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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Published by Techmodern Business

(English Edition, Vol. 2 No. 5, Nov. 1981) Promotion Centz~. Hong Kong



Cheng Chang-jun i|~

(Lanzhou University)
(Received on June 16, 1981)

In this paper, according to the simplified the-
ory of [i], the bending of rectangular plates with
two opposite edges simply supported and other two op-
posite edges being arbitrary under the action of a
concentrated load is treated by means of properties
of two-variable -function and the method of se-
ries[2]. The effect of transverse shearing forces on
the bending of plates is considered. When the thick-
ness h of plates is small, and the term, whose orders
are more than order of h* are neglected, then the
results agree with the solutions corresponding to the
problem of thin plates[3]. At the end, the solutions
of the bending problem of plates with arbitrary linear
distributed load are also obtained.

I. Fundamental Equations and Boundary Conditions

From the simplified theory of (1), fundamental equations of plates under bend-
ing are
DV4w=q-- I0(1--v) V'q (1.1)
W=--DvZw 10(l--v) "q (1.z)
a~ + a'
where V4( )=V'V'( ) , and V =-~ ~ is a harmonic operator; w is the deflec-

tion of the plate; q is the transverse load of the plate; is the stress func-
tion ; Eh'
D = 12(1 --v 2)

is the flexural rigidity of the plate; E is Young's modulus; and v is Poisson's

Once w and ~ are obtained, then we obtain

Qx= 8 ~ 8~
O=' QY= ay-' 0.4)

* Communicated by Yeh Kai-yuan.

530 Cheng Chang-jun
( O'-m O~w \ h~ OQ~, qhh,
hzv-v) [
- / O~w 02w \ . h2 OQy
My =--l..)l-~y 2 +v-~XTx~}+ 5 Oy 10(1--v) ]{ (1.5)

~'1xy~-.(1--v).D ~9~uJ h2 { 8Qx@ OQy~

axau 10 \ - ~ - -~-!
Ow 12(l+v) O~ /
q<-- Ox + 5Eh
Ow 12(1+v).Qy
~ = -- --~y- + 5Eh
where the n o t a t i o n s a c c o r d with those of R e i s s n e r ~ s theory , namely: Qx and

Oy are t r a n s v e r s e shearing fowces Mx,My and Mxy are, respectively, the bend
ing m o m e n t s and the twist moment; ~x and ~y are the rotations of the middle

surface of the plate.

From the s i m p l i f i e d theory of i), there are two b o u n d a r y conditions at each

edge, such as
i) When edge x=a is simply supported, then we have

w[~.~=O, Mxlx.a=O (1.7)

ii) When edge x=a is clamped, then we have

wlx-o=O, ~xt~-~=0 (I.8)

iii) When edge X=a is free, then we have

M'xJx.o=O, (Ox- @O-~)[~=a=O (1.9)

For those edges with y=const, ~he b o u n d a r y conditions are similar.

II. General Solution of Rectangular Plates with Two Opposite Edges

Simply Supported

We assume that edges x~0 and x-----a of the plate are simple and other edges

are a r b i t r a r y and that the given load is applied to any a r b i t r a r y point (~,~) of

the plate.
To satisfy the b o u n d a r y conditions of edges x=0 and x=a , let def]~:r:tlo~

w=wCx,y;~,r;): ~ Y,n(y) sin rmrx (2.1)

m. 1

The t r a n s v e r s e load q may be r e p r e s e n t e d by

q=r ~,,7)=p3(x-~,v-.)

=c3(y-T;)-~- ~.
sia m~r,
sin --7--
Substituting m and q into (!.i), for any a r b i t r a r y m , we have

= ~C,n~)~(U-v) + H(m~)3"(y-,7) (2.3)

Bending of Thick Plates with a Concentrated Load 531


h [ + ] ,i~
(m~) = p ht(2--v) rn.~ l (2.4)
aD 5(l--v) sin a

The fundamental solutions of the h o m o g e n e o u s equation of (2.3) are

Ym(y)=ch m=~, y2~(y)=sh m=y



Hence, the general solution is given by

Y m ( V ) = ~-~ Cim Y " ( V ) (2.6)


where C,m are integral constants. Obviously, the solution Ym(y) satisfies (~3)
and its h o m o g e n e o u s equation at Y~ Since the load is discontinuous, henceY=U
will p a r t i t i o n the plate into two parts. In general, C,m are different on each
part. C o n s e q u e n t l y we may assume that

C,m=Aim+g,= I(v--~) 0=1,2,3,4) (2.7)

in which

j o y<,;
/ 1 y~ (~.8)

is H e a v e s i d e ' s step function. Aim and g~= are new constants. Since

dI = ~ ( y _ ~ ) (2.9)
dCim (i=1,2,3,4) (~.1%"

Now, w i t h o u t loss in g e n e r a l i t y we assume that general solution of the equation

(2.3) is given by

Ym(v) = ~ ' Cim Yim(y) + ~ xi6 ( ' - ' ' (Y--O) (2.11)
~-I I-4
Ym(V) = ~ A,,~ Y,m(V)+ I(v--r;) Y-]g,.Y,m(y)
i-I J-I
+ ~ Xi~ ti'4) ($J--t]) (2.12)

in which N is an integer more than 4. Clearly, the first part of solution (2.12)
is the general solution of the homogeneous equation of (2.3) and the sum o f t h e
last two p a r t s is the particular solution of (2.3). The c o n s t a n t s g,=, xi must be
cbDsen such that (2.3) is satisfied by the general solution and Asm are deter-
m i n e d by the edge conditions. ~(h)(y--~) represents K-th derivative of ~ ( y - - ~ ) with

respect to y
We now calculate each order d e r i v a t i v e of I/m(y) Note that
532 Cheng Chang-.jun

f~ dCi,,
dy Y#"'t"
..ktd)=x._~_Lr)(y--o), (k=0,1,2,3) (2.13)

where x,-,-i are new constants. Then we obtain

(y) .= Cim Y ~ (tl)+ Yq. xi3"-'§

(k=0,1,2,3,4) (2.14)
Substituting this into (2.3) and using the filtration properties of its derivatives
of h-function, we obtain

~../,x,§ (i=0,1,".N) (2.15)


in which fl are the coefficients of the terms on the left side of (2.3) and Ki
are the coefficients of ~<o(y--~) on the right side of (2.3). Namely,

' /,=o, f, f-2
" /,=o. /,=
Ko=~(m~), K , = O , K,=H(m~), K i l O ( i > 2 )
Equations (2.15) are ]V+I linear equations containing N+I unknown variables
xf Since its coefficient determinant is not zero, there exist only solutions xl

xo= ~(m~) + 2 (2.17)

x, fH(m~), xi= 0 (i> 2)
Now, returning to (2.13), using the filtration property and noting (2.10), we
get the set of equations in gl.

Yim(7) x,-,.l, (k=0,1,2,3) (2.18)


The coefficient determinant of (2.18) is Wronskian determinant of Yim(Y) at Y~ ,

which is not zero. Hence only solutions gJ. are obtained by

g,m(~,~)= /, (m~){sh m_=~a m=~a ch m=~a }

--(sh mtrOa ) m-~-~-I(m~)

g,m(~,r/) = mtrach mtr~a H(m~) -- Io(m~) {ch mtr~a

-- mtr~/a sh mtrT/a }

gs,,,(~,~) = l,(m~)ch mtr~


04,,'(~,~) = - - Io(m~) sh m~r~


Bending of Thick Plates with a Concentrated Load 533

Io(m,) = 1 ( - ~ - ) ' { ~ ( m , ) + ( - - ~ ) ' / ~ ' ( m , ) }

--~\-~-! sin~a (2.20)

From (2.17), the general solution Ym(y) of equation (2.3) should be
4 4

Ym(y)=~A,mY~m(y)+ l (y--~)~-~,g,=Y ,,<y) (2.21)


where g~. are given by (2.19).

Consequently the d e f l e c t i o n m of the plate is


The stress function ~ is

~] = - - 2D Y~. {As~Y~m(y)+ A,mY,m(y)


+ (Y--n)(gamY2m(y)+o,mY,m(y))} - ~ - sin a (2.23)

The t r a n s v e r s e shearing forces are

Qx=- 2D ~. {A~mY~m(y)+A,mY,m(y)

+I(y--rD(Ov,,Y2m(y)+o,mY,m(y))} S6os a
Q y = - 2D ~. IA~,,,Y,rn(y) + A,mY~rn(y)

+ I(y--~)(aamY,m(y)+ g,mY~m(y))}(--~-)Ssin mr~xa

The b e n d i n g m o m e n t s and the twist moment are

+ ~ h~ [Av.Y2m(Y) + A, mY~.,(y) + l(y

--r;) (g,mY m(y)+g,mY,m(Y))] ( L ~ )'

+ ~3"
<y--r]). ~ph2v sin m~r~
a } sin msrx


m-l ,-I (2.25)

2h2 r
-"~--LA3mYzm(y)+A~.,Y,,n(V)+ I (y
534 Cheng Chang-jun

--r;) (aamY2m (9) +9,m] a.,tV))] sin m___~x


,m~ ,=(V

~ 2h:
[ A amY ,m(v)+A,mY2m(y)+lfy

, . rtl;[ ,t m~X

The rotations of the middle surface are

~, = - y~ .- C,., Y,.,(v

+~[ 2h z
As.,Y,m(V) + A,mY,m(V)
p m~f


~-| d-|

+~ [ AsmY,m(v)+ A,mY2m(y)
+](V--rl)(g3m} ~m(V.)+g,ml'2m(V sin --

III. Aim Determined by the Edge Conditions

Next, we consider three cases

i) If edges y=0 and y=b are simply supported, we have conditions

Wly.o,~=O. Myly.o,~=o (3.1)

Hence from (2.22) and (2.25), we get linear equations of Aim

~,A,~ Y,~(O)=O

<-'~,A,m Vim(b)=-- ~ o,~Y,m(b)

I~l i= I

5 [AamYzm(O)+A,mY,m(O)]( ~ma~r--)'=0

5 [AsmY~m(b)+A,mY,m(b)]


~-[.qs~Yz.(b)+.q,~Y~m(b)] t ~ - ) '
Bendino of Thick Plates with a Concentrated Load 535

From this we obtain

A,==O }
Azm---- 1
sham {a,- eh a m + o , , sh am--o,.am}
A,m=--[Is.--04. cth am
A4m=O (m=l,2,'")
mub (3.4)

ii) If edges y=0 and ymb are clamped, we have conditions

wly.,,~=0, ~yly.o,o=O (3.~)
Hence from (2.22) and (2.26), we get linear equations of A~m

~-~. AimY~m(O)=O

~-: Ai,.Y i,,,(b ) = - 5-]. O,..Yon(b)

I-1 i-1

5(1-- ) \ /

A,.r,. + + A,.,r...(b>

=-- g'" Yim(b) 5(1--1') [ O " Y ' m ( b ) + g a " Y ' ' ( b ) ] --


From this we obtain


A~m = -- B A , =
1 {gL.(am+BCham.sham)+.q~.Bsh'am+g3.a2m }
Asm -- A~
1 { __O:,.B sbZ~,r,+ g~=(g,.--B ch am sh am)
A,,,,= ~,
+.qs- B ( a m - - B ch am sh am) + O*- ( a z --Bz sh~ am)}

B----I+ 5(1--v) ( - - (3.8)

A, =B =sh =am--a~n (3.9)
iii) If edges y=0 and y=b are free, we have conditions

My~y.0,b=0, ( Qy-- aM~-~xx)I y.0,b =0 (3.10)

From (2.24) and (2.25), we get linear equations of Aim

mJ~" 1 u


536 Cheng Chang-jun

=- z (3.1])
+-~-[9s. Y.m(b)+g,.Y,m(b)]( t~7-)*

: AimY (b)-- A~ml':~(b)+A,mYm(b)

..... ~, a,. glm(b)+ ~~[3 [g,.,Y,m(b)+g.,.Y,.,(b)] ( ~ )


B = I - - 5-i-~-/ <3.12)
From this we o b t a i n
1 -- 3:

_~] : ~+,' .
A,,,,- A2 I g'" - - ' "

+ o,o ( =c~s+,,~
c~_~).~ ,h*~.-~)+ ~,./, ~-Tc_;
2 ~,~.,, cha,~
eC )} (3.13)
] __ p am
{ :~+r ( ?,+v s h a m . c h a m
) I --v '+' chain.sham+am )
:3+, B_.__2~



1";1~ )2
C = 1 + ~ ~ -7 (3.14)

A~= a~- i\ l--V

3+v )~sh~a m (3.15)

IV. The R e c t a n g u l a r Plates with Linear Distributed Load

Assume that any arbitrary linear distributed load

p=p(x) (4.l)
is a p p l i e d at y=~ Hence the transverse load q is r e p r e s e n t e d by
q=q(x,y;~)=d(y--~)p(x) (4.2)
Bending of Thick Plates with a Concentrated Load 537
Let us still assume that edges x=0 and x=a are simply supported. To s a t i s f y
the boundary conditions of the edges, let
w=w(x,y,r~) = ~ /re(y) sin mJr___~x (4.3)
~-t a

Assume that q can be e x p a n d e d

q=,%( !/--q) ~....~ P,,, sin
in w h i c h

pm = 2~ - I ~ p ( x ) sin m~rX dx
o U (4.5)
Substituting tv and q into (i.i), for any arbitrary m , we have equation


h_ P. [ , . h'(2-v)

ht(2-v) t4.7)
"~ = - 1 ~ p-
Consequently in the o b t a i n e d expressions, h(m~) and ~(m[), are replaced by

h0 a n d H 0 respectively, and then all formulae are still held. But in this case

is a b s e n t in t h e s e formulae. Therefore we o b t a i n the solution of b e n d i n g pro-

blem of t h e p l a t e s under the action of linear distributed load.

Finally we should point out that following the solution of the p l a t e s u n d e r the

action of a c o n c e n t r a t e d load or linear distributed load, the solution of the p l a t e

subjected to an a r b i t r a r y transverse distributed load can be e a s i l y obtained.


i. M i a o Tian-de and Cheng Chang-jun, On the Reissner theory of bending of an elas-

tic plate, AppI. Math. & Mech., 1(2), (1980), 231-246.
Fe=s~aHa. 14. M. H LHHao., F. E., 06o6~e,sue ~y,guuu u l~e@cmsua ,aS Hu,u. 4)~axaTrHa (1958).

3. Timoshenko, S., and Woinowsky-Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, MeGraw-

Hill, New York (1959).

4. FaasHepss. M.. ~sebeuuw 9 Teopum 06o6~e,sux ~ys~,u~. Moczea (1954).

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