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CUD School of Management

HRM 210
Fall 2023-4
Iced B: In-class Exercise for Session 1 (What is HRM about)

For this first In-class activity as part of Project B, WT members need to allocate the articles to
read among themselves so that members can read the articles and then participate in a
consensus discussion to formulate answers to the questions posted in IcE B Session 1 on
Moodle. E.g., Articles can be distributed randomly in the WT by allocating articles based on the
order of their numbers (1-3) , alphabetical order of WT members’s first names members
according to the order or according to skill (English language reading proficiency 9highest =
article 1 to lowest profieciency = article 3) . The material for the IcE B and the briefing for IcE B
are two separate documents.
 Read the Project A briefing posted under “Important Documents” on Moodle first.
 Like all in-class activities in the In-class activity B series (IcE B) are assigned to work teams
of three (3) students in class.
 You might be participating in different groups than your work team for IcE B in class, so,
make sure the names of the participating group members are clearly mentioned in the
header of every IcE B submission. Also, if it is your opinion that the grades are not to be
equally distributed, it is critical that members of the work team discuss the grade allocation
with the instructor before the grades are posted.
IcE B = Project B grade
The IcE B activities will make up your project B grade for the course. There are 7 x IcE B
opportunities, your grade will come from the best 5 submissions, re calculated as 20% of to
give you a total course grade.
Send a copy of your answers by midnight of the day after the IcE B exercise in class to earn up
to two extra grades for the assignment.
The specific task for this In-class Exercise (IcE) for Session 1 is:
Prepare = A) Read the articles:
1) Bratton & Gold
2) Gilmore & Williams

3) O'Donoghue

(Articles distributed separately, as IcE B session 1 Material.)

Do = B) reach consensus about your answers to the two following two questions by writing a
paragraph for each one:
Question 1: Explain what is HRM and what its purpose in an organization is.
Question 2: Explain what line managers* have to do to manage the human resources of an

Submit for assessment = C. When you reached consensus,
Submit a S document with your answers on the Submission-link posted in each relevant session
on Moodle. Remember the general requirement of citing one scholarly per work team member
(i.e. 3 per 3-student work team) in your answer.
*) Line Managers are managers in the reporting line of the employee, e.g., direct manager, manager-

Of course, it is a “mouthful” to answer these questions. Therefore everyone in your group must
strive to have the same understanding of e.g., strategic, purpose; employee, organization, line

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