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Time: 2H

Text: AIDS is real

There are many false stories about AIDS. Some people say it is caused by witchcraft. This is because many
people do not still believe that AIDS is real. They do not know how it is transmitted. AIDS stands for Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a deadly disease and it is caused by HIV virus.
AIDS can be transmitted through many ways .This is when you have unprotected sex with an infected person.
Then you are given unscreened blood, you will have the HIV virus. Another way is through an infected mother to
her child during the pregnancy and child birth. The last way is when two or more persons exchange and use sharp
objects like syringes, blades, needles, shaving sticks, etc.
A person who has HIV/AIDS may die after a year. This is because HIV/AIDS is incurable. A person with
HIV.AIDS suffers from many other illnesses like cough, diarrhea, rashes on the body, fever and he/he becomes
very bony. People with HIV/AIDS need to be handled with care. They must be shown a lot of love. They must live
the rest of their lives on special nutritious diets and anti-retroviral drugs. However, the best way to avoid
HIV/AIDS is to abstain from sex.


Answer these questions on the text in complete sentences.

1) What false story do people say about AIDS?

2) What does AIDS means?
3) What illnesses are associated with AIDS?
4) What is the best way of avoiding AIDS?
5) I n your opinion, why should an AIDS patient be treated with care and love?


1) A pencil is _____ expensive than school-bag. a) so b) less c) the most
2) All the delicious meal ____ by the guests. a) are eaten b) is eaten c) will be eating
3) The doctor ----- her in a few days a) examines b) is examing c) will examine
4) He has left the village ______ 7 O’clock. a) for b) since c) ago
5) Niger River has not ______ water as Benin River. a) as many b) as much c) so much
6) I did not see her _____ she had got married. a) before b) since c) after
7) The teacher has _ ___ chalk _____ his friend. a) as much…as b) so much…as c) much…so
8) The students do not usually come to school ____ Sunday. a) in b) at c) on
9) The Sahara desert has ____weather in the world.
a) worse b) the worst c) worst
10) How old ____ your grandfather? a) does b) has c) is

B) Make correct comparatives or superlatives: (5pts)

1) Iron is (useful) of all metals.
2) Ali is 10 years old. Zara is 10 years old.
3) My (bad) enemy would be my best friend.
4) Which town is (near) from Niamey, Tillabery or Dosso?
5) A car is (expensive) a bicycle.

I. WRITING: ( 5pts)

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Correct these sentences if necessary.
1) Could I have a little coins?
2) If you’d found the key, we would have gone.
3) When the bell will ring, the students will go out.
4) Kabirou knows not how to swim.
5) She lives in Yantala since 2010.

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