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Multivariable Calculus 7th Edition

Stewart Solutions Manual

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7 Techniques of Integration

7.1 Integration by Parts

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 12 classes Essential material

Points to Stress
1. The method of integration by parts; how to choose u and dv to make the resulting integral simpler.

2. The analogy with u-substitution: u-substitution is “undoing” the Chain Rule, and integration by parts is
“undoing” the Product Rule.

Quiz Questions
• TEXT QUESTION Example 1 is an attempt to integrate x sin x. As stated in the subsequent note, it is possible,
using integration by parts, to obtain x sin x dx = 12 x 2 sin x − 12 x 2 cos x dx. Why is this equation an
indication that we didn’t choose our u and dv wisely?
ANSWER We are trying to integrate x sin x. If we have to integrate x 2 cos x we have made the problem more
complicated, not less complicated.

• DRILL QUESTION Compute t ln t dt.
√ 3 √ √ 3
ANSWER 43 t ln t − 49 t +C

Materials for Lecture

• Demonstrate how integration by parts works, including heuristics for choosing u and dv. Perhaps note
that the mnemonic LIATE (Logarithmic, Inverse trigonometric, Algebraic, Trigonometric, Exponential)
often helps to determine a good first try for the value of u. When doing examples, periodically make poor
choices instead of good ones, to illustrate the difference. (For example, compute x 2 e x dx, attempting
first to do it by letting u = e x , and then trying again with u = x 2 .)

• Have students come up with a strategy to compute √ dx, which can be solved by parts
1 − x2
u = x 2 , dv = √ dx and substitution, or directly by substitution (u = 1 − x 2 ).
1 − x2
• Compute a volume by cylindrical shells that requires parts, for example, the volume generated by rotating
the region under y = ln x from x = 1 to x = e about the x-axis.

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• Draw a function like the one below and have the students try to approximate 0 xg (x) dx.

0 1 2 3 x

ANSWER 0 xg (x) dx ≈ 2g (2) − g (2) − 0g (0) + g (0) ≈ 2 (1) − 2 + 0.4 = 0.4

π /2
• Compute a definite integral that requires integration by parts (such as 0 x sin x dx).
• Solve a problem that requires first a substitution, then integration by parts, such as
2 2
2xe x sin ln e x dx.
2 2 2 2 2
ANSWER 2xe x sin ln e x dx = 12 e x sin ln e x − cos ln e x + C

• Work through a non-trivial integration by parts problem with the students, such as x 3 ln 2 + x 2 dx.
Note that it can be solved in two steps, using the substitution u = 2 + x 2 and then using parts on
2 (u − 2) ln u du.

Group Work 1: Guess the Method

Divide the students into groups and put problems on the board from the list of examples below (or hand out
the problems, if you prefer). Either have the students integrate the expressions completely, or describe what
method they would use, and what their answer should look like. For closure, do a few problems as a class that
were not covered in the group work.
x ln 3x dx = 12 x 2 ln 3x − 14 x 2 + C
e2x sin e x dx = sin e x − e x cos e x + C (substitution, then parts)
e2x cos x dx = 15 e2x sin x + 25 e2x cos x + C (parts twice with a subtraction)
x 3 cos x 2 dx = 12 x 2 sin x 2 + 12 cos x 2 + C (substitution, then parts)
x 2 + x 2 ln 2 + x 2 dx = 14 2 + x 2 ln 2 + x 2 − 18 2+ x2 + C (substitution, then parts)
x 2 (ln x)2 dx = 13 x 3 (ln x)2 − 29 x 3 ln x + 27
2 3
x +C (parts twice)
√ √ √ √
cos x dx = cos x + x sin x +C (substitution, then parts)


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Group Work 2: Find the Error

Notice that the answers to the two problems are different. Give them the first problem, only revealing the
existence of the second after they’ve solved the first.
1. The stranger forgot the constant of integration. The last line should read 0 = −1 + C, which is true.
One cute hint you can give the students (if you dare) is as follows:
‘There is something that the stranger failed to “C”. All you have to do is “C” it and you will have the
solution to the problem. Do you “C” what I mean?’
π /4 π /4 π /4
2. The penultimate line should read π/6 tan x dx = −1|π/6 + π/6 tan x dx, which gives 0 = 0 — a true

Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 3, 11, 17, 19, 27, 37, 45, 55
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 3, 9, 11, 17, 19, 25, 27, 37, 39, 43, 45, 55, 57, 65

3 × 37 ×
9 × 39 ×
11 × 43 × ×
17 × 45 × ×
19 × 55 ×
25 × 57 × ×
27 × 65 ×


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Guess the Method
What method(s) could be used to compute the following antiderivatives? Either compute them explicitly, or
describe the best method to use.
1. x ln 3x dx

2. e2x sin e x dx

3. e2x cos x dx

4. x 3 cos x 2 dx

5. x 2 + x 2 ln 2 + x 2 dx

6. x 2 (ln x)2 dx

7. cos x dx


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Find the Error
It is a beautiful Spring day. You leave your calculus class feeling sad and depressed. You aren’t sad because of
the class itself. On the contrary, you have just learned an amazing integration technique: Integration by Parts.
You aren’t sad because it is your birthday. On the contrary, you are still young enough to actually be happy
about it. You are sad because you know that every time you learn something really wonderful in calculus,
a wild-eyed stranger runs up to you and shows you a “proof” that it is false. Sure enough, as you cross the
street, he is waiting on the other side.
“Good morning, Kiddo,” he says.
“I just learned integration by parts. Let me have it.”
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“Aren’t you going to run around telling me that all of math is lies?”
“Well, if you insist,” he chuckles... and hands you a piece of paper:

“Hey,” you say, “I don’t get it! You did everything right this time!”
“Yup!” says the hungry looking stranger.
“But... Zero isn’t equal to negative one!”
“Nope!” he says.
You didn’t think he could pique your interest again, but he has. Spite him. Find the error in his reasoning.


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Find the Error (The Sequel)
What a wonderful day! You have survived another encounter with the wild-eyed stranger, demolishing his
mischievous pseudo-proof. As you leave his side, you can’t resist a taunt.
“Didn’t your mother tell you never to forget your constants?” It seemed a better taunt when you were thinking
it than it did when you said it.
“Eh?” he says. You come up to him again.
“I was just teasing you. Just pointing out that when doing indefinite integration, those constants should not be
forgotten. A simple, silly error, not worthy of you.” You look smug. You are the victor.
“Yup. Indefinite integrals always have those pesky constants.” For some reason he isn’t looking defeated. He
is looking crafty.
“Right. Well, I’m going to be going now...”
“Of course, Kiddo, definite integrals don’t have constants, sure as elephants don’t have exoskeletons.”
“Yes. Well, I really must be going.”
Surprisingly quickly, he snatches the paper out of your hand, and adds to it. This is what it now looks like.

“No constants missing here! Happy Birthday!” The stranger leaves, singing the “Happy Birthday” song in a
minor key. Now there are no constants involved in the argument. But the conclusion is the same: 0 = −1. Is
the stranger right? Has he finally demonstrated that all that you’ve learned is suspect and contradictory? Or
can you, using your best mathematical might, find the error in this new version of his argument?


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7.2 Trigonometric Integrals

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 class Recommended material

Points to Stress
1. Integration of powers of the sine and cosine functions.
2. Integration of powers of the tangent and secant functions.

Quiz Questions
• TEXT QUESTION When m is odd, we can integrate sinm x dx by letting u = cos x. Why does m have to be
odd for this trick to work?
ANSWER When m is odd, we can write sinm x dx as 1 − cos2 x sin x dx, and then the
u-substitution works. If m is not odd, then (m − 1) /2 is not an integer. Less detailed answers that correctly
address the issue of parity should be given credit.
• DRILL QUESTION Compute sin2 x cos3 x dx.
ANSWER − 15 sin5 x + 13 sin3 x + C

Materials for Lecture

• Present several examples, such as sin4 x cos3 x dx, sin7 x 3 cos xdx, sin2 x cos4 x dx, and
sin x (cos x)−1 dx to review the strategies for evaluating sinm x cosn x dx:
• If m or n is odd, peel off one power of sin x or cos x and use sin2 x + cos2 x = 1.
• If m and n are both even, use the half-angle identities, as done in the text.
sin4 x cos3 x dx = sin4 x 1 − sin2 x cos x dx. Letting u = sin x gives

u 4 1 − u 2 du = 1
5 sin5 x − 17 sin7 x + C
√ 3
sin7 x 3 cos x dx = 1 − cos2 x cos1/3 x sin x dx. Letting u = cos x gives
1 − u2 u 1/3 du = − 22
(cos x)22/3 + 9
16 (cos x)16/3 − 9
10 (cos x)10/3 + 34 (cos x)4/3 + C
2 4
1 − cos 2x 1 + cos 2x
sin2 x cos4 x dx = dx
2 2
= 64 1 + 2 cos 2x − cos2 2x − 4 cos3 2x − cos4 2x + 2 cos5 2x + cos6 2x dx
The odd powers of cos 2x can now be integrated by the previous method.The even powers require further
use of the half-angle identities.
sin x (cos x)−1 dx = tan x dx = ln |sec x| + C

• Give a couple of examples such as tan x sec4 x dx and tan x sec3.28 x dx to illustrate the
straightforward cases of tanm x secn x dx.

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√ √
ANSWERS tan x sec4 x dx = tan x tan2 x + 1 sec2 x dx.
Letting u = tan x gives u 1/2 u 2 + 1 du = 3 (tan x)3/2 + 27 tan x 7/2 + C.
sec3.28 x
tan x sec3.28 x dx = sec2.28 (tan x sec x) dx. Letting u = sec x gives u 2.28 du = + C.
• Derive the equation −π sin mx cos nx dx = 0 in two ways, first by computing sin mx cos mx dx using
Formula 2 and then by simply noting that sin mx cos nx is an odd function.

• Derive the equation sec x dx = ln |sec x + tan x| + C. Use this equation to compute tan4 x sec x dx.
• Show how the computation of tan5 x dx is quite different from the previous computation.
1 + cos 2θ dθ
• Use the double-angle formula cos2 θ = to compute .
2 1 + cos 2θ
• Have the students find the volume generated by rotating the region under y = 1 + sin2 x, 0 ≤ x ≤ π about
the x-axis.

Group Work 1: An Equality Tester

This activity thoroughly explores a family of integrals that are interesting in their own right, using a compu-
tation that comes in handy in the study of Fourier series.
It is best to pose Problem 1 before handing out the sheet, because the students may disagree on the relative
areas of the two functions before they see Problem 2.
For Problem 2, the students may need the hint to consider the cases m = n and m = n separately.
1. (a) y

0 ¹ 2¹ x
2π 2π
One has thrice the period of the other. 0 sin2 3x dx = 0 sin2 x dx = π
2π 2π
(b) 0 sin2 mx dx = π if m is an integer not equal to zero; 0 sin2 mx dx = 0 if m = 0.

2. (a) 0sin mx sin nx dx = 0 if m and n are positive integers with m = n. (This can be proven by
computation, and illustrated by graphical analysis.)

0 sin mx sin nx dx = π if m and n are positive nonzero integers with m = n, by Problem 1(b).
(b) Again, this can be seen by direct computation, or using the hint and the fact that
cos mx cos nx − sin mx sin nx = cos (m + n) x
2π 2π
(c) 0 cos mx cos nx dx = 0 if m and n are positive integers with m = n; 0 cos mx cos nx dx = π if
m and n are positive nonzero integers with m = n.

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Group Work 2: Find the Error

Introduce this activity by writing
A = B
C = D
on the blackboard and asking, “If A = C, can we conclude that B = D?” Then hand out the exercise. If
students answer the problem by simply saying, “He forgot the + C,” make sure that they understand the
implication of the stranger’s computations, namely, that the functions y = cos 2x and y = 2 cos2 x differ by
a constant.

Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 3, 9, 11, 21, 25, 32, 41
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 3, 9, 11, 17, 21, 23, 25, 31, 32, 41, 56, 62

3 × 25 ×
9 × 31 ×
11 × 32 ×
17 × 41 ×
21 × 56 × ×
23 × 62 × ×


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An Equality Tester
1. (a) Graph sin2 x and sin2 3x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π . What is the relationship between these two functions? What
do you think the relationship is between the areas bounded by these two functions from 0 to 2π?

(b) Let m ≥ 0 be an integer. Compute 0 sin2 mx dx.

2. Let m and n be nonnegative integers.

(a) Compute 0 sin mx sin nx dx.

2π 2π
(b) Show that 0 sin mx sin nx dx = 0 cos mx cos nx dx.

HINT Consider 0 (cos mx cos nx − sin mx sin nx) dx.

(c) Compute 0 cos mx cos nx dx.


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Find the Error
It is a beautiful Spring morning. Everywhere you look, people are happily going to their classes, or coming
from their classes. “School is fun!” calls out one student, and about twenty more yell “Sure is!” in unison.
Someone else calls out, “I love history!” A bunch of other students call “Great subject!” in response. Swept
up in the spirit of things, you call out, “Calculus is wonderful!” “Lies! Lies!” calls out a lone, familiar voice.
You wheel around and directly behind you is a wild-eyed hungry-looking stranger.
“Oh, don’t be silly,” you say. “I just learned about trigonometric integration. It wasn’t that hard a section, and
there isn’t a single lie in it.”
He looks up at you and says, “Oh, really? Perhaps you can take a quick true/false quiz, and see how easy the
section is.” The stranger then whips out a scrap of paper with this on it:

“Both are clearly true!” he shouts, before you have a chance to think. “AND we know that
−2 sin 2x = −2 (2 sin x cos x) = −4 sin x cos x! Thus cos 2x = 2 cos2 x! Ho ho!”
“Ho ho?” you ask.
“‘Ho ho,’ I say; ‘ho, ho,’ I mean! Because at x = 0, cos 2x = 1, and 2 cos2 x = 2! Once again, your
‘Calculus’ gets you into trouble! ‘Two equals o-ne, two equals o-ne!’” sings the stranger, to the tune of,
“Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah, nyah,” as he skips off into the distance.
Consider the stranger’s test. Are the answers “true” to both questions? And if so, then could the stranger
be correct? If 1 = 2, then how can you tell odd numbers from even ones? Would one still be the loneliest
number? How many turtle doves would your true love give to you on the second day of Christmas? Or is
there a possibility that there is an error somewhere in the stranger’s reasoning? Find the error.


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7.3 Trigonometric Substitution

Suggested Time and Emphasis

2 –1 class Recommended material

Points to Stress
1. The basic trigonometric substitutions and when to use them.

2. The use of trigonometric identities and right-triangle trigonometry to convert antiderivatives back to
dx x
expressions in the original variable, for example, 3/2
= sin tan−1 x = √ .
1+ x2 1 + x2

Quiz Questions
• TEXT QUESTION The book states that when doing an integral where the term 1 + x 2 occurs, it often helps
to use the substitution x = tan θ. How could introducing a trigonometric function possibly make things
ANSWER This substitution allows us to use the simplifying identity 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ .
• DRILL QUESTION Compute 0 4 − x 2 dx using the substitution x = 2 sin t and the fact that
cos2 t dt = 1
2 cos t sin t + 12 t + C

ANSWER 12 3 + 13 π

Materials for Lecture

• Go over the table of trigonometric substitutions listed below, emphasizing when to use the different forms,
and the restrictions that need to be placed on θ for each.

Expression Substitution Identity

a2 − x 2 x = a sin θ, − 2 ≤ θ ≤ π π
2 1 − sin2 θ = cos2 θ
a2 + x 2 x = a tan θ, − π2 ≤ θ ≤ π
2 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ
√ 3π
x 2 − a2 x = a sec θ, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π
2 or π ≤ θ ≤ 2 sec2 θ − 1 = tan2 θ
dx dx
Examples: √ = arcsin 15 x + C, = 1
3 arctan 3x + C
25 − x 2 1 + 9x 2
• Show how to derive identities such as sin tan−1 x = √ by setting up a right triangle as in Figure 1.
x2 + 1

• Have the students evaluate 1 − x − x 2 dx in two ways: first by completing the square, and then using

1 5
the trigonometric substitution x + 2 = 2 sin θ.

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1 √
• Compute 0 x 2 4 − x 2 dx using a trigonometric substitution. Point out that because this is a definite
integral, we don’t need to use trigonometric identities at the end to find the antiderivative in terms of the
original variable x.
1 √ π /6
ANSWER 0 x 2 4 − x 2 dx = 16 0 sin2 u cos2 u du using the substitution 2 sin u = x, and
π /6 √
16 0 sin2 u cos2 u du = − 14 3 + 13 π .

• Evaluate x 2 x 2 − a 2 dx in two different ways and compare the computations: first use the trigonometric
substitution x = a sec θ, then use the hyperbolic substitution x = a cosh t.

Group Work 1: Pizza for Three

The goal of this exercise is to slice a 14 pizza with two parallel cuts to y

create three pieces of equal area. In theory, the cuts don’t have to be 7

symmetric (instead of c and −c we could have used a and b) but it makes

things easier to keep the end pieces congruent. This problem is also a good
excuse to order pizza for a hard-working class. _7 _c c 7 x

Note that this is Problem 1 from Problems Plus after Chapter 7. A complete
solution to this problem can be found in the Solutions Manual.

ANSWER c ≈ 1.855

Group Work 2: Look Before You Compute

The goal of this activity is to show students that it sometimes pays to look at the geometry of a problem before
immediately applying techniques.


1. 12 + 4x − x 2 = 42 − (x − 2)2
π /2
2. 4 sin θ = x − 2 gives −π/2 16 cos2 θ d θ = 8π .

3. y

_2 0 2 4 6 x
This is a semicircle of radius 4 and center (0, 2) with equation (x − 2)2 + y 2 = 16.

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Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 5, 7, 9, 11, 23, 37
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 23, 29, 33, 37

5 ×
7 ×
9 ×
11 ×
13 ×
17 ×
23 ×
29 ×
33 ×
37 × ×


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Pizza for Three
How do you cut a 14 pizza into three pieces of equal area, using just two parallel cuts?

_7 _c c 7 x



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Look Before You Compute
Consider the definite integral
12 + 4x − x 2 dx

1. Rewrite the integrand in the form b2 − (x − a)2 .

2. Use a trigonometric substitution to evaluate the integral.

3. Graph the original integrand over the range [−2, 6]. Evaluate the integral directly by interpreting it as an


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7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 1
2 –1 2 classes Optional material

Points to Stress
The idea that a given rational function can be broken down into a set of standard integrals, each of which
can be computed routinely.

Quiz Questions
• TEXT QUESTION Why would one want to write as the sum of two fractions?
(x + 2) (x + 3)
dx dx dx
ANSWER It is much easier to find and than it is to find directly.
x +2 x +3 (x + 2) (x + 3)
x 2 − 3x + 2
ANSWER ln |x − 1| + ln |x − 2| + C

Materials for Lecture

• As a warm-up, remind students how to compute dx and dx. If partial fractions are to
x +a (x + a)2
dx dx
be covered in depth, also compute 2
= .
x + 4x + 8 (x + 2)2 + 4
2x 3 + 3x 2 + 7x + 4
• Remind students of the process of polynomial division, perhaps by rewriting as
2x + 1
1 2x 3 + 3x 2 + 7x + 4
x2 + x + 3 + , and then computing dx.
2x + 1 2x + 1
• Be sure to indicate that in order to use partial fractions, we need the degree of the numerator less than
x4 + 2
the degree of the denominator. So to compute dx, we first use long division to rewrite it as
x2 − 1
x2 + 1 + 2 dx.
x −1
x +3
• Find the coefficients for the partial fraction decomposition for dx in two different ways:
(x − 2) (x − 1)
first using two linear equations, and then using the method of creating zeros [setting x = 1 and then
x = −2 in x + 3 = A (x + 2) + B (x − 1)].
3 1 x +1
• Go over the process of partial fractions for quadratic terms, using 2 = − 2 ,
x + 2 (x − 1) x −1 x +2
1 1 x x
and (if the subject is to be covered exhaustively) 2
= − 2 − 2
x2 + 1 x x x +1 x2 + 1


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• Go over the process of partial fractions for products of powers of linear terms, starting with
x −7 −1 2 3x 2 − x − 3 1 2 3
= + , and continuing with = + − .
(x − 2) (x + 3) x −2 x +3 (x + 1) x 2 x +1 x x2
• Point out that the quadratic in the denominator of f (x) = is not irreducible. It can be factored
+x −6 x2
into the two linear terms x − 2 and x + 3, and so the partial fraction decomposition is found by writing
1 A B
= + and solving for A and B.
x2 + x − 6 x +2 x −3
• Show the students how a complicated partial fractions problem would be set up, without trying to solve it.
5x + 3
An example is 2
x 3 (x + 1) x 2 + x + 4 x 2 + 3
2x − 1
• Work through examples such as dx where the method of partial fractions should be avoided.
x2 −x −2

Group Work 1: Partial Fractions

Two versions of this group activity are provided. The instructor should select the appropriate version for the
depth at which this topic is to be covered.


1. (a) ln |x − 1| + C (b) ln |x + 3| + C 2. (x + 3) (x − 1)
x dx 3
3. = 4 ln (x + 3) + 14 ln (x − 1) + C
(x + 3) (x − 1)
(5x + 5) dx 5
4. = 2 ln (x + 3) + 52 ln (x − 1) + C
(x + 3) (x − 1)


1. (a) ln |x + 1| + C (b) ln |x + 2| + C 2. 2x (x + 2) (x + 1)

3. 34 ln |x| − 14 ln |x + 2| − 12 ln |x + 1| + C

4. 12 ln |x| + 12 ln |x + 2| + 12 ln |x + 1| + C


1 1
1. (a) ln |x + 1| + C (b) ln |x + 2| + C (c) 2 tan−1 2x +C 2. (x + 2) (x + 1) x 2 + 4

3. −10 ln (x + 2) + 4 ln (x + 1) + 3 ln x 2 + 4 + 2 arctan 12 x + C

4. x − 10 ln (x + 2) + 4 ln (x + 1) + 3 ln x 2 + 4 + 2 arctan 12 x + C

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Group Work 2: Finding Coefficients

1 1 1 7 3 −1 + 5x 3 −26 + 5x
1. (a) − + + 2
+ (b) −
5 (x + 2) 180 (x − 3) 6 (x + 3) 36 (x + 3) 56 x + x + 2 56 x 2 − 4x − 4

1 1 1 7 3 −1 + 5x 3 −26 + 5x
2. − + + 2
+ 3. −
5 (x + 2) 180 (x − 3) 6 (x + 3) 36 (x + 3) 56 x + x + 2 56 x 2 − 4x − 4

Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 11, 15, 23, 29, 33, 43, 49, 57
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 3, 11, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29, 33, 39, 43, 49, 57, 61

3 × 33 ×
11 × 39 ×
15 × 43 ×
17 × 49 ×
19 × 57 ×
23 × 61 ×
29 ×


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Partial Fractions (Version 1)
1. Compute the following integrals:
x −1

x +3

2. Factor x 2 + 2x − 3.

x dx
3. Compute .
x2 + 2x − 3

5x + 5
4. Compute dx.
x 2 + 2x − 3


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Partial Fractions (Version 2)
1. Compute the following integrals:
x +1

x +2

2. Factor 2x 3 + 6x 2 + 4x.

2x + 3
3. Compute dx.
2x 3 + 6x 2 + 4x

3x 2 + 6x + 2
4. Compute dx.
2x 3 + 6x 2 + 4x


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Partial Fractions (Version 3)
1. Compute the following integrals:
x +1

x +2

x2 +4

2. Factor x 4 + 3x 3 + 6x 2 + 12x + 8.

20x 2 dx
3. Compute .
x 4 + 3x 3 + 6x 2 + 12x + 8

x 4 + 3x 3 + 26x 2 + 12x + 8
4. Compute dx.
x 4 + 3x 3 + 6x 2 + 12x + 8


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Finding Coefficients
1. Write the following rational functions as a product of powers of linear terms and irreducible quadratic
x2 − x − 6 x 2 + 6x + 9

x2 + x − 2 x 2 − 4x − 4

2. Find the partial fraction decomposition for the function in Problem 1(a) using a linear system.

3. Find the partial fraction decomposition for the function in Problem 1(b) using the method of creating


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7.5 Strategy for Integration

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 class Optional material

Points to Stress
1. The four-step strategy suggested in the text.
2. If at first you don’t succeed, try again with a different method.
3. There are elementary functions that do not have elementary antiderivatives

Materials for Lecture

• This section gives the instructor a good opportunity to work a variety of examples with the students. The
following challenging integrals provide opportunities to use the various techniques and strategies:
√ 1/3 √
x 3 1 − x 2 dx e x dx (x ln x)2 dx tan−1 x dx cos x dx
cos x sin x dx 3dx ln (ln x) 1
√ dx dx x 5 cos x 3 dx
1 + sin4 x x 1/2 x /2 − x 1/2
3 x e − ex
√ 1 2 2 3/2 1/3 1/3
x 3 1 − x 2 dx = − 5x + 15 1 − x2 + C, ex dx = 3e x x 2/3 − 2x 1/3 + 2 + C,
1 3
(x ln x)2 dx = 27 x 9 ln2 x − 6 ln x + 2 + C, tan−1 x dx = x arctan x − 12 ln x 2 + 1 + C,
√ √ √ √ cos x sin x
cos x dx = 2 cos x + 2 x sin x + C, dx = 12 arctan sin2 x + C,
1 + sin4 x
3 dx ln (ln x) 2
= −3 ln x + 3 ln (x − 1) + C, √ dx = ln2 (ln x) − 2 ln (ln x) + 2 ln x + C,
x2 − x x
dx 1
= x − ln (e x − e) + C, x 5 cos x 3 dx = 13 cos x 3 + 13 x 3 sin x 3 + C
e−e e
• Discuss integrating functions with parameters. For example, compute the antiderivative by
x2 + A
breaking it into cases. Also examine parameters as part of the limits of integration, as in solving the
a x dx
equation 2
= 2.
3 x −8
• Go through a few integrals that require special approaches, such as sec x dx.
(sec x + tan x) sec x
ANSWER sec x dx = dx = ln (sec x + tan x) + C
sec x + tan x

• Find the area under the curve f (x) = from x = 1 to x = 2.
ex + e−x
ANSWER = arctan e2 − arctan e ≈ 0.218
1 + e−xex
t ln t
• If the velocity of a particle is given by v (t) = √ , determine the distance the particle has traveled
t2 − 1
from t = 2 to t = 5 (see Exercise 58).

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ANSWER We let u = ln x, dv = √ , followed by a trigonometric substitution to obtain
x2 −1
t ln t √ √
√ dt = t 2 − 1 ln t − t 2 − 1 − arcsec t + C. Our final answer is thus
t2 − 1
√ √ √ √
2 6 ln 5 − 2 6 + arcsec 5 − 3 ln 2 + 3 − 13 π ≈ 3.839.
t3 + 1
• If the rate of change of population growth with respect to time is given by b (t) = , find the total
t3 − t2
change from year 1 to year 3.

Group Work 1: Putting It All Together

The students may not understand the idea of taking one step, and describing a strategy. Perhaps do Problem 1
(or a similar problem) for them as an example. In Problem 3, students need to realize that ln x π = π ln x.

1. (a) Substitute u = cos x. (b) e5 cos x sin x cos2 x dx = − u 2 e5u du

(c) Integrate by parts (twice).
dx u 2 du
2. (a) Substitute x = u 3 . (b) =3
x + 3x 1/3 + 2
2/3 u 2 + 3u + 2
(c) Use long division and then partial fractions.
3. (a) Note that ln (x π ) = π ln x. (b) x 5 ln (x π ) dx = π x 5 ln x dx
(c) Integrate by parts with u = ln x.
4. (a) Integrate by parts with u = ln (1 + e x ), dv = e2x dx.

1 e2x x
(b) e2x ln (1 + e x ) dx = 12 e2x ln (1 + e x ) − e dx
2 1 + ex
(c) Substitute u = 1 + e x or u = e x .
5. (a) Expand (e x + cos x)2 = e2x + 2e x cos x + cos2 x.

(b) (e x + cos x)2 dx = e2x dx + 2 e x cos x dx + cos2 x dx

(c) The first and third integrals are simple, and the second can be integrated by parts (twice).
ln (ln x)
6. (a) Substitute u = ln x. (b) dx = ln u du (c) Integrate by parts.

Group Work 2: Integration Jeopardy

This activity, designed to last for fifty to ninety minutes, is meant as a review of integration techniques.
Technology should not be permitted.
The Integration Jeopardy game board should be put on an overhead projector, or copied onto the blackboard.
The game is played in two rounds, each consisting of 20 questions, followed by a third round with a final
question. Students should be put into at most six mixed-ability teams of between three and seven players per
team. (It is most fun for the students if they get to name their team, but this process can take time!)

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Round 1: Jeopardy
Each square on the game board corresponds to a question. The next question is chosen by the player who
answered the previous question correctly. (The first question is chosen by a randomly selected student.) Each
team sends a representative up to the blackboard. The teacher reads the question aloud, or writes it on the
blackboard. The representatives all work, simultaneously, trying to figure out the correct answer. The students
who are not at the blackboard also work on the problems.
The first person at the board who is confident in his or her answer slaps the board (or rings a bell, or blows
a whistle) to alert the teacher. All of the other students put down their pencils and their chalk. The student
who slapped the board first then announces the answer in a loud, clear voice. Every team in turn gets a chance
to challenge the given answer. (So the students who are not at the board have a real incentive to work on
the problem, because they may have an opportunity to challenge.) A correct answer or challenge earns the
designated value for the team. An incorrect answer or challenge causes half of that value to be deducted from
the team’s total. A team can have negative as well as positive money. (If nobody challenges an incorrect
answer, no money is awarded or deducted, and the teacher corrects the answer.)
After each question is asked, it should be crossed off the game board. Round 1 ends when the class is half
over, regardless of whether all the questions have been asked and answered. If this is run as a fifty-minute
activity, only about half of the questions will be asked.

Round 2: Double Jeopardy

This works the same as Round 1, except all the dollar values are doubled. Round 2 ends when there are only
eight minutes of class left.

Round 3: Final Jeopardy

Each team gets to wager an amount anywhere from $300 up to their total. (They can always wager at least
$300.) Each team writes their name and wager on a slip of paper, and these wagers are collected by the
teacher. Then the Final Jeopardy question is asked. The teams have four minutes to come up with a consensus
answer. After these are all written down and handed in, the solution is revealed by the teacher, and then each
team’s answer and wager are announced. Correct answers win the amount wagered, while incorrect answers
lose that amount. The winning team is applauded, and the activity is done.

Optional Rule: The Daily Double

One question from each of the first two rounds can be secretly designated by the teacher as a “Daily Double.”
When a team picks the “Daily Double,” they have to answer the question by themselves, in two minutes or
less. The value is chosen by them, from $100 to their total worth. (They can always wager at least $100.)
After they have given their answer, every other team is free to challenge, as usual.

Optional Addition: The Extra Questions

Questions worth $500 (for Round 1) and $1000 (for Round 2) have been included for teachers wishing to give
their classes an extra challenge.

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Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 1, 5, 9, 13, 23, 27, 49, 63, 75
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 1, 5, 9, 13, 23, 25, 27, 35, 39, 41, 49, 51, 61, 63, 75

1 × 39 ×
5 × 41 ×
9 × 49 ×
13 × 51 ×
23 × 61 ×
25 × 63 ×
27 × 75 ×
35 ×


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Putting It All Together
For the following indefinite integrals:
(a) Indicate a technique or several techniques which will solve the integral or put it into an easier form.
(b) Use part (a) to transform the integral into an easier form.
(c) Indicate what additional technique you would then use to complete the integration without doing any
further computations.
1. e5 cos x sin x cos2 x dx

x 2/3 + 3x 1/3 + 2

3. x 5 ln (x π ) dx

4. e2x ln (1 + e x ) dx

5. (e x + cos x)2 dx

ln (ln x)
6. dx


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Integration Jeopardy (Game Boards)

Round 1: Jeopardy

Integration Integration Definite Fun with

by Substitution by Parts Integrals Trigonometry

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

Round 2: Double Jeopardy

Integration Integration Definite Fun with

by Substitution by Parts Integrals Trigonometry

200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800


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Integration Jeopardy (Questions and Answers)
Round 1: Jeopardy

Integration By Substitution
Value Question Answer
4x 3
100 √ dx 2 x4 + 9 + C
x4 + 9
1 1
200 tan x sec4 x dx 4sec4 x + C or 4 tan4 x + 12 tan2 x + C
dx √
300 √ 2 ln x + C
x ln x
√ 2
√ 5 10
√ 3
400 x x − 5 dx 5 x −5 + 3 x −5 +C
√ 1

500 16 − x 2 dx 2x 16 − x 2 + 8 arcsin 14 x + C

Integration By Parts
Value Question Answer
1 2
100 x ln xdx 2 x ln x − 14 x 2 + C
200 (x + 2) e2x+1 dx 2 (x + 2) e2x+1 − 14 e2x+1 + C
300 x 2 cos x dx x 2 sin x − 2 sin x + 2x cos x + C
√ √ √ √
400 e x dx 2e x x − 2e x + C
n 1
500 e x sin (nx) dx − e x cos nx + e x sin nx + C
1 + n2 1 + n2

Definite Integrals
Value Question Answer
2x + 2x 2
100 dx 4
1 x
e2 dx
200 ln 2
e x ln x
300 0 xe x dx e2 + 1

ln e 2
400 sin(π /2) cos ex dx 0

500 −π dx 0, by symmetry


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Integration Jeopardy (Questions and Answers)

Fun with Trigonometry

Value Question Answer
sin x √
100 √ dx − 32 cos2 x + C
cos x
200 sin x cos (cos x) dx − sin (cos x) + C
1 2
300 tan2 θ sec4 θ d θ 5 tan3 θ sec2 θ + 15 tan3 θ + C
1 + cos x
400 dx ln (csc x − cot x) + ln sin x + C
sin x
500 θ tan2 θ d θ θ tan θ − 12 θ2 − 12 ln 1 + tan2 θ + C

Value Question Answer
x e2x e6
100 e2t dt dx − x +c
3 4 2
200 f (x) dx f (x) + C
d r2
300 sin x 2 dx 2 sin r 4 r + C
dr 3

400 cos t dx (cos t) x + C

500 ln 1 + x 2 dx x ln 1 + x 2 − 2x + 2 arctan x + C


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Integration Jeopardy (Questions and Answers)

Round 2: Double Jeopardy

Integration by Substitution
Value Question Answer
200 sin (2x + 3) dx − 12 cos (2x + 3) + C
400 x 2 cos x 3 + 1 dx 3 sin x 3 + 1 + C
√ 9 √ 10
1+ x 1+ x
600 √ dx +C
x 5
800 dx e x − ln (1 + e x ) + C
1 + ex
1000 tan x sec3 x dx 3 sec3 x + C

Integration by Parts
Value Question Answer
200 xe x dx xe x − e x + C
1 4 1 4
400 x 3 ln x dx 4 x ln x − 16 x + C
600 x 2 sin x dx −x 2 cos x + 2 cos x + 2x sin x + C
800 arcsin x dx x arcsin x + 1 − x2 + C
2 2x
1000 e2x cos x dx 5e cos x + 15 e2x sin x + C

Definite Integrals
Value Question Answer
2 x2 +1 √
18 12
200 √ dx 5 2− 5
1 x
π /3 √
400 sin x dx − 12 + 1
2 2
π /4
ln 6
600 8e x dx 24
ln 3
π /3 sin θ
800 dθ 1
0 cos2 θ
32 28
1000 t ln t dt 3 ln 2 − 9


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Integration Jeopardy (Questions and Answers)

Fun with Trigonometry

Value Question Answer
200 sin (2x + 3) dx − 12 cos (2x + 3) + C
400 x 2 cos x 3 + e2 dx 3 2
3 sin x + e + C
600 tan y sec3 y dy 3
3 sec y + C
1 3 1
800 (x + sin x)2 dx 3 x + 2 x + 2 sin x − 2x cos x − 12 cos x sin x + C
ln (tan x) 1
1000 dx 2 [ln (tan x)]2 + C
sin x cos x

Value Question Answer
1 4
200 −1 x sin x dx 0
cos x
400 dx arctan (sin x) + C
1 + sin2 x
d 2 2
600 sin4 t e−t dt sin4 t e−t +C
x+e x x
800 e dx ee + C
1000 cos (ln x) dx 2x (sin (ln x) + cos (ln x)) + C

Round 3: Final Jeopardy

Choose one of the following:

Question Answer
x4 1 1 5
dx 10 arctan 2x +C
x 10 + 4
ln (sin x)2
cot x ln (sin x) dx +C

3 √3 √ 2 √ √ 3 √3
e x dx 3e x 3 x − 6 3 xe x + 6e x + C
(HINT Substitute u = x 1/3 and then use parts twice.)


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7.6 Integration Using Tables and Computer Algebra Systems

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 class ( 12 tables, 1
2 computer algebra systems) Optional material
Points to Stress
1. Integrands can be manipulated to get them into a form that can be looked up in a table, or successfully
integrated by a computer algebra system (CAS).
2. Two correct answers can look very different.
3. Many functions have no simple antiderivative.

Quiz Questions

• TEXT QUESTION Can we find a simple antiderivative for f (x) = x 3 + 1?
ANSWER No. There is no closed form antiderivative for this function.

• DRILL QUESTION Using an table of integrals, compute 20x − x 2 dx.
x − 10 √ 10 − x
ANSWER 20x − x 2 + 50 cos−1 +C
2 10
Materials for Lecture
x2 x2
• In Example 2, if we write √ = , we can use Formula 34 in the Table of Integrals to
5 − 4x 2 2 5
− x2
solve the problem directly without using a substitution. Point out that to integrate the right side of the

equation from scratch, we need to use the trigonometric substitution x = 25 sin θ. Compute the integral
both ways and compare the answers.
• Give an example of how algebra and a dash of ingenuity can solve a nasty integral such as
x 2 + 3x + 1 x2 3x 1
√ dx = √ dx + √ dx + √ dx
x −4 2
x −4 2
x −4 2
x −4
Two of these integrals can be solved using tables, and the other can be solved using a substitution.
• Note how some CAS’s may integrate (x + 1)4 to get + x 4 + 2x 3 + 2x 2 + x, which is not the same as
(x + 1)5
. (The two answers differ by a constant.)
• Use a CAS to compute √ dx. For x > 0, Maple gives
1 + |x|
1 √ √
√ dx = − ln (−1 + x) + 2 x − 2 arctanh x, and differentiating this answer yields
1+ x

− x+x
√ . Show how you need to simplify this result to verify that the formula is indeed a
x (−1 + x)
√ √
1 − ln (−1 + |x|) + 2 |x| − 2 arctanh |x|
correct antiderivative. It also gives √ dx = x , and
1 + |x| |x|
differentiating the right side yields a very complicated expression. On the other hand, the substitution
√ √ √
u = |x| quickly yields F (x) = 2 |x| − ln 1 + x as an antiderivative, which is easily verified.

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• Try to convince students that e x dx is not expressible in closed form by trying several methods of
integration and seeing where they fail.

• Use a CAS to compute cot x ln (sin x) dx. Some systems can do this integral; others cannot. Note that
the problem is easy to do by u-substitution.

• Discuss what happens if we use a CAS to directly evaluate (3x + 1) 9x dx. [For example, Maple gives
√ √
(3x + 1) 9x dx = (3x + 1) (9x ) dx.] Then rewrite the integrand as (3x + 1) 3x and compute
1 1 x
(3x + 1) 3x dx = (3x )2 + 3 , both using a CAS and using a substitution.
2 ln 3 ln 3

• If reduction formulas have not yet been discussed, go over how to compute sin5 x dx via a reduction
ln (tan x)
• Note that some computer algebra systems cannot integrate dx = 12 [ln (tan x)]2 + C. (Note
sin x cos x
that this is Exercise 66 in Section 7.5, and also appears in the group work “Integration Jeopardy” in
Section 7.5)

Group Work: Stump the System

Have the students evaluate x 2 5 − x 2 dx and tan5 x dx using tables of integrals. Then, if there is the op-
portunity, use Maple and/or Mathematica to solve these problems. Maple and Mathematica will give different
answers. Have the students figure out why this is the case.

If they have further opportunity to work with a computer algebra system, have the students try to come up
with integrals that will stump the CAS. Let them explore and see if they can come up with a simple-looking
function with a really ugly antiderivative (rational functions work well here).

√ x √ 25 −1 x
Table: x 2 5 − x 2 dx = 2x 2 − 5 5 − x 2 + sin √ +C
8 8 5
√ √ 3 √ √
Maple: x 2 5 − x 2 dx = − 14 x 5 − x 2 + 58 x 5 − x 2 + 25 1
8 arcsin 5 5x + C
The two expressions are equal.
Table: tan5 xdx = 4 tan4 x − 12 tan2 x − ln |cos x| + C
Maple: tan5 xdx = − 12 tan2 x + 14 tan4 x + 12 ln 1 + tan2 x + C
1 1 1
The two expressions are equal because 2 ln 1 + tan2 x = 2 ln sec2 x = 2 ln cos−2 x = − ln (cos x).
Note that when making the simplification ln x 2 = 2 ln x, we assume that x > 0. The table of integrals
ensures that we stay within the domain of ln x by taking the absolute value of cos x. The CAS uses 1 + tan2 x,
which is always positive.

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Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 23, 29, 31
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 35, 41

3 × 19 ×
7 × 23 ×
9 × 29 ×
11 × 31 ×
15 × 35 ×
17 × 41 ×


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DISCOVERY PROJECT Patterns in Integrals
This project gives students the opportunity to discover some of the text’s integral table formulas by going over
several examples using a computer algebra system. Students can learn general formulas for partial fractions,
sin ax cos bx, x n ln x, and x n e x . Each problem is self-contained and instructors may wish to choose selected
problems, or break the class into four groups and have each student tackle a particular problem. Hopefully
students will see that by writing down a few examples, a general pattern can be determined.
More advanced students could also be given the task, using the text examples as a model, of finding patterns
in the integrals of a class of functions that they come up with on their own.


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7.7 Approximate Integration

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1 class Optional material (essential for science/engineering majors)

Points to Stress
1. Left and right endpoint approximations.

2. The Midpoint Rule and the Trapezoidal Rule.

3. The geometry behind the Midpoint and Trapezoidal rules, and how to use technology to do numerical

4. (for science/engineering majors) Comparisons of the accuracies of the different approximating techniques,
and error bounds.

Quiz Questions
• TEXT QUESTION When would we need to use these techniques in the real world?
ANSWER We would need these techniques when we are given discrete rate-of-change data, with no
underlying function. (Other answers are also acceptable.)

• DRILL QUESTION The function f is continuous on the closed interval [2, 10] and has values given in the
table below. Using the subintervals [2, 6], [6, 7], and [7, 10], what is the trapezoidal approximation of
2 f (x) dx?
x 2 6 7 10
f (x) 5 15 17 11
(A) 16 (B) 32 (C) 49 (D) 72 (E) 144

Materials for Lecture

• Describe how numerical integration methods can be used to construct a model of a quantity whose
derivative matches a collection of experimental data points. For example, there are situations in which
we are interested in velocity, but acceleration is easier to measure. These methods are particularly useful
when, as is often the case, there is no elementary underlying function.

• Illustrate the geometry behind the Trapezoidal and Midpoint Rules, perhaps using Figure 5.

• Formulate intuitive comparisons of the accuracy of Rn , L n , and Mn . Discuss the special cases of
monotone functions briefly to prepare students for Group Work 2. TEC allows some visual and numerical
experimentation on several different functions.

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• Show how to interpret Mn as an external y

trapezoid. The Trapezoidal Rule uses the area
under the trapezoid made by directly connecting C
left and right endpoints. The Midpoint Rule can
be interpreted as using the area which lies in a
trapezoid under the tangent line to the midpoint, B
as shown in the figure. Q

xi-1 xi xi x
Area of ABC D = midpoint approximation

• Use a left endpoint approximation and the Trapezoidal Rule with n = 6 to solve the following problem,
paying close attention to units.
Snow is falling over a 3-hour period with the following rate data taken at 12 -hour intervals:
1 3 5
t 0 2 1 2 2 2 3
r (inches/hour) 0.7 1.2 2.3 1.7 1.1 0.5 0.2

Approximate the total amount of snow that fell during this period.
• Present numerical comparisons of accuracy for the different rules. Take a single integral, such as
0 sin t 2 , and compute the estimates for each rule with n = 4. (Perhaps have different sections of
the class use different techniques.) TEC Module 5.1/5.2/5.9 provides several examples for which these
comparisons can be visually illustrated and computed.
• Do Exercise 30 using the Trapezoidal Rule in place of Simpson’s Rule.
• Repeat Exercise 1 with the following function:

0 4


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Group Work 1: Position from Samples (Part 2)

Have the class revisit their automobile data previously collected in the group work Position from Samples
(Part 1) in Section 5.1. (If this activity was not previously assigned, it may be assigned at this time.) With
the new tools that they have at their disposal, especially the Trapezoidal Rule, the students should be able to
improve their estimates of the area under the velocity curve.

Group Work 2: Comparison of Methods

The purpose of this exercise is to show that if f is increasing or decreasing, the left and right endpoint
approximations bound the integral, and the Trapezoidal Rule gives an in-between value which is usually
closer to the actual value. In addition, if a curve is concave up (or concave down) then one can tell whether
the Trapezoidal Rule gives an over- or an underestimate.
1. 3.178, 4.787, 3.983. The left endpoint approximation is an underestimate, the right endpoint
approximation is an overestimate, and the Trapezoidal Rule gives an underestimate.
2. 2.565, 2.565, 2.565. The Trapezoidal Rule gives an overestimate. Since the left- and right-hand
approximations are the same, this implies that they are overestimates as well.
3. 0.8546, 0.6080, 0.7313. The left endpoint approximation is an over estimate, the right endpoint
approximation is an underestimate, and the Trapezoidal Rule gives an underestimate.
4. (a) If the function is increasing, the right endpoint approximation gives an overestimate.
(b) If the function is decreasing, the left endpoint approximation gives an overestimate.
(c) If the function is concave up, the Trapezoidal Rule gives an overestimate.

Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 3, 5, 7, 19, 21, 31, 35
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 31, 35

1 × × ×
3 × × ×
5 ×
7 ×
11 ×
13 ×
19 ×
21 ×
31 × ×
35 × ×


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Comparison of Methods
For each of the integrals in Problems 1–3, first sketch the corresponding area, and then approximate the area
using right and left endpoint approximations and the Trapezoid Rule, all with n = 4. From your sketch alone,
determine if each approximation is an overestimate, an underestimate, or if there is not enough information
to tell.
1. 1 ln x dx

2. −1 sec x dx

3. 0 cos (tan x) dx

4. (a) What condition on a function guarantees that the right endpoint approximation is an overestimate?

(b) What condition on a function guarantees that the left endpoint approximation is an overestimate?

(c) What condition on a function guarantees that the Trapezoidal Rule gives an overestimate?


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7.8 Improper Integrals

Suggested Time and Emphasis

1–1 12 classes Essential material: Infinite limits of integration, comparisons
Optional material: Vertical asymptotes

Points to Stress

1. A careful definition of convergence and divergence as related to improper integrals of type a f (x) dx
(including an interpretation of the integral as the area under a curve).
2. A careful definition of convergence and divergence as related to integrals of discontinuous functions.
3. The Comparison Theorem for improper integrals, including result 2 from Example 4.

Quiz Questions
3 dx
• TEXT QUESTION Why is an improper integral? What two improper integrals will tell us if
1 x2−2
3 dx
1 x2−2

√ 2 dx 3 dx
ANSWER The integrand is undefined for x = 2; 2
and √ 2 .
1 x −2 2x −2
DRILL QUESTION Compute 0 te−2t dt.

(A) − 12 (B) − 14 (C) 1
4 (D ) 1
2 (E) Divergent

Materials for Lecture

• Illustrate the geometric interpretation of improper integrals as areas under infinite curves, stressing
Example 4. Give examples of functions that “enclose” finite and infinite areas, including functions with
vertical asymptotes.
• Discuss the Comparison Theorem (including a geometric justification) and work several examples. For
∞ dx
example, show why 3 + 7x 2 + 2x + 1
converges, without resorting to computing the antiderivative
1 x
by partial fractions. Stress that for convergence at infinity, only the “tail” part of the integral matters;
convergence is independent of the value of the integral over any finite interval.
∞ t
• Point out that when a f (x) dx diverges, it is possible that lim f (x) dx is not infinite, but rather
t→∞ a

simply does not exist. (For example, 0 cos x dx.)
• Explain the following “paradox”: The curve y = 1/x to the right of x = 1 “encloses” infinite area, that
is, dx diverges. But if we rotate it about the x-axis and look at the corresponding infinite solid, that
1 x
solid has finite volume.

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ANSWER There is no paradox. It is possible for a y

shape to have finite volume and, at the same time,

have infinite cross-sectional area. A 1

two-dimensional analog is easier to visualize.

One can enclose a finite area with a curve of
infinite perimeter. For example, the curve at right
_1 0 1 x
has infinite perimeter, but fits inside a circle of
radius 32 , showing that it has finite area.

1 1
r = sin 2
θ 2


2 dx π
• Show that √ is an improper integral that converges to 2.
0 2 − x2

3 dx 2 dx 3 dx
• Show why 2
converges if and only if 2
and √ 2 converge, and then why
1 x −2 1 x −2 2x −2
3 dx
1 x −2
1 1 1 1
• Ask if we can find p such that dx = 100. Now find p such that dx = 500, and then such
0 xp 0 xp
1 1
that 0 dx = 1,000,000 = 106 .

2 dx π
• Show that √ is an improper integral that converges to .
0 2−x 2 2

Group Work 1: Convergence with a Parameter

dx ∞
Have the students prove that p converges only for p > 1. Perhaps just ask them for what values
e x (ln x)
of p the integral converges, and see if they figure it out for themselves. Be sure that they check the cases
e dx
p = 0 and p = 1 carefully. If time permits, determine the values of p for which p converges.
1 x (ln x)
∞ dx
ANSWER Substitution with u = ln x will help prove that converges for p > 1, and that
e x (ln x) p
e dx
converges for p < 1.
1 x (ln x) p

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Group Work 2: What’s Wrong?

For students, the hardest part of the comparison test is often figuring out which way the implications go. This
activity helps them to really understand this test.

1. Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers.

n dx n dx
2. lim =1 2. It diverges. lim − is infinite.
n→∞ 1 x2 n→∞ 1 x
4. They do not. The Comparison Test only applies if the integrands are positive.

Group Work 3: Deceptive Visions

Things are not always what they seem in the realm of improper integrals, as this exercise attempts to illustrate.
Emphasize to the students that they shouldn’t be able to predict just by looking in Part A that one of the three
curves has infinite area under it, and that the other two have finite areas. Make sure, during closure, to try to
come to some understanding of how such a thing can happen: that the very subtle differences in the curves’
values add up when we go off to infinity. Part B is an integral which occurs in aerodynamics and has a
surprising value.


1. There isn’t an obvious difference because the functions are very similar.
10 dx 10 dx 10 dx
2. = ln 2 + ln 5 ≈ 2.302585, ≈ 2.276278, ≈ 2.299936. The functions are
1 x 1 x 1.01 1 x 1.001
similar, as are the areas.
3. Answers will vary.
100 dx 100 dx
4. = ln 100 ≈ 4.605170, = −100 100−0.01 + 100 ≈ 4.500741,
1 x 1 x 1.01
= −1000 100−0.001 + 1000 ≈ 4.594582. The first and third are closest together, which
1 x .001
makes sense since the integrands are most similar.
5. The first diverges, the second converges to 100, and the third converges to 1000. The students should
notice that while the first was closest to the third for x = 100, the first diverges while the third does not.


1. It is not defined at x = 1.

2. Multiply both numerator and denominator by 1 + x.
1+x dx x dx √
3. √ dx = √ + √ = arcsin x − 1 − x 2
1 − x2 1 − x2 1 − x2

4. lim arcsin n − 1 − n 2 − arcsin (−1) − 1 − (−1)2 = arcsin 1 − arcsin(−1) = π

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Group Work 4: Improper Integration Jeopardy

This is an extension of Integration Jeopardy (see Group Work 2 in Section 7.5) emphasizing improper inte-
grals. It can be used in addition to integration jeopardy, or combined with the former, allowing the improper
integration categories to replace one or more of the others.

Homework Problems
CORE EXERCISES 1, 5, 7, 13, 27, 31, 43, 49, 51, 55
SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 23, 27, 31, 33, 43, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57

1 × 31 ×
5 × 33 ×
7 × 43 × ×
9 × 49 ×
13 × 51 ×
15 × 53 ×
23 × 55 ×
27 × 57 ×


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(A Genuine Classical Receipt.)

“Prepare and mix in the usual manner one pound of fine raisins
stoned, one pound of minced beef-suet, half a pound of bread-
crumbs, four figs chopped small, two tablespoonsful of moist sugar
(honey, in the original), two wineglassesful of sherry, and the rind of
half a large lemon (grated). Boil the pudding for fourteen hours.”
Obs.—This receipt is really to be found in Herodotus. The only
variations made in it are the substitution of sugar for honey, and
sherry for the wine of ancient Greece. We are indebted for it to an
accomplished scholar, who has had it served at his own table on
more than one occasion; and we have given it on his authority,
without testing it: but we venture to suggest that seven hours would
boil it quite sufficiently.

This pudding can scarcely be made too rich. First blanch, and then
beat to the smoothest possible paste, six ounces of fresh Jordan
almonds, and a dozen bitter ones; pour very gradually to them, in the
mortar, three quarters of a pint of boiling cream; then turn them into a
cloth, and wring it from them again with strong expression. Heat a
full half pint of it afresh, and pour it, as soon as it boils, upon four
ounces of fine bread-crumbs, set a plate over, and leave them to
become nearly cold; then mix thoroughly with them four ounces of
maccaroons, crushed tolerably small; five of finely minced beef-suet,
five of marrow, cleared very carefully from fibre, and from the
splinters of bone which are sometimes found in it, and shred not very
small, two ounces of flour, six of pounded sugar, four of dried
cherries, four of the best Muscatel raisins, weighed after they are
stoned, half a pound of candied citron, or of citron and orange rind
mixed, a quarter saltspoonful of salt, half a nutmeg, the yolks only of
seven full-sized eggs, the grated rind of a large lemon, and last of all,
a glass of the best Cognac brandy, which must be stirred briskly in
by slow degrees. Pour the mixture into a thickly buttered mould or
basin, which contains a full quart, fill it to the brim, lay a sheet of
buttered writing-paper over, then a well-floured cloth, tie them
securely, and boil the pudding for four hours and a quarter; let it
stand for two minutes before it is turned out; dish it carefully, and
serve it with the German pudding-sauce of page 403.
Jordan almonds, 6 oz.; bitter almonds, 12; cream, 3/4 pint; bread-
crumbs, 4 oz.; cream wrung from almonds, 1/2 pint; crushed
macaroons, 4 oz.; flour 2 oz.; beef-suet, 5 oz.; marrow, 5 oz.; dried
cherries, 4 oz.; stoned Muscatel raisins, 4 oz.; pounded sugar, 6 oz.;
candied citron (or citron and orange-rind mixed), 1/2 lb.; pinch of salt;
1/2 nutmeg; grated rind, 1 lemon; yolks of eggs, 7; best cognac, 1
wineglassful; boiled in mould or basin,: 4-1/4 hours.
Obs.—This pudding, which, if well made, is very light as well as
rich, will be sufficiently good for most tastes without the almonds:
when they are omitted, the boiling cream must be poured at once to
the bread-crumbs.

Infuse in a pint of new milk half a pod of vanilla, cut into short
lengths, and bruised; simmer them gently together for twenty
minutes, and strain the milk through muslin to half a pint of cream;
put these again on the fire in a clean saucepan, with three ounces of
fine sugar, and pour them when they boil, to the beaten yolks of eight
very fresh eggs. Stir the mixture often until it is nearly or quite cold,
and boil it as gently as possible for an hour in a well-buttered mould
or basin that will just hold it. Let it stand for five minutes at least
before it is turned out; dish it carefully, strew, and garnish it thickly
with branches of preserved barberries, or send it to table with a rich
syrup of fresh fruit, or with clear fruit-jelly, melted. We have had often
a compôte (see Sweet Dishes, page 153) of currants, cherries, or
plums served, and greatly relished with this pudding, which we can
recommend to our readers as an extremely delicate one. The
flavouring may be varied with bitter almonds, lemon-rind, noyau, or
aught else which may be better liked than the vanilla.
New milk, 1 pint; vanilla, 1/2 pod: 20 minutes Cream, 1/2 pint;
sugar, 3 oz.; yolks of eggs, 8: 1 hour.
Obs.—The cook must be reminded that unless the eggs be stirred
briskly as the boiling milk is gradually poured to them, they will be
likely to curdle. A buttered paper should always be put over the basin
before the cloth is tied on, for all custard puddings.

Whisk three eggs well, put them into a pint basin, and add to them
sufficient milk to fill it: then strain, flavour, and sweeten it with fine
sugar; boil the pudding very softly for an exact half hour, let it stand a
few minutes, dish, and serve it with sugar sifted over, and sweet
sauce in a tureen, or send stewed gooseberries, currants, or cherries
to table with it. A small quantity of lemon-brandy, or of ratifia can be
added, to give it flavour, when it is made, or the sugar with which it is
sweetened may be rasped on a lemon or an orange, then crushed
and dissolved in the milk; from an ounce and a half to two ounces
will be sufficient for general taste.

Beat to a cream half a pound of fresh butter and mix with it by

degrees an equal weight of pounded loaf-sugar, dried and sifted; add
to these, after they have been well beaten together, first the yolks,
and then the whites of five fresh eggs, which have been thoroughly
whisked apart; now strew lightly in, half a pound of the finest flour,
dried and sifted, and last of all, half a pound of jar raisins, weighed
after they are stoned. Put these ingredients, perfectly mixed, into a
well-buttered mould, or floured cloth, and boil the pudding for three
hours. Serve it with punch sauce. We recommend a little pounded
mace, or the grated rind of a small lemon, to vary the flavour of this
excellent pudding; and that when a mould is used, slices of candied
peel should be laid rather thickly over it after it is buttered. Fresh
butter, pounded sugar, flour, stoned raisins, each 1/2 lb.; eggs, 5: 3

Stew, until very tender and dry, three ounces of whole rice in a pint
and a quarter of milk; when a little cooled, mix with it three ounces of
beef-suet finely chopped, two ounces and a half of sugar, an ounce
of candied orange or lemon-rind, six ounces of sultana raisins, and
three large eggs well beaten, and strained. Boil the pudding in a
buttered basin, or in a well-floured cloth, for two hours and a quarter,
and serve it with the following sauce:—Dissolve an ounce and a half
of sugar broken small in two glasses of sherry, or of any other white
wine, and stir them when quite hot, to the beaten yolks of three fresh
eggs; then stir the sauce in a small saucepan held high above the
fire until it resembles custard, but by no means allow it to boil, or it
will instantly curdle; pour it over the pudding, or, if preferred, send it
to table in a tureen. We think a full teaspoonful of lemon-juice added
to the wine an improvement to this sauce which is excellent; and we
can recommend the pudding to our readers.
Milk, 1-1/4 pint; rice, 3 oz.; 1 hour, or more. Suet, 3 oz.; sugar, 2-
1/2 oz.; candied peel, 1 oz.; sultana raisins, 6 oz.; eggs, 3 large: 2-
1/4 hours, Sauce: sherry, 2 glasses; sugar, 1-1/2 oz.; yolks of eggs,
3; little lemon-juice.
We have already, in a previous part of the volume, directed that
the German sauce should be milled to a fine froth, and poured upon
the pudding with which it is served: when this is not done, the
quantity should be increased.

(Author’s Receipt.)
Pour, quite boiling, on four ounces of fine bread-crumbs, an exact
half-pint of new milk, or of thin cream; lay a plate over the basin and
let them remain until cold; then stir to them four ounces of dry
crumbs of bread, four of very finely minced beef-kidney suet, a small
pinch of salt, three ounces of coarsely crushed ratifias, three ounces
of candied citron and orange-rind sliced thin, and the grated rind of
one large or of two small lemons. Clear, and whisk four large eggs
well, throw to them by degrees four ounces of pounded sugar, and
continue to whisk them until it is dissolved, and they are very light;
stir them to, and beat them well up with the other ingredients; pour
the mixture into a thickly buttered mould, or basin which will contain
nearly a quart, and which it should fill to within half an inch of the
brim; lay first a buttered paper, then a well floured pudding-cloth over
the top, tie them tightly and very securely round, gather up and
fasten the corners of the cloth, and boil the pudding for two hours at
the utmost. Let it stand for a minute or two before it is dished, and
serve it with simple wine sauce, or with that which follows; or with
pine-apple or any other clear fruitsauce. (For these last, see page
Boil very gently, for about ten minutes, a full quarter of a pint of
water, with the very thin rind of half a fresh lemon, and an ounce and
a half of lump sugar; then take out the lemon peel, and stir in a small
teaspoonful of arrow-root, smoothly mixed with the strained juice of
the lemon (with or without the addition of a little orange juice); take
the sauce from the fire, throw in nearly half a glass of pale French
brandy,[146] or substitute for this a large wineglassful of sherry, or of
any other white wine which may be preferred, but increase a little, in
that case, the proportion of arrow-root.
146. Maraschino, or any delicately flavoured liqueur, may be substituted for this
with much advantage.
To convert the preceding into Sir Edwin Landseer’s pudding,
ornament the mould tastefully with small leaves of thin citron-rind
and split muscatel raisins in a pattern, and strew the intermediate
spaces with well cleaned and well dried currants mingled with plenty
of candied orange or lemon-rind shred small. Pour gently in the
above pudding mixture, when quite cold, after having added one
egg-yolk to it, and steam or boil it the same length of time.

Split and stone three dozens of fine jar raisins, or take an equal
number of dried cherries, and place either of them regularly in a sort
of pattern, in a thickly-buttered plain quart mould or basin; next, slice
and lay into it three penny sponge-cakes; add to these two ounces of
ratifias, four macaroons, an ounce and a half of candied citron sliced
thin, the yolks of four eggs with the whites of three only, thoroughly
whisked, mixed with half a pint of new milk, then strained to half a
pint of sweet cream, and sweetened with two ounces and a half of
pounded sugar: these ought to fill the mould exactly. Steam the
pudding, or boil it very gently for one hour; let it stand a few minutes
before it is dished, that it may not break; and serve it with good wine
or brandy sauce.
Jar raisins, or dried cherries, 3 dozens (quart mould or basin);
sponge biscuits, 3; macaroons, 4; ratifias, 2 oz.; candied citron, 1-1/2
oz.; yolks of 4 eggs, whites of 3; new milk, 1/2 pint; cream, 1/2 pint;
sugar, 2-1/2 oz.; steamed, or boiled, 1 hour.
Obs.—We have given this receipt, for which we are indebted to a
friend, without any variation from the original, because on testing it
we have found it very exact with regard to quantity and time; but
though an extremely delicate and excellent pudding, a little
flavouring would, we think, improve it: a small portion of the milk may
be omitted, and its place supplied by ratifia, lemon-brandy, or aught
else that is preferred.

Butter thickly a mould of the same size as for the preceding

pudding, and ornament it tastefully with dried cherries, or with the
finest muscatel raisins opened and stoned; lay lightly into it a
quarter-pound of sponge biscuit cut in slices, and intermixed with an
equal weight of ratifias; sweeten with three ounces of sugar in lumps,
and flavour highly with vanilla, or with the thin rind of half a fine
lemon, and six sound bitter almonds bruised (should these be
preferred), three-quarters of a pint, or rather more, of thin cream, or
of cream and new milk mixed; strain and pour this hot to the well-
beaten yolks of six eggs and the whites of two, and when the mixture
is nearly cold, throw in gradually a wineglassful of good brandy; pour
it gently, and by degrees, into the mould, and steam or boil the
pudding very softly for an hour. Serve it with well made wine sauce.
Never omit a buttered paper over any sort of custard-mixture; and
remember that quick boiling will destroy the good appearance of this
kind of pudding. The liquid should be quite cold before it is added to
the cakes, or the butter on the mould would melt off, and the
decorations with it; preserved ginger, and candied citron in slices,
may be used to vary these, and the syrup of the former may be
added to give flavour to the other ingredients.
Dried cherries, 3 to 4 oz.; sponge-biscuits, 1/4 lb.; ratifias, 4 oz.;
thin cream, or cream and milk, 3/4 pint; sugar, 3 oz.; vanilla, 1/2 pod
(or thin rind of 1/2 lemon and 6 bitter almonds bruised); yolks of 6
eggs, whites of 2; brandy, 1 wineglassful (preserved ginger and
candied citron at choice): steamed, or gently boiled, 1 hour.

(Genuine Receipt.)
Ornament a well buttered mould or basin with some fine raisins
split open and stoned, but not divided, pressing the cut side on the
butter to make them adhere; next, mix half a pound of very finely
minced beef-kidney suet, with half a pound of bread-crumbs, and an
ounce and a half of rice-flour, a pinch of salt, and six ounces of
lemon marmalade, or of orange when the lemon cannot be procured;
add six ounces of pale brown sugar, six thoroughly whisked eggs,
and the grated rinds of two lemons. Beat the whole until all the
ingredients are perfectly mixed, pour it gently into the mould, cover it
with a buttered paper and a floured cloth, and boil it for one hour and
a half. It will turn out remarkably well if carefully prepared. Half the
quantity given above will fill a mould or basin which will contain
rather more than a pint, and will be sufficiently boiled in ten minutes
less than an hour. To many tastes a slight diminution in the
proportion of suet would be an improvement to the pudding; and the
substitution of pounded sugar for the brown, might likewise be
considered so. Both the suet and eggs used for it, should be as fresh
as possible.
This pudding is constantly served to travellers at the hotel at the
foot of the mountain from which it derives its name. It is probably well
known to many of our readers in consequence. Wine sauce, arrow-
root, German sauce, or any other of the sweet pudding sauces to be
found in the preceding pages of this chapter, may be poured over, or
sent to table with it.

To three quarters of a pound of flour add four ounces of fine

crumbs of bread, one pound of beef-suet, a pound and six ounces of
raisins, weighed after they are stoned, a quarter of a teaspoonful of
salt, rather more of ginger, half a nutmeg, an ounce and a half of
candied peel, and four large or five small eggs beaten, strained, and
mixed with a cupful of milk, or as much more as will make the whole
of the consistence of a very thick batter. Pour the mixture into a well-
floured cloth of close texture, which has previously been dipped into
hot water, wrung, and shaken out. Boil the pudding in plenty of water
for four hours and a half. It may be served with very sweet wine, or
punch sauce; but if made as we have directed, will be much lighter
than if sugar be mixed with the other ingredients before it is boiled;
and we have found it generally preferred to a richer plum-pudding.
No. 1. Flour, 3/4 lb.; bread-crumbs, 4 oz.; beef-suet, 1 lb.; stoned
raisins, 1 lb. 6 oz.; candied peel, 1-1/2 oz.; 1/2 nutmeg; eggs, 4
large, or 5 small; little salt and ginger: 4-1/2 hours.
Superior Raisin Pudding.—No. 2. Bread-crumbs and flour each 4
oz.; suet, 12 oz.; stoned raisins, 1 lb.; salt, third of saltspoonful; 1/2
nutmeg; ginger, 1/2 teaspoonful; half as much mace; sugar, 4 oz.;
candied citron or orange-rind, 2 oz.; eggs, 4; milk or brandy, 3 to 5
tablespoonsful: to be well mixed and beaten together and boiled 4
Obs.—The remains of this pudding will answer well for the receipt
which follows. Sultana raisins can be used for it instead of Malaga,
but they are not so sweet.

Butter thickly a plain mould or basin, and line it entirely with slices
of cold plum or raisin pudding, cut so as to join closely and neatly
together; fill it quite with a good custard; lay, first a buttered paper,
and then a floured cloth over it, tie them securely, and boil the
pudding gently for an hour; let it stand for ten minutes after it is taken
up before it is turned out of the mould. This is a more tasteful mode
of serving the remains of a plum-pudding than the usual one of
broiling them in slices, or converting them into fritters. The German
sauce, well milled or frothed, is generally much relished with sweet
boiled puddings, and adds greatly to their good appearance; but
common wine or punch sauce, may be sent to table with the above
quite as appropriately.
Mould or basin holding 1-1/2 pint, lined with thin slices of plum-
pudding; 3/4 pint new milk boiled gently 5 minutes with grain of salt,
5 bitter almonds, bruised; sugar in lumps, 2-1/2 oz.; thin rind of 1/2
lemon, strained and mixed directly with 4 large well-beaten eggs;
poured into mould while just warm; boiled gently 1 hour.

Take of apples finely minced, and of currants, six ounces each; of

suet, chopped small, sultana raisins, picked from the stalks, and
sugar, four ounces each, with three ounces of fine bread-crumbs, the
grated rind, and the strained juice of a small lemon, three well-
beaten eggs, and two spoonsful of brandy. Mix these ingredients
perfectly, and boil the pudding for two hours in a buttered basin; sift
sugar over it when it is sent to table, and serve wine or punch sauce

Mix very thoroughly one pound of finely-grated bread with the

same quantity of flour, two pounds of raisins stoned, two of currants,
two of suet minced small, one of sugar, half a pound of candied peel,
one nutmeg, half an ounce of mixed spice, and the grated rinds of
two lemons; mix the whole with sixteen eggs well beaten and
strained, and add four glasses of brandy. These proportions will
make three puddings of good size, each of which should be boiled
six hours.
Bread-crumbs, 1 lb.; flour, 1 lb.; suet, 2 lbs.; currants, 2 lbs.;
raisins, 2 lbs.; sugar, 1 lb.; candied peel, 1/2 lb.; rinds of lemons, 2;
nutmegs, 1; mixed spice, 1/2 oz.; salt, 1/4 teaspoonsful; eggs, 16;
brandy, 4 glassesful: 6 hours.
Obs.—A fourth part of the ingredients given above, will make a
pudding of sufficient size for a small party: to render this very rich,
half the flour and bread-crumbs may be omitted, and a few spoonsful
of apricot marmalade well blended with the remainder of the mixture.
147. Rather less liquid will be required to moisten the pudding when this is done,
and four hours and a quarter will boil it.

With three ounces of the crumb of a stale loaf finely grated and
soaked in a quarter of a pint of boiling milk, mix six ounces of suet
minced very small, one ounce of dry bread-crumbs, ten ounces of
stoned raisins, a little salt, the grated rind of a china-orange, and
three eggs, leaving out one white. Boil the pudding for two hours and
serve it with very sweet sauce; put no sugar in it.

(Cheap and good.)

Mix well together one pound of smoothly-mashed potatoes, half a
pound of carrots boiled quite tender, and beaten to a paste, one
pound of flour, one of currants, and one of raisins (full weight after
they are stoned), three quarters of a pound of sugar, eight ounces of
suet, one nutmeg, and a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt. Put the
pudding into a well-floured cloth, tie it up very closely, and boil it for
four hours. The correspondent to whom we are indebted for this
receipt says, that the cost of the ingredients does not exceed half a
crown, and that the pudding is of sufficient size for a party of sixteen
persons. We can vouch for its excellence, but as it is rather apt to
break when turned out of the cloth, a couple of eggs would perhaps
improve it. It is excellent cold. Sweetmeats, brandy, and spices can
be added at pleasure.
Mashed potatoes, 1 lb.; carrots, 8 oz.; flour, 1 lb.; suet, 1/2 lb.;
sugar, 3/4 lb.; currants and raisins, 1 lb. each; nutmeg, 1; little salt. 4

To three ounces of flour and the same weight of fine, lightly-grated

bread-crumbs, add six of beef kidney-suet, chopped small, six of
raisins weighed after they are stoned, six of well-cleaned currants,
four ounces of minced apples, five of sugar, two of candied orange
rind, half a teaspoonful of nutmeg mixed with pounded mace, a very
little salt, a small glass of brandy, and three whole eggs. Mix and
beat these ingredients well together, tie them tightly in a thickly-
floured cloth, and boil them for three hours and a half. We can
recommend this as a remarkably light small rich pudding: it may be
served with German, wine, or punch sauce.
Flour, 3 oz.; bread-crumbs, 3 oz.; suet, stoned raisins, and
currants, each, 6 oz.; minced apples, 4 oz.; sugar, 5 oz.; candied
peel, 2 oz.; spice, 1/2 teaspoonful; salt, few grains; brandy, small
wineglassful; eggs, 3; 3-1/2 hours.

Make into a firm smooth paste, with cold water, one pound of flour,
six ounces of finely-minced beef-suet, three quarters of a pound of
currants, and a small pinch of salt, thoroughly mixed together. Form
into a ball six ounces of good butter, and enclose it securely in about
a third of the paste (rolled to a half inch of thickness), in the same
way that an apple-dumpling is made; roll out the remainder of the
paste, and place the portion containing the butter in the centre of it,
with the part where the edge was drawn together turned downwards:
gather the outer crust round it, and after having moistened the edge,
close it with great care. Tie the pudding tightly in a well-floured cloth,
and boil it for two hours and a half. It must be dished with caution
that it may not break, and a small bit must be cut directly from the
top, as in a meat pudding. (See page 400).
This is a very favourite pudding in some parts of England; the only
difficulty in making or in serving it, is to prevent the escape of the
butter, which, if properly secured, will be found in a liquid state in the
inside, on opening it. Some timid cooks fold it in three coverings of
paste, the better to guard against its bursting through; but there is no
danger of this if the edges of the crust be well closed. When suet is
objected to, seven ounces of butter may be substituted for it. The
currants are occasionally omitted.
Flour, 1 lb.; suet, 6 oz.; currants, 3/4 lb.; salt, small pinch; ball of
butter 6 oz.: 2-1/2 hours.

Roll out thin a bit of light puff paste, or a good suet crust, and
spread equally over it to within an inch of the edge, any kind of fruit
jam. Orange marmalade, and mincemeat make excellent varieties of
this pudding, and a deep layer of fine brown sugar, flavoured with the
grated rind and strained juice of one very large, or of two small,
lemons, answers for it extremely well. Roll it up carefully, pinch the
paste together at the ends, fold a cloth round, secure it well at the
ends, and boil the pudding from one to two hours, according to its
size and the nature of the ingredients. Half a pound of flour made
into a paste with suet or butter, and covered with preserve, will be
quite sufficiently boiled in an hour and a quarter.

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