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Leadership has been defined in terms of; group processes, personality, compliance to a
particular behavior, persuasion, & power, goal achievement, and interaction, role differentiation,
initiation of structure, and combination of two or more of these.

Leadership is the process of influencing others and the process of facilitating individual and
collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.


Power is the ability to use human, informational or material resources to get something done.

1. Position power- Power is inherent in the position of the person in an organization.

Three bases of position power are: Legitimate power, Coercive power, and Reward power.

A. Legitimate power- Legitimate power is authority given to the person occupying a position, it
derives from the authority formally vested in a hierarchical position within the organization, the
exercise of which by the leader is recognized by subordinates as appropriate & proper.

B. Coercive power- Which describes the authority to recommend or impose punishment.

The exercise of coercive power might take the form of criticism, the denial or withdrawal of
optional conditions or rewards of employment (such as bonuses), demotion, or dismissal.

C. Reward power- Which derives from the authority to decide & make the allocation of rewards
to others.

2. Personal Power

•Power lays in the individual manager and the unique personal qualities s/he brings to a
leadership situation. Two bases of personal power are: Expert power and Referent power.

a. Expert power- the power derived from the unique skill or expertise that a leader has in
solving problems and performing important tasks.
b. Referent power- which derives from features of personality or character of the leader,
and which can be used to command the respect, admiration, or compliance of others.

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