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Chapter 07 - Families

Chapter 07

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is true about the structure of families?

A. It is the same all over the world.
B. It has remained fairly consistent over time in western societies.
C. It has remained fairly consistent over time in non-western societies.
D. None of the answers is correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

2. Which of the following is not a true example of a cultural approach to family?

A. the Tibetan custom of allowing women to be married to more than one man simultaneously
B. the North American custom of allowing siblings to marry
C. the Yanomami custom of allowing sexual relations with certain opposite-sex cousins but
not others
D. the Betsileo custom of allowing men to be married to more than one woman

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Culture
Topic: Families

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Chapter 07 - Families

3. The definition of family that is based on blood, meaning shared genetic heritage, and law,
meaning social recognition and affirmation of the bond, is referred to as the ______
A. functionalist
B. kinship
C. basic
D. substantive

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

4. Which of the following does the U.S. Census define as a family?

A. a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together
B. a group of two or more people, related or not, who reside together in a home and share
C. Both answers are true.
D. Neither answer is true.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

5. A woman and her husband, their children, her parents, her mother-in-law, her sister, a
parakeet, two Irish setters, a cow, and five chickens live together on a farm in the Midwest.
According to the U.S. Census, this group is considered a
A. kin group.
B. non-family.
C. family.
D. nuclear family.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

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Chapter 07 - Families

6. What is the difference between a family and a kin group?

A. The family is a household unit, and kin do not always live together.
B. Kin is a household unit, but a family does not always live together.
C. Family units include aunts and uncles, but a kin group does not.
D. Kin groups and families are identical.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

7. Which pattern of descent is most typical in the United States?

A. matrilineal
B. patrilineal
C. bilateral
D. bilineal

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Kinship Patterns

8. Which form of descent is most common around the world?

A. bilateral
B. matrilineal
C. patrilineal
D. either matrilineal or patrilineal

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Kinship Patterns

9. A married couple and their unmarried children living together constitute a(n)
A. nuclear family.
B. extended family.
C. matrilineal family.
D. bilateral family.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

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Chapter 07 - Families

10. A man and his wife and their children, along with five Chinese Shar-Peis, four Siamese
cats, eight parakeets, two ducks, a goat, and a dozen tropical fish, live on a piece of land in
Woodstock, Vermont. They are an example of a(n)
A. extended family.
B. nuclear family.
C. clan.
D. polygynous family.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

11. Which of the following is an example of an extended family?

A. a college sorority living together in one house
B. the Arapesh tribe of New Guinea
C. Beverly, her husband, Bob, their children, Barry and Bonnie, and their three cats and two
D. a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

12. Which form of marriage is characteristic of the United States?

A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polyandry
D. polygyny

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Marriage

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Chapter 07 - Families

13. Han has been married to three separate women, but he was never married to more than
one at a time. Han has engaged in a form of marriage called
A. polygamy.
B. monogamy.
C. serial monogamy.
D. serial polygamy.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

14. Which of the following is the best example of serial monogamy?

A. Juan is married to Sheila, but they get divorced, and he marries Marlene. After they get
divorced, he marries Janet, and when she dies, he marries Lorraine.
B. Maria is married to David. After a few years, she also marries Steve.
C. Carlos shares an apartment with Bonnie for five years, but then he marries Jessica, and
they buy a home of their own.
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Intimate Relationships
Topic: Marriage

15. What is the general term for a marriage in which an individual can have several husbands
or wives at the same time?
A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polygyny
D. polyandry

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

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Chapter 07 - Families

16. The Oneida community existed in New York State from 1840 to 1880, and its members
were all married to one another—that is, all the men in the community were married to all the
women, and all the women were married to all the men. This would be an example of
A. serial monogamy.
B. polygamy.
C. Neither answer is true.
D. Both answers are true.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Marriage

17. Anthropologist George Murdock sampled 565 societies and found that
A. over 90 percent of them were strictly monogamous.
B. over 80 percent of them had some type of polygamy.
C. over 30 percent of them had no formal procedures for obtaining a divorce.
D. over 75 percent of them had some type of polyandry.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

18. Which of the following terms refers to the marriage of a man to more than one woman at
the same time?
A. monogamy
B. polygamy
C. polygyny
D. polyandry

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

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Chapter 07 - Families

19. In some societies, a man will marry a woman and her sisters; this is an example of
A. monogamy.
B. polygyny.
C. polyandry.
D. group marriage.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

20. Societies where one woman can have more than one husband at the same time practice
A. monogamy.
B. polygyny.
C. polyandry.
D. group marriage.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

21. Which of the following statements about family systems is correct?

A. In the United States, the married couple with unmarried children is the most common
family structure.
B. Polygamy was been completely eradicated from the United States during the 20th century.
C. Polygyny is a more common form of marriage than polyandry.
D. Serial monogamy is a form of marriage only found in Western cultures.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Marriage

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Chapter 07 - Families

22. Which of the following fits neatly into the substantive definition of the family?
A. step-parents who have not adopted their stepchildren
B. unmarried same-sex couples
C. adopted children
D. close friends who are considered "part of the family"

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

23. The definition of the family that focuses on what families do for their members and for
society is the ______ definition.
A. substantive
B. kinship
C. functionalist
D. practical

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

24. Which of the following is not one of the functions that William F. Ogburn argued the
family provides?
A. socialization
B. redistribution
C. companionship
D. protection

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

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Chapter 07 - Families

25. Ogburn's functionalist approach serves to ______ the definition of a family.

A. narrow
B. broaden
C. eliminate social elements from
D. remove class biases from

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

26. Which of the following could be included within a functionalist family?

A. a grandparent
B. a close family friend
C. a second cousin
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

27. Historically, the way power is distributed within families has largely been shaped by
A. gender.
B. age.
C. race.
D. ancestral status.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Authority Patterns

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Chapter 07 - Families

28. Which of the following is true about patriarchal societies?

A. Males dominate the decision-making.
B. The eldest male generally holds the most power.
C. A woman's status is generally defined by her relationship to a male relative.
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Authority Patterns

29. Formal matriarchies emerged among Native American tribal societies and in nations in
A. men lacked the physical strength to overpower the women.
B. women were believed to be able to communicate directly with the gods.
C. the primary mode of food production was fishing.
D. men were absent for long periods for either warfare or food gathering.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Authority Patterns

30. Friedrich Engels, a colleague of Karl Marx, noted that

A. the family is the ultimate source of social inequality.
B. there are six paramount functions of the family.
C. more than 80 percent of the 565 societies he studied had some type of polygamy.
D. there are six stations of divorce, but the most important is the economic station.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

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Chapter 07 - Families

31. Which of the following would reflect an egalitarian authority pattern?

A. After many discussions, Bonnie and Clyde reach a mutual decision about where to buy a
B. In their family, Nick makes decisions about major home maintenance projects, and Nora
makes decisions about major family vacations.
C. Both answers are correct.
D. Neither answer is correct.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Authority Patterns

32. Which of the following statements about courtship and marriage are true?
A. Most American people are now well into their 30s before they marry for the first time.
B. While they occur in other societies, arranged marriages are banned in the United States.
C. The majority of Americans believe that when they marry, it will be for true love.
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Intimate Relationships
Topic: Marriage

33. The restriction of mate selection to people within the same group is known as
A. exogamy.
B. hypergamy.
C. endogamy.
D. homogamy.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Intimate Relationships

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Chapter 07 - Families

34. Sarna, an Orthodox Jew, marries Nathan, a Reform Jew. Sarna is disowned by her parents
because, as far as they are concerned, she has married outside their religion. She has violated
the rule of
A. hypergamy.
B. endogamy.
C. homogamy.
D. exogamy.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Intimate Relationships

35. The requirement that individuals select mates from outside certain groups is known as
A. exogamy.
B. hypergamy.
C. endogamy.
D. homogamy.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Intimate Relationships

36. The term incest taboo refers to

A. the prohibition of sexual relationships between certain culturally specified relatives.
B. the prohibition of sexual relationships between anyone sharing the same last name.
C. the requirement in some cultures that sexual initiation occur within the safe confines of a
family relationship.
D. the requirement in some cultures that a generational gap be present within a marriage.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Intimate Relationships

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Chapter 07 - Families

37. The incest taboo is an example of

A. exogamy.
B. homogamy.
C. endogamy.
D. heterogamy.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Intimate Relationships

38. In most states in the United States, an individual is not permitted to marry a parent, a
sibling, an aunt or an uncle, a grandparent, or a first cousin. These rules reflect our societal
emphasis on
A. homogamy.
B. endogamy.
C. social class.
D. the incest taboo.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families
Topic: Intimate Relationships

39. In the United States, endogamous rules stressed by many groups include marriage within
A. the state in which one lives.
B. one's own family group.
C. the confines of one's social and educational levels.
D. one's own ethnic, racial, and religious groups.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

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Chapter 07 - Families

40. In the United States, interracial marriages

A. are currently illegal in three states.
B. are decreasing in number since reaching their peak in 1964.
C. make up nearly 5 percent of all married couples.
D. make up less than 1 percent of all married couples.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

41. In the United States, which of the following groups is most likely to be married to
someone of a different race?
A. White men
B. White women
C. Black men
D. Asian women

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

42. Which of the following is not one of the four factors that Alice Rossi identified as
complicating the transition into parenthood?
A. the lack of anticipatory socialization for the social role of caregiver
B. the transition to parenthood is quite abrupt
C. the national consensus on what constitutes successful parenthood
D. the limited amount of education during pregnancy

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

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Chapter 07 - Families

43. Parents of ________ families typically focus on meeting their children's material needs
and giving them freedom to navigate the world on their own.
A. poor
B. middle-class
C. White
D. Asian

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

44. When someone maintains strong ties and obligations to their kin beyond their immediate
family, they are engaging in
A. homogamy.
B. familism.
C. concerted cultivation.
D. polyandry.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

45. Which of the following methods for adopting an unrelated person is legal everywhere in
the United States?
A. arrangement of the adoption through a licensed agency
B. assumption of legal rights by virtue of possession
C. adoption through a private agreement sanctioned by the courts
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

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Chapter 07 - Families

46. A teenage couple produces a baby, and they agree that they are too young to raise it on
their own. The girl's aunt and uncle cannot have a child of their own, and they all agree that it
would be a good idea if they take legal custody of the baby. This is an example of
A. foster parenting.
B. adoption.
C. extended kin networks.
D. matrilineal succession.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

47. For what reason did the New York State courts rule that a couple does not have to be
married to adopt a child?
A. It would help more children in secure "the best possible home."
B. There is a surplus of children, and it is expensive to raise them in orphanages.
C. It allows grandparents to adopt.
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

48. Which of the following factors has contributed to the rise of dual-income families in the
United States?
A. economic need
B. increased education levels for women
C. changing cultural expectations regarding gender
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

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Chapter 07 - Families

49. Which of the following statements is true regarding single-parent families?

A. The life of single parents and their children is inevitably more difficult than that of a
nuclear family.
B. Single-parent families are a rarity in the United States due to the overwhelming stigma
C. Having to rely on a single income and on a sole caregiver can be very stressful.
D. Single-parent families are equally divided between single fathers and single mothers.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

50. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct?

A. Studies suggest that children raised by stepmothers are likely to have less health care and
education than children raised by biological mothers.
B. The well-being of children in stepfamilies is better, on average, than that of children in
divorced, single-parent households.
C. Some studies suggest that more domestic violence occurs in stepfamilies than in traditional
nuclear families.
D. All of the answers are correct.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

51. In recent decades, multigenerational families have become more common primarily
because of an increase in
A. elderly parents moving in with their children.
B. young adults living with their parents.
C. adult siblings living together.
D. grandchildren living with grandparents.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

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Chapter 07 - Families

52. Which of the following statements is true about cohabitation in the United States?
A. The number of couples cohabitating rose dramatically in the 1980s, but has increased little
B. It is more common among non-Hispanic Whites than any other racial or ethnic group.
C. It is more common among African Americans and American Indians than other groups.
D. Couples aged 30-44 are more likely to cohabitate if they have a college degree.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

53. Donna, a 33-year-old divorcée with two sons, and Mark, a 50-year-old divorcé with two
daughters, become engaged and live together; although they are strongly committed to one
another, they eventually decide not to get married. This is an example of
A. cohabitation.
B. an extended family.
C. common law marriage.
D. heterogamy.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

54. Cohabitation is least common among which racial or ethnic group in the United States?
A. Hispanics
B. Asian Americans
C. Native Americans
D. Whites

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

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Chapter 07 - Families

55. Which of the following statements about childlessness in the United States is correct?
A. There has been a significant increase in childlessness.
B. Childlessness has decreased dramatically.
C. Rates of childlessness have remained stable for decades.
D. There has been a modest decrease in childlessness.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

56. Which of the following factors has contributed the most to the increasing number of
married couples who choose to remain childless?
A. economic considerations
B. health care issues
C. increased adoption regulations
D. religious considerations

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

57. Which of the following is a true statement regarding lesbian and gay relationships?
A. Lesbians and gays mainly live alone.
B. Same-sex families score below average on measures of family cohesion.
C. Same-sex couples have lower incomes on average than opposite-sex couples.
D. Same-sex couples are better educated on average than opposite-sex couples.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

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Chapter 07 - Families

58. In the United States, roughly ______ of adults aged 50 to 59 years have ever been
A. 12 percent
B. 36 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 66 percent

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Divorce

59. Studies of children whose family went through a divorce have found that divorce can
A. get children out of environments with too much conflict.
B. lead to higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse.
C. Neither answer is true.
D. Both answers are true.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Divorce

True / False Questions

60. The main advantage of defining a family in substantive terms is that it is clear who is, and
who is not, included in a family.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

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Chapter 07 - Families

61. Under law, an individual cannot claim "kinship" with another individual unless those two
are related by ties of blood.

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families
Topic: Kinship Patterns

62. An important factor in the shift from extended to nuclear families was a change in the
underlying system of economic production.

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Bloom's Level: Analysis
Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Families

63. Although diverse forms of family arrangement now exist in the United States, by far the
most common form is the traditional nuclear family.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Families

64. Polygyny, which involves marriage to multiple partners at the same time, and polyandry,
which involves marriage to the same partner at multiple points in time, are both forms of

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Chapter 07 - Families

65. The difference between a functionalist and a substantive definition of family is the same
as the difference between what a family does and what a family is.

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Bloom's Level: Application
Topic: Families

66. The meaning of the term "homogamy" is best captured by the phrase "opposites attract."

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Bloom's Level: Comprehension
Topic: Marriage

67. Most studies have found that whether a child is raised by a biological mother or by a
stepmother makes no difference to the quality of family life.

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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns

68. Same-sex marriage is illegal in more than a dozen states.


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Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles

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Chapter 07 - Families

69. The increased availability of opportunities for women has led to wives being less
dependent on their husbands, meaning that it is more feasible for them to leave a marriage
they see as hopeless.

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Bloom's Level: Application
Topic: Marriage

Essay Questions

70. Compare and contrast a substantive definition of family with a functionalist definition.
Which of these definitions is more inclusive? Is the more inclusive definition necessarily
more useful?

Answers will vary.

Bloom's Level: Analysis

Bloom's Level: Evaluation
Topic: Families
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

71. To what extent, and in what ways, do child-rearing styles vary depending on social class?

Answers will vary.

Bloom's Level: Analysis

Bloom's Level: Evaluation
Topic: Families
Topic: Social Class
Topic: Social Inequality

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Chapter 07 - Families

72. The basic nuclear family is no longer the most common family arrangement in the U.S.
What other arrangements have emerged to replace the nuclear family? In general, do
sociologists view the declining importance of the nuclear family as a positive or negative
thing for society?

Answers will vary.

Bloom's Level: Evaluation

Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Child-Rearing Patterns
Topic: Families
Topic: Marriage

73. How would each of the three sociological perspectives view gay marriage? Which of the
three would have the most positive view of non-traditional family arrangements?

Answers will vary.

Bloom's Level: Application

Bloom's Level: Evaluation
Topic: Diverse Lifestyles
Topic: Marriage
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

74. Define the terms endogamy and exogamy. From a functionalist perspective, what
functions are served by endogamy and exogamy? How do both of these concepts differ from
the concept of homogamy?

Answers will vary.

Bloom's Level: Evaluation

Bloom's Level: Knowledge
Topic: Marriage
Topic: Sociological Perspectives
Topic: Sociological Theory

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McGraw-Hill Education.
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