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This study aims to examine the congruency between the ABM Strand and the college courses taken by
the ABM graduates.

The quantitative approach is used to measure the level of congruence between the ABM strand and the
college courses of ABM graduates batch 2018 to 2020, and to examine the relationship between the
ABM strand and the choice of college courses. The study followed a survey design, which involved
collecting and analyzing numerical data from a large and representative sample of the population.

Research Design

The purpose of this study is to examine the congruency of the Accountancy, Business, and Management
(ABM) strand on the college courses of ABM graduates batch 2018 to 2020.

The research used a quantitative approach to examine the congruency of ABM strand on the college
courses of ABM graduates batch 2018 to 2020. The research design is descriptive and correlational, as it
aimed to describe the profile of the respondents and the level of congruency of their strand and course,
and to determine the relationship between these variables. The survey was designed to gather
quantitative data on the demographic characteristics, academic performance, and college course
preferences of the participants. The survey was administered online using Google Forms. The
participants were invited to participate in the study via email and social media platform.

(The study will use Microsoft Excel and SPSS software to perform the data analysis and generate tables
and charts to present the results).(dili ko pa sure kun magamit san Microsoft excel) The study will also
discuss the implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research based on the findings.


In this study,This research instrument aims to used survey questionnaire to collect quantitative
information about the college courses that ABM graduates from the 2018 and 2020 batches took. Also
to gather data on the congruency of the ABM strand with the college courses of ABM graduates from the
batches of 2018 and 2022. It includes sections for demographic information, academic background,
college courses, congruency assessment, and additional comments. Took and The study will also discuss
the implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research based on the findings .This
instrument will help in understanding the alignment between the ABM strand and the college courses of
the graduates..
Research Instrument :

Section 1: Demographic Information



Contact Information:

Section 2: Academic Background

High School Attended:

ABM Strand Subjects Taken:


Business Math



Section 3: College Courses

College Attended:


Courses Taken:

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3


Section 4: Interview Questions

1.How do you perceive the congruency between your ABM education and your college courses?

2.In what ways do you think your ABM education prepared you for your college courses?

3.Were there any specific subjects or topics in your ABM education that significantly contributed to your
college success?
This interview guide aims to gather qualitative insights on the congruency of the ABM strand with the
college courses of ABM graduates from the batches of 2018 and 2020. It includes sections for
demographic information, academic background, college experience, and interview questions to explore
the graduates’ perspectives on the alignment between their ABM education and college courses.

Sampling techniques

Stratified Random Sampling:

This technique can be employed to ensure representation from different batches (2018 and 2020) and
various educational institutions offering the ABM strand. The study can be stratified based on the batch
year and specific educational institutions to ensure proportional representation from each subgroup

Convenience Sampling:

Given the specific focus on ABM graduates from the batches of 2018 and 2020, convenience sampling
can be utilized to select participants who are easily accessible and willing to participate in the study. This
approach can be practical for obtaining a sample of ABM graduates from different colleges and

Purposive Sampling:

This technique involves selecting participants based on specific criteria relevant to the research
objectives. In this case, ABM graduates from the batches of 2018 and 2020 can be purposefully selected
to ensure that the study captures the experiences and perspectives of individuals who have completed
the ABM strand during these specific years

These sampling techniques can help ensure that the study includes a diverse and representative sample
of ABM graduates from different batches and educational institutions, providing valuable insights into
the congruency of the ABM strand with the college courses of the graduates.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the ABM graduates of the Aroroy National High School. The research
was performed only for the School year 2018-2020. The researchers will use a total population Sampling.
The questionnaires will be given out to all Abm Graduates of batches 2018-2022

Data Gathering

This is how we start our data gathering procedure, first we seek permission from Aroroy National High
School, we created a survey tool. Next, we track down our respondents, we ask for their consent and
clearly explain the purpose of the study to participants, and we distribute the survey. As the responses
flow in, we carefully collect data on demographics and course information. Using statistical tools and
methods, we dive into the analysis.

With the puzzle pieces gathered, we transform them into a comprehensive report, analyzing the
congruency between the ABM strand and the college courses pursued by the graduates. Our journey
doesn’t end there. We propose interventions and recommendations based on our findings. Seeking
feedback and validation.

The results are In a compiling final report, Information are ready for dissemination. Ultimately, our goal is
to systematically unravel the narrative of ABM graduates, analyzing the alignment between their
academic journey and the courses they pursued in college.

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