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In Greek mythology, the setting of the story begins in a primordial state along with chaos,

which represents the initial void of nothingness. The version of the creation was taken largely from
Hesiod, a Greek poet of the seventh century B.C. It is then set on Mount Olympus, which is the
home of the gods after Zeus and his siblings defeated the Titans. Thereafter, the setting expands to
the place called "cosmos" as soon as the children of Gaia and Uranus, the Titans, come into
existence. Hence, the researcher concluded that the setting of Greek mythology and Chinese
mythology are almost related due to the fact that in the beginning of Chinese mythology, all the
matter of the universe swirled chaotically in the egg. In the version written by Weiwei Yao(2011), the
said mythology is also rooted in the primordial state of the universe, in which there was nothing and
the universe existed in a nondual, featureless, formless state.
The researcher also discovers that Chinese and Hindu mythologies are connected due to
the fact that in the context of Hindu mythology, the beginning of the story of Brahmanism sprang
from the cosmic golden egg, just as in Chinese mythology. In the version of World History
encyclopedia, the story also includes the fact that
Brahma stood in water in complete silence for 8,000 years and then stood on one toe on the top
of the Himalayan mountains for 8,000 million years.
In the context of Norse mythology written by Caris Cruz(2018) the setting of Yggdrasil is Norse
cosmology, which
consists of nine realms connected by the tree's branches and roots. These realms are Asgard,
Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Niflheim, Muspelheim, and Hel. The
researcher observed that this mythology is interrelated to the setting of Japanese mythology, written
by Michaela Smith(2019) in
which the story took place at the beginning of the world, when the world split into heaven and
earth. The said mythology also considers the bridge where they stood and looked down upon the
primordial mire, and it also takes place in the land of the dead, where Izanagi, after Izanami,
brought her back.
On the other hand, it is also interrelated to Filipino mythology, in which it takes place in
the beginning, when there was only a sky, sea, and bird who made sky and sea enemies. It also
encompasses the fact that the story takes place in the islands of the Philippines, where Malakas
and Maganda live and have numerous children(Teofilo del Castillo 2009).

According to the English cosmologer Robert Fludd (1561), Before the creation of
the world, there was a "raw and undigested mass called chaos." Fludd also arrived at the idea
that "this first matter, the primordial entity," this statement of Fludd is an evident indication that
the beginning before the universe was created in chaos or a primordial state. According to him,
"an imaginary effigy of this formless matter in the shape of blackest smoke or vapor, of frightful
shadow in the gloomy deep... a rough mass, disordered and imperceptible." This claim is an
evidentiary proof that chaos lacks a defined shape, size, or texture, but it has the capacity to be
anything and everything.


CHAOS (Chaos), the empty, limitless void that the gods, humans, and everything else emerged
from, and which the ancient cosmogonies claimed existed before the earth was created (Hesiod's
theogony 700 BC)
Ovid (Metamorphosis 8 CE) offers an alternative interpretation of chaos, characterizing it as the
disorganized mass that encompasses the constituents of all entities that emerged from it. Some of
the poets of the following generation use the word chaos to refer generally to the lower world, to the
dark regions, or to the airy realms.

Metamorphoses, by Ovid (Roman epic, first century AD) After the creation of the land, sea, and all-
encompassing sky, all of nature's faces were the same and were collectively referred to as Chaos.
This raw, undivided mass was nothing more than a lifeless bulk made up of warring seeds of ill-
joined elements compressed together. (Ovid C1st A.D.)


Khaos (Chaos) was recognized as the primordial mixture of earth, water, and fire that the Roman
epic Metamorphosis depicted.
Thus, the above-mentioned myths contextualize the presence of chaos that started in the void of
nothingness.In addition, the researcher concluded that the main setting of these myths being
mentioned is chaos. Wherein the story takes place in the beginning of the world called a primordial
state or chaos. Hesiod's theogony is the evidence we have gathered, which is also what the ancient
Greeks believed about the beginning of the world. Hence, it's divine governance, which can be
applied to all the myths mentioned above. Therefore, the researcher concluded that before the
universe was created, there was a primordial chaos that exhibits the majority of the setting in the
aforementioned mythologies.

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