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CB 6 6th Edition Babin Solutions

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It’s pretty hard to change my attitude about products that I dislike.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly agree

Have students access to answer the polling questions for each chapter of
CB. Ask them to take the online poll to see how their answers compare with other students taking
a consumer behavior course across the country. Then turn to the last page of the chapter to find
the “What Others Have Thought” box feature. This graph is a snapshot of how other consumer
behavior students have answered this polling question so far.

After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
7-1 Define attitudes and describe attitude components.
7-2 Describe the functions of attitudes.
7-3 Understand how the hierarchy of effects concept applies to attitude theory.
7-4 Comprehend the major consumer attitude models.
7-5 Describe attitude change theories and their role in persuasion.
7-6 Understand how message and source effects influence persuasion.


Increasing gas prices have had a significant impact on consumer behavior. Consumers have
realized that the only way to counter the rise in gas prices is to drive less and opt for fuel-
efficient cars. They have also started making less frequent trips to retail stores to save on gas.
This demonstrates the knowledge aspect of consumer attitude, which allows consumers to
simplify their decision-making processes.

Source: Brad Tuttle, “With High Gas Prices, Americans are Already Driving Less, Buying Better
MPG Cars,” Time Moneyland, March 1, 2012,


LO: 7-1. Define attitudes and describe attitude components.

[Instructor PPT, slides, 5-6]

Attitudes and Attitude Components

Attitudes are relatively enduring overall evaluations of objects, products, services, issues, or
people. It is therefore not surprising that the attitude concept is one of the most researched topics
in the entire field of consumer research.
• They motivate people to behave in a consistent way.

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• They are closely related to value.

Components of Attitudes
Attitudes possess three important components, as stated in the ABC approach to attitudes:
• Affect − Refers to feelings about the object. Statements such as “I really like my iPad,”
indicate the affect component.
• Behavior − Refers to the overt behaviors displayed by consumers. The statement, “I always
buy Apple products,” indicates the behavior component.
• Cognitions (or beliefs) − Refers to beliefs held by consumers. “My iPad helps me study,” this
statement indicates cognitions.

Q: Assume that you own the latest tablet computer with the most advanced features
available in the market. Now explain the different components of attitudes with
respect to this scenario.

A: If the consumer states that he likes his tablet, he would be expressing his feelings
about the tablet and this would portray the affect component. If the individual states
that the tablet lets him surf the Internet, the cognition component is reflected. The
behavior component is displayed when the individual states that he buys upgraded
versions of the tablet manufactured by that company.

LO: 7-2. Describe the functions of attitudes.

[Instructor PPT, slides 8-10]

Functions of Attitudes

According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes perform four functions. The four types
of functions are summarized in Exhibit 7.1.

• Utilitarian function − Based on the concept of reward and punishment. Customers will use
attitudes to maximize their rewards and minimize their punishment.
• Knowledge function − Allows consumers to simplify their decision-making processes. These
attitudes will help the consumer avoid undesirable situations and help them select objects
they like.
• Value-expressive − Found in a number of consumer settings and enable consumers to express
their core values, self-concept, and beliefs to others.
• Ego-defensive − Works as a defense mechanism for consumers. There are several ways in
which this function works.
o This function allows consumers to protect themselves from information that may be
o Another example is when consumers develop positive attitudes toward products that
enhance their self-image.

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Q: Have students provide examples for the ego-defensive function of attitudes. How
does this function enhance a consumer’s self-image?

A: A consumer will develop a positive attitude toward the product if the use of the
product makes the individual feel in-shape, active, and good about him/her. In this
way the product enhances the self-image and protects the ego.

LO: 7-3. Understand how the hierarchy of effects concept applies to attitude theory.

[Instructor PPT, slides 12-15]

Hierarchy of Effects

The attitude approach that suggests that affect, behavior, and cognitions form in a sequential
order is known as the hierarchy of effects approach. They may form in one of the following four
levels or “hierarchies.” These hierarchies are presented in Exhibit 7.2.
• High-involvement hierarchy − This “standard learning” hierarchy of effects occurs when a
consumer faces a significant problem, such as purchasing a new gaming system. Beliefs are
formed first followed by evaluations about the product. Finally, the consumer makes a
purchase decision.
• Low-involvement hierarchy − Involves purchases that are considered routine or boring. In
this hierarchy, consumers have beliefs about products without having strong feelings toward
them. Popular examples include items found on a grocery list, such as paper towels.
• Experiential hierarchy − Consumers purchase products or perform behaviors simply because
it “feels good” or “feels right.” For example, when a waiter brings around the dessert tray,
many people are tempted to purchase the item on impulse.
• Behavioral influence hierarchy − This hierarchy suggests that consumer behavior can occur
without either beliefs or affect being strongly formed beforehand. An example is that people
are influenced to relax at a restaurant by listening to the soft, slow music playing. Restaurant
managers hope it entices them to buy more drinks.

Q: Give an example each for high-involvement and low-involvement hierarchies.

A: High-involvement hierarchy examples could include the purchase of a car, the

selection of a college, the purchase of an apartment, and so on. Low-involvement
hierarchy examples could include purchase of stationery items, groceries, and so on.

LO: 7-4. Comprehend the major consumer attitude models.

Consumer Attitude Models

The attitude-toward-the-object model combines details about a number of beliefs and
evaluations, hence it is also known as the multiattribute attitude model.

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[Instructor PPT, slides 17-18]

Attitude-Toward-the-Object Model
In this section, some of the major approaches to measuring consumer attitudes are presented;
beginning with a well-known approach advanced by Martin Fishbein and Icek Azjen named the
attitude-toward-the-object (ATO) model. His model is also referred to as the Fishbein model.
This model proposes that three key elements must be assessed to understand and predict a
consumer’s attitude.
• Beliefs − Consumers have beliefs about the attributes or features that a product or choice
• Strength of the belief − How strongly does a person feel that a certain brand does indeed
have the desired feature?
• Evaluation of the attribute in question − These elements are combined to form the overall
attitude toward the object (referred to as “A0”, or “attitude toward the object”).
The formula for predicting attitudes is as follows:
A0 =  ( bi )( ei )
i =1
Where A0 = attitude toward the object, bi = strength of the belief that the object possesses
attribute i, ei = evaluation of the attractiveness or goodness of attribute i, and N = number of
attributes and beliefs.
o The evaluation ratings (e) do not vary across the brands under consideration while the
belief ratings do.

Using the ATO Approach

To understand this model, first consider how the various elements are measured. The belief
ratings can be measured on a 10-point scale, such as the following:

How likely is it that the Sony television will give you a clear picture?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Extremely unlikely Extremely likely

An example may help to clarify the use of this formula. Think of the situation that Jamal is
facing concerning the selection of an apartment. How could you predict his attitude? This
information is presented in Exhibit 7.3.

Q: Have students think about a gym that they would want to join, but in this scenario,
they are the marketer for the gym. How do members of their target segment feel
about the amenities offered in gyms? What is their opinion about the equipment in
the gym? What is their opinion about the trainers at the gym?

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A: Answers will vary. The focus of this exercise is to conduct a discussion related to the
ATO approach.

The ATO approach is known as a compensatory model. With this model, attitudes are formed
holistically across a number of attributes, with poor ratings on one attribute being compensated
for by higher ratings on another attribute.

[Instructor PPT, slide 19]

Implications of the ATO Approach

Information obtained from this model has important marketing implications. First, attitude
research is most often performed on entire market segments rather than on individuals. Second,
consumers will combine their beliefs with evaluations and make a decision. Overall, the attitude-
toward-the-object model has value from both an academic and practical viewpoint.

[Instructor PPT, slide 20]

Do Attitudes Always Predict Behavior?

Just because a consumer has a positive attitude toward a product does not mean that this
consumer will always purchase the product.
Attitude-behavior consistency refers to the extent to which a strong relationship exists between
attitudes and actual behavior. Because attitudes don’t always predict behavior, other approaches
have been developed to improve upon the ATO approach, such as the behavioral intentions

[Instructor PPT, slide 21]

Behavioral Intentions Model

The behavioral intentions model, sometimes referred to as the theory of reasoned action, differs
from the ATO model in a number of important ways:
• The model focuses on intentions to act in some way.
• The model adds the subjective norm component that assesses the consumer’s perceptions of
what other people think they should do.
• The model explicitly focuses on the consumer’s attitude toward the behavior of buying rather
than the attitude toward the object.
The formula for the behavioral intentions model is as follows:
B  BI = w1 ( Abehavior ) + w2 ( SN )
Where B = behavior, BI = behavioral intention, Abehavior = attitude toward performing the
behavior, SN = subjective norm, and w1 and w2 = empirical weights.
The aspects of the behavioral intentions model are presented in Exhibit 7.4.

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[Instructor PPT, slide 22]

Factors That Weaken Attitude-Behavior Relationship

Although attitude models are very popular in consumer research, researchers note that a number
of factors can detract from the accuracy of this approach.
• Time – As the length of time between attitude measurement and overt behavior grows, the
predictive ability of attitudinal models weakens.
• Specificity of attitude measured – Has an impact on accuracy.
• Environment – Strong environmental pressures can keep consumers from performing
intended behaviors.
• Impulse situations – Attitude-behavior models tend to not perform very well in impulse-
buying situations.

[Instructor PPT, slide 23]

Alternative Approaches to Attitude

The theory of planned action expands upon the behavioral intentions model by including a
perceived control component.

[Instructor PPT, slide 24]

Expanding the Attitude Object

Research has shown that there is generally a positive relationship between a consumer’s attitude
toward an advertisement and their attitude toward a particular product. Another area of growing
research interest has also focused on a consumer’s attitude toward the company. The study of
consumer beliefs toward companies (typically referred to as corporate associations) is therefore
gaining considerable attention from consumer researchers. A specific area of interest is the
corporate social responsibility of companies.

[Instructor PPT, slide 25]

Attitude Tracking
Attitude tracking refers to the extent to which a company actively monitors their customers’
attitudes over time. While attitudes are relatively enduring evaluations of objects, products,
services, issues, or people, these attitudes should be monitored over time to gauge changes that
may occur.

LO: 7-5. Describe attitude change theories and their role in persuasion.

[Instructor PPT, slide 27]

Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion

An important issue in the study of consumer behavior is how attitudes are changed. Persuasion
refers to specific attempts to change attitudes. There are many different persuasive techniques,
and the following discussion presents the theoretical mechanisms through which persuasion may

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[Instructor PPT, slide 28]

Attitude-Toward-the-Object Approach
To change attitudes according to this approach, marketers can attempt to change beliefs, create
new beliefs about product features, or change evaluations of product attributes.
• Changing Beliefs – As discussed in the search for apartment example, marketers may
attempt to change consumers’ beliefs. The marketer will try to focus on improving the belief
rating for attributes that are evaluated positively and decrease the strength of beliefs
regarding negatively evaluated attributes.
• Adding Beliefs about New Attributes – Another strategy for changing attitudes under the
ATO approach is adding a salient attribute to the product or service, which may require a
physical change to the product itself.
• Changing Evaluations – The marketer would try to convince consumers that an attribute is
not as positive (or negative) as they may think it is.

[Instructor PPT, slide 29]

Behavioral Influence Approach

Another strategy commonly applied by marketers is to directly change behaviors without first
attempting to change either beliefs or feelings. For example, changing a retail store’s design or
atmospherics can have a direct influence on behavior.

Q: The owner of Tracy’s Diner decided to revamp the entire place over a weekend. The
new décor included warm colors, such as red, which are thought to increase hunger,
and softer lighting, which is thought to encourage customers to linger over their
food, and thus purchase more. His intention was to surprise his regular customers
who visit his diner during the weekdays and improve the volume of customer
purchases. In this scenario, which kind of approach is the owner using? Explain.

A: The owner is using the behavioral influence approach. He is directly attempting to

influence change in consumers’ behaviors without first attempting to change their
beliefs or feelings.

[Instructor PPT, slide 30]

Changing Schema-Based Affect

From an attitude perspective, this means that a schema contains affective and/or emotional
meanings. The attitude toward a brand or product can change if the affect found in a schema can
be altered.

[Instructor PPT, slide 31]

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The Elaboration Likelihood Model
The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) illustrates how attitudes are changed based on differing
levels of consumer involvement. According to the ELM, a consumer begins to process a message
as soon as it is received (see Exhibit 7.5).

The Central Route

If consumers sense that the incoming message is particularly relevant to their situation, then they
will likely expend considerable effort in comprehending the message. Counter arguments and
support arguments will be developed by the consumer.
In the central route, the consumers rely on central cues. Central cues refer specifically to
information found in the message that pertains directly to the product, its attributes, its
advantages, or the consequences of its use. Attitude change tends to be relatively enduring when
it occurs in the central route.

The Peripheral Route

The peripheral route to persuasion will be followed when consumers are not involved with a
message or they lack either the motivation or the ability to process information.
In this route, consumers are unlikely to develop cognitive responses to the message. They are
more likely to pay attention to the following components:
• The attractiveness of the person delivering the message.
• The number of arguments presented.
• The expertise of the spokesperson.
• The imagery or music presented along with the message.
These elements of the message are referred to as peripheral cues.

Low-Involvement Processing in the Consumer Environment

Advertisers mostly rely on the use of peripheral cues since a majority of advertisements to which
consumers are exposed to are processed with low-involvement.

[Instructor PPT, slide 32]

Balance Theory
The balance theory approach was introduced by social psychologist Fritz Heider. The basic
premise of balance theory is that consumers are motivated to maintain perceived consistency in
the relations found in mental systems. This approach is based on the consistency principle, which
states that human beings prefer consistency among their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. An
example is shown in Exhibit 7.6.
• A triad is a set of three elements that consist of the observer, person, and object.
• Sentiment relations are the relations between the observer (consumer) and the other elements
in the system.
• The object-person relation is referred to as a unit relation.
• Consistency in the triad is maintained when the multiplication of the signs in the sentiment
and unit relations result in a positive value.

[Instructor PPT, slide 33]

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Social Judgment Theory
This theory proposes that consumers compare incoming information with their existing attitudes
about a particular object or issue. These aspects of the theory are presented in Exhibit 7.7.
• Assimilation occurs when the incoming message falls within the latitude of acceptance.
• Contrast effect occurs when the message is perceived as falling in the latitude of rejection.

LO: 7-6. Understand how message and source effects influence persuasion.

[Instructor PPT, slides 35-36]

Message and Source Effects and Persuasion

It is important to consider the roles of message effects and source effects in persuasion to
comprehend the many ways in which communication occurs.
A message effect is a term used to describe how the appeal of a message and its construction
affect persuasion. Source effects refer to the characteristics of the person or character delivering a
message that influence persuasion. Exhibit 7.8 illustrates the basic communication model.
A basic communication model is also referred to as a “one-to-many” approach because it
illustrates how a marketer may attempt to communicate with numerous consumers. The six areas
of a communication model are as follows:
• Source – The source encodes a message and delivers the message through some medium.
• Message – The message is the advertisement.
• Medium – The medium could be personal (one consumer talks to another or a salesperson
speaks with a customer) or impersonal (a company places an ad on television, radio, or a web
• Receiver – The consumer decodes the message and responds to it in some way.
• Feedback – This phase consists of the responses that the receiver sends back to the source.
• Noise – Noise represents all the stimuli that are present in the environment that disrupt the
communication process.

[Instructor PPT, slide 37]

Interactive Communications
Interactive communications include the Internet and cell phones. They have radically changed
the communication paradigm. Thirty three percent of the world’s population is using the Internet
(more than 2.2 billion consumers). A newer conceptualization is presented in Exhibit 7.9.

[Instructor PPT, slide 38]

Message Appeal
A number of appeals are used by advertisers to impact the persuasiveness of an advertisement.
• Sex Appeals − Use of sexual imagery in advertisements certainly is popular in many parts of
the world. Moderate levels of nudity appear to be most preferred, as highly explicit content
tends to direct attention away from the product. The use of nudity is most effective for
products that have some level of intimate appeal.
• Humor Appeals – Humor attracts attention, creates a positive mood, and enhances the
credibility of a source. However, the overall effectiveness of a humorous ad depends on the
individual consumer’s characteristics and the advertisement. High levels of humor can cause

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consumers to fail to pay attention to the product being advertised, and high levels can also
limit information processing.
• Fear Appeals – Fear appeals evoke some level of fear in the target audience as a means of
changing attitudes and behaviors. They rely on the relationship between a threat and fear.
The product is promoted as a type of solution that will remove the threat. Fear appeals appear
to be effective when they:
o Introduce the severity of a threat.
o Present the probability of occurrence.
o Explain the effectiveness of a coping strategy.
o Show how easy it is to implement the desired response.
• Violence Appeals – The effects of advertisements with violence appeals on viewers often go
beyond marketing-related reactions. For example, children who view violent ads are more
likely to develop aggressive behavior.

Q: Review ten current advertisements on TV and identify the kind of appeal each ad

A: Students can give examples of ads with each kind of appeal: sex appeal, humor
appeal, and fear appeal.

[Instructor PPT, slide 39]

Message Construction
Advertisers must consider a number of issues when constructing a message. Potential questions
to consider include the following:
• Should an ad present a conclusion, or should the consumer be allowed to reach his own
• Should comparative ads that directly compare one brand against another be developed?
• Where should important information be placed?
The basic tenet of the serial position effect is that the placement of information in the message
impacts the recall of the information.
o The primacy effect is said to occur when material presented early in the message is the
most influential.
o The recency effect is said to occur when material presented later in the message has the
most impact.
• Should the message be straightforward and simple, or complex?
[Instructor PPT, slide 40]

Source Effects
The source of a message also influences consumer attitudes.
• Source Credibility – Plays an important role in advertising effectiveness. In general, credible
sources tend to be more persuasive than less credible sources.
Credibility consists of two elements:

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o Expertise refers to the amount of knowledge that a spokesperson is perceived to have
about the product.
o Trustworthiness refers to a perception of the extent to which a spokesperson is presenting
a message that he or she truly believes.
• Source Attractiveness – Another quality that has received a great deal of attention. Attractive
models tend to be more persuasive than unattractive spokespeople.
• Source Likeability – Also affects a spokesperson’s effectiveness. Likeable sources tend to be
persuasive. Source likeability affects persuasion more for consumers with low need for
cognition than for those with a high degree of this trait.
• Source Meaningfulness – Indicates that the product characteristics should match with the
dominant characteristics of the source. The matchup hypothesis states that a source feature is
most effective when it is matched with relevant products.

Q: Identify a few ads for brands that have been endorsed by celebrities. What is the
effect of the celebrity’s attractiveness, likeability and meaningfulness on the
customer perception of the brand?

A: There are many ads that feature sports personalities. Examples could include Roger
Federer for Gillette Mach 3. Attractive models tend to be more persuasive than
unattractive spokespeople. Likeable sources tend to be persuasive. The matchup
hypothesis states that a source feature is most effective when it is matched with
relevant products.

[Instructor PPT Slide 41]

Video material for this chapter is starting on page 18 of the IM


(*) Indicates material on prep cards.

1. What is meant by the term “consumer attitudes”? Why do you think attitudes play such an
important role in consumer behavior?

Answer: Consumer attitudes are relatively enduring overall evaluations of objects, products,
services, issues, or people. Attitudes play an important role in consumer behavior because
they describe how people think, feel, and act towards products. That is, they motivate people
to behave in consistent ways. Consumers will almost always want to purchase products that
they like, even if they know that they cannot buy them. They also are attracted to
advertisements that promote products that they like. Because attitudes also serve four distinct

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functions for consumers they take on additional importance (value expressive, utilitarian, ego-
defensive, and knowledge).
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-1
Topic: A-head: Attitudes and Attitude Components
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy

2. *Describe the ABC approach to consumer attitudes. How do the various components apply to
your daily life as a consumer?

Answer: The ABC approach refers to the affect, behavior, and cognition elements of the
subject. Students can quickly come up with examples of products that they like and buy
regularly. They can also describe various thoughts and/or beliefs about them. Student
responses will vary, but when they describe a specific product the three elements usually
come to mind easily.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-1
Topic: A-head: Attitudes and Attitude Components
Bloom’s: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy

3. Using your own examples, explain the four functions of attitudes that are presented in this

Answer: There are many ways in which students may answer this question. The utilitarian
function is based on the concept of reward and punishment. Perhaps a student has expressed a
liking for a particular rock band in order to appear more favorable to another person. The
knowledge function allows consumers to simplify decision-making processes. Perhaps a student
doesn’t like to drink alcohol. If she hears about an upcoming big campus party, she may decide
not to attend simply because she doesn’t like being in situations where drinking will be
encouraged. The value-expressive function enables the consumer to use attitudes as expressions
of their true values. In the political season, consumers often express their support for a candidate
because of deeply held values. The ego-defensive function serves as a defensive mechanism.
Perhaps a student chooses to ignore warnings about drinking and driving because they have
positive attitudes about drinking.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-2
Topic: A-head: Functions of Attitudes
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate

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4. Why do you think the functions of attitudes are important to consumer researchers? Provide
examples of the ways in which you have used each function.

Answer: The functions of attitudes are important to consumer researchers because attitudes
help consumers simplify their lives, express themselves, obtain rewards, and protect
themselves or their self-images. Student responses will vary, but it is likely that the ways in
which they have used their attitudes will be similar to the examples in the text.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-2
Topic: A-head: Functions of Attitudes
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate

5.*What is meant by the hierarchy of effects? Differentiate between high-involvement, low-

involvement, experiential, and behavioral influence hierarchies. In what situations are you
most likely to observe each hierarchy at work?

Answer: The hierarchy of effects suggests that there is a sequential ordering to how beliefs,
affect, and behavior are formed. The purchase context influences which hierarchy will come
into play. The high-involvement (or standard learning) hierarchy occurs when consumers first
develop thoughts about a product, followed by affect, and then by behavior. This hierarchy
generally works in situations in which products under consideration involve some kind of risk.
The low-involvement hierarchy is at work when the purchase context does not involve
significant risk. Here, behavior simply follows beliefs that the consumer has about a product.
Any affect that is developed toward the product generally occurs after behavior has occurred.
The experiential hierarchy is at work when a consumer acts on strong feelings toward some
product. Impulse purchases are often based on the experiential hierarchy. Finally, the
behavioral influence hierarchy comes into play when strong environmental forces influence
behavior in the absence of any strong feelings or thoughts. Consumers are conditioned to act
in various ways in different contexts. For example, fast food restaurants often play pop music
that encourages consumers to hurry through their meal and be on their way.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-3
Topic: A-head: Hierarchy of Effects
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate

6. Describe ways in which you think the hierarchy of effects approach applies to recent
purchases you have made.

Answer: Responses to this question will vary. The focus here is to prompt students to
consider how the different hierarchies relate to their everyday lives. If the student gives this
question any thought, they should be able to come up with several examples of how the
hierarchies apply to their lives.

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BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-3
Topic: A-head: Hierarchy of Effects
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Challenging

7. Describe the components of the ATO model. How would you apply the model to your attitude
formation process? Give an example.

Answer: The ATO model includes beliefs regarding attributes of products, the strength of
beliefs regarding the attributes, and an evaluation of the attributes. These elements are
combined to arrive at an attitudinal score. There are many examples that students could use
for this answer. The book describes the example of an apartment complex but there are many
different ways to respond.
BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-4
Topic: A-head: Consumer Attitude Models
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Challenging

8. Describe the Theory of Reasoned Action. In what situations do you think the approach would
apply most effectively to a consumer situation?

Answer: The Theory of Reasoned Action expands the ATO model in important ways. First, it
considers intentions to act. Second, it considers the perceived consequences of performing a
behavior. Third, it includes a subjective norm which assesses the extent to which a reference
person wants the consumer to act in some way and also the consumer’s motivation to comply.
This model tends to work best for products that have some sort of social element, or when the
issue or product under consideration is very important.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-4
Topic: A-head: Consumer Attitude Models
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate

9. What are the major attitude change theories? Using an example of your own, discuss the
following attitude change theories and how they have applied to a purchase or consumer
situation that you have faced: Elaboration Likelihood Model, Balance Theory, and Social
Judgment Theory.

Answer: The major attitude change theories include the ATO approach, the Behavioral
Influence approach, the Schema-Based Affect approach, the Elaboration Likelihood Model,
Social Judgment Theory, and Balance Theory. Examples will vary, but students should

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discuss the difference between high and low-involvement in the ELM approach, celebrity
perceptions in the Balance Theory approach, and the strength on the attitude that is held with
the Social Judgment Theory approach.
BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-5
Topic: A-head: Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Challenging

10. *How can marketers attempt to change beliefs or evaluations directly? How effective do you
think these attempts can be?

Answer: Changing beliefs about a product is not always a difficult thing for marketers to do.
Many times, consumers simply don’t know that a product has an attribute or that it does not
perform well on the attribute. Changing evaluations of an attribute is generally more difficult
because consumers know what they like, regardless of a marketer will try to say. Accordingly,
strategies that aim at changing beliefs can be effective. Ford Motor Company has attempted to
change beliefs regarding the quality of their cars. Toyota did the same after the problems that
occurred in recent years. Although it takes time for consumers to accept the new information,
these strategies can be effective.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-5
Topic: A-head: Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy

11. Summarize the major types of message appeals and source effects. Describe products that are
often advertised using the various message appeals.

Answer: Message appeals include sex appeals, fear appeals, and humor appeals. Intimate
apparel is often promoted with a degree of sex appeal. Promoting the idea of “Don’t Drink
and Drive” often follows fear appeals. Humor appeals are used when promoting all types of
products and services. In fact, humor appeals are often used to increase the involvement of
consumers with otherwise mundane products. Many examples may apply here. Source effects
include issues such as credibility, attractiveness, likeability, and source meaningfulness.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-6
Topic: A-head: Message and Source Effects and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy

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12. Describe the terms serial position effect, primacy effect, and recency effect. In your opinion,
which type of effect would be most influential for you? Why? Think of an example of an ad
that you’ve seen that has tried to elicit one of the effects.

Answer: The serial position effect states that the placement of information in message affects
the recall of the information and also consumer evaluations. Recency effects occur when
information presented late in a message is most influential in persuasion and primacy effects
occur when information that is placed early in a message is most effective. Usually, these
effects depend on situational influences. Students may be able to recall times when they have
notice information placed early or late in a message and they may remember them as they
occur in a series of messages.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-6
Topic: A-head: Message and Source Effects and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate


13. After shopping at a grocery store, select three products that you have purchased and apply the
ATO model to each of them. Does the model accurately describe your attitude toward each of
the products? Why or why not?

Answer: This should be an easy assignment for students. Nearly every student will shop in a
grocery store. By applying the ATO principles to purchases that they’ve recently made, the
student realizes just how prevalent the approach is in everyday consumer life.
BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-4
Topic: A-head: Consumer Attitude Models
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Challenging

14. Pick one of the four functions of attitudes and ask friends when they think they have used it.
Have they mentioned examples that you didn’t think of before?

Answer: The book describes various times when the functions of attitudes are at work. It is
interesting to have students consider these functions for themselves. Student responses will
vary. This is another activity that is good for class discussion.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-2
Topic: A-head: Functions of Attitudes
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Moderate

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15.While watching television over the course of a week, keep a log of commercials that use a
violent theme. Do any of the commercials also include humor? Do you think that the ads were
effective? Why or why not?

Answer: Most students will recognize when they are being exposed to a violent theme in an
advertisement but they may not realize just how often they are until they take note while
watching television. Student responses will vary greatly on this question.
BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-6
Topic: A-head: Message and Source Effects and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Analysis
Difficulty: Challenging

16. *Visit the popular website Pinterest. How does, or how could, this site influence your
attitudes towards the products or hobbies that are being suggested? Do you think sites like
Pinterest can be effective in changing your attitude about a product?

Answer: As the book discusses, this website has become extremely popular. However, it is
likely that the male students in the classroom are less familiar with it. This is a good exercise
to get students to see how influential sites such as Pinterest are in everyday consumer life.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer
LO: 7-5
Topic: A-head: Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Evaluation
Difficulty: Challenging

18. Think of three celebrities that you consider controversial. They do not need to be celebrities
that you personally follow. Do a web search to find the various products that they endorse. Do
you think that they are good endorsers? Why or why not?

Answer: This activity is based on Balance Theory. As the book discusses, not all endorsers
are going to be equally effective for consumers. This is a nice opportunity to get students to
this about Q-ratings and how they can be used in marketing. Obviously, students will belong
to different market segments and this activity can spark some interesting discussions on
celebrity endorser effectiveness.
BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-5
Topic: A-head: Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Evaluation
Difficulty: Challenging

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*Have students break up into teams. Have the teams visit a local shopping mall and a number of
popular retail stores. Have them take note of the music that is played in each retail store. Popular
clothing retailers like American Hollister, PacSun and Hollister are great for this exercise. Have
each group assess how well the music in the store matches its image. Have the students focus
specifically on any music that is played from their favorite bands. Does this music influence their
attitudes toward the stores? Have them visit stores that they do not like. What do they find? Do
they like the music that is played in stores that they don’t like? Have the groups present their
results to the class. This exercise can encourage some great class discussions.


To view the video case Southwest Airlines, go to the CB companion website to select this video.

Founded on the basic principle of simple, no-fuss flying with a high-level of staff positive
attitude, Southwest Airlines (SWA) remains one of this country’s highest rated businesses in
terms of both work culture and customer service. The airline provides non-stop flights
connecting sixty four cities in the U.S and also flies all over the United States. It is a low-cost
airline which focuses on providing all its customers smooth travel experiences.
The airline considers customer service very important and hence it conducts a lot of quantitative
and qualitative research to find out the satisfaction levels of consumers who travel by their
flights. The airline uses a satisfaction tool which consists of five questions, to measure the level
of customer satisfaction. This allows them to improve their existing services and understand their
customers’ wants, needs and desires. Providing customers the best product experience is their
main goal and they ensure this by listening to all their customers and involving them in the
product development process.

Ask your students:

1. Explain how Southwest’s marketing message performs each of the four functions of consumer

Answer: The slogan of Southwest Airlines reads as follows: “You are now free to move about
the country.” This message covers all the functions of consumer attitudes.
• Utilitarian function of attitudes – Customers are offered non-stop, smooth travel
experiences. The airline also offers customers low-fares, great customer service and a fun-
filled flight experience.
• Knowledge function of attitudes – Offers such as non-stop flights and lower-fares simplify
consumers’ decisions. Customers generally opt for flights that have great customer service
and provide great product experiences.
• Value-expressive function of attitudes – Research conducted by the company has revealed
that customers who have enjoyed travelling by Southwest Airlines recommend the brand to
other travelers.

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• Ego-defensive function of attitudes –Southwest Airlines has distinguished itself from its
competitors by offering superior levels of quality in terms of in-flight experience and
customer service. By flying with Southwest Airlines, customers derive greater satisfaction
by associating themselves with this brand, thus enhancing their self-image.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Strategy
LO: 7-2
Topic: A-head: Functions of Attitudes
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate

1. Explain Southwest’s strategy and positioning in the context of social judgment theory.

Answer: Student answers will vary. The social judgment theory proposes that consumers
compare incoming information to their existing attitudes about a particular object. When
customers hear about the services offered by Southwest Airlines, they tend to compare the
offers with other airline offers. The customer will have initial reference points, such as
customer service, product experiences, fares and so on. Around these points are latitudes of
acceptance and latitudes of rejection. The customer will view the message favorably if it is
congruent with the initial attitudinal position. Southwest’s offers consistently compare
favorably with the competitors’ offers and hence they fall under the latitudes of acceptance.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Strategy
LO: 7-5
Topic: A-head: Attitude Change Theories and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Challenging


An animated advertisement for Coca Cola has a group of polar bears slipping and sliding on the
ice in pursuit of a bottle of Coke. The advertisement begins with two polar bears watching Super
Bowl. One of the polar bears from another group tosses a bottle of Coca Cola but as the other
bear tries to catch it, he loses his balance and slides. The rest of the bears come to this clumsy
bear’s rescue and they all crash against each other and fall on the ice. Toward the end, the polar
bear manages to save his bottle of coca cola from breaking.

Ask your students:

1. Which function of attitudes would you be best associated with if you were a member of the
Super Bowl fan club?

Answer: The value-expressive function enables consumers to express their core values, self-
concepts and beliefs to others. Individuals who belong to the Super Bowl fan club would be
associated with the value-expressive function of attitudes. They would be promoting their fan
club by displaying placards, posters, stickers, t-shirts, and so on.

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BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-2
Topic: A-head: Functions of Attitudes
Bloom’s: Application
Difficulty: Moderate

2. Identify the type of hierarchy that can be associated with this advertisement.

Answer: Students’ answers will vary. This advertisement can be associated with the
experiential hierarchy. The ad illustrates that the polar bear decides to drink Coca Cola
because it sounds like a fun thing to do. The same applies to consumers. Consumers consume
the drink whenever they feel right or feel good.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-3
Topic: A-head: Hierarchy of Effects
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy

3. Which kind of message appeal is portrayed through the advertisement?

Answer: The message appeal portrayed through this ad is that of humor. This animated
advertisement features polar bears sliding around on ice. The humor appeal in the ad attracts
attention and creates a positive mood. The advertisement enhances both attitude toward the
brand and consumers’ purchase decisions.
BUSPROG: Analytic
DISC: Customer | Promotion
LO: 7-6
Topic: A-head: Message and Source Effects and Persuasion
Bloom’s: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy


Case 2-1 Climbing to the Top!

1. What types of programs or tactics would you suggest the owner institute to break the fear of
“Baby Boomers” and change their attitude towards rock climbing?

Answer: Holding events for families; since most people would try rock climbing for the first
time in groups, is a good way to reach the Generation Y parents and Boomer grandparents.
These events would gain trust of parents and grandparents while educating them on the
equipment and other safety features. They could enjoy watching their children and
grandchildren climb, help them and take the first steps in a new adventure. Short videos of
“baby boomers” climbing could be placed on You Tube, the main website, and even on

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location while parents are waiting for their children, to show just how fun and exciting rock
climbing is for ALL ages. These videos would contain clips of older, less practiced climbers,
children, and can even show how families mixed with young and old can experience rock
climbing together.

2. What do you think motivates one to rock climb or try this sport? Is the value provided
utilitarian or hedonic? If you never tried rock climbing, would you now consider it? If so,
what would be YOUR motivation?

Answer: People rock climb for various reasons. Some like the physical challenge and
exercise, and for some it raises their self-esteem (step 4 on Maslow’s Hierarchy). As to value,
the definition of utilitarian is based on a product or service that helps the consumer solve a
problem and or accomplish a task. Hedonic value is the immediate satisfaction that originates
from experiencing some activity. In rock climbing fears are the biggest of problems – fear of
heights or injury from falling, for example. Once the consumer faces their fears and makes it
to the top of the rock wall they may have that exciting, gratifying, and fulfilling experience
that comes from achieving their goal, which could encompass both utilitarian and hedonic
Subjective; based on student. Some students may like the excitement of trying something new.
For some, it’s a pure “rush” and emotional high.

3. Explain how the intrinsic motivation state of flow might occur in rock climbing?

Answer: Flow occurs when a challenge is met with higher level skills through a strong
emotional state of high involvement, in which the person is totally absorbed and focused on
the activity. A climber might find themselves in this state of flow on the rock wall, especially
when they are finally getting the hang of it, focusing on their next move and how close they
are to reaching their goal. It’s as if they are watching a movie and it is the climax, time passes
quickly and the person is thoroughly “dialed in” to their own state of oneness with the wall.

4. Using the multiple trait approach to consumer behavior explain which specific consumer
traits would explain one’s motivation to rock climb? For example, The Five Factor Model of
personality traits is one framework that can be used.

Answer: Personality traits that would most likely be found in rock climbers include “openness
to experience” and “competitiveness.” Rock climbing is a challenging undertaking and may
be intimidating for the non-competitive. There are also a base level of skills to be learned,
including belaying ad finger holds, so new climbers must be willing to take some risks.
Climbing is also competitive, not only against other sport climbers, but a competition against
oneself, as new and experienced climbers set personal goals for themselves. Other important
personality traits typical of those with a propensity to climb might be extroversion and
stability. Many climbers are cautious in making their way up the wall, and insist on taking a
safe and steady route within their ability, rather than climbing in a hazardous fashion.

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5. Using the ABC approach to attitudes, explain why a Baby Boomer might feel that rock
climbing is a “young person’s sport.” Then, create a program for Rock Sport that attempts to
change this negative attitude and invites Baby Boomers to try indoor rock climbing.

Answer: Attitudes are formed by combining three components: cognitions or beliefs, affect,
and behavior. Many Baby Boomers are fearful of rock climbing because they believe they
might fall and get hurt, or not be able to climb the wall unless they’re in good physical shape,
a damaging blow to their own self concept. These cognitions will then lead to a somewhat
negative affect or indifference towards the sport. The resulting behavior is not to even attempt
to try indoor rock climbing. To overcome these objections and attempt to change the negative
attitudes of Boomers, Rock Sport might create several new programs. First, an introductory
video could be developed and showed on the website’s homepage. This would explain how
safe and enjoyable the sport is, showcasing a 60- something female beginning up the wall.
Safety and skill development would be stressed. Other program ideas include a “Couples
Night” for empty nesters that includes a “two for one” lesson and gear fee. In addition, the
facility could host a “Meet and Greet” evening where Boomers from local clubs like Rotary
and YMCA are asked to attend.

Case 2-2 Plasma vs. LCD TVs – Much Ado About Nothing?

1. In what ways are TV manufacturers practicing the total value concept? What features other
than TV, are consumers coming to expect in a modern TV?

Answer: There are many ways students can go with this question. The chief thing is that TV
is no longer a “TV” in the traditional sense of just showing television shows. Modern TVs
access the Internet to access shows and content (e.g., Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and more)
or to browse websites. They also have specific apps being developed. Brands such as Vizio,
Sony, and others are creating customized TV apps for viewers. Then there are the hedonic
feelings associated with a TV and the race to have the thinnest, largest, clearest, brightest,
television that manufacturers can make.

2. Say you manage the electronics department at your local Best Buy. Would you tweak the TV
settings so each TV displays an ideal picture or would you leave them as they are out of the
box? How would your decision influence returns and customer satisfaction?

Answer: This question can be argued from many different perspectives. It certainly is in the
interest of the store to make certain TVs look better, leading to more sales, leading to more
profit for shareholders, etc. However, stores also need to consider what is best for the
customer. If you tweak and create an “ideal” setting for each TV, are you heightening the
expectations customers have such that they will be disappointed when they get the TV home
and see that it looks different out of the box? Does one sell services of customized TVs at the
consumer’s home? Then how does this all impact customer satisfaction and TV returns? There
are no easy answers.

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3. Apple has made a case for the “retina” display on the latest iPhone and iPad saying the pixels
are so small the human eye cannot detect them. This gets away from official statistics like
2048-by-1536 screen resolution. In what ways is this positive/negative for consumers?

Answer: Getting away from pure statistics and numbers is an interesting marketing tactic
because it brings the product back to being about its intended use. In the case of the iPad, it
looks so good, do you really care about the statistics of the resolution? Probably not.
However, it is great marketing because “retina display” is how Apple brands them, so can
Sony come and say the same thing? Would they want to? Probably not.
Statistics do have the advantage of making things easier to compare and helping make sure
one is comparing apples to apples. However, as happened in the camera market, above a
certain amount, does it really matter if a camera is 12 megapixels vs. 20 megapixels, if the
largest print one will ever make is 4” by 6”? Probably not. This over emphasis on statistics
that are no longer relevant is interesting because it still influences how consumers make
decisions (e.g., megapixels for cameras, the MHz in the CPU of computers).

4. Say you are the product manager for a line of plasma televisions. What features would you
emphasize the most with customers? Why?

Answer: Plasma displays have better refresh rates, picture quality, and deeper blacks (because
they do not have to use a backlight). So picture quality should be their big selling point.
However, as discussed in the case, plasma screens are more power hungry and due to the
technology, are often thicker and run hotter than comparable LCDs. These negatives need to
be addressed or framed in a positive sense. Is it worth an inch of depth to have a better
looking TV?

5. Given what you now know about HD TVs, in what ways does marketing influence consumers’
perceptions of products such as TVs?

Answer: The point of the case is that many HD TVs are pretty much the same to the untrained
eye. However, engineers and marketers understand the importance and influence of numbers.
Even though a TV that refreshes at 240Hz shows no practical improvement over a 120Hz one,
it simply sounds better because it is twice as fast. An over emphasis on numbers has led
customers to be confused and overwhelmed with choice and features. Consumers then
simplify the decision using techniques and tradeoffs discussed later in the book. (Note: The
comparison of TVs may make for a nice multi-attribute demonstration/topic later in the

Case 2-3 Virtually Free!

Students are likely more to be the experts about gaming than are instructors. This case
provides a good opportunity to apply concepts from part II and CB in general in describing a
current phenomenon.

1. Consumers, whether adults are children, have to learn how to play online games like Tiny
Zoo or Castleville. In this part of the book, learning is described as being either intentional or

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unintentional. Explain your opinion on whether these games are learned more by intentional
or unintentional learning mechanisms.

Answer: Learning the games probably involves both types of learning and thus the discussion
could be varied and vigorous. However, the games involve rewards for behavior. Get a cute
new animal, and get a reward (automated comments as well as comments from friends). This
is an instrumental conditioning effect and falls in unintentional learning. Opinions may vary
the important objective here is that the students use concepts in forming their answer.

2. Brand loyalty is an important marketing concept. Define the concept of schema. How
important is the brand schema in consumer decision to play these games? Do you think
consumers think of the company (Zynga), the game (Cityville) or the host (Facebook) when
playing the games?

Answer: A schema is the cognitive structure that gives something meaning in our minds. A
brand schema gives meaning to brands. The rest of the question should generate discussion.
Chances are, the games themselves build equity more so than the companies that produce
them. As a result, companies are challenged to continuously release enticing games.

3. All consumer behavior is motivated by something. What motivations underlie online gaming
and purchasing of online games? In the case of parents paying for virtual goods used by their
kids, what value is involved in the consumption.

Answer: For the children, hedonic motivations are largely at play as the games bring hedonic
value. In terms of Maslow’s hierarchy, playing games can be driven by esteem and status
(particularly through social networking) or perhaps by self-actualization if results are not
publicly proclaimed. For parents, the games bring utilitarian value as buying the games
accomplishes the end of keeping the kids busy for a while.

4. Do consumer attitudes play a role in online gaming?

Answer: Attitudes play a role in all consumer behavior. Try to get the students to discuss
attributes of games and how they may contribute to a favorable predisposition toward games.
How important are the social networking attributes of games.

Other discussion can ask students their opinions on Zynga’s marketing strategy and on
potential ethical questions underlying the sale of not real (virtual) products.


Visit to access the online case studies for CB.

Are Three Wheels Better than Two?: The Can-Am Spyder

1. Do purchasers of the Can-Am Spyder have utilitarian motivations? Hedonics ones? Both?

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Answer: As with other forms of transportation, the Spyder provides satisfaction of a basic
utilitarian motivation to be able to travel with ease, getting from point A to point B. However,
it is likely that most purchasers do so primarily to satisfy hedonic motivations. ‘Weekend
warrior’-types are likely to consider this vehicle a ‘toy’ that they use mostly for excitement
and personal gratification.

2. BRS states that it delivers “paradigm-shifting vehicles that push the envelope”. Considering a
prospective customer’s existing product schema for a motorbike, discuss the implications for
cognitive organization, comprehension and acceptance of this vehicle by motorcycle

Answer: A typical motorcycle owner may have a schema about a bike that includes concepts
such as “two-wheeled”, “exciting”, “cool” and even maybe “risky”. The Spyder is not
considered a true member of the motorcycle class, probably because it does not share all of
these characteristics in the minds of the consumer. This may make it harder for the consumer
to automatically accept this new vehicle, and makes its introduction more risky for BRS. It
may make interpretation and comprehension of the Spyder difficult initially, resulting in an
accommodation or even a contrast reaction during attempts to categorize it. BRS is counting
on the fact that incongruencies are just enough to induce curiosity but not dislike.

3. At introduction of this vehicle, would an attitude change strategy be necessary to convert the
curious into customers? If so, what might be effective?

Answer: Those who are intrigued by the Spyder may still have misconceptions about it.
Among motorcycle riders, it may be important to change existing beliefs that the thrill of the
ride can exist even with enhanced stability factors, or that safety is of more importance now in
their lives. In the ELM method, potential customers are likely to spend much effort in
comprehending messages about the vehicle, so the central route to persuasion is likely to be
activated. Central cues will be effective, including arguments about various safety and styling

4. Visit the website as if you were a potential customer for this product. Is the
typical site visitor likely to learn about the product intentionally or unintentionally? Do you
think the website has been created to maximize the learning that can occur there?

Answer: Learning will be especially important for BRS’s Can-Am Spyder since it is so
unique. Consumers often learn about products unintentionally through personal contacts,
experiences and even advertising. The vehicle is still relatively new, distribution is limited and
advertising has been minimal, meaning that the website may be of relative importance for the
education of the customer. Website visitors are likely to be learning intentionally there,
through their own effort and cognitive processes, as they seek specific information about the
Spyder. The site has a great deal of information about the models, gear and accessories, as
well as dealerships and the online community. But nothing is likely to replace the learning
that would occur through experience, such as a test drive. A major function of the site is to
drive customers to local events where that is possible.

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Shanghai Advertisements

1. What function or functions does Mei Li’s attitude toward the advertisements that line the street
where she lives play?

Answer: First of all, her attitude adopted from her father—that the ads will corrupt her
education and family responsibility—plays a utilitarian function in that maximizes familial
rewards and minimizes any punishment. It keeps her in good favor with her father. In some
ways, it also acts as an ego-defensive function. The attitude protects Mei Li from any of the
potential problems associated with the ads in terms of self-concept and self-esteem. However,
the last ad, Mei Li’s favorite, may actually serve a value-expressive function for the girl. She
believes the makeup is glamorous and sophisticated, something that she wants to be, and her
attitude toward the brand expresses that set of values.

2. Using the psychoanalytic approach to motivation, how does Mei Li deal with the
advertisements that surround her?

Answer: Psychoanalytically speaking, the personality consists of the id, ego, and superego.
The id is all-about “if it feels good, do it” in the sense that it acts under the pleasure principle.
The superego matches societal norms and expectations as a “civilizing” element. Both of
these are managed by the ego which resolves conflicts between the two. The ads are
attempting to work on Mei Li’s id, urging her to be herself and the like. But she has her
father’s voice in her head, the superego, that is telling her to ignore the ads and their
corruptive influence. Her ego, on the other hand, is resolving that conflict, particularly with
the last ad concerning the make-up. It’s her ego, most likely, that has told her to wait until she
was old enough to purchase make-up that allows her to manage the ad as part of her everyday

3. What effect do these Western ads appear to be having on the self-concept of Chinese

Answer: The self-concept involves all the thoughts and feelings that one has about him or
herself which plays a huge part in self-esteem. The more positive one feels about him or
herself, the higher or more positive the self-esteem. When individuals are subjected to a
myriad of advertisements that feature glamour and sophistication in the form of someone who
looks different than the self, this could potentially lead someone to begin to think negatively
about the self. Instead of a Chinese girl like Mei Li comparing herself to other Chinese girls
that she looks like, she may now be comparing herself to Western models who she does not
look like. Since they are glamorous and, by contrast, she may think she is not, then the way to
look like the Western model is to get a plastic surgery that modifies her look so that she is
now comparable to the models.

4. What part does the perception process play in Mei Li’s reaction to the make-up

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Answer: First of all, she has to sense the ad to be able to make sense of it, which she does
each time she leaves her apartment. Then, she has to organize the image into meaningful and
recognizable categories. She does so by breaking the ad down to glamorous woman, evening
dress, cute guy, checking out, and make-up. In doing so, she begins to comprehend or
interpret the meaning of the ad through an act of assimilation. She readily recognizes the
different parts and what they mean when put together into the advertisement. Finally, she
reacts by liking the ad and vowing to buy the brand when she is allowed to purchase and wear

Thrill-Seekers Unite

1. Develop a psychographic profile of a consumer who identifies himself/herself as a “thrill

seeker”. Identify three personality traits that you think would be associated with a consumer
who would attend the ESPN Summer or Winter X Games. How might consumers with differing
amounts of thrill seeking (very low versus very high) have different attitudes about a reverse

Answer: Students may answer this question individually or in teams. Students should compile
a list of personality traits of a “thrill-seeker”. Examples of personality traits include but are
not limited to; extroversion, innovativeness, self-consciousness, need for excitement,
competitiveness, and impulsiveness. Students may also reference VALS in their answer.
Instructors may generate class discussion by asking students to explain the various ways
psychographic profiles may be used by marketers. Consumers use a reverse mortgage to get
access to other things – this it offers high utilitarian value. The other things – like extreme
supports for retired consumers – provide hedonic value. But, a consumer low in thrill seeking
may not see so much value in a reverse mortgage because they are likely to see it as more

2. Choose an extreme sports event and describe its brand personality.

Answer: Answers to this question will vary depending on the choice of the sporting event.
Students should be allowed to review the definition of brand personality. Instructors may
facilitate class discussion by asking students to comment on whether or not they think brand
personality is related to product positioning.
Instructors wishing to offer more guidance to students may provide student teams with
examples of extreme sports products (i.e. Burton snowboards or a Gary Fisher mountain
bike). Teams could then be instructed to research these products online and describe their
brand personalities to the rest of the class.
This question may also be useful to demonstrate to students how individual student
personality traits may impact the overall group’s description of their product’s brand

3. Describe three ways you think the personality of an extreme sports consumer affects their
shopping decisions. How does your personality have an impact on the product/services you

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Answer: Answers to this question will vary. An extreme sports consumer will most likely be
highly involved and require central routes to persuasion. This consumer would also be very
knowledgeable about alternative brands. Students should state whether or not they feel the
personality traits of thrill-seekers correlate with their purchases. To facilitate class discussion,
the instructor may also explain the concept of self-product congruence.

Do zipped commercials influence you?

1. Why do you think zipped commercials can still impact a viewer?

Answer: The most common explanation is perceptual fluency and the mere exposure effect.
The more you are exposed to a stimulus, be it a person, object, etc. the more familiar it will
seen to you and the most a person will like it. Although people may not recall zipped
commercials, they have been exposed to certain brand names. These brand names may be or
at least seem, more familiar and thus, the viewer will like/prefer them over others.

2. How should one judge the effectiveness of television commercials? Is recognition and recall of
the brand name enough? What other measures would you suggest?

Answer: Using both explicit (recall and recognition) and implicit measures (see reference 7
for an in depth discussion) would be prudent to help measure the effectiveness of zipped

3. What are ways advertisers could counteract the effects of zipping? How could you encourage
consumers to watch commercials in real time?

Answer: There are many possible answers students may come up with. One technique
advertisers can use is to hire actors from the show one is watching. Zippers may confuse the
commercial for the actual show and play it in real time. Although this could lead to mixed
attitudes toward the commercial that in effect, tricked the viewer into playing it. In 2006,
Sprite had inserted messages into ads and explicitly told viewers that if they used their DVRs
to slow down the commercial they could see special messages one would not otherwise be
able to see.

Golf Buggy Case

1. Several advertising agencies are competing for the Golf Buggy account. Most are
recommending communications that are consistent with an intentional method of learning.
However, one agency is suggesting a behavioral or unintentional learning campaign. Should
Gold Buggy give serious consideration to this agency based on its approach to consumer
learning? Explain your choice.

Answer: Chances are that an intentional learning approach would be best. Most, but not all,
advertising campaigns assume that intentional learning takes place. Unintentional learning
processes often result from the use of sales promotions. For example, a consumer can be
offered a certain reward for visiting a dealership, then offered a rebate, and finally offered a

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low price when purchasing a product. Although either process could apply, it is likely that the
intentional learning perspective would be better, especially when considering that this is most
likely a high-involvement purchase situation.

2. How is a single-seat, three-wheel golf cart likely to be initially received in the marketplace?
Use the steps in the consumer perception process to explain your position.

Answer: The product would most certainly be viewed as “new” and “different.” The
consumer would need to be exposed to the information, pay attention to the information, and
comprehend the information in some way. Also, consumers would need to sense the
information, organize it, and react to the information and product. The critical step here would
be organizing the information. As the text explains, the information could be assimilated,
accommodated, or contrasted. Chances are that some type of accommodation would take
place, that is, the buggy would share some, but not all, features of traditional golf carts.

3. Would Golf Buggy have more success targeting a vehicle like this at non-golfers for use in
large workplaces and perhaps even for consumers liking for an alternative to walking or
driving when traveling short distances? Explain why.

Answer: The product should probably be aimed at the traditional golf market. However, these
other uses do apply. When organizing the information and reacting to the cart, most
consumers would view the cart as applying most readily to the golf experience. As such, this
should be the primary aim. However, other marketing efforts could focus on alternative uses
for the product.

Handbags Case

1. How important is the country of origin to consumers’ comprehension of designer products like
those sold by Antonio’s company?

Answer: One’s country of origin can definitely influence both comprehension and consumer
purchasing behavior. Consumers hold various associations about countries, products, and
product origin in their associative memory networks, and these associations do affect their
comprehension of certain products. As consumers react to marketing messages that include a
country-of-origin element, these feelings will be relayed into short-term memory, thus affecting
comprehension. For some consumers, these effects will be more profound than for others.

2. Play the role of the VP-Marketing. What would your reaction be? How could knowledge that the
bag is produced in China potentially harm or enhance the brand?

Answer: Again, consumers will hold various associations about countries and products in
their memories, and this will affect their comprehension of marketing messages as well as
their reactions to products. The VP-Marketing is likely to be very hesitant about the suggested
change—not necessarily because of negative inferences to China, but because of the strong
reputation of the brand. The company has most likely put much time, effort, and money into

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promoting the brand as a prestigious Italian product, and therefore moving the production to
any other country might be detrimental to the brand.

3. Antonio suggests simply removing the stitching that says “Made in Italy” as a way of not
misleading consumers. Would such a move address any ethical concerns that may exist once
production is moved to China? Explain why.

Answer: Antonio would need to be careful not to break any applicable laws. If his intent is to
mislead consumers, then there would be an ethical problem. It is not unethical to move
production to China. However, consumers should be aware of where the product has been
made, and labeling laws would then apply. It would be more ethical for the company to decide
to be truthful with their marketing promotions regarding where the product was actually

Teen Culture Case

1. How do teens create value through coolness of the product?

Answer: Teens create value based on information that they have received from media and
friends. In addition, psychological aspects—such as self-esteem, peer pressure, hormones, and
social experiences—in middle schools are influenced by that which is cool and that which is

2. Teens respond to something “cool,” but “cool” keeps changing. So, if you’re a marketer, how
do you find “cool?”

Answer: Firms utilize various research methods to find information about teens such as
surveying, focus groups, online chat rooms, undercover settings, and web groups. These forms
of research are very difficult compared with the typical research conducted on adults or
children. Companies can also utilize online services, such as, that provide a
report of “clusters” showing research conducted through information published in online
magazines. You can visit

3. Teens certainly appear to be a difficult demographic group to get hold of. What is different
about this demographic group (teenagers) compared with other sectors of our society
targeted by marketers?

Answer: Teenagers have become the hot demographic for marketers in the last decade due to
a few salient facts. (1) First, sheer numbers: they are the largest generation of teenagers ever at
33 million, larger than even their baby boomer parents. (2) Second, they are undoubtedly the
wealthiest generation of teenagers. Last year, for example, they spent about $100 billion
dollars themselves and influenced the spending of another $50 billion by others. (3) Third,
they probably have more discretion over their purchasing decisions than ever before. (4)
Fourth, teenagers are subject to the influence of marketers because they have few loyalties to
brands or companies built up over years and because they have few real needs. They are able
to buy what they want and not what they must. (5) Finally, despite a lifetime of bombardment,

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teens are still less inured and more plugged into marketing messages through the media than
any other demographic.

Lifestyle Case

1. How can the use of a celebrity endorsement have a positive impact for Latonia and a negative
impact for Jon-Michael?

Answer: For Jon-Michael, celebrity endorsements would not be very attractive. He does not
like to be associated with statements and images of others, so these endorsements would not
add to the value function. For Latonia, endorsements would help make a statement and would
add to the image associated with the purchase. This would increase the value of the product
and of consumption.

2. To maximize value in the shopping experience, what attributes about shopping and the
product should be emphasized if one were marketing to Latonia? What attributes about
shopping and the product should be emphasized to Jon-Michael in order to maximize value?

Answer: For Latonia, attributes would include the fun and excitement associated with
shopping, as well as the image of the brand and store names. For Jon-Michael, convenience
and timeliness should be emphasized.

3. How could researchers take a nomothethic approach to understanding the psychological

makeup of these consumers?

Answer: Researchers could take a nomothethic approach to studying these two consumers by
considering the traits that are found in their personalities. Differences in value consciousness
could be examined, for example. Learning from other study’s findings about consumers like
Jon-Michael or Latonia could help the researcher gain insight into the various traits that they
each possess.

4. How could the self-congruency theory apply to this case?

Answer: The self-congruency theory proposes that much of consumer behavior can be
explained by the connection between a consumer’s self-concept and the image of typical users
of a focal product. For Latonia, her image of herself would be reflected in the types of
products she buys and the types of stores she frequents. The same would be true for Jon-
Michael. However, Jon-Michael’s selection of store and product would be based on his fast-
paced lifestyle with little focus on image.

5. What types of shopping value apply most readily to Jon-Michael and Latonia?

Answer: Jon-Michael clearly seeks utilitarian shopping value. He shops to solve problems.
He doesn’t enjoy shopping and sounds as if he would rather avoid the activity. Latonia derives
hedonic value from shopping. She loves to shop and will find time for the activity. The

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process itself gives her value, and the image that is attached to the products that she buys
makes her feel good about herself.

Coca Cola Case

1. If you are in charge of the marketing strategy for Coca-Cola BlãK in America, who should be
your target consumers? Why?

Answer: It all depends. One of the target age ranges could be 18-25. This group really enjoys
caffeinated beverages. Because Coca-Cola has such a great reputation, a low-calorie beverage
(45 calories/serving) that offers the great taste of Coca-Cola and coffee all in one (Coca-Cola
BlãK, 2007) may be appealing.

2. What kinds of advertising messages would appeal to the target consumer to cause an attitude
change toward Coca-Cola BlãK?

Answer: While acknowledging the classic aspect of Coca-Cola, it is also very important to
show that the company is being innovative. Focusing on the innovative idea of combining
coffee with the classic cola beverage will appeal to a wider range of the market, not just
Starbucks consumers. Packaging can be a means to accomplish the task of overcoming the
price justification issue. Coke bottles BlãK in glass bottles, thus giving the perception of value
a boost. The shape of the bottle is sleek, slightly shaped like the contours of a woman’s body,
thereby adding sex appeal. Also, the lettering is gold against the dark bottle color, adding to
the sophisticated look of BlãK. Promotion is another way that Coca-Cola can add to the
perceived value to overcome the issue of price justification. The advertisements for BlãK use
slow, jazzy music and dark muted colors. The imagery includes snapshots of the bottle with
“sweat” beads clinging onto its contours, again adding to its sex appeal. Also, the wording
cues use terms such as “sophisticated” to convey the mature, chic perception of BlãK. All of
these promotional elements should add to the perception of value to shift consumer attitudes
favorably toward BlãK and allow Coca-Cola access to a part of the coffee beverage market.

3. Compared to ordinary Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola BlãK is expensive ($1.99). How should Coca-
Cola BlãK be positioned?

Answer: If Coca-Cola BlãK positions itself with the other soft drinks, it will not succeed
because most soft drinks are priced at or under $1.00 for a bottle of the same size. By placing
Coca-Cola BlãK in the category with specialty coffee and energy drinks, Coca-Cola will
create the value needed to sell their product at that price. Comparing the $1.99 cost of Coca-
Cola BlãK with the $4.39 that is spent on a Starbucks beverage, consumers could get very
close to the same taste and energy for less money—a better value.


To view the Part 2 video case, go to the CB companion website to select
this video.

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Shopping for a New Apartment
Time: This video is between 5-7 minutes long.

Concepts Illustrated in the Video

• Consumer perception process
• Comprehension
• Message source
• Expectations
• Consumer motivations
• Consumer involvement
• Personality
• Self-concept
• Attitudes

Jim works in the finance industry and is getting ready to start school full-time. He’s working
with Linda, a real estate agent and broker to find a new apartment. He has a variety of lifestyle
needs in selecting the right apartment such as location to the library, bus line, work, and most
importantly aesthetics is a major concern. After some time, Linda and Jim struggle to agree on
what’s the right fit for Jim. Jim finally admits that he wasn’t up front about his situation and his
company is paying for his living expenses while going back to school.
Finally, Linda gets Jim to agree to view the smaller studio apartment. After some deliberation,
Jim agrees to move forward with the smaller apartment. Linda points out that her role in this
negotiation is to figure out unrealistic expectations from her clients. However, after thirty years
in the business, she always asks for the order!

Teaching Objectives for the Video Case

• Understand the concept of comprehension and the factors that influence what gets
• Be able to apply the concept of a cognitive “schema,” including exemplars and prototypes, to
understand how consumers react to new products
• Understand consumer motivations
• Have students explore why lifestyles and psychographics are important in the field of
consumer behavior
• Understand the attitude toward object model

Critical Thinking Questions – Suggested Answers

1. What were Jim’s motivations in the video?

Answer: Jim’s motivations for a new apartment were based on his age, lifestyle, living within
his means, outward appearances, and internal motivations.

2. Define perception. What were Jim’s perceptions about the one bedroom apartment versus the
studio apartment?

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Answer: Perception refers to a consumer’s awareness and interpretation of reality. In this
case, perception simply doesn’t always match reality. Jim’s perception about the one bedroom
was prestige and that he had made something out of himself through all of his hard work. The
perception of the studio apartment was he hadn’t made it yet and was settling after working for
10 years in the financial industry and possessing a good credit record while living within his

3. Using the general hierarchy of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), where would Jim’s
new apartment fall on the hierarchy? Explain.

Answer: Jim’s new apartment goes beyond physiological, the basic needs for survival
including shelter. In the video example, Jim is trying to meet his esteem needs. The esteem
needs are classified as being recognized as a person of self-worth. Jim used words such as
Hitachi flat screen TV, the leather furniture, and being able to entertain your friends in a nice
place that cued the real estate agent as to his needs.

4. Based on Jim’s personality, describe his traits. Would you consider Jim to possess value
consciousness, materialism, innovativeness, complaint proneness, and competitiveness?
Explain your answer.

Answer: Students’ answers will vary depending on how they perceive Jim. Some will see Jim
as materialistic. The textbook describes these people who are highly materialistic as
consumers who tend to be possessive, non-generous, and envious of other’s possessions.
Other students will see that Jim was actually value consciousness by the end of the video. The
textbook describes these people as consumers who can expect to pay close attention to the
resources that they devote to transactions and to the benefits that they receive.

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
To H.R.H. Duke Maximilian of Bavaria.
Jôon, May 27, 1838.
I have been but too much flattered by the goodness with
which you were pleased to look on the liberty I have already
taken: it is a proof of your greatness as well as of your
condescension. Dr. M. has made up his mind to present
himself to your highness; but perhaps, on a first visit, he will
not say what I will presume to do.
In the first place, the air of the spot where chance has put
you is bad. There is danger of getting a fever, unless you
wrap yourself up well as the evening closes in, and take, in
going to bed, a little brandy and water, with sugar in it, instead
of cooling things: but what is best of all is a little rum, to
prevent the circulation from becoming languid from the damp,
and to keep up perspiration. Medical books say nothing of
this, nor, generally speaking, have doctors much knowledge
about it: but I have acquired my information from people who
have never been attacked with fever, although often exposed,
from their occupations, to sun and fatigue. The Germans
(who, according to the traditions of the ancient Arabians, are
of exceeding high race), like the kings, their ancestors, are
not brought up idlers: therefore, it seems much more
reasonable to infer that, if they follow the practice of the
laborious, it will suit them better than the system pursued by
indolent beings, who lead a kind of false existence, and
whose complaints are often imaginary or the consequence of
their own prejudices. In fevers of the country one cannot drink
too much of cooling things, or of cold water: for if, during one
or two days previous to trying any remedies intended to excite
the circulation, refreshing beverages are not given, internal
inflammation comes on, which carries off a man in a few
hours. Bleeding is almost never to be feared in this country.
Pardon me for having thus made myself a doctor; but it is
necessary that your highness should have some insight into
what is most necessary to observe in a climate which is a
very wholesome one, if a person knows how to accustom
himself to it.
H. L. Stanhope.

The letter being sent off, I mounted, and rode down with the view
of presenting myself to the prince. I have already described the
Shemaôony, where he was encamped, as a vaulted building
covering the tombs of some pashas of former days, and having an
arcade of about thirty feet square, where devout pilgrims, who visited
the tombs, might pray, eat, and sleep. The sand of the seashore
reaches to its base, and behind is a lane running through gardens,
overshadowed with sycamores, eastern lilac trees, vines, banana
plants, orange-trees, &c. The prince’s tents were fixed some in front
and some in rear of the building, and the platform of the arcade was
given up to the servants. The quarantine guards had their tents in
the foreground, at a convenient distance, and sentries at the four
angles prescribed the bounds out of which the travellers were not to
stir, and within which nobody from without was to intrude.
As soon as I alighted from my horse, Baron de Busech made his
appearance, and, advancing to the boundary, told me the prince was
gone with Khosrô Effendi, the government secretary, and a file of
soldiers, to look at a villa not far off, where, if possible, he might be
somewhat better accommodated than in the broiling spot they were
then occupying. The baron took the opportunity of the duke’s
absence to inform me of the state of his own health. He was
suffering from an indisposition, light, indeed, but alarming in his
present situation. The history of the party was as follows:—
The Duke of Bavaria, prince of the blood royal, and brother-in-law
to the reigning monarch, a young man, in size and appearance
something like the Duke of Orleans, had left Europe for Egypt, had
crossed the desert to Syria, and had visited Jerusalem. The plague
was in the holy city; and on quitting it for Nazareth, the duke’s
physician, a German of six and twenty, fell ill and died in two or three
days, whilst at the same time a negro, the duke’s Mameluke, was
attacked with symptoms similar to those that had carried off the
doctor. The duke and his suite quitted Nazareth precipitately, and the
monks of the monastery there caused the effects of the deceased to
be burnt, considering his case one of plague. On reaching Sayda,
the party, having a foul bill of health, were stopped, and put under
quarantine. It consisted of his Royal Highness Duke Maximilian; of
Charles Baron de Busech, and his brother, Baron Frederick; of the
Count Wilsensheim, one of his Imperial Majesty’s chamberlains, and
consul-general from his Holiness the Pope at Ancona; of the
Chevalier Heusler; Captain Heugler of the Bavarian guards; Mr.
Meyer, painter; Mr. Petzmeyer, an accomplished musician; with
servants, to the number of fifteen or sixteen persons.
In about half an hour the duke arrived, and with great
condescension conversed with me for some time. He was much
annoyed at the awkward situation in which he found himself,
expressed great obligations to Lady Hester, and begged me to do
what I could for the baron’s complaint. The interview over, I
remounted my horse, and returned to Jôon, to send down medicines,
and to give Lady Hester an account of my visit.
Tuesday, May 29.—I went down again. This time I was called
upon to decide whether the duke’s black Mameluke had the plague
or not. It may be conceived what agitation the duke himself was in;
for, if the case was one of plague, in addition to the danger he ran of
being himself infected, he would be subjected, perhaps, to a month’s
quarantine. I had not been able to see the black on my previous visit;
for he was in a tent behind the building; and, being too weak to walk
to where I was, none of the servants were willing to lead him. A Turk,
therefore, was hired for a pecuniary compensation to attend on
him,[26] and he now led him, tottering and debilitated by sickness, to
the exterior of the tents, under some trees, where a tent was fixed for
him. There the poor fellow could lie and inhale the breezes of that
blue sea, over which he never was to sail again; there he might have
the view of travellers passing and repassing, and, if his thoughts
were not disturbed by delirium, might find some solace from the
novelty of the scene.
As I had declared my inability, from the distance at which I lived,
to undertake the black’s cure, the duke had engaged one of the
regimental surgeons from Sayda. The poor patient was conducted
out, and with a glistening eye, furred lips, and a total inattention to
objects around him, was half led and half supported to the spot
destined for him. He fell on his mattress, and, after he had lain a
minute or two, I spoke to him in English. At the sound of his mother
tongue, he raised his head. It must be mentioned that his situation
had something peculiarly distressing in it. Born in New York, a free
black, he had at the age of fifteen accompanied a Dutch merchant to
Havre, Paris, Antwerp, and Frankfort. There the duke, who one day
caught sight of him and was taken with his fine countenance and
person, offered him advantageous terms to come and live with him;
which, with the consent of his first master, he did. The duke dressed
him as a Mameluke, and (from being as handsome a black as could
be seen, even now in sickness) his good disposition, coupled with
his appearance, made him a favourite. He accompanied his royal
highness in his travels. Having picked up a little German, all went on
very well so long as his health was good; but when sickness
overtook him, and his supposed malady made him an object of terror
to everybody, he had much difficulty in explaining his wants. Judge,
then, of the electrical effect that the sound of English must have had
on him. He was called Wellington.
“Wellington,” said I, “how do you do? Take courage, my good
fellow; I am come to see if I can be of any use to you.” He stared for
some time before he could recover himself, but at last he answered,
“Blessings on you then, sir, for I am much in want of somebody to
speak to. I am very ill, and nobody can understand me. I want a
clean shirt, and they say I can’t have one washed: now, that I won’t
believe; and I wish you would tell somebody to send a
washerwoman to me.” I assured him that nobody was to blame. I
endeavoured to make him understand how he was situated; and,
after comforting him awhile, told him I was desirous of examining his
swellings. I had never seen a plague-swelling but once, and that
twenty years before: so that my evidence could only be negative
proof of the nonexistence of that disease. His attendant placed him
in a favourable position, and, at the distance of five feet from him, I
inspected it as well I could: it was as big, taking its outer border, as
the back of a small hand, and seemingly angular. There was much
stupor, into which he fell the moment I ceased to speak to him. His
skin was dry, his tongue black, his head ran round if he raised it from
the pillow; he had great thirst, great debility, and no appetite. These
concomitant circumstances made it probable that the swelling was
pestilential; and the surgeon of the regiment, who was with me, and
who had seen many cases of plague, was of that opinion.
When I returned to the duke, who was waiting for me with the
government secretary, and M. Lapi, the Austrian referendary, I told
them I must decline saying it was not the plague. The duke was
vexed; for I believe at that moment he would have given half his
dukedom, and me a ribbon to my button-hole, to be out of his
unpleasant situation; but I composed his mind as much as possible,
by assuring him that, even if it were plague, neither he nor his suite
now ran any risk of taking it: since, at such an advanced period of
the spring, experience had shown that the contagion, under common
precaution, was rarely propagated. Still the duke betrayed great
anxiety, by his eagerness to obtain a positive denial from me of its
being the plague. “It is nothing but a syphilitic case—I am sure you
think so—do tell the quarantine inspector so”—and many
expressions of that sort fell from his mouth; but I could not
conscientiously speak otherwise than I had done, as too much
responsibility for the safety of the community rested upon it.
I requested that a cabin of branches might be made over
Wellington’s tent, to keep the burning sun out; and recommended
such little comforts as his case seemed to require. It was agreed that
the medical treatment should be the same as in malignant fever, and
I then returned to Jôon.
Wednesday, May 30.—I did not see Lady Hester until after
sunset. Poor Wellington’s situation excited in her much sympathy,
and the duke’s still more. She treated my opinion lightly, and
considered his highness hardly dealt with. She wrote a letter to that
effect, and gave her own view of the subject, which was certainly
entitled to much consideration, from her having the conviction that
she had had the plague herself many years before. Plague is
generally sporadic the first year of its appearance, little contagious,
and passes almost unobserved, under the denomination of humma,
or malignant fever: it is in the second year that its ravages become
Thursday, May 3.—Provisions were sent down to the duke and his
party, and Lady Hester was quite busy in providing for, and
anticipating their wants. M. Lapi came up at her request, to give her
some information respecting the duke and his suite.
Friday, June 1.—This day a messenger came from Beyrout with a
file of newspapers up to April 15th. In one of them (April 12th),
appeared a paragraph regarding Lady Hester’s affairs. M. Guys
wrote me word that he was still prevented from setting off to Aleppo,
owing to the plague. He informed me also that Mr. K. was about to
commence an action against the French doctor, for unprofessional
treatment in his wife’s illness, which Mr. K. styled assassination. This
line of conduct did not accord with Lady Hester’s notions of humanity
and forbearance towards a practitioner to whom less blame attached
than if the case had been left solely to his guidance. She accordingly
wrote to him the following letter, which, however, did not go until the

To Mr. K., merchant, at Beyrout.

June 3rd, 1838.
If the interest I feel in your unhappiness gives me any
claims upon your attention, you must allow me to make a few
remarks on what I am sorry to hear is about to take place—
the bringing Monsieur G. to a sort of trial respecting his
unsuccessful treatment of your poor wife. I shall speak of it
under two heads: first, that of your being wanting in humanity
and generosity towards a young man coming into the world,
and, secondly, that of the great probability of your being
nonsuited, which will make you appear very ridiculous, as well
as be the means of bringing forward many unpleasant and
unusual circumstances, which would excessively shock the
delicacy of the English.
1. In Mr. Pitts last illness I expressed, as my opinion, that
Sir Walter Farquhar did not understand the nature of his
complaint, and begged him to call in other physicians. He
replied, “Perhaps you are right, and such may be likewise my
own opinion; but, if it is the will of God, I shall recover; and, if
not, I shall be sorry that one of the last actions of my life
should be that of injuring the character of a man who has
acted to the best of his knowledge, and hitherto manifested
the greatest interest about my health upon all occasions;”—
therefore, nothing could be done with him: but Farquhar was
himself persuaded to call in Doctor Bailey. Would it not be
better to follow the example of that noble-minded man, than
cast a slur upon the character of one who, unprepared for so
difficult an accouchement, had neither sufficient self-
confidence nor judgment to extricate himself in such a
predicament? And all this will not recall Mrs. K—— again to
the world.
2. I enclose a paragraph from the papers last come to
hand, which, in addition to my knowledge of law, strengthens
my opinion that you may very likely prove unsuccessful.[28]
You will then have to reproach yourself for not having acted—I
will not say with the missionaries—with Christian charity, but
with that feeling which ought to belong, and does belong, to
many individuals, of whatever religion they may profess.
Do not understand by this that I am making you any
reproaches; for the state of irritation you are in proceeds from
the frame of mind which this unfortunate circumstance has
caused, and which it is the duty of all those who call
themselves your friends or your well-wishers to point out to
you, that you may avoid future remorse when you see things
more calmly.
H. L. Stanhope.

Saturday, June 2.—I rode down to the duke’s tents, to see him.
The army surgeon in attendance on the black had reconsidered the
case, and given in an opinion to the government secretary that it was
one of typhus fever, supervening on a syphilitic taint, and, in
consequence, his highness’s quarantine had been shortened to a
fortnight. One must have lived in Turkey to know how such things are
conducted there. The conversation with the duke and his suite
turned for a while on Prince Pückler Muskau.
Sunday, June 3.—A letter was written by Lady Hester to Lord
Brougham. Whilst considering what she should say, previous to
dictating it, she observed that she was sorry she did not write to him
before; “for,” added she, “he loves to have something to talk about
that will make a noise, and he will take it ill, when he was so civil to
me formerly, if I seem to forget him. An Englishman, who was here,
and who knew him, one day said to me—‘What do you think of Lord
Brougham’s principles?’—‘Why,’ answered I, ‘I think they are like
mine—none at all.’ How he stared, doctor, until I added, ‘He has
peculiar ones made for himself, as I have.’”

To the Right Honourable Lord Brougham and Vaux.

Jôon, June 4th, 1838.
My Lord,
It is possible that, at times, your lordship may bear in mind
the kindness with which you treated me, for the sake of those
whom we mutually loved and admired, and the assistance
you afforded me in my private concerns, about seventeen
years ago: you will then, perhaps, not feel a little surprised
that, having got myself into a strange predicament, I have
been totally silent. It arose, my lord, from supposing you in ill
health. Receiving no newspapers from England, and news
from France being oftentimes much retarded, I often owe the
chief of my political information to travellers; among whom
was the Prince Pückler Muskau, who, having heard of my
affair before he saw me, advised me immediately to write to
your lordship. I gave him my reasons for not having done so,
and from him I received the assurance that you were quite
recovered, and again had resumed your public duties. I have
since read your most beautiful speech on the slave-trade, and
I congratulate the country on your reappearance in the
Before this letter reaches you—for I have missed the last
packet—your lordship will have probably heard of the manner
in which her Majesty’s ministers have thought proper to treat
me, with her sanction. I have always been the greatest of
aristocrats; I was born so; yet no one is more tenacious of the
rights of men in every class of life. I have written a very
severe letter to the Queen, in which I have made her Majesty
understand I am no longer an English subject: for I had
sooner be the subject of a Hottentot chief than one to be
commanded by a woman * * * * * * * * * guided by a man who
possesses none of the qualities of his great patron, Mr. Fox,
except his talens pour la débauche:—if he had, he would
recollect that nobleman’s conduct to me after Mr. Pitt’s death.
Although of a character violent to desperation, few
persons, I believe, have given more examples of forbearance
than I have done, both to those calling themselves my friends
and to those who rank among my enemies, from these simple
motives—either from my personal contempt of them or their
opinion, or from the knowledge that they were acting upon a
principle which they thought a meritorious one. But when a
crowned head, or a minister, ventures to cast a slur upon my
integrity (which I hope may vie with that which has ever
distinguished my ancestors) without any inquiries into either
facts or motives, and pretends to invest low venal people with
any authority over me or my concerns, I shall repel the
aggression with the energy it requires, and make every
sacrifice which circumstances may call for: and, should
starvation stare me in the face, it will not appal me. These are
my fixed determinations, and this is the sovereign contempt I
feel for * * * * * * and * * * * * *. As things must have already
taken some turn, I will not request your lordship’s assistance:
for I should not forgive myself for either causing you trouble or
anxiety. I shall boldly follow my fate, as I always hitherto have
These few lines, therefore, are only to be considered as a
mark of personal respect towards your lordship, and as
affording me an opportunity of expressing my congratulations
for the restoration of your health; which, however, I hope you
will continue to ménager, as you will want a great store of it in
the bad times that are coming, and when the value of men of
your extraordinary talents and exertions will be properly
estimated.—I have the honour, my lord, to be, with great truth
and esteem, yours,
Hester Lucy Stanhope.

Monday, June 4.—A letter from the Pasha’s wife to Lady Hester
took me down to Sayda to see the Pasha’s little daughter, an angelic
child of about seven years of age, ill of a fever. The mother did not
show herself; Madame Lapi, the lady of the Austrian referendary,
and Madame Bertrand, a French lady, receiving me. The Pasha was
absent at the camp in the Horàn. Sulyman Pasha, when appointed to
the pashalik of Sayda, had found no house fit for a residence, and
had caused a small, low palace to be built, which, if placed in the
midst of a paddock, might have passed for a gentleman’s house of a
thousand a year in England. In the three rooms I went through, to the
one wherein the little girl was lying, there was, as is usual in Turkish
houses, the utmost simplicity: but one thing struck me as indicative
of the nationality of the master of the house[29]—a large French
looking-glass; for I believe a person would with difficulty have found
another mirror on the walls of a saloon all through Syria, excepting in
a Frank house. The child was but slightly indisposed, and it is
possible that mere feminine curiosity had induced her mother to
send for me, that she might get a look through some peep-hole to
see whether she should like to consult me for some complaint of her
own: for such are the indirect ways of proceeding common in
harýms, and such things had happened to me before. The Pasha’s
wife was originally a Greek slave, bought during the horrors of the
Greek revolution, when Turkish soldiers sold their prisoners into
bondage. She had pleased him, and he eventually made her his
wife. Report spoke highly of her beauty and her conduct.
Tuesday, June 5.—Logmagi had been sent for to rate the maids,
who had been caught scaling the garden-wall before sunrise and
going down to the spring, where they were seen with some one. As
they never were permitted to leave the house, or the inner court, this
violation of her ladyship’s orders, so contrary to Eastern propriety,
which allows not of a woman’s being out of doors in the company of
men, called for some chastisement, more especially when coupled
with suspicious circumstances. One of these very maids had
introduced herself the preceding night into a room, where she was
forbidden to enter, and had been detected untying bundles of things
and pieces of stuffs; so that it was apprehended there was a league
with persons without to carry off stolen goods. Zezefôon was locked
up, and sentenced to remain in durance until she learned to behave
Thursday, June 7.—A servant was despatched over-night with a
letter and seven black doses, and directions how to take them, for
the baron and six others of the suite, with a promise of eight more
doses the next day for the duke and the rest.
This general drenching of fifteen travellers, which will make many
persons laugh, was treated with the utmost seriousness by Lady
Hester Stanhope. It was a rule with her, as has been said above,
never to let any one pass through her hands without some potion or
another; and truly it may be asserted that she has saved many from
the fevers of the country by her sage foresight and precautions; but it
was too comical when seven or eight at a time were to be physicked.
To have heard Lady Hester and myself in conference, weighing the
probabilities of under or over dosing the tall captain of the guards,
the mild and delicately framed baron, and the royal stomach of his
highness, would have been quite a comedy.
The servant had been ordered to arrive at midnight; the doses
were to be administered at two in the morning; whilst I was to be
down at the tents by noon to see if all had gone on properly.
Accordingly, I mounted my horse after breakfast; but, being rather
late, I did not get there until half-past two. What was my surprise,
when the baron, advancing towards me, seized my hand. “Be not
afraid,” said he; “we are out of quarantine, and have now no
contagion about us. Upon the representation made, that our black
Mameluke was lying ill of typhus fever only, the board of health at
Beyrout has set us free. Let me take you to his royal highness, who
now can receive you a little better than he has done.” I accordingly
went with him behind the tombs, where we found the duke seated on
a sofa in the open air, with his suite around him, and the place rolled
and watered for coolness. He received me with great kindness and
condescension, spoke in repeated terms of gratitude for Lady
Hester’s attention to him, and said his first duty was to wait on her
and thank her: he therefore charged me to let him know when she
would permit him to pay his respects. Pipes and coffee were served;
and, when I had time to look about me, I observed the manner in
which they had bivouacked for some days past. Under the hedge, a
few yards off, was an immense pile of burning live coals, on which
the saucepans and boilers were placed, gipsy-fashion: in this
differing from the manner of the country, where, when cooking in the
open air is going on, temporary stoves are constructed with three or
four square stones, which confine the ashes and make a draught. In
the background I was surprised to see about half a dozen Italian
tumblers, who were preparing for an exhibition of feats of leaping,
&c. These were a troop, who had that very day arrived from Beyrout,
and whom the prince had engaged to divert him. Soon after arrived
the government secretary, the colonels of the different regiments in
garrison, the Austrian referendary and his family, &c., to congratulate
the duke on the termination of his confinement. The exhibition being
over, I rose to take leave. The duke pressed me to stop and dine
with him; but I pleaded my three hours’ ride back in the dark, and
returned home.
Friday, June 8.—When I told Lady Hester that the duke was
coming up, she sent the following letter to him:—

To His Royal Highness Maximilian Duke of Bavaria.

Jôon, June 8, 1838.
I cannot sufficiently appreciate the honour you intend me in
wishing to visit my hermitage: but permit me to impose these
conditions on you—that you say not a word more, neither you
nor the noblemen in your suite, of those trifling services which
you have so graciously and benevolently accepted. Allow me
also to acquaint your highness that, although I was in my time
a woman of the world, for these last twenty years I have been
nothing but a philosopher, who turns out of her road for
nobody. When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes, he
neither changed his dress nor moved his tub for him: pardon
me, prince, if I imitate his example.
There was a time when my house was passable: but now
there are many rooms in ruins for want of repairs—especially
a large pavilion in the garden, tumbling down from an
earthquake; so that I could not lodge more than three or four
persons at a time. What lodging I have for you is, first of all, a
little garden on the east side of my residence, with a small
saloon, and outside of the door two mustabys,[30] where two
persons might sleep. Adjoining the saloon is a bed-room, and
at the back of it a sleeping-room for two valets, with
mattresses on the floor, according to the custom of the
country. The saloon has a trellis in front. Just out of the
garden-gate is a little place to make coffee, or boil water for
shaving; and opposite to it is another room for ordinary
strangers, where two persons can sleep, and where Count
Tattenbach was lodged. For the other servants there is room
in one of the courtyards. As for my own divàn, it has been in a
ruinous state for some years, and I inhabit at present a badly
furnished little room.
I beg your highness will consider the little garden, and the
pavilion in it, which I have just mentioned, as your own, until
the ship which you expect arrives. You can make your
excursions in the mountain when you like. With you you can
bring two or three of the gentlemen of your suite, and these
can make room for others in their turn. Only, I hope that the
baron and Count Gaiety, as I call him (for, according to what
the doctor tells me, during all your misfortunes he has always
preserved his cheerfulness), will not come both together,
because I have got a great deal to say to each. Thus, then, I
shall expect your royal highness on Saturday evening.
I have the honour to salute you, prince, with the most
perfect esteem and highest consideration, begging you to
accept, with your known nobleness, the welcome of the
H. L. Stanhope.
Saturday, June 9.—The morning came. Preparations for the
reception of the duke had been going on all the day before. A lamb
had been killed; beef had been sent for from Dayr el Kamar, the only
place where it was sold; fruit and vegetables had come up from
Sayda gardens, and Logmagi had sent fish; bills of fare had been
made out for each meal by Lady Hester, as a guide to the cook; the
silver spoons and forks had been given out; the servants had put on
their best clothes, and all was bustle for the reception; for the duke’s
liberality to all those who served him in any shape was very
generally talked of, and this was an infallible spur to all the menials,
who anticipated large vails. Mercenary wretches! whose God was a
bakshýsh, and whose torpor, as Lady Hester often said, only two
things could overcome—money, and a good flogging.
I waited on Lady Hester early. She told me she had passed a very
bad night, that she was in a burning fever, and felt so ill it would be
impossible to receive the duke. Her looks were pale, her skin
parched and dry, her breathing short, and she complained of an
increased pain in her side, which had entirely deprived her of rest. I
felt her pulse, and encouraged her to hope that it was not so bad.
“Doctor,” replied she, “it is nothing: it is when the thunder is in the air
that you should feel it; my pulse beats then like two bullets, and if, at
that moment, I were to meet a thousand men opposed to me, I
should brave them all: but, when the storm is over, my pulse falls into
its natural state, and all is quiet again. Anybody but you would say
now I must be bled; and, whether you approve it or not, bled I shall
be: so be so good as to raise no difficulties, and you must set off
immediately to Dayr Mkhallas, with an apology to his highness; for I
have neither breath nor strength enough to undergo the exertion of
conversation, and put him off you must.”
I set off to the monastery, and found the duke surrounded by a
numerous company. Nothing could equal his regret at Lady Hester’s
indisposition. Lady Hester’s state requiring my immediate return, I
hastened back. The bleeding did her good. About five in the
afternoon, the duke and his party were seen passing on the high-
road on their way back to Sayda. His object in leaving the seaside
had been to see Lady Hester, and, disappointed in that, he returned
immediately. Eventually, this contrariety proved fortunate for him. He
had hardly reached his tents, when the English steamboat arrived;
his passage had been agreed for, and the duke and his suite, but too
happy to quit a country where he had met with so many vexations,
and had been exposed to so much danger, were on board in half an
hour after her arrival. The sick negro and four slaves, who had been
purchased in Egypt, were left behind, under the care of Signor Lapi,
with orders likewise to that gentleman that no expense or care
should be spared to forward Wellington’s recovery.

[24] In all cities in Turkey, trades of the same kind are always in
the same street in a cluster. Thus, the saddlers are in one street,
the druggists or grocers in another, the shoemakers in another:
and it is customary to say, when directing to a place in a town
—“Close to the goldsmiths’ bazar, beyond the corn market, before
you come to the Blacksmiths’ Street,” &c.
[25] What the traveller related to me had almost slipped my
memory; but having since met with it in an Arabic book, I here
translate it.
[26] The Mahometans, imbued with the persuasion that whatever
is the will of the Almighty must come to pass, and that resignation
to his decrees is their duty, never refuse assistance to persons
afflicted with contagious maladies. Hence may be seen that
marked difference in their conduct and that of Christians during
the prevalence of the plague; the former attending on the sick bed
of their relatives, the latter flying from them and leaving them to
die through neglect.
[27] Thus, while writing out these memorandums in August, 1839,
I learn that the plague has re-appeared at Jerusalem, Jaffa, and
at other places, where, in 1838, a few cases announced its
presence. We shall see whether a quarantine establishment will
save Syria: I think it will not. The Turkish authorities, when left to
themselves, invariably resist the introduction of all quarantine
regulations; or, at least, they did so in the beginning of this
century: it is only when the preponderance of European influence,
backed by orders from their own government, compels
submission, that they unwillingly adopt them. But Mahomet Ali
and Ibrahim Pasha, when spoken of, are not to be considered as
Mahometans. Imbued with Machiavelian principles, gathered from
their intercourse with Europeans, they were not slow to see that,
in fit hands, a quarantine establishment has little more to do with
health than it has with the growth of the sugar-cane, or any
extraneous employment. A Lazaretto, as conducted in Piedmont
or France, is no more nor less than a fiscal measure and a
legalized panoptikon. It is, first of all, subsidiary to the Customs,
and next, a most efficient mode for staying travellers, crews of
ships, and all manner of moving things entering on a territory,
then and there to be enabled in cool despotism to examine
letters, pry into men’s business, learn their opinions, destination,
&c., and, finally, to tax them in their money and substance, in the
most undisguised and complete manner yet invented by
designing rulers. Quarantine ought never to exist in a free country,
neither ought passports. A town properly built, ventilated, and
cleansed, will not foster contagion, and passports do not facilitate
the detection of offenders. The plague still visits the Levant, and
Pichegru remained undiscovered in France for two years, in spite
of all the passports and all the police of Buonaparte, his mortal
[28] This was the report of a suit in one of the county courts of
assize, wherein, under somewhat similar circumstances, a
surgeon was acquitted.
[29] It will be recollected that Sulyman Pasha was originally a
French corporal in Buonaparte’s army.
[30] A mustaby is an estrade, or raised stone bench, in shape
what a shop-counter would be against a wall, made at the doors
of houses in the East for people to sit cross-legged on to enjoy
the fresh air, or sometimes at the doors of rooms for servants to
sleep on as sentries to those within.
chapter viii.
Petty annoyances in hot countries—Lady Hester refuses Duke Maximilian’s
portrait—She insists on my leaving her—Continuation of the negro Wellington’s
case—Progress of the Druze insurrection—Destruction of locusts—Mysterious
visit at the Dar—Reasons why Lady Hester kept daring fellows in her service—
Russian spies—Dr. Lœve’s visit—Dangerous state of the country—Lady Hester’s
dream—Her resolution to immure herself—Visit from Mr. M.—Visit from Colonel
Hazeta and Dr. Mill—Letter from Lord Palmerston to Lady Hester—Her answer—
Inexpediency of having consular agents not natives of the country they represent
—Successes of the Druzes—Lady Hester’s belief in fortune-telling—Letter from Sir
Francis Burdett—Colonel Needham’s property—Lord Coutts—Subscribers to pay
Mr. Pitt’s debts—Fright from a serpent—Battle of Yanta—Sir N. Wraxall a peer—
Discourse upon heads—A spy—Letter to the Duke Maximilian of Bavaria.

Lady Hester got up in the evening. The heat was now so great,
that the covers of books, as they lay on the table, would curl up at
the corners, and the joinings of furniture split. A host of a kind of
small May-bugs made their appearance at sunset, and large
cockchafers, impudent as is every description of bug, fly, or bird, in
this country, kept us all in a state of petty warfare, which was
succeeded, when bed-time came, by a sleepless contest with those
horrid tormentors, the musquitoes.
Lady Hester spoke a good deal about the property supposed to
be left her. “Those,” she said, “who wrote me word about it would not
deceive me; they were persons I have perfect reliance on. They
were afraid to write names; but when they said that this property was
come to me from the two plainest persons of my acquaintance, those
two must have been Lord K. and his wife.”
The duke had asked me, when I was with him, whether I thought
Lady Hester would be displeased if he sent her his portrait from
Europe. I answered, “She could not but be pleased to have what,
next to seeing him, would best recall his highness to her mind.” But,
when I told Lady Hester of this, she said, “No; I must write to him,
and prevent his sending it.”
Sunday, June 10, 1838.—I rode down to Sayda, not aware of the
duke’s departure, and I found, to my astonishment, that the duke,
tents, and everybody had disappeared, except the poor black,
Wellington; so now, having nothing to distract my attention, I went
and conversed with him. He asked for a loose dressing-gown, warm
stockings, as the cold struck up to his bowels from the stones, and a
pillow for his head. This, together with tea and sugar, a teapot, and
some other little things, were sent down to him.
Tuesday, June 12.—Lady Hester’s fever was somewhat abated.
According to the date, the steamboat had arrived at Beyrout, and her
expectations were wound up to a fearful height, in the hope that this
time, at all events, a letter must have come from Sir Francis Burdett.
Before noon, an express was announced: he was bearer of a letter
to me to say that the steamboat had brought nothing. I knew not how
to communicate the sad intelligence to her ladyship. When she
heard it, she made a turn in her bed, and, with an exclamation of
“Oh, Lord!” she said—“Doctor, the die is cast: the sooner you take
yourself off, the better. I have no money—you can be of no use to
me—I shall write no more letters, shall break up my establishment,
wall up the gate, and, with a girl and a boy to wait on me, resign
myself to my fate.—Let me have none of your foolish reasoning on
the subject. Tell your family they may make their preparations, and in
a fortnight’s time you must be gone. Who knows? perhaps Prince
Pückler Muskau, after all his pretended interest about my affairs, has
never sent the correspondence to Europe: he told you in three
months we should see the letters in the papers; and yet the papers
neither come, nor do we hear from him: and do you think, after this,
one can have any confidence in anybody?”
Wednesday, June 13.—I was glad to pass twenty-four hours
without seeing her ladyship; for she was in too melancholy a humour
to derive consolation, except from her own reflections: there she was
most sure to find relief; for, endued with a sanguine temperament,
and always building castles in the air, her depression never was of
long continuance. In the evening, when I went to her, she dwelt on
the necessity of repose for me, now old age had come upon me, in

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