DOs and DONTs For White Topping

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DOs and DONTs for Whitetopping

No. 1 Analysis and Design DOs Get enough data on the condition of existing pavement by visual inspection and also by conducting field and laboratory trials to determine the parameters required for design (like CBR value and Modulus of subgrade reaction). Proper traffic data and its projection to cover the life time of the pavement is essential for design PQC shall be designed as per the provisions of IS: 10262-2009. Low water-cement ratio, use of mineral and chemical admixtures and fibres (if required) will ensure concrete of good strength and performance. Laboratory trials shall be conducted to arrive at mix proportioning. When bonding is considered in the design, it is essential to mill the top 2 of existing bituminous layer DONTs Do not assume data without conducting the required tests. To arrive at an optimum mix design, it is necessary to calculate the expected flexural stresses on the pavement.

Concrete Mix Design

Do not assume mix proportioning of concrete without conducting trials. Mixes used in other sites (with different aggregates) shall not be used without conducting trials.

Surface Preparation for Whitetopping Milling

4 5

Thickness of existing bituminous pavement Profile correction

Laying of Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC)

Paving machines

Surface finishing

Surface Texturing

Do not use equipments which cause vertical impact while milling. Milling shall be done uniformly using a milling machine, without disturbing the layers below. Ensure that atleast 4 to 5 of bituminous Do not go for whitetopping on thin layer layer in the existing pavement of bitumen As the purpose of profile correction is to Do not ignore the importance of profile fill the existing potholes, overcome ruts correction and provision of camber. and wide cracks in addition to ensuring a Improper camber will cause faster level surface with camber for resting the deterioration of the pavement new pavement, it shall be done with a thin bituminous leveling course or with dry lean concrete (DLC) Concrete shall be made either in a RMC Do not allow site mixing of concrete by plant or by using a Batch mixer at site volume batching. using weigh batching to ensure consistent quality Use either fixed form pavers or slip form Do not prefer manual placing and pavers which have facility for both compaction of concrete, as uniform vibration and compaction of concrete strength can not be obtained Though paving machines may almost Do not leave a rough surface, as it will provide smooth surface, use of `bull affect pavement quality. float is necessary to ensure uniform smoothness, before carrying out surface texturing. Use a metal wire brush to ensure Do not use irregular scrubs for creating

smooth and uniform texturing on concrete surface. 10 Plastic shrinkage cracks These cracks are common on exposed concrete surfaces like pavements. They are basically caused due to evaporation of water from surface concrete and also due to lack of early curing. To overcome this problem, it is desirable to spray curing compounds on the surface of fresh concrete. These curing compounds shall be uniformly sprayed, so that they form a thin layer over concrete surface and prevent evaporation of surface water. Alternatively, plastic sheets can be used to cover the fresh concrete surface. Curing shall start within about 9 10 hours of concreting. Grove cutting shall be done as per the design (preferable spacing is 1 to 1.5 m). Grove cutting shall be carried out within 8 9 hours of concreting, so that concrete does not gain significant strength. Depth of grove must be onethird the depth of pavement As PQC of M 40 grade (or more) is used for pavements, the desired slump is around 50 60 mm. Slump test at site will confirm this requirement apart from ensuring that no bleeding or segregation occurs. Tests include Compressive strength of concrete cubes, flexural strength of beams to check whether the desired strengths (as per design) are achieved To check the residual strength of concrete, it is desirable to take core samples at regular intervals (3 months, 6 months or one year). Flexural strength can be computed from these results Joints shall be filled with flexible material to ensure contraction and expansion of concrete. Bitumen or polysulfides will satisfy the requirement

surface texture. They would affect riding quality apart from hastening deterioration of pavement surface. Do not allow surface water to evaporate from concrete surface. Ensure that curing is not delayed beyond 12 hours of concreting.


Grove cutting


Tests on fresh concrete

Do not delay grove cutting beyond 10 hours as concrete starts gaining strength. Normal PQC of M 45 grade concrete is likely to acquire strength of around 12 15 MPa in one day resulting in difficulty in cutting groves apart from inducing random cracks. Do not use high water-cement ratio for PQC. Use of chemical admixtures to reduce water-cement ratio is recommended as per mix design.


Tests on hardened concrete

Do not ignore the importance of checking for compressive and flexural strengths.


Tests on extracted samples of concrete

Do not ignore good practices in testing, as maintenance depends on the results of the test results


Filling the joints

Do not fill the joints with rigid materials as they are likely to cause stresses in concrete

3. Milling of existing bituminous surface

3. Milled surface

4. Ensure atleast 4 5 of bitumen layer in the existing pavement

7. Use paving machines for uniform compaction

8. Bull float for smooth finishing

9. Uniform surface texturing with wire brush

9. Use curing compounds or plastic sheets to ensure non-evaporation of surface water

10. Optimum time for grove cutting

13. Test on Flexural strength of concrete beam

15. Filling of joints with flexible material

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