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Jour nal o f P la n t Pro t e ct io n R e s e a rc h ISSN 1427-4345


Semiochemicals for controlling insect pests

Nesreen M. Abd El-Ghany*
Department of Pests and Plant Protection, Agricultural and Biological Division, National Research Centre, Egypt

Vol. 59, No. 1: 1–11, 2019 Abstract

Semiochemicals are defined as informative molecules mainly used in plant-insect or insect-
DOI: 10.24425/jppr.2019.126036 insect interactions as alternative or complementary components to insecticide approaches
in different integrated pest management strategies. They are used to manipulate insect be-
Received: October 3, 2018
haviour by affecting the survival and/or reproduction of insect pests for controlling their
Accepted: February 4, 2019
infestations on crops. The present review provides a basic summary of the utilization of
*Corresponding address: semiochemicals for controlling insect pests. Two main topics were explored in this study.
nesreennrc@gmail.com The first topic focuses on a description of semiochemicals and their types (pheromones and
allelochemicals). Pheromones represent an intraspecific communication amidst members
of the same species. Allelochemicals, produced by individuals of one species, modify the
behavior of individuals of a different species (i.e. an interspecific effect). Allelochemicals
include different informative molecules such as: allomones, kairomones, synomones, an-
timones and apneumones. The second topic focuses on the application of semiochemicals
in IPM programs. Different semiochemicals are included in integrated pest management
programs in various ways such as monitoring, mass trapping, attract-and-kill, push-pull,
and disruption strategies. Pheromones are promising and can be used singly or in integra-
tion with other control strategies for monitoring and controlling insect pests in agricultural
systems. For example, sex pheromones have been applied in mass trapping, disruption and
attract-and-kill tactics in IPM programs.
Keywords: attract-and-kill, mass trapping, monitoring, push-pull strategy, semiochemicals

Semiochemicals are substances or mixtures of sub- to the emitter, to the recipient or both (Wilson 1971).
stances released from one organism that evokes either Intraspecific communication passes between individuals
a behavioral or physiological response between mem- of the same species, whilst, interspecific communication
bers of the same or different species. Semiochemicals involves interaction between members of different spe-
affect the behavior of insect pests mainly by: insect- cies. Furthermore, semiochemicals are classified into sev-
insect or plant-insect interactions. Host-plant volatiles eral functional categories based on the type of signal they
provide one or more of four essential resources for the communicate and the relation between the receiver and
insect: feeding sites, mating sites, egg-laying sites, and/or the emitter in the communication channel (Vilela and
refugia (Prokopy et al. 1984; Witzgall et al. 2010). They are Della Lucia 2001).
considered to be valuable ecologically-friendly strategies
for both monitoring and direct control of different insect
1. Overview of semiochemicals
pests. Chemical communication which occurs between
different organisms is divided into two main categories: The classification of the semio­chemicals has been de-
intraspecific and interspecific, depending on how the in- scribed as follows:
teractions occur. Chemical communication is defined as:
the emission of a stimulus by one individual which induc- 1.1. Pheromones: chemical species-specific signals
es a reaction in another one, the reaction being beneficial which enable communication between life-forms of
2 Journal of Plant Protection Research 59 (1), 2019

the same species i.e. intraspecific communication. glands in the head of honey bees to the poison
Pheromones trigger a reaction in the recipient that sac in the abdomen of fire ants. The queen ben-
causes changes in its behavior (Cork 2004). In 1932, efits from the attention of the workers, and the
the term “ectohormone” was proposed to describe the workers may also use the pheromone signal to
chemicals involved in intraspecific interactions (Beth gain information about the queen. For exam-
1932), but the term was replaced by the word pherom- ple, the release of the contents of a poison sac
one (Gk. phereum, to carry, and horman, to excite or is directly linked to queen egg laying, allowing
to stimulate) (Karlson and Butenandt 1959; Karlson workers to assess the fecundity of their queen
and Luscher 1959). Subsequently, pheromones have based on the amount of pheromone released
been classified into eight types: into the colony. The honey bee queen pherom-
one is produced by the mandibular gland and
1.1.1. Aggregation pheromones: attract individuals of
has turned out to be a very complex mixture of
both sexes at food sites and reproductive habi-
compounds. These compounds by themselves
tats. For example, the hemiterpene 3-methylbut-
are only slightly active but when taken together
3-en-1-ol has been shown to be the aggregation
act as synergists, reproducing the activity from
pheromone for two beetle pests: Polygraphus
the mandibular gland itself. It is a unique feature
rufipennis Kirby (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
of pheromones that most of the compounds are
and Lasconotus intricatus Kraus (Coleoptera:
found in tens of micrograms. Even though large
Zopheridae) (Bowers et al. 1991).
quantities of pheromones are produced, the
1.1.2. Alarm pheromones: alert members of the synergistic effects of the components complicate
same species to the presence of a menace. It the isolation of the active compounds. No queen
is considered to be the second most common pheromones have yet to be isolated and identi-
pheromone produced by insects, after sex phe- fied from termite species. Only one compound,
romones. Some examples are: sesquiterpene δ-n-hexadecalactone, has been isolated as
(E)-β-farnesene (EBF), germacrene A, and α-pi­ a queen pheromone from a wasp species. It was
nene which were shown to be the main compo- isolated from head extracts and affects worker
nents of the alarm pheromone of several impor- behavior (Meer and Preston 2008).
tant aphid species (Vandermoten et al. 2012). 1.1.5. Sex pheromones: mediate interaction between
1.1.3. Oviposition-deterrent pheromones: discour- sexes of the same species and are mainly pro-
age females from laying eggs in the same re- duced by females to attract males. The first
source of another female. Several fruit flies e.g. characterization of a sex pheromone was re-
Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh (Diptera: Tephriti- ported in the silk moth Bombyx mori L. (Lepi-
dae) mark the surface of fruit after oviposi- doptera: Bombycidae) (Butenandt et al. 1959).
tion to prevent egg laying by other female flies Gossyplure HF (Albany International) was the
(Prokopy et al. 1982). Interestingly, females of first registered pheromone product granted by
the parasitic wasp, Diachasma alloeum (Muese- the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in
beck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) which attack February 1978. It was used for the suppression of
the maggots of two species of fruit-parasitic pink bollworm (Weatherston and Minks 1995).
flies in the genus Rhagoletis lay a single egg in The structure of the majority of known insect
a fly maggot and subsequently deposit a deter- pheromones consists of: unbranched aliphatics
rent across the fruit surface by their ovipositor of nine to eighteen carbons, more than three
to prevent other females from ovipositing into double bonds, and end with an acetate, alco-
the marked blueberry, hawthorn, or apple fruit hol or aldehyde functional group. An example
(Stelinski et al. 2007). of such a functional group of pheromones is
the straight-chained lepidopteran pheromones
1.1.4. Home recognition pheromones: there are com- (SCLPs) (Brossut 1997).
mon in social insect colonies. Bee queens pro-
duce a scent-mark to enable workers to recog- 1.1.6. Trail pheromones: guide social insects to distant
nize her colony. Queen recognition pheromones food sources. Trail pheromones can have both
or more simply “queen pheromones” are exo- recruitment and orientation effects. Recently,
crine gland products released by the queen that 6-n-pentyl-2-pyrone was shown to be the main
usually attract workers to her, eliciting care and trail pheromone for the myrmicine ant, Pristo-
protection. It has been well documented that myrmex pungens Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formi-
most queens of social insects have the ability to cidae) (McPheron et al. 1997).
attract workers. Various glands serve as sources 1.1.7. Recruitment pheromones: induce nestmates to
of the queen pheromone, from the mandibular leave the nest and migrate to a work site or vice
Nesreen M. Abd El-Ghany: Semiochemicals for controlling insect pests 3

versa. Recruitment pheromones are discharged bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scoly-
from exocrine glands, which are anatomical tinae) (Poland and Borden 1997). Kairomones
structures often specialized for synthesis and may be allomones or pheromones depending
secretion (Meer and Preston 2008). For exam- on the circumstances. For example, American
ple, terrestrial ants have wide glandular sources bolas spiders attract their prey (male moths) by
of recruitment pheromones (Dufour’s gland, the releasing attractant allomones which serve as
pygidial glands, poison glands, sternal glands, sex pheromones emitted by female moths. Also,
hindgut and rectal glands). Pheromones from exudates of warm-blooded animals that pull
these sources can be readily seen deposited on blood-sucking insects towards their hosts serve
a solid substrate. An important model to illus- as kairomones.
trate the recruitment mechanism is the red fire 1.2.3. Synomones: beneficial to both the releaser and
ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: receiver. Examples include scents used by flow-
Formicidae). The process begins when a forag- ers to attract pollinating insects. Moreover, her-
ing scout worker discovers a food source too bivore-induced plant volatiles are considered to
large for it to carry back to the colony. The re- be active synomones which recruit natural en-
cruitment mechanism includes several sub-cat- emies of insect pests towards the affected plant
egories: (i) initial trail laying by the scout ant, (Turlings et al. 1990). Also, synomones play an
(ii) attraction of additional workers to the scout essential role in mate-finding communication.
ant, (iii) induction of the workers to follow the This role relies on the reduction of competition
trail and (iv) trail orientation. in the olfaction communication channel be-
1.1.8. Royal pheromones: recently identified from tween closely related species with overlapping
subterranean royal termites as a wax-like hydro- pheromone components. This advisable action
carbon composed of only C and H atoms called is important in preventing exhaustion from the
“heneicosane”. This pheromone enables work- time and energy required for orientation to-
ers to recognize patronage (kings and queens), wards heterospecifics (Evenden et al. 1999).
thereby maintaining the strain reproductive di- 1.2.4. Antimones: maladaptive for both the releaser
vision (Funaro et al. 2018). and receiver. These substances produced or ac-
quired by an organism that, when encountered
1.2. Allelochemicals: substances which transmit by another individual of a different species in
chemical messages between different species, known as the natural environment, activate in the receiv-
interspecific communication. Fundamentally, these are ing individual a repellent response to the emit-
substances which are primarily emitted by individuals ting and receiving individuals.
of one species and are understood by individuals of
a different species. They have been divided into five cat- 1.2.5. Apneumones (from Greek word “a-pneum” =
egories: allomones, kairomones, synomones, anti­mo­ = breathless or lifeless): emitted by a non-living
nes and apneumones (Vilela and Della Lucia 2001). source, causing a favorable behavioral or physi-
ological reaction to a receiving organism, but
1.2.1. Allomones (from Greek “allos + hormone” = ex­
harmful to other species that may be found ei-
cite others): released from one organism that ther in or on the non-living material. Apneu-
stimulate a response in an individual of another mones were suggested by Nordlund and Lewis
species. The response is beneficial to the emitter, (1976). Rare cases of these allelochemicals have
e.g. poisonous allelochemicals. They can also been found later in the literature e.g. hexanal
be seen as a deterrent emitted by insects against and 2-methyl-2-butanol released from rabbit
their predators as a defense mechanism. Gran- stools attracts sandfly females for oviposition
ular trichomes which cover plant leaves and (Dougherty et al. 1995).
stems release herbivore-deterring allomones
under stress conditions as a defense process.
These allomones are toxic for the herbivorous 2. Semiochemicals as insect-plant interaction
insect pests, e.g. nicotine from tobacco plant. Phytochemical investigation of plant materials leads to
1.2.2. Kairomones (from Greek word “kairos” = op- the isolation and identification of different active com-
portunistic or exploitative): emitted by one or- pounds and explores several activities towards other
ganism that stimulate a response in an individu- organism (Hassan et al. 2008; Salib et al. 2014; Hassan
al of another species. The response is beneficial et al. 2015; Hassan et al. 2016). The wide range of these
to the recipient, e.g. orientation of predaceous compounds affects different insect pests in different
checkered beetles (Coleoptera: Cleridae) to- ways. Herbivorous insects may use these volatiles for
wards the aggregation pheromone of their prey; determination of food, mates, and/or oviposition and
4 Journal of Plant Protection Research 59 (1), 2019

hibernation sites by stimulation of insect chemorecep- catch more insects than lower levels. By releas-
tor cells in taste sensilla present on antennas, tarsi and ing large quantities, the chemicals may become
mouth parts (Miller and Strickler 1984). The response repellent in the immediate vicinity of the trap.
of insects to plant volatiles differs, and is either attrac- For example, the red flour beetle, Tribolium cas-
tive (adapted herbivore), or repellent (non-adapted taneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae),
herbivore). Classification of plant volatiles as attract- responds in different ways to pheromone lure
ants and repellents is not standardized due to fluctua- formulations in the laboratory; high release
tion of insect behavior responses to such volatiles de- rates of pheromones were neither attractive
pending on their concentration. nor repellent to beetles, whereas old traps were
Some insects develop host plant compounds and more suitable for use (Hussain et al. 1994; Phil-
use them as sex pheromone precursors or sex phe- lips 1994). Thus, optimization of releasing rates
romones (Reddy and Guerrero 2004). For example, could improve performance and efficacy of phe-
male orchid bees assemble terpenoid mixtures from romone traps.
orchids and transfer them as an aggregation pherom-
2.2.2. Trap design
one to stimulate leakage in mating (Dressler 1982).
Furthermore, moths, butterflies, grasshoppers, beetles, Most trapping tactics aim at improving the effi-
and aphids utilize pyrrolizidine alkaloids as feeding ciency of a specific trap rather than information
deterrents against their parasites and/or predators about host-plant volatiles or insect pherom-
(Nishida 2002). ones. There are many factors in trap designing
that affect catching efficacy including: shape,
2.1. Allelochemical classes and their corresponding size, height, alignment at right angles to the
behavioural or physiological effect on insects wind, position and timing of the trap. The most
Principal classes of allelochemicals and their cor- commonly used traps for catching insects in the
responding behavioural or physiological effects on field are sticky, water and inverted cone traps.
insects according to Kogan (1982) are illustrated in Sticky traps have been widely developed to kill
Table (1). insects and are used either in mass trapping or
in attract-kill tactics. Water traps are unique
2.2. Factors affect insect response because they retain insect specimens in good
to semiochemicals condition. These insects are then suitable for
monitoring tactics to detect the entomofauna
2.2.1. Semiochemical release rate in a particular area or to estimate fluctuation of
Designing an efficient trap is mainly based on a target insect pest (Abd El-Ghany et al. 2016).
the best way of releasing attractive chemicals. Moreover, a combination of chemical and visual
The releasing rates in control strategies are stimuli in trap design is considered to be suc-
considered to be critical for trapping. High re- cessful when it affects responses of insects to the
lease levels of semiochemicals do not actually same lures (Singer 1986).

Table 1. Principal classes of chemical plant factors (allelochemicals) and the corresponding behavioural or physiological effects on

Allelochemical factors Behavioural or physiological effects

1. Allomones give adaptive to the producing organism
1.1. Antixenotics disrupt host selection behaviour
A. Repellents • orient insect away from plants
B. Locomotory excitants • start or speed up movement
C. Suppressants • inhibit biting or piercing
D. Deterrents • prevent maintenance of feeding or oviposition
1.2. Antibiotics disrupt normal growth and development of larvae;
reduce longevity, and fecundity of adults
2. Kairomones give adaptive to the producing organism
A. Attractants • orient insects toward host plant
B. Arrestants • slowdown or step movement
C. Feeding or oviposition excitants • elicit biting, piercing or oviposition;
promote continuation of feeding
Nesreen M. Abd El-Ghany: Semiochemicals for controlling insect pests 5

3. Devices used for application of 4.1. Control strategies using semiochemicals

semiochemicals for controlling insect pests Various control strategies of insects used in IPM
programs are based on semiochemicals and include:
Emission of plums (blend) of semiochemical substanc-
monitoring, mass trapping, lure and kill (attract-an-
es is key to optimizing their effect towards the target
nihilate), mating disruption, and push-pull strategy
insect pest. Controlled-release systems (dispensers)
(stimulo-deterrent diversion). Pheromones are ap-
are fundamental to achieving release rates that mimic
plied for controlling insect pests in two different ways:
the natural release. Two main types of devices were re-
indirect control and direct control. Indirect control
corded for the application of different semiochemical
includes monitoring for quarantine and spray timing
products, retrievable and passive non-retrievable dis-
strategy, whereas direct control includes mass trapping
pensers (EFSA 2016). A description of these devices
and area-wide dissemination applications. Area-wide
dissemination involves three strategies: disruption, at-
tractant and attract-and-kill (lure and kill) which are
3.1. Retrievable dispensers
widely used commercially. Pheromone traps are used
A − Passive dispensers (extruded or reservoir): the
for different purposes in pest management strategies.
semiochemical substances are continuously emit-
For example, pheromone-baited traps are used as at-
ted into the air.
tracticide or mating disruption techniques to prevent
B − Active dispensers: The semiochemical sub-
males from reproducing. Additionally, pheromone
stance is released discontinuously from the device.
traps can explore information about the population
such as sex ratio and mating status that is useful for
3.2. Passive non-retrievable products
determining the population phase which is subject to
A − Dispensers (biodegradable dispensers): the semi-
cyclical changes in population density (Borden et al.
ochemical is emitted continuously from the device.
2008; Jones and Evenden 2008). Also, pheromones
B − Dosable matrix dispensers: the semiochemical is
help in measuring the genetic diversity of some insect
enclosed in a matrix (e.g. sticky polymeric material)
pests such as the Asian long horned beetle in Asia,
onto plants or another substrate at the site of use.
North America, and Europe (Carter et al. 2009).
C − Capsule suspension products: the semiochemi-
cal is formulated as a microencapsulation (com- 4.1.1. Monitoring
monly used for pheromone application that allows Semiochemical-baited traps using pheromones
effective prolongation of releasing levels). or kairomones are simple, cheap and widely used
D − Granular products (non-WDG): the semi- tools for monitoring different insect pests. These
ochemical is formulated in a granular form. traps are effective for detecting the existence of
insect pests, estimating their population density
and fluctuation in order to determine the first
4. Utilization of semiochemicals peak flight activity (Weinzierl et al. 2005). Phe-
for controlling insect pests romone traps provide an easy, efficient, and ex-
Recently, semiochemical-based tactics have become tremely sensitive way to detect different insects.
an important category of integrated pest manage- Sex pheromones are usually emitted by the
ment (IPM). Pheromones and other semiochemicals female to attract members of the opposite sex
are widely applied not only for controlling insect pests (male) for mating. However, aggregation phe-
(Weinzierl et al. 2005; Cook et al. 2007; Stelinski 2007; romones usually are released from the male and
Heuskin et al. 2009), but also for conservation of rare attract members of both sexes resulting in mat-
and threatened insects (Larsson 2016). Semiochemi- ing and aggregation at a food resource. Rhainds
cals’ efficacy mainly depends on their physical prop- et al. (2016) used monitoring strategy for evalu-
erties i.e. molecular structure, volatility, solubility and ating the abundance of spruce budworm males
lifetime in the environment. Temperature is an impor- Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens (Lepidop-
tant factor that affects the stability (increased diffusion tera: Tortricidae) based on pheromone-baited
of volatile compounds, leading to decreased molecule traps in Canada. Also, this strategy was applied
lifetime in the environment). There are many advan- on the lesser date moth Batrachedra amydraula
tages of using semiochemicals in IPM strategies such Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Batrachedridae) (Levi-
as: their high volatility allows diffusion for long dis- Zada et al. 2018). In Egypt, many researchers
tances, application in low concentrations, and rapid used monitoring strategy for estimating popu-
dissipation that reduces health and environmental lation fluctuations of different insect pests, such
risks compared with chemical pesticides. For all these as Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Ge-
reasons, utilization of semiochemical substances pro- lechiidae) (Abd El-Ghany et al. 2016). Moreover,
vides prospective interest in IPM programs. monitoring tactics were applied for detecting the
6 Journal of Plant Protection Research 59 (1), 2019

existence of two tomato insect pests: Bemisia ta- uses of pheromones for storage pests are as at-
baci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and tractant lures in traps to detect the presence of
T. absoluta using sticky and water traps, respec- pests and to monitor the activities of pest popu-
tively (Abdel-Razek et al. 2017; Abd El-Ghany lations.
et al. 2018).
4.1.4. Mating disruption
4.1.2. Mass trapping Mating disruption is a strategy which uses spe-
Controlling insect pests can be achieved by cies-specific sex pheromones that affect mating
attracting the target pest to a semiochemical- behavior by releasing huge amounts of synthet-
based lure and subsequent removal of the at- ic pheromones into the atmosphere. Applica-
tracted pest from the wild population. These tion of this tactic was performed with different
strategies can be done using mass-trapping or orchard moths (McDonough et al. 1992; Bar-
attract and kill tactics. Mass trapping, as a me- rett 1995; Atterholt et al. 1999; Stelinski 2007;
chanical control strategy, follows the monitor- Witzgall et al. 2010). Four mechanisms of mat-
ing steps for removing low pest densities of in- ing disruption are considered: (i) competitive
sect pests (Knipling 1979; El-Sayed et al. 2006). attraction (false trail following): semiochemical
This tactic is a density dependent technique substances draw the attention of the males away
that eliminates males or females from the pest from wild females thereby following a false trail,
population, leading to retardation of population (ii) confusion of males (camouflage): confusion
growth. A lure is created with sleeves or rub- occurs due to saturation of the environment
ber septa as a substrate for the semiochemical with semiochemical substances causing ran-
substance fixed on a sticky surface or in liquid dom flight patterns and thereby missing the fe-
holders. Continuous maintenance of this type male position and effectively blocking mating,
of trap is required due to saturation with cap- (iii) sensory desensitization: adaptation of the
tured insects. Recently, this technique has been male antennal receptor system or habituation
an effective management tactic for controlling of the central nervous system as a neurophysi-
the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman ological effect processing due to overexposure
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) (Piñero and Duden- to semiochemical substances (continuous and
hoeffer 2018). high background concentration), and finally
4.1.3. Attract and kill (iv) disguise (emigration of males prior to mat-
Several pest management strategies employ ing): males emigrate from the area due to excess
pheromone-baited or kairomone-baited traps pheromone, causing them to be unavailable for
to monitor populations for different purposes. mating with virgin females (Barclay and Judd
Attract-and-kill is a tactic used for trapping and 1995; Mafra-Neto et al. 2014).
simultaneously killing the captured pests. This Mating disruption is used as a potential con-
strategy has been applied to insect pests of both trol for lepidopteran pests. In Canada, Rhainds
field crops and stored products. Studies on the et al. (2012) recommended that the pheromone-
attract-and-kill tactic have been either for long- based mating disruption tactic be added to the
term pest management of e.g. the Egyptian cot- IPM programs for important forest defoliator
ton leafworms, codling moths, biting flies, apple insect pests such as the spruce budworm using
maggots, and bark beetles; or they have been a sprayable commercial pheromone formula-
used for eradication of invasive species e.g. boll tion. Also, the disruption strategy has been used
weevils and tephritid fruit flies (Phillips 1997; to disrupt the aggregation behaviour of some
Prokopy et al. 2000; Stelinski and Liburd 2001; insect species which has led to the reduction of
El-Sayed et al. 2009). Furthermore, the attrac- pest populations using heterospecific attractive
tiveness of ammonium carbonate as a general semiochemical compounds (antiaggregation
olfactory cue combined with a five-component pheromones and heterospecific synomones).
apple volatile mixture has been used in a red at- These semiochemicals were used for controlling
tracticidal sphere system for controlling the ap- bark and ambrosia beetles and depended on
ple maggot fly (Morrison et al. 2016). For storage regulating the attack density by blocking late-
facilities, pheromone traps provide information arriving beetles from attacking a tree of conspe-
important for making management decisions. cifics or heterospecifics, respectively (Borden
Pheromones have been chemically identified 1997; Lindgren and Miller 2002). Heterospecif-
from over 35 species of stored-product insect ic synomones are adaptive for insects either to
pests, all of which are beetles and moths (Bur- avoid aggregation and orientation to the wrong
kholder 1990; Phillips 1994). The most common species or to be directed to a resource already
Nesreen M. Abd El-Ghany: Semiochemicals for controlling insect pests 7

occupied by a different species (Evenden et al. explored in numerous studies. Efforts have also
1999). So, it is particularly necessary for sym- been made to incorporate alarm pheromones
patric species such as bark beetles (Pureswaran as repellents in push-pull strategies, in order to
et al. 2004) which have overlapping pheromone make the protected resource unattractive to the
molecules. pest (Cook et al. 2007). Also, orientation disrup-
4.1.5. Push-pull strategy tion of bark beetles away from their host trees is
Today, push-pull strategy represents an im- combined with attractive semiochemical deploy-
portant strategy and it also called “stimulo-de- ment in a “push-pull” tactic (Borden et al. 2008).
terrent diversion tactic”. It is a combination of Recently, Wallingford et al. (2017) used attract-
deterred or repellent from the crops (push strat- and-kill tactic combined with oviposition de-
egy) and attractive stimuli by lures (pull strat- terrents as a push-pull strategy for suppressing
egy), that control the insect pests by trapping or oviposition of Drosophila suzukii Matsumura
killing tactics. This strategy obviously requires (Diptera: Drosophilidae). A combination of at-
knowledge of insect biology, chemical ecology, tractive mass trapping (pull), and 1-octen-3-ol,
and the interactions between host plants and as an oviposition deterrent (push) caused high
natural enemies (Miller and Cowles 1990; Khan reduction in D. suzukii oviposition which was
and Pickett 2004; Cook et al. 2007; Khan et al. significantly greater than either treatment
2010; França et al. 2013). A diagrammatic graph alone.
for push-pull strategy showing how it works for
controlling cereal stemborers is illustrated in 4.1.6. Other strategies using semiochemicals
Figure 1. The potential use of aphid alarm phe- Semiochemicals remain a promising and at-
romone as a direct control mechanism has been tractive research subject. Other semiochemicals

Fig. 1. Push-pull strategy for controlling cereal stems borers (Kham and Pickett 2004)
8 Journal of Plant Protection Research 59 (1), 2019

which are used to facilitate biological control References

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