Multitasking at School, Home and Work

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1. Multitasking done at home:

a. While cooking dinner, I simultaneously catch up on my favorite TV series, managing to make progress
in both areas.

b. I take advantage of my morning workout by listening to educational podcasts, enriching my mind

while taking care of my body.

c. I tackle household chores like laundry and cleaning while also engaging in conference calls for work,
ensuring productivity even while at home.

d. During my child's naptime, I use the opportunity to do online grocery shopping and pay bills,
efficiently managing household responsibilities.

e. While working from home, I take short breaks to do quick tasks like watering plants or organizing my
desk, maximizing productivity in between work sessions.

2. Multitasking done at school:

a. During a lecture, I take notes on my laptop while simultaneously participating in an online discussion
forum, engaging with both the material and my peers.

b. In between classes, I use the time to review notes and listen to educational podcasts, effectively
multitasking my academic commitments.

c. As a member of a school club, I reply to emails and plan upcoming events during my free periods,
taking care of club responsibilities alongside academic ones.

d. While waiting for a professor's office hours, I complete readings for another class, making efficient
use of my time on campus.

e. During group projects, I assign tasks to team members, enabling us to work efficiently while
multitasking our individual responsibilities.

3. Multitasking done during a seminar/training:

a. While attending a seminar, I take detailed notes on my tablet and simultaneously tweet key insights
and takeaways, sharing knowledge with my social media network.

b. During a training session, I listen actively while also organizing my calendar and setting reminders,
ensuring that I don't miss important deadlines.

c. As a participant in a workshop, I engage in group discussions while simultaneously jotting down

creative ideas for future projects, multitasking collaboration and brainstorming.

d. I use breaks during a seminar to network with fellow attendees and exchange contact information,
multitasking learning and building professional connections.
e. While attending a virtual training session, I take advantage of the chat feature to ask questions and
engage with the presenter, multitasking active participation and learning.

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