2024 January (1) Essays Basic

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Write an essay with the topic, ‘My 2023’

写一篇以“我的 2023”为题的文章。

I did not like my 2023 because it was a year filled with too much homework,
tests, and exams. I felt like I was constantly studying and never had enough time
to relax. This led to me not getting enough sleep, which made me feel tired and
unproductive during the day.
我不喜欢我的 2023 年,因为那是一个充满了太多功课、小考和大考的一年。我觉得自己总是在学习,从未有足够的时

I also felt like my parents did not understand me, which made me feel alone
and unsupported. However, I am hopeful that my 2024 will be a good one. I plan
to manage my time better so that I can balance my studies and my personal life. I
also hope to have more open and honest conversations with my parents so that
they can understand me better.
我也觉得我的父母不理解我,让我感到孤独和不支持。不过,我对我的 2024 年充满希望。我计划更好地管理时间,以

Finally, I want to focus on my hobbies and interests so that I can have a more
fulfilling year. I believe that with hard work and determination, I can make 2024 a
year to remember!
最后,我想专注于我的爱好和兴趣,让自己有一个更充实的一年。我相信通过努力和决心,我可以让 2024 年成为一个

(153 words)
Write an essay with the topic, ‘My 2023’
写一篇以“我的 2023”为题的文章。

I like my 2023 because it was a year of growth and progress. I worked hard in
school and my results improved, which made me feel proud of myself.
我喜欢我的 2023 年,因为那是一个充满成长和进步的一年。我在学校努力学习,我的成绩有所提高,这让我为自己感

I also got taller and healthier, which made me feel more confident and
happier. Finally, I made more good friends, which made me feel less lonely and
more connected to others. Overall, I feel like 2023 was a year of positive change
and development for me.
人联系紧密。总体而言,我觉得 2023 年对我来说是一个积极变化和发展的一年。

I wish my 2024 would be as good as 2023 or even better! I plan to continue

working hard in school and striving for excellence. I also want to focus on my
health and well-being by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest.
Finally, I hope to make even more good friends and deepen my relationships with
the ones I already have. I believe that with dedication and perseverance, I can
make 2024 another year of growth and progress!
我希望我的 2024 年能像 2023 年一样好,甚至更好!我计划继续努力学习,追求卓越。我也想专注于我的健康,通过饮
献和坚持不懈,我可以让 2024 年成为另一个成长和进步的一年!

(155 words)

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