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The sky is blue

The grass is green and happy

The sun smiles brightly

Yet life seems gloomy

There’s a full moon

And dance in the air

As the world stirs

Your life seems dull

Let nature tell

The secret of its bloom

In the face of the gloom

Which surrounds humanity

That she may learn

To be bright and bloom

And smile again

In spite of the gloom

Is not ours to have and to hold just as

One cannot pin down the love of a man



In this life
All we have is now

That the next minute is ours,

Is not certain


Gives us so much to hope for

But one thing is certain

That we will enjoy them all is uncertain


Such a sweet thing

Like a dream

No more, like fire

Eventually quenched

Life is interesting

Since you can’t get

The whole pie,

Just take your piece

And vamoose.

No controversy

For a child of God

There can be no such thing

As accident …

Luck …
Coincidence or blind faith.

For behind every experience

Is a loving and sovereign God who

Performs what is appointed

For us.

Victor, Anota Adakole

Graduating Student


In bed, I ask myself, “What are the secrets of success in life?”

I, inadvertently, found the answer because;

My roof said ”Aim high”.

My window said “Just broaden your horizon’’.

My clock said “Time is priceless’’.

My fan said ”Just be cool’’.

My mirror said “Reflect before you act’’.

My calendar said “Be up to date’’.

My door said “Push determinedly for your goals’’.

My toilet said “Be altruistic, share others load’’.

My wallet said “Save now for the future’’.

My floor said`` Always be down to earth’’.

My wardrobe said “Dress decently’’.

Then finally, I starred at my bed and it said “Pray to God, cover up yourself and sleep a little

Choose wisely!! For the future is in your hands.

Kodo Isaac Ezekiel

Graduating Games Prefect

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