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UGC Campaign Report

Business Model…………………………………………………………………………………2
Business purpose……………………………………………………………………………………………2
Product and service………………………………………………………………………………………..2
UGC Campaign………………………………………………………………………... 3
Context and message………………………………………………………………………………………3
Target audience……………………………………………………………………………………………...4
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 7


● Trầ n Anh Tuấ n

● Hồ Đứ c Tà i
● Lê Vă n Liêu
● Đoà n Thanh Ngọ c Tiền
● Phạ m Hương Ngâ n

1. Business Model:

Name’s Pet stores: DoCa Hi

1.1.Structure: 3 floors + 1 garden

● 1st floor: selling and renting pets and accessories
● 2nd floor: care services: spa, hair cutting and styling, care consulting, pet
● 3rd floor: photography studio.
● Garden: used for fun, and workshops.

1.2. Business purpose:

We are all animal lovers. Therefore, we want to create a school that
connects people who have a passion and love for pets together.
Furthermore, we researched the pet market in Da Nang. Most pet shops
here only serve a small sector of the pet market. This causes many
difficulties for service users because they have to move between many
different addresses, which is extremely time-consuming and laborious.
Therefore, DoCa Hi will be the place to gather care services, sales,
photography, and pet workshops in Da Nang. With the message "Fulfill all
your pet's needs", we hope to bring you and your pets the most convenient
and wonderful experiences.

1.3. Product and service

We will sell the following types of pets:
+ Dogs: Alaska, Husky, Poodle, Pug, Sausage, Chihuahua
+ Cats: Munchkin short, Ragdoll, Persian, British longhair, Siamese
In addition, there will also be a miniature supermarket on the first floor to sell
accessories, food, and pet care items.

We also provide integrated pet care services:

● Consulting on pet care
● Take care of pets
● Pet care: hair cutting, styling, cleaning, spa,...
● Pets and accessories for rent for conceptual photo shoots
All of our products and services meet high standards. Therefore, you can
completely rest assured and use the products and services here.

2. UGC Campaign

2.1. Context and message:

Currently, animal abuse is still happening. Many people raise animals for
business or other purposes. They don't seem to take animals seriously and in
fact, they still think of pets as animals. Although according to science, animals
have a lower class than humans, but according to science, humans are also
animals, we are just at a higher level. Speaking of this, some people wonder why
people are compared to animals. However, what we want to say here is that
animals have emotions just like humans. When you are beaten, you feel pain and
when animals are beaten, they also feel pain. They also have feelings of being
hurt, knowing happiness and sadness. Those are the things we want to talk
about. We also do not intend to criticize or condemn any individual. However,
what we hope is that we should understand the emotions of pets in particular
and animals in general. Or try to see them as friends instead of simply animals.
That's why we want to run a UGC campaign.

Our UGC campaign is run with the hashtag Petstyle4nature. The main content of
this campaign is that participants create their own fashion style for their pets and
post it on social networks, using recycled materials. And this Hashtag has two
main meanings that we want to spread and create a strong wave. Firstly, this
campaign was created to emphasize the relationship between people and their
pets, spreading love for animals. We create conditions for them to express their
love for their pets on the products they create for their pets. The goal is to hope
that everyone, whether they have pets or not, should love pets in particular and
animals in general, see them as friends, and not mistreat them. In addition, this is
also a playground for their pets to show off their beauty. Each pet has its own
beauty. And we want to create conditions for pets to express themselves just like
us humans. Furthermore, with the request that each person fashions their own
pet using recycled items. This also contributes a small part to protecting the
environment. Although this is not a big campaign to mobilize people to protect
the environment, it is also a small motivation to spread awareness of
environmental protection and hopefully raise awareness of environmental

2.2. Objective:
With the #Petstyle4nature campaign, DoCa Hi wants to achieve the following
- Build an environmentally friendly brand image, and raise people's awareness of
environmental protection. These actions will attract people's strong attention to
both building love for animals and awareness of environmental protection.
- Promote interaction between DOCAHI and customers on social networks,
thereby raising online awareness and reaching more potential customers,
building a strong connection with them.
- Build customer loyalty through the UGC campaign "Petstyle4nature". When
customers participate in content creation and find that content valuable, they can
become advocates and brand promoters for DoCa Hi. Furthermore, they will have
positive views about the brand. From there, there are corresponding
assessments and actions.
- Besides, we also want to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of
pets and considering pets as friends.
- Rapid revenue growth, and high customer return rate.

* Detail goal:
- Attract 1,000 clips and images from customers to upload to social networking
platforms with the main hashtag “#Petstyle4nature” and will reach 10 million
views through TikTok and Facebook platforms
- Increase the number of followers on DOCA Hi's social media platforms by 20%.
- Revenue will increase by 20% compared to last month.

2.3. Target Audience:

The target customers of the UGC campaign: #Petstyle4nature are pet owners,
animal lovers, and environmentally conscious people. They are people who have
the effort and ability to create fashion products for pets. With their love for
animals, they agreed to participate in the campaign. With real emotions, they
create beautiful products and dedicate their hearts to pets. Additionally, we also
want to target people who don't own pets. Because the purpose of our campaign
is to spread love for animals. The next target audience is those who love nature
and want to protect the environment. This campaign can also stimulate their love

of nature and get them involved. The final audience is people who use social
networks like Facebook, and Tiktok. These are potential customers. Because
when the campaign goes viral, these are the people who know our brand and are
likely to become our customers.

2.4. Timeframe:
- The estimated time for our business to implement this UGC campaign is 1
month. This period includes the following stages:
+First, post an announcement about the campaign to let everyone know.
There will be information from KOLs and KOCs to guide everyone to participate.
+Second, promote advertising activities on campaign platforms by
advertising on TikTok and Facebook. Besides, there will be outdoor advertising
activities to increase people's attention
Third, this is the time for us to reupload the articles posted by the
+ Finally, we will summarize the results and notify everyone of the results.

2.5. Platform:
We will carry out the #Petstyle4nature campaign on two platforms Facebook and
Tik Tok. Because these are two platforms where a large number of users
participate it is easy to make them go viral. Each platform will have its own
special features that we can take advantage of to develop the campaign.
Furthermore, we do not spend too much money to carry out this campaign. As
mentioned, this is where many users are and the users are mostly Generation Z,
this is also the customer target we are targeting. Besides, these two platforms are
quite easy to use and the posting operations are also convenient so that
customers can participate more easily. And so this platform has a built-in
database, as long as the user intends to raise a pet, it will immediately implicitly
display shops related to pets and they will accidentally click on our campaign.
And once it goes viral, it will spread very quickly. Those are some of the reasons
why we chose these two platforms.

2.6. Implement:
Doca Hi will post instructional videos and provide information about the
campaign on two social networking platforms, TikTok and Facebook, 1 week
before the campaign. We will cooperate with tiktoker Thach Trang and Gia Dinh
Cam Cam. They are people who love animals, build content around them, and
have an influence on the pet-loving community. They really fit what the campaign
was aiming for. These are the pioneers in this campaign. They will be the leaders
to guide, influence, and attract customers. For all campaign information this time
we will run ads on two platforms Facebook and TikTok in the first two weeks to
reach customers. In addition, there are also campaign posters hung on high-
density roads in Da Nang to attract people's attention.
After receiving information and participating, Customers will follow these 2
+ Step 1: To confirm participation in the campaign, everyone needs to follow
FanPage and fill in the participation information and platform to choose to
participate in the contest.
+ Step 2: Create a costume for your pet using recycled materials. Participants will
have to return to the process of making that product. After having the finished
product, the user will dress the pet in that outfit and perform catwalk steps with
that outfit. The submitted video must be at least 30 seconds long including the
process and finished product of the pet and skin. Video must ensure high
resolution, using sound provided by DoCa Hi. Furthermore, DoCa Hi encourages
users to share more interesting memories and experiences throughout the
process of making products.
+ Step 2: Users upload the final product to the Facebook or TikTok platform of
their choice along with interesting experiences when participating in the contest
with their pets. The posted video must have the hashtags #Petstyle4nature, and
#DoCaHi according to the previous instructions.
Users need to make sure to post videos throughout the campaign period and all
videos while participating in the campaign, DoCa Hi can use them for
promotional purposes.

2.8. Action:
- All customers participating in UGC will receive a 5% discount when purchasing
goods or using services at DoCaHi. You just need to come to DoCa Hi and show
the staff your participation in the campaign. You will then receive the discount as
we announced.
- Furthermore, every video that people post legally will be reposted by us on our
page in order for you to join the campaign.
- We will finalize the results after the event ends. We will announce the top 5
posts from Facebook and the top 5 posts on Tiktok with the highest number of
interactions and invite them to join our celebration event. Here, the top 10 will
perform the opening performance and receive gifts:

● Top 1: receive 7 million in cash

● Top 2: receive 5 million coins
● Top 3: receive 3 million in cash
● Top 4: cutting, trimming, styling, and necklace combos

The rest of the top 10 will receive cutting, trimming, and styling combos.
We will upload all pictures of this performance on our page along with a deep
thank you to all those participating in this campaign.

3. Conclusion
With this #Petstyle4nature campaign, we want to give people a different
perspective on pets and raise awareness about environmental protection. This is
also what Doca Hi always appreciates. Even though this campaign is only for a
short time, we always hope it will have a positive impact on pets. People will
always consider a pet as a true friend. From there, this campaign will be able to
develop into a movement and receive people's love and attention every year.

…………………………………………………….. End …………………………………………………………


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