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Saving fuel gas in industry by

means of optimum burner settings
Christian Schare, Elster Kromschröder GmbH (Germany)

Published in HEAT PROCESSING 2/2008

Vulkan-Verlag GmbH, Essen (Germany)
Editor: Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schalm, Tel. +49 (0) 201/82002-12, E-Mail: s.schalm@vulkan-verlag.de

Saving fuel gas in industry by

means of optimum burner settings
Christian Schare

The following article highlights the economic advantage of optimum ping point to measure the flue gas.
burner settings. It is designed to achieve maximum benefit for industry Although this results in a functional
and the environment at minimum cost. Optimum burner settings and burner, it does mean, however, that the
related work guarantee the economy and operational safety and reliabil- best possible setting is not achieved. The
potential offered by good furnace,
ity of existing heating equipment with a pneumatic air/gas ratio control
burner quarl and burner manufacturers
system. In addition, energy saving is not only described in theory, but is
is not utilised by the operator. In fact, it
also shown on the basis of a practical example. is possible to achieve control ratios of
1:10 and near-stoichiometric combus-
tion by using the correct heating equip-
ment and furnace geometry.
E nergy saving will be an important
topic in the future – and not just in
valve and an air adjuster in the air
circuit. The Technical Service Department at
view of rising prices. There is already a Elster Kromschröder GmbH services
wide range of ideas and possible solu- around 2000 different thermal combus-
Field experience
tions, ranging from the use waste heat tion systems per year, all with different
to preheat combustion air and combus- Burners are often in use despite the fact process requirements in the steel and
tion gas to the optimum insulation of that they have not been set optimally for iron, ceramics, non-ferrous metals,
the furnace walls. The selection of years. Extensive burner settings mea- foodstuffs, environment and drying
highly efficient recuperative or regener- surement takes time. This is often not industries. Gas/air ratios of lambda = 1.5
ative burners or electronically controlled scheduled to the extent required during or considerably worse are being identi-
“cam disks” dependent on the oxygen the commissioning phase or during ser- fied more and more frequently with
content in the flue duct, for example, vicing and maintenance work or has to excess air levels of 400 to 500 percent
will help to save energy. take a back seat behind other work. being by no means a rarity.
Often, the service technician can only High excess air cools the burner flame.
Figure 1 shows the typical layout of a adjust the burner by sight, which means This results in potentially fatal carbon
heating system with a pneumatic air/gas that the setting will be far from perfect. monoxide levels rising in the furnace
ratio regulator system. In general, the Some burner suppliers do not provide chamber or the burner operates with an
following are connected to the burner: burner curves, which are important air deficiency. Systems with a CO con-
two solenoid valves, one air/gas ratio guides for setting the system. A gas tent of up to 25,000 ppm have been
control and one gas adjuster in the gas meter or rotameter is not fitted, in order found by technicians in the past. As a
circuit. In addition, there is an air control to keep costs down, and there is no tap- result of these incorrect settings, it is
possible for dangerous pockets of gas to
form in the furnace and, in the worst
case scenario, this can cause an explo-
sion. The excess gas very often com-
busts in the flue gas system because it
meets fresh air sources in this system
which results in an incineration process
which is very similar to deflagration.

The lambda value

The lambda value (λ) used in combus-
tion technology represents the level of
excess air relating to complete combus-
tion. If there is an air deficiency, the flue
Fig. 1: gas will contain carbon monoxide (CO)
Typical layout of a since there is insufficient oxygen (O2) for
heating system
with pneumatic the complete oxidation of carbon
air/gas ratio control monoxide to form carbon dioxide (CO2).
system This CO is very dangerous when it exits

110 HEAT PROCESSING · (6) · ISSUE 2 · 2008


the firing system due to its toxicity. CO is heated without providing any benefit surements downstream of a flow inter-
slightly lighter than air with a density of and simply transport the heat through rupter or intake of foreign air into the
1.250 kg/m3 compared to 1.293 kg/m3. the flue gas system, where it is wasted. furnace chamber will inevitably result in
As the air deficiency is reduced, in other The firing efficiency of the furnace sys- false measurement results. If it is not
words as the O2 concentration rises, the tem is reduced as a direct result of this. possible to find a suitable measuring
CO level falls as it is oxidised to produce point, the furnace manufacturer or ser-
If the excess oxygen in a firing system is
CO2. The CO2 rises correspondingly. vice technician (if he is familiar with the
improved by just one percentage point
This process is completed when λ = 1. system) should be asked. Only a techni-
(for example from 5.5 percent to 4.5
The CO is close to zero and the CO2 cian who knows the thermal processes
percent of O2), this will generally also
reaches its maximum. There is no more that take place in the furnace, and in
O2 at this point since the oxygen fed increase the efficiency of the system by
the material treated therein, can assess
into the system is immediately used to approximately 1 to 2 percent, depen-
at which points an informative analysis
oxidise the CO. dent on the influence of the heating
must be drawn. Things are made more
equipment on the system as a whole
difficult if it is not possible to take an
If the lambda value is greater than one (Fig. 2).
informative measurement due to the
(λ > 1), the O2 value increases since the
A lambda value of 1.5 is apparently an production process. In addition, the gas
oxygen supplied to the system with
acceptable value for many operators. registration systems (gas meter or
increasing excess air is no longer used by
Nevertheless, it is advisable on an alu- rotameter), the burner diagram, the ion-
the oxidation process as there is not
minium smelting furnace, for example, isation signal or the assessment of the
enough CO. However, a certain excess
to adjust the lambda value to around combustion properties by sight can be
air level is always required to achieve a
1.05 if the requirements for this setting used to set the burner.
complete combustion process. On the
have been satisfied (burner, burner
one hand, the oxygen distribution in the
combustion chamber is not uniform,
quarl, furnace geometry, etc.). Possible interference to
and on the other, the mixing energy Both the furnace manufacturer and the optimum combustion
(particularly when the burner is set to operator are interested in keeping the Possible interference to a combustion
low-fire and part-fire rate) is not suffi- oxygen value in the furnace atmosphere process may include the following:
cient to mix all the molecules involved in as low as possible. On the one hand,
the combustion process perfectly. corundum formation should be avoided • Air pressure fluctuations caused by
if at all possible since it will result in the soiled air filters or pipelines
Optimum combustion in furnace “overgrowing” slowly and can • Fluctuating combustion air tempera-
only be removed by cost-intensive work
practice ture or density by drawing in the
when the furnace is cold. On the other combustion air outside the building,
Optimum combustion is achieved if hand, oxidation on the surface of the where temperatures of -20°C to
there is sufficient excess air to achieve a bath causes aluminium to burn off, +50°C (winter/summer) may prevail
complete combustion (λ = 1.05 to 1.2). which results in a loss of product. Finally,
• Calorific value shifts in the gas, par-
At the same time, the excess air must be once the burner settings have been
ticularly in biogas systems, gases pro-
subject to an upper limit, so that the air optimised, the energy balance of the
duced by the operator or if combus-
is not heated unnecessarily. furnace system will increase drastically.
tion additive gases are introduced
These excess air volumes and additional The crucial factor for determining the
• Gas pressure fluctuations if additional
combustion gases, such as nitrogen, are flue gases is the measuring point. Mea- consumers in the combustion gas
network are activated or deactivated
• Furnace chamber pressure fluctua-
tions by charging the furnace cham-
ber, valve settings in the furnace
chamber and fans drawing in or
pushing out air
• Dirt or deposits on the burner, in the
pipeline, in gas and air valves (partic-
ularly bypass orifices), in the combus-
tion chamber or in the flue ducts
• Thermal stress on the burner head or
burner nozzle block, burner quarl or
other elements directly affected by
the flames
• Mechanical wear on the spindle
guide of the pressure regulator, if the
air/gas ratio control diaphragms
become brittle and hard, hysteresis of
the valves (particularly with burner
Fig. 2: Firing efficiency as a function of lambda, referred to the flue gas temperature capacities of 1:10, pressures of 1:100

HEAT PROCESSING · (6) · ISSUE 2 · 2008 111


Fig. 3: Aluminium smelting furnace at high-fire rate. The furnace is Fig. 4: Aluminium smelting furnace at low-fire rate. The furnace is
charged with aluminium ingots. It is fired by two Elster Krom- charged with aluminium ingots. It is fired by two Elster Krom-
schröder burners ZIO 165 with a rated output per burner of 630 kW schröder burners ZIO 165 with a rated output per burner of 630 kW

are required by the mechanical com- tions provided by the equipment manu- Conclusion
ponents, depending on facturer, the operator must conduct a
risk assessment of every single piece of Large savings (in the example described
equipment (gas pressure control and above of around 2000 euros per month
). safety system, heating system or ther- per furnace) are possible if the parame-
moprocessing system) and then produce ters such as furnace geometry, burner
various documents, including a revision quarl and burner equipment are coordi-
Normative background plan and a maintenance plan. nated to each other and the service
technician can and may carry out the
The heating system should undergo ser- The operator bears general responsibility appropriate settings. Simple burner
vicing and maintenance work every time for the safe operation of the thermopro- adjustment work on the thermoprocess-
the burner is adjusted – a process which cessing equipment. This duty can be sat- ing equipment results in optimum cost
is recommended on an annual basis. isfied by carrying out regular mainte- efficiency and also makes an active con-
This should comprise recurring seal and nance work. tribution to minimising CO2 and reliev-
function tests, which enhance the oper- ing the strain on the environment.
ational safety and reliability of the sys- Practical example
An aluminium smelting furnace (Fig. 3 Literature
The requirements on operators are and 4) operated by a wheel rim manu- • Cramer/Mühlbauer: Praxishandbuch Ther-
explained to a great extent by the Ger- facturer is fitted with two ZIO 165 burn- moprozesstechnik, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen,
man Ordinance on Industrial Safety and 2003
ers (nominal rating per burner 630 kW)
Health and Code of Practice G1010 • Meyer/Schiffner: Technische Thermody-
and consumes 1,600 m3 (66.66 m3/h) of namik, Fachbuchverlag Leipzig
(Requirements on the qualifications and natural gas over a period of 24 hours. • Boll, W.: Technische Strömungslehre,
organisation of operators of natural gas Production runs six days a week. Energy Vogel Buchverlag Würzburg
systems on plant sites). Generally the price: 3.9 cents/kWh; combustion air • Reinmuth, F.: Lufttechnische Prozesse,
burner settings must be measured after temperature: approx. 20°C, furnace Verlag C.F. Müller, Karlsruhe
the heating system has undergone chamber temperature: approx. 800°C. • Döring, R.: Skript Feuerungstechnik,
maintenance work. Münster University, Seminar 쮿
The system was found to have a lambda
The maintenance interval for thermo- value of λ = 1.5. An oxygen content of
processing equipment essentially around seven percent was measured. As
depends on the maintenance instruc- a result of optimising the system, the
tions provided by the equipment manu- oxygen value was reduced to approx.
facturer and the conditions in which the
1.5 percent.
equipment is used. The normative prin-
ciples include EN 746 Part 2 (Common The reduction in excess air as an addi- Christian Schare
safety requirements for industrial ther- tional combustion gas resulted in sav-
moprocessing equipment), DVGW ings of around 2000 euros per month Elster Kromschröder GmbH
Codes of Practice (for example, G 1010) (detailed calculations of the molar (Germany)
and the German Ordinance on Industrial masses, flow rates, substance equa-
Safety and Health. Taking into account tions, etc. are available from c.schare@ Tel.: +49 (0)541 / 1214-499
the standards and the servicing instruc- kromschroeder.com). christian.schare@elster.com

112 HEAT PROCESSING · (6) · ISSUE 2 · 2008

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