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Changing Earth Exploring Geology and

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The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Chapter 8:
Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

Chapter Outline,
8.1 Introduction
GEO-FOCUS 8.1: Asbestos: Good or Bad?
8.2 The Agents of Metamorphism
8.3 The Three Types of Metamorphism
8.4 How Are Metamorphic Rocks Classified?
8.5 Metamorphic Zones and Facies
8.6 Plate Tectonics and Metamorphism
8.7 Metamorphism and Natural Resources
Key Concepts Review

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this material, the student should understand the following.

• Metamorphic rocks result from the transformation of other rocks by various processes
occurring beneath Earth’s surface.
• Heat, pressure, and fluid activity are the three agents of metamorphism.
• Contact, dynamic, and regional metamorphism are the three types of metamorphism.
• Metamorphic rocks are typically divided into two groups, foliated and nonfoliated,
primarily on the basis of texture.
• Metamorphic rocks with a foliated texture include slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss,
amphibolite, and migmatite.
• Metamorphic rocks with a nonfoliated texture include marble, quartzite, greenstone,
hornfels, and anthracite.
• Metamorphic rocks can be grouped into metamorphic zones based on the presence of
index materials that form under specific temperature and pressure conditions.
• The successive appearance of particular metamorphic minerals indicates increasing or
decreasing metamorphic intensity.

Chapter Summary
• Metamorphic rocks result from the transformation of other rocks, usually beneath Earth's
surface, as a consequence of one, or a combination, of three agents: heat, pressure, and
fluid activity.
• Heat for metamorphism comes from intrusive magmas, extrusive lava flows, or deep
burial. Pressure is either lithostatic (uniformly applied stress) or differential (stress
unequally applied from different directions). Fluids trapped in sedimentary rocks or
emanating from intruding magmas can enhance chemical changes and the formation of
new minerals.
Chapter 7: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

• The three major types of metamorphism are contact, dynamic, and regional.
• Contact metamorphism results when a magma or lava alters the surrounding country
• Dynamic metamorphism is associated with fault zones where rocks are subjected to high
differential pressure.
• Most metamorphic rocks result from regional metamorphism, which occurs over a large
area and is usually caused by tremendous temperatures, pressures, and deformation
within the deeper portions of the crust.
• Metamorphic grade generally characterizes the degree to which a rock has undergone
metamorphic change.
• Index minerals—minerals that form only within specific temperature and pressure
ranges—allow geologists to recognize low-, intermediate-, and high-grade
• Metamorphic rocks are primarily classified according to their texture. In a foliated
texture, platy and elongate minerals have a preferred orientation. A nonfoliated texture
does not exhibit any discernable preferred orientation of the mineral grains.
• Foliated metamorphic rocks can be arranged in order of increasing grain size, perfection
of their foliation, or both. Slate is fine grained, followed by (in increasingly larger grain
size) phyllite and schist; gneiss displays segregated bands of minerals. Amphibolite is
another fairly common foliated metamorphic rock. Migmatities have both igneous and
high-grade metamorphic characteristics.
• Marble, quartzite, greenstone, hornfels, and anthracite are common nonfoliated
metamorphic rocks.
• Metamorphic zones are based on index minerals and are areas of rock that all have
similar grades of metamorphism; that is, they have all experienced the same intensity of
• A metamorphic facies is a group of metamorphic rocks whose minerals all formed under
a particular range of temperatures and pressures. Each facies is named after its most
characteristic rock or mineral.
• Metamorphism occurs along all three types of plate boundaries but is most common at
convergent plate margins.
• Many metamorphic rocks and minerals, such as marble, slate, graphite, talc, and asbestos,
are valuable natural resources. In addition, many ore deposits are the result of
metamorphism and include copper, tin, tungsten, lead, iron, and zinc.

Enrichment Topics
Topic 1. The Oldest Rocks. Considering the amount of time that has past since Earth first
formed rocks it’s no surprise that the oldest rocks are metamorphic. It’s probably also not
surprising that these rocks would be metamorphosed volcanic rocks since the early Earth was
very hot and volcanically active. The rocks are an ancient greenstone belt. What is surprising
is how old these rocks are. The Nuvvagittuq Belt on the coast of Hudson Bay in Northern
Quebec is 4.28 billion years old. Since Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago and was very, very
hot, that seems pretty old. http://www.livescience.com/2896-oldest-rocks-earth.html
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Topic 2. Shock Metamorphism. One of the great mass extinctions came at the end of the
last Ice Age when a sudden cold snap reversed the warming trend that had been taking place.
The cold lasted for 1,300 years and coincided with the extinction of large animals such as
mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed cats and others. The possibility that a comet airburst or
meteorite impact caused the cold snap was explored by scientists who looked for
nanodiamonds to indicate that an impact had taken place. Nanodiamonds are the result of
shock metamorphism that occurs from an impact; they found none. Other lines of evidence
for an impact have also been rejected and so other causes of the cold snap must be found.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/ 2010/08/100830152530.htm

Topic 3. Useful Garnets. Garnets are useful as gemstones and for industrial purposes, but
they are also useful for geologists. Garnets are important minerals for geothermaobarometry,
the measure of the previous temperature and pressure history of a metamorphic rock, since
temperature-time histories are preserved in the compositional zonations that are typical of
their growth pattern. A garnet with no zonation was likely homogenized by diffusion, which
tells geologists something of the time-temperature history of the host rock. Garnets are also
useful for determining the metamorphic facies of a rock. Rocks that had basalt composition
often contain eclogite garnet. Pyrope is formed at high pressures, which means that a pyrope-
containing peridotite formed at great depth, possibly as deep as 100 km. Silica-rich garnets
are formed at even greater depths; if they are found as inclusions within diamonds they likely
originated at 300 to 400 km depth in the crust.

Common Misconceptions
Misconception 1. Marble is forever. Marble is a good stone to use for permanent
monuments, tombstones, sculpture, and other art objects because it will last for such a long
Fact: Marble is made of the mineral calcite, CaCo3, and is not all that stable. Calcite has a
low hardness (#3 on the hardness scale), and so can be scratched or abraded by anything
harder. This, of course, is why marble has long been a favorite with sculptors, who can use
tools made of harder stones or metals. In addition, calcite is easily cleavable, and it reacts to
acid. This last property means that it is susceptible to solution by even mildly acid solutions,
such as acid rain. Even normal rainwater, which is slightly acidic, will weather marble over

Misconception 2. A preexisting rock can melt all the way and still become a metamorphic
rock. Once a rock is completely molten, it is a magma. When it cools it becomes an igneous
rock. Migmatite is the rock at that borderline place where some has melted all the way but
some has not so it is still considered a metamorphic rock.

Lecture Suggestions
1. When describing metamorphic rocks, it is important to stress that: a) foliation results
from the preferred orientation of minerals; b) schist appears to be layered because its
principle minerals (biotite and muscovite) are oriented with their flat cleavage surfaces
parallel to one another; and c) the banded foliation of gneiss can be distinguished from
other foliation types and from stratification by its coarse crystals and the differences in
mineral composition from one layer to another.
Chapter 7: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

2. Point out that foliation in a metamorphic rock does not have any necessary relationship to
any preexisting layering, such as stratification, which may have been present in the parent
rock. You could use a thick stack of cards (perhaps 5”x7” size) on the sides of which you
rule a series of parallel lines to represent stratification. Be sure the “stratification” is at a
distinct angle to the layered edges of the cards, which will represent “foliation.”

3. Note that metamorphic rocks can form from any parent rock type, even another
metamorphic rock. Make frequent reference to the parent rock type(s) from which a given
metamorphic rock formed. Make clear that although parent rock type is easily identified
in some metamorphic rocks such as quartzite and marble, the parent rock types of others
often cannot be identified without a whole-rock chemical analysis of the rock’s
composition (e.g., gneiss can form from impure sandstones or from granitic igneous

4. Review the rock cycle, focusing on metamorphism and metamorphic rocks, and
emphasize the link of metamorphism to plate tectonics.

5. Note that nonfoliated rock types also exhibit recrystallization, which usually results in
increased crystal size, but often without changes in mineral or chemical composition.

6. Stress that although heat is involved in the metamorphism of rocks, the heat never, by
definition, is great enough to melt all or even a significant portion of the parent rock.

7. Note that new minerals can form in metamorphic rocks without introduction of new or
additional elements, because the rock is transformed as a new equilibrium adjustment to
increased pressure and temperature is reached. When hot fluids are involved, however,
these may introduce new or additional elements and remove others. Thus, in some
metamorphic rocks, new minerals are formed by additions and losses of various elements.

8. When discussing the causes and tectonic contexts of metamorphism, stress that low-
temperature, high-pressure metamorphism is usually associated with disruptions of the
crust such as folds and faults which result from compressional forces.

Consider This
1. Why can a glacier be considered a metamorphic rock?

2. How reasonable is it to assume that any metamorphic rock must be older than the igneous
or sedimentary rock found in the same region?

3. Are diamonds the product of the metamorphism of anthracite coal?

4. What type(s) of metamorphism are likely to occur along continental-continental

convergent plate boundaries?
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Important Terms
contact (thermal) metamorphism
differential pressure
dynamic metamorphism
fluid activity
foliated texture
index mineral
lithostatic pressure
metamorphic facies
metamorphic grade
metamorphic rock
metamorphic zone
nonfoliated texture
regional metamorphism

Internet Sites, Videos, and Demonstration Aids

Internet Sites
1. Volcano World: Metamorphic Rocks
Basics of the rock cycle and metamorphic rocks and how they form.

2. Metamorphic Rocks http://csmres.jmu.edu/geollab/Fichter/MetaRx/

More basics of metamorphic rocks and how they form. Other rock types also. From
James Madison University.

1. Earth Revealed. Annenberg Media http://www.learner.org/resources/series78.html
(1992, 30 mins., free video):
• #18: Metamorphic Rocks. How metamorphic rocks form and the relationship of
these rocks to plate tectonics processes.

2. Metamorphic Rocks. Insight Media, DVD (1999, 15 mins.)

The causes of metamorphism and the types of rocks produced by metamorphic processes.

3. Rock Cycle. Insight Media, DVD (2003, 30 mins.)

How minerals form rocks and how rocks alter from one type to another.

Slides and Demonstration Aids

1. Educational Images, Ltd. slide sets, http://www.educationalimages.com/cg120001.htm
a. Rock Specimens and Crystals. Educational Images, Ltd.

2. Science Stuff, http://www.sciencestuff.com/,

• Metamorphic Rock Collection
• Ores of Common Metals Collection
Chapter 7: Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks

Answers to Figure-Related Critical Thinking Questions

❯❯ Critical Thinking Question Figure 8.2
If the Acasta Gneiss (a metamorphic rock) is one of the oldest known rocks on Earth, why does
Earth have to be older than 4 billion years?

Age dating of the Acasta Gneiss dates back to the development of the highest grade of
Metamorphism. This rock reached that grade ~4 Ga. The process of Progressive Metamorphism
(Regional) takes a considerable period of time – often 100’s of millions of years. The process
must also consider the “parent” rocks. The “parent” process most likely started with granite in
the earliest of the Greenstone belts (Hadean?) with a weathering process to form some of the
earliest sediments in fore arch basins, preparing to be crushed up against the oldest of North
America’s cratons. Wow! Older than ~4 Ga? You bet!

❯❯ Critical Thinking Question Figure 8.7

What criteria would you use to determine that what you see is indeed spheroidal weathering and
not weathered pillow lavas?

Joint patterns and crystal textures will be different. Joints should not be present between pillows
(welded together during initial cooling). Pillows also show a crystal size zoning: very fine grain
exterior and coarse interiors.

❯❯ Critical Thinking Question Figure 8.9

Why aren’t quartz or calcite index minerals that can be used to determine the metamorphic grade
of a rock?
Quartz may be found in metamorphic rocks, but is not necessarily the result of the
process of metamorphism. Quartz formed during the crystallization of igneous rocks. It is
stable at high temperatures and pressures and may remain chemically unchanged during
the metamorphic process. The calcite found in limestone has no value as an index mineral
because it never changes.

❯❯ Critical Thinking Question Figure 8.12

How do you distinguish between bedding and cleavage in a metamorphic rock?

This can be particularly interesting with the compressed, folded metasediments in the UP of
Michigan like the Siamo Slate. You can see the uniform layers, in some places even vertical, cris-
crossed in some places by slaty cleavage oriented east-west relative to north-south compression.
As metamorphic grade increases the vestiges of sedimentary layering become obscure.

❯❯ Critical Thinking Question Figure 8.19

Go to a point that is represented by 200°C and 2 kbar of pressure. What metamorphic facies is
represented by those conditions? If the pressure is raised to 12 kbar, what facies is represented
by the new conditions? What change in depth of burial is required to effect the pressure change
from 2 to 12 kbar?

I would turn this chart bottom to top to suggest pressure increase with depth.

At 200º C and 2 kilobars, your sample is in approximately the Zeolite facies.

The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 7e Instructor’s Manual

Pressure increase to 12 kilobars puts the sample in the Blue Schist facies; equal to an increase in
burial depth of about 30 km; conditions common at subduction zones.

Suggested Answer to Selected Short Answer Question

(Answers to question 8 and question 9 provided in the appendix to the text)

7. Why is it important for people to know something about metamorphism, metamorphic rocks,
and how they form?

Suggested Answer: Not only do metamorphic rocks provide a tectonic history of a landscape,
they also provide humans with valuable resources:

• Marble, used for statuary and ornamental building stone

• Slate, used for roofing, flooring, billiard/pool tables, and blackboards
• Graphite, used in pencils and lubricants
• Garnet and Corundum, used as gemstones and abrasives
• Asbestos, formerly used as a heat insulator
• Kyanite, Andalusite, and Sillimanite (aluminum silicates), used as raw materials in the
ceramics industry
• Iron and tin oxides deposits (hematite, magnetite, and cassiterite)
• Precious metal deposits (gold)
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smaller ring, so that they will not come into contact when the hands
cross each other. An offset in the arm A, and a piece of mica
insulation, are provided where the larger ring crosses the bar A. On
the surface of each ring, between it and its respective hand, is glued
a piece of white paper, cut to conform with the ring, but ¹⁄₁₆ in. larger,
so as to extend over the outer edge of the brass rings. The rings of
paper are saturated in a solution of potassium chloride and permitted
to dry, before being placed on the brass rings.
A high-tension current, passing through the coil D, enters the arm
A, passes to the small hand, to the large hand, and out at the
terminal on arm B. Black dots will appear on the prepared paper at
the position of the hands, when the contact is made.
The primary wires E and F may be attached to a doorbell or to a
contact on the door, indicating on the prepared paper the length of
time the door was held open, as well as the time at which it was
opened. The arms A and B must be well insulated from one another.
For greater accuracy in recording time, to within ¹⁄₂ minute, prepared
paper dials, with hour and minute marks, coming into contact with
the hands at small projections punched in the hands from their upper
surfaces, should be used. An ordinary secondary coil from an
automobile may be used, and if the clock has a wooden case, the
arms may be fastened directly to it.
Practical Memorandum for Odd Jobs
Not infrequently home or shop mechanics find that trifling odd jobs
are neglected repeatedly, simply because they are not of sufficient
consequence to warrant getting out the tools or materials necessary
for the work. A convenient method of insuring that these small jobs
are not overlooked is to make a memorandum of them and place it
with the tools required for the work. For instance, if a small job of
soldering is to be done, a memorandum placed with the soldering
outfit will not easily be overlooked, and the work may be done while
the coppers are hot for use in a larger job. Likewise with small
painting jobs. Sometimes only a brushful of paint is needed and one
does not care to mix a small quantity of paint nor clean the brush
afterward. A memorandum of the job makes this unnecessary.—
John Hoeck, Alameda, California.
A Homemade Vulcanizer
Tire tubes may be vulcanized satisfactorily in the home garage, or
even on the road, with the simple device shown in the sketch. It is
made as follows: Obtain a piece of sheet iron, ¹⁄₄ in. thick, 3 in. wide,
and 5 in. long. Drill a ¹⁄₄-in. hole at the middle of each end. Fit a strip
of similar stock, 1 in. wide and 5 in. long, to the first piece with bolts,
as shown. Procure a tin cover without embossing on the top, such as
is used on baking-powder cans. Cut several disks to fit in the cover,
from heavy cardboard; soak them thoroughly in a saturated solution
of saltpeter, and dry them. Wrap each disk in oiled paper, and keep
them in a water-tight container.
This Homemade Vulcanizer Utilizes the Heat from a Slowly Burning Disk of

To use the vulcanizer, clean the area around the hole in the tube
with sandpaper, and cut a piece of rubber of the proper size to fit
over it. Slip one of the prepared cardboard disks into the tin cover,
and clamp the cover and tire with patch into the iron frame, as
shown. Touch a lighted match to the cardboard disk, which will burn
rapidly, but without flame, supplying sufficient heat to vulcanize the
tube.—Thomas W. Benson, Hastings on Hudson, N. Y.
Rudder for a Toboggan

This Rudder for a Toboggan Insures Positive Control, and Prevents Wear on
the Shoes and Clothes of the Rider

Learning to steer a toboggan by means of the foot dragged behind

it is an interesting feature of the sport, but this method is dangerous
at times and results in much wear on shoes and clothes. The device
shown in the illustration makes this method of steering unnecessary
and gives the rider accurate control over the sled. It consists of a
strip of ¹⁄₄ by 1-in. iron curved to form a rudder at one end and
twisted at the middle to provide a flat piece for pivoting it on the rear
cleat of the sled, as shown in the working drawing below. A handle is
fastened to the front end of the strip with bolts. The rudder should
not be curved too deeply or it will cut through the snow and be
damaged, or ruin the track.—H. B. Mclntyre, Waterville, Me.
A Window Refrigerator

A Box Fitted on the Outside of the Window to Slide in Grooves Provides a

Convenient and Inexpensive Refrigerator for Winter Use

A simple method of constructing a window refrigerator that will not

obstruct the light is shown in the illustration. A box was made the
width of the window and was fitted to slides fastened outside the
window on the side of the house. The exposed sides of the box were
inclosed completely and the inner side was provided with two sliding
doors. A handle was fitted to the side of the box so that, by reaching
out of the window, the box could be drawn in front of the opening
easily. Several shelves were fitted into it and the materials stored
were not easily molested. Trunk casters attached to the bottom of
the box improved the action on the lower rail.—Hubert Kann,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Toy Paper Glider Carefully Designed
A paper glider is an interesting and useful toy that can be made
quickly; it may be used out of doors, but occasions when weather
conditions make it necessary to remain indoors are especially good
for this form of pastime. The glider shown in the sketch was worked
out after considerable testing. With a toss it travels 20 to 30 ft., on a
level keel, with a message slipped behind a pin, as shown in the
upper sketch. The inventive boy may devise many play uses for the
glider in tournaments, competitions, and for “military” flights, in which
the “drivers” of the devices may “annihilate armies.” Practical use of
the toy was made in a series of air-current tests.
The Glider will Travel 30 Feet, Carrying a Message, if Carefully Made

The glider is made as follows: Fold a piece of paper, 10 by 15 in.,

lengthwise, and mark the outline shown at the left upon it. The
dimensions should be followed carefully. Measure first from the end
A to the point B, and then draw the slanting line to D, at an angle of
45°. Mark the width to E, and measure the other distances from A
and at the middle, to determine the curve of the edge. Mark the
dotted lines extending from D, which are guides for the folding of the
paper to form the glider, as shown in the lower sketch. Curl the
points under the side so that the line FD comes to the position DG,
and pin them to the corners H, as shown in the lower sketch. The
glider is tossed by holding it between the thumb and forefinger at the
middle of the fold underneath it.—S. R. Edwards, Seattle, Wash.
Cleaning a Clock with Kerosene Fumes
A simple way of cleaning a clock is as follows: Remove the
pendulum and procure a ball of cotton wool, about half the size of a
fist. Saturate this with kerosene, and place it in a saucer, or a tin lid,
in the case under the works of the clock. Close the case and leave
the cotton for several days. It will then be found that the fumes from
the kerosene have brought down the dust from the works; in fact, the
cotton will be covered with black specks. It only remains to oil the
bearings of the works, and the clock will be quite in order.—S.
Leonard Bastin, Bournemouth, England.
A Reversible Photographic
Developing Tank

of the chief difficulties in developing plates in a nonreversible
tank is that irregular development takes place,
because the developer tends to settle more or less, depending on
the time necessary for complete development. The construction of a
reversible tank is a simple matter, and the cost is slight. The tank
described is 3¹⁄₄ by 4¹⁄₄, in. in size, but the dimensions can be varied
for other sizes of plates. The tank is a box having grooves in
opposite ends for the plates. By placing the latter back to back, 12
can be developed at a time. Sheet rubber is fitted between the cover
and the body of the tank, and the cover, upon being screwed down,
makes a water-tight compartment of the box. The asphaltum paint
used is not affected by the developer, and preserves the wood.
Fixing and developing may both be done in the one tank, but it is
preferable to use the tank for developing only.
Assembly Views, Showing the General Construction and Detail of the Cover

The two sides are plain pieces, ¹⁄₂ by 4 by 4¹⁄₂ in. in size. The end
pieces have ¹⁄₈ by ¹⁄₈-in. grooves, ¹⁄₄ in. apart and extending the
length of the piece, which is ¹⁄₂ by 2¹⁄₂ by 4¹⁄₂ in. long. The grooves
can be made either on a power saw, or by chiseling them out by
hand. The bottom piece is ¹⁄₂ by 3¹⁄₂ by 5¹⁄₂ in. in size, with two ³⁄₈-in.
holes bored to receive the bolts. The two bolt supports are ¹⁄₂ by ³⁄₄
by 1 in., and are also bored ³⁄₈ in. to receive the bolts, and are nailed
to the end pieces. The cover is ¹⁄₂ by 3¹⁄₂ by 5¹⁄₂ in. long, with a slot
in each end for the bolts, which are ³⁄₈ by 6-in. carriage bolts.
The Finished Tank, and Details of the Bottom, Ends, and Bolt Supports

The parts are assembled with screws, and the tank is given two
coats of asphaltum paint. Care should be taken, before assembling
the parts, to insure that the plates fit the grooves.
Turned Cane with Snakes Inlaid
The making of a cane is a favorite job for the home craftsman,
especially the veteran who finds himself in need of such a support
and has the leisure to make it. A novelty in constructions of this kind
is a turned cane built up of dark and light-colored woods with snakes
inlaid. That shown in the illustration was made of black walnut and
birch, with a walnut knob. It is made as follows: Glue up a piece of
walnut and a piece of birch, ⁷⁄₈ by 1³⁄₄ by 3 ft. long, as shown at A.
Mark out the snake on the birch surface, and cut it out very carefully
on the band saw, or with a fine hand turning saw. The snake portion
will drop out and is then separated into a walnut and a birch strip,
making two similar snakes. Bore holes for the eyes and plug them
with the opposite kind of wood. Replace the snakes in opposite
positions, the one of birch in the walnut side, and the walnut one in
the birch side. Glue them carefully into place, removing a small
portion of the wood at the ends of the sawed pieces to make a close
This Novel Cane can be Turned in a Lathe or Planed from the Square Stock,
and Arouses Curiosity as to its Construction

The stock then appears as at B, and is ready for turning in the

lathe. If desired, circles may be laid out on the ends of the stock, and
the piece planed down to the rounded and tapered form of a cane.
This is a more tedious job, but if carefully done with sharp tools will
give good results.
Turn down the shaft to the desired thickness, as shown at C, the
upper end being about 1 in. and the lower end ¹⁄₂ in. in diameter.
Turn a knob of walnut as suggested, and after sandpapering the
work carefully, finish it with shellac. Tip the bottom of the cane with a
suitable ferrule.—E. K. Wehry, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
An Inexpensive Dry-Plate Kit

This Dry-Plate Kit is Made of Cardboard and Serves the Purpose Admirably if
Carefully Fitted

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