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My Psychology 1st Edition Pomerantz

Test Bank
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1. _____ is the process by which life experience causes change in the behavior or thinking
of an organism.
A) Maturation
B) Instinct
C) Learning
D) Adaptation

2. _____ is the process by which behaviors occur based on biological timing and readiness.
A) Maturation
B) Instinct
C) Learning
D) Adaptation

3. What of the following BEST describes learning?

A) a behavior change that occurs based on maturation
B) a process by which events influence future behavior
C) an automatic response that occurs without thinking
D) the behavior set that an organism is born with

4. In learning, it is necessary to _____ certain pairs of events.

A) associate
B) disassociate
C) forget
D) time

5. When learning, you adjust your _____ based on _____.

A) insight; consequences
B) insight; maturation
C) behavior; consequences
D) behavior; maturation

6. If 7-year-old Li cries in response to being yelled at, her father stops yelling and hugs
her. Now Li bursts into tears whenever her father raises his voice. This is MOST
likely due to:
A) maturation.
B) instinct.
C) adaptation.
D) learning.

Page 1
7. That 2-year-old Connor is starting to toilet train is MOST likely due to:
A) maturation.
B) insight.
C) instinctual drift.
D) learning.

8. That 14-year-old Shayla is starting to become interested in certain people as “more than
friends” is MOST likely due to:
A) maturation.
B) instinct.
C) adaptation.
D) learning.

9. When a toddler starts to toilet train is MOSTLY based on _____, but it can be
influenced by _____.
A) maturation; learning
B) instinct; maturation
C) learning; instinct
D) maturation; instinct

10. Which of these is NOT an example of learning?

A) After being poked, a sea slug moves a part of its body because, in the past, a poke
preceded a shock.
B) The smell of Mexican food makes a hungry person salivate even before the person
begins eating.
C) A 3-year-old child can begin toilet training, but a 1-year-old is not yet able to start
the process.
D) When a dog is given a treat after doing a trick, the dog is more likely to perform
tricks in the future.

11. Which of these is NOT true about learning?

A) Learning requires association of events that occur.
B) Learning is the “nature” part of the “nature-nurture” debate.
C) Learning can influence behavior guided by maturation.
D) Learning can be modeled in experimental animal subjects.

Page 2
12. Which of these is true about learning?
A) Learning only occurs in mammals, birds, and fish.
B) Learning can also be described as the “nurture” influence.
C) Learning is basically the same thing as maturation.
D) Learning affects overt behavior but not covert thinking.

13. Which psychologist is MOST associated with experimentally establishing the concept of
classical conditioning?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) John B. Watson
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Edward L. Thorndike

14. Ivan Pavlov originally did not study psychological processes, but rather was a _____.
A) physiologist
B) geologist
C) chemist
D) sociologist

15. Ivan Pavlov made an accidental discovery about psychological processes when he was
A) the ways in which a dog would try to escape from a puzzle box.
B) how to make a dog hungrier and work harder to receive food.
C) how he could train a dog to model another dog's behavior.
D) the amount of saliva produced when food touched a dog's mouth.

16. As Ivan Pavlov's physiological study of saliva production progressed, he unexpectedly

discovered that dogs:
A) produced more saliva after the presentation of food.
B) produced more saliva before the presentation of food.
C) stopped producing saliva after the presentation of food.
D) stopped producing saliva before the presentation of food.

17. Classical conditioning occurs when there is a connection between two _____ that occur
together such that one predicts the other.
A) stimuli
B) responses
C) behaviors
D) organisms

Page 3
18. _____ is a form of learning in which an organism makes a connection between two
A) Classical conditioning
B) Operant conditioning
C) Instinct
D) Observation

19. At the start of Pavlov's studies, the dogs showed no response to a bell and did not
salivate until the food was in their mouths. At this point, the bell was a _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) neutral stimulus
D) neutral response

20. At the start of Pavlov's studies, the dogs showed no response to a bell and did not
salivate until the food was in their mouths. At this point, the salivating was a(n) _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

21. At the start of Pavlov's studies, the dogs showed no response to a bell and did not
salivate until the food was in their mouths. At this point, the food was a(n) _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

22. In the middle of Pavlov's studies, the dogs started salivating when the bell sounded
rather than just when food was in their mouths. At this point, the bell was a(n) _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

Page 4
23. In the middle of Pavlov's studies, the dogs started salivating when the bell sounded
rather than just when food was in their mouths. At this point, the salivating was a(n)
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) neutral response

24. When you enter the dentist's office, the sound of the drill makes you wince, even though
you don't currently feel any pain. In this situation, the sound of the drill is MOST
likely a(n) _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

25. When you enter the dentist's office, the sound of the drill makes you wince, even though
you don't currently feel any pain. In this situation, your wince is MOST likely a(n)
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

26. In order to feed his dog, Jacob has to open the pantry door. Now whenever Jacob
opens the pantry door—even if not to get dog food—his dog comes running in and starts
wagging its tail expectantly. In this situation, the sound of the pantry door is serving as
a(n) _____.
A) conditioned stimulus
B) conditioned response
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) unconditioned response

27. In order to feed his dog, Jacob has to open the pantry door. Now whenever Jacob
opens the pantry door—even if not to get dog food—his dog comes running in and starts
wagging its tail expectantly. In this situation, the dog running in at the sound of the
pantry door is an example of a(n):
A) conditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) unconditioned response.

Page 5
28. In order to feed his dog, Jacob has to open the pantry door. Now whenever Jacob
opens the pantry door—even if not to get dog food—his dog comes running in and starts
wagging its tail expectantly. In this situation, what was MOST likely the
unconditioned stimulus that set up this learning?
A) the sound of the pantry door
B) the dog getting food
C) Jacob petting his dog
D) the dog running to the food

29. A(n) _____ stimulus causes no response at all.

A) conditioned
B) unconditioned
C) neutral
D) reflexive

30. A(n) _____ stimulus causes a response without the need for learning.
A) conditioned
B) unconditioned
C) neutral
D) reflexive

31. A(n) _____ is the automatic response to a stimulus that occurs naturally, without any
need for learning.
A) conditioned
B) unconditioned
C) neutral
D) operant

32. Before learning, a conditioned stimulus MUST be a(n) _____ stimulus.

A) important
B) unconditioned
C) neutral
D) operant

33. A(n) _____ response only occurs after learning.

A) conditioned
B) unconditioned
C) neutral
D) reflexive

Page 6
34. A conditioned response only occurs after the pairing of what two types of stimuli?
A) a discriminative and a neutral stimulus
B) an unconditioned and a neutral stimulus
C) an unconditioned and a conditioned stimulus
D) an operant and a conditioned stimulus

35. What type of learning is MOST likely being utilized in advertising?

A) classical conditioning
B) operant conditioning
C) insight
D) instinctual drift

36. Shoe companies pair their logos with exciting athletes in order to get you excited about
buying their shoes. Which could be BEST described as the unconditioned stimulus in
this scenario?
A) the shoe company's logo
B) the exciting athletes
C) your excitement about athletes
D) your excitement about the shoes

37. Shoe companies pair their logos with exciting athletes in order to get you excited about
buying their shoes. Which could be BEST described as the unconditioned response in
this scenario?
A) the shoe company's logo
B) the exciting athletes
C) your excitement about athletes
D) your excitement about the shoes

38. Shoe companies pair their logos with exciting athletes in order to get you excited about
buying their shoes. Which could be BEST described as the conditioned stimulus in this
A) the shoe company's logo
B) the exciting athletes
C) your excitement about athletes
D) your excitement about the shoes

Page 7
39. Shoe companies pair their logos with exciting athletes in order to get you excited about
buying their shoes. Which could be BEST described as the conditioned response in this
A) the shoe company's logo
B) the exciting athletes
C) your excitement about athletes
D) your excitement about the shoes

40. Insulin is produced by the body when sugar is ingested. Research has found that
insulin starts being produced just when sugar is put on the tongue—before it actually
gets into the stomach and, ultimately, the bloodstream. In this scenario, sugar actually
entering the stomach and bloodstream would be a(n):
A) conditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) unconditioned response.

41. Insulin is produced by the body when sugar is ingested. Research has found that
insulin starts being produced just when sugar is put on the tongue—before it actually
gets into the stomach and, ultimately, the bloodstream. In this scenario, sugar just
touching the tongue would be a(n):
A) conditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) unconditioned response.

42. Insulin is produced by the body when sugar is ingested. Research has found that
insulin starts being produced just when sugar is put on the tongue—before it actually
gets into the stomach and, ultimately, the bloodstream. In this scenario, the production
of insulin after sugar enters the stomach and bloodstream would be a(n):
A) conditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) unconditioned response.

Page 8
43. Insulin is produced by the body when sugar is ingested. Research has found that insulin
starts being produced just when sugar is put on the tongue—before it actually gets into
the stomach and, ultimately, the bloodstream. In this scenario, insulin being produced
after sugar just touches the tongue would be a(n):
A) conditioned stimulus.
B) conditioned response.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) unconditioned response.

44. Which would NOT be considered an unconditioned response to an unconditioned

A) becoming aroused at the sight of high heels
B) sneezing in response to dust in your nose
C) blinking in response to a puff of air to the eye
D) salivating when ice cream is in your mouth

45. Which would MOST likely be a response that would need to be paired with an
unconditioned stimulus before occurring?
A) salivating after hearing a soda can open
B) flinching during a painful injection
C) pulling your hand away from a hot stove
D) sweating while running a marathon

46. _____ is the process by which stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus might
cause a similar response.
A) Extinction
B) Discrimination
C) Generalization
D) Acquisition

47. _____ is the process by which stimuli that are different from the conditioned stimulus
fail to cause a similar response.
A) Extinction
B) Discrimination
C) Generalization
D) Acquisition

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48. Three-year-old Hans has run away from horses ever since one bit him. At the zoo, he
ran away from zebras, but did not run from the elephants. Hans showed _____ the
zebras and _____ the elephants.
A) discrimination from; generalization to
B) discrimination from; discrimination from
C) generalization to; discrimination from
D) generalization to; generalization to

49. Three-year-old Hans has run away from horses ever since one bit him. To what animal
would Hans MOST likely generalize this conditioned response?
A) dogs
B) cats
C) donkeys
D) sheep

50. Generalization requires a stimulus _____ a conditioned stimulus, and discrimination

requires a stimulus _____ a conditioned stimulus.
A) different from; similar to
B) different from; different from
C) similar to; different from
D) similar to; similar to

51. When you enter the dentist's office, the sound of the drill makes you wince, even though
you don't currently feel any pain. You also hear the receptionist tapping her pen, but
this sound does not make you wince. Not wincing in response to the sound of the
receptionist tapping her pen is BEST described as an example of _____.
A) extinction
B) discrimination
C) generalization
D) acquisition

52. Sayid grew up in Syria and often heard gunfire and explosions near his home, which
caused him alarm and anxiety. He moved to the United States, and during his first
Fourth of July was very startled by the sounds of the fireworks. Sayid's startling in
response to the sound of the fireworks is BEST described as an example of _____.
A) extinction
B) discrimination
C) generalization
D) acquisition

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53. Which statement about the “Little Albert study” is true?
A) Little Albert was originally frightened of a rat, and the experimenters extinguished
a fear response through pairing the rat with a loud noise.
B) Little Albert originally had no fear of a rat, and the experimenters conditioned a
fear response through pairing the rat with a loud noise.
C) Little Albert was originally frightened of a rat, and the experimenters extinguished
a fear response through pairing the rat with other furry objects.
D) Little Albert originally had no fear of a rat, and the experimenters conditioned a
fear response through pairing the rat with other furry objects.

54. Which statement about the “Little Albert study” is NOT true?
A) Little Albert's fear of the rat generalized to furry objects.
B) Little Albert discriminated between the rat and toy blocks.
C) Little Albert's fear of the rat generalized to toy blocks.
D) Little Albert acquired fear of the rat and furry objects.

55. Which statement about the ethical implications of the “Little Albert study” is NOT true?
A) The methods used would most likely not be approved by ethics boards today.
B) The results of the study most likely justified the potential harm to the subject.
C) The experimenters should have done something after the study to reduce the fear.
D) The study sparked the movement toward institutional boards that review studies.

56. Which psychologist is MOST associated with the “Little Albert study”?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) John B. Watson
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Edward L. Thorndike

57. _____ is the moment when the association between the unconditioned and the
conditioned stimulus is learned.
A) Acquisition
B) Extinction
C) Generalization
D) Discrimination

58. A conditioned response will only occur after:

A) acquisition.
B) extinction.
C) generalization.
D) discrimination.

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59. Acquisition can be said to have occurred when a(n) _____ stimulus produces a(n) _____
A) unconditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) conditioned; conditioned

60. Acquisition can be said to have occurred when a(n) _____ stimulus becomes a(n) _____
A) neutral; unconditioned
B) neutral; conditioned
C) unconditioned; neutral
D) conditioned; neutral

61. Acquisition is based on the ability of a stimulus to _____ another stimulus.

A) elicit
B) mimic
C) predict
D) extinguish

62. In acquisition, a(n) _____ stimulus predicts the occurrence of a(n) _____ stimulus.
A) unconditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) conditioned; conditioned

63. In order for acquisition to occur, the _____ stimulus must occur before and close in time
to the occurrence of the _____ stimulus.
A) neutral; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; neutral
C) conditioned; neutral
D) neutral; conditioned

64. In acquisition, the neutral stimulus must occur _____ the onset of the unconditioned
A) at the same time as
B) before
C) after
D) far apart in time from

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65. If a long delay occurs between the presentation of a neutral stimulus and an
unconditioned stimulus:
A) acquisition will most likely occur.
B) acquisition will most likely not occur.
C) extinction will most likely occur.
D) extinction will most likely not occur.

66. Pavlov's dogs acquired their conditioned response because the _____ predicted the
A) bell; food
B) food; bell
C) food; salivating
D) bell; salivating

67. In which scenario would acquisition be MOST likely to occur?

A) Whenever Marco sneezes, his boyfriend is sure to say, “Bless you” and hand him a
B) Kayla always wears a vanilla-scented lotion, but one time when she wore it, she got
a cold.
C) After Shannon receives a painful shot, she treats herself to ice cream and eats a
new flavor.
D) Every time Thomas sees high-heeled shoes, they are being worn by an attractive

68. Seven-year-old Alfanso is going to the eye doctor for the first time. One of the tests
performed by the eye doctor is one that checks for pressure in the eye. To take this test,
Alfanso sits in a chair, places his forehead against an apparatus, and waits for
instructions from the doctor. Then his eye is hit with a puff of air! While it doesn't
hurt, it sure is startling and reflexively causes Alfanso's eye to blink. When the doctor
says it's time to check the other eye, Alfanso begins to blink as soon as he rests his head
against the apparatus. What is the MOST likely explanation for Alfanso's behavior?
A) Alfanso's conditioned response to the air puff generalized the feeling of the
apparatus against his forehead.
B) Alfanso acquired a conditioned response to the feeling of the apparatus against his
forehead due to its pairing with the air puff.
C) Alfanso's unconditioned response to the air puff extinguished his response to the
feeling of the apparatus against his forehead.
D) Alfanso discriminated between the air puff and the feeling of the apparatus against
his forehead.

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69. Seven-year-old Alfanso is going to the eye doctor for the first time. One of the tests
performed by the eye doctor is one that checks for pressure in the eye. To take this test,
Alfanso sits in a chair, places his forehead against an apparatus, and waits for
instructions from the doctor. Then his eye is hit with a puff of air! While it doesn't
hurt, it sure is startling and reflexively causes Alfanso's eye to blink. When the doctor
says it's time to check the other eye, Alfanso begins to blink as soon as he rests his head
against the apparatus. What is the unconditioned stimulus in this acquisition scenario?
A) Alfanso himself
B) Alfanso's blinking
C) the puff of air in Alfanso's eye
D) the feeling of the apparatus against Alfanso's forehead

70. Seven-year-old Alfanso is going to the eye doctor for the first time. One of the tests
performed by the eye doctor is one that checks for pressure in the eye. To take this test,
Alfanso sits in a chair, places his forehead against an apparatus, and waits for
instructions from the doctor. Then his eye is hit with a puff of air! While it doesn't
hurt, it sure is startling and reflexively causes Alfanso's eye to blink. When the doctor
says it's time to check the other eye, Alfanso begins to blink as soon as he rests his head
against the apparatus. What is the conditioned stimulus in this acquisition scenario?
A) Alfanso himself
B) Alfanso's blinking
C) the puff of air in Alfanso's eye
D) the feeling of the apparatus against his forehead

71. Seven-year-old Alfanso is going to the eye doctor for the first time. One of the tests
performed by the eye doctor is one that checks for pressure in the eye. To take this test,
Alfanso sits in a chair, places his forehead against an apparatus, and waits for
instructions from the doctor. Then his eye is hit with a puff of air! While it doesn't
hurt, it sure is startling and reflexively causes Alfanso's eye to blink. When the doctor
says it's time to check the other eye, Alfanso begins to blink as soon as he rests his head
against the apparatus. What is the conditioned response in this acquisition scenario?
A) Alfanso being startled
B) Alfanso's blinking after the feeling of the apparatus against his forehead
C) the puff of air in Alfanso's eye
D) Alfanso's blinking after the air puff

Page 14
72. Seven-year-old Alfanso is going to the eye doctor for the first time. One of the tests
performed by the eye doctor is one that checks for pressure in the eye. To take this test,
Alfanso sits in a chair, places his forehead against an apparatus, and waits for
instructions from the doctor. Then his eye is hit with a puff of air! While it doesn't
hurt, it sure is startling and reflexively causes Alfanso's eye to blink. When the doctor
says it's time to check the other eye, Alfanso begins to blink as soon as he rests his head
against the apparatus. What is the unconditioned response in this acquisition scenario?
A) Alfanso being startled
B) Alfanso's blinking after the feeling of the apparatus against his forehead
C) the puff of air in Alfanso's eye
D) Alfanso's blinking after the air puff

73. _____ is the moment at which the conditioned stimulus no longer produces a
conditioned response.
A) Acquisition
B) Extinction
C) Generalization
D) Discrimination

74. Extinction occurs when the _____ stimulus no longer produces a(n) _____ response.
A) unconditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) conditioned; conditioned

75. Extinction occurs when the _____ stimulus no longer predicts a(n) _____ stimulus.
A) unconditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) conditioned; conditioned

76. For Pavlov to extinguish salivation in his dogs, he had to present the bell _____ the
A) with
B) at the same time as
C) without
D) before

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77. Mary is allergic to cats. Mary's friend, Sue, has a roommate who has cats. Whenever
Mary visits Sue, Mary sneezes even before she enters Sue's house. Mary's sneezing
persists even after Sue's roommate and his cats have moved out. After a while, Mary
stops sneezing before she enters Sue's house. The point at which Mary's sneezing
stopped is an example of _____.
A) acquisition
B) generalization
C) discrimination
D) extinction

78. Which statement MOST accurately describes the result of extinction?

A) The unconditioned stimulus no longer causes the conditioned response.
B) The unconditioned stimulus no longer causes the unconditioned response.
C) The conditioned stimulus no longer causes the conditioned response.
D) The conditioned stimulus no longer causes the unconditioned response.

79. Extinction acts on which part of the conditioning process?

A) the unconditioned stimulus
B) the unconditioned response
C) the neutral stimulus
D) the conditioned response

80. Which statement about the conditioned response after extinction is true?
A) It will never again occur after the conditioned stimulus.
B) It becomes the same as the unconditioned response.
C) It may spontaneously recover after a period of inactivity.
D) It is more likely to generalize to other similar stimuli.

81. _____ is the return of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a period of
A) Acquisition
B) Discrimination
C) Spontaneous recovery
D) Vicarious conditioning

Page 16
82. Mary is allergic to cats. Mary's friend, Sue, has a roommate who has cats. Whenever
Mary visits Sue, Mary sneezes even before she enters Sue's house. Mary's sneezing
persists even after Sue's roommate and his cats have moved out. After a while, Mary
stops sneezing before she enters Sue's house. Then, one day after not visiting Sue for
some time, Mary starts sneezing again when she enters Sue's house. This is BEST
described as _____.
A) acquisition
B) generalization
C) discrimination
D) spontaneous recovery

83. If a behavior _____, it MOST likely spontaneously recovered.

A) stops
B) reemerges
C) persists
D) increases

84. If Pavlov's dogs suddenly started salivating to the bell after they hadn't responded to it
for some time, it is MOST likely that the response was:
A) extinguished.
B) spontaneously recovered.
C) generalized.
D) discriminated.

85. If a behavior spontaneously recovers, the response will MOST likely be _____ than it
was before it was extinguished.
A) stronger
B) weaker
C) different
D) more frequent

86. Higher-order conditioning involves:

A) a single stimulus.
B) three or more stimuli.
C) only two stimuli.
D) a single response.

Page 17
87. Higher-order conditioning is also known as _____ conditioning.
A) vicarious
B) second-order
C) operant
D) observational

88. Higher-order conditioning is a learning process in which a(n) _____ stimulus from a
previous learning process serves as a(n) _____ stimulus.
A) unconditioned; unconditioned
B) unconditioned; conditioned
C) conditioned; unconditioned
D) conditioned; conditioned

89. Trent's cat started to meow in anticipation of eating at the sound of the can opener Trent
used to open up his cat's food. Now his cat has started to meow when the drawer that
the can opener is in squeaks as he gets it out. This is BEST described as an example of:
A) extinction.
B) spontaneous recovery.
C) vicarious conditioning.
D) higher-order conditioning.

90. If Pavlov sounded a buzzer before ringing the bell, and the buzzer began to elicit
salivation, it could be said that _____ took place.
A) extinction
B) spontaneous recovery
C) vicarious conditioning
D) higher-order conditioning

91. _____ is conditioning that takes place via observation of others' life experiences rather
than your own.
A) Operant conditioning
B) Higher-order conditioning
C) Spontaneous recovery
D) Vicarious conditioning

Page 18
92. Two-year-old Corwin sees his cousin Alexis get excited when hearing the theme song
for an animated movie she likes. Now when Corwin hears that song, he starts jumping
up and down excitedly. What MOST likely happened?
A) operant conditioning
B) observational conditioning
C) spontaneous recovery
D) vicarious conditioning

93. Which learning concept is MOST often used in the treatment of phobias?
A) operant conditioning
B) observational learning
C) classical conditioning
D) vicarious conditioning

94. A(n) _____ is an irrational fear of a specific object or situation.

A) phobia
B) instinct
C) placebo
D) discriminative stimulus

95. A(n) _____ may be learned by pairing a specific thing with an extremely unpleasant
A) phobia
B) insight
C) placebo
D) discriminative stimulus

96. Which statement is NOT true about the applications of classical conditioning?
A) Phobias may result from the pairing of certain stimuli with unpleasant emotions.
B) The best way to get rid of a phobia is to avoid the stimulus that causes the fear.
C) Classical conditioning can be used to treat physical problems as well as fears.
D) The placebo effect may be based on pairing medicine effects with the smell of

97. Compared to classical conditioning, operant conditioning is more:

A) passive.
B) active.
C) involuntary.
D) reflexive.

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98. _____ conditioning is a form of learning in which the consequences of a voluntary
behavior affect the likelihood that a behavior will recur.
A) Classical
B) Operant
C) Vicarious
D) Higher-order

99. _____ are “if-then” statements that explain past events and govern future behavior.
A) Placebos
B) Phobias
C) Contingencies
D) Discriminative stimuli

100. “If I read the chapter before going to class, the lecture will make more sense” is an
example of a:
A) placebo.
B) phobia.
C) contingency.
D) discriminative stimulus.

101. Operant behavior is based on:

A) if-then statements that guide behavior.
B) stimulus pairings that elicit reflexes.
C) natural unlearned responses.
D) mimicking another person's actions.

102. Jerome has learned that if he moves very slowly around his girlfriend's cat, the cat won't
attack his feet. Jerome MOST likely learned this through _____ conditioning.
A) classical
B) operant
C) reflexive
D) higher-order

103. Which psychologist is MOST associated with the law of effect?

A) Ivan Pavlov
B) John B. Watson
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Edward L. Thorndike

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104. The law of _____ is the observation that behavior is more likely to be repeated if its
effects are desirable but less likely if the effects are undesirable.
A) effect
B) discrimination
C) generalization
D) action

105. Thorndike demonstrated the law of effect by showing that:

A) cats would repeat actions that got them out of a puzzle box.
B) dogs would salivate to a bell if the sound was paired with food.
C) pigeons would peck a red, but not a blue, light to get grain.
D) children would be more likely to hit a doll if they saw an adult do it.

106. Which psychologist is MOST associated with operant conditioning and posited that
humans have no free will?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) John B. Watson
C) B. F. Skinner
D) Edward L. Thorndike

107. Which statement about B. F. Skinner is NOT true?

A) He believed that humans have no free will over their behavior.
B) He believed that human behavior was different from that of animals.
C) He is more associated with operant conditioning than is Thorndike.
D) He conducted many studies with animals demonstrating the law of effect.

108. _____ boxes are automated chambers that allow for observation and measurement of
animal behavior.
A) Skinner
B) Reinforcement
C) Punishment
D) Acquisition

109. If a researcher wished to observe and measure a specific operant response of a rat, he or
she would MOST likely:
A) watch the rat's behavior in a Skinner box.
B) pair a stimulus with a reflex of the rat.
C) imitate the behavior in front of the rat.
D) assess it in the rat's natural environment.

Page 21
110. _____ is the process by which consequences of a behavior increases the likelihood that
the behavior will happen again.
A) Vicarious conditioning
B) Higher-order conditioning
C) Reinforcement
D) Punishment

111. Stephanie gives her dog affection when the dog lays its head on her lap. Stephanie has
begun to notice that her dog has been laying its head on her lap a lot more often than
usual lately. This is MOST likely due to the learning process of:
A) vicarious conditioning.
B) higher-order conditioning.
C) reinforcement.
D) punishment.

112. In reinforcement, a behavior _____ due to stimulus that _____ it.

A) increases; follows
B) increases; precedes
C) decreases; follows
D) decreases; precedes

113. Which is true about reinforcement?

A) It always involves the presentation of a desirable stimulus.
B) If one person finds something reinforcing, another always will.
C) Negative always means something is removed from the situation.
D) Its only purpose is to help an organism avoid danger and pain.

114. In positive reinforcement, a behavior increases due to:

A) the presentation of a desirable stimulus.
B) the presentation of an undesirable stimulus.
C) the removal of a desirable stimulus.
D) the removal of an undesirable stimulus.

115. When Zainab got a headache, her mother suggested she take ibuprofen. Since the
ibuprofen got rid of her headache then, Zainab takes it now whenever she has a
headache. This is BEST described as an example of:
A) positive reinforcement.
B) negative reinforcement.
C) positive punishment.
D) negative punishment.

Page 22
116. When Salvatore got all As on his report card, his father took him out for ice cream.
Salvatore is now very motivated to get all As on his next report card. This is BEST
described as an example of:
A) positive reinforcement.
B) negative reinforcement.
C) positive punishment.
D) negative punishment.

117. A _____ reinforcer requires no learning to have a reinforcing effect.

A) positive
B) negative
C) primary
D) secondary

118. Food when hungry is BEST described as a:

A) punisher.
B) negative reinforcer.
C) primary reinforcer.
D) secondary reinforcer.

119. Money to buy food when hungry is BEST described as a:

A) punisher.
B) negative reinforcer.
C) primary reinforcer.
D) secondary reinforcer.

120. A _____ reinforcer requires learning to have a reinforcing effect.

A) positive
B) negative
C) primary
D) secondary

121. A _____ reinforcer is only reinforcing because it has been paired with a _____
A) positive; negative
B) negative; positive
C) primary; secondary
D) secondary; primary

Page 23
122. Dog trainers pair the sound of a clicker with treats so they can influence a dog's
behavior without having to provide a treat every time. In this situation, the treat serves
as a _____ and the clicker serves as a _____ to influence the dog's behavior.
A) primary reinforcer; primary reinforcer
B) secondary reinforcer; primary reinforcer
C) primary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
D) secondary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer

123. Dog trainers pair the sound of a clicker with treats so they can influence a dog's
behavior without having to provide a treat every time. In this situation, the association
between the clicker and a treat is an example of _____, and the clicker serves as a _____
to influence the dog's behavior.
A) operant conditioning; primary reinforcer
B) classical conditioning; primary reinforcer
C) operant conditioning; secondary reinforcer
D) classical conditioning; secondary reinforcer

124. Which of these situations describes the MOST reinforcing situation?

A) Mary exercises daily because it will ultimately lead to a healthier, longer life.
B) Martino buys scratch-off lottery tickets because he may hit a $10,000 jackpot.
C) Brenda gets another ice cream sandwich to eat because it tastes so good.
D) Joshua washes the dishes as he cooks so they don't become a big pile at the end.

125. Kelley, who grew up in the United States, is _____ likely to find an award for individual
achievement as reinforcing when compared to Ensha, who grew up in China.
A) just as
B) more
C) less
D) not at all

126. Which statement about cultural differences in reinforcement is true?

A) People from individualistic cultures find higher pay more reinforcing than people
from collectivist cultures.
B) People from individualistic cultures may find awards that single them out as more
reinforcing than people from collectivist cultures.
C) Women from individualistic cultures may place more importance on convenient
working hours than women from collectivist cultures.
D) People from individualistic cultures may find the ability to get relatives jobs more
reinforcing than people from collectivist cultures.

Page 24
127. A(n) _____ describes the patterns by which reinforcement occurs in response to the
execution of a behavior.
A) positive reinforcer
B) negative reinforcer
C) schedule of reinforcement
D) acquisition of reinforcement

128. On a _____ schedule of reinforcement, a behavior is reinforced each time it occurs, and
on a _____ schedule of reinforcement, a behavior is reinforced some of the times that it
A) positive; negative
B) negative; positive
C) partial; continuous
D) continuous; partial

129. Madita, who teaches third-graders, puts a sticker on each of her students' papers every
time their work earns an A. This is BEST described as a(n) _____ schedule of
A) intermittent
B) negative
C) partial
D) continuous

130. Kevin mows his neighbor's lawn every week, but his neighbor only pays him at the end
of each month. This is BEST described as a(n) _____ schedule of reinforcement.
A) extinction
B) negative
C) partial
D) continuous

131. A _____ schedule of reinforcement promotes the fastest acquisition of operant behavior,
and a _____ schedule of reinforcement results in operant behavior that is the most
resistant to extinction.
A) positive; negative
B) negative; positive
C) partial; continuous
D) continuous; partial

Page 25
132. Marcus wants to teach his dog to sit, and he wants his dog to learn the behavior in the
fastest manner possible. Based on what you know about schedules of reinforcement, you
tell him it would be BEST to use a(n) _____ schedule of reinforcement.
A) intermittent
B) negative
C) partial
D) continuous

133. Marcus wants to teach his dog to sit, but he doesn't want his dog to gain too much
weight from getting too many treats. Based on what you know about schedules of
reinforcement, you tell him it would be BEST to use a(n) _____ schedule of
A) extinction
B) negative
C) partial
D) continuous

134. When using a partial schedule of reinforcement, acquisition of behavior happens _____
and extinction occurs _____.
A) slowly; quickly
B) quickly; slowly
C) slowly; slowly
D) quickly; quickly

135. When using a continuous schedule of reinforcement, acquisition of behavior happens

_____ and extinction occurs _____.
A) slowly; quickly
B) quickly; slowly
C) slowly; slowly
D) quickly; quickly

136. Reinforcers are delivered after _____ on ratio schedules of reinforcement, and
reinforcers are delivered after _____ on interval schedules of reinforcement.
A) a number of responses; the first response after a period of time
B) a number of responses; a number of responses
C) the first response after a period of time; a number of responses
D) the first response after a period of time; the first response after a period of time

Page 26
137. Which behavior is BEST described as being on a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement?
A) getting soda from a vending machine
B) playing a slot machine for the jackpot
C) checking your mailbox for a birthday card
D) checking your phone for voicemail

138. Which behavior is BEST described as being on a variable ratio schedule of

A) getting soda from a vending machine
B) playing a slot machine for the jackpot
C) checking your mailbox for a birthday card
D) checking your phone for voicemail

139. Which behavior is BEST described as being on a fixed interval schedule of

A) getting soda from a vending machine
B) playing a slot machine for the jackpot
C) checking your mailbox for a birthday card
D) checking your phone for voicemail

140. Which behavior is BEST described as being on a variable interval schedule of

A) getting soda from a vending machine
B) playing a slot machine for the jackpot
C) checking your mailbox for a birthday card
D) checking your phone for voicemail

141. Cienna gets paid weekly on Thursdays, and on Friday she checks her bank account to
make sure the money is there. Which schedule of reinforcement BEST describes her
A) fixed ratio
B) variable ratio
C) fixed interval
D) variable interval

Page 27
142. Hiro is an artist who gets paid for each piece of art he creates. Which schedule of
reinforcement BEST describes his behavior?
A) fixed ratio
B) variable ratio
C) fixed interval
D) variable interval

143. A dog trainer gives a dog a treat every third time the dog sits after the trainer says “sit.”
What BEST describes the schedule of reinforcement under which the trainer is
controlling the dog's behavior?
A) fixed ratio
B) variable ratio
C) fixed interval
D) variable interval

144. Kalama just got a job in an office. She never knows when her boss may come by her
cubicle, so she makes sure to always be working, just in case. Which schedule of
reinforcement BEST describes her behavior?
A) fixed ratio
B) variable ratio
C) fixed interval
D) variable interval

145. Pedro is guiding his 3-year-old sister through cleaning her room. He praises her when
she picks up and puts away somewhere between two and six toys. What BEST describes
the schedule of reinforcement under which Pedro is controlling his sister's behavior?
A) fixed ratio
B) variable ratio
C) fixed interval
D) variable interval

146. Which accurately describes how punishment and reinforcement differ?

A) There is positive and negative reinforcement, but only negative punishment.
B) Punishment decreases behavior and reinforcement increases a response.
C) Punishment teaches what behaviors to avoid as well as alternative responses.
D) Reinforcers, but not punishments, must be specific and immediate to be effective.

Page 28
147. _____ is the process by which the consequence of a behavior decreases the likelihood
that the behavior will happen again.
A) Vicarious conditioning
B) Higher-order conditioning
C) Reinforcement
D) Punishment

148. In positive punishment, presentation of a(n)_____ stimulus _____ the likelihood that the
behavior will happen again.
A) undesirable; increases
B) undesirable; decreases
C) desirable; increases
D) desirable; decreases

149. In negative punishment, removal of a(n)_____ stimulus _____ the likelihood that the
behavior will happen again.
A) undesirable; increases
B) undesirable; decreases
C) desirable; increases
D) desirable; decreases

150. When Liam started training for a marathon, he twisted his ankle. Now every time he
tries to run, his ankle hurts. Thus he decided to stop running for now, though he hopes
to try for the marathon next year. This is BEST described as an example of:
A) positive reinforcement.
B) negative reinforcement.
C) positive punishment.
D) negative punishment.

151. When Sarita stayed out past her curfew, her mother took away her cell phone. Now
Sarita makes sure to never stay out past curfew. This is BEST described as an example
A) positive reinforcement.
B) negative reinforcement.
C) positive punishment.
D) negative punishment.

Page 29
152. Which is NOT an important factor for punishment to be effective?
A) Punishment should be provided on a variable ratio or interval schedule.
B) Punishment must happen immediately after the offensive behavior.
C) Another behavior should be suggested to replace the undesired one.
D) The behavior that is being punished needs to be explicitly specified.

153. A(n) _____ is a signal that indicates that a particular behavior will be followed by a
particular consequence.
A) discriminative stimulus
B) primary reinforcer
C) unconditioned stimulus
D) neutral stimulus

154. A discriminative stimulus allows us to act when the chances of obtaining reinforcement
are _____ and the chances of obtaining punishment are _____.
A) greatest; greatest
B) greatest; least
C) lowest; greatest
D) lowest; least

155. Which is NOT true about discriminative stimuli?

A) They are important for both punishment and reinforcement.
B) They can be based on any sense, including taste and smell.
C) They can be used by humans but not by other animals.
D) They act as signals for the consequences of behavior.

156. When driving, you only go through a traffic signal when it is green, not when it's red.
The color of the light is BEST described as serving as a(n):
A) discriminative stimulus.
B) primary reinforcer.
C) unconditioned stimulus.
D) neutral stimulus.

Page 30
157. When Roberto is around, his dog approaches him because Roberto pets her. However,
the dog avoids Roberto's roommate, Carl, because Carl shoos her away. What serves as
a discriminative stimulus for a reinforcement contingency of the dog's behavior in this
A) Roberto
B) Carl
C) approaching
D) being petted

158. Thirteen-year-old Lucy only asks her dad if she can play video games; her dad always
says yes whereas her mom always says no. What BEST describes the role that Lucy's
dad plays in this contingency?
A) positive reinforcer
B) negative reinforcer
C) discriminative stimulus
D) unconditioned stimulus

159. _____ is the process of gradually learning a complex behavior.

A) Reinforcement
B) Punishment
C) Shaping
D) Discriminating

160. Sam is teaching his dog to sit up and beg. First, he gives his dog a treat for just sitting.
Then, he makes the dog raise up one paw after it sits before giving it a treat. Finally, he
gives the dog a treat only when the dog sits up and raises both paws. What process
BEST describes this process?
A) negative reinforcement
B) positive punishment
C) shaping
D) discriminating

161. In which scenario would shaping MOST likely need to be used?

A) teaching a cat to use a toilet rather than a litter box
B) teaching a child to enjoy watching a television show
C) teaching a dog to eat pieces of meat out of a bowl
D) teaching an adult to leave when a fire alarm sounds

Page 31
162. An increase in behavior, or _____, occurs when a reinforcer is removed from a
A) extinction burst
B) punishment
C) shaping
D) discriminating

163. During an extinction burst, a behavior first _____ and then _____.
A) decreases; stabilizes
B) decreases; increases
C) increases; stabilizes
D) increases; decreases

164. When Zuoxin tells a new joke he heard to his roommate, his roommate laughs. Zuoxin
keeps telling jokes, but his roommate (who needs to study) stops laughing. What is
MOST likely to happen to Zuoxin's joke-telling behavior?
A) Zuoxin will immediately stop telling jokes.
B) Zuoxin will tell a few more jokes and then give up.
C) Zuoxin will keep telling jokes until his roommate yells.
D) Zuoxin will keep telling jokes all night.

165. Four-year-old Salina is playing with a battery-operated bubble gun. Suddenly, the
batteries fail and the gun no longer produces bubbles. She rapidly hits the trigger a few
times, shakes it and tries again, and finally discards the gun to search for something else
to play with. What is the MOST likely explanation for this behavior series?
A) Salina acquired bubble-gun operating behavior.
B) Salina generalized bubble-gun playing to other toys.
C) Salina found bubble-gun playing negatively reinforcing.
D) Salina's bubble-gun playing underwent extinction.

166. _____ is a term used to describe how psychologists use operant conditioning to help
people reduce unwanted behaviors.
A) Extinction burst
B) Contingency management
C) Shaping
D) Discriminating

Page 32
167. Abdul has been smoking cigarettes for many years and, while he wants to quit, he's
having trouble doing so. What program might a psychologist suggest he use?
A) extinction burst
B) contingency management
C) shaping
D) generalization

168. _____ is a type of learning that occurs as a result of seeing other people's behavior and
its consequences.
A) Classical conditioning
B) Contingency management
C) Shaping
D) Observational learning

169. To learn something through _____, you have to personally execute a behavior, but
through _____, you learn by seeing other people's behavior and its consequences.
A) shaping; classical conditioning
B) classical conditioning; shaping
C) observational learning; operant conditioning
D) operant conditioning; observational learning

170. Which is an example of observational learning?

A) Peyton flinches at lightning because she's scared of thunder.
B) Sandra eats another cookie because they taste delicious.
C) Malik avoids Theresa because Sally says she's mean.
D) Finn doesn't speed when he thinks a police car is ahead.

171. Which is NOT true about observational learning and violence?

A) Correlation studies reveal that video game violence causes aggression.
B) Meta-analyses find definitive links between media violence and violent behavior.
C) Experiments show that exposure to violent media desensitizes people to real
D) Longitudinal studies show that TV violence exposure predicts violent behavior.

172. Which psychologist is MOST associated with observational learning studies?

A) Ivan Pavlov
B) Edward Thorndike
C) B.F. Skinner
D) Albert Bandura

Page 33
173. How did Albert Bandura study observational learning?
A) in children, using an inflatable clown doll
B) in dogs, measuring salivation during feeding
C) in pigeons, using a Skinner box
D) in cats, using a puzzle box

174. If an adult model acted aggressively toward the Bobo doll in Albert Bandura's classic
study, children acted ____ aggressively toward it. If the model didn't act aggressively,
then the child acted _____ aggressively toward it.
A) more; more
B) more; less
C) less; more
D) less; less

175. Eight-year-old Candy just knocked over a political sign on her neighbor's lawn. How
would Albert Bandura MOST likely explain this behavior?
A) Candy saw an adult knock over a similar sign.
B) Candy was reinforced for doing it in the past.
C) The sign is a conditioned stimulus for Candy.
D) Candy is going through an extinction burst.

176. Which statement is NOT true about the results of Albert Bandura's Bobo studies?
A) When an adult model was aggressive to the Bobo doll, children were more likely to
also act aggressively towards the doll.
B) If the model who acted aggressively toward the Bobo doll got rewarded, children
who saw it were more likely to act aggressively towards the doll.
C) If the model who acted aggressively toward the Bobo doll got punished, children
who saw it were less likely to act aggressively toward the doll.
D) If the model who acted aggressively toward the Bobo doll got punished, children
who saw it would not act aggressively toward the doll even if rewarded.

177. _____ is imitation of observed behavior.

A) Modeling
B) Shaping
C) Discriminating
D) Generalizing

Page 34
178. Which of these is NOT an ability that Bandura identified as necessary in order for an
observer to learn from a model?
A) attention
B) concentration
C) imitation
D) motivation

179. _____ neurons are activated when a person performs or observes a particular behavior.
A) Observational
B) Shaping
C) Imitative
D) Mirror

180. _____ neurons may underlie empathy and imitation.

A) Observational
B) Shaping
C) Imitative
D) Mirror

181. Nu-Chu hates getting shots and always cringes when a hospital show on TV shows a
doctor giving a patient an injection. This set of behaviors would MOST likely be
controlled by:
A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning
C) shaping.
D) mirror neurons.

182. _____ is your predisposition to learn what is most relevant to the survival of your
A) Observational learning
B) Classical conditioning
C) Biological preparedness
D) Instinctual drift

Page 35
183. Tamara ate at the new Vietnamese restaurant in town and tried a dish she'd never had
before. A few hours after, she began to feel sick to her stomach. Now she gags even
when she smells the food from the restaurant when she passes by. She has MOST
likely developed a(n):
A) taste aversion.
B) instinctual drift.
C) biological preparedness.
D) primary reinforcer.

184. If you get sick after eating a new food, you will MOST likely develop a(n) _____,
which is an example of a(n) ______.
A) taste aversion; instinctual drift
B) instinctual drift; taste aversion
C) taste aversion; biological preparedness
D) biological preparedness; taste aversion

185. That John Garcia's rats would develop a taste aversion to sugar water paired with nausea
but not to sugar water paired with an electric shock is an example of:
A) instinctual drift.
B) operant conditioning.
C) biological preparedness.
D) observational learning.

186. When John Garcia made rats nauseous after they tasted sugar water, they drank _____
sugar water. When he gave rats an electric shock after they tasted sugar water, they
drank _____ sugar water.
A) less; the same amount of
B) the same amount of; less
C) more; the same amount of
D) the same amount of; more

187. Which psychologist is most associated with studies of biological preparedness by

inducing taste aversions in rats?
A) Ivan Pavlov
B) B. F. Skinner
C) Albert Bandura
D) John Garcia

Page 36
188. How did John Garcia demonstrate biological preparedness?
A) in dogs, that salivated upon food presentation
B) in rats, that pressed levers for food delivery
C) in cats, that had to find a way out of a puzzle box
D) in rats, that were induced with taste aversions

189. _____ is the tendency for an animal's behavior to return to innate programs.
A) Shaping
B) Biological preparedness
C) Instinctive drift
D) Operant conditioning

190. Even though you praise your dog for sitting inside on his bed and chewing the bone you
gave him, your dog insists on going outside and burying his bone. This is MOST likely
an example of:
A) shaping.
B) classical conditioning.
C) instinctive drift.
D) operant conditioning.

191. In instinctive drift, an animal's behavior:

A) increases based on the reinforcers that follow it.
B) is elicited by stimuli associated with a reflex.
C) returns to genetically programmed patterns.
D) mimics that of another member of its species.

192. Cognitive influences on learning can also be described as how _____ affects learning.
A) thinking
B) behavior
C) motivation
D) biology

193. A(n) _____ is a mental representation of the physical environment.

A) thought map
B) cognitive map
C) instinctual drift
D) discriminative stimulus

Page 37
194. Having prior information about the physical environment _____ learning.
A) disrupts
B) stabilizes
C) slows down
D) speeds up

195. _____ is learning that has taken place but cannot yet be directly observed.
A) Operant conditioning
B) Classical conditioning
C) Latent learning
D) Observational learning

196. In her car's manual, Sharon read the directions on how to change a tire. When she got a
flat, she was able to change the tire much faster than her friend who hadn't previously
read the manual. Sharon was exhibiting:
A) operant conditioning.
B) classical conditioning.
C) latent learning.
D) observational learning.

197. _____ is the perception of a solution to a problem that results from cognitive
understanding rather than from trial-and-error.
A) Insight
B) Shaping
C) Latent learning
D) Observational learning

198. The “Aha!” moment is often referred to as _____.

A) insight
B) shaping
C) latent learning
D) observational learning

199. _____ is the absence of any attempt to get away from a bad situation because that
situation was, in the past, inescapable.
A) Insight
B) Learned helplessness
C) Latent learning
D) Observational learning

Page 38
200. Marla moved to a new school and hasn't had much luck making friends. Another new
girl in her class smiled at her in first period, so Marla considered saying “hi,” but didn't,
thinking, “Why bother? No one likes me.” This BEST exemplifies:
A) learned helplessness.
B) shaping.
C) latent learning.
D) observational learning.

Page 39
Answer Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. D
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. B
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. B
31. B
32. C
33. A
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. C
38. A
39. D
40. C
41. A
42. D
43. B
44. A

Page 40
45. A
46. C
47. B
48. C
49. C
50. C
51. B
52. C
53. B
54. C
55. B
56. B
57. A
58. A
59. D
60. B
61. C
62. C
63. A
64. B
65. B
66. A
67. D
68. B
69. C
70. D
71. B
72. D
73. B
74. D
75. C
76. C
77. D
78. C
79. D
80. C
81. C
82. D
83. B
84. B
85. B
86. B
87. B
88. C
89. D
90. D

Page 41
91. D
92. D
93. C
94. A
95. A
96. B
97. B
98. B
99. C
100. C
101. A
102. B
103. D
104. A
105. A
106. C
107. B
108. A
109. A
110. C
111. C
112. A
113. C
114. A
115. B
116. A
117. C
118. C
119. D
120. D
121. D
122. C
123. B
124. C
125. B
126. B
127. C
128. D
129. D
130. C
131. D
132. D
133. C
134. C
135. D
136. A

Page 42
137. A
138. B
139. C
140. D
141. C
142. A
143. A
144. D
145. B
146. B
147. D
148. B
149. D
150. C
151. D
152. A
153. A
154. B
155. C
156. A
157. A
158. C
159. C
160. C
161. A
162. A
163. D
164. B
165. D
166. B
167. B
168. D
169. D
170. C
171. A
172. D
173. A
174. B
175. A
176. D
177. A
178. B
179. D
180. D
181. D
182. C

Page 43
183. A
184. C
185. C
186. A
187. D
188. D
189. C
190. C
191. C
192. A
193. B
194. D
195. C
196. C
197. A
198. A
199. B
200. A

Page 44
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
de uer con el dolor qu'estás
Yo dexo mi ganado alli,
que en quanto el claro sol no
ua encubriendose
bien puedo estar contigo
Tu mal me di[1224] pastor,
que el mal diziendose
se passa a menos costa, que
y la tristeza en fin va
Mi mal contaria yo, pero
se me acrecienta, y más en
de quan en vano, ay triste,
estoy llorandolo.
La vida a mi pesar veo
mi triste coraçon no ay
y vn desusado mal veo
De quien medio esperé, vino
a quitarmele,
mas nunca le esperé, porque
pudiera con razon dexar de
Andaua mi passion
con medios no importunos,
sino licitos,
y andaua el crudo amor ella
Mis tristes pensamientos
muy solicitos
de vna á otra parte
huyendo en toda cosa el ser
pedian a Diana, que
dar medio en tanto mal, y sin
se diesse: y fuesse vn triste
Pues qué hizieras, di, si en
vez de dartele
te le quitare? ay triste, que
callar querria mi mal, y no
Pero despues (Sireno)
vna pastora inuoco
y ansi va a costa mia en fin


Syluano mio, vna afeccion

vna verdad que ciega luego en
vn seso, y discrecion
con una dulce habla, que en
las duras peñas mueue
qué sentiria un amador
Mis ouejuelas miro, y pienso
en viendolas
quantas uezes la uía
y con las suias propias
Y quantas uezes la topé
al rio por la siesta, a do
con gran cuidado estaua alli
Despues si estaua sola,
vieras el claro sol
de sus cabellos, y ella alli
Pues (o Syluano amigo mio
quantas uezes de subito
se le encendia aquel rostro
Y con qué gracia estaua
que como auia tardado, y aun
y si esso m'enfadaua
Pues quantos dias la hallé
en esta clara fuente, y yo
por aquel soto espesso, y
Cómo qualquier trabajo en
de ouejas y corderos, lo
hablando ella comigo, y yo
Otras uezes (Syluano)
la çampoña y rabel con que
y mis uersos entonce alli
Despues la flecha y arco
y otras uezes la red, y ella
jamas sin caça a nuestra
aldea boluiamos.
Assi fortuna anduuo
que para mayor mal yua
el qual no terná fin, sino


Sireno, el crudo amor que

jamas cansó, no impide el
de tanto mal, y muero en
Miré a Diana, y ui luego
el plazer y contento, en solo
y a mi pesar la uida ui
O quantas uezes la hallé
y quantas uezes la perdi
y yo callar, suffrir, morir
La uida perdí yo, quando
miraua aquellos ojos, que
boluia contra mí luego en
Mas quando los cabellos
descogia y peinaua, no
se me boluian los males
Y la cruel Diana en
boluia como fiera, que
arremete al leon, y
Vn tiempo la esperança,
ansi burlandome
mantuuo el coraçon
mas el mismo despues
burló del esperar, y fue

No mucho despues que los

pastores dieron fin al triste canto,
uieron salir dentro el arboleda que
junto al rio estaña, una pastora
tañendo con una çampoña, y
cantando con tanta gracia y
suauidad como tristeza: la qual
encobria gran parte de su
hermosura (que no era poca) y
preguntó Sireno, como quien auia
mucho que no repastaua por
aquel valle, quién fuesse[1226].
Syluano le respondió: esta es una
hermosa pastora, que de pocos
dias acá apascienta por estos
prados, muy quexosa de amor, y
segun dize con mucha razon,
aunque otros quieren dezir, que
ha mucho tiempo que se burla
con el desengaño. Por uentura,
dixo Sireno, está en su mano el
desengañarse? Si, respondió
Syluano, porque no puedo yo
creer, que ay muger en la uida,
que tanto quiera que la fuerça del
amor le estorue entender si es
querida, o no.
De contraria opinion soy. De
contraria (dixo Syluano) pues no
te irás alabando, que bien caro te
cuesta auerte fiado en las
palabras de Diana, pero no te doy
culpa, que ansi como no ay a
quien no uença su hermosura,
assi no aurá a quien sus palabras
no engañen. ¿Cómo puedes tú
saber esso, pues ella jamas te
engañó con palabras, ni con
obras? Verdad es (dixo Syluano)
que siempre fuy della
desengañado, mas yo osaria jurar
(por lo que despues acá ha
sucedido) que jamas me
desengañó a mi, sino por
engañarte a ti. Pero dexemos
esto, y oyamos esta pastora que
es gran amiga de Diana, y segun
lo que de su gracia y discreccion
me dizen, bien meresce ser oyda.
A este tiempo llegaua la hermosa
pastora junto a la fuente,
cantando este soneto.


Ya he uisto yo a mis ojos

más contento
y he uisto mas alegre el alma
triste de la que enfada do
algun dia
con su uista causó
Mas como esta fortuna en
un momento
os corta la rayz del alegria,
lo mismo que ay de vn es, a
un ser solia,
ay de un gran plazer a un gran
Tomaos allá con tiempos,
con mudanças,
tomaos con mouimientos
vereys el coraçon quan libre
os queda.
Entonces me fiaré yo en
quando los casos tenga
y echado un clauo al exe de la

Despues que la pastora acabó de

cantar se uino derecha a la fuente
adonde los pastores estauan, y
entretanto que uenia, dixo
Syluano (medio riendo) no hagas
sino hazer caso de aquellas
palabras, y acceptar por testigo el
ardiente sospiro con que dió fin a
su cantar. Desso no dudes
(respondió Sireno) que tan presto
yo la quisiera bien como aunque
me pese creyera todo lo que ello
me quisiera dezir. Pues estando
ellos en esto llegó Seluagia, y
quando conoscio a los pastores,
muy cortesemente los saludó,
diziendo: Qué hazeys, o
desamados pastores, en este
verde y deleytoso prado? No
dizes mal, hermosa Seluagia, en
preguntar qué hazemos (dixo
Syluano) hazemos tan poco para
lo que deuiamos hazer, que jamas
podremos concluyr cosa que el
amor nos haga dessear? No te
espantes desso, dixo Seluagia,
que cosas ay que antes que se
acaben, acaban ellas a quien las
dessea. Syluano respondio: a lo
menos si hombre pone su
descanso en manos de muger,
primero se acabará la uida, que
con ella se acabe cosa con que
se espere recebille. Desdichadas
destas mugeres (dixo Seluagia)
que tan mal tratadas son de
uuestras palabras. Mas destos
hombres (respondio Syluano) que
tanto peor lo son de uuestras
obras. Puede ser cosa más baxa,
ni de menor ualor, que por la cosa
más liuiana del mundo, olvideys
uosotras a quien más amor ayais
tenido? Pues ausentaos algun dia
de quien bien quereys, que a la
buelta aureys menester negociar
de nueuo. Dos cosas siento, dixo
Seluagia, de lo que dizes, que
uerdaderamente me espantan, la
vna, es que ueo en tu lengua al
reues de lo que de tu condicion
tuue entendido siempre, porque
imaginaua yo quando oya hablar
en tus amores, que eras en ellos
vn Fenix, y que ninguno de
quantos hasta oy an querido bien,
pudieron llegar al estremo que tú
as tenido, en querer a una
pastora que yo conosco, causas
harto sufficientes para no tratar
mal de mugeres, si la malicia no
fuera más que los amores. La
segunda es que hablas en cosa
que no entiendes, porque hablar
en oluido, quien jamas tuuo
esperiencia dél, más se deue
atribuir a locura que a otra cosa.
Si Diana jamas se acordo de ti,
cómo puedes tú quexarte de su
oluido? A ambas cosas, dixo
Syluano, pienso responderte, si
no te cansas en oyrme. Plega a
Dios que jamas me uea con más
contento del que aora tengo, si
nadie, por más exemplo que me
trayga puede encarecer el poder
que sobre mi alma tiene aquella
desagradescida, y desleal pastora
(que tú conoces, y yo no quisiera
conocer) pero quanto mayor es el
amor que le tengo, tanto más me
pesa, que en ella aya cosa que
pueda ser reprehendida; porque
ay está Sireno, que fue más
fauorescido de Diana que todos
los del mundo lo an sido de sus
señoras y lo ha oluidado de la
manera que todos sabemos. A lo
que dizes, que no puedo hablar
en mal, de que no tengo
esperiencia, bueno seria que el
medico no supiesse tratar de mal
que él no uuiesse tenido, y de
otra cosa, Seluagia te quiero
satisfazer, no pienses que quiero
mal a las mugeres, que no ay
cosa en la uida a quien más
dessee seruir: mas en pago de
querer bien, soy tratado mal, y de
aqui nasce dezillo yo, de quien es
su gloria causarmele. Sireno que
auia rato que callaua, dixo contra
Seluagia. Pastora, si me oyesses,
no pornias culpa a mi competidor
(o hablando mas propriamente, a
mi charo amigo Syluano) dime,
por qué causa soys tan mouibles,
que en un punto derribais a un
pastor de lo más alto de su
uentura, a lo más baxo de su
miseria? Pero sabeys a qué lo
atribuyo? a que no teneys
uerdadero conoscimiento de lo
que traeys entre manos; tratays
de amor, no soys capazes de
entendelle, ved cómo sabreys
aueniros con el. Yo te dixo Sireno
(dixo Seluagia) que la causa
porque las pastoras oluidamos,
no es otra, sino la misma porque
de uosotros somos oluidadas.
Son cosas que el amor haze y
deshaze: cosas que los tiempos y
los lugares las mueuen o las[1227]
ponen silencio: mas no por
defecto del entendimiento de las
mugeres, de las quales ha auido
en el mundo infinitas que
pudieran enseñar a uiuir a los
hombres, y aun los enseñaran a
amar, si fuera el amor cosa que
pudiera enseñarse. Mas con todo
esto, creyo que no ay mas baxo
estado en la uida, que el de las
mugeres: porque si os hablan
bien, pensays que estan muertas
de amores; si no os hablan,
creeys que de alteradas y
fantasticas lo hazen; si el
recogimiento que tienen no haze
a nuestro proposito, teneys lo por
hypocresia: no tienen
desemboltura que no os parezca
demasiada: si callan, dezis que
son necias, si hablan, que son
pesadas: y que no ay quien las
suffra, si os quieren todo lo del
mundo, creeys que de malas lo
hazen, si os oluidan, y se apartan
de las occasiones de ser
enfamadas, dezis que de
inconstantes y poco firmes en un
proposito. Assi que no está en
más pareceros la muger buena, o
mala, que en acertar ella a no
salir jamas de lo que pide uuestra
inclinacion. Hermosa Seluagia
(dixo Sireno) si todas tuuiessen
ese entendimiento y biueza de
ingenio, bien creo yo que jamas
darian occasion a que nosotros
pudiessemos quexarnos de sus
descuydos. Mas para que
sepamos la razon que tienes de
agrauiarte de amor, ansi Dios te
de el consuelo que para tan graue
mal es menester, que nos cuentes
la hystoria de tus amores, y todo
lo que en ellos hasta aora te ha
succedido (que de los nuestros
sabes más de lo que nosotros te
sabremos dezir) por uer si las
cosas que en él as passado te
dan licencia para hablar en ellos
tan sueltamente. Que cierto tus
palabras dan a entender ser tú la
más esperimentada en ellos, que
otra jamas aya sido. Seluagia le
respondio: si yo no fuere (Sireno)
la más esperimentada, seré la
más mal tratada que nunca nadie
penso ser, y la que con más razon
se puede quexar de sus
desuariados effectos, cosa harto
sufficiente para poder hablar en
él. Y porque entiendas por lo que
passé, lo que siento de esta
endiablada passion, poned un
poco uuestras desuenturas en
mano del silencio, y contaros he
las maiores que jamas aueys
En el ualeroso y inexpugnable
reino de los Lusitanos, ay dos
caudalosos rios que cansados de
regar la mayor parte de nuestra
España, no muy lexos el vno del
otro entran en el mar Oceano, en
medio de los quales ay muchas y
muy antiguas poblaciones, a
causa de la fertilidad de la tierra
ser tan grande, que en el uniuerso
no ay otra alguna que se yguale.
La uida desta prouincia es tan
remota y apartada de cosas que
puedan inquietar el pensamiento,
que si no es quando Venus, por
manos del ciego hijo, se quiere
mostrar poderosa, no ay quien
entienda en más que en sustentar
una vida quieta, con sufficiente
mediania, en las cosas que para
passalla son menester. Los
ingenios de los hombres son
aparejados para passar la uida
con assaz contento, y la
hermosura de las mugeres para
quitalla al que mas confiado
biuiere. Ay muchas casas por
entre las florestas sombrias, y
deleytosos ualles: el termino de
los quales siendo proueydo de
rocio del soberano cielo, y
cultiuado con industria de los
habitadores dellas, el gracioso
uerano tiene cuydado de
offrecerles el fruto de su trabajo, y
socorrerles a las necessidades de
la uida humana. Yo uiuia en una
aldea que está junto al caudaloso
Duero (que es vno de los dos rios
que os tengo dicho) adonde está
el suntuosissimo templo de la
diosa Minerua, que en ciertos
tiempos del año es uisitado de
todas o las más pastoras y
pastores que en aquella prouincia
biuen. Començando un dia, antes
de la celebre fiesta a solemnizalla
las pastoras y nymphas, con
cantos y hymnos muy suaues, y
los pastores con desafios de
correr, saltar, luchar, y tirar la
barra, poniendo por premio para
el que uictorioso saliere, quales
una guirnalda de uerde yedra,
quales una dulce çampoña, o
flauta, ó un cayado de nudoso
fresno, y otras cosas de que los
pastores se precian. Llegando
pues el dia en que la fiesta se
celebraua, yo con otras pastoras
amigas mias: dexando los
seruiles, y baxos paños, y
uistiendonos de los mejores que
teniamos, nos fuymos el dia antes
de la fiesta determinadas de
uerlas aquella noche en el templo,
como otros años lo soliamos
hazer. Estando pues como digo
en compañia de estas amigas
mias, uimos entrar por la puerta,
una compañia de hermosas
pastoras, a quien algunos
pastores acompañauan: los
quales dexandolas dentro, y
auiendo hecho su deuida oracion,
se salieron al hermoso ualle, por
que la orden de aquella prouincia
era que ningun pastor pudiesse
entrar en el templo, más que a
dar la obediencia, y se boluiesse
luego a salir, hasta que el dia
siguiente pudiessen todos entrar
a participar de las cerimonias y
sacrificios que entonces hazian. Y
la causa desto era, porque las
pastoras y Nimphas quedassen
solas y sin ocasion de entender
en otra cosa, sino celebrar la
fiesta regozijandose vnas con
otras, cosas que otros muchos
años solian hazer, y los pastores
fuera del templo en vn uerde
prado que alli estaua, al
resplandor de la nocturna Diana.
Pues auiendo entrado los
pastores que digo en el suntuoso
templo, despues de hechas sus
oraciones y de haber offrescido
sus offrendas delante del altar,
junto a nosotros se assentaron. Y
quiso mi uentura que junto a mi
se sentasse una dellas para que
yo fuesse desuenturada todos los
dias que su memoria me
durasse[1228]. Las pastoras
venian disfraçadas, los rostros
cubiertos con unos uelos blancos
y presos en sus chapeletes de
menuda paja subtilissimamente
labrados con muchas
guarniciones de lo mismo tan bien
hechas y entretexidas, que de oro
no les lleuara uentaja. Pues
estando yo mirando la que junto a
mi se auia sentado, ui que no
quitaua los ojos de los mios, y
quando yo la miraua, abaxava ella
los suyos fingiendome quererme
uer sin que yo mirasse en ello. Yo
desseaua en estremo saber quién
era, por que si hablasse comigo,
no cayesse yo en algun yerro a
causa de no conocella. Y todauia
todas las uezes que yo me
descuydaua, la pastora no
quitaua los ojos de mí, y tanto que
mil uezes estime por
hablalla[1229], enamorada de unos
hermosos ojos que ella solamente
tenia descubiertos. Pues estando
yo con toda la atencion possible,
sacó la más hermosa y la más
delicada mano, que yo despues
acá he uisto, y tomandome la mia,
me la estuuo mirando un poco. Yo
que estaua más enamorada della
de lo que se podria dezir, le dixe:
Hermosa y graciosa pastora, no
es sola essa mano, la que aora
está aparejada para seruiros, mas
tambien lo está el coraçon, y el
pensamiento de cuya ella es.
Ysmenia (que assi se llamaua
aquella que fue causa de toda la
inquietud de mis pensamientos)
teniendo ya imaginado hazerme
la burla que adelante oireys, me
respondio muy baxo, que nadie lo
oyesse: graciosa pastora, soy yo
tan uuestra, que como tal me
atreui a hazer lo que hize,
suplicoos que no os
escandalizeys, porque en uiendo
uuestro hermoso rostro, no tuue
más poder en mi. Yo entonces
muy contenta me llegué más a
ella, y le dixe (medio riendo).
¿Cómo puede ser, pastora, que
siendo uos tan hermosa os
enamoreys de otra que tanto le
falta para serlo, y más siendo
muger como uos? Ay pastora,
respondió ella, que el amor que
menos uezes se acaba es este, y
el que más consienten passar los
hados, sin que las bueltas de
fortuna ni las mudanças del
tiempo les vayan a la mano. Yo
entonces respondi: si la
naturaleza de mi estado me
enseñara a responder a tan
discretas palabras, no me lo
estoruara el desseo que de
seruiros tengo: mas creeme,
hermosa pastora, que el proposito
de ser uuestra, la muerte no será
parte para quitarmele. Y despues
desto los abraços fueron tantos,
los amores que la vna á la otra
nos deziamos, y de mi parte tan
uerdaderos, que ni teniamos
cuenta con los cantares de las
pastoras, ni mirauamos las
danças de las Nymphas, ni otros
regozijos que en el templo se
hazia[1230]. A este tiempo
importunaua yo a Ysmenia que
me dixesse su nombre, y se
quitasse el reboço, de lo qual ella
con gran dissimulacion se
escusaua y con grandissima
astucia mudaua proposito. Mas
siendo ya passada media noche,
y estando yo con el mayor desseo
del mundo de verle el rostro, y
saber cómo se llamaua, y de
adónde era, comence a quexarme
d'ella, y a dezir que no era
possible que el amor que me
tenia fuesse tan grande, como
con sus palabras me manifestaua:
pues auiendole yo dicho mi
nombre, me encubria el suyo, y
que cómo podia yo biuir,
queriendola como la queria, si no
supiesse a quién queria, o
adónde auia de saber nueuas de
mis amores? E otras cosas dichas
tan de veras que las lagrimas me
ayudaron a mouer el coraçon de
la cautelosa Ysmenia, de manera
que ella se leuantó: y tomandome
por la mano me apartó hazia una
parte, donde no auia quien
impedir nos pudiesse y començo
a dezirme estas palabras
(fingiendo que del alma le salian).
Hermosa pastora, nascida para
inquietud de un espiritu, que
hasta aora ha biuido tan esento
quanto ha sido possible, quien
podra dexar de dezirte lo que
pides auiendote hecho señora de
su libertad? Desdichado de mí,
que la mudança del habito te
tiene engañada aunque el engaño
ya resulta en daño mio. El reboço
que quieres que yo quite, ues lo
aqui donde lo quito, dezirte he mi
nombre, no te haze mucho al
caso, pues aunque yo no quiera
me uerás mas uezes de las que
tú podras suffrir. Y diziendo esto,
y quitandose el reboço, vieron mis
ojos un rostro que aunque el
aspecto fuesse un poco uaronil,
su hermosura era tan grande que
me espantó. E prosiguiendo
Ysmenia su plática, dixo: y por
que, pastora, sepas el mal que tu
hermosura me ha hecho, y que
las palabras que entre las dos
como de burlas han passado son
de ueras: sabe que yo soy
hombre y no muger, como antes
pensauas. Estas pastoras que
aqui uees por reyrte comigo (que
son todas mis parientas) me han
uestido desta manera que de otra
no pudiera quedar en el templo, a
causa de la orden que en esto se
tiene. Quando yo hube entendido
lo que Ysmenia me auia dicho, y
le ui como digo en el rostro, no
aquella blandura, ni en los ojos
aquel reposo que las donzellas
por la mayor parte solemos tener,
crey que era uerdad lo que me
dezia, y quedé tan[1231] fuera de
mi, que no supe qué respondelle.
Todauia contemplaua aquella
hermosura tan estremada, miraua
aquellas palabras que me dezia
con tanta dissimulacion (que
jamas supo nadie hazer cierto de
lo fingido como aquella cautelosa
y cruel pastora). Vime aquella
hora tan presa de sus amores, y
tan contenta de entender que ella
lo estaua de mi, que no sabria
encarecello, y puesto caso que de
semejante passion hasta aquel
punto no tuuiesse experiencia
(causa harto sufficiente para no
saber dezilla) todavia

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