Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Annalysis

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Clinical Aspects of Running Gait

Analysis 15
Amanda Gallow and Bryan Heiderscheit

A variety of specific factors have been associ-

Introduction ated with an increased risk for a running-related
injury including previous running injury, age,
An increased desire for a healthy lifestyle and gender, mileage per week, BMI, and shoe age [2,
awareness of the multiple health benefits associ- 3, 5, 6]. However, injuries can generally occur
ated with running has resulted in a sustained popu- secondary to four main factors: musculoskeletal
larity for the activity in the United States and other impairment [7], extrinsic causes such as running
countries. From 2002 to 2015, the number of indi- surface or shoes [8], training error [9], and faulty
viduals finishing running events increased 300 % running mechanics [10, 11]. Traditionally, man-
to nearly 20,000,000 race finishers each year [1]. agement of running injuries has emphasized fac-
The annual rate of running-related injuries ranges tors that are easily assessed by taking a thorough
from 24 to 65 %, with the most commonly injured history or performing a complete physical exami-
joint being the knee [2, 3]. Among runners train- nation. However, as measurement technology has
ing for a marathon, the injury rate has been improved, our ability to capture running mechan-
reported as high as 90 % [3]. Novice runners, ics as part of a routine clinical exam has increased,
defined as individuals with little to no running as well as our ability to integrate this information
experience, comprise a growing portion of runners into our clinical decision-making process.
and may be at greatest risk. For example, novice In this chapter, we will describe a standard-
runners (17.8 injuries per 1000 h of running) are ized approach to assess running mechanics
more than twice as likely than recreational runners using high-speed video analysis. While recog-
(7.7 injuries per 1000 h) to sustain a lower extrem- nizing that many options exist regarding equip-
ity musculoskeletal injury [4]. ment and procedure, it is our intent to provide
the reader with a framework of the essential
elements needed to conduct a video assessment
A. Gallow
of a runner as it relates to injury recovery and
Sports Rehabilitation Clinic, UW Health
at The American Center, 4602 Eastpark Blvd, prevention.
Madison, WI 53718, USA
B. Heiderscheit (*)
Departments of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and Getting Started
Biomedical Engineering, UW Runners’ Clinic,
Badger Athletic Performance Research, University of
Clinical video analysis of running enables the
Wisconsin-Madison, 1300 University Ave., Madison,
WI 53706, USA clinician to characterize the patient’s running
e-mail: biomechanics, estimate the resulting joint and

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 201

T.L. Miller (ed.), Endurance Sports Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32982-6_15
202 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

muscle loads, and identify aspects that may be analysis can have questionable reliability.
associated with injury risk. However, this infor- Utilizing a consistent and systematic approach to
mation is of limited value in isolation and there- the video analysis and developing experience in
fore should always be combined with a thorough conducting video analysis will increase examiner
history and physical examination. In doing so, reliability [14]. Second, to accurately identify
the relationship between individual physical specific events of the gait cycle (e.g., initial con-
impairments and altered running mechanics is tact, mid stance), a camera with sufficient frame
better understood, especially as it relates to the rate is necessary. Most commonly available video
individual’s injury. The information gathered can cameras record at 30 or 60 frames per second
then be utilized to develop the patient’s plan of (fps). Although adequate for walking, these
care and route of treatment. frame rates are insufficient for faster motions
Computerized three-dimensional (3-D) such as running where 100–120 fps is needed to
motion capture is considered the gold standard more accurately capture the motions of the lower
for movement analysis, providing the most accu- extremity, especially those which occur during
rate and comprehensive means to assess running foot-ground contact. Finally, placement of the
mechanics. However, most clinics lack the neces- tripod-mounted video camera needs to be per-
sary equipment or personnel for this approach, pendicular to the plane of interest. This is con-
thereby limiting its use in general practice. As cerning for frontal plane measures, where
such, more feasible alternatives have been sought; out-of-plane motion can be substantial relative to
likely the most commonly used approach is that occurring within plane [15]. Unless a ceiling-
observational video analysis. mounted camera is available, motions occurring
In its simplest form, observational video analy- in the transverse plane are least accurate as they
sis typically involves the use of a video camera to are inferred from the frontal and sagittal plane
record the runner’s mechanics during either tread- views.
mill or overground running. Two-dimensional The presence of these limitations should not
(2-D) views from the frontal and sagittal planes prevent one from utilizing observational video
are typically obtained; multiple cameras may be analysis. Instead, knowledge of the limitations
used to provide a synchronized recording across should enable one to avoid potential errors, such
planes of interest. The recordings are then played as trying to quantify rather subtle motions or
back directly to a monitor or through video analy- interpreting minor changes (<5°) as real. While a
sis software and reviewed with regard to norma- variety of video analysis software is available and
tive biomechanical values and to the amount of makes such measures seemingly possible, the
side-to-side asymmetry. software cannot overcome the inherent limita-
Comparisons between 2-D and 3-D analyses tions of a 2-D video capture.
of running mechanics have been limited to fron-
tal plane motions of the rearfoot [12] and hip
[13], with both demonstrating comparable values Patient Setup and Video Capture
when a strict measurement procedure is followed.
It is important for the clinician to remember that The choice between analyzing running mechan-
there are distinct limitations with a 2-D analysis ics on a treadmill and overground is often deter-
that will prevent the measurement accuracy and mined based on practicality and feasibility. For
precision possible with a 3-D approach. As a example, treadmill analysis requires much less
result, the interpretation of the 2-D video must be physical space than overground and can often-
made with this in mind. times be the determining factor. Performing an
To maximize measurement accuracy and reli- overground analysis offers greater ecological
ability of a clinical video analysis, several factors validity; that is, most runners run most of their
must be considered. First, observational video miles overground and not on a treadmill, making
15 Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Analysis 203

overground running the more natural setting. Analysis of the Recorded Video
This is an important consideration, as the analy-
sis needs to capture the runner’s typical running Understanding the running gait cycle is impera-
mechanics to determine if they may be contribut- tive for proper clinical gait analysis and commu-
ing to injury. However, overground running pres- nication with runners. The running gait cycle can
ents with its own set of challenges that can be broken down into loading response (initial
increase measurement error including monitor- contact to mid stance), push-off, and swing
ing and maintenance of a constant running speed, (Table 15.1). The factor that distinguishes run-
perspective and parallax errors as the runner ning from walking is the period of double float
moves in and out of the field of view, and ability when both feet are off the ground. Important tem-
to record a limited number of gait cycles to repre- poral spatial gait parameters that assist with clini-
sent the runner’s typical mechanics. While the cal gait analysis are listed in Table 15.2.
use of a treadmill can address all of these issues, While preparing the patient and capturing the
additional factors need to be considered such as video can quickly become a simple, routine aspect
the runner being comfortable on a treadmill, suf- of performing a clinical running gait analysis,
ficient stiffness of the treadmill deck to mimic learning to break down the video and identify spe-
overground running, and adequate motor power cific mechanics associated with injury is generally
to ensure a constant speed of the treadmill belt. more complicated. The specific approach to
Although it is often assumed that biomechanics reviewing and interpreting the video can widely
are dramatically different when running on a vary; however, several basic parameters are worth
treadmill compared to overground, if the prior list noting to characterize the running mechanics.
of factors is addressed, the differences are gener- These will assist in determining biomechanical
ally minor [16]. faults and imbalances that may be contributing to
The patient should wear contrasting colors the runner’s dysfunction and provide insights into
with the shirt tucked into the level of the poste- the ground reaction force and joint loading. Please
rior superior iliac spines (PSIS) to improve the note that all values provided are estimates and
identification of pelvic alignment. If the patient reflect running at preferred, comfortable speed.
is comfortable running without a shirt, then he or
she should be encouraged to do so as it further
improves the visual assessment of trunk and pel- Sagittal Plane
vis motion. Because runners are generally more
comfortable running overground, treadmill Sagittal plane body postures have been found to
familiarization is important and may involve estimate ground reaction forces and joint kinetics
walking for a couple of minutes prior to running. [18]. This is important to understand when work-
The treadmill should be set to a 0° incline (level), ing with runners because a common risk factor for
unless uphill or downhill running is of particular running-related injuries is increased joint loads and
interest. It is recommended that the patient be ground reaction forces [19]. It’s helpful to develop
allowed to run for at least 5 min at a self-selected a systematic top-down or bottom-up approach to
speed before video recording begins to allow for analyze the sagittal plane with particular attention
the running form to normalize [17]. The patient’s paid to initial contact and mid stance.
choice of running speed should reflect the condi-
tions in which the symptoms are provoked and
may include easy, moderate, or racing speeds. Initial Contact
Depending on the chosen speed, only 10–15 s of
recording from each movement plane is typi- Initial contact, the instant at which the foot first
cally needed to obtain well over 20 strides for makes contact with the running surface, can be
each limb. clearly identified in the sagittal plane allowing
204 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

Table 15.1 Events within the running cycle

Initial contact Instant at which the foot first makes
contact with the ground and is best
identified in the sagittal plane

Mid stance Instant when the body’s center of mass

Frontal plane Sagittal plane (COM) is directly over the foot and at its
lowest vertical position of the gait cycle.
This can be identified both in the frontal
and sagittal planes

15 Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Analysis 205

Table 15.1 (continued)

Mid-float Midpoint between toe off of one foot and
initial contact of the other, corresponding
to the instant when the body’s COM is at
the highest vertical position

Table 15.2 Temporal spatial gait parameters and the sole of the runner’s shoe and allows for
Definition the determination of foot-strike pattern
Stride Time between successive initial (Fig. 15.1). A heel-strike pattern occurs when the
duration (s) contacts of the same foot runner lands on the posterior aspect of their heel
Step Time between initial contact of one and is evident by a more steep foot inclination
duration (s) foot to initial contact of the other foot
angle. A rearfoot-strike pattern involves the run-
Stride Distance from initial contact of one
length (m) foot to the same foot
ner landing more on the anterior aspect of the
Step Distance from initial contact of one heel, generally with a foot inclination angle of
length (m) foot to initial contact of the other foot 10° or less. A mid foot strike is characterized by
Speed (m/s) Distance traveled per unit of time. Can both the rearfoot and forefoot making contact
be calculated as stride length divided nearly simultaneously, with a foot inclination
by stride time angle near 0°. A forefoot-strike pattern occurs
Cadence Number of steps within a minute of
when a runner makes initial contact on the fore-
(steps/min) running
foot resulting in a negative foot inclination angle.
As foot inclination angle increases, so does peak
for the assessment of the lower extremity posture. vertical ground reaction force, braking impulse,
This posture at initial contact is associated with knee extensor moment, and negative work per-
the resulting ground reaction forces and loads to formed by the knee extensors, all of which have
the lower extremity joints and muscles [18]. The been associated with various running-related
following kinematic parameters are of particular injuries [18]. A large proportion of runners are
importance: foot inclination angle, foot to center unable to accurately determine their foot-strike
of mass (COM) horizontal distance, leg inclina- pattern by simply asking them [20], requiring the
tion angle, and knee flexion angle. clinician to directly assess this in clinic.

Foot Inclination Angle The foot inclination Horizontal Distance from Foot to COM The
angle is the angle between the running surface horizontal distance from a runner’s foot placement
206 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

Fig. 15.2 Horizontal distance from the foot to body’s

Fig. 15.1 Foot inclination angle is the angle between the
center of mass (COM) is measured at initial contact from
running surface and the sole of the runner’s shoe and
the point of foot-ground contact to the body’s line of grav-
allows for the determination of foot-strike pattern
ity, estimated as the center of the pelvis

at initial contact to the whole body’s COM (esti-

mated at S2) will influence the resulting ground
reaction forces (Fig. 15.2). Specifically, a greater
distance between the foot’s point of contact and
the COM increases the braking impulse and
resulting knee extensor moment during the load-
ing response [18].

Leg Inclination Angle The leg inclination

angle is the angle of the midline of the leg in
relationship to true vertical (Fig. 15.3). This
angle can play a role in the amount of loading
that occurs to the tibia during running. Increased
instantaneous and average vertical loading rates
and tibial peak accelerations were found in run-
ners with a history of tibial stress fracture [11].
The leg inclination angle is altered with a
reduction in stride length to a more vertical
position. Specifically, a reduction in tibial con-
tact force while running was observed when
stride length was reduced by 10 %, which may
have implications for preventing tibial stress Fig. 15.3 Leg inclination angle is the angle between the
injuries [21]. midline of the leg and true vertical
15 Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Analysis 207

Fig. 15.4 Knee flexion angle at initial contact is mea- Fig. 15.5 Peak knee flexion angle at mid stance is defined
sured between the midline of the thigh and the midline of by the midline of the thigh and the midline of the leg
the leg

when the body’s COM is directly over the foot):

Knee Flexion Angle Knee flexion angle at ini- peak knee flexion angle and peak ankle dorsiflex-
tial contact is measured as the angle between the ion angle.
midline of the thigh and the midline of the leg
(Fig. 15.4). A more extended knee is commonly Peak Knee Flexion Angle Peak knee flexion
observed in individuals who overstride and have angle is defined in the same manner as knee flex-
an aggressive heel-strike pattern. Knee flexion ion at initial contact, i.e., the angle between the
angles near 20° are generally recommended. midline of the thigh and the midline of the leg
The combination of these measures deter- (Fig. 15.5). This angle is highly predictive of peak
mines whether an individual is overstriding. For patellofemoral joint force, such that peak force
example, a lower extremity posture at initial con- increases as knee flexion angle increases [18, 23].
tact comprised of decreased knee flexion angle, Peak knee flexion angles near 45° are generally
increased leg inclination angle, increased recommended, although like all joint kinematic
horizontal distance from heel to COM, and values, this will vary with running speed.
increased foot inclination angle is reflective of an
overstriding pattern and is associated with Peak Ankle Dorsiflexion Angle Ankle dorsi-
increased ground reaction forces and loading to flexion is defined by the midline of the leg rela-
the hip and knee joints [22]. tive to vertical (Fig. 15.6), with peak values
typically occurring shortly after mid stance.
Assessing peak ankle dorsiflexion during stance
Mid Stance may provide insights into calf muscle load and
Achilles tendon strain. For example, greater peak
Two joint alignment measures are of particular ankle dorsiflexion requires the calf muscle-
importance and occur near mid stance (the instant tendon units to undergo greater stretch, possibly
208 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

requiring the muscle fibers to operate at longer

lengths. These muscle-tendon kinematics have been
associated with increased risk of injury [24].

Additional Sagittal Measures

COM Vertical Excursion Vertical displace-

ment of the runner’s COM during the gait cycle
can impact both performance and joint loading.
This important measure is determined by esti-
mating the linear displacement of the COM from
its highest point (mid flight) to its lowest (mid
stance) (Fig. 15.7). If the COM undergoes a large
excursion, an increase in several kinetic variables
will occur including peak vertical ground reac-
tion force, braking impulse and peak knee exten-
sor moment [18]. Greater COM vertical excursion
is also associated with an increase in oxygen con-
sumption and reduced running economy [25, 26].
While a specific optimum value for COM excur-
Fig. 15.6 Peak ankle dorsiflexion angle at mid stance sion has not been defined, 6–10 cm is a generally
is defined by the midline of the foot and the midline of
acceptable range with the higher values more
the leg
typical for novice runners.

Fig. 15.7 Center of mass (COM) vertical excursion is determined by estimating the linear displacement of the COM
from its highest point at (a) mid flight to its lowest at (b) mid stance
15 Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Analysis 209

Hip Extension and Pelvic Tilt Hip extension

and pelvic tilt are assessed during the push-off
phase of the running cycle, although the amount of
pelvic tilt may also be evaluated during mid stance.
Hip extension is the angle between the midline of
the thigh and midline of the pelvis, while pelvic tilt
is defined by the midline of the pelvis relative to
vertical. Although there is limited research regard-
ing lumbopelvic positioning in the sagittal plane in
runners, it’s an important feature to assess espe-
cially in those with low back or hip pain and in the
postpartum running population. Throughout the
running cycle, the pelvis demonstrates an average
anterior tilt position of 15–20° [27]. Anterior pel-
vic tilt and hip extension ROM are coordinated
motions, as runners who display decreased hip
extension ROM during push-off often show an
increase in anterior pelvic tilt [28]. Excessive
anterior pelvic tilt can be associated with high
hamstring tendinopathy, as well as low back pain
secondary to the associated increase in lumbar lor-
dosis. As running speed increases, runners appear
to achieve the necessary stride length by compen- Fig. 15.8 Trunk side bend is defined as the midline of the
trunk relative to vertical
sating at the pelvis and lumbar spine rather than
simply through hip extension [29].
reaction forces have peaked. The corresponding
Forward Trunk Lean Trunk lean is the angle position of the lower extremity provides insights
between the midline of the trunk and the vertical. into the neuromuscular systems’ ability to effec-
A small degree (5–10°) of forward trunk lean tively control joint and limb position.
may place the lower spine in a more neutral posi-
tion and facilitate placing one’s foot closer under Trunk Side Bend Trunk side bend, defined as
the COM at initial contact. midline of the trunk relative to the vertical, can
demonstrate motion in either the ipsilateral or
contralateral directions (Fig. 15.8). The total
Frontal Plane amplitude of motion is approximately 10° with
5° in each direction [27]. Increased ipsilateral
The frontal plane captures the runner best in the trunk lean is found in runners with both patello-
mid stance position of the gait cycle. Mid stance femoral pain and iliotibial band syndrome [30,
in the frontal plane allows for analysis of trunk 31], often times associated with increased motion
side bending, lateral pelvic drop, hip adduction of the pelvis in the frontal plane. Whether this is
angle, knee center position, foot COM position, secondary to hip abductor weakness, spinal
and rearfoot and forefoot positions. deformity, low back pain, poor neuromuscular
control, or other compensatory factors would
need to be determined through further testing.
Mid Stance
Lateral Pelvic Drop Lateral pelvic drop is
Mid stance is of key interest for assessing frontal defined by a line connecting the iliac crests rela-
plane measures as it reflects the end of loading tive to the horizontal (Fig. 15.9). During the first
response and the time in which the vertical ground half of stance phase, the iliac crest on the stance
210 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

Fig. 15.9 Lateral pelvic drop is assessed with a line con- Fig. 15.10 Knee center position is measured as the
necting both iliac crests relative to horizontal position of the knee joint center relative to a line connect-
ing the hip and ankle joint centers
limb is slightly elevated relative to the contralat-
eral iliac crest, with this position commonly gravity) (Fig. 15.11). This distance is dependent
referred to as contralateral pelvic drop, i.e., the on running speed, such that as speed increases
pelvis is laterally tilted toward the contralateral toward sprinting, the foot approximates and even
(swing) side. Contralateral pelvic drop reaches a crosses over the line. However, at common recre-
maximum position of 5–7° near mid stance, with ational running speeds (slower than 8:00 min/
females at the higher end of the range. mile), the foot will typically remain lateral to the
line. A crossover position at slower running speeds
Knee Center Position The knee joint center may increase the risk for iliotibial band syndrome
position is identified relative to a line connecting and medial tibial injuries [33–35].
the hip and ankle joint centers (Fig. 15.10). The
knee joint center should be located on this line, Rearfoot and Forefoot Position Rearfoot posi-
indicative of the three major lower extremity tion is defined by the midline of the heel relative
joints to be in alignment with each other. If the to the midline of the lower leg (Fig. 15.12).
knee center is located medial to the line, it would Forefoot position is actually a transverse plane
indicate the presence of a dynamic valgus, with a alignment that can be assessed from the frontal
lateral location being a dynamic varus. Dynamic angle and involves determining how much of the
valgus has been associated with knee joint injuries forefoot is visibly lateral to the rearfoot
including patellofemoral pain [32]. (Fig. 15.13). In combination, these measures are
useful in characterizing the amount of foot pro-
Mediolateral Distance from Foot to COM This nation that is occurring during running, which
distance is determined from the heel relative to the may influence recommendations regarding shoes
vertical line originated at the body’s COM (line of and shoe inserts.
15 Clinical Aspects of Running Gait Analysis 211

Fig. 15.13 Forefoot position involves determining how

much of the forefoot is visibly lateral to the rearfoot
Fig. 15.11 Mediolateral distance from the foot to center
of mass (COM) is determined from the position of the
heel relative to the body’s line of gravity, estimated as the Other Variables
center of the pelvis
Arm swing and trunk rotation should be also
assessed, especially as when a runner complains
of abdominal pain or breathing difficulties.
Transient abdominal pain during running occa-
sionally occurs for most runners, while some
experience it on a fairly consistent basis. At times
this abdominal pain can be debilitating to the run-
ner. Although this is an area of limited research,
trunk rotation and side bending with correspond-
ing rib approximation could be a component of
the problem. In a case study of two female run-
ners with recurrent transient abdominal pain,
decreasing this side bending motion while run-
ning, in addition to various other trunk and
breathing exercises, resulted in resolution of their
symptoms [36]. Arm swing while running helps
maintain balance and posture while counterbal-
ancing the effects of reciprocal leg swing, help-
ing to reduce the metabolic cost of running [37].
Further, when arm swing is eliminated, the trunk
appears to compensate with increased rotation,
Fig. 15.12 Rearfoot angle is defined as the midline of the which may affect breathing and abdominal
heel relative to the midline of the leg discomfort as described previously.
212 A. Gallow and B. Heiderscheit

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