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ctions are words that join two or more words, phrases or sentences.

Jhilmil is a sincere student. Badal is a sincere student too.

Jhilmil and Badal are sincere students.
fiction. >
Jhilmil reads only mysteries. Badal is fond of historical
historical fiction.
Jhilmil reads only mysteries while Badal is fond of

the correct conjunctions to complete these

Tick (
school got over, Nidhi and Maya went to Kohinoor's house.
is in every newspaper, I think it must be true.
2. (For/ As) the news

the course, then go ahead.

3(Although/If) you have already decided to apply for
member of the choir, she has
4. (Although/Whereas) Twinkle is the youngest
a powerful voice.
he goes there.
5. Kuldip will drop off your book at the library (when/while)
waited for the train to arrive.
6. Chintan dozed off (when/while) he

7. The Hegdes will visit the observatory

(if/ unless) the sky is clear.
(while/but) we heat the
8. Can you please lay the table
conjunctions from the box. You will need
BFill in the blanks with suitable
use some of them more
than once.

until but if or
before SO because and
Reena comes.
1. Wait at the bus stop
she didn't
2. Sheetal wanted to buy a bar of chocolate
have any money.
it was very late.
3. Prachi finished her homework
he won the first place.
4. Amol is hard-working, 135
sleep well last night.
she didn't
S. Sohini is tired.
6. We have
can a quick snack now
the movie.
leisurely lunch afte
7. We have to wait
the bell rings.
8. Suraj wanted a new computer game
his parents got him an
you apologize, she will forgive
10. We climbed up the tree
the mangoes

CFill in the blanks with suitable

use some of them more than once.
conjunctions from the box. You will need to
and but despite when furthermore
because Since not only but also

so that

All varieties of bamboo have hollow, fibrous

The hollowness
hard stems.
thespringiness of this plant make it
a useful one. .
the strength of bamboo is
to that of soft steel, it is used for
making scaffoldings around buildings that are
under construction.

Bamboo strips are woven into

cages, chairs, beds .

pieces of furniture.
walking sticks, fine varieties of
paper umbrellas are also made out of bamboo.
So many uses, bamboo can prove to be hazardous for
farmers. There is a common saying," the bamboo
flowers, men will starve'. This is said
when bamboo
flowers, milions of seeds are shed on the forest floor, the forest gets infested
with rats
the seeds are in abundance.

do the rats devour the seeds.

the crops that grow in the fields.
At times the loss is .

massive it leads to famine. Instead of being a boon,

136 the bamboo becomes a curse.
the correct conjunctions.
C i r c l e

The members of each group will take turns to tell us

TEACH something about
he great people of our country. Because /While Group A tells us

comethingabout Sarojini Naidu, the others must listen

Since/When ) we will have a short quiz on Famous Personalities
of India next week, each group is required to submit five questions

(and or) their answers based on the life of the person they hav
spoken about. Now, let s begin with Group A ( and/ but th

Groups B, C ( and / or ) D will follow.

NITIN: Sarojini Naidu was born in Hyderabad in 1879. ( Since/ However

she belonged to Hyderabad, she wrote many poems based on the
lives of the people of that region.

DHRUVA: Sarojini Naidu was (not only/ either ) a famous poet( but also/ or
a brave freedom fighter. She was an excellent orator (and/
since) h

speeches were always extempore. (Pronounce
VINITA: I believe Sarojini's parents spoke to each other in Bengali

They spoke to their children in Hindi (and or ) in Telugu
worked in their home. Sarojini studied Engish
the people who

As result, she could communicate

(and/yet) Urdu. a

five languages.
an algebraic problem
PRITHA: At the age of eleven, (while / so) solving

wrote her first poem. (After/ Before) completing schoo

at the age of sixteen, she went to London (and/ but joined
inclined towards

Girton College, Cambridge.

She became ( so such)

all the poems by Sheiley. Keats

poetry ( that/ so ) she read almost

(and/ or) Byron.

her gentle
intellect and creativity. both
SOMESH: ( Besides/ Unless ) Sarojini's
to her personaiity. 137
added charm
ways (and/or ) her soft voice
ALAM: Sarojini met Mahatma Gandhi in London in 1914 (
and/ because
from 1916 she began attending meetings of the Indian National
Congress In 1925, she was elected president of the
Congress. She
became ( so / as) committed to the nationalist cause (that/ so) shee
spent the next twenty years fhghting tor the freedom of our
OHN (When While ) India gained freedom, Sarojini Naidu
became the
governor of Uttar Pradesh. She died a few months after her
seventieth birthday.

EJoin each pair of sentences using the conjunction given in brackets.

1. After the trek. Jitender was tired. He was happy. (but)
2 Sonanm worked hard. She was able to finish the
assignment in time. (because)
3 The music class got over. Jagriti went to Rita's house. (after)

4 Did Siddhartha come to your house? Did his brother come with him? (and)

5 The Waghmares went to Ooty. It was very hot in Coimbatore. (as)

FUnderline the incorrect conjunction and rewrite each sentence using the
correct conjunction.
1. Harpreet wanted to reach school early, yet she hurried.
Harpreet wanted to reach school early. so she hurried.
2. Because Anamika works hard. she will not be able to score well in her exams.

3. But Kartik is new in this school, he has made several friends very quickly.

4. Still we walked on the beach, Uma and Venu went


5. Ranjit played the guitar although Thomas played the drums.

it is very hot.

two wee eeks because I met Anita.


than couldn't move out of the house.

d so heavily
I ts n o w e d s o

partner. Fill in the blanks with conjunctions. Play the roles
ork with
and enact the situation.
W o r k

and Sunaina
RLJU: Shall we go trekking tomorrow?
SUNAINA:No, I can't.

RJU: I thought you said you wanted to go trekking!

I said so earlier nowI cant join you!'
RUU: Why?
SUNAINA: I can't. -my uncle is coming to visit us tomorrow.
RLUU: Do you have to stay in all day long?
my parents told me that I
SUNAINA: I dont want to,
come back
RIJU: Can we go early in the morning.
by ten?
SUNAINA: No, it is just not possible.
RIJU: I cancelled a trip planned by my parents
we could go trekking!
sorry. Can we do the trek this Sunday
SUNAINA: l am realy
next weekend?

are known as
Clauses that are joined by a coordinating conjunction
ideas of equal importance,
Coordinate clauses. These clauses express
and thus, can stand independently.
into the pool.
Vikram climbed onto
the board and dived
for, and, nor,
such as
hese clauses usually use coordinating conjunctions
and contrast
alternative, reason,
Dut, or, yet and to show similarity,
has suggested
culture and Bidita
atteding a talk about
Kahman has suggested
(similarity) 139
about globalization.
attending a talk
Vandana could have used oil paint or she could have used water colours.
Farida will be taking dance classes for she plans to participate in the
intra-school dance competition. (reason)
A clause which begins with a subordinating conjunction such as after,
although, as, because, while, when, since and unless is called
subordinate a
clause. The subordinate clause
depends the main clause for
and cannot stand alone as an independent sentence.
Since Vikram is a good swimmer, he
experiments with different strokes.
Subordinate clauses are of various types condition,
time, cause and place.
Accordingly, these clauses use subordinating
conjunctions of condition,
time, cause and place.
Unless the student has prior
permission, she/he cannot take leave. (condition)
When Saina Nehwal came out of the
airport, the journalists rushed towards her. (time)
Since Diwali is next week, we made candles at
home. (cause)
Wherever Minky goes, her cat follows her.
HMatch the columns to form sentences.
1. Jahnvi needs to work harder it landed
a. yet on time.
2. We wanted to play football, b. or her grades will come down.
3. Everyone says Raghav is good at C. so we divided ourselves into two
maths teams.
4. The flight started late d. so he went on to the next one.
5. Junaid didn't know the answer e. but he thinks he needs to put in
to the first question
more effort.

Write D if the underlined clause is dependent clause and M if it is

a main clause.

1. Every class that helps recycle waste will get bonus

end of
points at the
the year.
2. You can start by switching off the lights and fans when you go out.
3. Close taps tightly when you see them
4. If you want running water at home and in the school all day, it
is a
good idea to do water harvesting.
5. Every day, people throw away sheets of paper which
they could
140 easily recycle.
Complete the sentences with suitable clauses.
Manik could not call you yesterday as

Ritam reached the venue on time, although


For his birthday, Zubeen would like either

A. Alex boiled some water because

5. The test was short, but

Do not confuse
conjunctions with prepositions.
A conjunction connects words and
clauses, while a preposition
connects a noun to the rest of the sentence. There are some
words that can be used as both
conjunctions and prepositions
such as for, since and after.
After the match, we went to a restaurant.
After the match was over, we went to a restaurant.

K The conjunctions in these sentences are missing. Rewrite the sentences using
suitable conjunctions.
1. Manish wants to have samosas juice in the evening.

2 Jishnu plays football well, his favourite sport is basketball.

3 We had scarcely left school the principal called out our names.

4 The weather report says that it will be hot dry today.

5. had been playing in the hot sun.

Ihe boys were very thirsty they

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