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I. Family that are part of an organization in the community

Figure 50. Percentage distribution showing those respondents who are part of an organization in Sitio

Pulang Bukid.

Actual Findings:

The data gathered shows that out of 50 respondents, approximately 43 respondents or 86% answered

that no one in their family is a member of any community or barangay organization. And about 14% or

approximately 7 respondents answered that there is someone in their family a member of a barangay or

community organization.

Analysis and Interpretation:

Based on the gathered data, the majority of the respondents have no family members that are part of any

organization offered in the community or barangay. The minority of the respondents answered that some

of their family members are part of a barangay organization. The most common organizations that they

currently belong to are ABAKA organization, Employee in barangay APAS, and Barangay Councilor.
II. Family that gain benefits from from a facility/ies or other infrastructures in the


Figure 51. Percentage distribution showing those respondents who gain benefits from a facility/or other

infrastructures in the community and those who don’t in Sitio Pulang Bukid, Alang-Alang, 2023.

Actual Findings:

The chart shows that out of 50 respondents, 14 respondents or 28% answered that they are able to use the

given or offered facilities or infrastructures in the community, while the 36 respondents or 72% answered

they weren't able to use any facilities or infrastructure given or offered in the community.

Analysis and Interpretation:

Based on the gathered data that is seen in the figure above. The majority of the respondents were not able

to use any given facilities or infrastructure that was given, built, or offered by the barangay. And on the

other hand the minority of the respondents were able to use any offered facilities or infrastructure within

the barangay. These infrastructure can be health centers, gymnasiums, public schools, and other related

barangay projects.
III. Families that avail health care services in the health center.

Figure 52. Percentage distribution showing those respondents that are able to avail health care related

services and infrastructure and those who don’t in Sitio Pulang Bukid, Alang-Alang, 2023.

Actual Findings:

Based on the chart above 36% or 18 out of 50 respondents answered that they were able to avail the

health care services that were offered in the barangay Alang-Alang and the remaining percentage of

respondents approximately 32 respondents or 64% answered that they were not able to avail any forms of

health care services offered in barangay Alang-Alang.

Analysis & Interpretation:

The chart above shows the actual number and percentage of respondents that were able to avail and were

not able to avail any forms of medical health services. Based on the data gathered that is indicated in the

pie chart above, The majority of respondents answered that were not able to fully utilize or avail some of

the health related services that were offered in the barangay, and the minority of the other respondents

were able to avail the given health services. These health related services that are commonly offered in the

barangay are Free BP, Covid 19 Vaccination or other forms of vaccination, prenatal, newborn
immunization, and Etc.

IV. Members of the family that is part of a youth group in the community.

Figure 53. Percentage distribution showing those respondents who have family members who are part of

a youth group in Sitio Pulang Bukid, Alang-Alang, 2023.

Actual Findings:

Based on the gathered data that is shown in the pie chart above, out of 50 respondents the highest

percentage answered “no” approximately 46 respondents or 92% have no family members that is a

currently a member of any youth group barangay organization, and 4 respondents or 8% answered that

one of their family members belongs to a youth group organization.

Analysis & Interpretation:

The pie chart above will indicate what is the percentage of the population living in Sitio Pulang Bukid

that have family members that belong in a youth organization in the community. The majority of the

respondents answered that no one or none of their family members is a member of a barangay

Alang-Alang youth organization. The minority of the interviewed respondents answered that they have

specific family members that are currently involved or belong in a barangay Apas youth group

V. Families that joins events, seminars, or orientations that the community organizes.

Figure 54. Percentage Distribution showing those families who join events, seminars, and orientations

that the community organizes in Sitio Pulang Bukid, Alang-Alang, 2023.

Actual Findings:

Based on the figure above regarding if the family joins events, seminars, or orientations. Out of 221

respondents, 13 respondents or 26% answered “yes” regarding joining seminars or events in the

community. And the other part of the respondents, approximately 37 respondents or 74% answered that

they are not active participants in barangay seminars or events.

Analysis & Interpretation:

The data that was gathered and shown using the pie chart above, indicates that the majority of the

population that lives in Barangay Apas Sitio Sto. Niño answered that they are not active in joining or

attending seminars and events that are organized by the barangay. And the minority of the respondents

answered that they are active in participating in the events or seminars that are being held in the barangay.

This result shows that the health center is not keeping the community informed of the programs that are

organized for the people in the barangay and also the community itself is involved and concerned with

their health.

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