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Test: Acids, Bases and Salts Name:

Time Allowed: 30 min

An excess of calcium hydroxide is added to an acidic soil.
What happens to the pH of the soil?

change in pH final pH

A increase 7
B increase 10
C decrease 7
D decrease 5

Which of the following is a reaction of dilute sodium hydroxide?
A It reacts with ammonium chloride to produce ammonia.
B It reacts with calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide.
C It reacts with copper(II) oxide to produce water.
D It reacts with Universal Indicator solution turning it red.

Which substance does not produce copper(II) sulphate when added to dilute sulphuric acid?

A copper B copper(II) carbonate C copper(II) hydroxide D copper(II) oxide

Which ionic equation represents the neutralisation of aqueous sodium hydroxide with dilute nitric

A H+ + OH– → H2O B Na+ + NO3− → NaNO3

C Na+ + HNO3 → NaNO3 + H+ D NaOH + H+ → Na+ + H2O

Why is ethanoic acid described as a weak acid?
A It is only slightly ionised in water. B It is a poor conductor of electricity.
C It is an organic acid. D It reacts only with very reactive metals.
1 This question is about sulfuric acid and substances that can be made from sulfuric acid.
Sulfuric acid is a strong acid.
What is meant by the term strong acid ?
powerfull item
strong .........................................................................................................................................
is a compound which dissolves in water and produces hydrogen ions [2]
acid ............................................................................................................................................

2 Zinc oxide is amphoteric.

Describe two simple experiments to show that zinc oxide is amphoteric.
Name the reagents you would use and describe the observations you would make.
hydrochloric acid
reagent 1 ...................................................................................................................................

zinc +h2o
observation ................................................................................................................................

reagent 2 ...................................................................................................................................
observation ................................................................................................................................

A student prepares magnesium sulfate crystals, MgSO4, by adding excess magnesium to dilute
sulfuric acid.
(a) Write the chemical equation for this reaction.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Describe two observations which show the reaction has finished.

1 .................................................................................................................................................

2 .................................................................................................................................................
(c) The excess magnesium is removed by filtration.
State the general name given to a solid separated from a solution by filtration.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(d) The aqueous magnesium sulfate is heated until crystals begin to appear.

(i) Suggest the name for a solution in which no more solute can dissolve.

....................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest why more crystals of magnesium sulfate appear on cooling.

....................................................................................................................................... [1]
(e) Magnesium sulfate crystals have the formula, MgSO4•xH2O, where x is a whole number of
molecules of water.
The student heats the crystals to remove the molecules of water.
MgSO4•xH2O(s) → MgSO4(s) + xH2O(g)
(i) Name the term given to crystals containing molecules of water.

....................................................................................................................................... [1]
3 Methanesulfonic acid reacts with magnesium to make a salt and a gas.

(i) Name the gas made in this reaction.


(ii) The formula of the anion in the salt is CH3SO3−.

Write the formula of the salt formed.


4 Silver chloride, AgCl, is an insoluble salt and silver nitrate is a soluble salt.

Silver chloride can be prepared by the reaction between aqueous silver nitrate and dilute
hydrochloric acid.

(i) Describe the preparation of a pure, dry sample of silver chloride from aqueous
silver nitrate and dilute hydrochloric acid.






(ii) Write the ionic equation, including state symbols, for this reaction.


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