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Course Code: MGNM801 Course Title: Business Analytics 1

Course Instructor: Aman Panda Academic Task No.: CA1

Academic Task Title: Python
Date of Allotment: December 22, 2022 Date of submission: December 26, 2022
Student’s Name: U Raj Kumar Patro

Student’s Reg. no:12210495

Evaluation Parameters: There would be one evaluation parameter, i.e., Project Report. Each group will
submit one common report (uploaded by all the group members)


I declare that this Assignment is our individual work. We have not copied it from any
other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement
is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.

Evaluators’ comments (For instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Best part of assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Marks:30
Python is defined as interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with
dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and
dynamic binding, which makes it very attractive, as well as for use as a scripting or glue
language to connect existing components together. Guido Van Rossum, the father of Python
while developing it made it simple also readable and open source. Python is ranked as the 3rd
most prominent language followed by JavaScript.

Types of PYTHON data:

Variables: In Python, a variable is a label to that you can assign a value to it. And a variable
is always associated with a value.

Keywords are predefined, reserved words used in Python programming that have special
meanings to the compiler.

Identifier is a name given to the entities like variables, class, functions. It helps to differentiate
one entity from another and understand the flow of entities in code.

Operators: Operators in Python are special symbols that carry arithmetic or logical
operations. The value that the operator operates on is called the operand.

Counting of 1 to 10 using “for” loop

A “for” loop is used for
iterating over a sequence
We have taken local
variable “a” with a range
of 11 but while printing it
will give an output of 0 to
10 and this happens by
using “for” loop.

With the “while” loop we

can execute a set of
statements if a condition
is true.
In this we have taken “t”
as variable and we taken
value as zero and then we
set a condition of t<11 and
then we print it and added
a last condition of t+=1
and it will print the
numbers it this condition is true.
Python gives six types of built-in sequences to store data, one of which is a List. The List is
like a dynamic array, along with the linear sequence, and it provides you with several built-in
functions to perform various operations on data stored in it.

String can be defined as a sequence of characters enclosed in single, double, or triple quotation
marks. While in most cases single and double quotation marks are interchangeable.

Tuple: Python has multiple data structure collections to offer like lists, tuples, sets and
dictionaries. But these tuples are pretty like lists. Lists being a commonly used data structure
by the developers, usually confuse how tuples are different to lists.
Dictionaries: Dictionary in Python is one of the most popular data structures. They are used
to store data in a key-value pair format. The keys are always unique within a dictionary and are
the attribute that helps us locate the data in the memory.

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