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"ie fel sanded wa dae ur hy [ecdiyna nto Sutin Cs ae Rec ily Designation: C596 - 23 ‘Standard Test Method for ec sndr atin and ecko ot Pn ae he ad oye Wd eds Span Teka ardent Pk aCe Drying Shrinkage of Mortar Containing Hydraulic Cement’ 1 Scope [LI This test-methes! determines the change in length on sdeying of mortar bars containing Byslaulis cement and graced Standard sand L2 The values stated in SI units are to be reganded as seundatd, When combined standard are tefereneed, the selec ion of measurement cystem isa the users discretion subjext to the requirements of the referenced standard LA This mandant doer mot purport to aaldress all of she safely concems, if any, associated with ity ase Wis the responsibility of the wer of thix tanta! to establish appr tiaie safety. heath, ane envicenmental practices and deter ‘nine the applicability of regulary limitations priar 10 use. Warning —Fresh iulroutic comenstians mniruves sine caustic andl may cate chemical burns to skin andl vssue upon prolonged exposure) LA Thiy international standard was developed i accor dance with internationally eecagaized principles tanitarcle fcetiow extablished in the Decision om Principlet for she Deveiopment of Incermarional Standonds, Guides aime Recom- ‘aeration tsaued By the World Thade Organ zation Tecfaleal Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. 12, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Srandaais:* (CISNCISIM Test Method for Length Change of Hardened HyuraulicCement Mortar and Concrete (C219 Terminology Relating to Hydraulic and Other Laar- ‘panic Cements (C5 Practice for Mechanical Mising of Hydraulic Cervent “Tstet medias ASTA Comes Cm amt ont Das bY Rok Dacor Cy arpa 1947 a peso Satan agora 2018 as C618 DO ‘isis SL Suey, na of Cae Pg, An con AST Ctr Sere een Fon tee Bok of ATE of sunt6.¥0 Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Coasistency (CAONIC90M Practice for Use of Apparatus for the Deter- ‘mination of Length Change of Hardened Cement Pasc, Mortar, and Concrete CSI Speciation for Mixing Rooms, Moist Cabinets, Mosst Rows, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the ‘Testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concrsies C630 Practice for Preparing Previsioa and Bias Statements for Test Methoas for Consiaction Maris (C778 Specification for Standaad Sud C1005 Specification for Reference Masses and Devices for Determining Mass and Volume for Usein Physical Testing of Hydraulic Cements (C1437 Test Method for Flow ot Hydraulic Cement Memar E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Provision and Bias i ASTM Test Methods 3. Terminology 3.1 The term “drying shrinkage" is defined x the decrease inongt of the ut spactmen, where the desta is cud by ny factor other than extemally applied fotess under sud conaltions of temperature, claire humidity and evaporation rate in the environment; the term includes the met effet of & variety oF phenomena ending to bring about beh increases and ecresset in length during. the period in which the test spevimens iner consideration are stored in the environment snd in which » number of processes, including hydration ofthe cement, ane thing place a a Yarety of rate 32 Other terms used in this test method are defn in Terminology C218. 4. Significance and Use 4.1 This test method establishes 2 seleced set of wonditions of eemperatre. relative humidity and rate-of evaporatin ofthe environment to which 2 mortar specimen of stated campesition| hall be eubjectad fora epeciied period of time during which tis shunge in Length is determined stad dosignatod “dying stile: 42 The dying shrinkage of mortar as determined by this test method has a linear relation ta the drying shrinkage of | ccnerete made with the same cement and exposed 10 the sime A Summary o€ Change can appears athe ed of hie standard ort 181 eal Bar fer Bm HD oe 0 an att a Se Seguin be eH i Qh cose 23 eying conditions Hance this wat eicthod shay be ned When itis desired to develop data on the eles of is corment ‘on the drying shrinkage of canctete made 5S. Apparatas 5.1 Weighing Devices and Weéghee—Weighing devices and weights used in determining the macs of materials for mortar rmistures shall conform t the requieemieats of Specification ‘cloHs, 5.2 Glass Graduater—Class graduates of stable capacities stall confoem to the requirements of Specification C1085 523 Molds—Molds shall vonform to the requirements of Practice C4(UC90M for mortars, 54 Trowrel—The trowel shall have a sirightedged steel blade 100 mento 150 mm in ent 5.5 Tamper—The tamper shall vonfotm tothe requirements ‘of Test Method CISTICIS7M, 5.6 Demolaing Apparanuc—The demolling apparatus shall ‘conform to the requirements of Test Method C1STICISTM. 47 Length Comparator —Te length comparator sll con- forms w the roquiremsns of Prastice CAOWC490M, 6 Materials 61 Grsdad wide! saad shall confess uo Spacificaton crm. 7. Sampling and Test Specimens LL A.sample consists of four test specimens from a single betch of mortar 7.2 Prepare at east one sample batch consisting of four test specimens according tn Section 9. (Nove 1) x fs prefouble tat free ame baiches be pep, foe smelt speci ea, with each he te atch ig ae a a sera ay & inditioning, ALL Temperature. Hamiits, and Water Conditioning: $11 Laboraon—The temperature of the laboratery, dey materials. and mixing water, and the relative humidity of the sic in the laboratory shall conform 40 the requirements of Spacifiation C511 S12 Moist Cabinet anor Moist Room—The tsmperaiure an! humidity of the ain the moist cabinct or moist ron shall ‘conform to the requirements of Specification C511 eight ate ying ag maw penne ‘nko ding ka occ oe secant laa by he eet Feew ASTM Hons spoof x Cashed Distr of High “Skin We et ein ht ci Rog Flew end Stcuae As -An ry Ey Sage a Targhee? Ne 1p HPA A ‘ The Significance a he Conclahn Cticen foe Anaing ‘Segui aun be eH 5.1.3 Mister Storage Tant—The water temperature and Time: saturation state-of the water storage tank sll conform to the requirements of Spectivation C511 8.1.4 Diving Room and Conimals—The dying mom and comiols shall eafoem an the requirements of Test Method CISTICISTM, 5.2 Cering and Storage—Cure, store, and fake comparator radings of the test spevimens as required by Test Method CISTICISIN, eneept as indicated in 9.3 ofthe Procedure 9, Procedure 9.1 Propae the ypeclanen smalds at soyuirad by Practis CANCION, 2.2 Prepare the test speciewsns 92.1 Mortar Propwortions—A batch af mortar shall consist of 750 g of cement. 1500 x of graded standard sand, and an amount of mixing wale sufficient to praduos a Hw ef 105 S to TIS 9%, The How shall ke determined in comfoemance with the prosadhee ax descrbad at Taal Mathad C147. 92.2 Mixing Moriar—Mix the mortar ina mechanical mixer as required by Practice C305, 9.2.5 Molding of Specimens —Mold the spacimens ss 12- aquired by Test Method CLSTICIS7M, 93 Cure, ste and take compare resing of the test spacirnees 93.1 Moist cure the specimens ia the molds far 24 tk 2 30 min. Whe strength of the specimens is insuificent tw allow Proper temoval from the mold at 24 h moist cure in He ok! For 48 h > 30 min, 9.3.2 Remawve the specimens from the molds und cure in lim-saturaes water for 48 hI the spesimens have besm moist scared inthe mold For 48 hy cure in lime-saturatea water for 24h, 93.3 At tbe age of 72h 40 min, remove the specimens from watar, wipe Wiha dump clo, snl mmoditaty obtusa Length comparator reaing for gach specimen 9.34 Place the specimens in ait stocage for 25 days, 93.5 Obean a length comparator reading for cach specimen afer 4, 11,18, anal 25 days of air eorage. which ie equal to 1, 2, 3.ane desks of tral curing time, respactvely 10, Preparation of Test Specimens 10.1 Mortar Proporsions—A batcho mortar shall consist of 750 g af cement, 1500 g of graded standard sand, and an fumoued of mitiig Water salfictn ta prada Hw of 110 5 2° %. The lw shall be deterehinad i cocina with the provedure as desetibod in Test Method C1437. 102 Ading Morsar—Min the mostar ina mechanical mixer ass required by Practice C305, 103 Molding of Specimens—Mold the specimens 25 4e dquited by Test Method C1STICLY7M. 1 ‘Taking Comparator Readings of HL Cure, store, and wke comparator readings of the tes specimens as requized by Test Method C1S7/CISTM, except as Folane: Qh cose 23 ULL. Moist cits the @pschiets isthe tia for 24 8 #30) mia. If the strength af the specimens is insufficieat to alla oper removal froenehe mold at 24, moist cure inthe mold for a8 = 30 mia ULL.2 Remove the spesimens from tte malas and eure in lime-ssturated wate for 4h. If the spesimens have been moist ‘sured in the mold for 48 hy cure in lime-saruratel water for dn ILLS At the age of 72h 30 min remove the specimens fromm water. wipe wath damp cloth snd immociatly obtain length comparator euding for sich 4 Thee place the sposimens in ait storage for 25 days. Obtain & ugth vompaca- tor reading foreach specimen ater 4.11.18, and25 days af ai storage 12. Calculation of Drying Shrinkage 12.1 The difference between the initial comparatce reading and the final reavings, a a pereeat af effective gauge length, represents the drying shrinkage, 122 Calculate the drying shrinkage of each specimen by suburscting the comparator reading ikon at cach age of ai sdeying (tom the initial somparaorceading, taken afr temoval from water storage, and expeess as the pereent ofthe effective gauge length follows: by eying shrinkage at x ave, 4, = initial comparator reading of specimen minus compara tor tealing of reference barat that sume te, ‘comparator wading of specimen af age mitus come [orale reading of reference but st x ge, and G = somal gauge length 750 mam when using malsin SE 10 ia when using sods in dach-pound unite 12.3 Calsuate drying sbrlakage vals fw such apocinann to the neasest OM anu report averages tothe nearest O01 13. Report AL Report the average drying shrinkage of four specimens fom the sume batch of mortar as the drying shrinkage of the moar, to the nearest O01 %, 132 Peay ane tout apocknen i anfeslyfoaly, aca 133 IF mote than one test specimen is discarded, do nat report the results and repeat the tet on w new bateh of moar, 134 If more than one Batch of mortar has been fesled, report the average result of the iividual batches. ESS When the experimenter is clearly aware that a gross Seviation from prescribed experimental procedure has taken Place, discanl the resubamt abscrvation, whether OF pot grees with the rest oF the data and -vithout recourse to Satetical toes for cuties, Nore 2—An aprosimation of kimate drying shrinkage of mera may tee dacrminad Py pting the shrinkage talier 2 fection te recip of le tne. he tine tne the mci curing. rl As fcmpleofthe method igen Mig | where agar wale sed Sarthe yng sik ra ad epoca se fo the alte vwecks, 14, Precision TL Precision Singletaboratory Precivion—The singlelaboratery ‘malti-batch standard deviation among test resulke determined from the average of four tastspacimens fas been detormined to be 0.0029 6, Therefore, the difference batweva twa id Blas Parca eset ‘een eas ice man a pr) FIG. 1 Utimate Drying Sivinkage of Morar ‘Segui aun be eH a Qh cose 23 nade two difercen bauchex of einen saul agioe 10 witha AIS Se in 98 Sof such two-batsh comparisons.” 14.1.2 Mult-Laboratory Preciston—The woefficient of ‘aration for mult-Iaborainry test results determined using four ‘est spevimenc per butch was determined to be 147%, ‘Therefore, the diffrence in test results bebween two Inborato- ries isexpested to agree to within 41% of their mean in 95% of such two-laborainry comparisons.” 12 Bias—No justifiable statement can be male on the Bias Df this test method since no reference samples are available, 15, Keywords 15.1 drying shrinkage: hydraulic sement: method: mortar SUMMARY OF CHANGES: (Commities ©01 fas idensitie the Hocation of selected changes tothic tandrd since the Ist issue (C596 that my impact dha use ofthis standand (Appruvad Dac. 1, 2023.) U) Revised Section | (4) Newly revised sections containing language so the okt {2NSplit Section 12 imto a Calculation cection and a Report Sections inchwe Sestions 6 Mucrals, 7 Sampling and Test weetinn Specimens, § Conliioning, and 9 Procedure, {GrRevisions made 10 confor to Fonea at Style affecting Sections ¢ Temperaure and Humidity. 7 Sampling and Preparation. § Number of Test Specimens, 9 Preparation of Molds. 10 Preparation of Test Specimens, and 11 Curing. Storage, and Taking Compsrator Readings of Test Specimens (5) Subsequent sections to be renurabered

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