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FINANCIAL MARKETS: DEFINITION (stock) or debt security (bond).

These new issues are issued to

Financial markets are structures through which funds flow. initial suppliers of funds or investors.
They are the institutions and systems that facilitate
transactions in all types of financial claim. A financial claim The following figures depict primary market transactions. The
entitles a creditor to receive payment from a debtor in corporation needing funds issues new or original issues of
circumstances specified in a contract between them, oral or either stocks or bonds directly to the investors (Figure 1) or to
written. Depositors have financial claims on banks where they underwriters/financial intermediaries (Figure 2) who in turn sell
hold their deposits; bondholders have financial claims on them to the investors. Financial intermediary acts as the
companies issuing the bonds they hold. Financial markets are middlemen or bridge that will satisfy the needs of the deficit
the meeting place for those with excess funds (investors or units and the surplus units.
lenders referred to as surplus/savings units) and those who
need funds (borrowers or issuers or securities referred to as
deficit units). Savings from households and businesses are
channeled to those individuals which need the funds. The need
for deficit units and surplus units gave rise to financial
Most primary market transactions are done through investment
markets. Financial markets are at the heart of financial system
banks, also called merchant banks, which help the corporation
determining the volume of credit available, attracting savings,
issuing the stocks or bonds sell these stocks or bonds to
and setting interest rates and security prices (Rose 1994)
interested investors. Investment or merchant banks purchase
Financial markets are classified as either (1) primary market or shares issued by the issuing company in an underwriting
secondary market or (2) money market or capital market. transaction and then sell these issues to the public. An
Although there are other classifications of financial markets, underwriter guarantees the sale of the issues, but does not
these two are the basic classification of financial markets. intend to hold the shares or bonds in his own account.
However, if the issue is unsuccessful and public investors
refuse to purchase the issues, the underwriter carries the
issues as its own investment, while waiting for more favorable
Primary Markets market conditions.

Financial claims are initially sold by deficit units in primary Investment banks provide the following services:
markets. Primary markets are markets in which users of funds
(e.g., corporations) raise funds, through new issues of financial 1. Provide funds in advance (giving cash to the issuer based on
instruments such as stocks and bonds (Saunders and Cornett the agreed price of the security, usually a certain percentage
2011). They consist of underwriters, issuers, and instruments of the total agreed price).
involved in buying and selling original or new issues of 2. Give advice to issuing corporations as to the price and
securities referred to as primary securities. In other words, number of securities to issue.
primary markets are markets for primary securities (new issues 3. Attract the initial public purchasers of the securities.
of financial instruments like stocks and bonds). They raise 4. Act as a market analyst and advisor to the issuing company.
cash for the issuing company, which acts as a borrower by 5. Absorb the risk and cost of creating a market for the
increasing its capital stock when it issues stocks or securities.
outstanding liabilities when it issues bonds or Treasury bills.
Primary market issuers are generally for public offerings or
The primary market transaction involves either equity security
publicly traded securities like stocks of companies already
selling stocks in the stock market or stock exchanges. If these All transactions after the initial issue in the primary market are
companies need additional funds, they create new issues to done in the secondary markets. For instance, A owns stocks
raise the firm's capitalization or create new issues of bonds or initially issued by Co. X and later on sells these Co. X stocks to
debt instruments, thereby increasing its outstanding liabilities B. The sale of A to be or anyone else is done in the secondary
to meet the need for the funds. First-time issues for the public market. Transactions in the stock and bond market exchanges
are called initial public offerings (IPOs). At times, it takes are secondary market transactions. Shares held by the public
several investment banks to undertake such issues. Primary are termed outstanding shares or securities. They do not
market securities also include the issue of additional equity or increase the capital stock of the original issuing company or its
debt instruments of an already publicly traded firm. outstanding liabilities unlike in primary market transactions.
Secondary markets only transfer ownership but do not affect
SEC requires corporate borrowers in the money market to the total outstanding shares or securities in the market. Only
register their issues unless they are specifically exempted from when the issuing corporations redeem bonds or retire stocks
doing so. Prior to registering with the SEC, a company seeks a will outstanding debt securities in the market and at the same
credit rating from the Credit Information Bureau. time reduces the outstanding liabilities of the issuing company.
Rather than public offering, primary market sale can also take Retirement of stocks reduces the total outstanding equity
the form of private placement, particularly for closed securities in the market and the outstanding capital of the
corporations, that is, corporations whose stocks are only sold issuing corporation.
to family or a few close friends, relatives, and other private Transfer of ownership does not affect the volume of these
individuals. In addition, in private place, the corporation issuing securities in the market. The securities simply change hands.
the stocks or bonds may seek to find an institutional buyer, Secondary markets transfer shares but do not raise funds for
such as a pension fund or group of buyers to purchase the companies which issued the securities. They do not affect the
whole issue. Merchant banks conduct private sale of shares to issuing company, except to transfer ownership of the stocks or
a few individuals or institutions but a vigorous and broad-based bonds in its books for purposes of dividend or interest payment,
secondary market requires an efficiently operating securities respectively.
exchange. Stocks of closed companies are not publicly traded.
These banks remain under the management and control of Figure 3 depicts the secondary market transaction.
private companies and individuals. Larger companies, on the
other hand, like the San Miguel Corporation, PLDT, Petron, Secondary markets exist for the purpose of marketability or
Yahoo, and Google are publicly traded in large volumes. easy selling/transfer of ownership and liquidity or easy
convertibility to cash of securities. Marketable securities are
Secondary Markets classified in the balance sheet as cash equivalents because of
these characteristics. The role of the secondary market is to
Once financial instruments are issued in the primary markets, assure that a holder can sell and convert to cash his security
they are then traded in secondary markets. Secondary markets at any time.
are like used car markets. Secondary markets are markets for
currently outstanding securities, referred to as secondary Commercial banks have trust departments and treasury
securities. These securities were previously bought and owned departments that are major players in the secondary market.
and are now being resold either by the initial investors or those Trust departments recommend money market and capital
who have purchased securities in the secondary market. market securities for their clients. Treasury departments
Secondary markets provide liquidity for investors as they sell recommend money market and capital market securities as
their financial securities when they need cash. part of the bank's trading portfolio. Investment houses, finance
companies, insurance companies, and other financial
institutions are also leading participants in the secondary or investing for short periods of time (Kidwell et al. 2013). The
market. government treasury uses money markets to finance its day-to-
day operations. Businesses and households also use money
Other than the financial institutions mentioned, securities markets to borrow and lend. Money market instruments that
brokers and securities dealers are included among the ones generally have short maturities are highly liquid and have low
dealing in secondary markets. Securities dealer is a financial default risk. There is no formally organized exchange for money
institution organized usually as a corporation or a partnership, markets such as PSE. Dealers and brokers are at the core of
which principal business is to buy and sell securities, whether money market transactions. At the trading room of dealers and
registered or exempt from registration for the dealer's own brokers when the market is open, these rooms are
account or the client's. Before dealing in securities, a characterized by tension and a frenzy of activities. Each trader
securities dealer is required to obtain a license from SEC sits in front of phones and computers that link the
pursuant to the Revised Securities Act. Security dealers buy dealer/broker to other dealers/brokers and their major
the securities as their assets and resell them. They earn from customers.
the difference of the cost and the selling price of the sold
securities. Securities brokers do not buy for their own Only debt securities are short-term. Stocks or equity securities
accounts. Their earnings are mere commissions. Security are long-term and therefore dealt in the capital market. Short-
brokers find the purchasers for the securities that others wish term means a period of one year or less. These securities
to sell. These are done in the secondary markets. usually comprise of short-term Treasury bills (T-bills) issued by
the government, banker's acceptances, negotiable certificates
The securities exchange serves the following purposes: of deposit, money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), money
1. Provides marketability by allowing savers to sell their market mutual funds (MMMFs), and commercial papers (CPs).
securities immediately. These are often termed marketable securities because they are
2. Provides liquidity by raising cash at any time. highly marketable and highly liquid. They are issued by
3. Provides valuation by serving as a means for determining companies needing short-term funds and bought by investors
current values of shares and ultimately of companies. with short-term excess funds. Those who buy these securities
have excess funds in the short-term needing to convert the
The value of the companies' shares reflects the companies' same quickly to cash as the need arises. These securities give
own value or worth. It generally reflects the value of higher yields than cash in the bank and have relatively low risk
stockholders' holdings/wealth. The higher the value of the of default, particularly those issued by the government.
shares in the exchange, the better the companies will be in the Individual investors deal with these securities indirectly
eyes of investors, reflecting good company performance. This through the help of financial intermediaries. Being short-term,
is the reason investors follow the values of stocks listed in the these securities are at low risk of interest rate changes. Money
exchanges. market securities are traded in massive quantities. Working
capital needs like purchase of inventories, payment of
Money Markets operating expenses, and among other are met in the money
market. Major participants are electronically linked all over the
Money markets cover for short-term debt instruments, usually United States and in major European and Asian financial
issued by companies with high credit standing. They consist of centers.
a network of institutions and facilities for trading debt
securities with a maturity of one year or less (Saldana 1997). Money markets are also distinct from other financial markets
They are markets in which commercial banks and other because they are wholesale markets and because there are
businesses adjust their liquidity position by borrowing, lending, large transactions involved. Although some small transactions
do take place, most involve $1 million or more (Kidwell et al. borrower pledges securitized assets such as stocks in
2013). Most money market transactions are referred to as open exchange for cash to allow its operations to continue.
market transactions due to their impersonal and competitive
nature. Open market transaction is an order placed by an In the Philippine money market, trading of government
insider after all appropriate documents has been filed, to buy or securities is regularly observed. the following discussion
sell restricted securities openly in an exchange. relative to government securities is from the Bureau of
Treasury's official website.
The Philippine money market started in 1965 primarily as a
facility for trading excess funds among commercial banks The Philippine government issues two kinds of government
(Saldana 1997). The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) requires securities (GS) : Treasury bills (T-bills) and Treasury bonds (T-
banks to maintain a daily minimum cash reserve with them set bonds), so-called because it is the Bureau of Treasury which
as a percentage of deposit liabilities. Other than the level of originates their sale to the investing public though a network of
cash reserves, BSP has a certain strict requirements on banks. licensed dealers.
Banks with temporary cash surpluses led commercial banks to T-bills are government securities which mature in less than a
set up the money market as an auction house for excess year. There are three tenors of T-bills: (a) 91-day, (b) 182-day,
reserves. It is called the interbank call market, a money and (c) 364-day bills. The number of days is based on the
market. Similarly, small bank deficits are funded through the universal practice around the world of ensuring that the bills
money market. Interbank call loans are credits of one bank to mature on a business day. T-bills are quoted either by their
another for a period not exceeding 4days. The 4-day limit is yield rate, which is the discount, or by their price based on 100
based on the BSP regulation and beyond this period, BSP points per unit.
presumes that a bank could not fund its assets from its
deposits, that is, the bank is in trouble. Interbank call loans are T-bonds are government securities which mature beyond one
treated as deposit substitues. Deposit substitutes are year. At present, there are five maturities of bonds: (a) 2-year,
alternative ways of getting money from the public other than (b) 5-year, (c) 7-year, (d) 10-year, and (e) 20-year. These are
traditional bank deposits. They are borrowings by commercial sold at its face value on origination. The yield is represented by
banks from the public through other banks or money market. the coupons, expressed as a percentage of the face value on
Later on, other companies learned to borrow through the per annum basis, payable semi-annually.
market for their temporary cash requirement.
T-bills are sold at a discount (less than the principal); hence,
In financial crisis situations, it is the duty of the country's the yield to the investor is the difference between the purchase
central bank to provide liquidity to stabilize markets. This is and the principal. On the other hand, T-bonds are sold at face
because risk may trade at premium to a bank's target rates, value (the amount of the principal) and are coupon bonds; that
called money rates that central bankers cannot control. These is, they bear coupons, which represent the interest on the
are called repo rates. Repo rate is the rate at which the central principal and are presented when claiming interest payment on
bank of a country lends money to commercial banks in the interest payment dates.
event of any shortfall of funds. Repo rate is used by monetary
authorities to control inflation. Pero markets allow participants Capital Markets
to undertake rapid financing in the interbank market
independent of credit limits to stabilize the system. A Capital markets are markets for long-term securities. Long-
repurchase agreement is a sale of securities for cash with a term securities are either debt securities (notes, bonds,
commitment to repurchase them at a specified future date. A mortgages, leases) or equity securities (stocks). Major
suppliers of capital market securities are corporations for
stocks and corporations and government for bonds. Long-term 1. stock market for equity or stock securities;
securities have maturities of more than a year. These 2. bond market for debt securities; and
instruments often carry greater default and market risks than 3. derivative securities market for securities deriving value
money market instrument generally because they are long- from another security.
term. In return, they carry a higher return yield. They suffer
wider price fluctuations than money market instruments. Stock Market
Stock market serves as the medium or agent of exchange in
Capital markets are composed of stock market for equity or transactions dealing with equity securities. It involves
stock securities, bond markets for debt securities, mortgage institutions and analysts who review the performance of listed
markets for mortgages, foreign exchange markets, derivative companies. When companies are successful in their operations
securities markets, direct loan market, and lease markets and investments, analysts recommend buying of their stocks
among others. creating demand, and increasing share prices and
shareholders' wealth. Shareholders can penalize poor
The need for long-term assets or capital goods as purchase of management of companies by selling off their holdings driving
land or building or plant expansion will resort to the capital share prices down. All markets follow the basic economic law
market as a source of funds. Capital goods are used to produce of supply and demand. If there are a lot of shares of any one
goods and services to generate revenues. It is in the capital company in the market, its prices go down. The scarcity of the
market that long-term users of funds and those with long-term shares drives the share prices up. If many are buying the
excess funds meet. These long-term securities include long- stocks, it creates demand and raises prices up.
term loans, mortgages, and financial leases; corporate stocks
and bonds; and government long-term Treasury notes and Classifying stocks into boards enabled PSE to calculate stock
bonds. Security exchanges, over-the-counter markets, indexes (indices) for each group. A stock index is a measure of
investment banks, mortgage banks, insurance companies, and the price level of shares listed in the exchange by the indicated
other financial institutions deal with the capital markets. Over- category. Index reflects the prices of selected stocks. It is
the-counter transactions are done through a loose network of useful as a track record of changes in stock prices over time.
security traders known as broker-dealer, dealers, and brokers. PSE tracks six indices: Financials, Industrial, Holding Firms,
Services, Property, and Mining and Oil. The overall index, which
The capital market consists of: is called the Philippine stock exchange index (PSEi), is a
1. Securities market; and composite of the six indices (Saldana 1997).
2. Negotiated (or non-securities) market. Saldana (1997) listed the following prices in a trading day:
A. Securities Market 1. Open - the stock price for the first transaction at the start of
In securities market, companies issue common stocks or trading day.
bonds, which are marketable/negotiable, to obtain long-term 2. Low - the lowest stock price for transactions during the
funds. An instrument that is transferable by endorsement or day.
delivery is negotiable. Negotiability improves liquidity because 3. High - the highest stock price for transactions during the
anyone who holds the security can immediately sell the day.
security when the holder needs cash. The holder can even sell 4. Close - the stock price for the last transaction of the day.
the security prior to maturity.
If the closing price is higher than the opening price, there will
Securities market is composed ofL be an upward trend in the price of the stock. This is especially
when the opening price coincides with the low price and the
high price with the closing price. A wide difference in the low because of longer maturity, they are subject to wider price
and high price indicates volatility and therefore, risk in fluctuation than money market instruments and therefore
investment in the stock, that is, the more volatile a stock is, subject to interest rate risk. In contrast to T-bills that sell at a
the riskier it will be. discount, T-notes and T-bonds pay coupon interest semi-
annually. They have maturities of over 1 to 10 years.
Index also reports price movements of groups and the entire
market. Other indicators of the market are changes in averages 2. Municipal bond (LGU) us an important financial
and price movements of stocks according to the number of instrument for development. In the Philippines, LGU bonds have
stocks that increased in price (advances) or decreased in price only recently been acknowledged as a potential tool for
(declines). development. LGU bond reduces the dependence of LGUs on
the national gaovernment in implementing their development
PSE also reports the volumes of shares traded. Other reported programs, and most importantly, encourages and rewards
data are the price range during the year, earnings per share, transparent good governance among local government
and dividends per share. Earnings per share and dividends per exceutives. LGU bond does all these while attracting private
share are important to stockholders and potential stockholders institutional capital and providing the investing public with an
because they depict the return that stockholders will get in alternative long-term investment.
investing in a particular stock. The higher they are, the more
enticing the stocks will be to current and potentual 3. Corporate bonds are long-term bonds issued by private
stockholders. Howerver, a company's stock price does not corporations. Bond indenture is the legal contract that
represent the value of the stock as an investment. The value of specifies the rights and obligations of bond issuer and
the stock is determined by various methods, but generally bondholders (investors), term of the bond, interest rate, and
based on the return on equity or on invested capital. The interest payment dayes. It may include such term as the ability
benefits are in terms of cash or stock dividends and the of the isser to call the bond or redeem bonds prior to maturity,
relationship of these benefits to the cost is the value of the and restrictions on the issuer's dividend payments, among
stock. The benefits of investing in stocks are the income in others.
terms of dividends, and increase in the prices of the stock
called capital gain. The yield or cash yield of the stock is the Derivative Securities Market
ratio of cash dividends to stock price. Price earning (PE) ratio The term "derivative" is commonly used to desribe a type of
is the ratio of stock price to earning per share. security which market value is directly related to or derived
from another traded security. Derivative securities markets
Bond Market refers to the market where derivative securities are traded.
Bond market is the market where bonds are issued and traded. Derivative securities are financial instruments which payoffs
It is generally classified into: are linked to another, previously issued securities. They
represent agreements between two parties to exchange a
1. Treasury notes and bonds market; standard quantity of an asset or cash flow at a predetermined
2. Municipal bonds market; and price at a specified date in the future. As the value fo the
3. Corporate bonds market underlying security to be exchanged chages, the value of the
1. Treasury notes and bonds are issued by the derivative security changes. Options, futures, and forward
government's treasury. Like T-bills, T-notes and T-bonds are contracts are examples of derivatives as well as stock
backed by the full faith and credit of the government and are warrants, swap agreements, mortgage-backed securities, and
therefore free from risks. As a result, they pay relatively low other more exotic variation. While derivative securities have
rates of interest (yields to maturity) to investors. However, been in existence for centuries, the growth in derivative
security markets occurred mainly in the 1990s and 2000s in the auction market, instead these are done in the negotiated
(Saunders and Cornett 2011). market.

An example of a derivative would be a call option on a If a company needs P3M to expand its manufacturing facilities,
company' stock. The most important determinanat of the price it can go to its bank where it maintains its current or checking
of the option is the current price of the company's shares (the account. Generally, banks grant their depositors, especially
underlying asset) in the open market. Futures contracts would companies with big individual depositors, lines of credit up to a
also allow a farmer to keep his product (e.g., rice) until some certain limit, for example P5M or P10M, depending on te
time in the future, yet remain in the current price at the time of average amount of deposits they have with the bank. The
harvest. The contract would, in effect, sell off the price larger the average amount of deposi a depositor has with a
uncertaintly to someone in the market who is willing to hold it. bank, the higher the line of credit is granted.
In this case, the farmer has hedged his risk of a price drop. The
person who accepts the risk is engaged in the practice of Suppose the company needing the P3M has a line of credit with
specualtion. It was the need for this type of transaction that its bank. It can borrow P3M from that bank if the amount is
spawned the fist derivative securities markets. Another within its line of credit. If its line of credit is only P2M, then it
example would be the mortgage-backed securities, which are can only borrow P2M maximum. The loan agreement is called
instruments that are secured/guaranteed by mortgages. term loan agreement. A term loan agreement is an agreement
between a borrower and a lender for a definited period of time,
Capital markets and money money markets include the hence, the word "term". Term of the loan is the lenght of period
exchanges where securities or financial instruments are traded from the date the loan is taken to its maturity date, the date
or sold. These exchanges can be formally o rganized or the loan is to be repaid. The loan is non-negotiable and
informally organized (OTC). Organized security exchanges therefore less liquid that canpital issues like shares and bonds
are like the PSE and other international stocks exchanges, that can be merely endorsed and transferred because they are
including National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), New York negotiable. The loan is negotiated loan, but non-negotiated.
Stock Exchange (NYSE), and Nasdaq Stock Market of the
United States. When the company needs more than its credit line, the resort it
can have is to issue additional shares of stocks or bonds in the
capital market if the company is big and prominent or well
known. While all corporations are empowered to sell stocks
B. Negotiated/Non-securities Market and bonds in the open market, not all are able to do so. Only
Negotiated or non-securities market does not involve corporations of high credit standing and are well known in the
securities, thus called nonsecurities market. This is so-called business community can sell their stocks and bonds in the
negotiated because it results from negotiatio between a open market. It would be very difficult for a small company to
borrower and a lender. Itincludes a direct loan by a company or do this. A small company does not have the capital, credit
a person from a lending institution, like a bank. Also, a personal standing, and connections that big companies have.
loan that someone asks from a parent or a relative is a
negotiated loan occuring in a negotiated market. A negotitated A direct loan from the banks is part of the capital market and
market is where the buyer and the seller deal with each other, still the predominant means of financing, especailly for a
either idirectly or indirectly through a broker or dealer, with developing country like the Philippines. This is because only
regard to both price and volume. Buyers and sellers are given prominent and outstanding and well-known companies can
sufficient time to locate one another to do the trade. Borrowing issue securities. Small companies and individuals cannot issue
transactions that are large in volume may not be easily traded these securities. Consequently, smaller companies still borrow
directly from bank and other financial institutions. The
disadvantage of a term loan agreement is the higher cost of the property is used as the collateral for the loan, the property
financing borne by the borrowing company as compared to is take over by the lender.
borrowing in the open markets. A direct loan has a higher cost
because only one borrower shoulders the cost. In the open Other than the banks and other financial institutions,
market, costs are shared by several participants. governmet agencies like the National Home Mortgage Finance
Corporation (NHMFC), Government Service Insurance System
If the amount of financing or funds needed is large, instead of (GSIS), Social Security System (SSS), and Pag-IBIG HDMF grant
borrowing from a single bank, a syndicated loan can be mortgage loans that belong to the capital market.
obtained from a group of banks called a syndicate. The SM
Megamall in Pasig was financed by a P1B loan from a bank Lease Market
syndicate heded by PNB (Saldana 1997). Long-term loans Lease market is where equipment, building, or other property is
usually require stockholders to personally guarantee the loan. being leased/rented out to another party. The one who owns
When these companies become in default and the stockholders the property and who is renting the property out is the lessor
are personally liable, the lender(s) can run after the personal and the party who is to use the property in exchange of the
assets of the stockholders. rent or lease is the lessee. The lease could be an operating
lease of a capital lease.
The negotiated or non-securities market includes, but it is not
limited to the following: Other Markets

1. Loan market Other markets are a combination of the money and capital
2. Mortgage market markets because they deal with both short-term and long-term
loans and securities. These may include the following:
1. Loan market is where a one-on-one transaction takes place
between a borrower and a lender. As in the foregoing example, 1. Consumer Credit Market
a loan by an individual or company from a bank is a direct loan Consumer credit market involves parties and transactions
transaction and an example of a loan market. Even the related to loans granted to households who desire to buy
government negotiates with the World Bank for certain types of properties, such as cars or appliances, travel, obtain education
loans. for themselves or their loved ones, or other similar needs. It is
called consumer credit market because the borrowers are the
2. Mortage market is where a real property (property with more consumers.
or less permanent life), like land (residential, agricultural, or
industrial) building (commercial, residential, etc.), and big Consumer credit usually takes the form of character loans, car
machineries, among others are used to guarantee or secure big loans, appliance loans, educational loans, and among others.
loans. It is also a type of loan, bit a secured loan guaranteed by They can be short-term, like character loans, or long-term like
the mortgage on the property. At times, a mortgage is used as car loans (usually five years), or appliance loans (usually three
a means of buying properties. Those who want to own years). These can also include pawnshops, SSS pension lending
properties go to a bank or mortage company and get the loan companies, and other small consumer loan companies.
to buy the property the use the property as the collateral for
the loan, that is, the company mortgages the property. The When the loans involved are short-term, they belong to the
mortgage market also includes the market for forecolsed money market. If long, they belong to the capital market.
properties. These are the properties that are taken by lenders Mortgage loans, leases, real estate loans could extend up to
because the borrowers were unable to pay their loan and since five or ten years or even up to 15 or 30 years, thus belonging to
the capital market.
These loans are usually granted by banks, credit unions, quote the same prices to all customers. Moreover, dealers in an
savings and loans associations, and even lending agencies like OTC security can withdraw from market making at any time,
the SSS lending agencies, which lend out money to SSS which can cause liquidity to dry up, disrupting the ability of the
pensioners. These lending agencies get the ATM cards of the market participants to buy or sell. Exchanges are far more
pensioners, which the pensioners use to get their pensions liquid because all buy and sell orders as well as execution
(directly deposited by the SSS to their deposit accounts. The prices are exposed to one another.
lending agencies then get the payment for the loan obtained by
the pensioners directly from their ATM accounts. The ATM card OTC markets are less transparent and operate with fewer rules
is returned to the pensioner upon full payment of the loan. than exchanges do. There are a few dealers who hold
These are safe (default-free) loans, as far as the lending inventories of OTC securities that act as a securities market.
agencies are concerned, because they get direct access to the Included in the OTCs are brokers who act as agents in bringing
pensioner's money for payment of the loan obtained. together dealers and investors. OTCs cannot function without
the computers, terminals, and electronic networks that
Pawnshops also belong to this market. They are, in effect, facilitate transactions or trade between and among dealers,
granting short-term loans to people who pawn their jewelry and brokers, and investors.
other items the pawnshops would accept as security for the
loan. If the pawned item is not redeemed within usually one 4. Auction Market
year, the pawned item is taken by the pawnshop and then Auction market is where the trading is done by an independent
resold in an auction or sale that the pawnshop generally does third party matching prices on orders received to buy and sell a
on a yearly basis. particular security. Stocks are sold to the higher bidder on the
trading floors. The highest bidder is the one who offered the
2. Organized Market highest price for a particular security. It is where buyers and
Organized markets are the exchanges. Exchanges, whether sellers brought together directly, announcing the prices at
stock markets or derivatives exchanges, started as physical which they are willing to buy or sell securities.
places where trading took place. Some of the best-known
organized markets include NYSE which was formed in 1972. PSE is an example. At the PSE, buyers of securities make their
Today, there are more than a hundred stock and derivatives bid, and sellers make their offer. Each one makes counter-
exchanges throughout the developed and developing world offers. Bids and offers stipulate both prices and volume rate
(Dodd 2016). Exchanges are situated in a certain location with and are handled by their party called the trader, an agent of the
definite rules of trading. Exchanges have members and a auction market. Counter-offers are matched with one another.
governing board. Members have seats in the exchange and seat If there is a match, the trade or sale is consummated. Buyers
gives the member the right to trade in the exchange. Non- and sellers do not directly trade with each other, but all trades
members cannot trade in the exchange. are done through the trader. The exchange is a noisy place as
the offers are "shouted" by the participants.
3. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market
Unlike exchanges, OTC markets have never been a "place". 5. Foreign Exchange Markets
They are less formal, although often well-organized networks of Foreign exchange market provides the physical and
trading relationships centered on one or more dealers. Dealers institutional structure through which the money of one country
act as market makers by quoting prices at which they will sell is to be delivered at a specific rate for some other currency. In
or buy to other dealers and to their clients or customers. It April 1992, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
does not mean the dealers may quote the same prices to other estimated the daily volume of trading on the foreign exchange
dealers as they post to customers, and they do not necessarily market and its satellites (futures, options, and swaps) at more
than USD1 trillion. This is about five to ten times the daily
volume of international trade in goods and services. The each day as the price of the asset underlying futures contract
foreign exchange market consists of two tiers: interbank or changes and as the contract approaches expiration. While the
wholesale market and client or retail market. Individual value of the forward contract can change daily when the buyer
transactions in the interbank market usually involve large sums and seller agree on the deal and the maturity date of the
that are multiples of a million USD or the equivalent value in forward contract, cash payment from buyer to seller occurs
other currencies. This is the interbank or wholesale market. By only at the end of the contract period.
contrast, contracts between a bank and its client are usually
specific amounts, sometimes down to the last penny In futures contract, because price is adjusted daily, actual
( This is the client or retail market. There are daily cash settlements/funds transfers occur between the
spot, forward, and future foreign exchange transactions in the buyer and seller in response to there price changes (called
foreign exchange markets. marking to market), but the final payoff is done when the
contract matures. In essence, marking futures contracts to
6. Spot Market market ensures that both parties to the futures contract
Spot markets are called such because buying and selling are maintain sufficient funds in their account to guarantee the
done "on the spot", that is, for immediate delivery and eventual final payoff actually done when the contract matures
payment. The buyer pays immediately and the seller delivers (Saunders and Cornett 2011). For the buyers of the futures
immediately. If you pick up your phone and ask your trader to contract, marking to market can result in unexpected
buy you a certain stock, say PLDT stocks at today's prices, that payments from their account if the price of the futures contract
is a spot market transaction. You expect to acquire ownership moves against them (therefore loses). The opposite will happen
of the PLDT stocks within minutes or hours (Rose 1994(. On the if the price of the futures contract goes lower (i.e., the buyer
spot, however, may mean one or two days to one week, gains). This is what happens in the foreign exchange futures
depending on the practice in the particular place where the market.
spot market is located/conducted.
Other than foreign exchange, a commodity such as wheat or
In the foreign exchange market, where spot and forward financial asset such as a T-bond may be purchased for future
transactions are done, spot foreign exhange transactions delivery. A futures contract like this is a formal agreement
involve the exchange rate at the date of the transaction that is executed thorugh a commodity exchange for the delivery of
why it is called spot exchange transactions. If the exchange goods or securities in the future. One party agrees to accept a
rate of dollar to peso is $1=47, the spot transaction will specific commodity that meets a specified quality in a
compute it at the exchange rate. Therefore, if the transaction specified month. The other party agrees to deliver the specified
is for $20,000, the one buying the exchange contract will need commodity during the designated month. Each contract has a
P940,000 to consummate the contract. The spot market is the standardized expiration and transaction occur in a centralized
exact opposite of the futures market and forward market. market. Futures contracts are entered into through brokers,
like stocks and bonds. Brokerage firms own seats on the
7. Futures Market commodity exchange. Membership on each exchange is limited
Unlike the spot market, futures market is where contracts are and only members are allowed to execute contracts. They are
originated and traded that gives the holder the right to buy paid a commission. The price of the futures contract changes
something in the future at a price specified in the contract. It is daily as the market value of the asset underlying the futures
an agreement to transact involving the future exchange of a fluctuates. The price at the time of delivery will be the one to
set amount of assets for a price that is settled daily. This is prevail. As previously explained, this is where the difference
the difference between a futures contract and a forward between the futures market and the forward market lies. In a
contract. In futures contract, the contract's price is adjusted forward market, the price is fixed at the time of entering into
the forward contract. Price changes do not affect the price contracts calling for the future delivery of financial
specified in the contract. In the futures market, the price instruments, commodities, or currencies. If you call your broker
prevailing at the contract maturity will be the settlement price, today and ask him to purchase a contract for you from another
whether it goes higher or lower since the time the futures investor calling for delivery to you of P500,000 T-bonds 6
contract was entered into. months from today, that could either be a futures contract or a
forward contract.
There are two participants in the futures markets: the
speculators who establish anticipation of a price change and If the contract calls for a fixed price for delivery, for example in
hedgers who employ futures to reduce the risk from price 6 months, it is a forward contract. You pay P500,000 for the T-
changes. By hiding, the hedgers pass the risk to the bonds you wish to purchase, irrespective of the price of the T-
speculators. Hedging involves taking an offsetting position in a bonds on the date of delivery, that is, whether it goes up to, say
derivative in order to balance any gains and losses to the P550,000 or down to P450,000, the buyer still pays P500,000.
underlying asset. Hedgers enter into offsetting contracts. The Forward contracts are contractual agreements between a
buyer (speculator) takes the risk of market price change. buyer and a seller at time zero (0) to exchange a pre-specified,
Speculators are willing to accept substantial risk for the non-standardized asset for cash at some later date. The
possibility of a large return. Speculation profits from betting on forward contract guarantees a future price for the asset today,
the direction where the asset will be moving. Speculators make that is, the price of the forward contract is fixed over the life of
bets or guesses that a stock is overpriced, he may short sell the contract unlike the futures contract. The buyer simply
the stock and wait for the price or the stock to decline, at wants to be assured that he will have the investment in his
which point he will buy back the stock and receive a profit. own time frame, say 6 months, with the amount of money that
Unfavorable or adverse movement in prices can result in he has. Perhaps, he does not have the money right now, but
increased costs and lower profits, and in the case of financial will receive the amount in his time frame, that is, 6 months.
instruments, reduced value and yield. Even modest changes in
prices or interest rates can lead to signified changes in their Forward markets can be in the commodity market (gold,
net earnings. The hedger creates a situation in which any copper, oil, copra, and among others), the foreign currency
change in the market price of a commodity, security, or market, and even in the interest rate (forward rate agreements
currency is exactly offset by a profit or loss on the futures or FRAs). Forward contracts involve nonstandardized
contract. THis enables the hedger to lock in the price or yield underlying assets, such that the terms of each market contract
what he wishes to earn. are negotiated individually between the buyer and the seller.
The details of each forward contract, for example, price,
Hedging is similar to insurance. Insurance protects against risk expiration, size, and delivery date are unique.
to life and property. Hedging protects against the risk of
fluctuations in market price of securities, commodity or An example of a forward contract in the interest rate market
currency. The basic difference, however, is that insurance would be a 3-month FRA written today with a notional value of
rests on the principle of risk distribution over a large group of P1 million and a contract rate of 6.5%. This means that the
policyholders; whereas, hedging does not reduce risk. It buyer of the FRA agrees to the seller to pay 6.5% in borrowing
transfers the risk of unwanted changes in prices or interest P1 million starting 3 months from now. The seller of the FRA
rates from one investor to another. Insurance distributes risk; agrees to lend P1 million to the buyer at the 6.5% indicated in
hedging transfers risk. the contract starting 3 months from now. If interest rates rise
in the next 3 months, the FRA buyer gains from it. The FRA
8. Forward Market buyer can still borrow the P1 million at the indicated 6.5% rate
Both the futures market and the forward market involve trading rather than the higher, say 7% or 7.5% rate prevailing 3 months
from now. If the rate goes down, however, the buyer pays the a. Type (put or call)
6.5% interest rate instead the lower, say 5% or 5.5% interest b. Underlying security
rate on the P1 million he is borrowing. c. Unit of trade (number of shares)
d. Strike price
9. Options Market e. Expiration date
Options market is where stock options are traded. This is the
formal market where the options are brought and sold, and not All option contracts are of the same type and style and cover
when a stockholder is given the option or preemptive right to the same underlying security are referred to as class of
buy additional shares of stock to maintain his proportionate options. All options of the same class that also have the same
share or ownership in a corporation. These options, given by unit of trade at the same strike price and expiration date are to
the corporation to the stockholders, can be sold by the as an option series. (
stockholders if they do not want to exercise the same. This
gives rise to the options market. Options can be call options or put options. Call option gives the
buyer the right to buy an underlying security or futures contract
Options market offers investors and opportunity to reduce risk at a strike price. The writer of a call option agrees to sell the
by making the trading of options possible on selected stocks security or futures contract if the buyer exercises the option.
and bonds. These agreements give investors the right to buy The writer is the seller of the security. In return, the buyer of
from the writer of the option designated securities at a the call option must pay the writer an upfront fee known as a
guaranteed price at any time during the life of the contract. call premium of the call option. The call premium can be offset
Options are called warrants if they are issued by corporations, against any profit the buyer makes on the exercise of the
and calls if they are issued by individuals (Brown and Mayo option. Since the option is a right and not an obligation, the
2015). These are rights but they are not obligations, meaning buyer can either exercise or not exercise the option. If the
they can be exercised or not. Warrants and calls are the rights buyer is sure, he will make a profit -- he exercises the option; if
to buy, while put is the right to sell an underlying asset at a unsure, he does not exercise it and just lose in terms of the call
pre-specified price, called the exercise or strike price for a premium that he initially paid. If you buy an option, you buying
specified time period. In American style option, the option can a call option. The buyer of the call option is the investor.
be exercised at any time prior and including the expiration
date. In European-style option, the option can be exercised For example,
only on the expiration date (Kidwell et al. 2013). a call option on X Corp stocks with an exercise or strike price
Options are derivatives, hence, the options market is a of P100 entitling the holder of the option to buy 100 shares on
derivative market. Most frequently, the underlying investment or beofre October 10, 20xx. If he buys the shares, it will cost
on which an option is based is the equity shares in a publicly him 100 shares x P100 = P10,000. However, the buyer has to
listed company. There are other underlying investments on pay a call premium, say P1,000 to the agent immediately. His
which options can be based. This includes the stock indexes, cost for the shares will go up by P1,000. The total cost fir the
exchange-traded funds (ETFs), government securities, and 100 shares will then be (P10,000 + 1,000 = P11,000 or P110 per
foreign currencies or commodities like agricultural or industrial share). In other words, the call premium becomes the price or
products. Stock options contracts are for 100 shares of the the option that is added to the cost of the shares at the strike
underlying stock-- an exception would be when there are price.
adjustments for stock splits or mergers. Options protect from If on or before the said date, the X crop shares are selling at
interest rate risks. P120, the buyer of the call option already makes a profit of
An option contract is defined by the following elements:
P10/share (P120 current price and P110 cost) and should make The asset or instrument underlying the swap may change, but
the buy. the basic principle of a swap agreemnet is the same in that it
involves the transacting parties restructuring their asset or
If the price of the shares had gone down below the strike price liability cash flows in a preferred direction.
of P100 all the time until October 10 20xx, say P90, the buyer
of the call option has the right to refuse to buy and loses the To be specific, in an interest rate swap, two parties
P1,000 call premium he paid to the agent. independently borrow the same amount of money from two
different lenders, and then exchange interest payment with
It is because, as previously stated, the option is a right and not each other for a stipulated period of time. In effect, each party
an obligation. Apparently, he will not buy if the market price of helps to pay off all or a portion of the interest cost owed by the
the shares goes below the strike price of P100. At any time on other firm. The result is usually lower interst expense for both
or before October 10, 20xx, the buyer will feel the market and parties and a better balance between cash inflows and
buy at the exact time within the time frame, when he feels that outflows for both firms.
the price of the shares is at its highest, say P122 or P125. If he
buys at a time the price of the stocks is at P125, he makes a The following figure from Rose (1994) will help enlighten how
profit of P15. Option buyers only buy when it is profitable to do swaps work:
Options are not only for stocks. Like the futures market, Both companies save on interest costs and better match the
options may involve commodities like gold or copper and maturity structure of their assets and their liabilities. In reality,
securities like T-bills or T-bonds. Options are traded in the two parties in the swap exchange only the net difference in
organized securities exchanges. Options not exercised expire their borrowing rates, with the party owing the highest rate in
and become worthless. Call options provide greater profits the market on the payment date paying the other party the rate
when stock prices are rising and so represent bullish difference.
investment vehicles. A market is bullish when stock prices are
rising and bearish when stock prices are going down. Types of Investors

10. Swap Market The different types of investors in the different types of
Swaps are agreements between two parties (counterparties) in markets are the following:
exchanging specified periodic cash flows in the future based
on an underlying instrument or price (e.g., fixed or floating rate 1. Risk-averse investors (bulls and chicken)
on a bond or a note). Like forward, futures, and options, swaps They are the type of investors who, when faced with two
allow firms to better manage their interest rate, foreign investment alternatives with equal returns but one is riskier
exchange, and credit risks. The swap market is where swaps than the other, will choose the less risky investment. They
are traded. prefer risk0free assets than risky assets as long as the
expected returns on each asset are the same. In order for them
There are five general types of swaps: to invest in a risky asset, they will require a higher return.

a. Interest rate swaps 2. Risk-taker investors (bears and pigs)

b. Currency swaps They are the investors who are ready to pay a higher price
c. Credit risk swaps for an investment regardless of the risks involved.
d. Commodity swaps
e. Equity swaps 3. Risk-neutral investors
They are investors who do not take into account the risks
involved in the investment and who are focused only on the when prices are low so your cost is low. Then, you wait until
expected returns. prices go up and that is the time for you to sell.

In the stock market, there are what we call "bulls" and "bears". When people say you are a chicken, it means you are scared
When the market is showing confidence, that is, the stock easily. For investors, chickens are risk-averse investors whose
prices are going up and market indices like the Nasdaq go up, fear overrides their need to make profits and so they turn only
we have a bull market. The number of the shares traded is also to money market securities or get out of the markets entirely.
high and even the number of companies entering the stock While it is true that you should never invest in something over
market rises showing that the market is confident. Bull which you lose sleep, avoiding the market completely and
markets are most common in an expanding economy with low never taking any risk will not give you any return.
unemployment and inflation is somewhat constant.
Technically, a bull market is a rise in the value of the market of Pigs are the opposite of risk-averse investors or chickens. They
at least 20%. The huge rise of the Dow and Nasdaq during the are high-risk investors looking for one big score in a short
tech boom is a good example of a bull market. period of time. They get impatient, greedy, and emotional about
their investment, and they are drawn to high-risk securities
A bear market is the opposite of a bull market. It is when the without putting in the proper time or money to learn about
economy is bad, recession is loooming, and stock prices are these investment vehicles. Professional traders love the pigs,
falling. If a person is pessimistic and believes that stocks are as they are often their losses that the bulls and bears reap
going to drop, he is called a bear and said to have a bearish their profits.
outlook. Bear markets make it tough for investors to pick
profitable stocks. However, this is the time to make money
using a technique called short-selling.

Short-selling is a technique used by people who try to profit

from the falling price of a stock. Short-selling is a very risky
technique as it involves precise timing and goes contrary to the
overall direction of the market. Assume you want to sell short
100 shares of a company because you believe sales are
slowing and its earnings will drop. Your broker will borrow the
shares from someone with the promise that you will return
them later. You immediately sell the borrowed shares at the
current market price. When the price of the shares drops, you
"cover your short position" by buying back the shares, and your
broker returns them to the lender. Your profit is the difference
of the price at which you sold the stock and your cost to buy it
back, minus the commissions and expenses in borrowing the
stock. But if you were wrong, and the price of the share
increases, your potential losses are unlimited. Another strategy
is to wait on the sidelines until you feel that the bear market is
nearing its end, only starting to buy in anticipation of a bull
market ( Actually, it makes sense to buy

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