2020-2021 IMAS 2nd Round Junior Solution Eng

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Solution Key to the Second Round of 10th IMAS 2020/2021
Junior Division

Questions 1 to 5, 4 marks each

2021 2020 1 1 P
1. If P = − and Q =  , then what is the value of ?
2020 2021 2020 2021 Q
(A)1 (B)2 (C)2020 (D)2021 (E)4041
【Suggested Solution】
20212 − 20202 1
Since P = and Q = ,
2020  2021 2020  2021
therefore = 20212 − 20202 = (2021 − 2020)(2021 + 2020) = 4041 .
So, the answer is(E).
Answer: (E)
2. How many non-negative integers x satisfy 3x + 2  20 ?
(A)6 (B)7 (C)13 (D)19 (E)20
【Suggested Solution 1】
Since x must be a non-negative integer, it can be deduced that 3x + 2  0 , therefore
| 3x + 2| = 3x + 2 . From this, the equation becomes 3x + 2  20 . Simplifying we get
3x  18 , which implies x  6 . Therefore, we know that values of x that satisfies the
condition are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, which is 7 in total. So, the answer is(B).
【Suggested Solution 2】
3 x + 2  20
−20  3 x + 2  20
−22  3x  18
− x6
Since x must be a non-negative integer, it means that x  0 . Therefore, 0  x  6 , so
the possible values of x are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, which is 7 in total.
So, the answer is(B).
Answer: (B)
3. In the figure, ABC is a right triangle such that
ACB = 90 , AC = 6 , CB = 8 and CDEF is a
square. If AF meets DE at point K, then what is the D E
value of ?
3 3 9 3 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
4 5 16 2 15
【Suggested Solution】
From AKD = FKE and ADK = 90 = FEK , we can observe that triangles
ADK and FEK are similar, so = . Since FE = DE , then = . Now,
observe that from EAD = BAC and ADE = 90 = ACB , we can see that
AD AC 6 3 DK 3
triangles ADE and ACB are also similar. So = = = , therefore = .
DE CB 8 4 EK 4
So, the answer is (A).
Answer: (A)
4. Emily bought some number of fruit candies and milk candies for a total of $100,
where each fruit candy costs $3 while each milk candy costs $8. It is known that
the number of fruit candies bought is less than the number of milk candies
bought. How many candies did Emily bought in total?
(A)13 (B)15 (C)20 (D)25 (E)Cannot be determined
【Suggested Solution 1】
Since Emily bought more milk candies than fruit candies, we let one fruit candy and
one milk candy be regarded as one pair, which costs $11. From this, if Emily bought
x pairs of candies and y milk candies only, then we have the equation 11x + 8 y = 100 .
Now, notice that since 100 is a multiple of 4 but not a multiple of 8, it can be deduced
100 1
that x must also be a multiple of 4 but not a multiple of 8. Since x  =9 ,
11 11
therefore the only possible value for x is x = 4 which implies that y = 7 , so Emily
bought a total of 4  2 + 7 = 15 candies. So, the answer is(B).
【Suggested Solution 2】
Suppose Emily bought x number of fruit candies and y number of milk candies,
where y  x , then we have the equation 3x + 8 y = 100 . Now, notice that since 100 is
a multiple of 4 but not a multiple of 8, it can be deduced that that x must also be a
multiple of 4 but not a multiple of 8 and since 100 = 3x + 8 y  3x + 8x = 11x , so
100 1
x = 9 . Therefore, the only possible value for x is x = 4 which implies that
11 11
y = 11 , so Emily bought a total of 4 + 11 = 15 candies. So, the answer is(B).
【Suggested Solution 3】
Suppose Emily bought x number of fruit candies and y number of milk candies,
where y  x , then we have the equation 3x + 8 y = 100 . Now, since
100 1
100 = 3x + 8 y  8 y which implies that y  = 12 . It is also known that
8 2
100 − 8 y 1+ y
x= = 33 − 3 y + ( ) . Since x and y are both non-negative integers, y can
3 3
only take values to be 2, 5, 8 and 11, and we can have the list of pairs (x, y) as shown
y 2 5 8 11
x 28 20 12 4
From the list, we can only take x = 4 and y = 11 as the solution since y  x , so
Emily bought a total of 4 + 11 = 15 candies. So, the answer is(B).
5. Given that x2 = x + 1, which of the following algebraic equations is equal to x8 ?
(A) 4 x + 4 (B) 8x + 5 (C)13x + 8
(D)16 x + 10 (E) 21x + 13
【Suggested Solution】
Since x 4 = ( x 2 )2 = ( x + 1)2 = x 2 + 2 x + 1 = x + 1 + 2 x + 1 = 3x + 2 ,
then x8 = ( x 4 )2 = (3x + 2) 2 = 9 x 2 + 12 x + 4 = 9( x + 1) + 12 x + 4 = 21x + 13 .
So, the answer is(E).
x2 = x + 1 , x3 = x( x + 1) = x 2 + x = 2 x + 1 , x 4 = x(2 x + 1) = 2 x 2 + x = 3x + 2 , …,
x n = F (n) x + F (n − 1) , where F (n) is the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. For
this question, using the formula we have x8 = F (8) x + F (7) = 21x + 13 .

Questions 6 to 13, 5 marks each

6. Define (a, b, c, d ) = ab − cd , where a, b, c and d are positive integers.
(a, 3, 2,1)
Given that = 5 , determine the value of a.
(3, 2,1, a)
【Suggested Solution】
3a − 2
From the conditions, we know that = 5 , so we get 3a − 2 = 5(6 − a) , which
simplifies to 8a = 32 , so the answer is a = 4 .
7. For any real number x, we define [ x ] to be the greatest integer that does not
exceed x and {x} to be the fractional part of x such that {x} = x − [ x] .
If 2[ x] + 3{x} = , then what is the value of x?
【Suggested Solution】
From the conditions, observe that {x}  1 , so 3{x}  3 . Since = 13.8 , we can see
that 10.8  2[ x]  13.8 and since 2[ x] is always an even number, therefore
2[ x] = 12 , 3{x} = 13.8 − 12 = 1.8 , which implies that [ x] = 6 , {x} = 0.6 so x = 6.6 .
xy yz zx
8. If xyz  0 so that x + y = , y+z= and z + x = , then what is the
2 3 4
value of z?
【Suggested Solution】
 xy 1 1 1
x + y = x + y = 2
2 

 yz 1 1 1
y + z =   + =
 3 y z 3
 zx 1 1 1
 z + x =  + =
4 z x 4
2 1 1 1 1
Adding all three equations gives us = + − = , so z = 24 .
z 3 4 2 12
9. Let a, b and c be positive integers such that a  b  c . It is known that b is a
single digit number, c is a single digit prime number and a2 + b2 + c2 = 2021.
What is the value of a + b + c ?
【Suggested Solution】
Since b is a single digit number and c is also a single digit prime number, therefore,
b2 + c2  92 + 72 = 130 , so a2  2021 − 130 = 1891  1849 = 432 . Also, notice that
a2  2021  2025 = 452 , so we know that a = 44 .
At this point, b2 + c2 = 2021 − 442 = 2021 − 1936 = 85 , so c = 2 , 3, 5 or 7.
If c = 2 , then b = 85 − 4 = 81 = 9 ;
If c = 3 , then b = 85 − 9 = 76 which is not an integer, a contradiction.
If c = 5 , then b = 85 − 25 = 60 which is not an integer, a contradiction.
If c = 7 , then b = 85 − 49 = 36 = 6  7 = c , which is a contradiction.
So, a + b + c = 44 + 9 + 2 = 55 .
10. In the diagram, fill each of the “○” with numbers 1
so that the sum of the four vertices of all squares 3
that can be found are equal. If the middle number
is filled as , where m and n are both positive 1 n 2
numbers that are relatively prime. What is the 2 m 3
value of m + n ?
【Suggested Solution】
Let the middle number of the first column be a, the 1
a b
rightmost number of the first column be b, the middle 3
number of the second column be = c , the middle
1 2
number of the third column be d and the rightmost c
number of the third column be e, as shown in the 2 3
diagram on the right.
From the conditions, we can say that 5
1 1 2 1 1 2 d e
+ + a + c = a + b + c + , so + = b + 6
3 2 3 3 2 3
which yields b = .
1 5 2 1 5 2 2
Similarly, + + c + d = c + d + e + , so + = e + which yields e = .
2 6 3 2 6 3 3
Now consider the largest square and the sum of the numbers on its four vertices is
1 5 1 2
+ + + = 2 , therefore, the sum of the numbers on the four vertices on each and
3 6 6 3
every square is 2, so the following system of equations can be obtained:
1 1  7
3 2 + + a + c = 2  a + c =
 
1 5  4
 + + c + d = 2  c + d =
2 6  6
1 2  5
2 3+ + a + d = 2  a + d =
  6
16 8
Adding these three equations gives us 2(a + c + d ) = , so a + c + d = . Therefore,
6 6
8 5 3 1
we can get c = − = = , so n = 1 and m = 2 , therefore m + n = 2 + 1 = 3 .
6 6 6 2
11. In the figure below, ABCD and ADEF are both parallelograms and the areas of
triangles ABF and ACF are 20 cm2 and 50 cm2, respectively. What is the area, in
cm2, of parallelogram ADEF?


【Suggested Solution 1】
Draw a parallel line to AF from B which intersects straight line AD at point N. Also,
draw a parallel line to AF from C which intersects straight line AD at point M.
Connect NF, MF and ME, as shown in the figure below.


Since BN//AF//CM and BC//AD, hence BCMN is a parallelogram and thus
MN = BC = AD = EF . Also, observe that AD//EF, hence EFNM is also a
parallelogram. Let [*] denote the area of polygon * . Then since segment EF is a
common side of parallelograms ADEF and EFNM, we have [ ADEF ] = [ EFNM ] .
Since BN//AF, then [ BAF ] = [ NAF ] ; since CM//AF, then [ ACF ] = [ AMF ] . Thus
[ MNF ] = [ AMF ] − [ NAF ] = [ ACF ] − [ BAF ] = 50 − 20 = 30 cm2.
Hence, [ ADEF ] = [ EFNM ] = 2  [ MNF ] = 60 cm2.
【Suggested Solution 2】
Draw a perpendicular line to AF from C which intersects straight lines DE and AF at
points K and L respectively. Also, draw a line that is perpendicular to AF through B at
point H and connect CE as shown in the figure below.


Since BA = CD and AF = DE ,
BAF = BAD + DAF
= (180 − CDA) + (180 − EDA)
= 360 − (CDA + EDA) = CDE
Therefore, triangles ABF and DCE are congruent, thus BH = CK . Since the areas of
BH 20 2
triangles ABF and ACF are 20 cm2 and 50 cm2, respectively, so = = , which
CL 50 5
implies =1− =1− = .
Since area of triangle ACF is 50 =  AF  CL , then area of parallelogram ADEF is
3 6 1 6
AF  KL = AF   CL =   AF  CL =  50 = 60 cm2.
5 5 2 5
12. Let a, b, c and d be positive integers such that a  b  c  d which satisfy the
following system of equations:
a + b + c + d = 2020
 2
a − b + c − d = 2020
2 2 2

How many ordered quadruples (a, b, c, d) are there that satisfy the conditions?
【Suggested Solution】
Observe that
a 2 − b 2 = (a + b)(a − b)  a + b
c 2 − d 2 = (c + d )(c − d )  c + d
From the two equations, we have a2 − b2 + c2 − d 2 = a + b + c + d , therefore, the
equal signs of the above two inequalities are both established which are a − b = 1
and c − d = 1, or a = b + 1 and c = d + 1 . Then, from a + b + c + d = 2020 , we get
b + d = 1009 , which implies b + c = 1010 . Now, since we know that b  c and
b  506 , which implies d  503 , d can take values from 1, 2, 3, …, 503. So, there
are 503 choices for d. So, in total there are 503 ordered quadruples (a, b, c, d) that
satisfy the conditions.
Answer: 503
13. Let abcd and cdab be two 4-digit numbers such that a, b, c and d are four
different digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. If M is the greatest common
factor of both abcd and cdab , then what is the largest possible value of M?
【Suggested Solution】
Observe that M | (100  ab + cd ) , M | ( ab + 100  cd ) , so M |101(ab + cd ) . But 101
is a prime number, if M has a prime factor of 101, then 101| (100  ab + cd ) , since
101ab − (100  ab + cd ) = ab − cd , which results to 101| ( ab − cd ) , that is ab = cd ,
which is a contradiction since a, b, c and d must be different digits, so M does not
have a prime factor of 101, which is M | (ab + cd ) .
On the other hand, M | (10000  ab + 100  cd ) , M | ( ab + 100  cd ) , so
M | 9999  ab , since M has no factor of 101, therefore M | 99  ab , which is the same
as M | 99  cd .
If M = uv , where u is a factor of 99 and v is the common factor of ab and cd .
If u = 1 , then M  99 ;
If u = 3 , then ab and cd are two different multiples of v, this means v  50 ,
therefore M  150 ;
If u = 9 , then at least one of ab and cd is not less than 5 times of v (because the
sum is 9 times), therefore, v  = 19 , so M  9 19 = 171 . In particular, when ab
and cd are 95 and 76 respectively, M = 171 ;
If u = 11 , then at least one of ab and cd is not less than 6 times of v (because the
sum is 11 times), therefore v  = 16 , so M  1116 = 176 . In particular, when
ab and cd are 96 and 80 respectively, M = 176 ;
If u = 33 or 99, then ab + cd  198 , it will have M  165 .
So in summary, the maximum possible value of M is 176.
Answer: 176

Questions 14 to 15, 20 marks each

(Detailed solutions are needed for these two problems)

14. In the figure below, ABCD is a convex quadrilateral such that M is the midpoint
of CD and AMB = 135 . Prove that AD + BC + CD  AB .

【Suggested Solution】
In the figure below, D is the reflection of D with respect to the line AM, while point
C  is the reflection of C with respect to the line BM and connect AD , DC  , C B ,
MD and MC  .

D C
By symmetry, it can be observed that AD = AD , CB = CB , DMA = DMA and
CMB = CMB , so
DMC  = 180 − DMD − CMC 
= 180 − 2(DMA + CMB)
= 180 − 2(180 − AMB)
= 180 − 2  (180 − 135)
= 90
Now, notice that MD = MD = MC = MC , so triangle C MD is an isosceles right
triangle with DC  as its hypotenuse, therefore DC = 2MD = 2MD = CD ,
which leads us to AB  AD + CD + BC = AD + BC + CD .
【Marking Scheme】
⚫ Draw points C’ and D’ that is symmetrical along the lines AM and BM,
respectively ......................................................................................... 5 points
⚫ Prove that triangle C MD is an isosceles right triangle with DC  as its
hypotenuse .............................................................................................. 10 points
⚫ Prove that AB  AD + BC + CD ..................................................... 5 points
15. There exists a positive integer N such that N + 1 is a multiple of 24. Prove that
the sum of all the positive factors of N is also a multiple of 24.
【Suggested Solution】
From the conditions, since N + 1 is divisible by 3, so N leaves a remainder of 2
when divided by 3. Also, notice that if we divide any perfect square number by 3, the
remainder is either 0 or 1, therefore, we can conclude that N is not a perfect square
number. So, for any positive factor d of N, is also a positive factor of N which is
different from d. Now, if we pair d and , we can divide all positive factors of N
into several pairs. Then, we will just need to prove that the sum of the two numbers
of each pair is a multiple of 24.
From the conditions of the problem, N is not a multiple of 2 and 3, so d is not a
N d2 + N
multiple of 2 and 3. Notice that d + = .
d d
Since d is not a multiple of 2, which implies that d is an odd number, so d 2 when
divided by 8 leaves a remainder of 1, so d 2 + N = (d 2 − 1) + ( N + 1) is a multiple of 8.
Also, since d is not a multiple of 3, which implies that d 2 when divided by 3 leaves
a remainder of 1, so d 2 + N = (d 2 − 1) + ( N + 1) is a multiple of 3.
Therefore, d 2 + N is a multiple of 24, and d is not a multiple of 2 and 3, therefore
N d2 + N
d+ = is a multiple of 24.
d d
Since the sum of each pair of two factors is a multiple of 24, the sum of all positive
factors of N is also a multiple of 24.

【Marking Scheme】
⚫ Prove that N is not a perfect square number ......................................... 5 points
⚫ Prove that the sum of each pair of d and is a multiple of 24 ........ 5 points
⚫ Prove that d 2 + N is a multiple of 8 ...................................................... 5 points
⚫ Prove that d 2 + N is a multiple of 3 .................................................... 5 points

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