Example of A Procedure IATF

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Here is an example of a procedure for customer satisfaction measurement, based on the IATF

16949 requirement

Procedure for Customer Satisfaction

The purpose of this procedure is to define the process for measuring and monitoring customer
satisfaction, as required by IATF 16949 clause

This procedure applies to all direct customers of the organization, which may include IATF
OEMs, non-IATF OEMs, and other automotive customers (i.e. tier-1, tier-2, etc.)3.

The objectives of this procedure are to:

 Collect and analyze customer feedback on the quality and performance of the products
and services delivered by the organization
 Identify and address customer complaints, concerns, and expectations
 Evaluate and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
 Enhance customer relationships and retention

The inputs of this process are:

 Customer feedback data, such as surveys, questionnaires, interviews, reviews, ratings,

 Customer complaints and claims data, such as warranty claims, field returns, corrective
actions, etc.
 Customer requirements and expectations data, such as contracts, specifications,
standards, etc.

The outputs of this process are:

 Customer satisfaction index (CSI), which is a numerical score that reflects the overall
satisfaction level of the customers with the organization
 Customer satisfaction report, which is a document that summarizes the customer
feedback, complaints, and requirements data, and the actions taken to improve customer
 Customer satisfaction improvement plan, which is a document that outlines the
objectives, actions, responsibilities, and timelines for improving customer satisfaction

The resources of this process are:

 Customer satisfaction measurement team, which is a cross-functional team that is

responsible for planning, conducting, and reporting the customer satisfaction
measurement activities
 Customer satisfaction measurement tools, such as software, databases, templates, forms,
 Customer satisfaction measurement budget, which is the amount of money allocated for
the customer satisfaction measurement activities

Activities and Tasks

The activities and tasks of this process are:
1. Plan the customer satisfaction measurement. The customer satisfaction measurement
team shall:
o Define the scope, frequency, and methods of the customer satisfaction
measurement, based on the customer requirements, expectations, and feedback
o Select the customer satisfaction measurement tools, such as surveys,
questionnaires, interviews, etc., and design the questions, scales, and formats
o Identify the customer segments and samples to be included in the customer
satisfaction measurement, and ensure that they are representative of the customer
o Allocate the customer satisfaction measurement resources, such as personnel,
equipment, and budget, and assign the roles and responsibilities
o Communicate the customer satisfaction measurement plan to the relevant
stakeholders, such as top management, process owners, and customers
2. Conduct the customer satisfaction measurement. The customer satisfaction measurement
team shall:
o Distribute the customer satisfaction measurement tools to the selected customers,
and collect the responses within the specified time frame
o Record and analyze the customer feedback data, using statistical methods and
software, and calculate the customer satisfaction index (CSI)
o Record and analyze the customer complaints and claims data, using root cause
analysis and problem-solving techniques, and determine the corrective and
preventive actions
o Record and analyze the customer requirements and expectations data, using gap
analysis and benchmarking techniques, and identify the improvement
3. Report the customer satisfaction measurement results. The customer satisfaction
measurement team shall:
o Prepare the customer satisfaction report, which shall include the following
 Customer feedback data, such as survey results, ratings, comments, etc.
 Customer complaints and claims data, such as warranty claims, field
returns, corrective actions, etc.
 Customer requirements and expectations data, such as contracts,
specifications, standards, etc.
 Customer satisfaction index (CSI), which shall be compared with the
target and the previous results
 Customer satisfaction improvement plan, which shall include the
objectives, actions, responsibilities, and timelines for improving customer
o Submit the customer satisfaction report to the top management and the process
owners, and obtain their approval and feedback
o Share the customer satisfaction report with the customers, and solicit their
feedback and suggestions
4. Implement the customer satisfaction improvement plan. The customer satisfaction
measurement team shall:
o Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the customer satisfaction
improvement plan, and ensure that the actions are completed within the specified
time frame
o Verify and validate the effectiveness of the customer satisfaction improvement
plan, and measure the impact on the customer satisfaction index (CSI)
o Review and update the customer satisfaction improvement plan, and incorporate
the lessons learned and best practices

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of this process are:

 Customer satisfaction measurement team leader, who is accountable for the overall
planning, execution, and reporting of the customer satisfaction measurement activities
 Customer satisfaction measurement team members, who are responsible for conducting,
analyzing, and reporting the customer satisfaction measurement activities, according to
their assigned tasks
 Top management, who is consulted and informed about the customer satisfaction
measurement plan, results, and improvement plan, and who provides the approval and
 Process owners, who are consulted and informed about the customer satisfaction
measurement results and improvement plan.

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