Ex1 215me2260

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E-(1) (Dimensional Measurements)


(215ME2260)-(Ata G. Ataolu)

Grading Quiz (20) Team Work (20) Results (30) Conclusion (20) Format (10) TOTAL

Table of Contents
- Report page….…….…..1
- Introduction………..…..3
- Experimental setup…….4
- Results and discussion…5
- Conclusion……………..6


Accurate measurements are very important on production. Event the simples part has
to be measured accure enough in order to produce it on large or small scales.

Most common measurements are

taken by calipers. Calipers are mechanical
tools that has a ruler and jaws connected to
that ruler on a simple explanations. They
come in many shapes and sizes which is
ased on where they are going to be used.

On figure-1, most widely avaliale

caliper can be seen. Its called vernier Figure 1
caliper. It consists of two parts. The main body and the slider. Slider has numbers ranging
from 0 to 9 and main body has a ruler
which commonly has a accuracy of
0.2mm. Generally, measurements that are
taken from outside of the part are done by
the big jaws. Hole measurements can be
taken from the small jaws. Also calpiers
can measure the depth. Its done by a rod
which is guided by the slider. This rod can
be seen on figure-2.
Figure 3
The caliper we used on the
experiment had a accuracy of 0.02mm and precision of 0.01mm. Accuracy means the smallest
measurements can a tool record and precision means the error of those measurements.
Precision is half of the accuracy.

Micrometer is used for fine measurements of

thickness or small parts. As seen on Figure-3, it has
an anvil and a spindel where the part must be lightly
squezeed with the help of thimble. Main scale is
arranged on 0.5mm steps. Its indicated as 0, 5, 10
which corresponds to 0mm, 0.5mm and 1mm.
Because of this and measurement technique the
circular scale has the same scale. Commonly, it has
accuracy of 0.01mm and precision of 0.005mm whics
is also same as the one used in the experiment.
Micrometers usually has a clicker type thimbler
which starts to skip after a certain tork value thus
preventing squeezing the part and preventing false Figure 2

Comparator, as seen on the figure-3, is used for comparing the dimentional accuracy
of a flat or round surface. İts not used for taking measurements. Its used for how consistent
and flat/round the surface is. After its fastened and secured, its zeroed and the part is
moved/turned in a stable axis. The comparator gives the differences of the height normal to
the surface.

Experimental Setup
In the experiment, we first
get familiarised with calpier,
micrometer and comparator. After
that, we choose a aluminum
profile and measured it. Its
drawing can be seen on figure-
4. We used a vernier caliper to
take the measurements. After that,
we measuered a set of metal
coins. In total, we measuered 50
coins. There were 2 different
types of coins and we measuered Figure 4
25 from each.

While taking the measurements, we paid attention to the vernier scale on the caliper
and circular scale on the micrometer since they give the accuracy of the measurement. We
didn’t squeesed them too much since metal can bend or compress, which alters the
measurements on such small scales.

While measuring the aluminum profile, we tried to took the measurements from stable
surfaces which had the minimum tendency to bend. Such as, 48.80mm and 40.04mm
corresponds to width and depth that are taken from outer surfaces. I thend to take it from
middle point. The thickness of the part is taken in the same manner and the height of the part
is taken by multiple poits to see if its cut nicely.

After this, we measuered the coins. The micrometer was fastened in to a clamp which
secured it. We squeezed the coins lighly with the clicking torque limiter and read the circular
scale carefully.

Finally we saw how a comparator is secured to a work piece and how its used.

Results and Discussions
Dimentions of the aluminium profile can be seen on figure-4. We were asked to
calculate its volume and find its weight by multiplying it with the density. Volume is
2127.8 𝑚𝑚3 . Density is 0.0027 ⁄𝑚𝑚3 which gives us a weight value of 5.745 10 kuruş 5 kuruş
1,46 1,47
grams. 1,46 1,52
1,48 1,49
1,49 1,52
Thickness measurements of the coins can be seen on figure-5. 1,45 1,48
1,43 1,48
1,46 1,48
1,46 1,51
The variance of the measurements can be seen on figure-6 and figure-7. 1,45 1,52
1,50 1,54

Thickesses of 10kr. İs varying between 1.50mm and 1.43mm which gives a 1,46
0.07mm difference. On the 5kr. coin, its between 1,45mm and 1.55mm, that gives 1,46 1,52
1,48 1,51
0.1mm difference. 1,46 1,45
1,44 1,48
1,50 1,49
Uncertainty of the volume thus weight of the aluminum profile depends to 1,50 1,53
1,49 1,51
the caliper or tool that is used to take the measurements. Caliper we used had a 1,49 1,52
precision of 0.01mm which gives ±0.01mm uncertainty. If we want to calculate the 1,50 1,50
1,47 1,52
highest and lowest volume, we have to add or substract 0.01mm to the dimentions. 1,48 1,50
1,48 1,55
1,46 1,50
Highest volume is 2218.65𝑚𝑚3 which gives 5.990 grams Figure 7
Lowest volume is 2024.97𝑚𝑚3 which gives 5.467 grams

Figure 5

Figure 6

Error Analysis
Errors on the measurements can be caused majorly by the human factor. Other factors
can be listed as ;
- Wrong tool calibration
- Wrong places to measure
- Temperature of the pieces
- Dirt or dust between the measurement tool and the part

Because the measurements are taken on such small scale, heating the measurement
tool and the measurements pieces by the body heat can differ the values. Also places of the
measurements must be rigid thus not bend while taking the measurement. Measurement tool
must not be under too much load which is applied by the user thus elasticly bending the jaws
and/or the measurement part. Measurement tool must be held stable during the process and
must not be subjected to any kind of vibrations or movements. Measurements must be taken
calmly and steadily. The scales must be double checked and more than one measurements
must be taken while determining a dimention.

Uncertainty of the measurement tools also play a role on the results. Although the
uncertaity is too small, this doesnt mean it can be discarded. As seen on the weight
comparison, there is roughly 0.05gram difference between max and min possibe
measurements. This can be importand on valuable and high density materials.

In a production line or center, in certain intervals, produced parts must be quality

checked. One part of this check is finding out if the dimentions are correct and accurate. This
is the most important part because if the dimentions are off, it doesnt matter if the other
properties are off because shape of the part must be correct at the first hand.

In this experiment we learned how to use and operate vernier calipers, micrometers
and comparators. We learned how to measure different parts and what parts of the
measurement tools to use while taking the dimentional values. We also learned there can be
differences on same parts which are produced from the same drawing. For example the
thicknesses of the same kind of coins varies. Measurements can olso be off from the real
value and we must minimise this risk as much as possible.

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