over his own
feelings spilling out in the most public of ways.

A small part of Harry (the part that Mort adored) was thrilled to see this kind of chaos unfold. The
rest of him felt pity for the kid who had basically had his heart broken next to him.

Harry didn’t have time to focus on his own feelings however, when Jacobs endless words turned
into more growls than words.

His shaking constant now, the hair on his arms and neck standing up on end.

He was shifting, Harry realized.

Without thinking Harry threw up a fast protection spell, sending a shield around Jacob. Keeping the
about to be werewolf away from himself, Bill and Bella.

Sure enough Jacob exploded in a mass of thick muscle and fur. Before Harry had chance to watch
any further a body blocked his view.

Jasper’s panicked golden eyes stared frantically into his, his cool hands coming up to cup Harry’s
face delicately. Examining him for any sign of injury or discomfort.

When he found none, Harry found himself pulled firmly into the older mans chest. Strong arms
wrapping around him. Harry responded alike, wrapping his own arms around Jasper’s torso.

Over Jasper’s shoulder he met the regretful eyes of Jacob Black. In front of the wolf stood Edward,
Bella behind him with her arms around his shoulders.

The wolf looked from Edward to Jasper, let out a snarl of disbelief and fled the clearing. His pack
mates quickly following him.

Harry mildly heard Sam apologizing and assuring Carlisle that they would still attend the next
meeting, before joining his pack.

“He could have killed you.” whispered Jasper into Harry’s neck.

“No way, my reflexes are too fast.” responded Harry smugly. Jasper huffed a laugh and burrowed
deeper into Harry’s neck.

Harry closed his eyes for a moment, soaking in the feeling of Jasper’s embrace.

Chapter End Notes

Bill and Harry: this is modern feminism talking

a lil bit of protective jasper to brighten your evening, i am about to go through and
reply to all the comments on my last chapter so be prepared for your inbox to flood

i really hope you enjoyed and i will see you at some point over the next idk like 2
months?? lmao
this story will be finished. i swear.

Also.........HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! shout out to ️ the gays ️

The Life and Lies of Bella Swan
Chapter Summary

Harry thinks, plays therapists and then flex's

Chapter Notes

*brushes off dust*


Oh hey.....guys. long time no see.

literally have no idea when i last even posted so all i can say is Sorry lmao. hope
you're all doing well and thanks for putting up with my bs.

so we only have 4 chapters left after this... insane. warning in advance the next
chapters are also going to take a long time because there is a lot about to go down.
on that note i hope you enjoy this and thank you again for staying with me on this.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After Jacob had lost his temper they had decided to cut today’s meeting short in view of the lack of
almost half of their army. Jasper had cupped Harry’s cheek again before he left, making sure he
was okay and asking permission to see him tomorrow.

Harry had (of course) agreed, telling Jasper was welcome any time.

He had made a point of ensuring it was obvious that only Jasper was welcome at his house. He
didn’t fancy the any of the Cullen clan popping round for a cuppa at odd times of the day.

Harry was currently laying flat out on his bed, starring listlessly at the canopy once again. It was a
common position to find him in these days.

‘he could have killed you’

The words spun around endlessly in Harry’s head.

They had been plaguing him for hours.

Jasper didn’t know such a vital part of who Harry was. What he had become.

If Harry hadn’t noticed Jacob was phasing, nothing would have happened.

Well, nothing wasn’t exactly true.

The changing wolf in his anger and lack of control would lash out. Would slash great claws across
Harry and Bella’s skin like a spoon through softened butter.
Bella would fall to the floor, screaming and probably bleeding to death. The Cullen’s could be
overcome with bloodlust and kill her. They could be forced to change her to save her life. They
could save her but leave her terrified of her once close friend and possibly even the Cullen’s
themselves. It might set her straight on the path to be the human she was meant to be before she
crossed paths with myths and monsters.

In Harry’s case it would be different. Regardless of how deep, how serious, the cuts would be;
Harry would just keep bleeding. There would be no screaming for Harry was all too familiar with
pain. There would be no panicked breath or thumping heart beat as Harry fought to keep air in his
lungs. Harry would stand, bleeding at a level that should knock him to the floor if not knock him
out and calmly use his magic to stitch the ripped fabric of his skin back together.
The Cullen’s, Jasper, would panic and rush to help. From what Harry had read about hybrid
Vampires they wouldn’t be attracted to his blood, but they would try to save his life. Maybe
Carlisle would try to stop his bleeding or maybe Jasper would sink his teeth into Harry’s neck, not
prepared to risk losing his mate.

What would happen if a hybrid vampire bit him?

He’d been bitten by a normal vampire before, but never in an attempt to turn him. For a vampire to
turn a human, or wizard, they would have to drink from their victim then bite themselves and get
the human to drink their blood.

Hybrid vampires didn’t have blood, their bodies were solid blocks of marble. their teeth constantly
coated in venom.

A bit like a snake, Harry briefly wondered if they would understand Parcelmouth.

Would the animals the Cullen’s drank from turn if they weren’t fully drained?

The answers to those ridiculous questions didn’t matter (much), what mattered was the fact that
Harry was still hiding so much from Jasper.

Still a freak among freaks.

The door creaked open.

Out of the corner of his eye Harry saw the large grey shape of Buckbeak appear in the doorway.

The so called mighty Hippogriff was crouched over, trying to hide from Harry so he could sneak
into Harry’s bed and cuddle. As if bending his knees and lowing his height by 3 inches would
suddenly make the great hulking beast invisible.

Harry remained perfectly still as the huge creature tiptoed (a sight Harry never thought he would
see) across Harry’s floor. Creeping closer to the bed.

A clawed front foot slowly raised and touched the edge of the bed, gradually putting more pressure
down so as not to alert Harry of his presence. How Buckbeak thought he was hidden from view
was beyond Harry, the sweet thing had not idea how massive he really was.

Harry waited until a second front foot was carefully placed on the bed.

Harry lurched up from the bed with a loud roar.

The startled Hippogriff gave a surprised squawk and fell back from the bed, the loud scattering of
hooves and claws across the floor was heard downstairs as Bill gave a loud snort; clearly knowing
what the Hippogriff was once again trying to do.

Buckbeak steadied himself and gave Harry a rather reproachful look, puffing out his chest feathers
like the macho Hippogriff he obviously was.

Harry laughed.

“Come on, you bloody chicken.” Harry patted the soft bed sheets beside him.

Buckbeak pretended to consider this form of apology for a few seconds before eagerly clambering
onto Harry’s bed.

It was amusing to watch a 9 foot long animal snuggle into tight ball in Harry’s bed.

Buckbeak chirped at Harry expectantly.

Harry, already knowing what he wanted, lay with his head resting against Buckbeak’s side.

Buckbeak gave a low satisfied hum, affectionately pulling at a strand of Harry’s hair, before
tucking his head and Harry under his large wing.

Harry smiled softly and indulged the sweet giant.


It was mid morning when Jasper arrived, a concerned smile on his too perfect face.

Harry, annoyingly nervous, led the blonde hybrid to his bedroom.

Jasper paused in the doorway, admiring the room.

Harry’s large four-poster bed stood grandly in front of a large window, a chest of Harry’s old
school things and various other memorabilia sat at the bottom of the bed.

A simple wardrobe (that’s inside was coated with millions of expanding charms) stood next to
matching cabinet filled with various potions and their ingredients. Harry’s cauldron tucked neatly
under it. To the left of that was the door to Harry’s bathroom.

Books and other trinkets were piled or stacked up in various places just like they were in every
room of the house.

Jasper smiled softly at the room.

“It’s very you.” he muttered, gently sitting on Harry’s unmade bed.

Harry wasn’t sure what that meant but brushed it off, joining Jasper on the bed.

A cool hand held his, held it so delicately it was almost painful.

“Would it be weird if I said I missed you?” asked Jasper, a teasing edge to his voice.

Harry huffed a laugh.

“No, I don’t think so. Would it be weird if I said I missed you?” Jasper’s responding smile was
breathtakingly sweet.

“We’re holding another meeting tonight, since yesterdays was cut short.” the smile turned a little
bitter as the blonde thought over yesterdays meeting.

Gold eyes stared mournfully into green.

“I know you’re more than capable of fighting and protecting yourself, and fuck I sound like
Edward right now-” Harry snorted “-but I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Harry’s expression softened slightly.

“I can assure you it takes more than an cross teenage shape-shifter to get to me.” Harry gave
Jasper’s chilled hand a squeeze to put more feeling into his efforts of calming the blonde.

Jasper’s eyes flickered down to their joined hands and back up again.

“I’m glad to hear it. I don’t think I could cope if anything happened to you, as cliché as that
sounds.” it was Jasper’s turn to squeeze Harry’s hand.

All Harry’s thoughts from last night came rushing back to him, the feeling of guilt at hiding
something so big from Jasper crawling up his throat. Claws like knives slicing the fragile skin of
his insides, turning them inside out with feeling.

Harry opened his mouth to explain, apologies, try to tell Jasper what he was and how Jasper didn’t
have to worry because Harry truly was the freak amongst freaks.

The un-kill-able beast only mentioned in stories made to scare or fascinate children.

The undying monster stuck in his teens due to some complicated and fucked soul magic that he had
no choice in.

The words died in Harry’s in throat.

Bill’s voice saved him from filling the void of silence that had grown around them while Harry

“There’s a puppy whining outside the front door!” came the call from downstairs.

Harry rolled his eyes, detached himself from Jasper’s comforting hold and stormed down the stairs.

Jasper hot on his heels.

Harry looked through the window of his front door and, sure enough, was met with the annoying
sight of a pouting Jacob black squinting at the house. Trying to see through the hazy fog of wards
placed around the house.

Harry huffed and stepped out the house, aware that Bill and Jasper were lurking in the doorway to
watch whatever drama was about to unfold.

With a wave of his hand the boy was allowed into Harry’s property.

Jacob’s eyes widened and he took a staggering step back as Harry seemingly appeared out of thin
air on the porch.

He collected himself and tried to meet Harry unimpressed eyes.

“Can I help you?” asked Harry, after the wolf failed to say anything for 30 draining seconds.
“I-I wanted to see you. I wanted to say I’m sorry if I scared you yesterday, or hurt you.” Harry tried
not to scoff, remembering he was talking to what was essentially a scared child who was clearly out
of his depth with the situation he had gotten himself into.

“You didn’t.” Harry told him as calmly as he could.

Jacob nodded.

“Good.” he said shortly.

Another 30 seconds of silence passed.

“Was that all you needed?” asked Harry, aware he was being impatient.

“Well um, I wanted to ask if you’re actually dating that Cullen leech?” Jacob spoke in a rush as if
afraid he would chicken out. Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and took a soothing breath.

“I don’t see how that’s your business.” Harry replied. Keeping his ruder thoughts about that
question silent.

“The Cullen’s are dangerous. I can protect you from them. The pack can.” Harry, barely, held in a

“You’re under the misconception that I need any kind of protection from anyone. I can assure you I
don’t.” the annoyance in Harry’s tone was becoming harder to hide.

Jacob shook his head.

“I get it. You’re powerful, but the Cullen’s aren’t worth it. They cause problems and drag everyone
else down with them. They’ve done it to Bella and now they’re doing it to you.” Harry examined
the boy for a few moments.

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe Bella wanted to be pulled down? Did you ever consider it was
Bella who pulled the Cullen’s down?” Jacob shook his head again.

“Bella’s a human! She’s defenceless. The Cullen’s, Edward, should know better.” Harry nodded,
fully agreeing with Jacob on that one.

“You’re right, they should. But it’s too late now. I don’t know the details of everything that’s
happened and frankly I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. It’s obvious to me that Swan has chosen the
Cullen’s. I don’t see why you’re so determined to defend her when she’s clearly just dragging you
along.” Jacob flinched at that.

“I thought we were meant to be together.” he whispered sadly. “Then Edward came back and she
just stopped seeing me.”

He sighed hugging himself around his middle, he looked hollow.

Longing eyes examined Harry’s face.

“Why did you choose the Cullen’s?” Harry didn’t have an answer for that and it turned out he
didn’t need one as Jasper stepped out from the shadows of the house.

“Have you imprinted Jacob?” Jacob recoiled but considered the question, eyes flickering back to
Harry had read about imprinting in the scripts Billy had lent him, a soul-bond. Another person that
ties you to the earth you walk on.

“No.” muttered the boy sadly.

“Edward did.” Jacobs head shop up. “Our version of it anyway. Bella is his.”

Harry felt caring eyes settle on his back.

“And I’m Harry’s.” stated Jasper, sounding oddly proud.

“So, I was never even an option?” Harry felt a wave of sympathy collide with the shields around
his mind. Jasper’s gift was working hard today.

“I’m sorry.” said the Texan quietly.

Jacob shrugged, staring at his scuffed trainers with a dejected look.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“There are better options than Bella Swan out there Jacob, you shouldn’t be settling for a girl who
can’t be upfront and honest with you about how she feels.” Jacob looked up and met Harry’s eyes.

He nodded slowly.

“Thanks.” he started awkwardly “For listening, I mean. I’ll uh see you later, I guess.” with an
awkward wave the sad looking teenager walked away, clearly thoughtful.

Harry met Jasper’s eyes.

He felt oddly nostalgic, like he’d just had one of his after dinner talks with Teddy after a bad day.

“That was interesting.” muttered Harry as he turned to stroll back into his house.

Jasper flashed him a grin and followed.

“You were very thoughtful, he felt much better after you spoke to him.” Jasper assured him.

Harry huffed a laugh and ignored the warm feeling that came with Jasper trying to comfort him.


Harry glared at the cloudy sky.

He was really getting sick of this clearing.

Meeting there every day was beyond draining and watching other people play fight was fun at first,
but now it was getting boring.

Jacob had given Harry a smile and a wave when he arrived, which was a nice change from the
longing looks he had previously received from the boy.

What was less nice was the sympathetic smile on Bella Swans face as she eased herself over to
where Harry sulked against his favourite tree.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this.” she spoke awkwardly, a self-
deprecating look plastered across her face.
Harry didn’t spare her a glance.

“I don’t think you should be apologizing to me.” he said simply.

“Look, I know you don’t like me-” Harry cut her off.

“Whether I like you or not is irrelevant. You should be apologizing to Jacob.” Harry didn’t bother
looking at while he explained, instead he watched Edward Cullen pretend he wasn’t listening to
their conversation.

Harry watched Bella frown from the corner of his eye.

She opened her mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it and returned to her original
space several feet away from him.

Harry was glad, playing therapist to one angst ridden teen was plenty for one day.

Jasper, who had been sparring Rosalie, started making his way over to Harry.

“I think it’s time you joined in our training, don’t you?” the blonde asked pleasantly, as if
discussing the weather rather than a fight.

Harry nodded slowly.

“I think you’re right.” Jasper replied with a grin and gestured Bill (who had been encouraging the
wolves to join his betting pools on spars) over.

Bill had an eager look on his face that told Harry he was aware that they would begin training for
real rather than just observing from the side-lines.

Harry suspecting a duel had probably been Bill’s idea.

The others cleared the clearing, apparently all eager to watch the pair fight, and lined the edges of
what had become the arena to watch.

Bill stood, poised and prepared. Wand already in hand.

In comparison Harry was lax, limp and loose in the way he stood. His hands empty, a slight smirk
pulling at his mouth.

Since he’s revealed his real skin to the Coven and Pack, Harry hadn’t bothered to glamour himself.
Only when going to school or when facing muggles in daily life.

The scars had somewhat helped them stop underestimating him, but not entirely.

All of that was about to end.

While Harry refused to single-handedly win a war that was technically none of his business, that
didn’t mean he couldn’t or that he didn’t take some level of pleasure in others being aware he

A predictable stupefy came shooting towards him, with a lazy wave the spell dissipated and fizzled
into nothing.
Bill huffed and raised his wand again with more vigor.

A barrage of bright colours came firing towards Harry in quick succession, the spells getting more
and more dangerous as they came.

Each one was battered away like a mildly annoying moth.

Bill braced his hands on his knees and gave a panting breath.

Bill was by no means a weak fighter, on the contrary he was (by most standards) exceptional.

But he wasn’t quite Harry Potter.

“You gonna stop playing with me now?” teased Bill, mostly amused by Harry’s effortless combat.

Harry smirked and decided to show off.

Harry gathered his magic, focusing it toward his hands to perform the spell he had refused to only a
few days before.

with the flexing of a finger, fire erupted from Harry’s palms.

The air around him thickening with heat.

The flames battled and roared as they rose higher and higher, slowly building into a shape.

A wild dragon of fire stood high above Harry, leering down on the crowd of hybrids. Bill was
staring at the dragon with a look of mild concern, while the Cullen’s and Wolves gazed at the beast
with an awed horror.

The flames burned a bright vile orange before darkening to a vibrant, angry red that turned black
towards the tips of the flames.

The dragon cried out with the sounds of crackling flames, calling for destruction, devastation of all
that surrounded it.

If Harry were a weaker wizard he would have been consumed by now, an insignificant victim to
the sheer power that magic could bring.

The Master of Death was no victim of magic. Only of fate and her games.

(And death when they were in a whiskey stealing mood)

“I think I’ve proven my point now.” said Harry, a feeling of satisfaction spreading through him at
the release of so much magic…and the look on Carlisle’s face.

“I’d say so mate.” muttered Bill, still eyeing the dragon somewhat wearily.

Harry grinned and banished the flames with another finger twitch.

The grass fizzed and sizzled in the wake of the beast.

Harry dusted imaginary ash off of his shoulder and glanced around the group.

A stunned silence met his ears.

Harry glanced at Jasper and was met with frankly adoring eyes.
Harry tried to ignore the pride that bubbled in his stomach.

Chapter End Notes

I really hope you enjoyed reading and that the wait wasn't too much. i'm very much a
hypocrite when updating fanfic is concerned, oof.

warning: next chapter is gonna be really fucking sad

Thank you much for reading! much love and i promise i will see you again! the count
down to the end begins now.
When and How it Happened
Chapter Summary

Harry has another dream, fights Jasper and meets a new friend

Chapter Notes

Hello! long time no see bois (as usual), but I'm full of passion for this again.

Warning: first part is big sad, I made myself cry writing it. was an experience

in other news this story is now over a year old....yup ikr

I really hope you enjoy this chapter, things are about to get big lmao lots of planning
and re-reading for me from now on

please enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry was dreaming again.

Only this time he knew where he was.

He’d had this dream before, too many times.

It felt like being in a pensive, watching a memory unfold. Helpless to prevent it from happening.

The watcher.

It started like it always did, lightly.

With an aching familiarity.

Harry watched himself, aged 47, covered in a glamour that made him appear his true age (the
glamour he wore whenever he had to leave the privacy of his own home) grinning and joking
alongside Ron.

The pair were dressed in matching Auror uniform, they’d just left Shacklebolt’s office.

Some upstarts were claiming to be Death eaters, some may have actually served under Riddle. But
knock off magical tattoos of the dark mark had become a painful part of wizarding pop culture for
those wanting change. It had long lost it’s true meaning, like most things seemed to when humans
were allowed to control it’s narrative.

There had been rumours of the distribution of rare (highly illegal) potions supplies spreading due to
this particular group.
Death eaters or not they needed to be held accountable. Several buyers had already blown up their
homes due to the strength of the ingredients. There was a reason some things had been made

The ministry took threats of death eaters seriously, demanding raids on any accused.

Harry had found it boring at the time, they were rarely ever actual death eaters. Just kids who had
no idea what they claiming to be and wanting to explore dark magic or just rebel for the sake of it.

It had been 30 years since the war, Harry’s name was fast becoming a legend.

A story you tell your children.

This raid hadn’t been any different, not really.

Harry watched his younger self smile, a bitter feeling boiling in his stomach as he was dragged
along to watch something he didn’t want to ever see again.

The house was fuller than they had thought, the wizards and witches inside older than usual but
still no genuine death eaters among them from what Harry could see.

He and Ron had chosen to chase a group of 4 upstairs, the others in their party clearing out the
lower floors of the house.

Harry stunned one as she slashed a harsh cutting curse in his direction, her curse landing on his
cheek the same time she fell to the floor.

“Mate, you could’ve dodged that.” yelled Ron as he sent a large decorative vase in the direction of
the wizard he was duelling. The wizard crumpled to the floor with a cold thud.

Harry calmly wiped the blood from his cheek, magic warming his thumb as it ran along the length
of the cut, leaving healed skin in it’s wake.

“Dodged what?” Harry asked with a smirk.

Ron rolled his eyes with a grin.

“Smug git.” the ginger muttered. Sending an easy stunning spell to a third wizard who was trying to
sneak towards an open window in the next room.

“Any clue where the fourth idiot is?” asked Harry, creeping round to peak into another room.

Ron shrugged, kicking a door open to check inside.

“Pretty sure he’s still on this floor. Can we get him quick; I’m starving.” Harry huffed out a laugh.

“Nothing changes.” It was Ron’s turn for a smirk.

There was only one room left, the pair stood side by side in front of it.

Shoulder to shoulder like they had always been.

“I’d bloody hope not.” Ron’s smirk had become more of a grin by now.

The pair opened the door together, wands raised and sending matching stern looks to the occupant
The room stank of strong magic, the shelves practically heaved with it. Clearly it had been used as
a storage room for their production line of illegal resources.

The shelves reminded Harry eerily of the hall of prophecy's, high and lined with boxes covered
thickly with dust.

“Bloody Hell.” spat Ron, his wandless hand coming to cover his nose.

Harry’s own nose wrinkled in agreement.

A clatter to their left alerted them to the presence of their enemy.

They both turned their wands sharply to follow the sound.

The last wizard stood, wholly unimpressive before them.

His wand was raised, and his hand shook with an emotion Harry couldn’t remember.

“I’m not giving up without a fight.” the nameless wizard hissed.

Ron chuckled.

“What a coincidence! Neither are we.” he stated with that same old grin.

The nameless wizard flashed a spell to the shelves by Harry’s head.

The shelf toppled and sent dust powdering across the room, whatever had been in the boxes started
fizzing as it made contact with the moth-eaten carpet.

Harry searched frantically for the nameless wizard, trying to keep tabs on Ron’s spluttering form at
the same time.

A nasty burning curse darted out of the dust toward them.

Harry narrowly avoided it and sent his own in return.

Ron joined him and soon there was flashes of light dancing across the room as the pair tried to
locate their opponent, without disturbing any more shelves.

“I can’t see a bloody thing; this is worse than the time we-” A cold green light came out of the

It hit Ron squarely in the chest.

The words died on Ron’s lips.

Harry watched helpless as his younger self starred at Ron, eyes wide in stunned, disbelieving

Ron’s fall wasn’t a dramatic clasp at life.

It was a limp fall, limbs splaying unnaturally across the floor.

Younger Harry fell to his knees, his breathing getting faster.

Blood rushing in his ears.

Eyes unable to leave Ron’s body.

He felt numb.

His ears started ringing.

The dust began to settle.

Harry and the nameless wizard left in the dirt, both starring at the cooling body of Ronald Billius

“No.” started Harry as a whisper, but it soon become a rant. The word repeating again and again
until Harry found he couldn’t say it anymore.

He realized he was crying, the word had been replaced by heavy, heaving sobs and the struggling
of breath.

Slowly Harry turned to face the nameless wizard.

He was pale and frozen to the spot, starring at the man he had just murdered.

Anger, fury, flooded Harry so suddenly.

He didn’t deserve to look at Ron.

Harry stood.

Tears still pouring down his cheeks.

His breath still shuddering between broken sobs.

“You.” was all Harry managed to say.

His face twisted with grief and anger.

Merlin the unfairness of it all burned within him.

Harry raised his wand.


The spell hit the wizard in the chest.

The same place the wizard had killed his brother.

It hit with such force that the lacerations ripped all the way down to his wrists. Coating his now
ruined body with rivers of blood.

Harry watched with little satisfaction as the nameless wizard choked and wheezed.

Bleeding to death slowly.

It felt justified and Harry knew he would never regret taking that life, but it wouldn’t change what
had happened.

It wouldn’t bring Ron back.

Fresh sobs racked through younger Harry; he fell back to his knees next to Ron.

A raw, vile scream broke free of him while older, dreaming Harry watched from the dark.

It was easy to see why death chose this animal to be it’s master from this angle

The image of the ruined storage room faded, and Harry was left in the darkness for a few moments.

His breathe coming out in short pants.

The darkness cleared and Harry felt more dread pool in his belly.

Hermione was sat on the sofa of Grimmauld place. Tears pooling in her eyes as she sat perfectly
straight in her seat, starring almost lifelessly into the fire.

She had been like this since it happened.

Harry felt similar.

It had been 7 days since it happened

He had left the Auror’s the day it happened.

Hadn’t left the house until his brother's funeral, which had been that morning.

Hermione hadn’t spoken much in those seven days; he’d felt her magic getting weaker.

She was giving up.

Harry didn’t blame her.

She had survived so much, given up so much, for it to end like this?

Once again, the unfairness felt like a lump in his throat.

“I can’t do this anymore, Harry.” even her voice sounded lifeless.

Harry nodded steadily, trying to be respecting. Trying to be understanding.

“I can’t carry on losing people. It’s selfish. But I can’t.” her voice cracked. A tear broke free and
rolled down her pale cheek.

“I’m sorry.” she whispered.

Harry broke a little more.

“You can’t leave me.” he whispered.

Hermione closed her eyes tightly, tears spilled freely now.

“I can’t do this anymore.” she said again, her voice shaking.

“I need you.” Harry tried this time.

Hermione shook her head.

“It’ll stop.” he told her, though he knew it was a lie. “We’ll always love him. He’ll always be with
us, that’s what you always say.”

“And how long until I have to say it again?” she burst; eyes open. Tired. “Every year we lose more
and more of the life and people we love. The ministry is still just as corrupt as it was when we
were children. Our friends are still fighting and dying, as if it was all for nothing. And now Ron-”
she cut herself off with a harsh breath, as if she couldn’t believe she’d said his name.

“I can fix it.” Harry insisted, the world felt so heavy on his shoulders.

Hermione didn’t seem to hear him.

“Please.” was all Harry could say, the tears were coming again.

His vision blurring again.

Hermione smiled, her same soft sweet smile.

She stood and walked to Harry with silent socked feet.

She perched on tiptoes to place a delicate kiss on his scar.

“I’ll always love you Harry potter.” she whispered to him.

Harry wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and hugged her as lovingly as he could.

Something inside him throbbed and ached at the thought of never hugging her again.

He didn’t want to let go.

Harry kissed her head in turn and let the tears fall as he watched her stroll peacefully out of the

He found her in the morning, cold and calm in the bed that they had always slept in when visiting

Harry knew it was coming but that didn’t stop him from collapsing at the threshold when he
caught sight of her.

Harry watched his younger self fall apart over the body of yet another dead best friend.

The numbness in his gut tightened it’s grip and pulled viciously.

Harry closed his eyes, unable to bear seeing anymore.


Harry sat on the edge of the roof again.

His arms wrapped tightly around his middle, staring up at the dog star.

The numbness ached.

The sudden presence of death joined and sat next to him.

They shared the silence for a few moments.

“Of all the dreams you have, that is by far my least favourite.” offered Death in a way that showed
an attempt at sympathy.

“I’d have to agree.” croaked Harry, his throat sore from yet more useless sobbing when he woke.

Death’s warm hand clasped his shoulder, guiding him closer.

Harry gave in and lent over, his head now resting on Mort’s shoulder.

The warm embrace of death.

The numbness lessened slightly.


Harry was really beginning to fucking hate this clearing.

He had turned up with red rimmed eyes and a concerned Bill, to be watched warily by everyone
(except Jasper).

It pushed Harry’s already exhausted mind even further.

He tried to smile at Jasper when he approached him, but from the look on the blonds face he failed.

“You okay?” asked the fake vampire sweetly.

Harry gave a brief nod and changed the subject.

“Plan for today?” Jasper watched him closely for a second before allowing the change of topic.

“I was actually hoping that maybe we could spar.” Harry brightened at that idea.

“I accept the invitation to destroy you.” Harry managed a genuine smile this time.

Jasper grinned back.

“I look forward to my destruction.” Harry nearly blushed.

Jasper’s smile took on a pleased air, clearly catching Harry’s emotions.

“After you.” encouraged Jasper, gesturing Harry toward the centre of the clearing.

Clearly Jasper wanted the others to watch. Harry wondered why.

Silently, the wolves, Cullen’s, Swan and Bill circled the pair.

Jasper stands much like Bill does, feet apart, elbows bent. A ready stance.

Wholly unnecessary, but effective when unprepared.

Harry stood calm, relaxed, with his hands clasped lightly behind his back.

He was interested where Jasper would take this.

His question was soon answered, a blur of blonde vampire rushed at him.

Harry left it for a few seconds before apperating out the way, swapping pitch ends like rugby
players at half time.
Jasper whipped around and refocused on Harry.

Harry met his eyes.

There was challenge there, clearly Jasper wasn’t about to hold back.

Perhaps he wanted to reassure himself that Harry would actually manage against a horde of
newborns or maybe he took every fight this seriously, regardless of the reason for it.

Jasper ran at Harry again but changed his tactic slightly, moving in a zigzag in an attempt to
confuse or for Harry to lose sight of him.

Harry sighed and apperated again.

When Jasper found him again he was in his original starting position, examining his nails.

Jasper huffed in annoyance.

“A vampire’s weakness!” Harry called, eyes still on his cuticles. “They are close contact fighters.
You might not be able to outrun them, but if you can keep them at a distance, you have advantage.”

Jasper looked approving.

Internally Harry sighed, who knew his teaching career would be limited to two occasions. One at
15 and the other at 57 and both to fight in battles with unlikely odds.

Jasper prepared to get close to Harry again and this time Harry let him, deciding to turn this into a
proper Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson.

He shot a series of mild hex’s at Jasper’s blurred form, ranging from a mean tickling hex to a harsh
stinging hex. Each one made solid contact with Jasper despite how fast he was moving.

“Anything you can do to slow your opponent, regardless of how mild, do it.” Harry’s words still
calm despite the fast-approaching vampire hybrid.

Harry waved a commanding hand and threw up a solid protego, the blue wall of magic flared up
from the ground.

Jasper slammed right into it and was thrown back. Sprawling across the grass before gathering
himself in a crouched position.

The blonde exhaled harshly and stood.

Harry let the protection spell fall, gazing at Jasper with eager eyes now.

The thrill of a fight, even a friendly one, had become a feeling Harry was addicted to over the

They continued like that for a while, Harry letting Jasper get close before blasting him away in a
variety of ways. A swift flurry of magic that Jasper was getting better at avoiding, but the spells
still hit.

If Harry were fighting for real the blonde would be in pieces by now. As it was he stuck to his mild
hexes and let Jasper educate himself on how to fight a wizard. It might come in handy given
Harry’s reputation for trouble.
Jasper was doing well this time around, dodging and weaving through Harry’s magic. Only 4 out of
9 had hit him this time.

Harry prepared to blast Jasper away again when the blonde changed direction, jumping high into
the air and over Harry’s head.

Harry swirled around and drew his wand from his sleeve.

Jasper’s cool hand curled around Harry’s neck.

At the same time, the tip of the Phoenix feather wand was pressed against the dimple between
Jasper’s collarbones.

The pair breathed heavily for a few moments, green melting into gold.

Jasper’s hand, still around his neck, pulled him closer.

Harry’s wand dug in deeper as a result of their closeness, but the heat in Jasper’s eyes told him he
didn’t mind.

A gentle smirk spread across Jasper’s face; Harry kept his cool.

Jasper lent froward and pressed their lips together in a sweet embrace.

Harry allowed himself to smirk.

Harry’s wand lit up with an, admittedly weak, stupefy.

Jasper didn’t lose consciousness but was put flat on his back beneath Harry.

Harry smirked down at him.

“Use any means you’re willing to, and you’ll win.” Jasper grinned back up at him.

“Consider me destroyed.” he said lazily, admiring Harry from this new angle.

Harry offered him a hand.

Jasper took it and didn’t let go even once he was upright.

“Did you enjoy being destroyed?” asked Harry, teasing.

“Every second.” he replied, his Texan accent thick.

Harry opened his mouth to reply when they were interrupted by a squeal.

The whole group turned to find Bella, screeching and pointing to the ground as she held one foot
awkwardly in the air and gripped Edward’s arm.

Harry followed the direction of her pointing and found an indignant snake glaring accusingly at
Bella’s raised foot.

“Look where you’re stomping those ugly things!” hissed the snake furiously.

Bella lifted her foot higher, readying to stomp down on the poor snake.

Harry moved before he even realized, ending up knelt down by the snake. Bella’s ankle held
firmly in his grip stopping it from landing on the snake.

The snake startled at Harry’s sudden arrival and reared up to defend itself.

“That was terribly rude of her, are you okay?” Harry hissed at the snake.

The snake froze and starred at Harry in shock.

So did the wolves, Cullen’s and Bella swan, who pried her leg out of Harry’s grip and stood
gingerly next to them.

“A speaker?” asked the snake, tone turning excited and curious.

Harry smiled at the snake and offered it his hand.

“I’m Harry, do you have a name?” Harry asked kindly, the snake accepted Harry’s hand and
slithered up his sleeve. Coiling around it like wire.

She was a decent sized snake, around the length of Harry’s arm. He recognized her species from a
book of snakes Luna had given him. Harry had thought the book had been a joke, but Luna had
been very serious in her efforts to educate Harry on the subject. Insisting that as a ‘snake prince’ he
should know them all.

Harry had gone along with it because it was Luna, but did dislike being called a ‘snake prince’.

She was a Pituophis Catenifer, more commonly called a gopher snake.

She was pretty, with a dappled light brown and black pattern and light warm eyes.

She had crept up to just above Harry’s elbow now, coiled around at least 4 times and hugging his
forearm. Her black tongue flecking out to smell him.

“Call me Caedes.” she hissed back.

Harry frowned, that literally meant murder in Latin.

“Suits you.” he hissed back drily, Caedes looked pleased by this. She slithered further up Harry’s
body until she rested comfortably around his shoulders.

Harry stood and turned to face the others in the clearing.

Bill was smirking, the rest were not.

“You can talk to snakes?” asked Rosalie slowly.

“Yes.” Harry replied simply.

Emmett nodded with kind understanding, as if hearing that Harry had lost a beloved pet snake
rather than discovering he could communicate with them.

“We all have our stuff.” he said sympathetically.

Harry blinked at him. Bemused.

Carlisle’s eyes had a curious yearning in them, but he wisely kept his questions to himself.

The answers to them were boring anyway.

Jasper stepped closer to Harry while the others began to practise their own fights (for the 80th time
that week) and admired Caedes.

“She’s very pretty.” he complimented.

Caedes preened.

“This one has taste, keep him Master.” Harry tried not to shiver at hearing a snake call him master.
Or dwell too much on the other being who called him master.

“Not your Master and he’s staying.” replied Harry, curious to see Jasper’s eyes focus on his mouth
as he hissed to the snake.

“You are a speaker. A powerful one. You stopped the one with the ugly stumps stomping on me. I
like you. You are my master.” Caedes explained to him in a tone so patronizing Harry was amazed
it came from a snake.

“Fine.” Harry huffed.

Jasper looked curious, wondering what they were saying.

“She says thank you.” Harry half told.

Jasper gave him an amused look and took hold of Harry’s hand again.

Bowing forward and placing a gentle kiss to the inside of his palm. Looking up at Harry with gold
eyes that burned.

“I see why he’s staying now.” hissed Caedes, approving. Breaking the spell Jasper had put Harry

Harry resisted the urge to put his head in his hands and wondered if he regretted the most recent
addition to his household.

Chapter End Notes

fuck sake Bella we were having a moment, just had to step on a snake right then didn't

i was listening to the ghost of you by my chemical romance when writing Rons death
and je te laisseria des mort by Patrick Watson when writing Hermione's, if you want to
cry i recomend doing the same when reading it lmao.

a real flip from bleak and miserable to a lil bit sexy, you're welcome

how do we feel about Caedes? i felt like she would make a fun lil addition

i really hope you enjoyed, much love to you as always. i hope you're all continuing to
thrive and i will be seeing you again hopefully soon. only 3 more chapters to go and
they're gonna be thick ones
All or Nothing
Chapter Summary

they scope out a playing field, then Harry and Jasper have a lil chat

Chapter Notes

wassup bitches, y'all miss me?

i'm back again with more hurt your heart content! been a while but that's how it is

i hope you enjoy this chapter and thank so so so much for reading and supporting this
silly story, who would've thought we'd reach chapter 33?

bong apple teeth

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry observed the scene around him with a keen eye.

A large clearing surrounded by thick ever greens and dusted with last nights snow. To the left of
the clearing the trees closed in more, before rising into a steep slope, ending in a rocky cliff edge.

The top of the cliff was another smaller clearing, that was known for camping in the summer, but
no one would dream of coming out here in the depth of winter.

It suited their purpose perfectly.

“It’s as perfect as we’re going to get.” Announced Harry to the group.

The group consisted of himself, Jasper, Edward and Alice.

Sam had politely refused, saying he trusted Harry’s opinion.

Which had rubbed Carlisle the wrong way (a way Harry delighted in).

“Bella camps with Bill at the top of the hill. Edward, Jacob and Jared will guard the bottom of the
cliff to fend off any that get too close. The rest of us will be in the clearing.” recited Alice, going
over the plan for the hundredth time.

“From the direction they’ll be running from they should hit us head on here.” stated Jasper, golden
eyes zigzagging across the snow covered ground as he spoke.

“I still don’t see why I can’t stay with Bella.” grumbled Edward, also for the hundredth time.

Harry sighed.

“They won’t recognize Bill’s scent as a threat, it’ll be a two for one snack bar. Not to mention that
Bill’s a world class curse breaker. He knows more obscure and dangerous magic than a hundred
skilled wizards combined.” Harry defended, sick of Edwards whining.

Edward didn’t reply, but Jasper’s smirk was enough to tell Harry he had gotten the message.

“We should go back, tell the others we have the place.” said Alice, giving her brothers a look that
scolded them for something they hadn’t done yet.

The three fake vampires (Harry refused to let Jasper forgot it) set off at their usual blurred pace off
in the direction of the covens ugly house.

Harry gave the area a final glance, the reality of what he would be doing here in a matter of days
finally settling in.

With a sigh he apperated and appeared outside the Cullen’s front door.

He got through three cigarettes waiting for the others to catch up to him.

Harry made a show of glancing at his non-existent watch when they finally did show up.

Edward ignored him while Alice gave an airy giggle and Jasper shot him a smirk.

Informing the Cullen clan that they’d found the ideal site didn’t take long, nor did calling Sam to
tell him the same.

A shame, because Harry wanted to avoid the conversation he needed to have with jasper for as long
as physically possible.

But the time soon came where the pair stood, alone in the porch way of the Cullen house.

Harry bite his lips before holding a hand out to Jasper.

“You can come with me if you’d like?” the words sounded awkward, falling out of Harry’s mouth
rather than flowing smoothly like he’d hoped.

Jasper looked briefly dazed before his vision seemed to clear and a smile replaced his vacant

“I’d love to.” he whispered, as if scared Harry would retracted the invitation if he startled the dark
haired man.

“Shall I meet you there?” asked Jasper.

Harry grinned.

“Hold my hand.” Harry said softly.

Jasper was more than willing to for-fill that request, pale hand quickly curling around Harry’s in a
close embrace.

Harry focused his magic around the pair of them before dragging Jasper through the tight tube of
side along apperation.

They landed in Harry’s living room.

Harry firmly on two feet while Jasper, landed in a sprawl next to him.
The blonde gazed up at Harry with a horrified, flabbergasted expression.

“That was-” Jasper broke off to catch an unnecessary breath.

Harry chuckled.

“First times always the worst.” he brushed off, helping Jasper gently to his feet.

“I’m not sure I want to do that again.” muttered the hybrid.

Harry gave him a mischievous smile but made no comment, instead simply leading Jasper upstairs
to his bedroom.

He needed to get this conversation over with.

The door swung open to reveal Buckbeak still curled up on Harry’s bed.

He looked ridiculous; his huge body covered with Harry’s blanket, with just his face peeking out.
Yellow eyes blinking innocently at them, trying to persuade Harry to cuddle up with him rather
than banish the Hippogriff from his bed.

Harry rolled his eyes at the sweet creature, Jasper blinking incredulously behind him.

“He seemed a lot more scary last time I saw him.” whispered the blonde. Buckbeak heard all the
same and huffed at the accusation, holding his head a bit higher as if it made any difference to his
current house cat position.

Harry snorted.

“Buckbeak’s a softie really. He’ll take your arm off if you piss him off, but he’s a softie.”
Buckbeak looked appeased by Harry’s summary of his character.

Jasper, however, did not.

“I see.” the blonde said through a sigh.

Harry suppressed a grin.

“There’s some things I wanted to show you.” Harry changed the subject, sobering the mood
painfully fast.

Best to just get this conversation over with.

Harry approached his trunk.

A silent slicing charm, nipped the tip of his finger. Jasper inhaled sharply behind him.

Harry smeared the few beads of blood on the latch of the trunk.

The lock clicked open and the heavy lid eased open.

“Blood ward.” Harry answered Jasper's confused expression.

“Don’t tell Bill. They’re highly illegal.” he added

Jasper’s confused expression was replaced with alarm.

Harry, ignored the alarmed look, and sighed as he examined the contents of the trunk.

A pile of old photo albums, his old school books and uniform, his Quidditch robes and various
other things he viewed too painful to be in plain sight but too precious to throw away.

The mole skin pouch glared at him from the centre of the trunk.

Harry bypassed the pouch for now, reaching for a notebook that contained tons of glued together
newspaper cuttings that Luna gifted him.

“A friend gifted me this years ago. It’s every news paper article about me from ages 11 to about
20.” Harry explained.

He remembered when Luna gave it to him, with her airy smile and misty gaze.

“So you never forget that you proved them wrong.” she had told him. Luna always pushed the
heaviness of reality with her Ravenclaw brain, eager to view cruel things as something to learn

Harry sat down on the floor in front of the trunk, gesturing Jasper to join him.

The pair sat back and observed the homemade book, while Harry used his magic to turn the pages.

It started out simple. The death of his parents and his survival. His name in bold letters announcing
he was starting Hogwarts, after years away from a world he had no idea existed.

Then it skipped a few years, his uncomfortable 14 year old face flinching away from the camera.
Him stood off to the side with the other ‘champions’. His scores in the tournament, before the
article titles turned darker.

The accusations of lies, before the truth came out.

Then his wanted poster on the front page.

A heart aching photo of himself, Ron and Hermione outside a ruined Hogwarts. The words ‘THE
BOY WHO CONQUERED’ above their blood streaked faces.

After that it turned to many stories of he and Ron putting death eaters in jail.

Then finally Harry being made head Auror at only age 20.

It was these later pictures that Harry wanted Jasper to see.

The blonde frowned at the moving pictures, examining Harry’s face in them.

“You look older.” commented Jasper, eyes flickering to observe Harry.

Harry nodded.

“It’s a glamour.” he muttered, effortlessly contouring the magic around him to turn his face and
body into that of how a wizard his age should look.

Jasper examined him closely, Harry let the glamour fade back to his 17 year old reality.

“Wizards age slowly, very slowly. Bills 67 but obviously doesn’t look it, our lifespans usually last
around 200 years.” unless you’re a 71 year old called Tom Riddle thought Harry ironically.
“But wizards still age.” finished Jasper. “You don’t.”

His tone was calm and painfully understanding, as if he knew exactly what Harry was going to say
before he even said it.

“No, I don’t.”

Silence stretched between them.

Buckbeak lifted his head and peered at them with one large eye, watching the tense scene with

Jasper laid his hand atop Harry’s, squeezing lightly.

“You don’t have to tell me.” he whispered gently, sweetly, lovingly.

Harry didn’t reply.

Instead he carefully removed his hand from under Jasper’s and reached for the mole skin pouch.

Aware of the slight tremble in his fingers as he held it for the first time in years.

Harry took a deep breath before opening the pouch and tipping the contents onto the carpet in front
of them.

The marauders map, a lock of Teddies hair (the real colour of his hair) in a small glass vile and the
container with the last memories of Severus Snape were the first things to fall out.

Harry firmly ignored them.

The next things to tumble out was Hermione’s copy of The Tales of Beetle The Bard, Ron’s
deluminator and the golden snitch.

The last gifts from Dumbledore.

The last thing to land on the carpet, the first gift from Dumbledore, was the invisibility cloak.

Harry put the map, lock of hair and the memories back in the bag.

He looked at the deluminator and swallowed. With a light and tender touch that was moved to the
side but not separated from the book or the snitch. They stayed together, just like the three of them
were always meant to stay together.

Harry delicately lifted the book and opened it to the story of the three brothers.

“The Tales of Beetle The Bard is a collection of wizarding legends that were turned into easy
bedtime stories for children.” Started Harry, aware that Jasper wasn’t looking at the book but
firmly at Harry’s solemn face.

“The three Brothers is one of the more well known myths. Three brothers find death and make a
deal. Each brother asks for a different item in the attempt to avoid death. The first brother asks for
the most powerful wand, the second asks for a stone of resurrection and the third a cloak of
invisibility. The first brother is killed by the very wand he asked for. The second takes in own life
when he realizes the stone won’t truly bring back his loved ones. The third hides from death until
he is ready. He gives the cloak to his son and greets death as an old friend.” Harry took a deep
“To poses all three makes you the master of death itself. You’ll greet death as an old friend, but
death will never claim your life.” he finished Gravely.

Turning the page to reveal the drawing Xenophilius Lovegood had done, showing the symbol of
the deathly hallows.

He laid the book down in front of Jasper.

Harry took hold of the cloak, folding it neatly into a triangle.

Then he lifted the snitch, pressing the dried blood from his finger into the latch. It sprung open to
reveal the stone. Harry placed the stone in the centre of the folded cloak.

Lastly, Harry rolled up his sleeve. Revealing his wand holster, where the holly and elder wands
both sat content together on his forearm. Harry removed deaths wand and balanced it atop the
stone, where it lay unnaturally still.

Harry sat back, closer to Jasper than before, and observed the deathly hallows.

He still remembered the day he had woken up to find them, all together.

It had been about a week after moving into Grimmauld place. It had been just like any other
morning, only when Harry walked into his study he had found them.

All perfectly laid out upon his desk.

The stone had been long lost in the forest. The wand he had snapped and thrown in the lake. The
cloak had been folded in his mole skin pouch.

Harry remembered starring at them for what felt like hours before snapping to his senses and
hiding the objects. Deciding to keep the wand on his person, more to protect others than himself.

“You mastered Death.” whispered Jasper, snapping Harry back to reality.

“Not on purpose.” Harry muttered back, slightly defensive.

“It just kind of happened.” he continued, rubbing a scarred hand through his hair.

Jasper scoffed.

“How does mastering death just happen?” he asked, obviously amused despite the subject at hand.

Harry scowled.

“Well, the Potters were descended from the youngest brother; so it got passed down to me. Well
Dumbledore gave it to me in my first year. Then Dumbledore gifted me the stone when he died,
after he took it from the Gaunts and got cursed. The wand had nothing to do with me! Malfoy took
it from Dumbledore then I disarmed Malfoy so the wand became mine.” Harry ranted, getting
more worked up the more he spoke.

“It’s ridiculous really!” Harry burst, torn between laughing, crying or screaming.

“The man ruled my life with his secrets and half truths. Then I realize he was the reason I ended up
with the hallows in the first place. Well him and Malfoy but that prat probably would’ve helped
doom me at the time, if he’d had half a brain cell to know what was actually going on. It’s Funny
how close Riddle actually got to two of the hallows, just shows how much Dumbledore showed his
so called favouritism to us brave Gryffindor’s .” Harry snapped.

Annoyed he rolled the hallows up in the cloak and shoved them back in the mole skin pouch.

His annoyance however fizzled out when he laid his eyes on the book, snitch and deluminator
again. He carefully placed them back in the pouch before putting it back in the trunk and sat down

Feeling a little more than exposed after his tirade.

Jasper’s hand was once again placed on top of Harry’s.

“I’m not going to pretend that I understood half of that last bit. But my understanding doesn’t
matter, you can explain it more to me later. Then we can be angry about it together. I want you to
know Harry that this-” Jasper gestured to the trunk “-changes nothing between us.”

Harry met Jasper’s eyes then, they were bright and earnest.

“I knew you had secrets and I know you still have them. You stun me every day with your ability
to exist. Your magic is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed. Any secret you want to tell
me, no matter how scary or violent, will ever do anything to make me respect or love you any

Harry blinked.

Did he just-

A cool hand came up to delicately cup Harry’s cheek.

“You’re more than capable of destroying me than any other being on this earth, in more ways than
one. Your magic could rip me to shreds but if you were to ever stop existing it would hurt even
more. I’m not glad of how you came to live forever but I’ll never stop being grateful that you will.
I’m in love with you and I can’t be without you.” finished Jasper with more passion than Harry had
ever been addressed with in his life.

Harry blinked again.

He did just.

Jasper loved him.

Harry tired not to implode with the overwhelming joy and pain that this brought him.

He couldn’t dwell on it now, not with a war pending in the near future. Not with Jasper holding
him so sweetly and looking at him with nothing but adoration in his gaze.

Harry’s hands reached out of their own accord and entwined in Jasper’s hair.

Pulling the blonde into a kiss that he hoped would match all the passion that Jasper had just
expressed to him.

Jasper met him with movements filled with want and hunger.

Later Harry could fight his demons and face his eternity.

For now, Harry would lose himself in Jasper’s touch and bathe in his affection.
Chapter End Notes

Harry: i can't die

Jasper: you pinky swear?!

I know, whatever reaction you're currently having all i can say is- omg same, cos fuck

the real shit is that next chapter is the big boy, the battle is approaching. its gonna take
a long time to write becuase it's a huge thing and i want to do it justice
that being siad i really hope you enjoyed this lil moment between them and some
insight to how the battle will go down.
i could honestly write a massive essay about all the HP things i ranted about in this
chapter- i can go into heavy detail AND I WILL
please feel free to comment your thoughts i adore your comments, much love and i
will be seeing you again x
Chapter Summary

It's time.

Chapter Notes

what's occurring? how you doing!?

long time no see my loves, i've missed you. it's time. i hope you're ready, i had great
great pleasure writing this and i am genuinely very pleased with how it turned out. if
you don't like it simply don't tell me lmao it's my baby

we are nearly at the end.

memento mori and all that jazz crazy huh?

i'll save my emotions for the next AND LAST chapter but for now i seriously hope
you enjoy this and merry whatever you do or don't celebrate

See the end of the chapter for more notes

They gathered at dawn.

Bill and Harry arriving at the clearing at the agreed time, the Cullen’s and wolves arriving only
moments later.

There had been a tense moment when Jacob Black caught sight of the new ring that laid upon
Swan’s left hand, but the boy had thankfully decided not to comment.

Probably thinking a little more clearly after the sense Harry had scolded into his teenage brain, or
Harry hoped so anyway.

Besides, if Bella Swan was about to die, she might as well die feeling hopeful of a future she was
never going to have.

People did drastic things in times of war.

His heart throbbed for Remus and Tonks, all their hope for a future gone.

Even Bill and Fleur, their wedding crashed by death eaters. A treasured memory tarnished for the
rest of their lives.

Bill offered Swan a gentle smile as he guided her up the mountain where one of the old Weasley
tents had been set. The wards around it so thick that the hair on the back of Harry’s neck stood up,
even though he was almost half a mile away from it.
Jared, Jacob and Edward took their places at the foot of the slope. Spaced apart to prevent a breach,
tense as they waited.

The others, along with Harry gathered in the centre of the clearing.

Harry, Jasper and Sam’s hulking wolf form taking the lead. Rosalie, Emmett and Alice behind with
Carlisle and Esme taking up the back.

The rest of the wolves took the rear and sides of their group, steam raising off their backs.

The air was so still.

Harry felt so alive, so electric in this moment.

He hated it.

Hated how obviously he thrived from this.

Thrived off chaos.

The night before he’d bitten the bullet and sent Molly Weasley an apologetic letter. Not explaining
the situation but excusing himself for the foreseeable future as he was ‘a bit busy’.

He’d even sent one to Kreacher, giving him guidance on the running of the house, instructions to
come and look after Buckbeak, Fawkes and Caedes according to Harry’s wishes. Wishes the elf
already knew but Harry knew it would please the elf to be given ‘orders’.

He knew he wasn’t going to die.

But he didn’t know if Jasper would.

Death had told him he would, but now when.

It was terrifying, how fragile an ‘immortal’ being could be.

Harry almost felt like he had to babysit him to ensure his safety, if that wasn’t a huge insult to
Jasper’s own capabilities and sense of reason.

Harry may not die and but Jasper dying would kill him.

It would push Harry to disappear with a lot more determination than his last few tries.

He glanced at the blonde out of the corner of his eye, admiring his firm silhouette and golden

Jasper knew everything now and still stood by Harry’s side. It was leap of faith beyond belief to
support someone with so much ‘stuff’ going on.

It amazed him.

The breaking of a branch caught Harry’s attention.

His head whipping back to face the forest.

Why did it always have to be forests? His brain hissed at him.

Another breaking of wood, then footsteps. A group, a large one, running.

It was time.

A tall red headed woman broke free of the trees.

Red eyes gleaming at them, as she raised her arms. The horde of Newborns could be seen making
their way through the trees and snow.


Harry called his magic to his fingertips, preparing for what was about to happen.

As the horde burst into the clearing, their leader seemed to vanish in the movement. Leaving her
army to fight for themselves.

They came thick and fast, reaching their group in a mere matter of seconds.

Sam and his pack lurched forward to meet them, teeth bared and jaws snarling.

The first sound of splitting marble broke through the chaos as Paul’s teeth tore through an arm.

It was a morbidly fascinating sight, the broken socket where the arm had been looked exactly like a
broken statue. The flawless and polished skin tone was the only colour present, right to the core.

Rather than being torn and bloody, it was harsh and clean.

Harry had to stop his analysis as the first of the group reached his position.

Crazed red eyes leered at him, arms swiping with lightning-fast movements for any part of him
they could reach.

Harry reacted fast in reply, throwing out a wordless bombarda into the approaching crowd.

The two nearest to Harry simply blew into several large chunks of marble, dust scatting around
them like snow. The ones behind were knocked back by the shock, cracks appearing on patches of
exposed skin.

Harry began a full attack, launching spell after spell to do what he thought was more than his fair
share of cleaning up someone else’s mess.

It was advanced target practise.

Jasper had not been joking when he said they moved fast.

Harry nearly pulled his back out whipping around to shatter yet another Newborn who was trying
to sneak up on him.

He should really start being more careful in his old age.

His eyes focused on a large Newborn who had his beady red eyes steadily set on Harry as he raced
through the slowly thinning crowd to Harry.

Harry readied his wand to fire at him, feeling the urge to prove a point with stronger magic.

What his point was he, he wasn’t certain.

A familiar cry broke his controlled intent.

Harry torn his eyes away, desperate to find the source.


He had been making vicious and fast work of any and all that approached him.

Clearly it hadn’t gone unnoticed.

He was overcome, several Newborns clinging to him. Pulling at his arms and legs, one wrapping
his arms around his torso.

A crack began to form at the base of his neck as he struggled to break free.

Anger laced through Harry at the sight.

Harry changed the course of his wand without any hesitation.

“Incendio!” he bellowed, voice echoing over the noise.

A thick shot of carefully aimed flame burst across the clearing.

The flames licked at the clothes of Jasper’s attackers. Their grips loosening as they griped their
now burning limbs and cried in agony. Loose enough for Jasper to wrench free, unhurt.

The crack on his neck resealing before Harry’s eyes.

Jasper stared back at him, eyes wide with wonder.

That wonder twisted into horror as his mouth opened to scream words that Harry didn’t hear.

The large Newborn had reached Harry.

Body colliding with Harry, tearing the defenceless fabric of his shirt, his meaty hand slashing
across Harry’s face.

His nails easily tearing through the soft flesh on Harry’s right cheek.

A stinging burn lit up that side of Harry’s face, the all too familiar tang of blood leaking into his
mouth as he gasped from the impact.

The Newborns face dived down, teeth bared, and latched onto Harry’s forearm.


Pure blinding agony burst into Harry’s world.

32 violently sharp teeth tearing through muscle and tendon apparently hurt quite a lot.

“Fuck.” Harry hissed.

“That actually hurt!” he snapped, his anger now returning with full force.

Challenging as much magic as he could, Harry gripped a tight hold of the Newborns face.

The Newborn scream as Harry’s hand seemed to crumble his marble form at a single touch.

Agonized eyes were the last thing Harry saw of him, as he seemed to evaporate into nothingness
before him.

Harry breathed Heavily for a few moments, gathering himself he examined the clearing.

There weren’t many left now.

Maybe a dozen? Maybe more? Maybe less?

If they’d stop moving so fucking fast maybe, he could count properly.

The pain in his arm was really starting to bother him.

Another Newborn ran at him.

Harry, having lost his interest, simply burnt her with a waved hand before she could reach him.

“Harry!” called a panicked voice.

He looked up to see Jasper approaching him, taking out at least 2 more opponents on his way.

A cool hand cupped his bleeding cheek when he reached him.

“Darlin', are you okay?” He asked, eyes frantically seeking Harry’s for an answer.

Harry glanced down at his bleeding arm, the skin around it had turned an ugly grey. The veins
were turning black, and it was spreading.

It looked a little less than healthy if Harry was forced to admit it.

A wave of pained nausea spread over him, his insides clenching painfully.

He looked back up to meet Jasper’s worried eyes.

“Yeah, fine.” he lied; voice hoarse.

He examined the clearing again, relieved to see no Newborns in sight.

Bill, Edward and Bella were making their way down the cliff side. Looking battered but not badly

The wolves, naked and in human form, huddled around one of their own. Talking to them in
hushed soothing voices.

They lifted the injured body of Jacob Black, who hissed at every movement and gripped onto his
pack mates' hands.

Harry made eye contact with Sam as he passed them, stepping out of Jasper’s hold to speak with

“How bad?” Harry asked, he hadn’t seen it happen.

Guilt was frequent uninvited guest for Harry, but that didn’t make her visits any easier.

“One got him pretty good, broken ribs for sure. But we heal fast, so.” Sam finished there.

His dark eyes looked Harry over.

“You?” he asked, eyes intent on the bite mark.

Harry shrugged and removed the arm from view.

“Just a scratch.” he brushed off, ignoring as another cold wave of pain wrecked him from the
inside out.

Sam simply nodded, making no effort to word his obvious disagreement or concern.

Harry was grateful.

Jasper looked less so.

Rosalie and Emmett approached out of the trees; Harry assumed they had been chasing any runners
trying to escape.

They weren’t alone.

A young girl followed them, only about 16 or 17, with dark hair and scared red eyes.

She held Rosalie’s hand like a lifeline.

Given the situation at hand, it probably was.

Emmett stood firm beside them as they stopped a few feet away, a protective bouncer to his
beloveds wishes.

Jasper edged in front of Harry, hand blinding grabbing to hold his.

Harry nearly rolled his eyes.

It was quite obvious Harry didn’t need protecting from the poor child, but he humoured Jasper all
the same.

The rest of the Cullen’s, Bill and Bella gathered and joined them. All sending the newcomer
cautious looks.

“This is Bree.” introduced Rosalie.

“She was hiding. She took no part in this. We explained our lifestyle and she would like to join us.”
the blonde woman continued; head held high. Ready to defend her position.

Carlisle sent the young girl a sympathetic smile.

“Of course, welcome Bree.” he answered, simply in his acceptance.

“Are you sure Carlisle?” asked Edward, holding Bella behind him with firm hands.

Alice, eyes glazed and dazed, took the liability of answering.

“She’ll fit right in!” she squealed in delight.

The others looked appeased by this; Edward still looked unsure but seemed to zone in on Bree.
Probably reading her thoughts and soon relaxed.

It was then that they were reminded of where they stood, in the battlefield full of the bodies of their
dead enemies.
Carlisle looked pale and grim as he examined the clearing then his children, Bill and Harry.

He looked over Harry’s bleeding face with mournful eyes (Harry hadn’t realized Carlisle valued
his good looks so much).

He made sure to keep the bite out of view.

“We…we should gather the bodies. Burn them.” he stated, voice low and collected.

The coven leader turned to Edward.

“Victoria?” he asked, hesitant.

“She’s taken care of.” answered Edward, sending a grateful look to Bill.

Who nodded in response.

Carlisle nodded before he set to work gathering body parts into a pile.

The others joined.

It was silent now, compared to the noise and savagery that had just occurred.

It was so hard to believe that what they had been preparing for, for weeks on end, was over so fast.

It kind of seemed wasteful, for so many lives to be ended to swiftly and with such little thought or

Death was always sudden.

It felt almost respectful to gather them by hand, Emmett even took a lighter out and lit the pyre by

The flame burned bright, thick foul-smelling smoke raising into the distance.

They stood around it, watching it burn.

The sound of harsh crack broke the peace.

Followed by others.

Harry swore so violently he was sure he saw Carlisle blush.

He summoned what he had nicknamed his media glamour and threw the thickest notice me not
spell he could muster over the Cullen’s. Bill rushing to stand by his side, obviously summoning his
own spells to support Harry’s.

Who wisely kept quiet despite their confused looks.

“Everyone just shut up and follow my lead.” Harry hissed loud enough for 8 beings with super
hearing to hear. He just hoped Swan copied her boyfriend's example.

The painfully familiar American Auror uniform was the first thing Harry saw of them.

There were 4 in total, Harry raised his bloody chin and gave them his best unimpressed stare.

The 4 Auror's, wands raised, approached the group with suspicious eyes.
The clear leader met Harry’s stoic gaze.

And froze.

His stunned eyes fluttered up to the lightning bolt that laced across Harry’s forehead.

His stunned eyes blew wide.

(Harry twitched with the urge to cover it. An urge he firmly shoved away.)

So did those of his men behind him.

Their wands were hurriedly lowered.

“L-lord Potter.” he stammered “It’s an honour.”

They saluted him.

It was sickening.

“We were aware you were in the area, Lord Potter, but not this exact location. We recorded strong
levels of unexplained magic in the area and felt the need to investigate.” he managed to speak
without stuttering this time, hands fiddling with the bottom of his uniform.

Wand out of sight.

The Auror in Harry tutted, constant vigilance should always be upheld.

“There was a disturbance Mr...?” Harry let the sentence linger.

“Simmers, sir. Patrick Simmers.” he hurried to inform.

“Simmers.” Harry restarted. “A group of day walkers were causing issues for the local population.
At risk of things getting out of hand, my colleagues and I thought it best to handle the situation
quietly.” he explained coolly.

Simmer’s eyes strayed to the group behind him.

He wouldn’t see the Cullen’s, not properly anyway. He would see a group of hard to remember
faces that looked perfectly normal to his deceived eyes.

They nodded along with Harry’s answer easily.

“I will inform my superiors of your support, my Lord.” Harry barely contained the visceral
response being called ‘my lord’ gave him.

“I’m sure they will be happy to hear of your assistance.” he beamed at Harry. Harry tried not to

“Of course, Simmers.” Harry replied. Wanting this interaction to be over.

“Thank you, sir. It was a real pleasure to meet you. You’re a legend among legends sir.” Harry
nodded awkwardly to the heavy praise.

The four Auror's gave Harry another salute, before finally leaving the scene with 4 loud cracks.

Harry hunched over in relief and released himself and the Cullen’s from his spells.
An easy spell felt like a lot of effort.

His arm was still really fucking painful and the blackness in his veins was spreading further and
further up his arm.

Another even stronger wave of pain hit him so hard it blurred his vision for a few moments before
it cleared again.

Harry stood with a sigh, ignoring Jasper’s concerned and Bill’s worried/confused gaze.

“What just happened?” asked Emmett, raising an eyebrow.

“MACUSA.” Harry replied shortly “The Magical Congress of the United States of America. Their
magical government basically.”

“They seemed to worship the ground you walk on.” came the expected voice of Bree.

Harry shrugged.

“Most wizards do.” answered Bill.

Harry scowled.

“Misplaced hero worship.” he muttered; Bill smirked but kept his mouth shut.

“Wizards?” asked Bree, looking over Harry and Bill with curious eyes.

“Yes.” answered Harry “There’s a lot more than your species out there. You’re a hybrid sub-
species of vampire. So, outside the realm of magic and not invited to any cool magical creature

Bree gave Harry a confused smile but looked interested none the less.

“I’ll lend you a book about it.” Harry offered with a shrug.

“Thank you. I’d like to learn.” She replies quietly, and just as awkwardly as Harry.

Harry simply nodded in reply.

“I had not realized just how much other wizards respected you.” Commented Carlisle, giving Harry
an analysing look.

Harry looked at his feet.

“It’s hugely misplaced. Like I said.”

An awkward silence filled the clearing while the Cullen’s processed Harry’s apparent fame.
Though they shouldn’t be that surprised; Bill had been dropping hints for weeks.

Alice gave a sudden gasp, eyes glazing over.

Jasper took gentle hold of her shoulder, concerned for his sister.

Her eyes cleared and panic gave way.

“They’re here, they’re coming! I didn’t see! I didn’t know.” She broke off, staring into the thicket
of trees.
Three hooded figures came gliding through the gloom.

A tall well-built man that looked like he would be fighting Emmett for himbo of the year if it
wasn’t for the scowl on his face.

A younger man, a boy really of only around 14 at most, though the look in eyes told that he was
much older than his years. He was small and slight, with dark hair and red eyes that looked like
totally uninterested in his surroundings.

The last member was a girl, the same age as the boy and they were clearly related. Thought while
he was dark and bored, she was blonde and intense. A wild gleam in her gaze that reminded him of

He had read about these two, seen copies of paintings of them in his textbooks about the Volturi.
Nicknamed the witch twins, they were turned by Aro himself after the village they lived in
commended them as witches.

It was speculated that they had been a pair of muggleborn twins showing their abilities and
accidental magic.

Both had gifts after their turning, Jane had the ability of pain. A walking cruciatus curse dispenser,
Harry wondered how it felt in comparison to the curse. Merlin knows he was very familiar with
how that spell felt.

Alec’s gift was far more interesting, the ability to perform complete sensory deprivation. A full
back out of the senses. It was fascinating. Harry was tempted to ask about it, but he had a feeling
the question would probably be followed by a rather unpleasant demonstration instead of an

Jane stood in the centre of the three and was obviously in charge of this particular investigation.

She examined the burning pile of bodies with an uncaring eye.

“Thank you for dealing with our pest problem, the Volturi is pleased.” Her voice was so young.

Carlisle stepped forward.

“It was our responsibility.” He replied, far more grave than the Volturi over the death of their

“Yes.” She agreed blandly.

Her eyes examined the crowd.

“You missed one.” Her tone cold as she looked at the terrified Bree.

“She will be joining my Coven.” Answered Carlisle.

It was the first time Harry had ever heard the doctor call his family a coven.

The morals that fear could twist.

“She should not exist.” Was the only response, her gloved hand gestured the huge man forward.

Harry summoned magic to his hand, producing a ball of flame to his palm.
“I would stay back if I were you. Unless you wish to join the others.” Harry said coolly, free hand
splaying toward the still burning pile.

“And you are?” Jane asked coldly.

“An interested party.” Harry answered “The girl was changed against her will and wanted no part
of what took place today. The Cullen Coven have welcomed her to their rank, in the event she
causes issue I’m sure the Cullen’s will vouch for her or…” he trailed off.

Raising his flaming hand higher to make it clear what the or meant.

Carlisle looked like he had turned into the marble was made of.

Standing stock still and tense.

Jane considered. Scowling at the flame in Harry’s hand.

“I will allow this.” she turned to Carlisle “It will be your head if she fails.”

Carlisle nodded with palpable relief.

Harry banished the flame.

Three sets of red eyes were set on him.

Harry met them easily.

Janes eyes narrowed.

The already existing pain in Harry gut tightened, his breath straining as it became harder to breath.

It was uncomfortable, don’t get him wrong, but not the ‘every nerve ending in his body being lit up
in agony’ levels of uncomfortable that came with a cruciatus curse.

Harry smirked.

“Is that supposed to hurt?” he hissed, smirk turning a little twisted.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Jasper turned on her with fury as he realized what she was doing. He edged in front of Harry again,
glaring Jane down with narrowed golden eyes.

Rosalie, Emmett and Alice stepping forward to back him up if needed.

Jane stared at Harry for a few moments.

Red battling green.

Her gaze snapped away to Carlisle.

Harry silently took that a victory.

“Aro will be displeased that the girl remained unturned.” she snapped, obviously annoyed.

“I will be after the wedding.” interjected the girl in question, Harry tried not to roll his eyes.
Jane made no comment, glancing at Harry briefly again.

A look that promised pain in his future.

Before the three swept out of the clearing as quickly as they had come.

A calm silence once again filled the clearing.

“Anyone else fancy popping by?” called Harry looking around the clearing, fed up “Do the wolves
have a secret government that require council?”

A swirling black cloud of smoke spread across the snow and built up into a tall, shadowy,
imposing figure.

Harry regretted his words instantly.

“How nice of you to invite me, Harry.” came the haunting voice of death from the void under their
shadowing cloak.

Harry groaned.

Chapter End Notes

Harry: he's so fragile, i have to protect him and keep him safe.
Me: oh how the turn tables

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i fucking did it yo! i wrote the fuck out of this chapter
and i hope it slayed. i really seriously genuinely hope you enjoyed it! i can not believe
our journey together on this is nearly coming to a close. all i can say is thank you for
reading and feel free to leave a comment about your thoughts.

see you soon my loves xoxo

Chapter Summary

Death talks, Harry talks, Kreacher talks, Bill talks and Jasper talks

it's the end.

Chapter Notes

Happy new year babies xoxo

well the time is here, its the last chapter. it's been a pretty intense and crazy journey
for me to do this. i am still so grateful and happy that this was enjoyed by so many
wonderful people so for the last time in this story i say thank you. i'm feeling quite
emotional about this ngl, i don't think i've ever finished anything in my life so this is a
bit of a milestone.

i really hope you enjoy, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy this silly little escape from
eat up kids, dinners ready

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The Cullen’s lurched back in alarm, wide eyed and scared.

Even Bill stuttered back a few steps, he hadn’t seen Mortuus’ true form before.

Swan cowered behind Edward, her self preservation finally kicking in.

Harry was the only one who didn’t falter, he merely raised his bloodied chin in defiance and raised
a brow.

“That wasn’t meant to be an invite.” he spat back, annoyed.

He had been attempting to ease Jasper into the conservation of death being a frequent (mostly
unwelcome) house guest but now, it was there for all the world to see.

The rest of the Cullen’s were apparently learning a lot about him today.

“Oh, but I heard it as one, darling.” came the teasing reply.

Out of the corner of Harry’s eye, Jasper tensed.

Harry sighed.

“Well it wasn’t. Kindly fuck off.” The Cullen’s became even more still, obviously expecting some
kind of wrath from this strange being.
Death gave an eerie chuckle.

“So eager. No Harry, show me your arm. I’m sure it must be uncomfortable.” the tone was
soothing now, encouraging Harry to obey.

It did the opposite.

Harry scowled.

“It’s nothing. Just go-” another harsher wave of nausea cut him off, he staggered; almost pitching
forward only to be steadied by Death’s (annoyingly warm) hand on his shoulder.

Jasper’s breath hitched to see those skeleton hands grasping his Harry.

Harry wrenched himself from Mort’s grip and struggled to stand alone.

The pain was worse now.

Almost unbearable.

With the twitch of a bony finger Harry’s sleeve rolled up and revealed the blackening bite mark.

The collective horrified gasp that followed made Harry clench his teeth in annoyance.

He didn’t need their pity. He was fine.

Another blinding wave of pain corrected him.

Carlisle -apparently over his shock of seeing the embodiment of death- rushed forward.

“You were bitten. You’re turning, Harry, I’m so sorry you were brought into this.” Came the
helpless apology.

“The venom can’t kill you, but it’s trying to. Reaching your organs one by one, shutting them down
and turning them to stone.” stated Death, tone cool and unaffected.

“It could go on for hours, it could be days. A human takes three days to turn. A wizard much the
same. You, however Harry, are a whole different story.” Harry scowled at Mortuus. He could
sound a little more bothered about Harry’s current predicament.

Another shock wave of agony shuddered through him.

“Merlin, organ failure fucking hurts.” he hissed, hunched over.

Bill and Jasper (decided they were also over the presence of death) were at Harry’s side in a flash.

“Don’t ever die Bill, it sucks.” muttered Harry as the pain lessened again and he was able to stand.

Bill patted his shoulder.

“I’ll certainly try mate.” he agreed, sympathetic.

Harry didn’t know why, but he was so painfully reminded of Ron in that moment that tears
threatened his eyes. Maybe it was because it had always been Ron right next to him, when he was
injured after a fight.

Mortuus stepped closer now, causing the others to move back again in wary surprise. They were
close now, close enough to touch.

Harry could feel deaths heated gaze on his bitten, bleeding arm. Observing the black veins
surrounding it. Savouring the sight of Harry being truly so close to them, so close to death.

“May I?” asked the haunted voice.

Harry offered his arm with no reply, just wanting the waves of nausea and mind numbing pain to

A skeletal hand reached out and traced the wound. The pain melted away, along with the black
that was spreading through Harry’s body. Then the same to the forgotten wounds on his face.

What remained was not pretty.

Harry knew death was more than capable of healing his flesh as if brand new. He also knew that
was not what death favoured.

the mark left was frankly horrific, two crescent shaped lines of tangled and torn flesh dented into
his skin. Stark, white and shiny compared to the rest of his arm. The teeth marks perfectly clear to
see, even to the muggle eye.

He brought up a hand to trace the mark on his face, the sticky tar of old blood was gone, three
roughly ripped lines of tough scar tissue met his fingertips.

Harry gave Death a bitter look.

“A new favourite?” he spat.

Despite their hidden face, Harry could feel the indulgent smile spread across Mort’s face as they
admired the bite mark.

“It is beautiful.” remarked Death wistfully.

Harry rolled his eyes.

“But I’ve always been a fan of firsts.” one bony finger traced the lightening bolt lacing across
Harry’s forehead.

“And seconds are almost better.” the finger wondered down, pressing against the exposed skin of
Harry’s chest; where an identical lighting bolt could just be made out between layers of battle

The hand trailed to his wrists, bony finger running across the bumpy ridges left by self-inflicted

“Even thirds are spectacular.”

Harry battered the hand away, the nausea was coming back.

Death chuckled, it sent shivers down Harry’s spine and he could see the Cullen’s shift
uncomfortably behind him.

“Mortality would be wasted on you.” Harry tried not to bristle at that comment and simply shot
death a poisonous look; as the shadows blurred and they vanished from sight.
“Fucking hell.” muttered Harry, as he roughly pinched the bridge of his nose.


They were gathered in the Cullen’s bleak living room.

Harry -having changed into one of jasper’s clean and not torn shirts- stood against the wall with his
mouth stubbornly shut, despite the expectant silence.

He was sulking. Mostly about Mortuus outing him to the Cullen’s so easily.

“I would like to hear an explanation Harry.” said Carlisle softly, sounding so much like a dad after
finding weed in his sons sock draw.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his tangled curls.

“I guess you could say death is an old friend.” he muttered sardonically.

That earned him a snort from Bill.

“You don’t have to share anything you’re not comfortable with Harry.” Jasper told him, with a
supportive look.

“Did you know about this Jasper?” asked Edward, tone so accusing it made Harry flinch.

Jasper’s eyes rushed to black as he glared at his brother.

“What goes on between my mate and I is none of your concern.” he snapped, drawing a clear line
in the sand.

Edward opened his mouth to argue otherwise, but Harry interrupted him.

“Jasper knows because I felt he deserved and needed to know.” Jasper’s eyes turned back to a
warm gold as he looked at Harry with caring eyes.

“As we have alluded, my life has always been a little more than complicated. I was involved in a
magical war from birth, it only ended when I was 17. I ended it.” Harry took a breathe, trying to
explain himself vaguely and curtly.

“It was messy and complicated. People I loved died. During it I became entangled with some
elaborate magic. I came to posses some artefacts. Artefacts that were thought to be nothing but
legend. They came with the title of Master of Death. I died during that war, but I came back. I
thought it was due to soul magic that the dark wizard we were fighting caused. But then during my
wizarding police career I had a few close calls and made it out fine. Almost too fine. Then I noticed
I wasn’t getting any older.” It had been Hermione to notice it first. Eyeing him strangely at a
family dinner, before pulling him and Ron aside to discuss her concern.

“The objects, one that I had lost and another that I had broken, came back to me unharmed. And I
knew it wasn’t legend anymore.” he finished calmly, hoping it was enough to satisfy their curiosity
without opening himself up too far.

“How old are you?” asked Rosalie.

“57.” he replied shortly, ignoring the raised brows in the room.

“That’s why you made yourself look older.” muttered Alice, looking sad “That’s what most people
think you look like.”

Harry nodded.

“Death coming to see me has been a more recent development. But they mean no harm. As little
harm as Death can mean anyway.” he muttered the last part, hoping they wouldn’t focus on it too

“I can’t say I entirely understand, but thank you for sharing some of your story with us Harry. I’m
sorry you had to go through that.” was Carlisle’s reply. He was outwardly calm, but had clearly
listened closely to Harry’s words.

Harry nodded stiffly.

“I think you should let Kreacher know you’re okay.” came Bills voice, rather suddenly and with an
unexpected request.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

“I think that can wait.” he tried to dismiss, but Bill held firm.

“No, I think you should contact him tonight. Poor elf has probably run himself into the ground with
stress after your abrupt letter.” the obvious guilt trip worked. Annoyingly.

Bill had always enjoyed watching Harry struggle with the mother hen treatment he always got from
house elves.

Harry closed his eyes, tightly, and wondered if he was really about to do this in the Cullen’s living

He turned his eyes to Carlisle once more. Apparently he was.

“Mind if I summon a friend into your living room?” Carlisle looked taken aback by the question,
but gave a confused nod of consent regardless.

Harry gave a pull at magical bond he shared with Kreacher as Lord of the House of Black.

“Kreacher.” he called calmly, giving Bill a stubborn look.

A quiet pop sounded out.

The Cullen’s lurched back in surprise.

Kreacher, large ears perking up and grey eyes staring widely at Harry. In his faded tea towel that
Harry had long given up on trying to change into proper clothes without seriously upsetting the elf
by freeing him.

Harry knew it would destroy Kreacher to be freed, he was a proud elf who had always adored his
‘masters’ (when he considered them worthy anyway).

“Master!” cried the elf with glee. Crowding at Harry’s feet, barely reaching his knees, clinging to
his jeans.

“Master, be sending Kreacher letters. Kreacher not be liking these letters.” the elf scolded, now
fussing over a hole he had found in the jeans he was clinging to.
“I’m sorry if I upset you Kreacher.” Harry tried to soothe, feeling guilty “I felt it best to inform you
of events, so I wouldn’t remove you from your home.”

Kreacher’s large eyes watered up at hearing Grimmauld place referred to as his home. He did
every time Harry called it that.

“Kreacher be protecting the great house of Black from filthy traitors!” Harry tried not to sigh.

The name calling had been another thing Harry had failed in trying to dissuade the elf from doing,
aside from himself, Ron and Hermione everyone was either a traitor, a half-breed or a filthy
muggle. Harry had come to the conclusion that Kreacher just took a lot of time to warm to people
and used name calling as coping mechanism.

“The traitors came to Masters study, looking for Kreacher they be. Asking questions Master!”
Kreacher always took glee grassing on any family that popped by to check on Harry unannounced,
Harry found it quite funny.

“Did they now?” he asked, sending Bill an accusing look.

“Kreacher keep Master safe.” assured the sweet, if a little overzealous, elf.

“Thank you Kreacher, the great house of Black would be lost without you.” Kreacher’s ears
fluttered under the praise.

It was quite an odd sight to see Kreacher in the Cullen’s modern living room.

Kreacher seemed to notice where he was and looked around the room in disgust. Harry bit his lip to
hide a grin.

“Might we have an introduction?” asked a stunned Carlisle

The elf’s eyes set upon the Cullen’s.

“Half-breeds!” bellowed the appalled elf, rather predictably.

“Undeserving to be in the company of my great Master!” Harry sighed and placed what he hoped
was a soothing hand on the elf’s shoulder.

“Kreacher, this is the Cullen Coven. I have made an alliance with them to suit the interests of the
house of Black.” Kreacher grumbled a few choice words about ‘manipulative half-breeds’ but
Harry merely smiled and pretended not to hear.

Kreacher turned his narrowed gaze back to Harry, mouth down turning in disapproval.

“Master not be eating.” he scolded, Harry froze before glaring at Bill.

Blaming the ginger for this entire conversation.

It had taken half an hour of persuading and the promise that Harry would let Kreacher visit at least
once a week, to ensure that Harry was up to the Elves standard of health. (much to Bills

Once the elf was finally satisfied and had left, sending Harry one final caring, warning look. Bill
stood, giving Harry a teasing smile.

“Well, I’ve assured myself that under Jasper’s close attention you won’t go crazy, die or go on a
mad murder spree. The most recent problem in the long list of what can and will go wrong when
Harry’s involved has been fixed. And I’ve seen my baby brother appropriately scolded by a house
elf. So, it looks like I’ll be heading back home; to tell Victoire more outlandish tales of her Uncle

Harry rolled his eyes but smiled regardless.

Bills eyes turned soft and serious.

“I love you, Harry. I’ll see you soon, I promise.” Harry wasn’t sure he really needed that
reassurance, but it was comforting to hear it all the same.

“I love you too brother.” he replied, Bills serious look grew into a smile.

The brothers embraced in a tight hug that lasted a few moments longer than usual.

Once released, Bill pointed an accusing finger to Jasper.

“Take care of our Harry.” he instructed. Jasper smiled softly, eyes darting to Harry as if he couldn’t
help himself.

“It’ll be my pleasure.” the blonde promised.

Bill nodded, raised a hand in goodbye to the rest of the Cullen’s and blew Harry a joking kiss,
before he disappeared with a light pop


It was late, a starry sky glazed in moonlight twinkled through large windows.

two nude bodies lay cuddled in a tangle of sheets.

Harry on his back, Jasper propped up on his elbow beside him.

Jasper’s cool fingers tracing feather light patterns across the exposed skin of Harry’s chest; while
they talked in hushed, intimate voices.

“I always struggled more with my bloodlust.” Jasper was explaining “When Edward found Bella, it
was hard. I could feel Edwards thirst as well as my own. it was torture.”

The blonde paused, fingers stuttering their movement. Harry watched him, patiently waiting for
him to continue his train of thought.

“It was Bella’s birthday. We’d just barely scraped by fighting off Victoria’s mate, and Edward was
starting to feel like he was a risk to Bella’s safety.”

Harry barely held back a scoff.

“It was so stupid. Alice and Edward were so excited to celebrate a real birthday. And it was just so
stupid. A paper cut. That’s all it took. Our parents had given her plane tickets to see her mother
over the summer and she cut her finger on the envelope.” Jasper took a deep breathe.

“I lost control. Edward saw it and panicked, he pushed her back. She lost her balance and went into
a glass table. Next thing I know Emmett’s force feeding me elk in the middle of nowhere. Telling
me ‘it’ll be okay’ and ‘you didn’t mean to’. and I just remember wanting to disappear and never
come back.” Jasper looked so devastated in that moment.
Harry decided he hated that look, it made his heart ache. He reached up and cupped the blondes
beautiful face, thumb rubbing gently on his cheek bone.

Jasper, aware he was doing it or not, leaned into the hold; eyes fluttering under the attention.

“It wasn’t your fault. You felt everyone else’s thirst for her in that moment as well, not just your
own. Anyone else would have killed her the moment they first felt Edwards lust for her.” Jasper
smiled a sad smile.

“You’re right, but it doesn’t stop me thinking about what I nearly did.” Harry’s heart gave a painful

“Those feelings of regret might never go away, but I’ll always be here to love you when you can’t
move past them and it feels like you can’t love yourself.” Jasper’s eyes turned wide as he met

“I love you, Jasper Hale.” he whispered, it felt good to finally admit out loud.

Jasper smiled softly, leaning down to place a passionate kiss on Harry’s lips.

Jasper lowered himself, his head now against Harry’s collarbone.

A few moments of peaceful silence filled the air between them, before curiosity broke it.

“Who bit her?” Harry asked.

“Victoria’s mate, James. He lured her out from under Alice and I’s noses, made her think he had
her mother.” Harry grimaced, memories of fifth year rising to the surface.

“He never had her mother. But Bella went to save her anyway, James nearly killed her. Broke a
good few of her bones and bit her. Edward sucked the venom out.” Harry gave Jasper an
incredulous look.

“Why would he not want her to turn? She’s his mate.” Jasper struggled for words for a few

“You’ve heard some of his beliefs, he’s very traditional in a lot of out dated ways.” was the weak
defence, delivered with with heavy sigh.

Harry shook his head in disbelief.

Jasper rolled over so he was half laying on Harry, head resting on his hands and looking down at
Harry again. Harry’s hand automatically tangled itself in the blondes hair, absently playing with
the silken strands.

“You know, the main reason Edward won’t change Isabella is because he believes he’ll be
damning her soul.” Jasper’s face held a calm sorrow.

“I don’t think our souls are damned. Our hearts might be cold and still but our souls still fight on.”
he continued.

Silence lingered between them for a few moments before Harry broke it. Again.

“I don’t think I have a soul anymore.” admitted Harry, watching Jasper carefully.

Jasper’s lips upturned in the most delicate of sweet smiles.

He laid his hand out on Harry’s chest, palm up, offering it for Harry to hold.

“You could have mine.” he offered.

Harry smiled.

“And you have my heart?” he asked, just a hint of teasing in his tone.

“My soul, your heart.” Jasper confirmed, smile growing.

Harry gazed into those golden eyes, warm hand sliding in to hold cool.

“Sounds like a fair exchange.”

Chapter End Notes

well, it's over isn't it.



also the final scene has been written and waiting in my files for months because it just
fit so perfectly, i hope you enjoyed.
i'm so blown away holy fuck, i actually did this! brb i'm gonna go cry!

but first i have exciting news! some of you have noticed already but i have made this a
series! which means i will be writing a sequel!!! if it's wanted, i want to write it, i have
a lot of ideas and i'm excited to begin planning it properly. i also have a plan to write a
few oneshots as well, just playful crack or soul destroying angst to fill a void lmao

i hope you're as excited as i am to see what's to come. i love all of you and i hope to see
you soon

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