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CONSERVATION o ee fate WR - de=F cos = Fr dr done 4. + dig by mene Shep onds to an area of the narrow text its small a particle, whe ned Fegion. Then tne total amenee. 3 2x2_ev/AU-=——. 902. 56 J] m2, ca2 XP = 166 Hi a0 10,2 oO Id U=Uo — Px + Q2. Find the Ex. 2. icle in the potential energy. fie 4 sp ingens! ee force constant. At what point does the force expression for the force. Ct er Vanishes ? Is this a point of stable equilibrium ? Fe 4 = +P - 20%. Sol. 1g force and the force constant is 20. Evidently, this is a linear restorin; ‘The force vanishes, where 42= Vie, P- 20¢= 0 x= P/2Q. Now, Y. 5 a it low, 7 th +20 ie, if Q is positive, atx = P/2Q, there is the minima of potential energy curve and hence this point is in stable equilibrium. 5.11, Non-Conservative Forces, A fore is a es if the work done by that force ont partic en tWO poit thase points points depends on the path taken betweet Frictional and viscous f ore i forces. In case of such forces, if sre the examples of non-onsermat » if a particle moves from A to B and thet CONSERVATION OF ENERGY | 203 K+U = E,aconstant + = AK + AU =0 =AE (for conservative forces) But the work done by conservative forces is equal ; increase in potential energy i, We = —AU. alto negative of the Now let us suppose that in addition to the co i nonconservative force duc to friction acts on the particle. If Wy ike verk done by the frictional force and W by conservative force, then the work done (Ws + We) on the particle should be equal te the change (AK) in the kinetic energy of the particle. Thus, Wy + We =AK But . Ww, =-AU, he AK+AU =Ws +. (29) This equation shows that if a frictional force acts on a particle, the total mechanical energy is not constant, but changes by the amount of work done by the frictional force. Eq. (29) can be written as AE =E-Ep= Wy. .-. (30) But Wy, which is the work done by friction on the particle, is always negative, hence we see from eq. (30) that the final mechanical energy E(=K + U) is less than the initial mechanical energy Eo (= Ko + Uo). The lost mechanical energy appears in the form of heat. The heat energy developed is exactly equal to the mechanical energy dissipated. This heat energy, so produced, is equal to the work done by the particle. If Q is the heat energy developed, then evidently Wy = —-Q and hence we get AE+Q=0 ... G1) This shows that there is no change in the sum of the mechanical and heat energy of the system so far conservative and frictional forces are acting on the system. Therefor, the total energy may again be said to be conserved . Similarly if other non-conservative forces are acting, hen the mechanical energy lost is converted into other forms of energy, therefore, the total energy in general is conserved. i.e., AE + Q + change in other forms of energy =0 .-- (G2) Thus, the total energy is always conserved while kinetic and potential energies are conserved only when conservative forces act. 5.12, Motion under Friction. When one solid body is made to slide over the surface of another, a Tesisting force comes into play in between the two surfaces. This resisting force tends to destroy the relative motion between the two bodies and is called the force of friction. Even when there is no relative motion between the bodies, frictional forces may exist between the surfaces of contact. or ang APPLIEy . 1, is a ver 7 204 | MECHANICS ic leve! Ty Comp}; phenomenon. Both surfaces the atoms snap 408s the mec he surfaces Were merely jon orig ecause there is no loss of eng Oy ue, Us that process. We know that act ui is te A atomic motions and heat is genet W rests on a horizontal Surface, Te * . he upward direction and is equal to t 1 body not in general move, because at FORCE comes into existence. This is the force w cop’ tg micros! jrregular on an atomic! Friction, when viewed at Fe Trac ne atoms seem to cling 4. ty rt There are many points of OM “ned alo of this friction was th and then, as the sliding u y panism ty, vibration ensues. Formerly that the Sv ag the slidin, " be very simple. It as beleet nated in lifting iz tt irregularities and the fricl : ‘ the bumps ; but this cannot be rally power is ee = bet ; f power as the i chanism © di ‘ slides over the other. The bums deform and a Pro luce Wave snaps over the bumps, the din the two bodies. ht Suppose that a body of weigh! he reaction R due to the surface is in U weight of the body W. On applying @ small force parallel to the plane, the surface of separation a force equal “ERICTION and opposite to the applied force of friction. On increasing the applied _ Fig. 5.15 force, the force of friction increases upto a limit. At this instant the body is just about to move and the force friction is just enough to preserve equilibrium. This maximum frictional force is called \imiting ‘friction. On further increasing the applied fore, the body starts to move. It is found experimentally that for any pair oftw srufaces, the limiting friction F bears a constant ratio to the nomi pe ming friction _ F normal reaction ~ R* The value of ys is different independent of the area of the Provided that it is not excessive, Fricti : fri ction of hes ma, ‘portant role in our everyday life. Thus, wit into a block, tock a would impossible for us tO walk, to fx a applied to moving wheels hae af knots ete. It is the friction of the a “ma es we medina ta 0S wana not 'um and yet it is necessary &" for different Pairs of substances, but is surfaces in contact and of the weigh machines must be reduceq . Bietion bet am

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