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Course Code: OPRM639 Course Title: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT

Course Instructor: ANUP SHARMA Section: Q2248

Academic Task No. 1 Academic Task Title: Assessment

Student’s Roll No. RQ2248A08 Student’s Reg. No. 12210509

Max. Marks: 30 Marks Obtained:


I declare that this CA is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other students’ work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor
has any part been written for me by any other person.

Student’ Signature: Rakesh Kumar Das

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Best part of the

Improvement Assignment

It's a fun online simulation game that lets you take on the challenging position of a chief operating
officer. In order to accomplish the goals of the company, you must use all of the key operations
management ideas in the game. Demand prediction, production schedule, capacity expansion,
warehouse layout, stock-outs, cost-effective delivery, and many other decisions would be up to you as a
top-l I In the course of the game, the following key ideas would be tested: I Optimum Order Quantity;
(ii) Optimum Batch Size; (iii) Networking; (iv) Profit Maximization; and many others.

The game's rules are pretty straightforward. There are 5 regions in the industry, and each has a unique
demand profile. Furthermore, customers can select from a total of 3 plant locations and 5 warehouse
locations. There are three different modes of transportation, each with a different capacity, price, and
transit time. The company must anticipate demand in order to plan its capacity, warehouse layouts, and
most cost-effective mode of transportation.


The game was played in a tournament mode on 18th December,2022 at 6:00pm in a tournament
mode where we classmates competed with each other.
Username and Passwords are shared with us on LpuLive by the course instructor.
1. The primary I entered the game using the username and password the course
instructor provided. After that, choose
2. Then clicked on the ‘Play in the Multiplayer Tournament’.
3. Next, you input the password that was given with us on the LPULIVE, which is

4. The game was started on 6:00pm 18thDecember,2022.

5. Then are ‘Area Map’ window was opened.
6. The game started on the 1st day I have 200000 cash available. In the game 1 day was
equal to the 1 minute in real life.
7. One factory ‘factory A’ out of three and one warehouse ‘warehouse A’ out of five were
8. Then warehouse restocking system was setup transport mode was assigned to the
‘Truck’ and the re-order point and reorder quantity were set 170 and 200 respectively.
9. The factory was on and the initial production capacity was 80 units.
10. By clicking on the ‘warehouse A’ and the transportation mode was set acc. to the ‘days
to Deliver’.

11. Then I have setup the ’Warehouse C’ for about 50000 and it took about 15 days for the
completion of the setup.
12. In the game the warehouse vs time graph has shown the inventory level in the
13. In the cash position vs time graph the day wise cash position was shown.
14. Initially the cash on the Day4, the cash felled below zero, but as the production
increased, the cash position also started improving steadily.
15. Up to day 30 there was very slow growth in my cash position.

16. But as the factory expansion and the warehouse installation completed the cash position
started increasing rapidly.
17. The I have changed the transportation decision.
18. I start delivering Region c and E from Warehouse E and stop servicing them from the
warehouse ‘A’.
19. The decision taken for the warehouse A and C are attached below
20. There was the fluctuations in the rankings, I stood first for sometimes but at last I came
at the 3rd position.



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