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My passion for Business and Entrepreneurship is moored in practical experiences and a profound

desire to effectuate impactful change in the world. Growing up in Haryana, a state in India, I was
exposed first hand to the challenges and opportunities within the entrepreneurial landscape,
which fuelled my ambition to become a catalyst for change. This led me to become the first
entrepreneur in my family and my village.

My educational journey commenced at a prestigious local school where I consistently ranked

among the top-performing students and served numerous times as a Class Representative.
Actively involved in extracurricular activities, I represented my school at inter-school and
district levels. I earned the distinction of 12th-class School Topper and secured the high state
rank of 12, which granted me direct admission into one of the top engineering colleges in my
state under the Government of Haryana. This foundation of discipline and holistic development
was pivotal in shaping my career aspirations, leading me to become a National finalist in the
Miss Teen International India competition.

While pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering at

DCR University of Science and Technology, my initial ambivalence toward my field gave way
to a realization: with the integration of technology, one can create the best experiences and
products. My final year project involved building a Home Automation System using various
sensors, which filled me with the joy of creation and earned me an 'A' grade. I graduated with
First Division. During my undergraduate studies, my interest in business remained unwavering. I
found myself continually drawn to entrepreneurial initiatives and participated in activities that
sharpened my leadership and business acumen, including working as an Organizer in my
college's annual cultural fest "Electricana," managing over 20 departments simultaneously—a
learning experience of a lifetime.

Serving as a Campus Ambassador for the Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Bombay was one of my
most formative experiences. This role enabled me to organize events, inspire entrepreneurial
thinking among students, and address gaps in our college's entrepreneurial ecosystem. It marked
a turning point, affirming my dedication to entrepreneurship and the transformative role of
business in society. As President of Invictus Toastmasters, I managed successful meetings,
earned the Influencer Award, and led the club to the title of Distinguished Club. This role
reinforced my skills in goal-setting and team-building.

I delved into various internships and projects that expanded my perspective and skill set. My
tenure as a Data Science Intern at Sirpi and a Software Engineer Intern at Optiprods Business
Solutions provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the business world, ranging from
data analytics to software development. I am grateful to Mr. Anand, MD of Sirpi Data Science,
who nurtured my curiosity and allowed me to explore not only Data Analytics but also
Marketing, Testing software, and quality control after office hours. His recognition of my
enthusiasm led to an extension of my internship. These experiences transcended the acquisition
of technical skills and included an understanding of the nuances of different business sectors.

In my final year, I began working as a Data Analyst at Marda Collections Pvt. Ltd, where I
learned about inventory analysis, reducing holding costs, and worked with brands such as Puma,
Adidas, and United Colors of Benetton, understanding the factors that influence their product
demands. After graduation, I joined Tata Consultancy Services, one of my country's most
prestigious organisations, and was later promoted to System Engineer, learning from industry
leading professionals. I successfully migrated projects to launch over 20 new Mule APIs,
enhancing user performance and achieving an 80 per cent increase in error-free deployments.

A persistent question in my mind was the stark absence of Indian fashion giants in the
international market. Driven by a zeal to create a renowned fashion brand, I established "Belloe
Shoes," a business that not only exemplifies my commitment to creating value but also serves as
a platform where I merge my passion for fashion and technology to offer premium, handcrafted
footwear. Through "," I have acquired invaluable insights into market trends, customer
preferences, and the significance of strategic partnerships.

Volunteering has always held a special place in my heart, and my work with the Odisha
Development Management Program, as well as my role as a Narrator at the Auto Expo 2020 for
Great Wall Motors, reflects my dedication to effective communication. These roles have
sharpened my ability to connect with diverse audiences and champion meaningful change.

My journey has been one of constant learning and exploration, merging my technical
background with a fervent interest in business and entrepreneurship. As I anticipate furthering
my education, I am particularly thrilled about the prospect of joining a dynamic business school.
The comprehensive curriculum, covering key areas such as strategic decision-making, customer
value management, performance management, and leading and managing change as well as
strategies for the global economy, is crucial for my development as a business professional. For
the optional module, I intend to choose the 'Forecasting for decision-makers' route to gain
industry insights and help me in effective decision-making. I am also excited about the
opportunity to interact with your distinguished faculty, especially Professor Christian Standlar,
whose strategic views on today's business world are incredibly inspiring.

I am eager to contribute significantly to the entrepreneurial landscape during my studies and in

my future career. I look forward to joining the Warwick Entrepreneur Society, connecting with
like-minded individuals, and adding value to the various events organized. As a climate
advocate, participating in The Climate Reality Warwick will allow me to engage in conferences,
campaigns, and projects focused on sustainability issues. Warwick Business School is
recognized all over the globe for being one of the best in terms of providing world-class
education with its smaller class size, high faculty-to-student ratio, staff accessibility along great
alumni network provide the perfect nurturing environment to refine my skills further.

In summation, my academic background, professional experiences, and personal interests have

all converged to equip me for this next step in my educational journey. I am keen to immerse
myself in the academic rigour and collaborative atmosphere of your institution, confident that it
will provide me with the tools and insights necessary to fulfil my goals.

The MSc Management program will serve as an excellent foundation for my future aspirations.
After graduating, I plan to work for organisations such as Amazon, Walmart, and Loreal. In the
long term, I see myself returning to India to apply the knowledge and skills I acquire to
transform the fashion-retail industry, overcoming challenges and capitalising on opportunities in
this dynamic market. I aim to deepen my understanding of global business practices through the
MSc Management program, enhance my strategic thinking, and develop a nuanced perspective
on operations management, especially given its growing significance in India. This will not only
aid my professional development but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to the industry
and society at large.

Now, as I seek to join the MSc Management program, it is with the intention of learning from
the best – to build upon my foundation with the insights and expertise that only your esteemed
institution can offer. As the proverb goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
step." This application represents not just a step but a leap towards a future where my ambition
and potential know no bounds. It is here, at the beginning of this new chapter, that I stand ready
to transcend expectations and redefine the narrative for women like me in the entrepreneurial

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